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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1894, p. 5

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KNOWLEDGEB -Brings cûcmfomt .anld im-pronrement Anda tends te personial tenjoymet vitenh rîghtly use-a. *n ay n '.u~ lehu exponiditure, by more promrptly ad'apting the roiýrl'e liet producta t- thoee of phyvsical beinig, viii attesu the vuluo to heath of the pure lqi laaieprinciples enbraced i the xcmnedy, Syrup of Fige.i r 'ts-xcellence je due te its presentinig in the formnit acceptale andpleae&- nut to the taste, the refreshinig and tiu1Iý benuficiai pro)pertiesa of P, perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleniniiig the esystem. dInpelling coldes, hendlacheg and fvr and permanenctly ecuig ntpti. It lias given s'-atisfaction w lmiïllions aid met wit1h the approval of the mnedicali profession, because t acta on the Kid- ney, Lîver and BoweIs vwithort weak- enin-g them ni ît lerety r. rm *very Objectionab1e sbtne S;yrup of Fige je3 f o sale b-y ail d1rug- ,gis in 7-c. botties, buit it is manu- i a ctu r c-d(1y the Cifornia Fig Syrup Co. only, wvhose name k piri ointed on every package, also the nan. . Syî'up of Fige, an-d being well iniformd, 'y(Du wili ot eccept any sbttt fefrd Want W e have soimeth;inf new. Less -han haîf the prico3 charged by 'Toronto Manufacture1rs. No trouble to sho0w goodS. Cail and see ýthjemf, Private ro for fitting. ;STOý(0TT & -JURY, Are You Goïing'ta M ANI1TO0B A, INORTU WEST or BRITIS14 COLUMBIA, Drop us a postal card, Weu will send y( ,u nformation tthat will be of intereet to yo)u. Special tom-rist excursions every Tuesday via Nortýh Bay. ýSTOTT e& J 1URT'Y, the Dugss UMBOWMÂNVI'LLEr, JUTLY il, 1894. Local and Otlherwise. Dovmanvilie Faim, Sept. 21, 22. The- fonce bas beau remouveci frein St. P'aul's chumch. The fence sud pilis In front of 01,e 'Otario Bait have beau painteci. Mr. Delve of Toronto, decoraftor sud Iraney p4per bauger, catieci haro lest weak, H. P. Labelle, e Mouitreal f uritume dealer, bas assigueci vitit liabilities of about $100.000. Pheuyo.Caffeiu giveýs mmm-eàiaterelief froueiteacýcise, neumaIgia, paluf ni perioda, liteumetie pinetc. e.al dmnrggi6ts. The vhaat cop cf Mantoba is ah loast tvQ -weeks esnier tisar la, t year. Thiisle lmçtnas it Iiimiz3s tise chances of injury by froat. lut th6 race foýr the Queeni'e Cup ou Saturday the Prince of Waees' yacht Britannia batthe, Unlitoci StatOs yacht Vigilaiet luevemy closýeecoteeýt. Brit- Unnia ules tise wave t Tho publicî viteh 1,ave ttendecI cumr ein- liant 8a19 thar yesme viiiheltafimt te epoiid te our anniouncemeuit titis saasc on acoount of tise satinlactïon tbey have heci previounqly. Tiis yeer we purponeto 'iho yen better bargeintitan ever. Sec qDlr advt. Ju). .J. Magon. 1m. AndrewHig one cf the oldent rOstuâints cf1,tise iowuship cf Hamiltoni, died 1 %sct WCaenasny nigiht, June -";th,1 ageci 77 aaeýi,af neariy a Couple cf yeams c sofam .M.Haig hisaci livoci on the farmne ofiî,,micih ho durci for over tbirt? yoar, Ha w.e smar.isighlyr. Speeoci sy u iso liew ine. Treeve io.ds~hotrada oe leot for $5.00, Sec the ici loefor, SOc are 141 New cSuite for MLn1acir Bo1(ys just ýn t MsueCbti Store. Sei,, edvt.b >~Great heede requaira larige hatt-beLy lizve tisenin hMso'LÉoh Soei tatra quRitV. Parasols isa ig~ sItock,'the ment styliali Goodsu jid teohasit value ever nhovc.wnluntowu eh Jouait Joitoten& Cïy drmaiu'i, H ave You eTrie-idcUrbýy P Smoking Tobac, ., 10 A-id 20 cent rigs. Cobourg feu f i vii h hed Sept. 18 PE RSONAL. stud 19. Mme. bancocit has peluteýd hem bouse oîn Miss asstOriltie, ii ln to%ývî viatinv Mr. Chas. Daineastýer hue eecum ed a Bituq- Mm, Tom. Fairbairu hbas beeau hoidýy- eti on l iim i annWrkNOeaw.ilint homle. Kevcatle aud atomci cr citizens 5lisAnnett& Co!Oas i.9viaiýtlug relati ves with ScM3 good nie ctitenihtaftar et Coliing wood. 0iectionm, Mise Sophia Cherry cf Trenton je liome- Positively 1ne baciae f rom -,Using for lhem holidays. Phenyo'-Caffain for headachie, neuralgIa Ivr. Douglas Mo.ArtÉhi- vsherse for % or pains; 25e aIil dmugggsts. few cisyà ecent]y. Mmr. Josepit Baund, Picker;ng, beuÂht Me ieDmsc eot svst the Stevart farm Boid here saturday by ig fmedslin town. Mmr. D. Burke SimpE ou fr 1 a0,erifle Mr. enci Mme. ÎO. Ceemba are visitiug, ovar $20 au acre. ivitit Mr. C. Hancock. Jno..Maou nnen n th comene- issCaieutt cf Peterboro bas been mueut of their aninual reuat ale tliis the gurest cf Miss Allen. we~kand et thse pric-m quetIed in hiesad-1i ,~,t ,,-a~,I MssBelle Allen spnt Dominion D:;y The moat cstylisit turut seen heme ifor mauy a day ivas Mr. Jh mmcm~' f6ur-ln-heud et thse PRaid lre;eptiome; it vas a credit te Gloer'e aiihent Elc ganitly filuieheci casïernnts for padal extram1)itias le rat hem a ÎnCI souudiig ph- ase for boots sud sitoaes sucb as Trai- en',but hia keepe tisa hig1hest quality et the iowcst prices in ail aimeý. BINuni wINE-Dutau& er are Lakinig ordlem forBndrTiuRd Cap) (é- 7 cents; Bine RiLbon G-,8ecents. Leava youm order nov as cnlly e limited quantity ca a ýsoici et this pricej. Neade' Block, Bevmanivilie. The speech cf Mm. PauiTrb- cokon the bard stand the night cf the process- ion van a 4'corkar." Hathoougty b- bac it1 in te semia of our citizene.-0-0no Ne mi Co0r. IL 12le m1umorecita altik 4)f davotini' more ý attention te om oinion potitices andi aspiming te M. P. The Ledis of ilima W. C. T. V. vili give an outartaiument ettho e miednceof Mme. Freelenci, Beach Aaaunue, on Fridey July l3th. Contributions of floyers thaukfuiiy recaived, the ilevers te ha sent direct te the Hospitl, TcÔr,3t ). SPvam collection in aid cf the work. h-e craemn extra. Ail ara ecm, Thea newly ielecteci ffcsof tise Ep- worth Leangue cf Chrîiti Endeavor of thao Matisdiet chuircit are: bonioramy Prestde'knt-Rev. C. Pait'cm,; Pie sicieut-- T. E. iginoh 1mlt Vi-ce-F. A. Fladdy; 2iid Vice-John Uti1lvar, jr; 3rýd V ice-Mýise aiae; 4tit Vice-M-fs3 hrn viitht Port upa e ne 1ev. W. S. Pritchard, B.A-, le vie7iting1 ah ie ome in fHayriton. Mmr. [enry Keith of Miaka i. han bcu home for a visit. M. flerry Ge dman, Tor inï,ba basstyuig -et Mn'. T. Hoar'e. Mm. Archi Biinha, St.Thom-te, ie viii a t Mr. W. Gi.Oiver's. 11ev. Croeeley and Imoter arehldn evaiglistie services et Weiaud!1. Mm., luary Benui c f Tomenýt-o wes e'I Mm. Fmi c. W. (Jouetc- araedthe Fourtit of July uRcatr .Y MiiteKRiuyam, ofOiaasvstuge Mm. W Pear's, sd M.J eds 1)r. A. S. Tiiiletishe nev ur.ecf BowanvlieConei RoalArcanun. 1isCen Arms1tmo-ng, Toronhe, 1bas beau vis1iug t Mme. Wmu. Wiudatt's. Mise Mggie O. E .siwooDd cf Whitby1 vas guezt of Mi5saFraserlet 0the Manne. Mt. W.H illiamýs, fermier, Lan beaui vemy îaemiconly Plt but te sightiy better. Mr,.isud -Mme. J. Archier cf Toronte, have beau viitiug o(Ad friands lu tovu.ý Mm. E . L Mo>rden, De-ronto, vas1 gucte t Cherry Jo-tte Do sjinieni Day. Mm W. Km' linqeassJîeJh andi Wilfani, venme homie Dominici Daiy. Mm. J. S. O i > ni -, edihr of thse Su, vimtedmaa<i-eeetCoibei(e Do)minion Da. anti Mr. R. D. Davidon visiteti Secetay-lary Lce;tl-c.bsc-Msnt Mr. Pctemn', port Hope, Dmno Piauitn-AthurComu iMis Fanny 1rsu m. A. a. Lockcharh andi Ms Ellenor; Musical Director-Jamne Gad shilat xMMomno iyl et Méayor Leecombe vitiout instnuc ion of mel14 ptDméu yi Mrt Town Ceencil took tise town se-coumh te the Standud Benk, snd te Councit anties Ethel JolitTec granddeuiginev ci lest meetiug exprasýe itheir peiainRcv. IV. Jolltifin leneding er holicisyn of Us anitrbry cenduet Iby ineînucîing hm' hiiu t enuaho tise (Otane )Bank-anu 3Mm .Rugglos Wri i l utw, chisidran, ,mpei ip on te mayoral eh-el, as it Ottawa, are vimi i t -M. F. F. Mc- WVeme. The ecehoot ac-mutei, have beau Arthurt'2. kepÈ t e iaSAndard Jd ie accountaof Rocv.Pincipal Cavai vaut w! tie the toýw prpe ahlF ib -ta ,vic ei ro1- t ,otelt Eglnio vas thought houhoa afurm jplment cf July Mc. tisa corporation petoarel, buýt Mr. Les 1Mm. sudMm. J. 1N. _MDug)ýjjaf visiteci cmehan ne1o ve for the latter institu- hem sitir Mrs.Th Oberne et Pickeing, tien i!nce ho lest tise nliîom lp eaWy.' Mm. Lavis B. Will!ams, sou OEcf Mm Mis I'a hwnd MisAnnie Nishoi Chas. Willismns, near anikiinsd a ara, viitinïg Mitls. F. W. oal Brocit-1 gra leteof Bowînvill ge ScI somi, prtN. Y. _hms von remakie distictin as a hIle E. E. H'cyrlata dcc tise teaciterhl is ýfiet year. IHa sent five xWhitby Scmhath Sho4O 'nionAi pupile ho lthe Entrence xaiston t M;i ce Ositawa and il passeci wih high marksMytl 'aiu ctsehat reo rd cf any ecitocl i l iése May AkHenle vîiiog fiands lu the district. Ou1t of 9ý0 cnidateî ouly St. John'-, N. Bi., in cemipa'ýy vit Miàss 42 vao uceessîni sud about hall of titane Ecige of Lni-i baneiy mçadai the nec'sr nrko. M. NM. Will. Doiin, eiawa, apau)t a T. F. Wigt, MIt. Cus ci-mme nct few daiýis in l ecentiy, guet cf iMmI. te the higiteet ceuLry e,îhoo, titrecaof hie Wmn. Alaxanider pupils haviug plsme L, (ue of whomi, Mise Mc-(ses. T. C. JawIl aud T. E B., Boî%nia Richatrds,ïniade 603 marksý tise Fhwny mttnddm big Tarpamewcn- iighititt twe ,mu the liet. We ýea.rtmiy veniorii in Montres?. ceugetuate Mems rfWight sud Willime Mme.ID. H.LCeatce sudlMater Lyn cf ondte pe ndid succe"e andihave no Br4niford are viiting et b er f'aîhc's M. doeubt hitr tustea boards il shlow thdirs.S(Joie, Mapie Grove. apprecietion iby givig ascit cfthem n isAmhrc Tauo sdMs nuitablia inicrease in seiamy. CM% gArcf Loden re uents"of the WHrXN TlcÂvaur-\i-Whather on CMriseofALe on eaAege o h pleasura hauit, on business, ata ou evemy imAle Bwhve trip a bottle of Sprup of Fige, as it acte M fesers. AIfL Bennett, WV. Sandemqacs umnt pl"esautly sud effectualiy on the Mcflrien sud T. b.I curr spent kjiduceys, liver and bowele, pmveuing Dominion Day lu MouDteall favar, iteadache sud other fo)rme sof ick- Mr. Henmy BëneUett sd Mm. John nase. For sale lu 75c. bottles- by aIl leaci- Benueti, Toronto, veme guesta cf Mm. ing druggts3ts. Manufactureci by the Fred Manning, on Domninioni Day. Catlifozmnia Fig Syrup Cl-. ouly. Hon.ý Wilfid Laurier diniec vwit bis ExrceIIency tise Governor-Generdai t We haveSoa Waer anu CiGnger AeOtv odyvti eic eay frein the boat mater in Ontario. Miss AÀnule Heilyar and 'Mm. Will Rcfrshig eci ealtsfu eseetiîyl ilyar arae pending hieir hiolidlay vitlit Refrshig an lafriands lu Trenton sud oether places lu tise casacf ncknee eat. Large ani Small botties. GRAND CENTRAL. Bowmanvile Hlave you read the West End 1buse ad V,'l 01ranite presemeviflg Içtties lu ali usý at, Dustan CI, Hoar's. OnIy -912 frein London, Englanid, to Quebea by Hansa Lïino, .A.JM- gent. A shamp,)o in this hot i-otiher mak:eâ you feel deulightfully cool, âud fresh as a1 daisy. F'. C. Pethick ie the man to at- tend te you. Feich Wooi Delaines in Creain andE Dark grounds a big assortment of new and legant designs ai Cou,-h Johinston Gentlemein who le3ave thieïr ordiers for Clothtng et Couch, Johuston & Cryder. mau's can always depend uipon bieinig perfetly outed. SpoeePhenyle kilis the.Horn FMy on(attle, Ticks on Sheep, Fleas ou Doge Lice on Poultry. Sure dýeaith te ail Insieci life. For sala by Dustan & H1oar, 1,; ycu cennot sLee von cauinot read aud i that case ,you lied better go etmtgt! to Rickard's and buy a pair of spex and t1hen1 vou wvIli be f ully eq uipped to reeld for yourrielf and find oui where ec a :Io the bet with your mon ey;eee Jieke; d'a17ý ed.in another column.' The ,maximum quality rTe in- mum price til You viiibut v-aste time-, by going elEewher-e biofer you have seen Trlee'enW spriug stfock of d frel anil CIBt 1lsh fotverbotsoees, Fslip. pers, rubb,e, .Heoii, ehoving the, flunt go-oda asud latent styles et lowest, living1 0,, D.(Pille thc - ýtit al-round fàwmll pil On the Dmarket. ýP11Wrefl Cqiyfie Mr. asud Mma. VW . C. Anderson, MisS Eda, andi Master Everpht of Jauetvilia, he beau ese m..Crydarmu's BahAve. Mm1. R. WiIry Lavrie,, cf ÎEn,.Pa,- vas haro est veet renewing acusint -i amides5. UHa hasgrowu te e tali t fuaio ILug YOnug mn. Mr. John iggnhtseùf Mlo, Mr. Tises. Basei3c t ise hevu -ihave beu enjýoylng a vcck's flsiigrit Scugog and have ade se-ima goodci ctches. Mmr.ai-idiMme. J. C.- Vanstonie, Mmeý. Nciome, sud Dm. W. E, Tiltey attend- ati the funerai cf thisai cous;in, Mme. Lu;ke1 Martin, Port Hlope. Mr.Vatoei oxecutor, or hem entata. Mm. S. M. Wictett, B.ý A., son),cf Mr, S. R. Wickett, e-leraToronto, sud veil tev o m 10rauiy cf our readers, in Ieaýving for CGermnany te purseohie in- ventigatien ne i istorzy sud politIcal IMI. sud Ms .J. Taylor àsud thrae chilcimen of Tomouto, Mme.' Colin Reunkîn cf atvaMise Kate McDonald of Madison, WiS.. md M. Jeýoecu ootit of OtteeîsW'vesg3'eof Mm. 'John Rau- Lim cf Hemle et sCuetoim. Tisesýe citIzens eut rDomlinfin Day fl Pont Hope:3 Meîsers.IH J. Kuîýgit, J. Sinctair, W. S. Climie!, C. Keits, A Weeks, C. onioN. JerinrgA, O Jeffery, C. McCo .MCluuuA. Oeou,.Dinn,H. Botterai, W.Sosta, W. H, Osberie, H. Creeper, A. Scebci!, C. 'B. Keut, F. J. Rovianci. Ex.-MaVyr W. F. All' en bas- raturneci frein Na3w Orloans, Le., whiliter ho vïa ennelmoneci by ïtie doati cf bis cousin, Mei. James Rde.M ien Li'llie Ridlcy, 'daughter cf ?deCeaseci maturmneci iilm sud viii romain haro, for the present. Ifre. Allen ie exacutor cf the Rde octe üîU4d guaiae cf -tise yonnglay Northfield Coleg, ass., for vazation. ,ir3. (D)r,)Hait c f Toronto han been gueLt of Mme. W. ReuwIçick.l Centre TwelveIheeýdaclipe cared for25.- Phenyjo. Caffeî I dece it. Yudu ritrcom- mnait. .rO()J. JiR .B.A., 0of Ottawa Lolgae instittaîs, and twý) childircu. are visiting hie parenuto, Rev. aud iLs. W.Jolltifo. Mm. J. B. Matrtyn i ii close his store overy Thnredaty afternoon duriug,, July and Agt.CustozuerdWho woaldeo- cure bargains shouil get their ordemei fill- ed lui the ming iuor -vait tIiIt he clo iug day. -Min A. WNe!iigton ail!hem neice Me Dem iii of Bright.mu vere gue8ts of their cousin Mme, co.Vare )0 lest yack. They t1hik B ýwmanvitte a pmetty place; they aso i~~ou a unmber of othe(r friende 'ehile here. The resultaý of ihe Entrauce Erxa.iua l- tien et Rowmnan7iile are kuowvn but by a Dtepaîtmeu--tal oier caunrot hablih unýtîl. approved by the EducationDeat ment. Abouit ivo thirds (,f those who 1wrote vere scea i A conivenItiont of delegatas frein the f eraltepcmanO.i ocieties in WüEit Dur- hriw;11 bm te cd in the Royal Templ-Ams' ~I1,Bowiaville, on Frid.my ihi - 1,o ai2 Ytck t ,emleet are reonmer a nl aeiemu te li;l the Loffice -4 Lîiense2 1nepetor. .mchdividion. sud soF3ciety cn I~~ h as kega'eS !sud it me hop'pd thatý thee i o - fuit rt admc. Themec arc a hi-r iie nu r of prat-fur thie 0f iatKingWâilliala poster tdia Whit- byChoi!' Porb Parrycorpudt write,: A bowling turne k ipýe.ted ait BlakLstockonThinrsday Inight W116 t113 Taýries rdf\Voat Durhatn im4att.) celerato their rua'dui victoiy. Yery lrepost5erIs '-e on rnmnith', ev.-t, sudou w1wo hnew nothing off the circumsîanc-s Vmight fancy 'that4 it was a gret Orn victmy t e ra oi te oiertfor WhI;t t smcd aseha e ssUPPoted tî' hav doeon tLe 1baI>ke of tae Boyre. The W±îci'3 posr i, ot ulp lu12:li July style MIr and Mmeï. J. B. Taylor aud Ive chldr(1i ilof ttis 3t wn ha an xpCrieilc0 Dornin;on Di-y tint thay wiU never fiz repi atai . fThey \wtee bnatng ennthle lakec id a1hen tau i-* stomcame on toivards evein thy ugt helter ntuder the cýiL4S veSt f Raby H aua znoolÇ whre they coumin! ýt esupe ccptb Iy the) vter the way tliev taudeci. The iake coi-tiniiýd tse ro-uh iatthey could eui(t ieaye Utitdalight nLxt nmorîing sud e t timev the vwind weaS rm i11,11as to Meke it very difieuit to; keep thiri boatover them., They had neruextra wýraps vwith theîn and nearty p,,mýihd w ith thaý, colci. Ihvas a terrible ng e' xi aine The se ýcond anm .1piculec of the Minis- tesanci their de ceadaus iiu ths dis9trict vas Leci ej t RCa,ýreat Dai!y,the reside"nee oif Mm.ý J. M. Jonces, July 3rd. The tinte waa speut in vaîriceUsLgamne, and a eumpt. mnue supper. ,Atter tee speeches veme given by Rave.ý Messrs. FraBer, Pairkecr, Mco anlsd Reaýl, songe by Mrs. Liddy Mme Real, Mïne Freiand, M. and Mrs. T. E. iggiubothern suard the childrcn led by Mme. Beauglimami. Mise Welliugton, cf J3righton who vae v1iting Mis Gale, v.erylkindly gave t wo excel lettecitatione. Avole cf tbanks vwas gIven inealeand hem commînttee, end )Me. aud lMme. Joese fo their kindunese in having tepet th)eTPayrvas offared by Rev. J. Liddy. Mmr. J. hl. Joness afterwurds treataci ailtote ie creem. The occasion through1 ut waa mont. enjoyeblo. On1 VWanIcýsduy lest Mme. Chas,. M. G ýage, dutrcf Mm. Amthnmiz Avery, Hadu vas aboDut tewu iïn hem u,;ual heatîth. )U the vcnngshie van at the mierry-go-roun.d, neer the Queûn'e hetel, sud too.k a ride jueSt befora thei maniage. nient closei for -,he day. fHem piýction wmasnucli thet iea as ridiutg bcwr aud it, vas uoticed tat 4sheiplo ei i eýt casaE. Ta m lanager seuggestaed that she chafng-e hem ostin ten 2shae0cm- plaieciof feligfint ter the ride Sihe la2U, Dunci it wal narl'y u heur after, 10 clcock ;whau e he reeched home. Sh-e vanj taken iii, end lut an heur wen dead. Reamt ci isane le saselgned as the cause of deeth. 'l'lereport Circ-uleteci that she feu daming the ride and racetved Iijuries isi wtotfounidation. She as ne3 ,t qUita 24year f age5 îsud leaývesou ongchitdron.--Viindicator. The ii- herrn.ent took, place et Bo)wmauville. There l u e oLbtabout It Trelo',ven han the inSide treek in the boot and ahoe trade. Tha cH li cIable neyer gels laft,ý atle nd priCes suit the) unes. Oeýai anud inepeat tha uew stock. if you areaokn for buganei Watchies, jewelry, Spectacles or ý 1Silver- pit. ner umtnd nereeaeau. oasibl TRÂT NIAGARA EXCURSION. Altho pomised tis he n CUity for one excur.sion te Niegama Feus aarinluthse seacuv have b-aa unabie to accuse a date in Jiuly, as thse boait ije a- poputer m ith Toronto peopeo, lte managersn ref use te) tieer off th,3 route. We are hope- fui yet cf running tiis excursion cemiy lu Auguet, if va cno get it inuJJuly. Misa Wiric Mlorrison is home againr from Escemblia, Fiorida. Mies Henson is visiting hem iter Mme. J. . Lna, Sm-ithi'e Faite.1 A. O. U. . Lodge of Orono viti ia Bowmuauviýle locige F riday nighLa Mm.Nichols, cf Toronto, van ln tova rrnewilg old acquaintauces lest week. Mass Eitv Freeiauid is home frouÀ The Contest Positively Deeided. To s-upply th-,e pople of this district for, a long term inth their famiiily groceries, because they buiy in arelots, g-M large- disecunts and can afford to seli at lowpic. Because thiey ahvays give a heape-d Up> pressed dln overflowing measre of' value for everýly dollar spent hiý their store. Because their buying. power comman-ds for their cusornrstho LOWEST PEJCEFS fori; rlhawhte People kowthe ývalues or n-)t. 1-Ad tis is 1h3 mai1Srjriagý for the errai inceaso of their bsn.s iepew110 dloal once, cou-le agaiij Because thiey keep the best Teas, Coffees, Suigars, Fruits, Spices, emc, the mark~ets afflord and pay thehI ges prices for Farmers' Produce. GenerIlal roers ad-PoviIo Pol'r 9 7anle SIRTHS. A.ý A. Powere, of a son. PAsý.cor-Near Tpiunton, July iL the wlfe Off Mr' Barnian L. Pa c fa daUghter. VANNEaTFý;ý-At Solina, J uly 4. the wif e of Mr. john VanNeet, rjr., 0'. a dni,.agter. pÀR.' ea Hampton, Jffly 8, the wlf of Mjr. tîraîik Parr, chesraker o adaughter, WILSONBOYNTO -Aurora. ett he re- 1 lde5nce of the brïie mother, Mru. Alouza Boyntcn. June 28ý, Louis A. Wilson. V. S. tormerly of Orono, and Mise Emmaline Boyn-" ton. both 0f Aurora, i cLFc-n-lu Oroïiç,Juily 2,Beatrice,dauRhter if Wtým. McLeod, aged Il years, il months. TOI-n BowmanN-llle. July 6, Charle,3 Tod, n ative of Peebles, Scotiand , ageçi 6?, years DR£Wn-z-Suddenly, July 7, at 81 Czar St., Toronto, Gîdeon James, y oungest bon of the late John B. Drewry. aged 18 yecars. Buried in Bowmanville cemeterv Mond&y. CAAFETY BICYCLE for sale cheap. ;ýýApp1y a; thC STÂýT1ZSMÂNorie 28 W AN TED--A emartiiong girl to take ycharge of a confectionery store and assirt in book-keeplng. Ad1dreeeS Box 265, Oehawa. -16-2w RIOKARD' S IS THE PLACE TO BUY T 1IlE L lES ~Justno you ai-e pan your houscecleagca mpaigu An*'"'-iipoitant feature wîll beý WALL PA.PER, WýiENDOW SHÂADES, ROOM M0ULDf,ý INGS, PICTURE FRAUES, etc. Corne touls andc you îl get just whlat you wanl lin thsc ues at lu.1a rge 5r edlLctiono r off*-reglart., prices. Wo ae the latest sylsan-1 ppatternus Wc T. ALLEN, "jBig 20,"i A' eS, TLEM, o., c. W, MEMB4R F -C .EGO0FPHYSIClAýN¶! Church St.-Sth door eaBi or Methodiet Chlurch, Bowmanvle, . 37Ie lIOUSE TO RENT -A seemt-detaohedi7 J..brick house on Church treet 1atel?- Scceupted by Capt. Crawford, Termas modert. Apyto A. Youmiii, or T. BNHM c. manvile, 5-tf VTALUJABLE FARM FOR SALE-. Iînthe Towuehip of Plckertnfr, setuete_ mieswest of WL!by Town on theKigeo Rqd et cf soit, dean, veil fenoed en waiered andin the highest etate of cltivatioL good buildinVEi,Eolid brick housa.wells.,orehar,± etc. Terme very easy, The be8t 200 acre far!iî In thieTonh. Apply qutck te A A er And ecurg hm"mnfatre ARM FOR SALE-A firet claBs a am o1 f 1Z.5 acres or 1145 acres eltuated in thi tnhp0fEa Whitby 18t con,. lots3 15 anêý bilE RAYM ND m sR1 on the B3ase Une, about li miles frcm Oi3hp,- wa station. 2 miles from Whltby and w rmodem liglit and e1 asy,does e very class from the echaolhIOUse. Largeroomyidn<, of wor'k both plinj and fàancy, m altogether Oneo f the best grain farns onteLake Shore, No hUis or stones, Abouýt is- the favorite sewving miachine 1Onacres f cd, 75 acres iD pasture and fresia,ý the orld ove. Itliasno eedeýd. Terma easy, Tiret plowtng doue-. suej o. I is simple andOsaaXp uIs .o. strngincostucton Nve B AR FOR SERVICE.-Au tmporte&ý* strog inceaistrutiom Nevri P cland Chinaý Boar te lbe fonnd on lot ~ gets onLt Of (or1dCr and is thIe concession 1, Trent Itoad, Darlilgton. WI.J mnost duabe achliine On theCLM cBonnvle 3t market and i s so l at' a reason OAR FOR1 SERVICE.-A -Red T'laim wth. *i.t0 . Am.j, .lot 19, B. i' able price -ror Of vei'y easy Drlgn Itcrmls byNoebtenu ceaethnm r T. N'. RICKARD, tokcgocrc ritsietc WEST DURHAM ELEOINP The, ?eople's Un animous Verdict -L --L

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