Polish.1 LAIES'use Hook's Sofala Shoe PoUash for &diesarad Chidren'a fine 'Boota and Shees le finest ta xrescrve the leather and keep ir liable. It vfll leave a pollsh like satin, For aie by Boot and Shoe dealers. EOWMANVILLX, JUNE 6,. 1894. Electors of West Durhamn should at- tend the meeting in the Town Hall next Friday night to hear Hon. R. llarcourt's address. Hie is Ontario's Finance Minis- ter and acapital speaker. ilear! hear : 1 This is sound logic from the Royal*Templar: It is enougli to secure the return'of a Premier pledged to introduce a prohibitory law, but every prohibitionist owes it to such a man to mark his ballot only for a maji who can he depended upon to give hearty support to the Premier in such a task. With regard to liceuses Sir Oliver has promised to prohibit thern as 'far as he bas the power to do so. On this point Mr. Meredith proposes to put the saloon back into municipal politics. We would then have a renewal at every municipal contest of the old tîme struggles between the temperance elemeutý and the saloon backed by the brewers and distillers, Beer and mon.y would wiu every time, as it always has don(s in the past. H. WtiY EVERY VOTER IN WEST DupucAM. AN~D SouraI ONTAFRTO SHOULD SUPPORT MR. W. T. LOCKHAIRT ANI)iION. JOHN DRYDEN, 1IESPECTIVELY. Because the Mow'at Goverument bas given Ontario the best systein of Edtuca- tion on this continent. What it Eas done: Exponded $12,000,000 during tWenit>- two years on education. Put the Departmieut'of Education un- der the direct and responsible. control of a mîinister of the crown, a course approv- ed by the late Dr. Ryerson. Effected a useful aud imnportant consol- idation of the provincial school laws. Imiproved the school system on fifty distinct lines, making it the- inost com- plete and effective of any similar system iu the, world. .Done much to further higlier education in the colleges and uuiversity. WHIY EVERY VOTER NWEST DURHAM AIND SOUTH ONTARIO 'HOULD MARK IRIS BALLOT FORL MR. W. T. LocRHART AND llOi. JOHN 1 DJiYDEN, RESPECTIVELY. Because of thue Mowat Covernmnent's splenldicI record ini connection with the departmieut cf Crowui Lands. What lias it due Sulrveyed CI2î5 townships, of which th ere are uow open as free granits 156'. L,,cated '-2,000 persons, equal to a population of 92,000, in Free Grants tnwship. Sold 1,601 520 acres of Cronu lands fir $1,880,845. Sold 4,234 miles of tiunber lituits for 2;5, 101,617. Bonus, say, $1.205 per i le, for $91.88, just for the right to out, still retaiuing the lud; and dues $91 per 1000 feet. SCollected for bonuses, dues, sales, etc., since 1872, $2,500,000. Esabilkhpf a Burevau of Mines ~and1 vvvvvvvvvv~vuuvvJv'.Ivuuuu WestEn fou We wish to draw the ladies attention to the splendid value we are giving in Table Lin~onsan id Towe1iz2gs These a re direct importations from the place of manufacture and are especial value. We also have a lot of towels we are .selling at Wholesale Prîces', It will pay S~