w FOSTER & PENDEIR TOIRONTO'S GIZEAT CA-RPETHOSE Rfuçs an4, Orintl () PON 0. <Cotd.Iedc from tho ew. mis :elmie MoClullougjl i-3s viýiting iends iii fondas. Pimples, poils and other humors of Che ood are hlable to break out in tht, warm- ather. Prevent it by t36kinig Hood'. reaparill1a> Mrs. Dwijght Brown, Ilea,-s- rd s& been iil. THiý Esý E ADVERTvSRNïNT. -M1auy Lusan.d of r.nsohicited lEttera av ached trie manufactureis of Scott' nulsiori from thoîe cured through its e, oI Consumption anid ZSorofulous dis-i ses! 1Noiie can #paak so coident]y its mierit as thoe wLo have teûted ii. SPEGIAL 1H18 WE We have somaethring special to Say to the publie thlis 'week. Wye hbaye been forftunate in securing some bargains and] we are going ýVto gIve our CIustomer the benefit. Read the following: Dress goods, new, just arrivedl, special prîce, 10 Shades, double fo]d, ail wool Serges, some stores would ask 40c. out price 25c, A few pieces beautiful wide cotton ddaines regular 1e geooda. now being sold for lOC. These wMl soon iZo at this price. Some special rin l prints, regular l2c qality for !Oc. The usual 10c. print for 8C. One lino iat 5c. a yard.