YOUNG FOLKS. ELIA ANJD THE TRAMP. KEND LLS ~ "e'l1 be borne 'before dark, Deiq'. SPYM U EWash iup the break,!fast thinge and1(lweeP up, atnd yout can sew on that niew drees Of t1J yours the rest of thep day." Delia Thomna3sLstood on the ideo porch of L.. ~a substantial farm bhouse in eastern Canadla- Her father and miother were seated in thie SUCESSUL REMDY subEtanti market Wagon, bebsnd a sub- FOR AN R BESTstantial teami, ready to start to town fouir- C rala t fet c ee lseg teen miles away. Her mother was giv-ing KE DLL3 SPAàyVIN CURE ber soine parting directions. BLUEPO55T, L. 1, Ja. 1,1s8,91. Jim'll be bomne before noon, " said Mr. Dr. D. 3. EESbLL0 Thoas "anynwo0 ivutiiet e ~GenIcnn-Ibougt asplendid baey herse sem Toaneuwnt aetmet e tlmeagolthaSpa i gothsmfor$lO I used loeo. ICIda5V'eSpavin cure. Thee ispaV5Ulgne "n W fàd Ihvebeen offered $150 for tise gsame herse. ght, 1 only had lm i ne weeks, $roi got $l20for using O,'igealn alrit" adDi. *Ioi f Kendall'eSpv!n Ciee "You needn't worry about me. 1 can Yolurs truly. W S. MALSENS. KENDALVS SPAyIN~q$q~E take c:re of myself.tb mrnn' rk Dr. B. j. XENDnÂLL co. Delia brougbs ber new dress out and was SieIhave uased you' v:endaili'$Spavîn Curea Wth goc.d success for Curbs on two herses and sa onbusy sewing Up the long seam5 su the Stisth bisesi Liniment 1 have ever used. Yours truly, A-UCGOST FP.ElRCEL ekirt. It was a warm day ln early May. price $1 pe.' RaSSie. For Sale by ail Druggists, or address The fruit trees were in bloom, and nature, D.B. J. KENDALL COMPANY, wasinoneofberbrigbt moods. Tbe delicieuS ENOSBURGH FALLS. V4T. odor of pear, apple, peacb and pluin bles- soma floated tbrough tbe open doors, and O HARI LAIES COLE Ethe hum of thebe:s vigorously at wetk WRLITBY, ONT. -nusic te the girl as she, bent te ber -work. srrctl fi>,5-elss n al is apoitmets Delia was a remnarkable girl in many re- kwd eduicationai advantazes. Provision made spects. She was sixteen, large, robust, funl for alil hd teachers' certilleates and for Un.-o life and sprts, first in allllber classes et Iversity classes througb tisa freshman, sopho. o pr tiore and part of ju-iior yer8or Toronto school and the leader in ail active games University, The liturery staff comprises tise lerges number ot University ensceesaîjts of and sports in which girls could join. She any Ladies' CollugeijeCmada, Tise eii3ical. was an accomplisbed borseback rider, and fine erteiocutionansd commercial depart mnta are3 eqeeilly weli sutained by tse most gifted rode the moet skttish borsee f earlessly. lu prof essora, Physicel culture ia tauglit by a some of bier wiid gallopsaloeg the public >ïpuciekliat from Boîton. A new gymuassuel and alilkindsof outdoor aiuaents, Pupils roads she astonisbed and even alarmed the bave thse opportuoity o! heerin_4 thse great qitadaed emr h inse ertlsýts that visIt Toronito. qitadsed amr h inse Àrppy for 1iormation te ber reeLlessuesa. But ghe was modest, 82-ly alsICfl'4 UAR .DS ladylike, and winning. Every onu liked bier. Tbe odor of the flowers, the hum of the bees, and the quiet beauty of the day bad-a S p ii g!quietîslg effuct upon Dlia as sbe sat hr S priig Iat wok, and beforu abcehardly knew it sh o -She wae awak1-eee by a be -avy step on tlie r~.pocb Opnig er uyes shu was tnrLed Mîllner sho~ roms om-to secua buriy tramp standing in the door- Pl e:te with Malny pieaSing styles wa, oin down upon bier wlth anino forý thie eason. Stylish goods "Good morniog, my lovely maid," he togeher wit c~s& rics ~id.f'lYou seem to enjoy yoursuif, this batf mornîog, by -shuttiog your eyes', make it thie popular placýe to if you're weîî rested suppose yen get me bu Silo)rs,20 cents each. ,somethsug to ut-no ic fbte-ra Y. abut a good square mua." H1ats res-haped. By this time Delia badl rucovered from lier surprise. She badl huard cf tramps, badl M iss liaw 'paseed a few cf tbem oni tbe pike leading M'. S) Ï.1, w 5to the couuty seat, buitnot ou bad ever beforu buen at tise bou-se. lier borne vas Nexýt i. rto LPo S', Ofice, on aFy.rednearly a 1mile from any othur bos.Trampe usually1fl1owtbe leading -ïr rhuealnd SAU DER B OS Do yen want bot coffee or tea, audl esct, or wsll-11cold nmuat, breadl butter and mldo'F Tie firu bias gone down and l'Il ACHIN 1A1(~V~ bave tebid lit p, if youwni bola. A Cl l N E',V Kr S.1. 1 o0lni Vict,, foi 11,e now. I have te 07'ir Meat, Fishi, Oysters, Sar.- togaChis, EgsDotaghnuts, Vegetblesetc. Like minost ot-her peopie, our folk forerlyusedlardforail such purposes. When it dis-. agedwith- any of the famnily (wichi it often did) we said it was "too ricli." We finaily tried and not one of ushas had an attack of'"richness" since. We frtie-r foun d that, unike lard, ýCttolÏenei had no unpleasant odor wh-enI cooki-ngand lasly Mother's fa - vorite and con srvativecý ooking, authority came out andr gave it abig ecommnendation which ciinched the atrcota' vh eawy r A TFEH T. K FAL X S. [(Vs FiseAre Faut nssd l1t Cent Swlmbut 15 Gets Aboud tiRptdiy. Fisb, as everyone kn Isàave or- gane edapted for awimmning, se thbat tbuy exhibit arrangements vury iunfavoreblu for enPy etb&s' kind cf locomotionî. a 1vu, few mot iuteresting exce tinare br- ed. Certain types, lind, thems,ýeIves, forced titiser by snrrouoidiug ircumetanmcea or for seeking food toe bave -hou watuelfer a certain lengtis cf time. Amou1g tIsee s ea Braizilia'n fisb callud the meltisa. It cainnet swIim, but la forcud by lus very orgeu-Iizaýtion te walk or, perisap, te hop a! ter the mnu cf toads, cf 'wicb ilba vaguly tiseexar ual forrmTise lisead, wbiicb te svcry lar-ge, ýs pre7idud at its anr ierior pr wiSb e bon)ly spinu, et the base cf wbscb atre situeted tise nasal apertures. Tise broncisial orifices are sel surfaice, as je tise cl'l'iinya' water ciin remain fer a lon,2 brIonchlial cbamnb.trs -a cires seat tise in tb ,e ,e ;eery t a dis OUR WEST INDIA TRADE, Ti'he Tinue Average% e5,000,ft00 l'es- ear- Thil -zkonOur 1List of Customners Ah-ani Tise exrerts frorn Canadla to the WuWst Indies amountud te 3,4,78lest year, Tisa as beeu, ince183,the teadieati brancb c f our fereige trade, heving averaged about S3,0,10,000 per year durieg tisat pur. ledl. Thse isiandsa are us reecbeLd, and raink third in our list cf custrners ab)road, yet 11 ne eCali read tise report of thse De- partment o! Trade and Commerce, just îsned, withont sueieg thet there la reom for considerable expansion cf business in that direction. The difficulty seems te bu tliat 'abippera persiteetly iarugard thse local prejudices against certain forma cof packages, For exemple, ail the commercial agents report a steady demand for butter, yetshaipperas eed flrkina cf froma 40 te 6b pourdn e wigbt, inetead ýo! tins ruuning from 5.1te 15 pognds. At least $1,000,000 wortb of butter migbt bu sent annuaiiy te the WVest Indies if this spucial demand of the trade were recognized. Tise same is true cf liseuse aed foeur. Witis respect te tise latter article,ite seuma tisat thue rdinary barrais are net suitable, and, while Cen- edian branda are baudicapped je thse corn- pettien witb Americen shipireets le maey &f she islande, tise demend le Dumerara bas gone steadily upward since a change was meade je tbeform cof package. Canada se'ema pre-eminentiy adapted for tise ex- portation of fleur, fine dairy producta, and bacon and isams. Tise reporta of tise com- miercial agents cleariy show that tise West Indcies ceutae very largeiy of tthusu sr- ticles if a stric t regard j is ad for the mei-e form of maketng 1vjeon such snch points thet tise! report et tise Deparimunt o! Tred edommerce throws liglît, and per'i)fns a useful and mucis nueded service teCande exportera. Astishe samu time ipresnts a greS masso!fcuber informa- tion rse tin hie markets cf tise world, wb;ichi iîeuld bueacceptablue t a time ewheu co m I al uines are bei g extend uf je evr"ire ction tisaS promises a fait returo. Trying to Drive a Bargain. PiLE-Si PiLES! -ý'UIT Lal -plrjs. ýSYMrueOs-MOiStUre; intense itcblug suad ériingiug; moat et nigbt; worse by scra-tbig If aliowud te c ntinuu tum- ors i', fomhich cf tee bleed ad îcerate, buoigvery oar. WYNSOINT- MENT stous hibiug anUbeedîu, huais ulcuatiu, n le mo-t cases rcnîo-es tise tumrs.Atdrugîta.Ocby mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Sweyý-,ne Sn Philadel- pbia. Lymlal Sons & < o., ntreai, Wbnlealu Aents annuera be ,the] DON'T L Er 4NOTHERÏWA SH-DAYr .Go BY WITînmOUT fJ8hN YOU wilI find that it wiLU do what no other soap can do, and wîll please- you every way. It is Easy, Clean, Economical to wash with this soap. SPRING 0F 1894. HAMýPTON OGLOTHING HOUSE TO THE FRONCýT With a largye and well assorted stock of new and tasty Spring Goods in ENGLISH, IRISH-, SCOTCHq and CANADIAN TWEEDS., WORSTEDS, SERGES, and SPRING OVERCOATINGS. Fullline of -GENTS FUJRNISHINGS always in stock, COTTONADES, SHIRTINGS, TOWELJNGS, TICKIINGS, PRINTS, GREY COTTONS, etc. Alil WOOL, SERGE SUIT to order.......................$ 8 00> Ali WOOL TWItEIi SUIT to, order..............., 8 00 hËJiADY-MADE COTTONADE PANTS ........... ....7 Fine Ordered Clothingr a specialty. Fits a ceptainty. These Goods have been purohased in the ýbest miarkets for SPOT CASH and everything will be sold at right prices. In ou-Lr eIeecial :îine we have buit up a large trade on the honest pî1inICI.pal of (Go Goods at Moderato Prices'.) Cail and inspeet beforeprhai. CiEGGS taken saine as 'Cash. IRANKAIOE ýPart A COUPON APPFARS 1HM ALL ISSUES 0F T48PPR Cut out tbis coup' n and forward, together wvýàhithosecen.ts t h Art Department of thýis paper, and youn willci ve omepart of CANADA ,. pr wnmber in uppeýr rgthdcrebyimail, po1pid, or bigte opnaled 0 ce1ts to thi'offiean Narne ýAd!reF fi 1~