Sîc k 7Heeache d rlia Va ail t hetrou bl es îmci. det e , ilon tte oýf the sytem',liuhasi inzlcs, asea. D 'ruesias,,isree fter catiog. FPain ' lethe Sda%&. hiie thir mest rLnarkabi ee bas beenshn U curin vedce et CAlarrWas LTT7EL-mea PiîTU ae equally valuable in Conuption, curieL andpreeetng hiscnnyincoplaint, whik 1 hey aise corret il dior 'rli te Stoniacl tmutethe lier and rglte ebowels r-en if thavoy l cred Ache they would ha almost priceless te tisose who sufer fromn this distressing complaint- but fortunetely thir goodeese doas net ed hera, and hose who once try them wIli find these littla pille valuable le se oeny wwasehat 11,y 111lnot ha wiling te do wLroult tbem. But cf ee al sicle bead 18 the bane oF se mcýny .vlves Cat lhre lewhere w nakie ouri great bct Our pille cure it whila others donet- and vry easy te tairae. Onea or twe, pille maire a dose. The7 are trictly vesetable and do DBE ATIIEiULO RLA~B A4 VIVID PIC1TURE 0F THE CHARGE Or THE LIGHT BRIGADE Onilly >Suar Vivý er ià Asai ca ot f1 4 1t îceS GIl asi Care iea 1e'sw Svr iiI tng ii iseAme-iesîcvii Wcrne, andi There isc mai) ivcegl in Wcshigten ity who ceresbout witàh hj enough1 tbnilling mumnires te stock the lives ef a faw hun.-dred ordîslary cýitizens w ith recel.- latiens cf Nwcr, glor n ce discser. This ie Captain Themas Morley, the only man in the Unaited States whe rode je the -fmous ichýarge of the 600 at Balaklava. Hc wes ac sergueat ce the Eeglîeb ccvalry in the Cn,-imea, eftarwerds ce instructor ced a caprein et cavary in tIha neethae army through the war. liera ha scw penty et bard ridieg ced bot figtieg and was a pisonar je Libby for a yean. MEMOHIEFS Or THrtaCaActLG "As for the charge of the Light Bri- gade." said Captain Morley, te a reporter the other day day. 'II baiava I namem- ban it naý distinctly thau I do soe thiegs thet happeed lst week, tbough it wili ha ferry yeaars cge eext Otober. IIDnnieg the menaing wa bcd beau ftctionad in the South Valley, ce it wcs caliud, neen the licavy Brigade. W/e were 1atrîgth e , aýý1 ndr ai tit.i ran ony ay 1Eglansodiers are ne liaa1 stasudof temte di;g agras ecn ha thmalday botit, butteycrtil up ail0-the tîme. TJhe rjid enowu t 11 valey« ouyt(ook aboGut five iuts inlk say aght', bIm couidhava mn 1,it (o oo in, femntsIwstchamp i menr of my rgmnanid we meta aip Wa~ ~ weetet miutes eein th c-harge s at ithe Ens-sian treepe ba1era-e started bacük. Wejupe of nlhese" t flghtr mc cpturle acno pk f I neyer cndsee wb'y 1Lord Cardigan sci bu col ee ijnue of !1hie mccd co effrt te rcily thiem ,t!iera. I awî h ,but only eart, as ble turnedandrode back lone. "V'olumtes bave 'boen wrttan about the misake Nean riad te s.ave us but fell da lad. i, 5asi undeýrstood by home as was ehowni bythie "Threies right" order of Ccp- tain Wintýr, btit was tee late. Captain Wýinter was zilled tee. It wae easy te lay the lame on Nelan because ha was dead.ý AFTER THE ]BATTLE. "That whole affair yen know was on an *empty stomech. We bcd neteacten aey rations even, though the Russas satd we muet have bacc druek te flg-ht se like mcd. At eight we feu lbaýck bebind thaeutrench. mente. Dnr-ing the night ,soea treepe of herses bruite loose from t'he Ressians and camne gailoping)ý up ou us. At firet we tbought it was an attaek, ced the artilhery fired on tham. We captured the herses ced scddies, about three huudred of thaîn. "Balaklava wce on) the 125th of October, 1854. Inkerman was tee dave after Jr Mecar. HOEX &McMUTRY haveý purechaced th eCuunty - îr' at-if or Th, be8et Wire FC:e 111inthis Coutry. It S twijl i ot behinjured by n, hacl or ins. illl trn. Herées, Oaý - e, SheHoeDoge ced -P.cntrýy. I ,i,3a net w ork without barbs, jjnd -wl net,, je sýure stock je any way. it l mehston er and nmore durable the -n any barb f ccc- ng, bajing clogaly woven.'a Fence put up and Farm and Township rigbjtm for sale. A ply at OEý=T1tL Livu. ie, B'owrnianvf!le. W, P. RBld, UCiske P. 0., having bêought OlreTwe sl prepaired te put Up t!ence, Th e Eletrie, Lig-ht ihohrapplications o cacrciÈ.B thIs agency PolSqn'S Nriiec at pen etr- ate iote he meetremo,ýte nerve-aveiry bou, mscle ced ligamnt b ade feel ibeneficieuit pwr evlnpleasant te taE, eeby th'e yuatchild, yer se pewerfoily far eacin e t4b okthat the nîneSt ageui7i ng internai pain yialds as if by magie.. Nerviline relieves neuralgia in- stcntiy ani for the spaady cure of nerve pains of oery description it has ne equal. Sold everywhera.' A machine, te do its work well, requires three distinct propertias : Good materlal, grod wrkman8hip and motive power, The bumnan machine te do its work je The -world preperiy, neede character, taducation cd cergy. mevamaent wae dîrected straiglit down the valey, cstead of atinet the batteries et the ight. iEshutdand waed hie ewor towrd te riht. ytrop leader, Capt. VViniter, ae% tlyuederstoed it fer hae gave the rdr,"Second aquadron, tbrleas rglR11aed we obeyad. This brought the ighit treep of ithe second equadren je the r1ar of the icI t troop of the first equad- re.At thie mmen a piecaeof shahl struck Nolen, ced kill im. lHagave a nmost-peceehec-ý-neartly-reiruanid is-hurse- galliýed bacit, 1tbrewieg bis lifaiese body Off, as t turned ceud dashad tbrongb the îintarvals btwaa the lines., I beard Cor- pornuenerleci-!(y, t ili living et Orminitzf], ebout, "Th1rees laft ; forwerd ! ced we wmeet laf t, ced ou do-wn the v a!1iy et grecs spcea.In uthe nevt instant a seil burst rîght in te our treep, ced kîlled or dis. moüuntedad dozan or se. My herse was kneckaed down, but net wounded, ced got up w itheut tbnowing me. "Il that happaned in the firet four bue. dirudyards. 13y that time the uproar et the canno(n cnd the stoke cnd the con- fuion fnem se eeny fclling ji fotn e ail crnn is was mse great that nocuoe. could Ivcy iariy vwht was goiefi ou. Captain Wnte, ur equadron commander, was killed lrafc e bcd gene fer. lis body was neyer sean. Capt. We lbb fellut mortclly woud d, euer reeop was f twith- out leaders, but on we wcnt like mcd.lTc batteries et the right ced laI t w3zre bcd eno,ýugh, but they bca shight zdisadvantage in havmg ro , sho( odw i h. The geýns je front dýJid te ie truction. They hbcdi 1 a1c sweep cnduk]dus through. The Rtuseice-s were good guneers. The cann went off je our faces ie a terrinie volley juet as we raachad them, ced the next in- stant wa ware tbougb tham, oer rbem, ro)und tham, soe way,straggling groupe of us fightieg the gannare aed supports. "lLord Cardigan on hie whîta-legged herse, was ou of the firet pensons I saw after we bcd pcssad the gine, bei 1 wae lookiig for efficcesef my troep. The fan- cars aed litb light draeoons wore blua uni. forcris with white facinge very sinijlan. I eaw &n officer 1 tbought belenged te thu -.'en ery for gettig Wt aton1 hutdte the fe1lows., te fali jer, as wa uet cniit onwey eutw. I ptte wohad laheslefront, ced led trhemi. W\Vclosad uipl ced got a good speed on1, and ais we camle up to ele at feuglo culld seathu iRusSian1S puhlig beck on their here.1Iwa e iret enla tbrongh the entebuit it ws net nixeh lie paper.i go a lance Mcnum hand ced threee feli ne-in me. As wc went tbrongh, othaîei-of our me galloned rouýnd-thýeufiants. Than we a bcdte paseci body ef iniantry ced ltîy fe a volle-,y jeteo us. Tt wae thce Whtme faîl. lie ced Marebal were c, p ure, eawith ejuae ced the ethe withr thinteen weeinds, but hoth survived. it was estîllseeri hui- dredyardsce the guns, Wbch meaac maeed ed je action.-Wech!arged thngb thancd nocterd unthe almiy. Twe or three men kaptclose te me. Wec rode on the eýlopie of tire bill, net ie the tract we bcd Illovwed going dewn. "W/a wure u at "te get baclit.The sitelurton ieus of the rgmeswere on prdthe ýroil hbd beaellead dCard- iga bd mdebi spec lnre wu get there. wa madeA foRvea cer te thcai co f our agmet.They weint into action onea h udrad ced forty.flva 0f the whou bigaesix hundce d devny theu era eahundlrad fanduityfv te auewernroIMcdl. ILothem bcad sema bloedy mrk eý xcept Lord Cadigaln. Hie cth ere cnt but Ibal1valie did netol bave ccatch. My îecohhscton je t atih was the only oua wblo weet itogh the engapýgemet itboti; odshad.Thaej (Muta ca wron rMy rit bsed but Ineyer thougbt tsf tting th Lie wound teroasuge than. "people Ofuen e scm tethiet the Most ramarkable tieig ini the weeaffiirwas the amouet of fghtnieg that was de f tee wa got down te the ýguniis. It seece-n ceredibhe that eilhohe ery coi! have beau thnown inito cnfsin edmeauar iiy icte ratreat, 1;Y c-a df lofmewh bcd been aelme;t totepiecas.-îI baveibeau aked wby -we tbou,,gh-t of sncb at thieg as irseenical csoîoning, lose of sappetite, nausea, frontal beadlache, cnd auemia, declare themiiealves. Whani this takes place thte xorklias te be; giveu up entirely. TPhe greateet dangýer te which the werk. maen ara cxposad is 'met wben'it je necaes- baryv for cny purpose te enter tbe upright sbhaft. Thceaffect ou the cye je uîest pain- fn, ced, a further --irious evidé-tce of the virulenlce of tha parvading armnosphere ho. comasmanieet.The en waar linan ger- maeii, ieed wjtil acceal, ailndtre enph Urie- 'cid fua opaely dest roy the linan je a fw mmens, eaieg ithe flanual jntact, se the(,'tli thele go jutl e the sh3aît ije lieue ced coma eu 1t ciad jrl.woo)l. Fe rt"unataly it is Sehdom neceesciry te enter thaebaf t, or great los of igbtwouild ensuIe. JOH1N BULL WANTS A NEW MIEAT may Tr tie Knce5 W/e, ike cýertain anient people, are coni- tinually seekieg 1er semaeawthincd juest enw 1tliecry has rianfor c new 0food pro'eucganimal, o' r, rather, ac new aia whibch wve cen Pat rcgulcrly. We ara wecry of our sep our pige, ced our oxan ; weary of riuging ,the atereal changesoou tha iiree couirse systam of mmainimhepork ,icd mcuttoîs. W/a do't tkekiedly te the flash of tha goat, for s,)eareason or, othter, scys tbahestise ugt Anid itbiough chevreauje neit inferior te ami utbu 'Coe-feesa3d tha'et thechange from eouitdcly muttn which c dish ef geaot's flash% mighit afford uas would probcbly neîIt be se erygra cter cli, as maey Con- tinentalindtriaveýlera c01uldprobabiybrvomen. trly tasify oteieracprebonged course of hotelctaets 1We an achngl ge ttan that cf. foridjby the frozen aced tîinned buaf sent t us from Austie ndSouth Amarîca, oýr the excýellent Neýw 7ZaalauId cltntan agaicet hca oa atuesoal but of the reet wa mcy expeet reem teo ic- fer but little je teste from our own red d eer or fremn the par-fed fallow dean, wbonee venisen je te miany people, wlîo are eal te a&ppracia.ta the beanties of "high' game, oniy slighatly te ha pncfarred te thrae-year- old Sothdown mutten. For our uea animai it seeme that-we muet lok furthar afield. 2dany of the animale raishad by the natives et distant lands are, for varions causes, eut of the quentlo.Tieele-ph-aïnt, -fer---atnc5t slow of growth, and vany costly; whila the shape ced appearaceocf the monkey(which bias, moneoer, e constitution tee delicate for this country) would probcbly heanauil- superable objecion te its ganerci adoption as euie of the sources of our luxurieus food suppiy. But why >sho;ihd wAe net cdept and naturalize thc kanlgaroo? The des. criptions given by orctioencousins 'of "kangaroo-tail cop o stauier" must hava often meda tha mouth of our gourma-nde te watar, ced the large aincoint of fleeb yielded by the hiudýqu1icrsof the kaugar oe jse demed exce:llent by white ced black -population alike. Floutrlsin Buiness First Dnda-What ara yen d(oing now Choily ? Second Dude-Notbîe,àg et ail, doucher know. First Duda AÉ,nd your brother? Second Duda-He La with me, yen sue. l'irs Dudfe -Doas a ttaeyen both te de al!ef thath ChiaI of Police Kent, of Champaige, Ill., bas beenan nesed for whippîeg a Cagne afflicted with smali-pox. When Baby n'ai eiek, n'a gave ber C astorie. Whan sec nas a Chld, se crcied for Cas'enia. Whau sica becarne MIss, she cung to Castorla. llci.e cliad Chiidren, île gavec ticace Castenia, lili. aJ. mma, . waS qu £a0 ee man, for BI , BCB.cu FE 1 have aiea used jit !o-,r mýy ean jfamily, and have fourld it the ett tit g they ean take, and from paetexriuc 1 have every piecertre ii, sÏtrenglýy rc mending B. B. B, to ail my f'rien d s, Iwrite yeu because I1hn hti ehould be generaliy known wa .B -can-accomplieh in-caseaninigeton Doctor, and Parson. IL i>s net ian altther unhea--rd of t fgr a lergym.ant,in] partseot t'le ,mlitr-whee clergymen alwayI ihave herse, il3eta drive a t lecýt as swift andspieda herSC as cemperts m:ith jthedguyfbsofce On one occasion such a ler a, rv through the; tewni, oerpacetr bis acquainitance on foot.' "Jump me, dctr, %eid teiîtr pul11gp);"ive get horse bde lýre thatge drove offThe ho1ed"g" il, jethe sacc cf peedbutin a littl wliic tt ea te b)ebaea »adlyai e ie ytpping oever the ca.rnage, andmp", n tf ot heo- cupants. ainlf hov-r te sec ifuhawa Teparsnase got o 1n is fe et. { Lokhere "ecamdtp ~ l"wbvat id ouenmeanby iviiug me te rade b ehldy-nise, ipdth i1tr luckily tbistuima,1ilguc tcereiare n1bna brokee,but on euch cainl lk ehv a doctor alon ýg' China ýis preparieg fractive ilit-ry ôp,,rations, cnd a a wr týwceente nations can scarceiy bu e i~d Will fin-,d it t-teiIaLataeto eal at M Mayer's iat Storeý,rad s8ee the imnestc fFeitad Str~ Rtsat prices nyrbe-fore offeed.Feit ERats~ harci or soft, a,3t 5'J., formerly sold for $1.50 to $2; Straw Rt equally lw also a l1arge stock o f G ents Fu.rnishings eut down in price, Four ply îinnie collars 10c., worth 20e. Cone ?,nd examine stock and prices.' No trouble to show goods.