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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1894, p. 8

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When You are Ready f To Select Your New A Ri Liln' it wiser And maore satisfactory To look over a greater variety, which includes ail the tnewest patterns of ail the best makers-assured by a housèe whose larger business requires a greater continuous supply of the freshest goQds and styles Then, as to prices. Our vastly greater purchases, direct rom the inakers, and our vastly greater sales, are two phases of our business which enableË us to give patrons a double advantage of close buying and srnall profits which no other house in Canada can approacli in new goods -and we have nothiDg but the newest, FOS T EIR & PEN DER TOIRONTOIS GREAT CARPET HOUSE, 14 AND 163 KING ST. EAST. 59- - Cash Purchasers Wifnd it to their advanta,&'to cali at M. Mayer's Hîat Store, and see the immense stock of Feît and Strawv Hats at prices neyer before offered. Feit Hats, hard or soft, at 50c., forrneriy sold for $1.50 to $2; Straw Hats equally low'; also -a large stock of Gents' Furnishings cut-i down in price. Four ply linon coilars 10c., worth 20c. Corne and exainestock and prices. N-o trouble to show goods. uEA F u - r, ie r I kLow MIiNARD;S LIIMMEN-T il 1',g3 Cil 'Sprivg Feýrce. The ouiy cure croup. maser f apaakuandcotra ction. Cape hisand. J. F. C2JîovM A fît toc aiF-an. erdv',La 1 Ikuow MINKRDSLI-N IYIENT i. the nud Onan ctal Fonce alwym i--tc-,best remedy on eartb. OroaS liCiteS id prticuars 1100Ilor0ysr 1, Joz, A SN,ýow. A.W 7LE Y, Bo 4x 'X vaivle O~. Saledeaor,-vvolenleandroti] for outaiDtrbam avt d Eisat Whitby. 1NIKLLV - I Mr. Hayes bas bea u t'v v f Mr N. - aitsgoeatover S"uudy t i Mth. oaays tç ia cerný iugpu blic try ti,,*5rs.J., C. Mtr- . e.A. . i- gotthbet oaiba ale ortheir umoney. Vcei c~M . F.Rgeshaebeuvsit- That îla oua oý,fthe rciaE;sns~Y people gaigo frnienda in Pcaiî,-- Ir .S ta, T;vt & ,Co.fr îai oo. Tbey are HulradMr. F. gesatdd thu rnakliUn tomleVury pretty stYles îtow. Disýtrict Meeting, -roo. he)omauniver- Cal aad sec tharn. Picture frames a!- sary isen ,iaes ai thv eîditý S.. w ene -waya on hand. net b&.d Sunday. îLýe ecv sermon _______________will bs3 preached by 11v.D S Huck ta EAu UtooD causes blotches, boils,, the S. S. an MaY , t 3 -i, The pipeabacesses. nîcers, scrofuî'a, ec.friands are nsetul qatdto baud BrokBlocd Bitter. curas bad blood 1v-v thoir cnrbloualt aSchool at An any form frous a common Pimp'0tto that service...-. MIar. DvdChýerry, over teworst acrof ulous soie. 80 yeare of age, pazsvad percully away _________________ May 19th. The r v~. urleýr the charge of 11ev. Ru-nI Deen raighton ebyPlug Smiokýing Tobacco tcok place atBla&s,ýtcÀ ,-r. M -n .day. Mr. Is Noed lor Q alit, 5,101Ceeryis left; very ýat-e4 d bas the - An -2 cet Pug.DerbY Plug Smoi Tobacco Brfght's Disease Again. fias Attained At -Enorrnous - ,, -And Stili Ihereasin<, Sale William Laîsgley tries MVauy I-Remedita frrthieDises se withoi]tAvail--Dodd's 1idney Pilla, a Roemedly that Neyer Failed, Cure Hlm. %u.oMy 21-Willian Laiigley, cf Lod»South, contracted imnfiammation fte iýdney laut f ail, which finally clv lopedom Bripht's diaeaee. As any 'ni WauIIId, wbvo wauafflîtcd with this -orIble iseae, Mr. Langley tried every rermedy thât couIld bs aiugeCtel. ls e3,xeriance wa3 4the au as ilothera', ha ýýot-no relief until hIse began ulsvng 'Dcdd'a Kidnay Pila.Thn the charge lotIn Mr. Lnglay at onc3 e bean ta imn prove, and Dow ha i. cured. This iaan otbgr case of Brigbt's disease, once con- aidered'- incurable, Ithat has had ta sue- ýU mb to Dod d'a K idney Pille. WOOL WANTED.C The ighat arket price wi1j hc paid for nyqantiofa w ool delivered one v'ille21 -tf. LEWIS QUICK. ZlLt2:. Scnday Sehoolarnievît Sunday June 3 ted Mondtav 't11- (J'. a de wlli preach ai 103 .'l . ul¾OputI Mandoa t2 p. t.onr rgauof recitations, sing«ýing'-j choiad achool and addreaaes sil~ ;~t e erved fnom 4 'click. TtIcle 'Z!(on are noted for frt'aa tatE verybody cm.W. JTLý UtSe-:A C, vŽo'o 'L, 5ept. Bnrdlock lodB er -r erlsce. Burda-cA Bload i .r ulc 'l the coggod secrations ftb FlD àuas uacur- ing Headachos au--mlrc~pan Rain pravenied a v .atednoat annivecaary sarviceas-t,'undiy. Thay will be resumed next Sunda;y . .. B ig e'rowd expected at the onibTea: on Queeu'a af lMn.. T. Creape3r.d e ao Sunday lu hen 83rd year. Doeply eaettel. ... Visitors: Mr. FH. 'T. W llv, iCobvurg; Mn'. J. W. S rili - n aeily, Bow- NEW SHIOEMAKER. Havirug îa-3ted the sboe shop forer, occupi,ýç by the lata Mnr. Bunrer, I be:t ta ai;eun, o that 1 arn prepared to oai kinds of ùrdered work in rnaigatdr pairing boots and abts lutLi be o style. A Rood fit guriarntteQI Fue cre paiuing a îpecialty. A caîl slctd Bawrnanviile, Feb. U3b, 1894. TheEldd MthoiatS. S. Anuiverscry will bo bold as folio wii On Sunday May :.7th sermons will ha preached by Rev. L. Phielpa, of Court,'co at 2.30 and 7.00 p. M. Collections at each service. On, M1onday May 28R, cowrnencing at 2.30 p. mi., thero wili beý an excellent programme of recitatiors, dialeggnas and âinging by tha acol a ,nd addresaes frous Rev. R. McCulloch and othars, alter which the u1jual tea will be sarvedl. Tick6ais a unna!. Corne oneansd aIl and enjoy a plIeasint tirne. JAMýESý A. WPRIty, Super- m tendert; Taras. SiHORTEIDCE, Sacretary. 210-2w TiiiEit NME »s LEGION.-Thara la no lackz of an callad cures for the common ail-mient known as corna, The vogetable, animnal, sud mineraI kingdoîn have beau ransackad for cures. It la a simple mat-- ter ta remova corna without pain, for if yau wili go ta anyý drugqlat or Medicine dealar and buy a bottla of Putnaxn's Pain- bass Corn Extractor and apply it as direet. ed the thing i. done. Get "Putuau'i" and no other. ?vr. A. Hlogarth haa sold bis trotting statlion ta Mr. Jas. Maorey, Enniskillen ...Rev. S. EHarvey Strike i. axpectad ta delivar anotb-çr World's Fair lecture in tho Sou's Hall ou Anniversary night.... Mr. Chaï. Branton ha. painted .bis naw buiduig. ,... Misa MSbel Pascoe broke a, neijefl in Ler foot racently .. .. Mr. Herb aadîvnvd siater, Backatocir, visted b2o rtcety . -... Mr. Arthur Osborne of Litea ay Man-jon W/est, Courtice. visted lind ehro. 0osÂN NLY boon's.-Ara you Sweak and weary, overtvSokad and tired? -1o0d%'s Saraspai Kllai-ijuat vive Medicine Syau nedi to purify and quiokea yu iblood ard ta give your appetite antd stren- gui. If' you decide ta tako Ilood'a Sar- saparilîsi do not bq ieduced to buy any other. A£ny effort ta subtitute another vremedy la p oou ai bh merit of Hood'a. t, 'i Pium and appie to 4EteEsae1.1oing 110w., Captain Sweeney, U'. S A., San Die.ýo,1 Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh rau(dy is the firet nedicine I have ever found that would do me any good. " Puc,-e 50 cents. Sold by Stott & Jury. Poi t Iope will be i'utr ýte lu the Toronto Globe. 1 hiAvE EEENgrett1 ,troubîed with hoadache and bad blood for tep or twvo7'v years. I staited to take BrokBto Bitters ini July, 11\and n ow(.tna, 1893), I sus p ri- ,eiy cie How do y- ost'ki l s th S ;fe t Arn- ricaân sli ion. Smart Weed adBeill dotna, onie with, the other ingredian3ts used4 in the6 b tproua la ater ,ke Cra' . & B ,Bwkache Plaýster3 tîLe 1beet In market. Price 25 cens. Peterboro ba!]mreceiVed a irer -d sca..It Co $00 Dyppinii isorstfomawill id 1 t the use of Carter'. iti Nerve uls aided by Carter's Lislivar i ;lla.1 Tbey flot coniyr elu vopra-tdses but trengthen the Stomacan d (éigestive- Lirudsaýy's 1p pula«(,li as nc.adby 196 sanis during tha past ysar. In ail cases, wbere a mild bot aei,-t i. needîed, Ayer's lPilla areoiabeat They improvethe appi'ite, rctore hbealthy ao- ion, promote dgsin adrglt evéry fonction.ý No p;1! i. in, greaier demand, or- moIre îhlyrecun en d c by the profess8i.I Tho Indepetud ent G Oîrde iOdflf w nwboastas of a cesesi f ~000 If you decido tto ke ijoo'a Sarsap- rilla do nfot a indfuced to) buy- any Fui. stituo aride.TakeHod a oL Tho new enip.ldir-ctory pltces the poplto of t bat city at 3,0,a And yet lives in ignorance of,- the fact that a single apia tion of the CUTICURARE - DIES, wiIl, in the naoiyc cases, afford instant relief', per-= mit rest and sleep and po1ýir1t to a speedy, perniarnrta economicaL cure, when th lie st physicians and ail oý.-ther rc- edies fail. CTUTCURA WOrkscý Woniders, and its cures of ter,- turing, disfiguring, andhu il iating'lhumors are tI-enac wonderful ever recorded. Sold throughout tht, world. POTTE' Ptt .two CHE aa.COtRP»,soleprons.,Post0oi. 4"Al £&bout the o Id and 5km," rnailed iree. ** Facia~ l nilheg, falltng bha~ im .1-i pie baby rashes prevented by Cutlesir; oap Nervous Inatalty-rlie-ved1)y aICen!- caura"Platar, bcuol i Muscular tho h e~ ocsau henecacures nrospis Weakýness wepi dnvemen5s ritrs' Notice. hie 0hp motter of he Eâtvie of fTho ma.s Fial, li of te Toivn, of Bowmanviiie, ïn /,hcC0Unlty of Durharn, Parrn Labor- e r, Deeased. Fi s uant ta Sectien 36 of OhapterlIO tevtsed StatuteB of Ontario 1887, ana ausendments thereto, notice is hFreby given that al ,eedie- ors and cthers'having dýa!ms sgainst the est- ate of Thomas Hall. la te of th e said town of BowmFnville. Farus Labourer, deceased. who died on or about the twenty-elghth day of Apri]. A.D.,li9l4 are herct-y rEquired to deliver or reod by post -lwepaid to John B. Martyn of the, 0ad towvn of Bown-anville, Grocer, the eeuor of the 1 ast Wit and Testament of sad dcenst,,d on or bfore Monday, the fourth day or Junite, A. D. 1194. a statement ot their niameo an-d nddresseas and a full statement of their claims and off the e&uries (if any) held by thon]. Notice is tereb~y further given that after the Saîd fourth day off June, A. D. 1891. the said executor witl precced ta dlistribute the ase ets of the said deceased atnongthe partie. entitled iihereto havirg ;egard oDiy ta the claim. of ýwhich he shall then have recelved notice. And the s.aid executor wilo t by liable for said éieis oi any part there f toaDaY perefan or perans of whotee c'i' or clainis notice s haht not have been receîved by bien at the tiule of suih distribution. Vated nt l]ocwvmatville this second day of May, A.D., 1894. 18-4w Salicitor for aH-.d Executor, FOR YOU TO N-EGLECT YOTIR W REXSFO sL s--i an can baeYour EYES peî-- TY. -N. RICKARD, and Optician. Bw vl'kt , We cordiaily invite the people to iDspect our Surrviuer Millinery. We hayejust open-ý ed out a lar-oe assoîtment M'I new goods which -we intend to sell at a very reasonable i-ate to suit the bard timùes. Cal andà see our bats. Pricsa- anged froin 25c. Up. We liave also qjuantity of ilowers, ribbons etc. a large, feathei-s, Ail orders, proimptly filled and cheap for cash. ilats dycd and i-eshaped. Orders taken for the Lon- don Corset Co. MVRS. DONCASTER.ý Everything has to go to make room for NEW G-ODS0 Thousands of dollars' worth have arrived and more coming lu iJ- m4ost every day-Beau tiful Dress Goods, New and Stylish REats; eZtrtt value in Cottons, Shirtings, etc. Beautiful Lace Curtains for $1.00 per pair. We neyer bought goods such good value and we neyer sold with so littie profit. No w is your opportunity. In our WATOH and JEWELRY Departmenit we have, on a good many articles, eut the price in two. Real good Watches from $3.50 to $6 00. Nickel Clocký-s50c, eaeh,, Solid Walnt Clocks $2.50 'ach. Ce Repairing promptly and properly done, Best B. Lawrane Spectacles 50c. per pair. lJuE 110 Damagedn D4t Received, 14,Men's and Boys' Suits. These are veýry choico linQse. and bought cheap fur Cash-, 1 Suits (smoked only) stili left. We viili push ~iie of these goos-some of thaîn at less tcian haif price.l great chance to get Boys' School SuitsChap SUITS TO ORIDER: Black Worsted Sis.....$500- Good Tweed Suit,-............ D Canadian Tweed Pants......... i1 0 All-wool Halifax iPants ...........4-5 Men's Rats-a very large cboice; an extra fine Fedoeraini large isizes up to 7k........priece$1 2 5 Boys' Rats froin L95 cents up. Il Melissa Coats, the ,btest \vaterprooffi ini the market, (lighitiy damaged) were 1, ow $10. Ends of Tweeds, sligbtly danvtqgcd by smoke, at taif prico. Bootsand hoes lare quaýntities. Two, repeàt orders jùst received in fiur favorite lines.C THE LOTHING STORE, for Bargains, Umm. ecEp-e Than. a nice Watch, Set of Je-wblýry, Clock, or Silverware ? It is not necessanry for me to say aniything% about the quality of my goods,, as everyone knows that- I aways keep the best the. market produces. ,I have a few Hundred Dollars Voý make up in a short time and arn stilil selhnlg off my stock at 50 cts. on the$ ie you have to pay others double the pri.ýce for inferior stock. Cal] and see me3 before buy- ing . If you have any kind of small work to repair or mako bringi lit to mie and you can get it done right. *MAYNARD THEJEE E HAM iPTO0 NOLOTHING HOUSE TOi THE FRONT With a large and well assorted stock of new an1d tasty Spnng G,("oode -i ENGLIiSII, IRLIR, SCOTCH and CANADIANý TWEEDS, M'ORSTEDS, SERGES, and SPRING OVERCOATINOE Ftill u1ne of GENTS FURINISHIINGS always in stock. COTTONADES, SIRPTINGS,,TOWELINGS, TICKINGS, PIRINTS, GREY COTTO-NS, et( Ail WOOL SERGE SUIT to order ............. .......$ 8 Ail WOOL TWEED SUIT te order..................... 8 P READY-MArIE COTTONADE, PA14TS .................... 7 Fine Ordered lothing a specialty. 'Fits a certainty, These Gooda have been purchased in the ibcst markets for SPQ CASHI and cverything, will 'be sold at right prices. In ou esp«M lie we have built up a large trade on the honest principal of ("Goô Goods at Moderatk Prices".)- Cail and inspeot before purch'asing.ý 4 EGGS taken same as Cash. FRANK A. C II I J OHN J. MASON'S Dry Ooods and Jewelry House. -o STILL SLASIIING ANI) CUTTING., We are boundc to lear out ail ther stock we had on hand at the time of the fire-, regardiless Of prices. Patrasols-a beautiful lot-'every price and quality, flot dpa od selling at what other stores pay for them. You have neveu seen sueb value. Shaker Fiannels, good enough for almnost any purpose, for 60. per yard. Corsets, slighitly soiled, for 25e. Felt and Straw 1Iats frm 10e. to 25c., were $100 to $1.50. Embroideries and Laces from le. poer yard. Paper Collars 5c a box. White Shirts 25c. Colarsl10c. t' I v .1

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