ra D -a,,Ie Fod lae heunti oret.TiEEXPERIENC'E0F A GRAND' - laW wnhgoer th PcknguteP A Toronto commiercial triaveller, h a RN EPOE.PN BREAKFASýT-UP. One great advantage thait creamerY but. Re ter has over ar is in its s rirmanner F l Fon Exposure-Pronoullced In- Bathorougli knowledVeorofthe fitu v a diyuprrjt etuhed ouBri fth flolmbia sae udladth acDsbl tha± thebeancountsef.ThedwteithraphederurandPle oa'Dsbiiy Th E ind ntrition, and by arefuiapps f dgtinuof en aled h a heusmr-from that province h ave fnot been exa-gger- iaàsuirance Allowed by thse Company-4 rareful applicationor made article is put into the tubs tends to f,..'oe nth Ra t 4elh-l p hai oie our breakfast tables wtha naintain a uniformity of quality obtail1ded xetipon of the Once MoreP- delv laey bvrc ho m~ aeit Came About, EONZD tsssnyhevy zo w i.h teb he i tecurpe lef t homelesand the value dl the po-From t he fDeseronito Tribuine, ,.. ludiilus se i sickartcluse dft tat A reaerytubrepesntsbuter f 'r'hpery wicbba bene dsu ryed Hi sas 3th f w.es afrutfsa I Nfl D1' 1 0nttto ma be ra alybfujî b Ac-ýie, ubrpýnsbt,,ci:unfton nuriig e ps e Ètog enolight est every tendeoncmy ta gradie i lite ay thro Lug, andput intoi terbof atrro th mutanl u-sbetfco estin mong Lthe PeoC disas; undreds o -sb i aiessrot arelrla be beN di.oa; Crrondusvedyl) tacn diereezhiiki tasol posg h diy praled since the 'country was inbiabited a esrnt untonhs ebch wn thG*ie r in sa we ak pi n Wemaycapweremany bttheirk aay ejs ag ood or sup TerdiorVuy wiemn1h .P .wl etedru rcvr fM.Wlim Hny~,~ ~ ' Ma a cl u p y lt ot tn at vbrutk t e r l a y e b u t w eras g o r tu s a up e d h r m w a r ck u d b id e m c n in a p r w s e t& Sin e v e w M .,a 80d nl , v b ts y ro esleole hu ec c urinoii fr ony ely r u h t n arWoalmlloldllr. ri ge av a d gan ilifo mai n osibesn or e w Ai S ii PP 4 C,,Iltheptlic C eeie se ay. andllt ede have vra- to s sf h ýu bc c o es o hn ruh as a~-~ .k ~ ~ ~ ~ - x ISis, Podo. ng UDerynuite pckaemUlsetems uiorwets eahetacyn nnypacstO teshr ovhewndruicreialn bswaToU ~ 7-7 -' 5 odeof anuacurearein aiy frcesu esrono Jnion thA eprepotaier iformed, &a thbderno teepars cm wilvr ie unigfotNio o osn o.M.R vi, esainmsernfteojc ii% Vtt M qaiy, Btsupsigtatuîoriytions of the trackebave been 4wp noten i isoTa oreu fiiihv doseitinmkn ro a odade ooea ier hc s soîe veyî ssrdte repotervta ie w oruld e fin U a CIO ý3unply witàboiling water or the case onebutofermoreg tthanre ordi.nBidye interestai WE NED Y GJUNErs.7, 1894 t s ge hi that the wol tublaeki e b aprng ealoneaill ionug15ol etlbu t i iny poiinfdonmt ieonepoesibroe tor. týzFýs .pieeCeeal wil be uniform Hardly bearu vsep as beeLnd greatrhanve ver b- agrs es1Il-pide c The Wae r miIy DE.J. C. MITackage.for " ssmd t donfc bumt- frets f fthe oldeeticu e ay dgisric ten Md the FCLEE0FPYIIN trV hv trmi acytl tecn trackMinEITS MU)pRac,.O n the Se ir ougot a- wie aiu f on Ofsoad esienc. nnodelenof4 s msbanudstreuirein aiyof op~a voaeqieacsoe osc atrcei sried etith ousethe reporter nockedfS1 ~ FKE~tith at prmîthse n a sres in olpies lunthig roeosbnesRos lld orh- t heoR a nd esaion mskl admted by consolatio inithenld that theflood oasMr Wage im-self, haouitemay befreiar -___________________________________________ 13 AERISK~V OLTOTOR &o.MOPIIS crtan prncipes. arrprl way gretiens ootopgrave tht e. isiavbs tbrtyfifc yea, annwa 1)110K.optave Ktg tret Bwra Ta t th ceaerymaerobervs ee a s ipeedopraios n pacr inugfoele epoer aetio ma nd h ville ~oicfto for ho OtariBati priisis n b nufomytin bs anuder o a naye raver, ri e nd a l emntain ry baoneoun morailwa i ec intediug XVDkD Y JUaeMsiy o ned ethe 1894i re t , sprocedure sn tehpemisoe. te akiug stpreame. ely rexpect t in pyb it eatadwsMfDsrnoJnto. H ItOU, YITN, 1~ ~ be ub o b use imaeclatly dan ie iteut avng Vo reoverthneveunry"wasa good workansudhefaînerventil Bv.J C.i MICeLL ïon rn am u .Ngtcish h outis h rsetr are l8 if he ws omeinte Bayon sic andiI '-I New BEROFCk. LLere O Him§f rasistant t odwtr n hN be51pstie1bt;1uil nt. Tb1ey AN re prepa OrinVoiorotb alth, ano g iv e po cpletely. The ly ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e leerpio eehn itrcieuop nt hfiremteaides sud squarsugn it liurt en ha aehenhde rons paiatio o thwe eaTdistricotsreo hinto tiyr eenlywbtha eri b, ThQ' n c ome f P view, nsud ithecngous h ir fithe mun-h e Grnd ilnk aqilay adttedd h A, A. PO~T, ceotha ntecovler udt edyfo te an tianti ney eercould b efloon aut n idalibat medi a icud uestCaok o S]'erTre? I o refrigertor orSarket.TTisnicey iOPfIo of theenowy rmosamount of aow aed ticeluderhi tongiie ire-iftyat thed s ABIC ROIItaiT. PlnStredet, ific a. sbeththe amaul btervesthker h ak men aw eaisinpaceisfornlly od his atio aondtpe-n esayfr eto ay a th g vleE jccr for eeycth fbulig.tefns fab rh tsscomnszeeeî Dl1VETSsrienBhankt ol eleta emn P te GrieBlck hiby 43î e we ikiyn o tne jais rner o ln he ae imad amitenotns ave Granud Trunk RInsurance sudcrovidxent ,pdi. iequI.yoftnoosga jut svcrpuoulydençtehebeinvwicdao wrkd oneyar, udwb Scity ndduinwbs lies rceveatel~Q7 nî erepein the el ordAferdkingry, wre snn i nTe xtto espondcy over ete usalecunia-Dery owa nc gîvn fr5V./.JJ.L. Hhteal a s R.PORT. TEU-;, TilV.bt atr S.fai ayrlepckdawylc itereýat ntae remtecour3,loka atinndmbr-f aisto lsccernr.th b"" "'" TNf&C Genleen' OotesMdeta rdr.the tdoîte tbc maer lmas ueyeran diadgleuyatteakofhe Rondsanf h îct aopaiR On he wsy tooutrel etULL J.Lj,.L vaage.i Wbemellet nd c ream eyantsactIs g heows an in s the akofeprospects.rethat o iast conpeuitae ineacont medicl J.eIs BioI1AcOlIE pfuipakaesidplcs tasde ieMnesar he Sagin eul oorwo ceasressesischcse.Tanha eate- Vndrd DolrIt te etndfrm a.. e pý îegt a.18wih or aiterakt edr o t he butjeat. Tey earie eon t e opeoniit-seait tone up rou e itehope- h r ýtt Ft lb i tlehnewii ecie rmp m teirsa t eery reshd chuiringiug off y akng stik, ,ndeitI, urt asipssbe.Hcet urend iiia i, cUp 111 a ulIet f O anU. am ïiNtý ]arig th roaiit leahcurig ntaohpnwee tes oipeln l h ono f re th ejhect.he dsidtesr ane-,. i~ no big fexctuifr qaltqI uat e siW5t ontihvese firsisdpiet. 2 oetypi l h hl mutgatdsîisli~ 1 SO Ka uCS OFFCE -iearofIMisss, o laced upothe ipr'ecen aeruderapnteadies, woher ier othsgwe il otsusbninaeof tý,(rn rn a ttld iiiy cotndtns fo asandceptýicae tbtgfovr tenin do ny thýev waer cuIt 14v.n We0mtan dJaier as sice a tius resido n il~~~~~~~~~~ ggboam&Sns rgtiepcigointaoe.TesRsof tce Witosa MOiT ofSnoBA ,:( is h o-,l, oie h raelefoad uab to h $whle yo h ve to pa comesandwSeciaetîlessiblfor otheherllthtterspecularitie ake nL oas uion n o eeotoo sh ±~ Store (dow stais), g h ai ifthem.Tor aineeeaecr-p lesd yor hnispescticable Napanee. Aý baout thremte ragoM.soc eemebfoeb t-nt etigb t afrinferntaich 'ang.te ainp lce nnnhn u amr. M c l h sn on Kthn h elknw etun../AJJ L>e CfBc orr WhNitby eve god butterkiasr it aer, iman hendeowhave feaupedted nio n vhadbenhvý, '1 b u h i 43ou masoutinsran T nd horostRe tofm goods.a , cta s be no pfect amalamatn of quau ait ysecuatàor at ong $100 V o ci per DeserotJ inct eisl rlnerote 1fle hig etweeu sbit t he atas maie twic oryî e are Iis fer itl e euR encyo rtise wtr vruso r uns ik Pl n Getle, ,ýýhsM dat odr wteek instidpaked lu o n de rpale. Th eu on te lsani ioftis p qicky ecommedddbiroogiv3thnsa tial H CleaedDyed PrsaedandReparedby pope wayto o seta ollo tie exmpl wbe tie Rod1 ubsie.acc ,-,ugy pruundhaeuanit o tie Ifyouhaveanykthdof mallwor to epar ormak ol the creameriesthsimd smerol tiseal rwmuete ste tl fth rkp3 S laopi lý le î orden to ai emtna treialU A sa ucc lsnipc vae ain emac e Niesarwhhos agiýpole In 1o akis a efreinHosoo csesiThtise tLmeLa .j1Apackagte ro ssinglmer hulge f, e n iusL ey good effev o hehoeoful r-,cte oo gea ed icisene. 11e bing t' wd y u n g e L do D ollarsht Dyer e have nticed ry eb uttr eel'ls ae mng adoua shunan eis ete ean ppobea re Voho es theaIrns n g-hn due. up u sd abl-gfall cce niJar. o - sud hie beer wud ilnty raitis ajetedadtmhoe .sune MAYN ir-aRD THE JiE ELLERm ~c6swsrrinte Vo o a nu)one jîî uow even igbofex iac n rmy itieyp ut ¶ta aFo e o t d isWrdT prnoe d.HecotnfR)kn teepil galonot b et a ppoily. change becas e ppare Vo i ni rend m t iG Cre gsdOtno Ms sr s eplacis wene that eeits q aliyeras ns tet leswhr te o t d aeW, d(yns -lieibr-i csso-oaldsblt. t l e l n 1, o f M to k a 0 c cmi vi l o ditilo ns nt sa e i Vo c na ery a e , au R d on c e ny t yhe ca gTe s d e fW o p A p eBA Dpreseu n i -b o nsa u d at e lRolp u b i u tae t fe 0 1 t tise ,-ak izeohpcaehtts on in of oininstnatse uesionwe. pNlrgaindi ght s nc h remankediside w iesoinve.o1p SOT'S Drug tvenieuceptoltieclimitb Rshyer oant.pedonotf gchflodstobuch;erewaoney huu mrhessliclenriaai ug hoaet;te___ attention sVonahi o ir lu hees cmasogwas su ala t r p e De s uty as. N godceemaelie Vo welR nu) n e dfourgete r reansn gi ve wy n.Wags-ulnmfotr epirer isisho oý î -I t i s ,a al curd on Vo ne w i, le s tisre co on t s w it v st y d a y Ir n ti e c rc . f r ho c m n e R t k g D . l ia ' L ERo o-r oEe r r i c taingfpingtwolayenoohanetgeth paerin paroand bry if o attmpte Vo nt evn un sticiYOIiKEE ITITHE OUSE tise gord cb vdtr oa ui g wtantise te, n huc' Cmb rsa 'a]e isa ntie onin e alitmi g ioeutyfrf5 oid rIOe b u. tis rsoî l uoatelatoy i tse ronu- yseclos are mtoous, auagniste Vofpar od nwhcaiFn o is tise ail n ppl rMSofWE CtheR - tn ol tmer ostock hode wo ht. cre deai ttmet tiastswolba ofoofrtse oue itons uy nb St oîl-lucbhipsy omesti makereVo o tgn w it e cri sd he thatendane r isai. e i e nsations. Ho k le lsndi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ca ek tndisp.ckipn onhears in tis ae - , - dintffe ian tdre u ui re ýnt an aihi e meigissors atral CýfF redDye . P es ed nd epa red by rm et nI t do dai ty product the Make levevy nou helise ominibtidt.onsocured aastetof tise.' Tise eongratulatingofbin' auponrktise great change M ra uat 0fVittRoal ollga I itsmai ust asn d t ps can oflhe in , o r i hte cnuno p s a itb y wii L nav i i n o e ta commence nna r aln ti t r , S p ii, U saurl D sla g s ef A u e T %S .Peons . O i l. T suesgsf u p ac din 1t a k Vo ho ule Nieonbhy yts aydae o e.w agothe reeut.Heuacn tis itherKdeya BadrDi aesPstv yCurdb tuckae uo ntgl e univeien. vow suc orrtobnthsgeed be uisaude lsbrnov-o m n y u e u ge t d ne rg OFFI Er OPP CO T XES sailler ' bcOE._ees._AO Tis Ud of ise, TeNRo anCPotis atý'ive 1b econsi e fl uty tupulss VITALJZBD AIR.hRues fortie aruter Iaking aeol aettiivesl enyabot is eartsof iseamons tecies bcb a.o n w ] k o ae i e n e ailk de n limon la t, t is a e wrt lh a en ee, sd w it a ru b acihp u cnfn ie, a eei he M P. er ako ih YorPîm st torerjbusesoî11MnfWaonisotoî llew ' ail r S opmetier on rea wstdofnuterfas Ntie ts re onIAton InotheaWr l ro ýac,,' îaîn s - arme tu iseeiTheonhod t be atilus aler u a CUICO uder eniloiuGearntas o_,nsyaanndg ilOontbtfrs fi vu lRdoisiee av ecu e h aR een trou l itehcoi isesd-&fiue xeesaBls DezebvwocitlieofVsundofyngst n erindwhu)basboo cryi g o S et s miîk lu tico wsteryVise ea ond tRcabn aCco a eond sevied asy isiu etbis u ieinaRastriHeR dmdl gdmn h as iewrosp h odrsiu I E I G, theprt ., Ihe~~~~~~~~~~h tsulonimg huinfathlu canecagen t Wthe tieco me.inu-ai hae taovctIopinionse, foyn hveheu qduestionewae o Ce foure Mao' f IGods S T o n m eo yîb m k sls nyatn i is t o w n iedocymi csl cntai t o listcve timat ho wae rlie i a er s or.tse Obe cse i C nsntubaorto ia s. NO NA ESIJE3,WIHuUh WIITEN CO SE T. Cc.ldeiîal liasm rncpe htwehv coîm ence business for hasthimp- ereoif aIoil ebili roi eu e K n Sw st hatholtpe s e nturionursab, or bter sinl, pc ure e iia B b oio i g s iie sm oe nn i g t n . De o oî si ii rSko u V T r~ ~ ' bth e od r as as oi'im ayîi7 xposureprudoed18ypitds-,blcare îeFi '-'you oninsy etiod j hmdingitsud wisch is Roan rocnsu w5 anepo- arialparlyse, ocmotr aaxi, --noisunen cd lu; pspis o fue;bai bue, un ¶'IIE DOMINION 2.the Res iensise cre pnu per ot ut seiese ton despisi a came down to ofng od iuorsolte blond u h ayscvolt4t uVomnhsIwscrd i tannither tonelnst o ctougshot, ced n atime. nnts psiher i as ofyeaaqagorenheneyrlbai aretui Waesaoe 1~IuluI FireIîi~ ir a n t Tiseuul fu u i shy ai emsi stas te onud tgonehcndtis. lisltbyglw Vo aensus.Hesiiwcmlunfaayaegaduiapy ostyrieud&o AssocluitiotakaR s pib efore s easrme.Ts ra hswl otseBs i isetscomanage- dsud re. an ap ie etro bs pclar V ailrRAO' aneoegvigu oe. aae' m boe nto V e a the redul n rt han Inn on t-a y. is em t bey i a rase f gtm e n mT se f s l y t în i d hsb a e o o Rav1Es qo, D S dire acbagee a i emoeil. itsereleto l outptfoin r oetisher sodeved Voneen et. In r oýs lmilytneoy.-uvorwork; aor exceýOI, ises. Va N roicocele Cury, e 3ý t:e i Gla65cnte n R oColatgefr scbentgDiscenbealt on er lai, ternen mture a snce d pteut n imelbc W;oniopensPrtPtcosminae horkba ail - ItictrS pii,-hRu,. icags 100j- ors 4 ears ing.ike adep ing iie ice Vietimbe utVod slse dnu lget r wRirs t dhy nali oshe ier-" hnlcss}e inKney& ovn Mue fWSturlismOntario.ieu ame u ried ti e m atuon I Vise cross * wom.eru th sav ineyit 5s ofu npeo masledicne C-. evkvlle On,, r and ope Ias srpiseas Tes air e lytso d 1at y Owom Sonnd. osniAIR.iç Plsev sa tre. ei etto sie on aesti te ai or eve n Vie msi r ntatine or subsotbits sfartios edï"juel bytet- ehnvhysdsllfb ISTI 4gn frWet Du hns ientse emp vatu o rn g he s a t o t he Vsanhoebwows ifhie s abre n s by d - i ilasb o g t u hb ll n ari r A. w FOEY.Box148 sud70 egres . i tiis e Rue initrs io ti o aI d . ams' P luk Pilla l\0-Oua o wnSsnile Pt Rige t e fo renotiv softers twi n the the awsynIons atn dlsisoe t wbe dsoeitsto succeslnPayldpT. P. MTtoI4. A N Dp tte Rone In W reck BaporpihYoLet P . FM-serSO se teadyihiaseif elR-l sisior inamiheoiuilybignorant bc_______usaller___u areT.UP.Dmernenr - ar atNarGowrEscape Th ndrige hobs euVr>orisru oerlise f nei mmon the. aismi ouinMtis till houlivo n.limonavexus ed W0,a -a ruldwt hoi ed mnlfAu-se, ve dBon Viseas As scisool e reR n es hon so o e HAV Y U h ssiredseenl Vmo Rrin tseday stni tatnc boma secondrsetv ie tiuee.ash for a estohan e ihabt, isicism'aen £hopihSyicallysxual he an cth pof thullrn uies ncneto i Stth inco nieyapessthe yarmad mv ssîî n ievno iiason luGenea, is. au et tie Forma ln*- deln"The osum, te ol. nl 'eGle a ea surVetesth e man rmnts u wi s tadngD.ýiîasPnk iadas kepi , -Jlunsal hve it s obtor," edpgii y ou h.en udy & ise be fnhe-,tu 3'. CbnrDy od Soefr ube fs - n k m it et e Voper atureof b testentse cf spacrta)I of l isatue t hat lm- E.Cie sdMe zieLnoiwreV ybna.IlandtieTsAai e.Sl hbý rat menced busisimnefsfanrVo hav boom teide,;Ail arrange ents Z * auen r oiad sppedm y iel iy . h tand od k tise Nuelya dp yij 55 sü, igS.wet hrhei rprz orhur0 e, r eerstiFab r crei Chunu more thna hoisas amddmtre cirist. an .&fs r nwn t nulubfr tltss esissNO nnd tsUre d. TH lifneîethIn NSN. G tenaz et'n as ut naltelt i snisla mi ril hea i ofmis htbv isuldg Tise of r nd itisenChris to-dgayndvethy e nmae Viepocsrmitegute.scnecfosupon IhveotVss ay ct>w n tlwe pie.FrtoeW o se thot3.ints to-ie iuo Rifru fo isu l wsecntr r baiarie; ise weding upr.Willia rs ik s ICOCEtisodSINSA DSY HLS tr re utisawl arrafi le o ngVi s yte btVutas lmiaUls as vesgo tinega theyh ta te bu is e b eauego o utesnivn. e ga - 5550VIS. COLLIN . W .Cbond fSgn-uSpas ." _____ATS. TEEATM5ýiT largo as tiseatthkerueis pami3rmoveGtiseind sher pulity exorcisesas poer tsuh e n isti onassn ti îtebisabutaho Rfecî le odA E !4r o iciHv ymbthope r yne epltn e slowly1 Vo uck niktesthesranues. t rantepitnars wsls ciesdlteaue crensighobicagR is id.lw ebdamnwi 11= 9.Ao5Ol. a t it iad one fo oisorst iiidf butterilk Vmnongi s sive mn rien u) re vi s l e uflsd but l omer wse ie Ts sebe etee riio tss "nngHspu io om iesd aeyuaytaus u moveail tis utr.got rin torhbas moretissnselee v ii asks e lu caloi or , n ise adtll1. he ecie oe ft e by"adle a "Ba T. hke captmgarl4 Wrk is btte hgbty t ncesu csentifrthis osThe imonyempe mo s nidegroas crie bi intln te u)ods, g6Vays iii et osrro 160,0 C1ued.eN Rv sk it lieabout t o of a 5 a tem Pvaend for ete m an tise cdtonotsel w oarkiug. mmpa ii iy1, tise blodbigmeV otor atchreaCagexesoaleiooaFee-'Ts ole Mutr (lme. nea re In "D/ay 8 bot 0 egee o lse sd tin gîv ee anfopifugsctfnmkug o-frsbsbak rael n> rsesufmn. ndcloseppota ou ace ts. e , -,vold sol-Pay illnecý j 'Y i- VATE. an NovlmedicnexinoonsentnamCdnce.npD.oiNoal nameaspaon; boxes orvarioera;vel2m Kidey lis glue le ted kfd ey t ý, 1isb rii e s forme. for criug In tise poof sdhVisentedy n oDes v ryng;w onfarsde t in uiet .I het a d c s T e t prmp rlif" trubesreu/ 5 Minau Vsesticess lenlnes iswi c i t c rci e u a k tise lesing Sity-F i iles an Hour be l ee- mette , ____ _q "75 pr cet in ad Bood, everystopsud sali ud ar, daiy, h tis par. Ieis eay Voscoif lisioos't ned treity ofdîeaa s ysepi'2L.e u Eilsin tcns an e. ncbaiss ymia sd nis ucsco tie glh disrdredAI- hamuatdan jWorh noing aU t eegion eistoncios.cTie Bob"ttaiiy i letielro otacin nril R. ENDY &KEGA,0ERITIMCH firt aselnygC mlaierad ftorcen VsmkeartkeabutVie ibl i ntersfti 1 oermentlu tssoise eap. lraioNwMto raiet Týný À 1i ney. eruscfai, vap-Hse ouam brke cin lgosoîsbae lwyshenplietil. But way waemaReIrecently etMantes (Seine-e .~~. . . - i- -ans-toc - question gth. e ns .V!otise pWeter ofFrane Riiwv. ________and_________________ a___________________________i "Mightoswell ioghts Dîseas platessainevu Wu)uthelikemondeR?"olot my scoffer aoihimeoil tis trf/ ho haue a i Liabetes anda HÎous"K"eeper-"ýinde Ihave,. )c you 1wias55)ity would lie today if tis e cisnli - han/HtAy city Drpsy." us c lao vestaken ont ofl is sud be wil aea -Ts lc i oooiiveuted hb M w/ihit awr Th e a b ou e "Na, mus. ifI you'li baud me ea broken empbatic asnsw2r en ohie doubis as )tisotser elimnu rewaspecieItnain fotetLz ieas good diseases cannot plate, wi ,11apiece of ipe on t, 1,11 show !C ho sIsougo 'Vo,)ciurcis sud belp sustaî are T rinusin L'avis to Mentes, adieitsnce ttealh when the ex/s t whf ere ye o hu)wImanage." ils miitrations i itise worb.il is 15doing. of tfiuty.tbhrce slspr05uthi-ouney hldneya are Dodd's Kde Wîi'wot n)ig er.d_________ uffyivocaie m dnmmti lMA IPEUI& BITI AC cdthy re ils re t' florh ,-novin, n fit-tvemin'tes. Tise train sscasâCRE dluyjse, he ae ila re1sd , "henl y ehs, musr. All youjbave VdoposeR of five A coaheRYnd-T I M Eir, S- b ml daer r enbmalorret lejus V)take 't ie lin yur baud V hs s Hpyt a sv lyani tise brakia, aias ettprinsohie Dr.LA.Srniîlm& Cia roronto, Write-natter suottise vide ea5 ismmtai liebtweeu i ws e ioa speeî of sixy.fivo milesan bour w cD& L.E T QLs~TZ I cIrcc~uCon. ercxon ix for $>s. bisani Visonn ils dom't metter about paVmii"pwr.attaiettLd Chlren r5, n Ich rsCastoria..