KNOWLEDGE ,1< Brings comfort urnd imaprovement sud b tends to peneonail auj ayxncut whiu t rightly usadl. Tho n van, v.ho live bol- tan tien ahn u no iemrwiihI les% expandilana, by moepromptly 1 adapting- the onl bee producîs - ta tIse needa of phlysicai being, wilI attasa, the value ta hie-al, of the puire liquid lxative principes em'bnaeed in tie rcdyel, oyu f Fee SIls exzcellence la due- ta ils presentiug a in the formi most acoeptah'e sud picas-- an1t ta tlie tasta, tlie nef rashing sud t=alj beneficial praperh'ica of a perfect lax- Aave ; affTcclutally cleansing the %ystemru à dCispelling.ü colds, headlacces sud faverz alnd penmiiaucuhily cuning coustipatC.-. 1t has giveni watisfaction ý-» millions, sud m~et -qýhh e approval o! lhiie mdical 1 pr(Qf eeiau, bacause it acta oný the Kid. neya, Lîver n d Bo-%els witiout n'eak. çving thein sud l le i perfclly free from éirery osuhin blestance., Syrup o! Fige% in for sale by ail drug- gîsîs in ï.5e. baIlles, bat il la manu- facturedl by thie California Fig Syrp Co. ouly, hs naie is prînted ou every p)Ackag-a, 1.1O t'c' t ah', Synup o! Fîga, and beiu'T n'euinfrm you will L accapl 'Îlabtiue i f r \Ve have ;)mnethinc' new. Less -Vhan haif the price ciarged by Toronto M1anufacturera. I1ýo trouble ta show goods. Cal and see thern. IPrivate roomn for fitting.' S TOT T & J URY, IDnuggists & Opticians. A110 You GioingD to MANITOBA, ILiORTIl W-EST or BRITISHI COLUMBIA.1 Drap usa postal card. Wa will aud yoai itlforýmaianii that will ba o! inheest ta yoa. ,,3 ial louniel excursions every Tuesday v7ia Nanti Bay. -,1 STOTT & JURY, -~ thle Druggiata. BOWMANVILLR, MAXY 23, 189-k. Local anid Otherwise. Sp)lenLdid raine came laat weak. Mr. R. B. Audraw was home last week. Grand Sacned Concert in New Munie Hall, May 24. 1 Mr. J. A. Kelly, ai Newcastle, was lu VuGbourg on1 Monlday. The Grand Lodge S. O. T. will meat In. Peterbaoro' lu Auguat. Mr. Carl Kent je sole, agent in Bow. manville for the Cornet bicycle. , The Brighton trotting dog "Dod" has been brougit ho'me fromn Californii. The Nýorth King cnossad froin Char. lotte ta Pa'rtHope lu 3 h. 45- m. hast week. ,Mr. W.F. Prower, ex-Wardeu, gave evidenca bafora the Fcae ýConizistin at 0obourg Friday. Cbuldnen undan tWe]v,', 15 cents, all f thcra, 25 cent3, admission ta the Grand Sacred Cncert on May 24. Tie, vasi facilitîas af tie J. C. Ayan Oo., o! Lowell, Mass., enabla lieus ta place TheSui anaor Blood-purifierz-Ayer'e 'Sarsapanilla-within easy reaci of the poorat i nvalid. Dou'tbhainduced tatake a "cheap" subîtitute. Always rernambar that the hast le the ch,3apest. 'White Dress shit te for 25 cýFj. ah J. J. BLst Wdiiuu, el eks 1 and 8 dav seeiin« et hahf-price et J1. J. Maeon'@. J"Safety B r) wir' @G 4.- par lb. 2 Barb ffire @4c por lb., a, Dustan & Hloar's Strawbar y !)laîî S Blipplied by Gardon ». Fletcher, Bowo.î .nvllei auy quantity. ~141 New 'Suite fiir Mon aud Boys just in at Mato'% Clo hinz S'ore. Sefi advt. Great heade requira large hats-they lo~ve them at MNaeun's Clatiing Store in ezt1ra q ual it 7. - agols the bgetdsock, the mioat etPýiJr, Gods£ aud 01e beat value ever eshown lui taun al Ciucli Joinston & BEBORDRÂTS,-eWYork ta Southi. aapton or auy railWay e3tation- ilu Enig- land, Scotlancl. XValoi sud te Belfa4t,' Jrelaud, for $ý18 by Arnencan Lina. M. A.. J t~as, ent, B ),imainrille. Have 'You Trieýd Derby P1112 Sinoking T'obwcco, 5, 1. 0 Andc C4 i a aret 1lm C'0t. The law alho(wa whieairneu haîf road. Rev. C. Parker lactured at Pont Grnby Monday niglt The Grand Orange badge ineealu Lindsav Ibis week. V'ry pnetty memroial carda aI the STATESMAN office, cheap. When you want Note Paper and Envelopes Give us a trial. You wilI e surprised at the prices. GRAND CENTRAL. Hav e you rend the West End Hanse 'dVr Gond Waltham watohesaiat J,.J. Mason's for $5.00-Guaranteed. Pethlck'a barber ehbop in the place tO get a good shava or hair cut. Leave scis&oro and other blades for abarpening atChartran's Barber shop.-18 The old reliable sioe store continues ta ltead the procession in fine quality and low prices.' CaII ta inepect Treleven's ne.w styles. Gentlemen who leave tliri orders for Clothing at Cauch, Johuston & Cryder- man's cani always depend upon baing perfectly nited, Thare are ruany farmne of nervous de- biity isn men that yl&ýd to the une of Orter's Iran Pille. Thase who are troubied tîtinarvons waakness, ulght sweal s, etc.. should try theni, Maynard and Larmontb, Bowmauville, Housa, Sign, and Ornamental Painting, Paper fHangine, Glaziug, Graining, C4hao- mining, etc. Sign painting a specialty. Leava ordars at Big 20 Jewelry Store. H. J. Waekes is stili at the aId stand, 57 Liberty st., and ln ready ta eharpan and nepain Lawn Mowers> Sewng Mach. ines, Guns, Blcycleq, Locke, Wrinffers and aîl kinds of Machinery epaired. The maximnum quality ! The mini. mum price itYou wlllbuL waste lima by gong lsawhena bofore you have, sean Troeven's niew epriug stock o! desinable and tylish foot-wear-hoota, shoas, lip. pore-, rubbars. 'Ha is showing the fusaIt goodes ad lateEt styles at Ioweet living priatag. Tha great a'ttraction on King st. this wesk is the big display of carte on ex- hibition at Haines' Carniage Wonk2. They ara finished in natunal waod and are in ail respects equal ta anytiing we have sean in the line if carte. There wiil catainly ba no occasion to ga outkid.e e! Bowmanville for carte as hase carte are embodiments O! semO good points that n'a hava neyer sean lu carta bafcîra A GOQU JOB Gs linriinge,ec UaKD. O, Pilla fer uhrLaic rco)ir- tiaioa. Miesa Allie Weich o! Charlotte,ÇN. Y. is haine oun avis t. Mr. sud Mrs. . S. Edeall i risaadini Ptterboro lasI n'a k. Mea"s ia's lu ail]the latesa' at3 les at Cou ch Jihnetoù & Cryderti's. st tled in bannie Villa, 29 Centree. Mn. and Mis. W. R,. Knigil visit-ed with frh undo lu Liudeay heet wee,. Mn, W. Chrýrmu now aoccapies Mn. Frank Talling's cottage, Concessi on sv. Mn. J. C Field, ex-M. P. P. sud wife, Cobaurg, cclehrahed thein .oldaen wcad ding, May 15. jMn. E. L. Welsh and sud Mn. J. 0. SLa Belle have secuxadod situatiar s lu fMoutreàl. !1HouDS PILL are toia bt Alaf, ton dinuer Pilla, aesst cdiglestion, cure beadache. Seo the Kid Glavea for 50c a pair at Eiouch Jabuaban k Cryderman's. Dat fargat the Mathodist Choir's Con- cent on Thuraday niglil, May 24. The w.fe a! Mayor Waiters, Lindsay, lias a bnîkan writl receirad in a runaway Mn, J. A. Imerie .(! lia Dominion Typa Foundry, Toronto,n'as liealasI weuk. Rer, Wm. Buchanan, o! Norývood. lias heen iuv'ited toa aisuais tl e pastanate of tha, Methodiat ciurch at Tweed. J. B. Martyn le lutraçiacing an article kuowu as Ciarch's Potata Bug Finish. It je chesp sud effective; cive it a trial. The Lin dsay Poatmays if lie Machanice' Institutsailu that towu doas uat' racoive ha- t n support il w ill ha sold by the bailliff. Mn. A. Bro wn, o! Bo vrnanville., form-. el ly leader of!i ie citzau'e bautid liaehas atsumed tFla leadership o!the Lindsay baud. Frencc %Wooh Delainas lu Creaus aud ]Jenk groundes a big aesortmaîît o! new aud elegaut desiis am Gaudi Joihnston & Crydanrman's 0ur former etendciti*zn Mn. W. S. Russaîl, iviaswasmalways foremast iu musical cinclas, la treasuar a! Berlin Choral Union. Mn. J. S. Lanke, QO'ih P. wais tago îc Australia or Washington .e a nesideult Canadin Commies'anen. The Australian mission is the most lîkoly. The Talegramsays: "Il iî un o< oc muci ta say tual Mn. Roger C. Clu te, Q. C., l iste hast prosedutýn sho aven son. ved the CrownutahToronto sizeii. Miss Lena Moore, pianis+. Tara hi Cousarratry o! Musie, gaid-rnedatiist af Ontario Ladies College,-wili make- ier firel apý'.aance lu Bowrnanville in the Methodist Chii's, Concert <n May 24, REv. H.Butxe River Ph'iip, N. S. wrltes: Ailow mue ta tiank you for theK. D. C. saut me a oae lima ago. You will ha glad ta kuow Ihat lu avary rase wiaue il a basoeautu.d il bas'provcd beneficial. A King ah. lady sys han hu!abeul i hk has lanp liaI lias a gaad deal o! brate about jr, eha adsama ta bahokae, requires a great deal o!f attention, is remankaly bnilliant, le sarnetiruets unsu'eady ou legx. hiable la explode when toa fulIl, flana u occauiaually sud is baund ta amoha., Mn. B. D. Humphrey, lie well knan'u udentaker o! 321 Yonge sI , Taranto, was lu town au Wednesday havluj brougbtthle "-mains of sau no! Mr. Jahi Sanderson o! Gallege st , for inter-meril lu the ometeny here. Dace,ýsad wai naphew o! Mn. Robent S .le car tlb Station. TLc tiauks a! the cit z-u es o! Cobourj are due sud tare hereb5y tauided ho Me-an. Mi. A. James (sud L). B. Simipsa,o! Bow mauvýille, who reuidarad rlal sît ta MNI. Su&gl<rorve ln adrcating thic daimi a! Cobourg for tic, ne-xt annual imeýetiïng c the Gn's.nd Gaanc'it o!the R-iyal Anc.nuri Wu'eCaLUMBAuN ExrPoerruoN Wl ha o! value la tie woehd by illusînatin) the improvamente lu the mechanical ant aud eanent physiciens will tell yoa tna lie prograse lu medicinal agents, has beai a! equal importance, sud as a sîranglier ing laxative tbalSyruap o! Figs le fan in ad rance of!@l thora. Try a box. J. B. Manlyn stilI bais a huudIrad houe- and Brick for saleata bal! plica ilu quain- titlas Ltasait purchaseis. Mn W, Hlarper, Hamiltion townehip, visilad aI betkard necen ily aiuils i;fam-i:Y were axiaus about im. Mn. W. IR. Climie has ligerd he point of deati aince Sainday aud appar- antly lha end l e vay nean. Our country friands are ez pecially lu- vitcd ta akttend the big concert ilu lie New' Music Hall on May 24. Il wihi bha Cilîdreus Day aI lfie Trnity Chanch i nxt Sanday. Au inlierasting 1 nognam will hagiven luthe ,e vaning by tic cildren. AL ana welcorne. XVo show tic floast stock o! Ca3rplets lu WVest Dubain; we have an aesortrnenit o! aIl kinds from. a ch' ap flemp ap bt he hast Brussais. Cooci Jolinelan & Crydcrmsa. Weliiugton b d1,a No. -19, San;s o! EnLlauid, will-attend divinie service i-i thd Mthlpdiat Chuacinext Saudar mloru iog May 27th. bMembea s mia lu ba)dge Roýuai at 10 o'clouk promplly. S( cLIr PosTPosN I-Tho social o! tic Bat bLine Sanda) ,choo i as beau oat ponded ta Thiur8day Mfay 31 at Mn C"-aay Truii's; satood prograi. ili ho pr-avide 1 sud tea scrved. Admniosion i17)cailana iuviiad. Friande pîcaýsa brng baskets, Thc add reaa n Heoalti. by Miss Mabel F,ew a! Detroit on Widnesdaiy aflennioon last la tic Roîyal Tem nq)a.' Hllwaa ah- tended by a largc inumbr)c!o ladies. Th'li adiîireS sas veiy iuýreslirg,catiuu a large arnaînt o! usaful ii formatîin ne gai ding aur ùbads. Arrangements ara e 'lîiig imaGe h y ti Y. P. S. C. E. o! ibe scple h give si grand Musical Pihonagi-'.ph C'ancst ai the Town Hall, Joua Sti. Ticheo' phonograpi, 'ati a)l its accent, inveiutioa will ha ased. Thie phcio.noraph lerai ti1 elcl icity sud eau ho heard-distlnctlj frein bbc remat-st corner o! lie Hall. Tic entenlaiuirnat ailI ha o! tic ýigheaî ordtn. Tho solo '-Ro-k icf Agea', hý Ge'). J. GaSkin, NY , will ha sworti hLoot tliaamiso fece "Hlava courage in boy ta siay -No," "GodIe wihhLyou till W( mclaýaiu," aud 'God Sv. the Queen' show forth lia groýeata l der o! tlte age Furtier suauneoaents *11 ha mde. PAES JIUeT IHAVER T-APrs dons af oua o!for Collages asys: "Wg speut maay sieees u IigftS lu cousie quen-e oa iir tiidnen siuffcnring ,frou caLda. burt tus neyer accora nn'w; XV us Scott's Ema1sÉiin and it qaickly roIia-v@j pulmouany troubles." Read the Wet 'End Hui adv't. Tbey'ne after me-at IL. Mayer'B a f ai ih fan 50j. Ouled sud antnealcd scîcel Fonce Wlre s Dustan & Hoar's. People say thal J.J.Maou's>k 6c Factor Gallon le as good as oh hanssira ul fa Yoa eau depand upou gehtiug style au, ,qaity. ah Isss liais wioleeala pnicas no, ahu M. Mayar's. 1Noue bette 'r, noue chesaper thanni 5stock of grocanies, fruite, spiîcos, ehî W. H. Oshorne. t Thene is no aense lu gaiug- baraheade when yaa eaui gel s gcod stylisi bat fi r 50. f tom M. Mayer. 3 CouclhJohnshon & Cryderman say the ahava navet sold ai many bale Gantair ui the sainelima as they bave doue th' 3lasI mauli. Why should, you psy isigh pric(s fi rdamagcd goadesien M. Mayer is selhin .halesuad furuishinga lu uaw goodg fi glisse money ? The scasan for sieep shearirag l e a ah baud, Fanmera, nessember J, B. Mai ftyn silI psy lia bigliast possible pricef c eany quality o! wooî. t Anyana wishing a hangalu can go, by calling at Mrs. Doncaster's sud pi 1 c basing o ua a! er styli ai lnummrn d ai uI $1.25. Mrs. Doncaster. Ladies wisiing thm hair trimmed c .siugcd shoald cail ou F. C. Pcthick wh bas fitlcd up s veny neat barber shop oi 7pasite Jobn Lvle's nan' store. Our readars in any part' (f Cdiiad sboahd aek M. A. Jamafan price( 8 ickebs when thinkiug about gainq ta th .Old Country an sendiug for fria-nds. Sbiloi's Cua is soLd ou a guarantei e t cures Incipieul Ganeamiption. Il Ethc hast Cough Cure. Only ana cenl 6dose; 25 cIa., 50 cIa. and $1.010 pan bottf4 .Sold by Stoît & Jury. ýt A ock liaI doasual 'tkeap lime le sm 9 ood lu a bouse. Yau siould hake h i Yiickand sud bava il put lu order. B 0doas hie wank thorou4hly,, no matai whi -i ltmay ho, Watob, Cloci arn Jcwellry ni pairs. 1 About 100 of tic amakIe-damaiýgad aui E)ýstill la!ft si Maeou)'si Clotiiug Stan, Mr. WilI eche of Glasgow, Sot- lind, ig visiting at Mr. J. D. Keoachie'o. Mr'.%V. C. Kinjg' Capt. WV. P. Milligan aud J. A. Wýilllamni of the 45th Batt. Bil for England on the Parisian June 2.3 A lot of new ready made suits, for boys and youthâ ju3t received f rom the Sali- ford Mý'f'g Oomnpaniy at Cutnch Jahnston & Zryderman'2. J. B. Martyn lias in stock Mommoth White Corn for seed aise a full stock (À all the'leading vaieties of Turnip Seed inclIudïrg, the famoua Jumbo. 1I ]Jarry Brimiacombe Ireturned yesterday from a trip to, Glasgow and. Edinburgh, Scotland, looking the picture of hý,alth. The ocean voyage andi brie! sojourn *i (1è, Scotia hias certiinly agreed wvith him. Iloi gives qoiite an intpresting and intelli- I ent account of bis first visit te Europe. The County convention of the Chriat*an Lindeavor Society held at Colborne on Wednead ay and Thunaday this week will baý attended by Rev. R. D. Fraser, M.A., de'eýate frorn the Local Union ; Rev. R. A. Burrisý and Misq Hornibrook fra'm the. Disciple Chanicli ; Mi. W. S. McKowlnn from Trinity ; and Mies Gàleansd MiEs MeWain from the Methodiat. R1ai fell fromà Thursday to ye.,terday almost incassan tly, aver 6 juches of watar haigfallen, tic graatett quantfity evec kuown at one trne. May :1-15, 1868, the rac)rds say 4w' inclrýes feUi. >h bas beau an erraticastorm.- lu the M1idland Coun- ties i England snaw fell and the Weathec is very colId. The wind storm has doue great darnage on Lake Michigan, nsany ve-ssel3 aud liv es wene lost. Iii Bowman- ville and vicinity miany cailars are fiooded sut;d the water driven 1throu,ýh roofs hlis dmgdmany buildingse3aca1vChur- S The0 trustees have gon eAo co usidarable 1expouse in fitting the Queen Stra"tb Ctiune edifice iuto a Musio Hall. A elargle pi itforrn ha8 bet i buiît, thý)e eslery re-.seiaed arid painted, elkctric lighted, et,;. It s il1 make a cqspi'al hall for large public imeetings ; as 1000 Persaýns eau he eaated. 1t will ha epaned OQueen's Birth- day evanting withk a grand concert for the becefit ( f r. Il. J. Kuiight wha basq been so resdy at ail tiras ta Bo ing for local . eiîe,. Thepoga is ani excllant one- ,l Tickets only 25coe t-, ail part'S of the n all. Childréen under twelve, 15 cents. * Ibe lecture on hUs trip t') tie Pac e'Coait, down to Califo)rniai and borneý ffoih heUniited States, hy Rev. R.D. Fracr, MN. A , iu tte sciýol room of St. Puk's Cturcli Friday nigbt waa one of tha rnost interesting descriptive lectures a ta wic we have listened for a long tiina. The seatinz capacity of the roa)i ws a x. ed to the utrnost. -Mr. John Rankin of Hl, M. C. was chairman. The adiress vwa3 nianly two hours In length and wa bc. haeve everyonie present is anxious that lie 1 give a second ('eus to re3fer to many bt thinga that h-- had ta pasb over. Fix the Vdite, kind Sir, and you can dep?,-d on an ýeaudiýence. Y OTACI.D you EautLr with il? '0("rbuy a6 bottle of Pain Killer anid fiud 0> in tu bc winlaeof an eye-f hr Tonth- eýaclUe it is a specific. and we seli, cheap. Wve wvant your butterg, and other -farmr produce and. wiIl pay the best Ïpr1e2, casoh or trade. FUELD 8RDN'EEU to the front this week--all kinds. Coneand bring youir w'vives and daughtears, We will -use you ail square and we kn ow our goods wîll please. liGWKLIR& TeAIT, Gener a n cessd Provision Daes ~ravle iNo Derby pIug Slokilig TL) bacco I) Genuine Unless It Bears The Derby Cap Shiaped Tag. No= of etBIrths, 25 centsf Marriages. b0 g'nt; ieaths. 5o cents. eaeh Insertion -but F5tEZ OU CHIARGE, when the funeral cards are prlnted at this oUi ce B1IrTMS. lKEAOHi-In Bo vrnanvilla, May 15. the wife of Mr. John D. Kea chie, of a sou. BRoiv-In Exeter. April 9, the wife of Mr. T. A. Brown, Principal Publie Schoal,of a son. MARRIED. MoCoNNCHII-FuLLE-In Peterboro, May 12, by R3ev. J. ,Hnnter. Mr. Archie MeCon- nachie and Mise Sarahi Fuller, bath of Ciarka. A; S. TIL1LEY, M1. D., C. M1. M EMBER 0F COLLEGE 0F PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario. Office. King St. First door west of Ontario T-ank, Residence, Chnrch St.-&,h door east of 7dthodist Churcli, Bawrnanville. 37 -WANTED IMME DIATELY a m'iddle yyagad narsan ta assist in general boise- work and care of children. Apoly ta Mus J. D, KE.ACHiE, Box 27, Bowmauvilla. 201lw W OOD FOR SALE -For fa'a 100 vvCorda of bard and soft wood. Cou de- liver at any time. FaaD C.LEmENs, P.owman- ville. 20-3 W. JESEY HELFER FOR SALE, Two easold, in calf from, choicest rilkng etraing. Apply ta M. A. JAMýiOî. STATES.MAN office, Bowmanville. 19-tf S ERVANT WANTED to do kitchen work of a email farnily wnaere a hou3ernaîd 18 also kept. Must do plain cnÔking and washI and iran iwell. Apply ta Box 3 '0, Whawa P, 0. -IT-OUSE TO RENT. -A sernl-detached _U.. brick hanse on Churoil streat lately occupied by Copt, Crawford. Tarrns iadara'a.1 Apply ta A.-YOU.NiE, or T. BINGHAM. BOW- LADIES -JusI uow yotq are planning- your house-ecaniug campai gn, An important feat une will bc, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHiADES, ROOM MOULD- INGS, PICTURE FRAMES, etc. Corne to us and you wi ii get justwhat you want in tiese lines at large reductions off regular prices. W. have the latest styles an 1 patterns, &1Big. 20." AND OWNERS OF MACHINERY. CHE AP AUCTIONLSERING.-James We hava lcaeed thic well-knon'nFo»ndry A. Kelly, o! Newcastle, is prepaned ta do ail sale entnnsted ta hlm ai ana pan cent. and Machine Siap of the Porter Ette. Cen beat anc'anciioneer in thi connty on do K-ing Street Easet, Bowmauvilha, n'iera- the sale farnonthîng, J. A. KELLY. Windsor Hotel Newcstle.8 2 n'a wn'ilcarry on a genenral hupisînaR R a t ] , N e s s e l e .- a s b r a n c h s o ! F o u d r y s uý d M a c h i a W o r k ,_ HyoKIRE "BOARS.-Af tan 45 Repaiing, etc. -Engfies,Boilers, Bindara better s' penieuca b tack naialng, i arnMowens sud Tineiing Machinas, betrthan aven pnapaned ta sait antameis IwYitb yaan or aId Boa -ervice Ibis seasan. Mill maciineny ofa! il kinde repatirai!ý The Yenksh;ina ls a good cross on any bneed o! sud naw furuigied. sow, Berkshine especially. Terni easy. Mauy thauks for past Patronage. Wm. Wzasv, Castings o! sîl kidiadala toonclermn1 Salns.furnisied foasl macines'. ARM FR SLA.1iPainte and L-mndeides o! fiata AR FOR AE. -A firet alas tarie quality fan Plaso! avary rmaka. ,,. 125 acres on 145 acres situatad lu tht township a!Esat Whuîby Isi con. lots 15 sud 1 bawn Mowaes har-paued. sud put iý. 16 on the Base Lina, about 1i miles frein Osha. Imu rdn WA tn. 9 i.. ILOf2-UCVir5 UI -A3VAU -A. iU oua orér from the sohoolhause. Largo roany buildings, main barn 95x36 lb, plenty a! fruit, saili eay loani. altagether one of thbehast grain farmne an the Lake Shore. No his ar stones, About 10 acres o! woad. 75 acres in pasture sud fresh aeeadad. Terme easy. Finat plowing dans, For furthar particuIarq apply ,to A. ANNIS Oshawa. 3 -tf, Old Keen Rothchîlds TEE N-,oTED rtEOTTIN SÂLON wiIl serve mares sasson o! 1894' at SILA S -Bindae, -n ollans w c ana cllpstad ï,, ,lu fact avenything made, funnished anrt~ pair-ad about youn ahie H1aviug s Iprachical axýÇpeience un gGIoul shape for uaauy yeansii, n'a kno w thlI'v eau pleasc oio> ;ail n'asksai eatrial. WVrite on cal n'ian enhava auv wVu Iin aur lina. ~OSERS, ~tgog a-fowmuvll- 0 BA R F ORP, IC.A Red Tam K.D .eihi -vetenghta1.'we'Minar' TLiýniiztClurgu Dieemper. Wie' invite y ou to eall and make our acquaintance; we want to trade with you, WVe keep a complt stock !,'fGroeeries of ail kindQ, f yan waut tha hast rewiing machine rn"ge, calon Riekard. Caîl oni F. C. Pethick the barher,whieu waiitàig an7thing iu bis lina. Sooo bats for Boys and Girls aI J. J. Msusfr103 ta 25c-less than bal! punice. Li'dies, if you have ual already, don't fail ta try nyihoice family teas. W. H., Osborne. Are yan aware thal the West End Flouse have an adv't in luis papar warth reading -' Look it up and nead it. Ilave your ont buildingh aud fencas paîuhted with Iran Paincthle -moat dur. able paint iu the market 1 caat being equal ta 2 cof othar pints ah Dustan & Ho0ar's. Elegantly fiishad casernants for pedal extremities le rat hernsa oud sounding phrase for booýts sud she suci as Trel. ean's, but ha keaps the higiest quality at lie oweet prices iahi sizes. Quality aItich Top !Pnices aI the Bottoni- ! 1 This is the condition o! affatirsata Trtl3ven's as rearads Ladies'. G"enllena-'s sud Chîhdreu's shoas. Corne î[nFpaeýt d admire ! [han the values ha ives iwll causa ycn la siondar 1 MNorr:' Carnageg Works la non' in ful blat-b-,'acksrnith shop, wogdwork, trim. iug, pairin-t, etc. They are turning out buggies, rcad carte-, and damocrats sud gïiîug prompt attention ta nepairiag of aIl descriptions. Giva the old stand a Daniel Rit z, Proprietor and Pubhisier of -,he Hîrnburg, Ont., Judepeadentsasys: 1-1 s ufferng from Dyspepsia sud Liver Trcju' 1 s I ba a few bottlos of Shitoh's Vilil7zern sd it cured m3. I.:cînheantiIy rcc mmneud t." AUCTION SALES. TcsÀ,Jue 5,-The Presbyterian l~asEnuiekillen, with D~ acres of ýroUud will ha eold by anctian uh 3 o',clock. Sea bills. Tuas. SwAiN, BOWMAN'VILLE MARKETS' iCereeted bY J. Meliurtry, every Tueéday FLOUR., P 100 Ib......... $1 50 ta $2 00 WInsÂT, Fall, VIbush-.... O 0011O062 J& Russian, à"...O0 0Ote, 060 n aae,......0O 0 O 55 Colorada O..10 0 O 057 Wils Fife, 0.....O ,00O62 Red I.... 0 00,, 0 65 B*ARLEY, e bush, Na. 1...-. 00Oif 0 40 il I I 2x.. -0 00 e 0 35 U q Il 2.... 000 ,0 30 Il iTUwj-rawad O0 0 O33 QÂe, S wie...........0 3;-, 0 IQO nî ixead.......O33iO0O Ry .... 0 00 .0 40 Buckn'heat '. bush.....0 00 i 04ý0 PxAs, Blsckeye, P bual... O0 0 îî OG,-6 nMunmmy 0 OJ n0 ;O 2 n alI, ' .0 00,il 0-55 'Blue, " ..00 Ott0 -W .UrEbst table, Ç'Ut,,,0 00 jGO14 EQG,, edoz ...........0 09 ,000i PoTâÂ,roEs, e'bash------..O25 00 KDC.l an weallet taul;e.