_______________________________ I I ________________________________ I I Polish. XLADIES,uBe Hook's Sotala Shoe PolUah fri ieEoard Children's fine Boo and ShoeB he finest to preserve the leath r and keep i hable. I wiUl bave apolUah like satin. For ale by Boot and Shoe dealers, BOWMÂNVILLIE, MAT' 23, 1894. Onttario elections Tuesday June 26. owtmust go-back fo r anothero S-ir Oliver Mowat ever eager to suit faumers bas fixed election day exactl1t their co)nvenience-June 26. Mr. Laurier proposes to, disni s 215 revising barristers, abolis'i the Franchise -Ct, ad save the country over $200,000. Fa';rmere, have you found that homne rnarket tht was promised you in 1878 ? You wer fooled and doccived by the Tories thon; are you going to support them a gain ? Surely not. Mr. Lockhart supports the best Gov- erment that has ever existod in Canada, whib Mr. Ri supports the party who have o doeai the wroings perpetraled by thie Consrvatives at-(htawa. if 0Ont'ar'o Conserva' ives 'could find btter mil for cabinet iiini--ters than Sir OlvrLIlowt amid bis associ-tes they wold have o ecuefor seekîng to defeat the Go)verimeiut. But their equal c-annot be fouad in the Tory ranka. Brlbory aud eorrupýion have obtained in Canadla to such ani extent Ft turnes as to Imake some a1uhaied of bigCanad.- lans, said Rv .W.Aisiç. T"'Irue, but flot in a single instance hiave Liberals been the g-uilty parties. it lias iseen the Tories every Line. t s I THIE VOTERS' LISTS. Ili anwer to a question froin Hon, Mr. Laurier, Sir John Thornpson stated in Parýliamrient the eioctoril lista are to'ho revised this year under the oid ruies. Tliis ineans that ou June Ist, the revisîng- officers mrill begin proparing the lists up- on which the uext general election xvili beo run. 'Thie revision und r the cuni- b)ro-us mschinery <f the set in its prosert fo, in wibi not ho comnpleted until Januma ry lst 1895; sud a general election before hat date is therofore not possible. The importance of the xvork wbieh eau hoe doue withiu fthe next nionth if very great; snd which miuat ho doue if tlie Liborals are to 'cLu when the tiîne c'nes for voting-. Lîberai votera, get your naines on thie hist, snd look, af ter' your Liberai neighbors. The revising officer has great; discretionary power ini -the preparation cof the liats; an unscrupu- ions man csn easiiy, %vithont attractiug any attention by his uufairîîess, beave off eueugh Liborai naies in eitch sub-dix is- ion to put the party in a docided mnor- ity all over s coustitnency. Trerefore a inu should not rega, d it as sufficient that hIýs wnme is on the municipal sud provin- cial iats, for Lt rnay not ho copied froin thein. Plenty of Libý rabs whio, bof ore the last election), supposed that th, y veto enrolled, faund to their surprise upon - ainsntion, that thev wero not. Hun- dreds- of votes we re lest to Liborais ini thie 3wav. This loss must bho guarded againat iu the eorning revision,- sud Lt eau ho doue but Lu one wýy There mnuat ho in every sub-division of every coistitu- ency a commyitte charged with the ne spousîbility of seoin e ihat aIl duly qu ]L- fotliie lsmake the requisîte plia tiens feir enrolinent If this La doue thoroughly sud -systeinatically. Lt xviii iighteu imuîenseiy the trouble aud ex- pense of the revision xxhich tLes place later. lu th.ý preliLuinarystge of tbhe making of the bists L t La couýparaiveiy easy for auy min te bave Lis uiepuit on; but at the Court of Reviýioa this cati only ho dono at the exp usec of tirne, trouble sud mney Besicles if the Lib- erais have not te dex-ote tiîeir chief ener- gies at the revision puttiing Liberal nani, s ou, they xviii ho able te give aIl thte more attention te the ot et s inmportant work of getting bogus naines off. There La no tilue to bh ost. The Liborals shouid or- ganize in eveny consti' uency witbin the uoxt two weeks for the purpose of seeiug tht they get fait play Lu this essentiai matter. Cxiven houest lista, a Liberai victory is well ameng the prob:abibitieR. the Mowat Governirent Lunpev, fo i is thle bea.t the people of any cutyee hadý, and wili have their powetrfoi n1 id to overthrow protertion %which is the blane aud thje eurse (of ourcotr to-d o. GFINERAA 1DOOTH'S JUBILEE. The frient-is aud soliers of til ala tion Arrny tbroughout the riae cueobratiug 1894 as a Jubile ear. ift ye-irs Lgo, Generai Booth comient(lcod his1 life-wvoik for God aud hmmnity. A s usuel, the organization is practicai Thie WÂ"n ÛRY of Mýay lOth coutains ,a.huie prograni of riew sehe mes drawn up by Commandant B3ooth, tiota1ling fifty iii ail. You should soe this Cry. Seherne No 1 proposes ' the igs serieof if meetings ever held in the litr of the Arnîy in Cana,)da,ý' te-, laein Toronto, Wednesday, Ju'ie l3h, t T-i:ur.shsy, .June 21,t.Anos ail thie Stfflfiers of the Jjrtuiniqn will be present. The whole of the Sehe nosreoen $130,000, of which ?4 000 is to be rie at once. In eoncludiug, Cummandant I3othi e- marks: "Fraukiy. I coufesa to- yo, ',s your constituted director, my hezart iýs in this, and that La because 1I1 ameatly ]ho- lieve this thing is for the driving ahead of the Kingdorn of God. Canadi is awg, a country, but she is greater by far in î ber prospect-- than she is in the present teusp. So sure as -%e lix o, xe shial see thetie of emigratien turn our way, sud grr ter floods of huma'î beings wiil pour throiuh our ladLot us3 ho re dy for tliem whe they corne Nylot , ho e ul t tose airead.y ith 1 s, WO Lave great and grand opportunities." ~Ve hatl ihtho Arro aecsalui their g eatst ai itual isdhl antra Vrk MR. PATTINSON'S REPLY. Il i ni tl ni For a few\ weeks onv coluiue v Il con- A FARMER'S OPINIO.. e riin xiore political matter 1ban usual Sot ox-o xecFI H osc ~ndas nvsdvrtter init e ecoa- ERATION ci FAxx-,tu îIELECrO11. nodated, the pressure must isecessarly mifeeni'our tews colunîns. We waut te EDTRnîo TTSAD their fruits gc hear frouiialal country crrespondeuts 1halkowte.D me terg t-ovrywek, but th(oy nmuat condense their ye sh5 k c hi.Domngt e aews bdgets.grapes cf therus or figs of thisties [lHa% ____________Mr. W. Il. Reidi, ftheConservatîvae au- l didati', heen giviug te the farinera of al Chnstinît ha bs L1ifluenýe u ou Weturhsm ifor "tlie pîtffteen.yesrs pohýitýs-ietasuiLu any 0ether (1, prtne[it cf hie.~~~~~~~ Chitaaaectzn evnfiga or thistles ? H lama tebe the far- sud ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i-ae rersnaîe fCre, ~ mr'fin \Ve 1 illwat lhas ho, boon thef h t Lt aMl dinlg for the fariners for the1past tfenu cîarny th c lristanity pliie.yanafWhstpli1clfruiit lhas hoebeen Tboyshoid tirulae mo ii thin wu earing ? Before aswern thsI il partysu party papeot ihn tn dask taiothecr: Whiat i. the i urse sud ther te, avoî(l personalities, the 11Lnutug of 1*bllgt of the farinlera cf Wostruia fahse~~~~ moieet.Rv WAu. is protection. Protection bas been sund MýLniy favorable commiienta hlix uo neachi- stihi La dnainiug the very if e bieod cf the r farinera cf this country. -I1 bas robbed ed ott ou Ut. Toobe0's boter lest theni of the right sud opportuuity te wveek Lu iiitiaý journal. Tie week W6, trade freely in the marketa cf ibo world puibsi ,snothlcr very sensible addnioden- sud conipelled thein to psy taxes on theii'a ste etnfru el-uw Dnige goodsanmd, imploînents f rom 25 te 300 per fariner- a atron. IVe axur coine nsandcb ent. It bas robbed the farinera cf fa,î i- thu1flatce eorclnn u play Lu the battis cf hf e. Iu ail thisr feel giad that eut neadens atc siiouing battie where bas Mrt. Reid, the farinons' suc;h initerest Lu public questions. No friend, hosu ? For sixtýen vears lho las fariner' wlîe lias regard for bis pen souial heen doing bis utuîoat te fasten this pro- initjuýt eau COniLtentiy 50i) ' ! ' tectio)iion the farinera of West Durhamn, Peidifor the very good reasoscadîanced bas been voting for protection, fighting by a Patron Lu te-day's letter, Readitî, for protection ahi these yoars. lu11891 fariners. wheu Mr. Robert Beitb was aaked te un 'ltie inarriageocf cousins, whichi L coin- for tihs Cormnîos te help te break up ninysupsd oh atnodb protection aud tke comh nos, xhere aras Inoilysupos tebc ttedaë ysorieMn. Reid, the farinera' ficnd ? WAS lho dlangr, bas no terrera for the Royal fam- b elping Mr. Beith, the true fariner' iiy. The Que, n sud the Prnuce Consort frieîd ? Net ho; but ho waâ working oceoup'ed that relation te crie anothet, sud votiug- againat hum. fIe aras work- butthor hîirc aparntl sfieeding with uîiight sud main for a Toronto1 eterin montai or bodiiy hoaitb f rom îaayen te aeud hLm te Ottawa te supportf their eonsarguinity, sud ticir grand- tiie rovernmeut that bas fastened prctoc- cbjîdren have dispisyed s weakness for tionoand comýbines oui the farinera of Can. emuiating their exemple sud marryîng -ada, Robent Beithi with Thos. Ballan- eue another. Prince Henry of Prussîs, tynp, M. P, N. Awrey, M. P. P.,,sud a son ef the Pi ineeas Victoria, La married s nuubor of Patrons put tlîeir money Lu- te s dauhter of the Princesa Alice, sud te s Binder twiuc factory LunBrantford to the lateat neyai nu triage, ceebrated ne- break np the bi:àder twiuo combine. centiy at Ceburg, aras between chiIdrený Was Mr. Beith-sud orbers the farinera' of the IJk dnu ngi r SxoCJfrienda vwhen they wirh the Ontario gov- hurg Gotha, sud cf bis sister tbo Prin- etuîmeut Bioider twxiue faetory broke the -ess Alice. comibine sud got txine ait s reasonabie price for thi farinera i Yet Mn. Raid The lest two issues cf TiiE STATESMAN fciugbt bard against Mn. Beitb sund Lu have cotsinedl - articles biegraphic4l, fayot of a genticînanwhro was a protetý- histenical sud poiticai cf IHon. Jobnîî nit. Mr. Reid bas been s stauneb Dryden, Ministen cf Agricuture. Thikis tortroaiiinetttlaspo weel onan nsie pcc w pul's a elltoctel mnanufacturera tili many cf thoîn avitten article on on0eof Ontario's niest have become nmiuiionaires, wilst the far- gifted sud bonored publie moen, the) Hou. mer bas ho n r compeleile topay the shot. A. S. Hardy, Q. C, M. P. P. ThiLs-And yet hoe forsooth La the fermonrs' Province bas great tesson te ho prend cf fiend ! Just tbîîîk cf t. But hie ay hen Cabinet Minât ns sud noue are more say that ho bas epented, tiiet ho La no deserving of ont gratitude and. respect longer Conservative, that ho bas been than these txvo gentlemen. The cou- cenverted frein t ho error cof MiLs ways stituencies that send theni te Parlîsmient W,11, t La not an unusuai timg f r soiiis are certaiuly to ha uongratuiated. pensons to hc ouîverttd who are proeut- Premier Mowat bas a xorthy lot cf boys iy te ho execute t Who, hronght j!,r. in bis Cabinet sud waehoethey imay Yedeta aniaeiWî r Tor, live to give our Province gologis-* ReidoutngahmaLutdidteetio Whore n latieýn sud giverumount. servativo panty 'of West D'urbam wxitb their xviiaboorganizition hehiud Iiii The Rer. Prof, Camapbel cf Montreai, Farniens, dont ho deceived hy the pro- Las he-en admitted back te thie fellowsbip fessions cf a if e-long Tory just on the cf the churchi. The Globe Lu comment- ove cf au elec'iou. Now, coi the other ing ou the happy resuit of the question barl, arbore bas Mn. %N, T. L'ickbiant before the Synod, puts the mattor most heo n Luail this t4riif struggie ? Has lie terFely thug: "The Synod of I4putreal heen figting againat the fariners, sud ziud Ottawa is te ho congratulated on the dccs ieho ow ueed te si-peut, &c.? No, happy conclusion ûif the Ceaupheli. case. hole bas fougbt protection froua the firt. Thene aras littie te ho gaiued on eithier Ho basi always work, d aud voted againsi aide biy piesmng the niatten flinthen t sud lbas thus preved hisimmoîf the truc There are po>int6 cf interpretation sud f riond of 'the fariner. I have the f uloît doc-trin1e upon which chulrcea sthat have confidence Lu the Mowat Goverumaent; ton thiein symibol the opsu b1,ible canuiot they have goverued the country boneistly dw t-he linos toc b ard suid fat. It is sud -areil for sucre than twenty years. safe te Soav e ismn for the sincere Tbey biave heeni the farinra' truc frieuds ,ian te fiud -its truc path L. The Syniod ecause they hvefought ogainst pretee- did vwelI to uceet Prof. Campbelli baîf aay. tioit, sudïif kept Lu powrer aili flgzht t Thle cardinal tru1is arere net ixic ted ntil the fkierosgetfait jlay wWih iaiall Lu, the dsuso and thiat the memibens they aat Lot mec teil you, felloar Pat- cf Synod wore able te avoid the deimyvs nons sud faruers, Sir John Thàoua-pat ii&bad u iasthat acceomýpauiied tho wautsthe M Aloat Goverumieut dfae invstgaicf the ~ig case ini the lecausefGthon lie anli is pr-cttidif'1peicy eburchi courts inte lUiited States la w ouid ho safe. As fainons sund Patrons a materf rsinere oisrat'latsn. oun iy sIfe corseLateivote 10teeoa EDITOU STÂTESMN,-If you wiii per- lt ine te use the co!uinna of ycur papei, wiii eudoavor te anawer the charge umadot ýgaIù me, and the ,r(pînty coi nutt'e, )f %h*cb 1 have the boni r te o'a,,, ian, iu làut iwe(k'» STATESVÂN, by as idividual calbing biînself Ratopâ3 or. [oe i ashamdd of hIT pnr, 4-rnaie. lThe tttor y,,u published is nîîaleadY ng ai d 'n1 ý?îe ro.pecta v i i e f tue lruth, ai d p:ub. 6hed wilh initent te do mie hnbut bie tru'h w,11 stiiud theba. The C, r oraion carnies iinouîarcc n public pr' p- rty te the amni nulcf $10.000 civid, d iu t twc polic7ec, - hnch expired on1 Apri1 5h and Sth. Stiortiy aten tho firci;< n Kînx st., I exs1mnred the policies sud, fnîd ave bad Se fire iuaurance (ru ! litc. laEie or fittings Lu the throaesah1,sa.1 ulled the Cnîuxiitte*,toelter te rea- range the iu urano-, dhave glass sud fttings inc'u 1d, vwb.ch wai don-'. eaw ppiications wr ne mde eut and La1iro01 fr ti o saine amounit, st The saine rat, 1 in P5 su 1r cie. put Leferrwida ne- iiuîdk in forec nutil Apîil2.5, '. F Alieu hlding euena isk tmcd Mr. PR R. 4oscomnbetUleothetr-PoIieiýseqal Liviied. Bot ho La a arr i d(1 atepm)ytr tLiat wil Ih sow pýolitie.s te mU-j erfene wiîi buîiiness. Mn 1 . iBgharn it huit th-at ho dîd net get hbi r;skrI- iewed, sud being a fLedte the to-wi, he wroo tut au Inauirance com[aa-ýy in Torento andi complained, that tUe ageut ofthe Norwich Union (M!r. Loa I combe) had taken a risk mwüyifrein !hiý) which ho had belon boeking a higher rat for, for a lower rate than the schedulad rate, uîeutiouing the Towu Hall, which was uzed for a Mumie Hall, bavming fied acouoîv. and the rate for 31uA,,a BIl. being e,).15. The mttt3r b ing refenre2d to tUe Uîu3erwritsms' A aoi t 0ou t!,e Policies waecance led. eaplton wero thon msde with thieTownHabil cimîssd ta MuselfliaîdmadebyMfr. Bing. ham,&Ldte.o eiciesare uowiLugi od shape. Under the obd poPcies, accordiîîg te lù- aurftuce rogulatione, ave wae rLot iiurlte I we avens paytîng the promuuin vdry ytar, aud ruuing the risk, as -we had iarte sppUigtion for Town Hall iuîtead of Music Hall, sud as ml applications are filed away aud beoe part of the poliey, Lu case cf luis they are pned uced aiud if thcore [s any deviation frein the truth th~e policy bocomes void, Se tha Tewnu may thank Mrt. Iigharn for seeing that thie public Iroperty is hnsurod as [t iLaba presont, wlîhout a îeop bob as t,. thad wbnho held the risk. Yours Trtuly, Jes. PrusN Qeery-Whero is the île f Rtopai or(c says in Lia heiter that MIr. B:nghmmn was avili n.i te take the riait st the oId rate, MUr. Biughatn iu bies latter to the ler suce Co.sasya ho was ookiug for a h'Ler mate sud 'oat thie risk. Ceoa. Liîeu c Alar f or 10 ets st J. J. Ma 1 nis Tîolevtn lids the trade ferfleot arear. Do net m,'ss th'e Weat End M ,ou e rmcl'- Ln this Lame2. Cahsoine sud preparbd painta m ai colora at DUmtan& o'a A largo stock et stnmw bats j est neceived-' at M., Mayer'sa ad very cbeap. Read the Wt st Etid oueeadÎv't thm-- Le su(mitbiug of introat Lu Lt te yen. The lateît styl, a in Stif fats st MIl son'. Clothing Store; ase a vcry large stock of Ftdotas. L.anîas-A&k for Heok'o Sofl a PoUah for tino boots aî$ ashotE. Use neo other and ycu wilI ho satiàfled wiîb the resuit. Fer sale by M. 1 releven, D. Davis, Jue., McMurtry, sud T. G. MYaenr. tanu. faatured hy A. J. Hook, Bowmanville. The carta turuod ont this areehi by Hnibes' Ca6rriage Works are a credît te Be)wmanville--They are beautiesand the uauIy verds of 0onieuatenepresaod revardiug thesu tise past twe da3s mu8t bo very gratifying te 'Mn. G. C. Lahut, the projprietonr. CHEKAP WÂU.PÂHsSa your mouey 13V Calliug to e-ô ethe noir W al P'ape3r at She3rin & Cu's. Great bargidis lu Window Shades, Papeýr, Mixed 1'aiu, Finamel miI Gulà paLt. Panei-hun 1for 8océnts a roll. Shop uext docor te ) dBow. tre ntamànyî iio. -. ýBEII UTIFUL SLEEP -La an expression used fer sound eleep. Nthg is se gratifyiug te tie nervos, hieant, sud head, *as -per- fect sleep -a cemr-pa-,nrin-ofgoed digestion andd'a healthy iver, A /bed (digestion faila t asîmlaeor care of, the food we est, Seme- th'ing bracliing or invigoratiug lm needed for Vthe iver, stomac, and intestines. This is where you will find Dr. PieixcQ's Pleasanit Peihetis de the most goed. 2xe, are tiuy, sugar- Qoated pis, scarcely langer' than mustard seed, made cf concetrated botanical etracts. Theso "Pelleta"' are easily dissolved iu the tomacli aud absonbed jute the blood, stimu- iati-n aflow cof bile from the liver, and arouving te activity al lach gland- ular seoretions. Thus thoy act Lu na1tro'8 ownway. Thiey'îo çjguaraneeed te give satis- faction, orinaoneyv refunded, Lu al iBilions Attacks, iu Sick Ileadache, ConstiFatiou, Di'zziness, and In- dig'estioni. It cures Catarrh in Hlead - perfectly and maniently -- Dr. Sage's tarrh Remedy. the per- Ca- UNDERTAKINO, proluptl1y attencled to. Gooci Hearse, new stock Caskets, Coffins, Robes, Gloves, Orapes, etc. EVE RYTH INUC SU PPLI EDU p r *C'e S will be found very low. Now is the timne to get cheap Furiture-ali cýf the stock pareh- ased from M i». "Waddell is geing atcot rurntu re îepaired. O SCO 0T T, Orono Furniiture 'Wurerooms. PLUI1P CHEEKS, goe Ihaith til quiickly eba h £krýei ~Cd Liver OW- s iSur amoa t ts a Corning Auvral8 Tyrone tam Thurqcday May 24-Quoen s 13irthd(ay ard Sundesy 27th. Eldad 'Shn)May 27 and 28. Enifiel i Joue 3 snd 4. Zion(Drigt) June 3 and 4. Ebanjeze'ýr June 10 snd 11. Manp7e Gr.ove SuA.ay aud Monday June 17 and 18. ro The Dairymnen and -Farmers of Ontario and Durham Counities. GNL EN-.-Reieinber wi.eni the Hemri fly cornes, that I have tho exclus- [vo righit to manacture and aell The fluthrie Patent Texasj Horn FIy Trap. Il i'i eas5ily marimgod, and by passingz your cattie tbroug-h the trap thre imes per W(Cek, it wvill kçep thein free froin thîrs terrikie scoîrrge. For particulars see Faînmir's Adv(,cate of Dec. 1893, or appiy by Iett r or pi'rso- aly tri myif H. OANN, Bowmaivi .O 'Deiby Ds Ackuowledged To Be Thec Best Plig. Smoking Tobacco In the Market, 5, 10 ad20 cent P1ug. M'intird's Litii ent Curepi Coids, cete. Cïau! l fi er p!an*s, ear'y summner cabb goplirnts fîorgalie by G. D. Fletcher. Gîl1vai iý,ed iron ove trough in 8Ft. length at 7a per foi t at Dustan & Hoar's. There ii in ) n dubt about Lt Tre'even has the jusýide tak in the 1oot aud ahoe trade Th li nible vr rgets loft. Stylos auid prices suit d thetris,. Cii and insipeet the new stcelt. Seversýi men iu Bowinanvilio have ia'e- ]y h1ad fits suid xvrw womreu and chiidreun are ,ett;iig fils the saine way. These flts are got Kt Treleven's fasihi4 uab'e boot and Dho spre You ktow the pisce; drop in and see- the rew styles. Fruit culture La more profitable b the fariner now than bis other cropî. Brown Bros3. Ce., the most extonsivo î.Urpory bouse in Canadla, have a vacancy lu th:s sBetien. Write thtwm at Toronto, Oilt., for their terme. 13 3rn. B OUNSALL'S MARBIEAND GRANITE WDRKS, A largo îtdo2k of Finished Monuments, Sarcophagi, Tom-bs, Headstones,etc., in the boit vanieties of Earo- pean and A meria Granites and Marbies, in handsome designs, and at prices from $45 to $400.o Oiders respectfully so8licited and careful comâpletion, guaranteed. Cali andI inspeet my stock andI SEE WHAT Y&EJ ARE BUYING. E. R, BOTjNSALL, Proprietor. NewArrvals WHITE HELLEBOHE INSEOTPOW'DER. Bathi and Buggy Sponges at very low pri-ces, English Transparent Soap as cheap as ordinary Soap, Try it. CHEMISTS and I>RUGOISTS, Ji3owmanville. C. P. R Ticket and Telegrapli Office. 1Murder Wiii Out FPAVI TO RRNT. -For a c, oars, Glenýdhu--800 acres. _2 miles§ 50 ILLGENUS.fromo Whitby-;zood buildings tnd oeil. Admir In theee days of exemssive Competition, extenaively intoTaronto rniÎk businessý or sock frriin,,,or Ameorican piarket. Man witbx to sucmCoe a p)ersun i nuit excell in theirCADItal on!Y need apply. J. E. D0-w, Whitby,, particular profesi' n i. The abwve iF3 par-, ticu'ariy true iu the Phoitogriphing huai- FO SALE OR RENT.-House and nwoi. El you want woîk ],that you wiii 1j l ý acres for sale or te rent. atuate en not lo asaine to our rieue, n g street north. Tha Dpromisea congist M, not o ahamd t sh~ yur riedogo1 good bouse with every Counveaienoe., drivinK to sihed, stable, etc. Tiuo arden ootains a loo O A.LIiS. oesesslon can bo given. For particulara applb? ArtiticPhMo tor.teW. FîSHLE.IGH l3owmaniville Ont 49tf EKing St. Wet, B wmanvtFil( ALL O()UR SHEIET M USI10 Reûduccêl ta5àountï; byNmail 6 oents. Cîa. Fire! Fire! l Firue eweoro. ÏMARVY MSI e U"Z -Mallc-Onrta due -M. A. HDSAJe UCCessOt t'a S.1. B ESAus, mus t>opaid. at üonce t4e saVe3 ces~ OfIcelu MlnamBIck. 7-tf~lf~5Zî'iLbutmci t 0-%rem Diîphtýeria. West Eud House. WVe wish, to draw the ladies attention. to the splendid value we are givi-ng ni Table 'Liinens ancl.Toiwlings Theize are direct importations fro Mthe place of manaufacturc and are especial value. We also have a lot ot towels we are selliig aSt WIW0LESÂLE P15IGE. It wÀii pay yout to sce these goods. The cdemand for lias kept us busy keeping up the sizes. We rnay say welhav'e a slendid! range of alt-qualities and sizes and we are sure you will b)e pesdw our styles and prices. Don't gt that our Bootand Shoo Departme611t is kept up to ilie ine Just in il lot of NEW DISETS ini the newest styles j with 97 to 112 Plieces, ad ait the newest patterns., The prices are awýay diowni. IF you want :a nice dinner set cheap you cannt ~l beter han iveUs a cati. Bring us yotur IrodLuco; we gàivo7 the highist pÈmoo iRemember-we take pr-oduice the same as cash for goods anid it counts o11 your ticket for furniiture. JOUN