______________ I ____ ___________ y in -"Ie Home. ', ýdbard times, whan new methods ' ýf ecn y are, eagerly senght. A great desi of nunecessary eirpeuso may be savefi witbeut depiiug the famlly, of tira best the mnarket affords by a systemnatic course o borrowiAg prime articles of butter, tea, caf tee, etc., frcm tire ueighbors, and repayiug te rame with goods of au inexpeusive char- acier, or tire set of repaymeut may bel '%itte3d altogether witir profit for a limîted eroAs a geueral tinîg, irowever, it is good eceeuouy ta pay debts of this kind lu tire urtnuer suggested. One very cousiderable acouomy ueeds the ce-operatlon of auother famiiy. Let timo youug people get eugaged, aud no market- ing to speak of nesi be donc. The enigage- ment nerd ouly be ternporary, but every one is expectsd ta give, s diuner ta the happy pair prospective, If tire honcymoon, ever riscs for said pair, it imili, probably ire speut sn taking sure cures for dyspepsia., That remnuds 'ne tirat .s far heiter to PSY the butcher thau thre doctor. Jrn facet, it is bet- tar ta psy any oue tran tire dotor. There- fore, if a meruber of the iamily ,a11 iII, it is cloarly iruprovident ta wa ste eîonyy in the employment of pirysieiau, or upon drags Ani mediciuas. instead, rather speud tire m eyupon primie cte .f meat and artifio- ilily raised frnits sud Vegerairies. if thre sický persan carinot eat of these luxuries, tire weli aues, iuciudrug yourselr, can est tirer; arat net uly is mouey saved but there isadistfinct sud acceptable gain ta you la Speki1g i fod itispoor ecauomy ta buy fany ,teu:ted food for water-bugsand ranche-s. Tiehouseiroid pets ibria quire as weil an crumbsand bits of mesi, snd the ûxpeeise le harily appraciable. Be,-ides, saine of th1ese patent fooda migirt ire poison- ous,- stud you migirt get juta trouble witir hesceywhoge business itije t proteet An wic sron the subjectoaipets sud foodi, We 1e remm!ni you that It is a m istak- en ides, tira idreu sirould not ire sliawed totaeos we ,ets uu tii the substauntislpst of aý meal have been dispo'-ei of. By per- rrîttiug,- tu tle cnies ta inulge freely iu sacchrn foodsS3t theoauteet thirrstomachs will beoecî,cyci, reuderireg it impossible for tirern taý par; Wae largely of otir'r articles, aud rirus ,-ilM your mear bil ha, je marc tiran eue wsî-y, seusebiy diminisirci. Hom-e Marie Awnings. C'et for thIe- framaes oi your borne-maie awuiugs twao round pieces cf waad, like irrocur handies. Tirese wiil do nicely if you bave encueir cf them. Put as crew oye tirrougir the end cf rcsm hbrr iandlc ansd fatjrta tie side of tbe wiudow by runnipLg a, bock tbrougb jt. Pjnch tire hock shr athat rire eye will net slip ont. Ncwv faten ta t!ire ra fa ths wiudow cas- iet thie sjdes imo sý.iiar sticks, bui le~gr, s thy cust asor ot ta tire eut. nibicb1 yen1 put li' e iower part, ai tile wiudws~ h ndýý i-ii k r î ;(bilyu put in tire upper psnt, mud yen bav tie swuiug frarur imben yc aedoueý ibis au bath sides ef tire wiudaw%. 1, la ve se easy. And if yen do reLot uuderstsud, look at anl swuiuî anti yen wil see for yoursslf. A little sajl ciath may be baught aud the awuing« purt made sud sewed ou. Of cors, s lanctirer e are ne side placet ta h wuns But thie la jumaterial ~ndlepreeredby msny, as jr sijelit witbcuit sîiuttjug ont tire vjew. A iitthe i aeniysd arraugiug cf strings ruuuing ever t.ire wludaw will liift up the awnings. ora wamnan I kuow ws se ingeniaus tira sire gai tire jdea. cf lifting tire awniugý above the casing after they were closed. And ensiLybe errer womien will sea hew t, dlo thiîs. Tire serew eye then us upa roi1 placai perpeudicuiariy on tire wînievw Casuig. A Buneh of Recines. aprSauce.-Tmo tabiespeonu ni el fleiur aud a haif t.upfuief butter beaten tc a crea.in : thon add a piut of boiliug water. St tremxtr ou tire jire and srjr it con tiniuaii y until heatod te tire boiing paint tlien aJi sit sud pepper ta tasta, ibref tabeseofçisof espars and ene table spoan.ful cf lemon juice. This la the besi sauce tej serve »îith lauri. MitSauce. -Pick, wassh and shred fin( sea resh" m tPut ou it a tabiespoonfu a-) sngs r suid fouir tairiespeofu as of vineger Nice whth epurton sud lamir. EggSauqmiirFish. -Take eue cupful a bur b ju;te et ona tablespoonfuil o1 flubaiu a tailespoanful of sait, sudE qluarter of s tes spoaufel ef black pepper thon acd a plut cf cali water. Rear it stirring ai tire trne; whien lb bogies tr sin merenve i from tira lire, aud ai( Pineappie Pie. -Take the weight of ou gratei pifleapplo lu sugar, and half i' wehght mn butter. Crasa the bretter mn suniar tether, adi the weii heston yoll of five eggs, thon a cup of s weer rniik au the pineapple ; iaatly the whites of eg gs beaten te a frotir. Bake ine one cru enly. Bst the pies cold. THE PRSý1ýF 'WI4y. f maire a comiortabia bed iirn ai i t aming au. -- Tira ieavrest nains occrrinutire tronies Soe a Wale iIrormatiose About the- beciuse threireat sud evapararion there are Tligs Tou Haive ofien Wondered At. greateer, sud tire utoierure ascendiiug tai A sosp hubble is round because every part Auddeuiy condensai hy tire upper curenitS, ai ira surtace je equally pressed by tire ai- af eold air. mosphere.1 A boy's marrie pasecinir a kernle pre- olieep tirriva hast in a pasture iufsateýd vents rire eucrustug ai tire vessel hecause iitir moles, because cf tire botter drainage tire marie artacts the particies cf lime sud cf tire laud. ta preveutste rir adhieîrg ta tire sdes of . Tire toue ai a bell an a glass can ha steppei tire keirie. by tire inger because tire vibrations, are People wlak bt-cause tire eye enuit ho hua checirci. kept cleau and moisi, sud by tue' action of Tire porcupleh o aliiecaus, i ieeehd iefuiscmed ýby trire lavda usme camnes tram rima Latin iords r ,rau , ai thte eyes is spreai equaily e'.er Ire surfacé mng a hrlriy pig, itre.oe Biliug watt-r tastes dlat sud insipiire. - cause tire gases it canrsened have been diven IT ALL DEPENDS - off by ieat. A tuniug-fark dot-s net ceuni lne sva u of Osur Happisies% i5eeuds ons Ea uai iecause thure la no air ta cnvy te e ae More, Red bain js ai that colon because h le s srp' posed to bave a langer proportiooef caîpiur tran backr bain.j Bina arc covrei iitlirfeatirs iecause tirese combine tire hirgireer gree cfwaramtir witirtire least weigirt. A haavy dew is the precursen ai raie, becauce jr sirows tirai the simesphereise saturaici with moieturo.1 Lunar halos are soureti nos largo andi someties sensil, irecause îirey are formed at differeut ireigirta iii tire air. Silver raruisires avirn exposed to the legiri iecanse cf tire actinie or ciremical pro- perty posresai by tire raya of te sun. Tire glow.wormi bas a irusir attacbed ta its rail because iris ueccssary Io show ira liglerhaithe iracir ha kopt cean.c Decaying aoci ani purreiyiug isb ilok lurninous in tira dark, iecanse iirey are reaiiy nndergejug a slow combustion. Whrite clotiing is cool because it reflets tire teat of tire son; ba ck clothrng la warn bacause lb absorba bath Ieat sud ligiri. mrou iedteada are sale durng a thonier storur,irecause, beicg goci conurctora îhey keep tire eiecticity Irou tire body. A haruing gas jet le uhaalt4in uasbei ciramber, irecarese ans gas-ligirr grves ont as mucir carbonieacadi gas as two sîsepers. Tire eyoirahl- h avitie irecose tire bleai vessais tirat feed ils substance are se surah irai niey do net admitirhe red corpuacies. Lightuicg ij aedestructive hecauseofcitir enormons powmer. A flash cf ligh tirs b as been calclatei ta oqual 12,000 hersa- power. Tire fiesir rnier rthe usila looka rei irocanise1 tire nails are almosi transparent, ani tins tire colon of tire tisane henetirk is visi- Swallaws fly low heicre a nain hbecause tire iceecte tiney purse e r thon utar tira grouni ta escape tire oisture offtire upper air, Tire bodies cf maths are ce' er!ed aitir a tiick initn because tirese insecta fly hy aight and naci protection frero tr damp- It is barder ta biow eut s c.anile with a cttiln tran wtavirsflax wick, 1, ,,iecauelire irorous ce trou absorbâ a unciuhtianeaithre taiioav. Spotanesco mbeteqeceaiinma-uy, substancejs because (during teilelu ation Tirebous c tie shah 11are arbedire cause e irai euritire greater streuir haiiý corn,,iei wi, iltir e aqtweigit sud qr'n- iity ai material. Seasireils murmur because tire viiratious of tire air, not etherieobshervable, are cliected in rire ehel sud by ira shape'arc brougiri ta a oecus. È A spoan le a glass fihici aitir bat aater preveuis tire ireakîug of tire glass 1because tire moral roadiiy absorirs s large Ipart of tireireat cf the iatar. Flies eau avalir ou the ceiliug because their fot are natural air.pumps, sud ferla s vacuum sa tiat tire body is supportai by taitmospitenie pressure. A match i gnitas bacauseofo!tire heai gen- eratod hy friction. Matches are tippei 1with pbaspborsansd sulpirn, bath higlly Vinflammable substanrces. A plumh lice kv tire ide cf a very large building inclines saunIte frour the popon- dicular hecanse tire ieigti atstracted by f tire mass ai tire edifice. Many apringe are iniermitteut, prebahiy because tire chaituels lesdiug frei the -reservaire te-tire surface are crooeiransu eonstibutc naturai siphons. A black daimu graima rener tire loatirr a of many bina aitirhe appreacir cf iinrer because iawn is tire hast sion-conducian soi bîsack the aarreeat cler. Suaw is somnetLimes of a roi cler, hecause of tire presence of a minute vegetahie ceil, a tire Proteoccus nivalij, imiicir accroies a red i coiemieg marier. Iran ruera mare rtpidiy imbene aet tiare wleon dry hecause jr iras, or 5emsa rihave, sf greater affiuîty for oxygen wben rire lat- f ton je combinai aith hiydrogen. EL Bats are net classai iith bIna, because they enokle thein yeang, aud, bsviug ne nests, carry them about urerli able ta fly 0 alene and cae for tirerselves. A roi sunset loretolis dry weatirer, he- cause lbt indicaie tirai ire air taward tira imeer, frein whlch raines may generalîy ire expeeted, centaine hila misture. Lightning trayais lu a zigzag course, ho- cause it passes nirogi diffrent errata of rair and iring rasisici lu lis passage turcs frein ide ta ide te ied tire assiasi path. y A pint of tireaou ef vitriol mixai with a a plt aifaatar wilih net fli a quart measse, hecause tire hulir of tire coupound bas heer ie reducci by bbc abstraction o! latent beai, m A man feols drewsy asuer a ireaty dinner le because s largo part ef tire bloo in je r 1- systeni goes te tIre stornacir ta aid je digestion and lbaves the brain paorly aup- Il pliai. 1P A piece o! piroaphorus spinkl1ed iiti dry le powiered ciarceal ignitas airneer jutanti, a beesuso tire cirarcoal absorbe oxygen fraie tethe air sud se predaces a higirer tampons- le tare. A Hennis foliow a trail botter duirne id uri than in dry aeatier, heeasethe ,kmeistnne ai tire airnosphere prevauba tir e, disseminatjon of tire odors buf by fleelu, . Tire twinirling e! the stars luebaies had t weatbem, heosuse lb hosiametiraitireaare d.serjal carrants o! differeut temperaîares, b thus prehably iudicating stmoaphonic dis. b'I It is net a very pleasest rmatter ta cou- templare, but ht is a truîrtiràat irs ta be faced rirat falure, disappoimeut and de- lest constitute a considerairle part cf hboman lite sud ihat mucb af aur irappinese depeuis u pof tire way lin icir ie accopt tirer sud tire lessous ie dnsw fmcm thern. Wiiic jr nray ire betier flot ta couremplate tieu inîncin l regard ta projeets that nequire ýA tire rosi, courage sud endurance we care get rogether, it may not bcra aiss to neflect caluly, ai imes, repon tire partieniar char. aeleritca imicir are need'sd tr, meet thier msnfnliy sud secure fmcm tirer miatever henefirs tht-y are capable cf împartinng. These are very differeut frour, sud farrmore mari tarions tran the qualitios wicb mairie a mac ta ride tneumpirantly eutirebouedigj tude ai populan suc cesa. Tire courage co bigl eedavor je net the courage of eudur- suce; tire eaurbsiseut tbat isugirsar tobstac- lea is very dijferent aire tire expenieue tirai realizes tram; tire soif confidence wiricir rakes ne note cf limitations ta quire unlike tire humilîty ,iehrcirbas fud soi aceepted tirern. JInire sainie way, i may ire coeneicithat tire iopefuine a thar iras neyer beeti cruse i crcely resembles te urodeet hope wicmle maýýy eprng up airer failire, courent ta dtriva for surah ttiigs whien grear eues areiposbe Tire uroper wtiy to judge of men anrti tirir motijves is ta cousider tiroir aima ruý lîfe. We can by uo î-ecans exteni to tire- seilisir mans tire-afie-culousPte respect uhiirs1 due ta the philaorirropist. Tire triump'i ai uaemay ire paitry esud oci utile Secouer, tirat of tire cirer may ire noble sud berole. Yet ini seaos ocf lailure, wmien efforts bave ireen iefeated, wbeu lairor iras been in vain, when cheistei purpoe have beau irustrat- ed, sud struggles have irein vain and frui- 'i se, bath may ire equally upresparci te j eot tire choek. Botb may succuir ta tlie dissppointment; lose Iteart sud courage sud enako shipwreck ofi tirir lises. Mauy a uman bas set outl wîirirope sud enthusiasur ta: engage ire somu n 1oblecauise or te carry oui seime citerised ýplaýn for.tire goci ail saciery. For szim, oceaeesta rom hiefforta sudirislabors ar eOu 1, î. PreseBfietiy inievriFPr lises grauni, h orealiendifficulies atir e indpoable hoats flot mee fr aiithe esp ofsehiri ountwe ouexclletiris pansaroe et edo, and peniaale hwiasiecnetres lu b ira prsantheou dirinte i imoise Dxipoc ie sud tdisceortegasesrrof hies aa i lu ; ih is fot hat hilemairen eie tntettos ees a d isegmtle sis- saeficin man fh ortie mrer cf irsdie. earoesaer cellht ent ia airn idowever zie aus irs effrsii a snlet etandhmrr lessous whrfailr etbasproms o f re exuicenc omgt icv-sir.asso iris N fîne;he mgRt Ini tFiaiimbers iurir irealani etifu tae beta bery bf pieJt--o -'ter Aý Uw apr haririg the w'rds "lWhy Does xvN' NEAK. a Woinsn Lok OidSooner Thana mareI") I te LEVERt Bitos, Ltd., 43 Scott St,, -- Toronto, and you Wr11 recerve by past e 1 r wYsuc a ooth, iavely lake, the pretty picture, free from advertlsing snd sbore w nofice and pebbly, it was Be aell worth framrng. This is aiu easY o.ady anp355ltsd the water so warm, way to deeorate youar home. The soap t. ea1ýy aCr-ed a p y, Douglas could not la the best in the market, snd it wil go ii wl~g.Mr.Kinman ud issoniy cost le. postage teo end lu the, ~'5I1M~wba ercspedrga fe a ek wrappers, if yen leave thas ends oveit tiliý .3lepy lace wer go.Write vour. addrefle carefuhiy. gln' s.t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~w ds ts ue leypae eeg. centuries have lncreazedEgld' (!v, to i e he lke this afrerncon and wealth forty fold. Lad ss i Dougas and Ernesita go wîth rîem.:rn~twas fram tte utxex street PLS PLS IJî~PL3 -,7re penilg te simmr YMTOMS-MOStUrs; iit(.nse itching iii. b~bpy wee sendug he omm ansd stiuging; most at uight; wcrEe by her wat telrutohor. Iey ad othscratchiug. If aPlowed to c 1cil e tum- brý_en lr't nti, but hadl neyer vis- ors8 form, whxch of ten bîei and ulcrate, itsd tIie ~eo leWoods so nuh s ubecomirrg very acre. S-VriFS OINrT- tIefùw d vs since 'Ir. Kinsmnan'an Mis ENTastoothe itching eand bleejen y, braIs \fcr~, yhge-ae ad friendis of Ernest, niceratittu, and in mrst casefs remisves tire ha !l1appaed tumors. At tug st8, or by r ,foir Douâla' errnima aid he mnicht go but as 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Plîlladel- 1 iý -plira. Lyman Sous & Co., Montreal, hea1 hdapdedh thought jr best.for W holesale Agent%. bbc Au t, go, in %avaing. 'This wassespeci- L_____________ 5.Ii ~ ~ .ri htr~~as ret5manmua laid no- sncb ri rlctian on hi m. But Dougîs Cie~ UrIUd-Ied i pta tlk alrthe pleasure he cold eeefulIassisted lu carryiug 1 jDpetdBlo , por tiic nuù½l, rpars necessry for this nourishmieft, e ve r ythi ng p&rty,7ý scr darbour or two eut doors. bad, They are signs of It was lasto~Lsig-hý- how trany lit teok. Flrst, i aatrehmock for M iss Anomia. ermo10de r sicter who baI camne down fron th"'i eity te penda day, and wss goig 'ie theýý,,n iten. thero wass a satchel, whlc ~roat es urecotanai corne- thîug lad. whul Dougaeiug more a etrar irer, ondic as ro its contents. The i ~rews Mss NIsriou's sketch book1 and~ ~ ~lr aa o o eijudnifinially, para- solsfor rhouh ib waik to tirelake was eGea of odler01 flVot a1o îoeitwa daim a dusty rositeCeMo ýo11vrGl where r1 SU,)lt every bot. Iwith ]aypophosphitesi en- As tr ~reaud ilake, thre wateroak-i riches the blood, purifies the -,d vey~ n teringand Douglas1 tculd c fp sa0ugIl! wisb I could go1 skin, cures Anaamria, builds ire ~ ~ ý caadtijggo seme other U tiOssem. Physicians, the "Ne~h mm, yu ca g vorld over, endorse it, "I 5i kiee I euli o 0w,lleau Douglas, "if s jcd cuak, ut1 wo't do tirat." deïebySstu1s "No dre 2' alishe. Aflei ieehrthey foilowed taouBevî.Airest.5e.4I the ahi ~wass uite s relief______________________ fr-rm tL 'hed a picassut- spot ld~îwiere tire tire anis andrir ~'N WORMS. on Atirehition, foudaliwe intl rbecomes Warinm aýeD scratche in tie wt ve mois S To ney suffe rrmm~rO 5eîi joSt Vigor, A inug aus1eà.e PIîs of Yeumtliral MeisstOi , ExOeSm! V8 IsidueIeneeoe, Etc., imbo avili se"dnie atlain description of tteir symaptomsi,1 i vesnd'ee informanbtion ca smi ever.fariug nene ofse- eire, ahich, aser heiuf savindî e u ipsi ujub y "qtracks" ami bumbuga for yoars, curaOU mejp, % few aveeks. Filase don' ten unlees ye neati it. Correspoudiendae acnedly coneflnti Addxass, Gea. VOU Platz-, Taranto, Oint. ýS ta an exceeduiigy uainfnrl and auccyiug afii the nicir sud paor. mate. snd feursie.Tire prtrciurl ere itcimu, avicir iseworstat anigit saien Lrie sut. in bed. Sa terrib-le tire ircltiug tiai frequLeniY procetre eieep. mfen tire aufferer uncocsciaîesty oes tire parts ntil tirey are sore-ni2ers antd tumors istînre ia exuded. Fcmiaies. are pocniiarly affectai.1 auiing ibearair'irriati n d troeuble,'fhesesu dn of Itciring Piles orirrtton na part of Lt. titely atiayed 1 n(d,,uIeki cr',!y rSeOit 'st so tcimug he r r emaud o-es, dr'l C5iia Ras Soea tWderis Irosselades ad a eti, bvr daset Arzuy, butDOeesa't htneav iowt 0e61 W: tUsa Tiiesa ape Japsu le on ibe ide of arien and civiliz a B tien sud future pesco,sys the London imas me Cironioie. And fotanateiy sire je weli aine ta im te jusisi upon ber own terme, mutb Hornuavy le cor uumerous,hut j cnaie i severai firet-clase aarsiipâ, sud ira efficei sud w are prohably borter traincid pesesa 1)00'; groatrrinitiative tran rlrose of ai beastoce 1put bu Enropean Sîste. 1oser, ný Hon army lsadairirsly druled,thorouglily iamm s irorogoeeus snd enîhnrsiassic, and as well bat Dc armed sud equipped avhiail tira modemrn oui Eurepeau additions te tire actual figiting rosu;ht lino ase smost any farce iu tire worid. The bec ao 10,100 moueb ebas thrown ie oCeresa vil mar1tir irdly have cot an offrt, Sire cccii raise lai fan, 50,000 mon aiuot a groat airain. Andii she aere figutier for ber existence as a na- tion, anicalci apon allheinnreservem,Japaa Hier conta unobtoiiy put 100,000 excellentual treepa in tha file. Besides, hem arseusîsObs sre capable of ruruiug ontrifles, amuunitin wa - >. .th-,bo- snd supplies ofa ai uninm due ratiote tire i numirer of ina army. Moreover, Japan bai fbouet a miitsry caste te iraw upen avion thre modern regimo ias ihasugurarsdinje1868-ase eatrageous sud as punctiliane s igbting Yuu clase as iras even existed, and tire tradituoneselve S of the s ve irecuscrnpuiouslv kopb alive. are 1t,ý Fiually, Japan iras a splendid mercantile res1 s uavy, sud tira sixteen abip aire iras juat Pr omus chate rai have beau taken fromn a singleEago, i natuve tesmship lina. 1drea -,n What iras China ta show againet tunsi the ire Sirebassevoral Europesrt-bilt ironclods,bub huàithe ber cificere de net undersai uer, nd, fud ber mon hava uitile noion ai tirir dusijea. tain- Sire ias, uadonhiedly, a vasi and reckies,!y 0orgalre purciasci ursea o! gune, rifles, sumureLition it mita, sud .otier sppIes, but the condtion e!f ali l ibeni tirese oxcept ihe vcrnewest le prehably bs bai, sud tire mou jutc, wioae bauds eniey n t avuli be put wouli sèeatirer fer the irai are1 TeCinese offleer bas for tira most part no more kuoedcge el military tpctics thirntm s Hindcohiasoci kating, and thetira nembroa L Cinese treops ilas ey stery. are a beai The Monkey's Descent. orve t Papa, de mon descend irom iimonkoyq«!" f,,,.l t eked tire tirougiti i litle boy ai bfisire,1 -father. rn "lYes, sy beýy.," yon 14And imat aieutthe mney " bro 0 And tire pnzzied fairer rplii: lTreho sie amoukeys descend, my boy-rirati-r- on ,o tirey descend fnom trets!" - t - S nE Iki nÉ i 1À F F PLU bthave you tr ed(3 yo ir3eýf ? it i5, maKmný rme.w Wrîendj every day, -D'body. t â away.5 even befteir thani peoplt. expe.ct. j. B. PACE TOFIACCO 00-- RICHM0ŽN, VAý andi MON TREAL, CÂN.ý