a a THE f103T S(JCCE.SSFIIL REMEDI' FOR MAN OR BEAST. - A C stanin l liS ffets anS neyer blstere. ladpraf s below: BnOEoIST L.I., YJan. 15, 120. Dr. B. . KE5DALL C. Getlemecn-I houghta îplendld bay liane sema lima ag,,owlth aSpavin. ga9tilmror$3O. 1I used Kend1aili 'SpavlnOIurae, Tlie Spavin 15 gond now R,,) 1I1have bien off ered $110 for Ue same liane. ", anir had hm aine weeks, sol got $120 rer using 2ý worth of Kendalias Spavin Cure. Tlours tru Y, W S. MMA1sne". LENDALL' PA VIN OURE DrýB.J'.WriDLI Ç'. aLLBY, Mie.n, De. i6, 1893. sir5- 3Ithave sei yanr Kendall'a ýpavln Cuiré with goed iese for Carbs on two horses snd l s tIsebet Liiment I havi aven used. Yours tnuly, Avenir ruEDsIiOLr fPrise $1 ver Bttîs, Fer Baie by al Druggliti, er addresa D.1.J. KENDAJLL COMFPA.yY ENOSBURGM FALLS, VT. ONTARIO LADIES' DOLLECE, WIIITBY,'ONT. strlcily first-cless i l i lIeappotoient3 anid edunatianai advanlages. Provision made fe r al the teachers* certificaies sud for Un- ivereiy classes through the ireehinan. sopho- miore snd part of junior yeara of Toronto Un-', ersity. Thse litcrary staff comprises the !arges number of Univ-ersity speciali8ssof sunLn is Collage ln Cnada. Tha omÉcil. fýné art,elocutian sud commercial dapariment3 ï£rej eaqoalîr well snsiained by the mat gfted, raesr.Physical culture e isnghi by a specis iïit from Boton. A new gymnastuni snd al kindsof outdaor amusements. Papii5 have thea opportrinity of haarin.g the great artiEs that visît Toronto. 32-lyr Apply fer Information te rEitNCIFAL liAILE . hi Sîp rinilg Spring!11 Millinlery sh1ow-roomus com- )ie te with maiiy pleasing styles foir the season. Stylish goods together with close prices make it the popular place to bn)Ly. Sailors, 20 cents each. Hats reshaped. Miss Shaw, Next doorto Post Office. SAUNDERS BROS. MACH11NE WORKS. laý 0 you scen the great dIsplay af ,grxcultural Irnplements at Saunders Pros' Foundry and Machine Works I if you want a Binder or Mower, Secd Dril, lly Rake, Spring-Tooth Souffler, Plow, Land Roller, Traction Engine, Thresher, Plow Pýints, La'nd Sides, or if Fou have any of the above machines wanting repairing, cail on E. J. Saunoders Bras' at the East End Foundry. Show Room open every day for inspec- 1ion. Town ctzeis are specialiy invited Saturday aiternoons., Mr Saunders will be pleised to show and explain the diffrent parts of everv miachine., Caii and examin e for yanrEelf. V)on't forget the pice-East End 'oundry and Machine Works, Bownian- SDELICATE IAURRAY & H PURE iKC SWEETPARE oe LASVINC, PUNGENT - mi."IATIONS lFRAGRANT LOSI OR FAILINU MAfNH9ODO, Beneral an Nervus Debilitfy, Weaknewss cf Body and rors or E-'xc eses in old Organs and Parts_ of J Body. Absoiuteiy un- filig 1-ome Treat- ment-Benefis i n a day. Men testify from 50 States and Foreign Countries. Write them,. )Descriptive Book, ex- tsTtmfsl planation and proofst mailed (seaied) free. _19ME MEICAL Col, Buffalo,. N.Y. MAI' S-UOWING 1-E DIRtECTIONtOP THE TUNNEL, i hadl also been propased te bridge the straîtes. Tise lateat plan bas the support oi Sir Ewr Rced, who jesa member of Parliament sud bas becu Lord ai the Trea- sury sud Eugincer. in. Chie f ai the Admirai- ty. i bas been reccivcd with favor by a large number oi memberé ai Pasliment, sud therefore esema ta bave serions cbhances ai succese, sud the mare so that je avoide the difficulties sud objections ihat were urged againsti us predecessora. The projeci consiste in simply snbmerg- ing, beiweun a point ai the French cease situaied in thé vicinity ai Cape Gris-Nez aud another an the English coasai loctid bctwcen Do-rer sud Fokestone, twa tubes that would constitute iwo absolutely separ ste tunnels, escb erving fer the passage in anc direction ai trains drswu by elects-ic locmotives. Referring te the map it wiil be accu that the configuration oi the battom lu ibis part ai the channel preseute on each idesa regu- lar declivity ihat ends lu a gentlceIope aisa mne of greater dcptb. TI'c soundinge made ai distances of s mile spart gave as succes. ive dcptbs, startingirom bthe Euglish coasai, 82, 88, 98, 95,98, 88, 98, 138, 160, 184, 174, 17,5 160, 138, 98 sud 82 féet. i wiii be sean, then, that the mean siope of cach tunnel would net much excced 0.08 iuch ta the foot. There would, ttes-clore, be fonnd excellent conditions for traction. The tube wold be ai steel piste wîth double wsils, sud the intervcuing space wauld be reiniorccd hy h beama sund fillcd in witb coucrete, The putting in place wonld ba effccted by sections oi 300 icci, ber mciically seslcd ai each end and fioated to the plsce wbere they were to bp suh- imergcd. One ai thse extremities oi the section ha-ing beeuî fixed upan a sort ai caisson that will siterward periorra the flunctionai apier, the caissen le weighted se as to cause h ta sinir. The other extremity continues to cm- 1section the junciion beingînade by huge binges. The caisson oifiluls section is sunlr, sud sa on, %Vben ail the sections arc En place, thea formation ai the joints je begun.1 COMINO TIIROUGU TEE11RTUBE, Sir Edward preira ta In ir the sectians oi the twa tubes esàiulaneoueîly un prop- env cross-bs-acîng them, lu ardcer ta fornu a sort ai rigid girdes- that, wonldi preseut mucb greater reistauce ta transverse stresses. The caissons iorming piers are deigaed ta support the tubes ai s, sl1ght distance ironi the bottanu ai the sea. This arrange- ment possesses the double advanîage ai ding away Nith auy prelîmînary dredging, sînce it will bcpossible te give the piers t;;c bighî neccssary to avaid the slighi changes r-I CROSS SECTION OF TUE'TUBES, ofiles'el ai the boitoni and ai assuriog a free circulation ai the marine cîfrents 'be- I eath as weli as above the tubes.it par. mite, beides, ai se rcgulatîng the systenu that the upward ibrusi partially balances the wight ai the trains lu each section. The streases tu which tise tube wili be sub. mtted by the fact ai aucb passage will be 1diminished by seomuch, and therciare,much better conditions ai resistance wiil be oh- taiued ilîsu iu anordioary bridge. exase SEcTIOù- O)FTUE FiEIR, T W0us ai dstinct tubas wiii revessi ail chances ai acidlent, sud wil baye the great adatage ai rcslizing the important probleini aith.e arsien ai the timae, witb- oui any axpense sud in as satisfactary a manuer as passible, In isci,1 each train will hava somcwhai the effet ai a pistan Iluat farces the vitiated air befora it sud encira in pure air bcbind it ta taire the place af tIse former. The total ceai ai the installation ai the tubes is stimated boy. ' Lr Edward ai t, 000,000, which is lias than hall the 05 aniicipated by Messrs.- Schneider sud HRer. _seat for '-hi canstructtcu aio a bridge acrs rn~eîR1 I LJORS YERY EEASIBLE. FROM FRANCE TO ENGLAND BY TUBULAR TUNNEL. A Napleonie Project te Joîn lthe TWO Coun tries by a Tube Under tues traits of ISever-Trains te be Drawn bY EleC- trie Locomotives. Another scheme te join England and France is receiving serions consideratian in those countries, It is proposed ta build a double tubular tunnel unner the Straitsai Dover. The ldacheme ai build- ing a tunnel under the bcd ai the ses. ws hich has been advecated by Sir Edward Watkins for years. neyer received the sanction ai the British Parliament, because many canservative Englishman believe snob a construction would facilitate an invasion oi their island by the vanquished ai Water- loo, to Y Our Honorable Wife" -MrAanf a/Ve'ek. and tell ber that I arn composed of clarifled cottonseed oil and re- finied beef- suet; that I amn the purest of ail cooking fats;1 that, my naine 18 that 1 arn better than lard, and more useful than butter; that I amn equal In shortening to twice the quantity of either, and makec food rnuch easier -of digestion. I arn ta be faund everywhere iin 3 anti 3 pounti pull, but arn Made only 1)y ~' The N. K. Fiba ........ ..siAa a £~. JIER PLACE IN llJ8TO1R CANADA'S GROWTR RAS BEEN SLOW, BUT STEADY AND STURDY. ATheughtfuî Opinion as te the iportaUt Posiion the iDominion Oeccpies lu athle Britlish Empire. of the large problems on the suiccsaful solution of whîch the future ai the Br itishl Empire and the sîsbility sud welfare ai ite camponent parts will depend,' there are very few indecd which are nei more or ess directly ilnustratcd by Canadlian Experi- eces; and ii le at leasi probable that the particular solutions whicb Canada seemel destiued ta find for tbemn wiil, whetbcr for good or for evil, largely affect the organlie structure oi the Empire, if only bythr conîrast with the very differentsotin wbich thcy are likeiy ta receive, asnd arc indced alreadyreceiviug, cisswbcere, sy the London Times. There is scareely any imit ta the speculatione which arcenggcs u cd taeIthe political thînker by the conitîion and e.xpcrience ai Canada. Canada is aur nearcst great colony, ani)it possesses a climate nai unlike that hc bas devcloped the sterner qualities ai ýbib Anglo-Saxon race, Its groweh bas ba slow but stcady sud sturdy, based up)on a griculture and settied industry, and ýon- paratively uuaffccted by those impulses aif speculation aud adveniure wbich havemade for a more fexverish, but pirbaos les sabe dcvelopmcnt elsewbera. As a mreinber ai the Empire Canada stands midway between,,ý.l east sud west, with a siaboard oni bath oceans, and with a coal supply sa rlcýh iaud, so iavarably situsted as ta mairc ite western 1 coast the natural base ai the dominant ea power of the Pacifie, and, on the ather band, w itb s land frontier .three ihousand miles in length towarde the great litepubîsoi( ai tbe West. TUE INFLUENCE OF CANADA. Whethcr the se unique coni ition ls, pre gnant it maý be with the fate af the whole wrd point ta tlhe absorptionaiofanada ii the United Siates, or to ber acting as thile flux provîtied in thc laboratary ai nature for the ý nitimate fusion oi the whola nl-ao race, je a question which ouly tue future and probably the far- distant future eau determine. Wiîat is certain is that the in- fluence ai Canada on the international re- lations oi Great Britain and thec TJnited1 States bas tended mare than anyîbing elsc, ta the peaceful and net uneqitabie setîle.. .ment b;y arbitration ai questions iwhich, in less favorable circumgtauces, might hav'e provcd intractable tadipiomacy. h epi hape not altogether fancif ul ta surmise thàat the beneficent resuits already acbiced- in this direction may possibly be the gc1rm IE future developmcnts aimcsi toc vasi sud tee, far-reaching for the palitical imnagin.- ation oi men now living ta ceuceive. TUE COITMEEOr THE WORLD'S iiîsTor,- iu determined quite as mach by forces in- hercut lu the nature of things as by theû act. ion ai indîviduai men or by the collective' impulses oi nations, htis eOrly by cc,-1 operation with the favoring farces of natur e that grcat men aud greai nations cau fnfiii their desiiny, To ignore these forces eor ta resust îhem ils ta perish. Ta interpre.t tbem, arigbi is the eterual rîddlc ai the political sphinx, and the fate of niatiauis whicb fluto gufes it is the abidig trgcd ai bistory. Wbat mlay be the finture ai' Candalurelation ta thie 1Unîrted Suatesion! the eue hand and ta the Briiish Emrpire on the other, no mian as yecmeausay. But neo promiptly attended to. Good Hearse, new stock Caskýets, Coffins, Robes, Gloves, Crapes, etc. EVEHRYTH 1 icOSUPPLIEDU P r ic es will be found moderato, No0w is the tirne to get chieap F'urniture-ao f the stock purcli- asecl fron Mr. Waddell is goingy at Filr1nitu re re paired 0, SCOTT, O-'rono Ft:c>eîtur- Ç-raorn ather grpat British colonties. It bas solved ohe problci mof federatio)n considerably in adoacea tbem, Il resýembles them in the dlemocratic form i Mits political institu- tinbut, v,1hareas cdemocracy in Austra- lasia seems ta hca moving efast towards so- cialismn, its t endency in Canada seems te be quite in the opposite direction. The diifference is fundamental, and ita ulterior cf feela salmostincaîçulable. Canada resembles the South African colonies in the necessity w hich confronte it of eestabliising a miu ivnibetween Europeanu races of diverse oriîýiin aud genus, but it differs agatin in bavýing no serions native problenis ta deal with. The dcstiuy of Caoada's function in the arganic structure of the Empire is fraught with problems ai the deepcst mom- ent to bumanity, Boys' Brigades. It is a good sign that many of the churehes arc arganizing boys' brigades. Under any circumstances it je a good thing tao subject boys, ta military drili. Habits I promnpt obedience, comradcship, proper pride in maniy bearing. tbe sentiment of loyalty teo ur flag and government are qualities weli worthy ta be fostered.. But Î, is a4 better tbing when these qualities are fostered under religions influence. The menli wha have combined the attrîbutes of saint and ai hiere are few, but they are the ,reatesit iew oi history and af tradition. Thers are ne legendb like those af King David and of King Arthnr. Il gees without saying that net many -cadets af the many boys' brigades naw forined or in formation wM l chieve renown, but iýt goes equally witbaut saying thatü very many oi them will be better ftted for citi- zenship by-.ireason oai their drili. The "or aonof i a military phirase, anüd it isaa magLnifizeit phrase. The boy who gives bis word of honar nat te wmoke cigarettes wifle enrolled in the brigade wilI make a heroic struggle ta keep bis word, and teastruggle is ta sirengthen the maral fiber. The lesson ai helpfulness is learned hast in military lii.Ho feeble is ana, how strong are miany, and how tbe strength oi aIl is the strength ai many wills moving ini ahedienua ta the command ai one, The lessen ai cquality before the law, concurrently witb inequality ai station, also is weli taugbt by military discipline. Colonel and private aîlie are bonnd by la'v, alike are subject ta puinishmient forits breacb, but the colonel isý clonel because he is the fittest. Military lue is said ta be aristocratie, but it le an 1r1, rcya O dmcaickn.Amnan who is flot fit ta lead seidom las permitted toa'k aiü mre an anc attempt toward lcdn.Tbe incompetent bas apoor chance isoldiering. Ail these are lessous that bys sbonld learn, aud the brigades will teacb them. fPiLES r PILES! ITOF INO- PILES. 8XMPTOMS-MOItUre;' intense itching and stinging; most ai night; wor£.e by scratching. If allowcd to continue tum. ors iorm, wbich elten bleed and nîcerate, becomning very sere, SWAYNE'S OINT- MENZT atoue the îtching and bicedinz, beals aleai nud in most cases remnoves the tîumors. At druagiste, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. .Swaync & SGn, Philadel- phia. Lyman Sons & Co., MonteaI, Wýholesa]e Agents. IF she dioes, ses that the wash is made E,-asy and Cleani by getting her SUNLIGHT SOAP. which daes away with the terrors of wash-day.' Experience wiil convince her that it PAYS ta use this soap, SPR/NG 0F 1894. HAMPTON GLOTHINC HOUSE TO THE FRONT With a large and well assorted stock of new and tasty Spring Goods ît ENGLISH, IRISII, SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, SERGES, and SPRJNG OYERCOATINGS. Pull lne of, GENTS FURNISHINGS always ina stock, COTTONADES, SIIIRTINGS, TOWELINGS, TICKINGS, PRINTS, GREY COTTONLI-S, eto, Ail WOOL, SERGE SUIT to order, ......$ 8 o0i Ail WOOL- TWEED SUIT te order ............. 8 OC. READY-MAI>E COTTONADE PANTS ....,... ...... 75 Fine Ordered Clothing a specialty. Fits a cartainty. These Goods have been purchased in the !Lbest. markets for SPOT CASH and everything, will be sold at riglit prices. In our especial iîne we have buit- up a large trade an the honest principal of ("Good Goods at Mod-erate Prices".) Cali and inspect before purchasing. SEGGS taken same as Cash. ~Part « * eCoupon. A COUiPON% APPEARS 1H ALL ISSUES 0F TH4IS PAPER. Cut out this couporn and forward, together with io cents ta the Art Depariment of this paper, and you wiIi receive ane part of ï CANADA, as per number in upper right-hand corner, by mail, post-paid, or brin- the coupon and [lenstatis office and :Address.__ * N. B. Rememnber, only one Coupon rqie for each part. Euast End Graiinv 1Dbeo't The undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Durham for the liberal patronage extendtid ta us during, the past season, also ta rernind thein that we are stili in the market andi prepared ta pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE von~ ALL KINDS 0fCOA S GAIN& SMEDS delivered at aur storehounse cor. Kngand Gorestreetqs., or ai t Portý Dariington. We have also on hand a large stock, NJEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bags Rc,k Sait b r cat and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared ta seli ar-nA-p 0A81L Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAL dways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. ML E LLA N & C Eand ME Wiibc pleased once ia Quantity, twice lu Qualty, and three times ini Price Who inspeet the 1 unequalled assortmiet of B-àoot, sâ and No Stippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., At our Store. W-BEAVIER BLOCKIEa Bomanil BIQGKEST STORE, BGG-E S T -V-ARET -Y, BIOGESI VALU E, 'DO HER OWN WASHUNCMi We cordially invite the people to inspect our summer 'Millinery. We havejuistopen.. ed ont a large assortment of new goods which we intenci to seil at, a very reasonabie rate to suit the bard tiînes. Cal and see our bats. Prices ar- anged front 25c. Up. i We bave also a large quniyof flowers, feathers, ribbons etc. Ail orders prompt ly filled and cheap for cash. Iftsdyed and reshaped. Orders taken for the Lon-. don Corset Co. MRS. DONCASTER.