KNOWLEDG1E Btrilln comfort and imiprovemnent and tendis te personal enijoyment when i rightly usedl. The mariy, ýwho lire bet- ter thaii others and enjoy life more, with les8expenditure, by more promnptly zidapting the word'a best products to 1 the needu of physical being, wil attesb the value teb heath of the pure liquid laxative principle3 enmbrac.d luiiithe rcmiedy, Syrup o!fi. ,ý Ita eceleceladueo to its presentiug iii the form moacýt acpa n ad pleafk. iint te the taste, the refrEýshing and truly 1enepfcial propertieG of a perfect Iax- uti e efflectually cleansiug the systern5 î2ispeiling colds, headlachea and fever, î1nd permianeuitly curing constipat. 1 t as g iv en satisfaction Yo millions and meit with the approval of the medical profession, because it acte on the Kid- iieys, Liver and Bowels without e- eng then i iis perfectly free froin eyrup of Fig3 is for sale by al drug- gisto Iin 75C. bottIce, but it a nu- fatured by the Caifrnia Fig Syrup Ce. only, whoîse nane îi, -rintedi on every package, also thle nan. S-yrup of Figs, and being xwel iform,"i, yoi-iwil now uocept an1y substitute ifof.'d We have something new. Les îhan haif the price charged by ~Toronto Manufacturers. No trouble te show goi)ds. Cal1 a.nd se-, them., Private room for fitting. STOTT & JuRY, Druggists & Optlciana. ~Are You GoIng to MANITOBA, -,NORTij WEST or BRITISU COLUMBIA. Drop us a postal card. We wll send you ;nformtti that will be of interest 10 yQu. 'ýSýpecaI tourist excursions every Tuesday vlaiTNorth -Bay. STOTT & JURY, the Drurg*,sta. BowmANIiLLE, JuNE 20, 1894. Local and Otherwise. Ror. R. A. Burris nul preaci tise -anii lversiry sermons a. Haydou july 1. Mfr. W. Pritcharl o! Harriston h, vii- ttg hiesou, Rer, W. S. Pritchard, B. A. Mr. and Mm à . H. H1anue o! Craig. hursi ihave beeu viLÎiiug old friands lu toW. Rev. W. Jolliffe null have the pastoral -harge Df Souffh Damlugbcu circuit Oduring Rev. L. Piselpe absence, Rer. J. G. Sac derso's lecture on the Eply Land lu Triniit lchurcb,Wtedneeday e1reuiug, was atîende-d by a faim ized audience. The viens o! Péélüetine were very god sud Mr. Sauf eraýon's descrip- tCon of them was vemy il1t ellg Sud in- BELL TELFIIONE Co 1'ÂY OTIC,- Tlephoue Molallîc Tmunk lino conversa- tion eau non be held by id of the long distance Irausmitter to Buffalo, Chicago, ,iNw York clly, Detroit, Poilt buron sud cubr pins l hie tets.For particul- ars apply te H. L. SiiorpsoN, local Mnau- ger,. Treleven leada tLe trade for finefoot- Wear, 'Ven can boy a good watcis aI Maso'a for $500. Mayer's bal store le tise best place le buy hats, îles, coilam, cuffe, etc. Seo tise Kid Giores for.50a a pair at Coueh Johuelon & Cryderman's. Safety Barb wrire qi 4c per M. 2 Barb nilre Oï,4c jîý lb. ;az Dostsu & Hoar's 141 New >uitsfi or Men sud Boys just In aI Maso i', Clothing Store. SeA adrî, Great Leid cquime large Lhas-they have them i Maut 'sCiotisiug Store lu extra & hv W. a-e 1b n-î,d 1te ki ep buinese liiely sud know tiLaxie!pp ies wu siwlgoode aI nil do i. Johnu J. Mason. Paraso(l's the ie t tock, the muaI ,tylisis Go(ýdiansd t1ho best value ever shownu lutown aitCoucisJbh o Orydermlani'd. Danietl iuiz, Propjrietor aud Pubjliher o! tise bamburgz, Onit., Ineede aeysý "I nas Eufferiag, froin Dyseppea -sud Livr Troubles, I teok a few baIlles o! Sh)iloh'î Vitalizer sud il cumred me. I eau heartl' reciimmend it." Have You Tried ]Derby Plug Smokin g Tobacco, 5 10 And 20 cent Plugs. Mr. Ed. liaggith c,%me down te attend Garden .Party. tie funieral cf Mr. Moris.. Rev. C. Parker licturEs on NorthWest The Ladies Aid ç4 the MNethisit Rebellion at Haydon Juty 2--Domnnuion Curch, Bowmanvillc, w11 hol i aStraw. Day. berry Social at Dr. Tilley's,Chc S. -- 1. .. - - - - - WA ýefý evmr.nüC.itm We haveSd& Wster aud GingerlM f rom the beet maker ln Ontario. 1,cfrcahing and healthful tesjpecially in caie of icknes. Large aul Smnafl botties. GRAIND CENTRAL. Hlave you read thse West End flouse advMî Galvanized trou ove troug inlu&t. length at 7c per foot at Dustaxi & faoar's. We have receîved several new sub- seribers lately. We accept'50 cents for TuE TÂEMXte, the end of 1894. A shamp o n lu th hot weather malles yen feel dligýhtfully cool, aind fresh as a daisy. F. C. Pethick la the mante 1 at- tend te you. Clocks at haîf price aI ao's ae are sîigtly duli with smnoke but thse lime. keepiog quslity la as good as ever. AI! iarranled. Gneenwho leave their orders for Ciothing at Couch, Johnston& Cryder. ,m's can alwaye depQnd upon being perfectly ruited. The mxmmquality ! Themii muin price , 1Yeu will but waste lime by going eisewhere before yout have seeni Truleven's uew spring stock o! fdesirable and stylish f",t-wear-býoote, shoca9,slp pero, rtibbwrs. lHe la showiugeihe fineet gooda and latLent styles at lowest living Keep Miusrù'm Linimgnt in the . lieuse. Children CPry fer Vi çn r.vod uoy ,$veviJLJuzt) <1440.14OA - , c mmence at 6 o'clock. Admission 15c, We hope te tee a large crowd as a g-ood timne li expected. Ice cream extra. 1 M. Arthur MeCtellan o! Torcnto le viiing Lie grand.father, Dif, Jas. Mc- Mr. Norman Johnaton le home from Hiramu College, Ohio, vi-itiug hie par ente sud other frieuds. Frencis Wol Delaice lu Cream sund Damk grou-nde a big assomîment o! new sud elelgant designe at Couch Johuston Tho second leture bv Rr.R D.Fraeer ou hie viilte Califortu la ras flot giVen letst nxigist but will ho give lun thseFechool- room o! St. Paul% cbumch (in Friday night June 29-St. Pet 's d St. Paul's Day. Silver collection. HONOR TO ÀA CONTEamFOfVRRY.-Whit- wortisCh eSourSaeof Wasbing-I ton,has conferred the bnraydegrce of LL.D. (Jioclor o! Laws)ý on Mm, A. M. Str.wtrt, editor arý,.d proprielor o!f The * okHeiald. If pou caunot sec yeno canno)t reaid isud lu that case you b ad boîter g tra1glt to Rickard'E sud buy a pair If spý . and thien i will be ftlly equiipped te ead for yoursel! sud Sud eut whera you cau âe the bcdt with yoor mooeyseee Ricktird's adv. lu another colomun, Rer. L. PheIi prea,,ched an admlirable îemmon lu the hMe ibodial churcb Suday nigis. BePihan alwavE! favored us wilh excellent disacours-Ees when ýpmüeching h3re, isence our citïzetîs neyer fa i bo appreciate hlm higbljy. The iging îl'1y echi in the ]lea2ne base baIl match aI Ce- bourgh Tuasdap week betwieeu Bowmnau- Tille sud Coboumg. the acare wes 17 tu 5 lu fayor of Cobourg. Umnpire, George M.L Stevene4. The match betwecn Cobo.umg sud 0Oshawa waë 3 te 2 lu favor o!Coboulrg. Ou sal urday ise match here between Port Hope snd 1B wmanvilla esulted lu a score o! 10 1o0O in favor of Port bepce Mmr. Frînk Garrett uoîipirrd satiefseto)ry. Rev. L. Pbelpr, Ur e ai-isd justfy p ï, ular pad;tor cf Soeu i Darjinet,,zu, hav îug, been grant ed a îhree no lou bve o!. absen1ce 10 Enilsud, le! C Monda y nirji:ý, for -New Y"ork, via Tornto sud Niagame Fa4lîs, wb;ence he saisq atIil atm. to'day (Wcdu'sdby) on tfie tabt iSîamer "Nuew Yo-rk."o! thi., n L ri te sud exFezts le land Kt Ëut m1t'n rîoxt Wednesday. He le accomipaiied by Rer. T. Edwarda of' Thoruili, botb baving heen bootcd goiug sud returnlng by M. A. James, agent for tise besl Canadian sud American Steamsisip linos. The changes oft ministera lu this Mrethoffiet Confereuce are: Rer. R. Mc- Cullocis te Newbnmgb; Rev. A. C.Wilson tb Tyroue,Rev.Jas. latsoujunio)r paster, Tymoie, le a 'clever y(ouug n iu u is fourth year. Rv.Mr. Strike goe te Carrying Place. Rev-.,C. W. Wstch goee fromn Oshawa te Brlglton>i, and Rer. J. 9. Carke, Bighton, succeed lm aI OshaWs. Rey, W. J. Jolligue, Osh&aa, gensc, to Cobouirg, sud rv. .1, Kines of W.C)emÀb( goos to Willors. Rer.vJ. W. Bonnet mi!l'tattend college. Rev. W. Limbert goe te Lallefield. Rer. R. T. Courlice goos te Seymou. Rer. G. b. Copelaud gCes te Newca.stle, sud Rer. W. Dowu te Newtouville. Rev. R. Ml. Po'pé goe to Picton. Rev. S. T. Bartett to Cobourg. Ber former pupils o! theoIligis Sohoot bore sud tbW'y ail repectà b4;r very high* ly will learu witb unbounded pleasure'o! the uuparaileied BnCecss o!f Mise M. E. Higheý, NM. A., iu her pont.gaduate cours;e at Corueli University, Ithaca, N. Y., whee oshe bas ob.tilned tha degree o! Master of Philowophy (Ph. M.> witis the vo y biebesé honora lu Frensh sud G0<- man. \Vu leimu front a private source that Miss Fizhe's tisesawua prono'ncod by onie o!. the leamncd prof es ors one o! 3the best ever handeti in st Cor. nett. Mi.cae HiRhel also won îLe poâl- graduate acbotkarship lunlthe Romance Language, va4lue $300, lu cempetition wth a irreat numüber o! graduates o!fter uinive-rsities luntise U. S. belng we hoerav tise fi rat Ciaaian who has over won tis distinction).XisHigiset intend mIn rau- 1 ug tur Conol te sl3udiy for tise dogmae o! *Doctor o! Pit'oeopisy. Hei-nenî friende here will Wo gla 1 te hear o! ber forther rsuccees. TuE LÂDiEs.--Th e plmasant affect sud tperfeet ss!ety wth wbicb ladies May use theb Calfomnia liquid laxative, Syrup o! Fige. under al e3udiî ions, makea iý their favorite reine<ly. To get the truc aud genuine arti cle, look for the naine o! tise CaionaFig Syrup C., riiîed ucar thse bottonto! î0h3 package. Excursion to the Faits. The managers o! tihe Gre qhv conseunted as a speciat !avDr on appicatzon o! M. A. James t0 take tis ppular pleasume teemer off lhem eular route f'or one dlay to oblige the peuple o! Newcastle, Bowmianviiie, Othaw,%a sud Wlby w' Çho patronized tLe boat go ibemally Ilasi year sud carty in Juiy an excursion te Niagara Fa'a Wil lake place. Wait sud otell for date aud particulars. Dîr. Fraujl,. Lyle, Chatharu, isho. Mm. F. Brimacombe o! Toronlo ise homoe for a few(la y i. fN1. A. E. Mcaghu T::ts home foýr vacation. M. Welingtou ognSt. Thamr-as, la houîe formFa v1iil Forast ers attend service aI MetChodiat Churchi ext Qunday w, 10 ""0ao. Mise Maboneo ofGadenu slud " isriit.î ing aI Mmi. MNojrcrsf t'fi, '1MlarooGord7" Ouly $ý12 fom London, Eu.gCand, t Queeby1lianes LUne. , M A. JA, vgent. Miss 1.Nelt e saundepis l tenigthe cormmencemnent , xercîees EaI Deaiili Coil-i tege, O)shsws. TEE S-TATESM)A-N ru ha -ono dioy Ite next we to enjabie us le gelt a tprl o! TCueEday's elt ciiorns. The Ladieos Aid o! St. Patti's churcli enn<ounice s trawbermy garden. pamsy at tbe Manse Friday July 6tb, D7sciple's Cbujrcb, next Lomd's dayv. More!ing subject "The Broad Watt." Evening, "'beaveniyTeaus" Misi Ethel F aler las sending a f!eýw dkia inluWhitb-y, scuigthe tommnerce- ti,nt (tx rcisee at thu Ontar'o Ladlits CA.- lege. CroEher sud J. F. Rowiaud took pairt lu tLe greal melay bicycle3 race, aIl bealiUg tchedule lime. Full atteu<iance a!f the spr ofo the 'Mowat Gorerumeut ile requested aI 'ho Reformmcommitîe oomaibis U (Wed- ý nesdsp) eveiiig. Mr. J. Atkinson, liashinge, bougst aj splendid youuLy Clydesdaie sucre sired by "Grenite C-t)" from Mm. Jas. Stanley, Bowmauvi!e, recently. Sbe v3 a very promieing animal. Mr. James G. Bumojhain son o! ex- Mayor H. H. Box uhani, q<f Dunbamion Hall, Port Hopte, M&4 married aïtS. Simo's chumoh, Toronto, te -Mies Hln F. Cawthýa, daszbter o! Rei:ry Cawtbrat, Esq., ofiYeadou Flat,Co)1 eSt. Trne At Trinity Chute-b next 8:nnday m.omu- iug Mev, àM. PïichsFrl %fil au, "'The Chritian aI îLe P'l" Th- -Te Dem"-D> kes', Plan ueffoirî'. r ithein, "The Lord le my 8àhephem"- Erver, il ho saýng. A sece ;(,jo! soog , wll bhe held lu tbe eveniog at whilb use fioCwing, »nthema nwuil bo endered. Prise ye tise 1 ord-Lewis, O Ced Thou art my GoI- Gabriel, I wilt Extot Tiee-Ashiford,; vqsper-Lord Keep us Safe. -Thse choir nl bc assieted by Mr. Meath witb h;ie cornet. FARiuERS, ce-dl at Poey's sud mee thse me- r,orcd Chamiotpn Herse Hon or Souflter. Proouruîctd tLe besi in tise M5amket. Prlct's right. 'iOSS 0r POWVER an itral force f'Aiovi loss of flesb, or emciaîtLor. These corne front impoverished blood. Dr. Picrce's Golden 'Medical Discovemy enriehes the, blood, stops tise waste of sîreugîli 1u tissue, aud builds up healtby ,flesh. Nasly Ced liver oils add f4t buit net wholesomefes1. Thing, paie, puuy sud seofulous ciildren are madeo împ, rosy aud robust by the "Dis-ovey."They nie il, too. Ilu recojveriiugfromIl"Gripe," cor ii', econva lescnlce froint Peumostia, foe-ýrs, or other wasqti1g discases, il. speedily anid srlnio ale nsd 1buitds up ýtise whole systern. As au ppeizilgresoraivetonie, it sts, at work a0i the processes cof di- gestion asud nutrition, rusavery organl intonaua actionl, and b)ring bac ealtlisand streugtbr. If it 'dûeeni'tnt or cure, ini evey cse, you have your raconey cuire of C'atarvrb, take Dr. Sg' Catarrh e dy Use K. D. C. TORONTO UNIVERSITY COM MENCEMENT. BRILEXIANT RECORLD 0F THE BOWV'uasv hiLE Boss. -' u. T. G. IRÂOLuADs 111 TaE SECoND BR-M.R ORLANDO JOL. LIFFEi WIN5 TEE ONLY sJoÂturI [Is YEÂId..-MRt.J.bM. ELL1orr TOPS THE IEAPI utMEDICINE.- Tý-LRENMERo HONoliS TAKEN BY THE OTIERS. The exceptlonahly iigisstanding ",tba thef boys from Bowmaaville h-aveagi made at the Toronto UniversityEam- atlons proves two thlcgs couclusiveiy fimaýt, tbe alleged irreglarities in con- nectien wilh the examinations lad Jaly weroenctirely unfounided, as evury one o! thvoe boys bas more thian held his ewu ;, second, tisaI tise traîning pupils recýeive lu lbe Bwmu Ilebgh Sehool is net o! a super-ficial chaacter or miere 'rm fer exainýl.ation. fur thefonainm i have been laid broad and deep t,) eýsable theni b coxlupete 10 su1ccesfuliy witb trie best mindei in the Doinio-n 1i 11t1b remiemibercd tisa aIt tce riu~to lisat vear ithese came bos rndoe scholarsahipV amonIg tIbein.This la a r-- C'ira O! whtieh wo ailfeelexedny Irouc1. We giVebeoadeaedst- moint copied !fromi the Toronto P-' Ira AdIding 5) these honora the distti-1on1 won by 11m, Norman W. Till.e u ie x aMinations o! tle LaW Societya.reot cd, wo wecksj ago, when lie,- won tise V'olà moedal for generai pofcicncy, and (!ther succese of MsE sers. W. A. White sud ,W. J.Syer a rntMdaClea d i l asauradly ne idle boast that Weit Durh tra boys lead tise Provinice in teits o!Edca hoi piJ rovresesud attiiimenlt,. FCTY0FÂRSEfoD EÂ c-y whicb woffld cntit!e hlm Qto Go-veiuor General'smedal had Il b2,en givebn. Modern nn~einluding Frerah, Gýermian, Spanisis, Italian rad Euglish, ansf sd George Browun~slrhp valuie 4$6;0 ',sud fourthin luClassicp. iu Endi ah, French, Geman, Italiau, sud iu M t*hemsýtîca MiýssN1. 0. Eswo.SexdUa flonors lu Geriean, Irtaa, :1sud ISLih FÂCULTV 0F,' TS--FIRSýTYE. R, JO()LIFFI',-FPirkt lu Clasice it te 1\oss Schlas'iip, vadlue $120 caesi- FED G. JAVEs.-FouItb ilu Fimet C11158 Renorms uMni euai, F. W. O. WEPRy. -S econd Cl 355 H1onoýre in Maîbematics. l'-Â'ULTY 0F MEDICINE-FIEST VE,&R. J. B. EauoTT.-Firet Ciase cs nozs lu aIl suibjecte, îhereby winuing the £ratl Lehoiarsbip o! bis yeu-, vaue w$50. M.WF.TÂscSLTYN,sOîî fo ouformaer Princ-ipal, who was for yecr.s a pupil o! o (r HiphScoo sans izraTi tird year 1 aLve Joî-r ont 'Dil an sd fencee8 pïcio,d wvith Ir, z Paint th01cmocl dur- oîebl palot lu the irikat 1 co à- iein equal te 244f alLer palouta a Dsý n 'Derby Plug 1the Coolest A -ICd Most EiujoyalOe Snoke Ever Produced. bat for 500'. Le-ave acissors and other blades for S HEEP ESTRAY-Oame on lot 8 cou. k6 Dailington, about Jure 1st. 0m uer have sameby proviflg propery and raîi igerreilses A. E. CLEMEIçs. Tyrone P. 0. 25-3w (j iOOD HOUSE WANTED of about 10 roomo about October lat. with ail necessary conveniencee. Apply to Box Si Bowmanviile. 25-3w* T"AKE NOTICE that, in the matter 'Uof the lectio. 0f a repreentat ive for the Blectorai fDistrict of the West ltid ini of the County of Durham in xiursmance of f 189 of the Statutes of Ontario 55 Victoria chapt3r 3. Mr. W. T. Lonckhart lias appointed Charles Wrtuht, Eeqiixùe. or Newcastle, Barrist3r, as his agent. Dated thl4 19-h day cf Jtie, 1891. J. W. MeLAUGHLIN. 25-lw lteturning Officer. JS THE PLACE TO BUY THE And encourage home manufacture. TilE RAYMOND runs light and easydoes every class of work both plain and fancy, is thse favorite sewing machin e thse world over. It lias no superior. It is simple antd1 ýStrong in construction. Neyer gets out of order and is the mnost durable machine on the mnarket and is sold at a reaqson-, ab-le prie or0on verly easy termns by T, N. RICKARD, r Walhmiaker, Je-,lQy sud(Optician Jutnwyaujaro'planning Au important feattire will bel~ WALL PAPER.1 WIND)OW SHADES, ROOM MOULD- INOS, PICTURE FRAMES get >ut wafy 7wn î~I the,"elines at-lar-ge reductis off regular pices. WCe have tlhe lateat styles and atrnl~ &&Big 20."l A.S. TUILLI', xE, C. t1, E MBEUt07 1LGE0 1YSCA~ BoChurett- . oo at 0f Mothodist Chui',,- Bwinanville. 3 fL OUSE TO RENT - eldtee J- brick bouse on Chureh stret latLe!y occupied by Capt. Crawford. Terme mModeratu., APPly to A. YouxF or T. Br4NnUi. Bow, v ALUABLE FARM FOR SALE- ln the Township of Pickerlniz, siate 21 miles west o! Whitby Town on the Kingstonr ltada1; bee6t of soit, dlean, wellt fenced i ani watercd and in the higliest state of cultivation- good buitdinge,solid brick house,wetlF,.orchar etc. Terms very easy., The best 200 acre tsrm-î. in thc Township. .&pply quick la A. A.' Pozsr. Whitby7. 2-t -4 MFOR S ALE. - Afirst cases1 aruk township orf Eset Wbitby tE3t con, lots 15 &at 16 on the Base L'.ue, about 1i miles from Osha.ý wa station. 2 mAtes froni Whiby and 0 re main bamu 95_-36 R, plenty otfristdy r tan, alto4etheroeeof ttc best grain farm__e r on the Lake Shore. No hilis or tonies. A1_11 IC1 acres of vwood, 75 anree nla tmeniýe d fresh seeded. Terme easy. First ptowing dloue, IFor further pazilculars apply ýte A. Âqx 0shawa. 3-! I 1EOAR FOR SERVICE. -An iprc .L:floIand te e found on lot 2 concession 1, Front Road, Dartlngston. W. J B A OR SRIE.Aled Ta:m-f. wert. ~1OQ. . M~ss, ot 1,Ji. 1F Darlington, 1-m sok o! gtr cefriteapeta, etc5 tokeùbettoere, ouitser s.,m W.H. Oshomno. Ask for Miard' suzd tke 9 EL EOTION.S/i The ?eople's TUnoanîmous "Verdict! The Contest Positively Deeided. CDAWKERTAIT TÉo supply, thsepepl of' this district for a longr ternit thIeIr family grocelies, bmecauise they blyin larkige lots, -,et lare iscounts 2ýa1ci afi'ord to seil at low price3. Because they always give a heapeId up, pressed owl ov-erflowing measuireo F value for every dollar spent in. their store. Because t1heir buyinig power cornmands foir thei' cuistomers the LOWEST PIRICES for everythinig,whte people know tise values ornt.awd ti is thseraiprn for thee1(3 ai increasie of their bsns. Peoplewh deal occorne aa Beca.use they keep thse beit Teas, Coffeýes, Sgr. Fruits, Spices, etc., the mnarkets afford and1 pay tise highest price 1s for Farmers' iProduce. centts; Ibeatlig. So Cents, eaeh instrtion --biat FglEE OF CARGE, wbeis the fignerai cards are orinted at this olnet J.&CR5ON-ltl 1endail,on Joue 9,the vite o! Mr, .Abram Jiickton. of a son. BENNETT-Il Ciarke, on Jane 12th, the wife of Mr. W. B. Ben-nt, or a <aughter. MeRoRuv-1nPontypiol. onuJune 131h, the wite o! Wxn. M.Rolwrts, of a son. LlnÂ-nTyrone. Jue 16,h, th~e wl e of Mfr. Robt. Lindsay, of a daughter. DIED. 1RiTTruIRFoaD Ii Orono, on Junc 12th. 1891, Rosatinje A. Gamsby, beovd w.fe, of James Rutherford, M. D., aged 10 yearff. MpyaRis-ln Listowel. on Thursd'Ly, Jqpe Il. David T. Morris. aged 40 years. Interred at Bowmanville. Calcomine aLd prepared painsinal colors at Dustan & Roar'e, F. C. Petbj(ck is the 1o- oraliart in t. Give hilm a cati if you n iecd a i.r cut or shave. Pethick the Barber caui malle pou lookz and feel like a new man by optratiDg ou yen with scissors and razor for afe minutes. Give hlm a trial. Anyone vishing a bargain eau ge, it -by calling at Mrs. Doncaster's aud pur- chs<no one of her styïlsh tr.mmïed hatri at $.5 Mrs. Doncaster, D. Ritchie & Co., maiifacturers of Athiete Cigarettes, Our production is over three quarters of the com- sumption of Cigarettes in Canadia Wu show the fine!et tck of Carpeýtslun West Du- bain; we have an assorý nient of ail kinde froma cheap flemp up t) thie best Brumsses. Couch Johnston ý- Cryclermmi.1 Shiioh's Cure la, sold ou a geatt It cures Iiiinciiut Consumpi' 1, î the lest, h ue On]y one cent a~ do3e; 25 ts., 50 cts. aud $1.0 per bottie,1 SodIdby Sttt & Jury. Elegantly fini shed se nt for pedal. extrernities is rather a loud ,sjmnding phrase for boots and shoe s icb a3 Trel. even's, but ho keepa the highest qjuaity at the lowest prices lnu ah siïes. Abcut 100 of the smoke, dama%1ýed s uit P st le! t &t Mason'a Clothing Store. Many of these wili ho sold ab lois ari haif of the foýrmtr price--a great chance to get a kuck]ý about suit or a s-îhool suit for a boy chealp. Several meni Bowmanville have late- ly had fils aud new -wemien and chîildren are getting firs the same way. These 1 ts are got at Treleven's faahionaîbie boot and shoe s3tore. 'You klnow the pi tce; drop tui and ecthe rev î yls If you are, ,1ý.kng for bargaýins lnu Watch!cs, er, Spectacles or Silver-1 plat , bear iu mind no onie can poasibly gel ha of Rickard for qualfity o! goods or lowueas of prices; for instauce, ho sella a gý1ttsgenuine Waltham watLhwot $12.00 for $-5.00 fuilly guaranteed. It is net e.iotiam which prmptsa ii at ail times to let the wold know whiat he is do)ig: il is a desire to fumish hie quota of information te) the general fiind fronm which he draws bý%is optraion, Thterefore wîhen Treleven tAik the world thst lhe bh3s large and carefully selected Ptock of boots and shfes whîch he la soIT- 1111g, at away down prices tu suit the timos ho isiving valuable kïnts te tihe public. Pitcher's caseteria.