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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1894, p. 5

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______________________________ I I KNOWVLEDG1E Brings confort and inliprovement 5ana tends to personal enjoymyent vwhen, rightly used. The mnany, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, 'with les& expendliture, by more promptly aýdapting the word's best products tu tisaý needas of physical beinig. wil attebu the valuo to healtis of the pure liquid la-xative principles embracd ini the rý-m1edyVyu of Fige. a> Its excellence is dute to its preeniting in1 the fo-li mot acceptabe and pleao.. ârnt'to the taste, the refreehing and truly ben-ieficial properties of a perfect la%- etive ; effectually cleaning the syetm diepelling colda, headachea and feveir, und pernanently curing cntpt~ Iii bas given satisfaction bsu millions and mint with the approval of thte medical profession, because it acta -6-0 the Ki(!- noeya, Liver and Bowels without weak- enïing them and it in perfectly free froma *very objectionable substance. îýyrup of Figa is for aie by ail drug.. gistaý in 75c. botties, but it in manu- fatured by tise California Fig Syrup C. only, 'whose naerle printed an every pacag,'asothe name, Syrup of Fige, ;,nid beinig welfl inforw cd, you wîii not Want -A- \Ve have somtethinlÏ new, Leua thian haif the prica charged by Toronto Manu f"aturers. No trouble to show goods. Calil and see thcm. Private rcoom for fitting. STOTT & JURY, »Arb You Going to ~$NOTHAWEST or BRITISHI COLIJIYBIÂ. Drap us a postal card. We will send you inlformavtion that will be of interest tu yau. Sîpecial tourist excursions every Tuesday viaU North Bay, STOTT & JURLY, the Druggias. BOWMÂN VILLE, JULY 4, 1891. Local and Otherwise. Mr. R. Spencer of Oshawa spent Sun. day in tawn. Robt, Kennedy, Bethany, was kifled by a gui s mot June 27 in his garden. Mima Effa Woodai of Toronto la visïing Mre. H. Basiserville and other relatives t,,tom. Mrs. Wm. Brittai and Mr. W. Y. Brittain of Toronto spent Sunday with relatives here. Mesura. A. W. MoDougall, J. Dunn, A. J. Saundera and W. Jamýes were home from Torunto over Dominion Day. Mimsansd Mies Ethel Brodie, daughters ofdte late General Man'iger of tise Stand- ard -6,nk, Toronto, are uests nt Mr. J. B.Farirr. Messrs. Maynard & Le.,rmouth bave put 'up a fancy job of parrting on the front of -Giover'a Livery &table, including a pretty landacape view. Travel to Europe f romn America this year la very great. The teamer "Parias" t the Amerlca-i Lino for wiih M. A. J amen ia the agent bore, sailed f rom New York last week with 386 First Cabin, 214 Seco)nd Cabin ad 50 '1Steerage )épgsen- gers, 1106 ail told. Treleven leada the trade for finefoot- Wear. You can buy a gond watash at Mason's Mayer's bat store iE the best place tu bu>ý,y hato, ties, collaro, cufs, etc. See iie Kid CGlovea for 500, a pair ai -ouoh J obnwton& Cry derman'a. The apriug ehiceinsnd a wouen are Mr. Gce. Shawv, Toironto,, ianlutoWtvi Methcdisat Choir Outing. on a par. Neither tell theiý!,r g Monday. Mr. Buruisidec Robinnon of theý Canada 'Mra. W. B. Cuch sund faiiîiiy aperit Sis peaipie know hlow. to showtei P"re.sbyteiian, Toronto, gave oe a -auiaset Dominion Day at Port 11ope. appreCiation cf the ervîices of a good week. r.F.CjPthcqbjîe-i O h i sd Mr. Richard bo~rne, of the Erastus Wimnulias been seuitenced to I Monitrcal lhaving - lxua osvisit.MelditCriBwavileeu fie sassu sxmobsl te eetn. Mr . . cowu ftiiaofie1u cf these. Every summner thse chloir of tiary. ' " this churcis receivesan niaint Mr. J. Il. Alexandecr spent Doinin lapieud an afteruo(on and eveuing at has Port Hope purchate! 1,000 copies of Day wth Port flops, frieuds. palatial reidencoc on tise towu lins be- the. Port Hope edition Illustratld (lobe Hlie fairly large udene As delighted twer larise and Darlington On iss1 for $25. with Rev. _R. 1; Fïasels second lecture cdsY 1iet the choir su ih~and a ad Mrs. R. Brignali aud rson Mark of Ki u bis trip ta the Pacifie cCoasît.wvefisem rtatenubrf amemregstac 4r .P.Gad vn The Wiffilg Workers of St. Jhn o 0r more, diove out te Mr. Osb.orue's Deotinion DaY. hrhko el o amng ansd jaoeus'y partook of hiý bounteous Mr. Mark B. Duimuage, cf Desoenno, den Party theirs asat Friday eveuoing was ho-itftaity. Uimriteà preparationa hadl bas been guoat at Mr. M%. Crydermaug'p, an immense sucýýcesa. Rcît oe 3.beesumadeý for their aprivai sud they were Beech .Aventue. M.Jh elyrastDmn;inDay. grae oual ecsndsdmade ta feel Rev. R. M. Phalen, B. ,of Black- mitis Rev. S. T. Bartlett, Cobeurg, Misa erv muah at ome. Tise i.aieoo lies.' stock Will preaeh imorning suod eveuing in Eti.el Bartiett -who hibas ben vioitirmg heres dol e ncl uaiol otse st. Paul's churcis usît Sundsy. for sman time neturued home with h~ mec ~eticbs almawihts L dies subecred w,%îth great enthusiaem- St. Pani'a Sunday School picnicked at The garo pry etD. Tilsey's We.Smeewokoasid they madie mpre Wintergrcen Point on Monday sund iad a uerday eveniug was in spite of thse coiiut- oe hnîeOuevtvao h ih very enjjoyable outing. Thoeo as a or polîticai demoustration a gr'ifvirtg of thoir bigdmntrtobut that is large aýttondance. succese, over $30 being- addel ta the fonds pttirig ll mildly. Croquet, crohînabe One of tise fluet bx, s of s-trawberries of the Ladies Aid. suld queue oun thel spacions lamu folitQmod, 6eer douated to Til STATrSMAYý staff was Dr. Powler's Exitrset of WViid Straw.- sud t about 'avu o'cieck a haIt mes hsnided lu on Friday by rs. Marvin berry cures Diaisoeeý,,,Dy8eenter-y, Cra.mpemde r ahe.afrs11Lt he h Bulk. Tbey mers large, lbncieus sud Colle, ChoioeaMorbues,ChirItfmituim brgo ~paysat down lun tire shade ati aney.sd ahll oosenes of thic bowele, Noe tables ladei wihj tisia fi',est of ediblee. The Ladies of tise W. C. T. V. miii tra.'vel witisout it. Pries 35e.Lc«asstabrneulmte uquanit. give an sutertairimeut con Fridizy, July Spr.cIAL ANUCMN.-Owing ,,te ity and awjrim inl creaxu, Eweet h meif l3tb, at the resideisuce cf Mrs. R.* Frêee.tise absence of so mauly upon hioliiayem and1 made bread, lemion pies sud s large sud land, Beech Avenue, lu oueci î m thtie dulunesa cf trade during the bo(-t templt;iig variety of layer cakes ticied tise Flower Misomrk. Au attractiv e sommer montise, tiho publishera cf the tise pàaates of tho baud cf zingerm, sud programme wiil be rsndered.Siler ci- 1Art Portfolii-o of Canada (whicis bas been epqaor cfoart feit sud stomacis f clt ection in aid cf tise work. Ice creans aunonnced for toe meeka baick lu tisepase rose ootnuaily ta, their lips. extra. Ail are Yiel Comne. columne.) bave dcd upo)n euspendiïig M Osborne muit hiave feit gratifled by Tise pileasure cf pienîchers mas abrupt. publication uii; SepteMber iStis noxt. the way ber cý)olkey disatppeared, sud se tly marred by thse torrents of ram tiat Parts oue te seigisi are now ready sud csnnee e nhrpro fts xelme came pooring domu ln île, eveufug (cf hohad upen apl)icatlon t:b iisofc, cf tise prcduct cf 'ber meil Icuoimu iay jDoinion Day. Tise liigituing mastiorce Numlber ulue miii appesr Septemrber isth sac"amPhemeta. At 1asL ail we r astis. aild the airsomed te ho abundanî sdspatsrsme t rarru til fle suderof thley-iug gretilde) su jcbarged with e1ectricity. Tise tain mas soties je comrpleted. Canadâa ea prfect termidro ieeeigutluai Jmucis needed te restn schdvli gem suid Emould bave a place in eve-ry eleVE11 o'ciock wmsvent l in door g)mes, jtien, tise previaus tmo daye haviuL beoon1 Canedlan bouseeheld. p)ianoý musie sud inging. Mr. aud Mrs. scotcher3. Tise Delineator for August is calets Ohreaemdbhstadhtesu atS.p's qnc Summirer Holiday Ntimber,"aud lu every tie ir snesudduhe ddocstad Garden Party aiS.Po amt ie plasure (cf tise occasion. We is3-,De1 Libenty 8treet, Bemmauville, Fniday respect la a wvorthy represontativo Cf tuîs tbey myln e&prdl»elts sl evening July 6.h, frein 5 ta 10 o'clock, popolar nmagazvine. Summeryfahios sd applongsa tetisus edncoaea a det-ýl unden auspices cf Ladies' Aid. Bommnan. arepleasia tise eye sud wil be fouud serv inq institution, sud iYe truýst iheir ville'a splendid orchestra wibl ho present. very eaisfiaceery by thosiso bave de- blese(d example mýiii be fooedb Gamnes sud various amusemrents mi ho be ayed tise complticu of tiseir warm tn. s-Cm providedl. Tes, incudiug strawberriee meatîIer wmadrobe'. Tise papens n sud cre3km, 25 cents.. Chîldien lI cenits. Kiittini, Nettinig, Tattirg. Crocisting, Public cordially irsvited. u i Fsucy-Woi!k geneially, have shlot)~ Z.a/oe il Rev. D.S. Houck cf Enlekiýlln preacs- sp';calintereft'smou)jth. A LN1deuis merf ed lu Port HoDe SundJay wot: k sudt i i hNight'e Dre li sud aMuulIpos wisat tise Dally Guiide said alxut hlm. mem t Club cifer suiggestionis for Sommenir "In thse absence cf tise Rev. W. J. Crois. l-orteiing. Til- ehcrpiospricesof ese, Who mas preaclisue anuiversry etr- Tise Delmuceator is $ n.10 epsr simjl(ifbol mons at Enis'i lei), tise Rev. D. Seatt copies, 15c Aýddr,s4 c iera Te îussvo H.'uck, oft tiat pl tce cccupýed tise pulpit Delinaeat 'r It'b]Iishing Co '!d,3 Lh if ttise Meth'dàisr Chu;e'm and delivered moud Stite Weet, Torcotro, Ou'. imaf moat excellent sermons. The t lez)t-, The Amceric.n Line fai miamer Nefwor ed yeuug minister wil fill, in the riear Yorle ou wbiei Rev. L. Piselps oif Cour-t-1 rwe fumture, Emorn f tise béeat pulpts lu tise ce maR s paseeîpr c( ilided mutiste De- yu se i conue ion." 1«no bouud f rcm Rotterdam toi Batltimoreadwe O 0!t trnes it p3ya b-item toi bsy s nom ou Jue 21, k,:ock-ng saisole '20 feetadwe o article tissut) sperd iss'f a% much as tise square lu tise latt-r'a hold. A S ih. -féeci it. Like the nom ans cots to repsir su old one. This hampton desp.rti Juoue 27 Rays: The "blunderbuss" of may apply to foot-mear. Thsis meek Mr. NmXr iov nyslgis dmgeo John Ho lyar anueuances a sale at redue. ber port aide nder tise lbridge sund abeve a formier dlecade'ý it ed prices cif ail sommer foet mean sund 1bIs materl"'.- Fifty f (tof bon rmain sbigr and clumsy. wisen ho says reduction ho tuses seic devivraibsud fewsiaffeoctmore.arIn reèuction. Nohumburiý about hlm. -Yoi ed away. Ber fret boat magsasmised btntefetv.I e au depeud oauhtisi fyou ani ta get sud tise paint omas scnaped from bler hm hs enuy f n ai firs pair cf shoes cbeap iry Hellyar. 'ote ise ater lino. 11er pa3isrs er illr l'tinn -ntyou have Hoe bas a very fine diepliay cf heot a sud ail ou docjk Wheu tlis e iacu arrivcd, 'ig, sisees. Read hi ew om avt. eagen ta sisare ini the gbory of haviugp ass Jr.Pirc'sPleasant Ples CA-ziA's GitEÂT FAitnsrs19.Te ed thirongh tise acense cf greai penil. but which cure ail liver troubles in Tornto Iudu'ýtriai Exhibition lias nom judglug frcm tise appeý-,asce cf tise aiip th. Most elffective, wav. hecomeonueet ftise ereat esonutsScf tise fenl olso year in Canadien iistory aus3 is ioaked furom il thet isema luaundage They're not easily seen for forward te, by tise people oetsali paria cf Harnmoeke sud Croquet Sets lu great they're small àis grains of tise Dominion. We have Y eeeived s eopy vsniety ai Duatan & Hoar'stadsed u teefeti aftie Pnize List for iisayear's Fair, Only $12 from London, EnRland, ta utr eebtte feti miicis is tei be held fnem- tise rd ta lise Quebea by Hausa Lins. 1%1. A.JMIs lasting and the cure compilete. l4iis of Septemben -nex. 'Tise amonor tU agent.1 For Indigestion, Constipation, pizes offred ids as arge as ever sud tiserei Spooaers Phenyle killa tise. Hlotu ly Blou ttcs Sc adB is every prospect of tibis year's show ex- on Cattie, Tiekso ou Sheep, Fieoseon Dege, ocling al cubera, as ibere is no other Lice on Poultry. Sure deatis ta ail in3eci îlous Headache, nothing lias gresst fair te >confliit mithi , sud tise Di- lite. For sale by Duetan & Hloan. been found to equal these pis nectars have voied a. large susount ferofD.iecsin ntn. I navhtessu eecaifotueamiics tO FAitSMiEits, eau aiPency's and meetie ne- ey5 bouud ta attracitishe people. Tise grcounda isowued Champion ..Horse ao or Souffler. gîve sucli complete relief that, are allio being vastly improved ibis year. Auy eue deairing s copy efthtie Pnize Liai Pronnced tise beat lu tise Mr their makers. promise that cari obtain eue by droipping a post card Prices rigisi. they'1l give you satisfaction or ta Mn. H. J. Hui, tise Manager, Toonto. your money-will be returned.' WBEN TRvLING. -Wh etier' On F. C. Pethickinistise barse toinmoial art i mle , cepet asiest 1pisats beut, ou business, takze ou every isi. Give iim a cal l f > need a hait.Vo ae Once a dose.2, eS trip a bottle et Sprup cf Fige, ase it acta eut or shave. mont pleasantly and effectually on tise No lady ahonld boy a Dresa before èpe. a -v aL, A vest-pockct remed.y. kidneys, iver su' d bomeais, preveiting 'ing tise loveîy stock cf nom Dre.a Gooda _________________ foyer, iseadec'se and atiser ferme cf slck- ai Concis, Johuaton & Cnydermen's.,slhaCr seod'nagaat. usa. Fr alelu 5e boile b ah bed- Pethi tise Barber cau make yen baie '1Ï cures Incipient Consomption. lu le ing drugg[sts. Mannfactured by tis ansd feal like a uew man hy caperatiug 0en tie beat Ceugis Cure. Ouly oue cent s Calitornia Fig SynupilCe. ouiy. yen u st sciesars sud razor for a to os;25ca. i. 'u 1,.00 per hottus. minutes. ive hlm a trial. So14 by Stoti & Jury. f rom the beat maker in Ontario. Refreainlg and healtisful speclaliy ti came of iekuoma. Large aul Smsfil bottles. GRAND CENTRAL. Bowmanville. Have you read the West EndTiéuse ad v'tl They'ra after ime-at M. Mayer'% a feit bat for 50O-. Granite preserving ketties iu ah %iz-e t Duatan s& HElar'a. Freucis Wooi Délainesein Creamriand Dark grounds a big assortimert of new and elegant deàigna at Couch e-Johuaton & Cryderman'm' A ahampo in thia hot weather mnakes you f sel delightfuily cool, and fresh as a daisy. F. C. Pethick he the man to at- tend te you., Clooka at half pries at Maaan's. Casese ai e mlightly duil with amoske but the time- kpngquality je as goed &se ever. Ail (Gentlemen misa bave thir ordera for Clothing at Couch, Johnton & Cryder. ma'ae au alwsys depend upon 'en perfectly suited. If younniot Mee yau cannot read anda lu that case you had I*eter go ,stralght to Rickard'm and boy a pair of opex and thon von wiil be, fully eqnlippedi to read for yourself and find out wisere you eau Io the beFt with your mauey;mEe Ricklarc's adv.ý in ano,-thor columnn. The raimmquaity! The mini mum prices -You wiii but waiSt8 time by goirig eswiesbcforo jon have seen Trelevlen'a uew epring Stock of deaIrable and il! eh foot-wa-hoehoes, slip perLx, rubbera. Fb is showing tise fine zt goodEa and lateet tyles at iowest livinlg K. D. C. Pili set ln canjune;ioru with -K. D. C.-misero salaxitive le irequlred Children Or>' for Auyoue misbiug a bargain eau get it by calliug sb Mn. Doncaster 0 sud pur. cbseiug crie of ber atyllis trimmod bats at $1,25. Mna. Doncaster. D. Ritchie & Co., manufacturers of' Athiete Cig-arettes, Our producýtion le over tbree quarters of tecm sumption, of Cigarettes in- Canada We show tise, finesi stock of Carpete lu West Du harn; me have an assorneunt of ail kinde from saeiseap Ilsmnp np ta tise best Busl. Coucis Jehustan & Cryderam. Abut 100 cf tiese meko damaed suite mtli loftint Msse'n's Cotiing Store. Many et tisses il ho sold ai bs tian half pf tise formefr prie-s greât chance te get a kuocie about suit or a seisool suit for a boy ciseap. Several men in Bommauville bave iatle. ly had its sud nom momeri sud cil~drsri are gettlng fils tise same way. Tisese flua are gai ai Tnleven's fasisionabie booýt sud shoe stare.. Yen kuow tise plies; drap lu anmd see tise uemstyles. Ifyen are looklug forbagl u Watches, Jemlry, "Spectacles or Silver- plate, bean in mind neo ne eari posibly gsi ahead of Riekard for qusliiy et geiods on lomueasacf pricoes; for instance hos slle a gents genusue Watbam match morts 812.00 fer 85.00) f uLly goarsnIteed. It la nat cegotism i icis prompts ý mari at alI urnes to b2i tise mold knovs miai jho i,, doiug: it la a depine to furuisis hie quota of information ta tise genorai fuud from mishicisho dn-asshb&inspiration. Tisenefare ývhen Trebeven tellse i old tlisa ie has s arge sud caret uily selecteýd stock, cf boots suad sioes mhsîchshe le e1l, in, ai %ay dowu pices ta suit tise urnes ho is gi-ýViug valoatbIe'isints ta tise ptublfe. Derby Phi- the Coolest Auid Most Enjoyvable Smroke Ever Produiced.' MinarIýd's Liniiment Cures Burns, etc. PItcher'és astorla. BRAY-At 288 Gerrard St., Torontt,Domninion Day, july 2, te Dr. sud Mre. James Bray, a daugister. Ailcmu3OLD -lu Bdwrnanville, Juir 1, thse mife of Mr. James Archibo!d, of s daughter. MARRIED. GLEAsO-CItDRMAN-At Port Towneend, Washington. u.S., in tise Preebyterian chureis, June 13. hi' 1ev. Robt. Boyd, Dr. Erus,,t E. Gleascu, or iat eity, and Miss Alma R ,Iourî,h dagseof MI. Crydermaso,Esq., Bowmsonville. DIED. MLLSON-lu Oroeo,.Joue 23, J.hn Mi isor. agen 46 yoeara, R1UTHEBF0RDn-In Clarke, Jue .i3, Mrs. E. Rutherford, aged 83 yesrs. KEAT-In Clarke, Jue 26, Ethel, dsughter ct Charles and Ida Keat, aged 4 menthse. GAGE-Su Oshawa, Jue 27, Rebecca Avory, beioved mîfe or Chas. M. Gage, aiged 23 yeare, 9 menthe-. Iuterred lu Bammau ville. BOWMANý'V1LLE MARKETS. Corrected b>NJeRffurtry, avermr Tucaday FaOUF, 1V 100 itsi. $ 1 50 te $2 00 WHEÂT, Fail, tý buh .... O 00 0 62 Ruuiani, '..,.. OI190 nCO60 '~Gose, .... 0 00 0 5 5 Colorado, _... O)0 0 -57 WheFife,.... 000 025 BÂRLEY, Il bus.h, No. 1.-. O 00 n0 40 n 2_.OOOW 30l n Tlvo rumd 0 00 n 33 OAT'S, mits....... 0 0 Ou40 n mxed.......0 00,,03 RYE, 00 n 0 40 Buckwmieat e ush. .O00 n0O45ï- pEAS, Biaekeye, il huàis, O0 0 n o 62 M Mummny t0.. 0 0 O 2 n Srna' , '.0 00,,105 51 nBlue, .0 00 n06e0 UTR.beat table, P lb. 0 0nil 14 Eoc ,~dz...........-0 00 n6O(19 P r-TES 'b U, 1is... . . 0O() (O 401 r y 9 WE<ST OURHAM ELEOTIONS!f The People's Un aninaous 'Verdi ct The Contest Positively Decided. OAWKER & TAIT ELEOTED. iTo supply tCe people 4)f this district for a long. termr wit1h their farnily groceries., because- they buly in large lots, -et large discounts andci au afford fro seil at low prices. Because they always. giîve a heaped uip, pressed1 dowo> overfiowing measure of value' Vrý every dollar spent in their store. Because their buying power comlmauds for their customers the LOWEST P11ICES~ for everything, whlether people know the values or not. anà thÙ3is i the rnaitispring for the ever-rapid. increase ofr their business. deal onicey corne again. People wha Because they keep the best Teas, ColTees, Sugars, Fruits, Spices, etc., the markets. af1ord and pay the highest prices for Farmers' Produce. GAWK'ER & TAluIT, Coneral Gr,--zer ansd Provision Dealers, Bowmanvifle., À large -stock ù'ot sraw bhaïsr netreceived at M.L Mayeýr'S asud very cheap. Leave scisarg and other blades for sharpening at Chatt ràn'â Barbser hop.-lS Ladies, if you have. nat aiready,. don't fail to try m y choice f amily tesa., W. U. Osbo rne. Great heada require large bats-they have them at iMason's Clothing- Store in extra quality. There is no sense in going bareheaded when you can get a gooi atyiiah bat for1 50oc. f rom M. Mayer. A lot of new ready made suite for boys snd youthia just received f rom the Sarn- ford M'f'g Company at Couch Johnaton & "Dryderman'a. 'W NTED-A smart you girl ta taise yYcharge of a conteetionery store and éosist ln book-keeping. Addres Box 265, Oshawa. 26-2w GOOD flOUSE WÂNTED of about 10 roome about October lot. wlth ail neceseary couvenleuces. Âpply tb Box ai Bowmiauville. 25-3w' S EEP ESTItAY-Came on lot 8 cou. 69, arlington, about Jue let. Owvner have smre by provlig vroperty adpaylap xpOflmO A. E. CLxmENs, Tyrone P. O. 25-3,w IS THE PLACE TO BUY THlE And encourage home manufacture, TilE RAYMOND runs Iight and (easy,does every class i ôf wiork both pla in andfacy i s the favorite seiving mlachineé the world over. It lias no0 superior. It is Simple and st-rng in Construction. -'Neyer gets out of order and is the miost dutrabole machine on the market and is sold at a reason- able price- or On very easy trsby T. N. RICKARD, WatesmaerJember and pia. LADIES JÏust now you are plannin g your house-cleaning carnpaign. An 'important feature will be WALL PAPER, WJNDOW SHIADESt ROOM MOULD- INGS, PICTURE FRAIMES> etc. Corne to ws and you wïll get just what you want inY these ufnes at large red notions, off' regrular ices. We have the latest styles and patterns, W. T. ALLEN, "Big 20." M EMBER OF COLLEGE 0FPiIYSICIÂNSj and Sorgeone;, Ontario. Office, lZîng &ý. Firmi'dexr wear ut Ontario Bauk;Roiene Chu vch St.-8th doar eaet of Method.iét Co. HO OUSE TO RENT-Aeo-dthe brick houes on Church street latcîF 'oeuied by Cp .Crawford, Terme moderat. Aply ta A. VOUNE, or T. BieGEÀm. RBoy -XTALUABLE FARCM FOR SAL)it-.= V >In the Township of Pickering, mtotei 1miles west of Whitby Town on the KCingoton2 Rqad; best of soil, cleav, -well feuced a n watored andin the hlghesa tate of cuMtvatiLan, gond buîldluge.eolid brick house.welie .orchar, 1 etc. Terme veryeasy The beet 200acre eri lu the Township. A&pply quiek ta A. ýA. Poets, "AMFOR SALE. -A firt elam ara- -V f15acres or 115 acres sltuated la tne township of East Whitby 18t con. lots 15 sudcf 16 on the Base Lino, about li mlles frein OL;ha. ws statIon. 2 iles tram Whltby and 60 rode from the schcolhause. Laxgeroomy buidIigs. .nain baru,5Dx6 ft, pienty cfut, aice loaam lt throflo of the boastgrai.n far-ina onti;slle Lke Shro. Na billeor stanea. AbuI 10. acres of woad. 75 acres ln pasture aud fr2sËk sfeeded, Terme easy, Fir8t klowing no IFor furtser parÉClUoar apply ,to A. NI Oshawas. 37-0f, B~RFOR SEPV7ICE-An imuport2d. Pol*ud China% Boar fteb.a fonnd onrlot 2 Concession i, Front Road, Darllugtan. 'W, CLEMENOE. Bwavle B O -FRSRIE- RedTan None botter, nions chieaper th 'a n mi s5tock of grocerlea, fruits4, spîces, oc W. H. Osborne, iMinsrd'm Linfiment Curtes 'D3ndruif,

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