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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1894, p. 2

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_________________________________________________________________ a a FOR AN OPEST. "ead proof Ue-o7: Dir' B. . KENCÂLI. 00 Getlern1eni -T ughtr a, 1 ludiebay horse Som e tîmie 'agoi a avin I ot im fortS. 1 I used BadleSaIn Cue 'es avin is gene now SudI il1hav ea frd 1e -O r the se'ne horse. 1 auiy had lm ulue11-1 eeks segoI1got $120 fer usinog *i~ ~~~~-i wot rIadi' p-Cure. KENDLVSSPAIN URE SUELBY, Mica., Dec. 16, 1893. Sir-I haýve usea yonr itandall's Spavin cure Wlth geod succese for Carbs on two herseSsud ts thie boss Liniment I have ev er used. Taure truly, AUaUST t'ssussacZ Pake 51 per Hotie. For 3sale by ail Druiiýsts, or address Dr .. . EYID-LL ýCOMPANY, FALLSGH55.5, 'M WIIITBY, 0ON'T. Strictiy fIirt-clas8 lu ail itsBappolutments and educational advaritages. Provisian Made for 111ilic ceahe&certilIcates and [or Un. lvers3ity olaH3sasthrongh Ilis frashmn. ,sophao. mare sud paýrt of jier e ffTaeoto Unive3rslity. Th, liteary staf om prises3 the largeet number a! Universisy spacial ta ngny Ladie' Co!lage jeC inada. 'Thi msicai l, are equally weIl ssaudbS, the m st gifted prafessors3. Pyia lueis tauglit hy a specisilet from oto.A c gmasu sud alkiudefo out-doo)r aueet.Pp havre tic opprtnuity of aari.the great artiste that visit Taronto. Appl)y for Infrmation ta The ïGooicd Býye Kiss. OI, ilta acho 'olwinhand yeis wadlti anylowe1 "'ifre' oin w il k a ellaw gao Like a mother' i n ,W. ý, 'NIf Ie shod gt nb ser LSIka e oitte Tmy1 Ue KIl wo wh at Id ayýi, it Whenhle gave the boys ai miotlher itakia- He did beyonda doulitl," -[Edith Wickham, "The Blessed Bees" Once upon a time -net so vecry lonig agO- a gentleman wha hiad a beautiful garden thought it would be very nice ta hive soma bees; soelie bought six or seven hives and placed them in the ]oveliast coruwr of the gardea, undar an old apple tree. Thert was a large bed of mignonette and a small field of clover hard by. The bees seamed te like their uew home very much, aud weut to work gatharing hloney, and buzzïng the while in the chear- iest way. Now the gentleman not ouly wanted the honey that the bees would make, but hae wished to watch the habits of the bees as well, and before giving yon the story, I am going ta tell ona sad little trnth and a few isets about beas. A working bee lives anly six weaks af ter he begins bis work iu the spring. But during that six weeks hie works early aud late ta gathar honey-dew and store it away lu the hive for yeu and me, and for the young hees ta est the foilowing wiuter, when they dare nlot stir ont of the- hive. Bees grill travel an the wing six or seven miles ta dind food or water if they- caunot get it nearar home. à RIFT IN THE CLOUDS. Flusd T inse iCamada andi tlle fiTait 4, Business experien!ce iu the United Sýtates pojiints ta adededimprovemnt ,in trade, with thie popc i tîbetter tbings ýin the ucrar fterie. What happons t0 be the case across the !ine is certain to ha tha case here. Our na ý ý,)ighbos suaire r a doep ros. - sion; so do we. Thair -prasparity rotu,ýris; so dôaes ours. The iset is that, despite tarift obstaclIes and differances in forms of gverîIment, al nations ara sýo closýely con- uected in trado that wheu one suffers ahl participate ini a greaùter oir less dacgreo,-Lnfi whon the principal victim racovers ail eujoy 9a roturu i factîvity. Iu timesi of stagnation many cf us ara inclined ta suppose that improved can1di. tiens are aitogother ont of the question What is there, people ask, ta nfiake timés better? Befara this probleni is ex- amined, it is well ta recaîl tha factta there have beau depressions, and very serions anes, in the past. The record of trsde shows that thora were what are called hard tumes iu Canada aud the Uie States iu 1826, 1837, 1847, 1857, 186,su 1873.' Evory tan years the trouble reap- poared. It is n-t uocessury ta indicate the cause ai each par:ticular daprossion. Dîfferent influencshv.ee twr at, dIffereut times, sud wîth the sanie genora] result. Whatever the agency iu each case may have been w'e kuaw that there bas beau a speedy and and, argning from proca:dent, wa have overy reassn ta suppose that wvhat happen- ed lu thase instanýes; is honnd ta happen uew. But the raturu ovmetsee ýta- ha more decisiva and emiphatic this tima than it wasF in pravions assfor ta raso that the stoppage af trada, awing ta ro i cial interferences, bas been unuusally savore. Industry sud commerce w seriously influnuced'by aur nieleurs' an THE GREAT RAILWAY STRIKE. Tise )allwys ConfrcOnted b'y ftha ROsi iasnsgCondition c f îaIr,ý Thke3 Rave Ever Facad, The strike of raiiway cemployes lu the States, growVing onit ai the Pulîmrani "boy- cOtt," is thea mos)t seriotns laborditrac the States bhas seýen, and the apprehleosion thatb it may lead ta anind iiustrial iupheaval, daugerons ta the pnblic peace isjustidd by the aggressve attitude aoflabor,especialy at the mest. To tcinw ta what tupondous resuatsamaîl diferaem a y lea<,we have bu-,t taconsider, the origini of the presant strike. The great depression which eit nthe States, paralyzing almost evei-y inidustry, did net leave uuaffected the car wvorks of the PuImauns at Puilman city« They were found ta ha runuing at a loas, aud in order ta meet the cô'nditions whieh preseuted tbemselves, the oampauy proposed that ln order that the work shaps J hould lie kept open aud afford whatý employment they conld ta the people ai Pulîman, the workmen shoull meet the campany hall way and accept ARLEDU0rIONý IN WAGES. ThS they refnsed ta do, sud rather than nlflr the losýs ta whlieh they wonld bie sub- jected, inkepg the shops open, when thora was uno demanfi for the praduet, the jomnpauy closcd the wrs The Amariesu Raiwa Unontoos p the cmpaint a h Puîmnwokeu11sund o rderefi da"l boycott" ai Pulîmnan cars aun the western roado. Memnbers of the union weren called ont af the empoy ai railways whviceh refnsed ta drap Puilîmans from their trains. As the railway caor;maies would not srnmt ta this dI;ctationi strilkes occurrefi on uearly sîl the 1 wester-n roafis, the bruant of the battie ba- in'g atChicago sud San Fraucisco. Mon aret eutan eenoo roadîs centering lu Chi.îcago sud each day lias added ta their rnmbor. r. InJohn M%. Egan, who was supeintndatoa the C. P. R. at Winnipeg in tha constructi.on. dayp, sud since then DON'TL ETNOTHRAS-DA r Go BY iIIOw U,G 8PR/NG 0F 1894.e With a large andl well assortedl stock of new and tasty Siig oode lini ENGLISH, IRISH, COC and CANADIAN TWVEEDSj, i- -'i t, -~ - _____ - ~ geeu eI-IaauoDoSl iina etsuonevi tua Li, miboc e trusa e iuouingtha enr.tlemn on d htsron hntsirncstts st nds i o ofe i Cn e o ie age snes of Ae manusacurea saro tmt ual beJ tttatwill resunti- Br ' Fùndy asd aehue sers I haîey.cmb was broken aIs, sud thGOWhatpricos, nmareover, soýemita ha ros i Pm yuwanW a iosiar or 3Mower, &Pe4--VseNTy dipp " OwantAe "lOof thc sud aur ntter sud choeexpreasADmnlFo usie ualn'&y EvOiy IJr, ,3,syRak, orhIg-Totlh Soufler hva.The gentlaman thouglit at once ai a ,eciep ipovuIt i rata isnr is une M ITiou-id.1 Plow, Land Rehlor, Traction Eegie, "Y te olhyeboos. Ho pîosso dtueiare not ta o e ee fdei tacte schod. NVo hava net yot oxbausîed the possii- ThresherPlow PliutyLsnd Sides, orH bWokn comb Utogetersudbk nta its nie,;bt it isassiblethat a 1aad met iisa uexpettaei ubr hr yo aeaya h by ahnsjplace ln the firme,-sud thnrtook cdean trýCde May ha triod as a colsequeuce , Gootisor -t n111le. O wantinig rapairiug, Calon E. J. Sanode-s witetwio, and tîod Ahe eonh loto 4the crapshowevier, are lu vicw, sud iff rj>,,iaey tlargo foreûigu dema n w ih iset framne, sud hung it hack in the hive. Thon hava hig yields, those, willi remur lowprcsritryathsaury Temgnud ra'at the Eust End Foundry. ho weut a short distance, sud watchad sud tolerable. sa is'Jiýtrîb ioinni ftiiS damarcind arfe indli cat. Show Room opan evry day for inspea- listenad tu ec what the becs would do sud As a mattor ai facti, appear aIo b a1sci iu a ublictin issuofhy thu Stae De- tien.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'e Toueiesaesoilyivts aThe hees flots into sud ont ai the hîvWeie g the k"ethall of the vusrunih Saudystreos u engrew quiet,asud commencod theruucimrvdpoets eaa prtutithUntdSte.Tssos an onErruhimp~cioveid 1eeeitk4b tjb"i od~e~ e ~~~'no~ie~, e aliso to remîind tueni tat vwe are st3ý1lin the îaiket ani ALL KI1,ND 0F AR I dlvered at Our stieous cr. Kîng and Gorge sreopuormat, port --.e

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