lIt ëauOta TERMB,.-O1.50 PIKI ÂNUwXi. ouvr owiq AXD OouNTy IIST: T"E woRLD ATImEwAI»s. M. Â JÂMES EDIToR AND ppzTR BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEPNESDÂY, JIJNE 20, 1894, VOLUME XL. NumBu, 2.5 - I I mu Season able 'Goods. JOHNSTON &CRYDERMAN A. SUPEPRB STOCK 0F NEWY COODS Suitable for the present season. They direct particular attention to their beaut-tiful stock of wvhich contains, ail the Iatest lYfIateriais' in l0w and miedium priced goods as well as a lovely range of costumesn.,- in single Dress lengths, These are beauti- fui goods and very moderate in price. A big assortment of Wool, Delaines in cream and black grounds'--the ve ry newest designs and th.e prettiest goods of the kinci ever shown i town. They are also showing an immense stock of new and stylish Parasols ii-, ported direct from the manufacturers, and the best valui they have everý OGUHI OHNTOH& GYDEMANILE I I Our eniormoüus stock of seasonab!e styles is opened and r'ea dy Sucli qualities andcli low prices we have.never before been able to o-ffer our csoes A thoroughly first-elass. stock coimbîning, qllality and elegance wiCh low p-fices. Corne in and see -the newest deirsand most servieable styles of the season in Ladies', Gentie- inen's and Children's Boots and Shoes,, Rubber Goods, Trunks, Bags, etc., the newest ideas, the best goods made, the greatest variety and tlŽe f ic~ lures. iPrices within the reacli of ail and now is the time -,0 buy. Everybody is delighted with our dfisplay of Spring anid Sumumer goods and you wiIl be., Cal and, learn what pleasare, satisfaction, and ecornomy there is in trading with M. r Cooking%- Stove MAKES AND BURNS IT3 OWN GAS FROM COMý,MON COAL OIL. SIMPLE. SAFE. CIIEAP. ~No dirt. No heat in theý kitchen. Cooks a family dinner for 2c. Cail and see ià working at R,1d. WORTH'S. INfOWER SE(CTIO0NS AND - IEPAIRS. -We carry a fulli une of repairs for the Frosü anl Wood mnachines,, ard also mow er sections and ,guards for ail inakes. Heaqdquarters for Sholf and HieavY HrwrSt3ves, Tinware, Paints, O0is, and Glassl. llext Time You Ruy Shoes Inisist upo having a pair of the #mons o? A. Foster 'sCa,.o1 Lo7kbrt ... Fhen 7 a1so 17i TTabba SohooQofais pace hSup i ier A a M ef. oà st hrch Saboes emôrn .... f ln 'r J. P. Foser ofCo., r.kaIy1und, Qn.ri PatrlSctsare ighhre fiï (oth S,120e) if jun irB.A. adie, .cfMW. T. Lockhrt. ..TePehtra ab $200ool pfo pacehe ctrer$.-nnull PciatWshntfrn K.laDSauC. y Medit hurc athlat.mü r f ".. Io-t1 îz Ce.. Lowell, Mass,: lebr(rghin Februar-y. '92, 1i was very sicir r te o monthe. 5I-wvly I got botter but evas e(uIlnlidte my liezd. A plysielan sald1Ihadta Pelvic Abarcess lni My Side. AMter-a oper--rion 1 did net improve, tire abe- seea , iuiegtadtchar-ge even more freely that be or. l tw me tihue ibree opera, tien w rc poto-m~dund tubes l..,nsertedbo car-r-y fcïd th ope ritl,,s, but Pail1:uvai,1. Fically it ,Lvra ec eed LntL: I epne pon another cver-Atorr an I1 that I mai beremvedte the hrsiiabe. Abut tho w-eeks previons te ibis I ir-id rmotied an aie-ism n utire Daily ievus cnia asewreeHcd's Sarsaparilla lhad clerreS a bo;y-soaeewbai,ýt similarly afflicteri In hjremijton. N J., and 1 declded te givo 1h a trial 1%Vmie. the ttiiii decbded upon for me to go bteh Lrusjetnd arîived 1 inbd been talzlng Hood's Sar. saparilla about two w ceka. .I1Wrrs Cvttlng Better sud tire abscess hart already iregani te discirargo less freely. 1 Jli str-ouger aud hart s terrible appetnte. I'eV o ttleus I had given upio die. When I1lrad takeibe sP:e'ed boitie I was abla to air up and accordirrgly I was neit taken te tire leospital and tie fial operctibcu was defer-red. Now 1 lbsve taken sixr bettles sud tire ahscess irsetieyIeated. I arn well.and g v wbre yfrieurds tinmk it s amialtohv ne restMred to thein again so healthy aud even" 1 Feel Btter Than Ever i did iiin my 111 and weigh over 130 pounde the xeavlest In my MUe. 1 do a big day's work and arn gaining in streingtli every day. My mother iorr,'ed and worked herseif almost sick Iin car- ing for mie. Slue lias since taken liood's Sarsa- par;,l1a ami it has done lier rnnch good. W7,e praise 11ood's Sarsaparilla to everybody. for 1 Knzi-v It Saved P.Pày Life. 2- vlears-c-i, and a strang(-2 ':)iook at nme n. wouldnfottihuj)', I ever had a day's sick- Even the dou tors are snrprised ai the uoesof H-ood's o3rsaparilla in my case. mother andrmyself coi mrue to taire the medi- Rood'ssliPa Cures cine regnlarly and we earnestly recommliend Ilood's Sarsatparzilla." MRS. MOLLIE -WENDT, fi0R Wesit Eighteenih Sreet, Chicago, Ill!1inols Corroboratee the AbovOI C. 1. Flood & Co., Iowell, Mass.:ý IlDear Sirrs: -1 arn a drug clerk and have sold frs. Molie Wendi many bottles of Hood's Sar- saparilla and can .certfy ihai she0 -is cnred by heuse Of it." .C. i3ILL1tB' eCK, 030 QWes.t Eighieenth treet, ClilcugO. Hood's pis cure liver 1115, jaundice, bil- tOusujesasîirheadacho and consiïpatWln. ose SUMMIER e Tuchrpad thr COuacoE, Corner Yong e and G;errard Streets. 1ý Toronto. Unquestbonably Canadas Gr-eatest Comnmercial School. In session the enire yesr. Special circulars for suamer classes. Write Ir for one. SIIAW EL4l0IOTT LI '0 f~~ 0rnî 1: ~~ ds jLJ0 Mliinard's Liniment Lumberrnan's Friend, 1 eevie and fi Ailrs., r osif ti theo wi uDi, a'1 'shes of bis many frienis go or, Rot. L. Plielps1 in bis o visit bis old borne in BekbrEng,... .Mr, W. nade many fritnds bore in Leeting by the gentiemanly forw ard manner lu A Iioh ho 3charges brought Pginat ction with the bo;ard oet tra i~abiness-. Mc. F. L meblwtGovornmeut. ... Er k ý Nw Orleans, id siser, 111rs. J. L. Brooks, ....... Mr J.Gilfillanl Tce ar Ebeneze.-r an.d once ue next SUI"day .. . .G. W. oront, wil psyan cfficlal !rselDivîiion nexi ed utLumu, winter, sprin, 'os Iodpasuro 1rirg, mail Ibis v rsa and nctice in stamr, r ciony to CH1IIo o., Moteil,e ýv 0er omeCauada's inew ly paper, foi rea yeir; also' vk on "110o, b mako M)ats ad ono pakguf LIk Pow.- ng 1onesof 'best 1lack dL AýIrs JuohnWrigbt, a Son 0 gn. . .. Sonie fiarinera -dhing a ew dî,S witil ler m -. Wrigýhb.. Tefarn- e drawn hmea ot o!f Ie ram... Ars.James IBe1ll ber cmot ber, irs. JotLn nu, Who is 111 ... .Vicizors: ri, sawa%, t lher fatber's anip, Stoniyhiurat; Mr. FoBter )rono, at bersitrila', ttrims curesa iil duseas- ,li ro a coturoon Pimiple Io refis iSoresor Ucr.Si i's, Bictehes and al Bloodl iot resýiot ilsbaln powers, bod J (rievea, W Hulnter; Boc)k Div-A Doue1ma, _M Panrker, R j: Sr Liv-F Richardl, A Bonaîh. ,parker; Bock 111, Jr Dit-A l P Peaýrce, C. Pope; SrIliv- KnfkCharles I'y, Artbur Book, IN', JrDiv-Staniey Uglow, n Piukagrd, Mliels Warren; Sr Div ~ri Eiibeck, Beatrx lj1cItoBb, ChOIRA oErnUsChoIera lufen- rsipa, Colic, DiarrboS%,Dysentery, miner Cosupîsint Dr. Fowler's Ex- Wrld tîStrawberryila aprcmpt,ëbsfe ne curo tbat bas bren a popular r for oves 40 yoars. ,SOLINA. mdic Ai1rs. Wr. Werry are bobb k M .Ar. suld Air. S. J. WflHisms sta .Van Nest sud W, Jerrow reen to Shurgeou Point,. ..Mr. p, e b as been etlendiug the es Council... .Recent tîsitors: Air. Ms A. A. James, Bcwntsnville; -1 Ms Harper cf Scugog; Dr. Bray, Enfield.... .Enfield Division "d pad ir Solina broîbren a al vieil Friday nigirb. Tbey t thleir Brasa Bsnd led by Prof. h sudnl ouly plus sed tbe Divis. thre cýitzens as weil wibb their rdered seloctionE,. This baud isaa o0 the commuliity atd their lu- r. Ire program. of tbe eteuiog 'n by Eufleld Division assiated nma and was weli, reudered iudeed. T, HuLribut, W,. P. acted as obsi.- d 1 erformned bis dut les adnirFaby. ih rLIfeshnmeuls were eerved the laïtd seteral mer-e se1ir Cluss bfter tIIrF. John Van Nest, jr., breahed iffy. A rery -p'eaFact limewass ýy ail pr-raout. Long lite the En- ses baud 13 oon) causes Blctcbes,'Boils, Piwi. ,bcesseo, Ulcees, Serofula, etc. 'k Blood Bittera cures Bad Blond form a common Pimple ho the ýcrof nia Sore. Mo UNT VIfNRON. S. S. Anniverbaiy will ho hold ese :On Sunday Jupe 24 sermons wili iced ai 10.30 sud 6.30 by Ho-v. CroIhrn, B. A., cf Port Hope. by the sehool; collecticus at escir in aidct f S. S. fund. On Monday the exorcises ivili ho resumned at ýk whein xeletprogram wil ,lred, consiïstiug of recitations, es, etc., sddresses by Rovq. W. J. -rsad J. Liddy, to be iniesspersed ugcing L'Y IlleHampton choir, Ue eerv'ed fromn 4 o'clock unîilial fiod. Tickets 25 sud 15 cents. s-lun aid cf S. S, fund. Geo. Sccretary; Geo, Argue, Super- nf-.ý y Is Acknowledged To mie Best Plug Smnoking Co lu the Ma"rket< 5, 10! ýO cent Plugs. . Pilla toue sud regults5o theliter, Airs. J. Ilurlbut bas been visiting at Myrtie. . .. Miss Eva MvcTaggart, Myrtle, is visiting at Air. J. Hulbu' .... Mr. A. Smith bsd a large bisjn raisiug. One of bis btat horses died recently... .Mr. J. Foraythe bas startod a milk ront3 fromn bore te Goneva factory. BETHIESPIL4 Tire Union picni. between Sslem and Bethoada Sabbsth ochools will taki, place on Salnrday, June 223rd on Sbady Heighls lot 5 lu the roar of the 4hb cou. Drig ton :;zntrar.,_ce fsom theo hue. T'hese groundaý afford moast picturesquýe sciuery in addîtkn Il L abundaruco of shade, pr f ectly dlry su1d thoronghly covered ih grass. AnL invitation is extlnded to auy ïwho fcel dispoeýed t'o attend aud v.i.11 ho beartily wc icome. Ilof snd eold wster will be fnrnisbe0, W. E., JÀE , J Hi. j R, J R . Crcommutes.ý Report of S. S. -No. 10, Darlingion, for May. Sr, 4-Staîîley Jardine 2 Ada 11arC 22', ltosewald Jardiune 87; Jr. 4th-Frank Werry 197. eo Werry 57- Sr. 3dEibPotter ?277, Aandeý, Rundle 254; ArlburIlomur 204; S.2d Gertrude H 1alfacre 184, 8Samuel Aiar'in 58; Jr. '2nd-Erreît Runýd!e 2'25, Mary Roy 214; Pt. 11-Sidney Hoar 217, F11- aie Worry 2131, Erin% Roy L135, Aunie, Nixon. 98; Sr, Pt. 1-Elgîr Hoaýr 1N2, Geco. H,,lfacre 110); . . 1-Ai in-'de Co il216, Gýrn. i, Jardine 2.A"ver age tene dnring tbe mont b, 16.ý T YLON . Mo.Ar. Byam su wxf hav UIe vis3 tmzg at Mr. F. G. ByasaHeGr, ed exodlemît ermoans borie o aht. - MAiiss lRnby Sohea',Ylbruej's been v - titbrc oin 1e wt1k The font bil mc n or'ly i il Tyroro ar.d Long S uit teacîs imeru tmd ýin veith-_er gairins a A osl. . man aiicd Tho içqson fr.m -C,-rtwriiiht ws,.4a t cl,ý, by auii furiattd eteer ipTî rou nt tFrd y isat ai-d nairrw!y o cap d with býis life.. Anice creaam p rior hboFi c-t,rie 1 ýai the casht Enl of the town....Miss HAalnis, S8.8. No. 10, Lwa s cai;f 'Ms CaMniphol 0on Sabbeb, vil Ar. a'id Mfs. H. T. sud Aister Poecy W 1),Cb 'rg, b1ave belli 1vÈiinzg frierdý,s hbo. .Tna dey's 9sbowors riffl da~egoo.1.. Re. . arvey Srkesfareweil sro fn~n.e or- Sabbah o1 io.. Suuday andhMorday. The tbrcesermons by Ret.ý J. T., Caldweil, B. A , cf Picer- ing, were tory instructive aud the sinzting was good also. The a'tend ane sa3rLever largEr. Mouday's pioceedings woro a gret6t succee s. ' be, Rot. L. Pee'ps, pre- sidEd. The offic'al report wvas satisfant- ory. Soma sebolars who essisted on the programi were Wosley Salter, Ruffb Cour- tice, Ethel Gay, Aima Pickell, Bert Gay, Myrtie Brooks, Percy Waltcra, Violet Osborre, Viola Buadle. Air. H-.C.Hoar, Bethesda, and Rot. Mir. Caldwell made c'lever speeches. The te.% mas ore (f the bekt sud thre recoipta rjotalled $164. Wbo t-ays its bard limes i 'Ro r xpend.- ibure last yesr was about $150. APLE G B OYVI. As usual tbe anuîverssry in tbe big leant was a gratifying Eucces ,nf very st-nqo. Su-iday services wero weii teudc-d-,Ret. C. Pa!ker rave us two abi" sýermo0ns sud the choir snd acholars Euppiîed tbe mus. mcal service. Collections, tory good. Monday was bot Lut fine snd tbe people came ini crowds. Mr. Jacob Stevens,, our faitbf ni superinheudent, capably filiod the chair and moade a few appropriate re- marks prier ho calling on lloward Foley 10o del-ver tbe opouing addréEs; tben came it i i ations by Chas., Stevens, Fred Smith, kloary Fo.s3th, Winuie Axford, 1-atrice Varle r, Loily Crswford, Stephen Munday, Vernt&Ginib!etî, FrankGibbous, Eva FoleY, bMamie Mcnday, Thos. Trim. ble, Willie Munday. Trae acholars fur- nished abundancp. cf neusie. DÈ. Me. Laugblin gave an illustrated address on the 8. S. beEson "the Wine Cup" wbich was very prachîcal snd mucb sppreciated. Tire address on "Boys that make mon" by Rot. W. S. Pi itclhaid, B. A., wss very suitable and corrtaiued mucb wholesome advice ho parents sud cbildror'. Tihe te% ibat foliowel was "second to nona" as Air. T. Kirkpat rick saud wben making the ciosing speecni. Ho read the financial re- port sbowing witb balance on hrnd ro- coipta lait y car cf $109 and expondi-ure $103, leaving a balance of $5,90. The receipis Ibis y eas wt ro about $70. Bo W- .mantille citizeus came ont in goodly- numberAMr. M. Mnndsy- bringingaceeral .up l the band~ wagon. Tho comrnittee de-ire-te tbauk4the.eolof-omte su- WERRY FAMILY PIGNIC. The- annual- re- union of the Werry farnîly and Connections waa beld on Thuraday lat at the residence of Mr. J. Il. Werry, neasr Besthesda, The sppciours lawn and surrounding fields were iîbrown ",I and various ganueisuscb as basebail, football, croquet, crokinolec, etc., were lndlIged. in with zest by young and old alikze. A vacant space behin d tbe fine s3,one houso was fitteci. up as a dining paviiion witb a roo)f ol vegee iad ovtr 200 guepta sat down to mid-day and evelng)Ï feamt of CO'd meats, chýICkon pies leonpUmkin arld oilier pies, al is cf cakes kuiown 10 culinary art taud overtb'ing ciao Ibat goeB k) make up a seuperior anini veri-r yB3p rend. The weath. er was fine anidwarm and ,Ceverycno en- joyed tbemselves to the utmost M r, and MIrs. Werry vverû unreniltting in thoir endeavors te make alilfeel at borne, The archway of evergreenýs over the gate- way beaiing the glsdsoune greiniz "Wel- come" served 10 o7removo -eary* difnlidece the gucasts mighit feel am they appromaci ou Wrysroomay staibies weie soon filled witb horsos sand tho orchard durirg the aftccoo prsertedthe appaance of an Egish bo, (o fair. Ore source 'of genler- aij reýgre Ste, ab1)enicetbro)ugb physi- cal a3Ilment of Grandmi Werry of Eldad (nd Kf r. and "Mrs. W. Werry f fRose- îac ta. h of 'vhcm a-re try 8ick audunder tho;ý doc Oî's car.. Xr and Mrs. Thcos. [ Horir m fauni ere ibbseut wer dei~hed îee, IMrs S. Duen (AuntBl*e) sýLo thtough dreaig nigh gu1Irto arr .!Iyet ms chi3erful and ittly as mny a y u1g 1br23 in hber teûLs. Iir?. *Tos. Jardine a etcro the, ýMothers in s' lWas pe~tand gýve US <a CIheeî-iIIg baud shaIko and plasa- ant samile. Pre.vidence bas dealt kiodly with these de,- rocd1 ýde5sand thie dei nil ing yeaýrs 1f IbiiVrS ail ebeing rsdr ed llae~l n nrsi~ by ithe re- ýspect adknua fthiri eatriand ne±hosardfrie'ndas. 11h3 fuloatx a e o me f ;boss ùIr. ati Airs. Tho-. Werry, Air. aud Mrs. Sîtifurd Swain and sure; Mess.3 Fkitcher, A'thur, Charlie, Edidie, and suar stvun;Jxe ,ae.drose Miýzss bns Ars -o.Vice tand Ceci, Walcer anr1 i>leabrico; Air, sud Airs. Bon], W'esry sudWfs'ey, Air. and Airs. A. B. Woryysud L-,is ; Airsud Airs. Peter Werry, Air. and Airs. Henry Werry, Aiessre. Frod, Mu1t'n nsud Misses murie snd Emma Werry; Mr. Jas2 Morris; Ms Mary Elford, Miss jAd &. Weriy; Air. and Airs. Jue. Osbornie, Air. Mark aud Misa Wluule Oýbrne: AMr. and Aýirs. R. T, Philp sud Miess izzle; Air. Arthus boas; Air. sud Airs. Jeu.'- Stephens, M isses Ida and Carne Stepheus, Airsud Aira. G eo. Sttpheans aud daugbter, Miss Carde bawkin; Air. and Airs. Chma. bouey, Mir. aned Aires.Stephen Honey sud fam- ily; Airî. AcLean; Mrs, Wm. lienderscu; Misses Maggie sud Sosie sud Ar. Wosley McFoelorp; AMr. and Airs Jr.o. Foster sud Miss Ethelý2,1ïi. ad i .ro. flerbert Fosjterauci chilidrei; Ai' sd Airs.Rbt Coilacotsud lMfiass Nin: ; Mr3 John sud Air. Upton Runnaiîs; .Air, sudAirs, W. R. Colo sud family; Airs. E. L. Livinîg. atone sud family; Misses Pollie sud Sara Co'e;Air, sud Airs. Frank Squair sud family; Air. Jos. and Miss Eiy Peasui; Air, sudAirs. Jno. Rundie, Messs. Shier. wood, Norman and bloward Rundfle; Mr. Will. sud Miss Lizzie P JUad;Ar, sud Mss. Samn. Pollard, Blake sud A1ima;Air. sud Airs. Chas. Pollard; Ar. Jcs. Polard, Orono;-Aira. J. Mitchell, Dr. sud Airs, Mitchell anrd Miss Laura; Airs. Borlandz sud Miss Matol; Air, sud irs. Thoîq. Scotsud faruily; Air. and Mrs. Wesley Couch and familv; Airs. Sam'l Dunu; Airs. Mary sud Miss Borie Tamiblyn; Air, sudAirs. Ai. A. James, Misses Ettaq sud Sophie sud Aieosais. Jesse, Normn aud Gvorge James; Miss E. E. Haycraft.; Airs. Capt. Jeukins, (Par, Ecg); Mr. sud Mrr. Thos. R. boar and family; Mesars. Henry C. and Silas Hoar: Miss M. E. Usaines; Miss J Hudson; Airsud Airs. W,.. G. Rundie sud family; Air. Fred. Rundie; Rey, B. sud Airs. McCullccb; Ret. A. J. B. Strike; Airs. Geo. Pearce sncd family; Mr. sud ns Chas. Cawker; Airs. A. J. llook; Ms. Arthur sud Miss Bertie Brert; Miss Editb Cole; Mies L. Keitb; Air.sud Airs. J. C. Vanstone and Byron; Airs. John H. Cole, Messrs. John, James sud Blake Colo, Misse@ Georgius sud Odie Colo; Airs. Thonmas Jardine, Air, sud Airs. 0ilîbert H. Jar- Adine sud family;, Miss Bella Bingbam, Misses Mary sud Edua sud Masters Win. sund David Roy; Misses Sâasasd HeiirL. otta Emerson; Air. Elgin Wigbit. Kidney Faots. la Jan., 1892, my sou was taken with Kidney disease. Thongh stteuded by R' physicians, sud change cf climate ho grow worse sud by '93 bad fallon froma 195 lbs. 10 95 lbi. Iu 10 day from Ltartiug -te' use Dr. Cbase's Kidney Liter Pilla we were able 10 moto him home, In 4 morths lho gsiued 150 ls, sund was f ully restorod to healtir by the usýe cf Ib medicine. Jue. S. blastings;, 23; St. Psu! aI., Montreal. Derby PIug Smoking Tobacco liBas Attatin-ed An Enormojus And Stili Inicreasing ;SalIe W ~ERIEH5 x 1~ s 1 ý% - 'l