Polish. LAB] Es, Use Hook's Sofâla Shoe Poli sh for 1-edies end Chudren's fine Boots and Shoa Éhe fintet ta preserve the leather and keep it Dliatble. ï t wiiI leave a poligh like satin, For Bhte by Boot and Shoe dealers. RAMUNE. 1'roposed Salings. Sibiect ta change. ]8K. lverpoo>l, Loadouclerry' Quebe, and lWotreaL Mail 8ervire Prolo Montreal Freim Qiiebeo dayligt 9Oai M~ONGOLIAN ....-.... Aug. 4 Ag 'LAURENTIAN.... ..... Aug il Not Auig ISARINIAN .........Ang 16 Âng 19 NUMIDIAN ......... ug 25 Not calling, PÂRISIAN ...... ...... Sept 1 Sept 2 RATES OP PASSAGE. F irst cabin ])Pry and Liverpool, $4,5 and up- 'Wards inge; $95 and upwards return. Secôr d cabin Lverpol, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, 33o; return$0. Steerage at owest rates (eery- thing f ound). STATE LINE SERVICE. SEW YORK, LONDONDERRY AND GLASGO W. STÂTE 0F CÂLIFORNIA, t p.m,.. .Ang 3 ;STATE 0F NEBRASKA, 1 p.m ..... Atg 17 SITATE 0F CALIFORNIA, Il a....Auji 31 Clabin p&assage $10 and upwards, return $80 and upward; Scond Cabin $30. Steerage at Iowest rates. For tickets and every Information apply ta M. A. JAMES, Bowznanville, ~BOWMANVILLic, AuQuST 15, 1894. TEMPEJRANOE POLITIOS. The Milton Reformer of which Mr. Jlich. White, a West Durham boy. is edîtor and proprietor, in its last issue lias auch a- very sensible article on temper- ance men and politie thst we reproduce the major portion of the article and heartily coniend it to the thoughtful consideration of some electors in this riding: Our good friend of tha Tororito Juno- tinLeader says lie "will leave it to the ýomm1)on sense of temperaùce poople whethier they do not think that the pro- nounced teroperance candidate is more likely to support ineasures hving for their ob ect the W;Iiing out of tÏhe liquor trafiic than;Li a candidate whoisntol Wuppo>rted lby the liquor nmen bti lerlpaýtroni of the barhislf ,Il deed.You knv " nv~ CLEVBR .STUDýÎIPS Tcrontoý UniversityM ruat Bow mA< -- ustD'T e~re- Nsi À,DouBLE iroÀsz4 GaIFILAN~ INNR TEE , nient, veill promise, iîf returnceb tc-power,' to pss proibioryliquor la for thi2 Doni)on àat thçe iretseio feth general electbon, -o will inot onl2 suppor.t it in thesaeolnis but vote for its can- dlidate linthis coulty. We don't, believei in shouting for prohibition 3U4 days in the year, and on the 365th day go and vote against it simply for party's, sale,. DÂRLINGTONIS 100 YEARS. We are told that 100 years ago, vqtiin a few weeks the first white man set.t]ed in this township. Itle fitting that ad;h, an historie event should ho ceabrated1 with ail the dignity that can be assocîated with it. Mr. W. Law called TisE STrÂrEaMXA2'S attention to the approaching centeniial of the first sattiernent a few days aao,, and at a meeting of the printing committee of the Agricultural Society we laid th& mat- ter before thein with the result that a special meeting of the Directors was ealled for yesterday afternoon te consider what action shall be taken to catry iuto affect the suggestion. We propose to have the cilebration on the first or second day of the faîl fair when aIl the old pioneers (if Durham and Ontario Counties and their descendants shall be invited toparticipata in the century celebration. There are noue of the first settlers liv- ing now, but many of their descendants' are stili with us, and out of respect to the worthy pioneers whose namnes they bear and who did so mucli to give thia locality its importance in the history and progres of the Province, they will be only too -lad to assist ini bringing the important event to a succeseful climax. The list of early settîcre anîong others contains the namnes of the Burks, Trulia, Pickles, Borlande, Davises, Wilsons, Con- ants, Powerses, Sopers, Potters, Bowens, Perrys, Bateses, Carre, Spencers, Fletch- ars, larks, Annis, Burns, Smîrhg, 1Hask- il], Marshes, Porters, Hawkins, Giffords, Stephanses, Bices, Caswells, Gages, Bcd- ford, Grants, Milens, Ilagermans, John- sons, layses, Caldwefls, Munsons, Odaîls Lovekins, Wilmots, Bownans, Barbers, Stevenses, Lighthaarts, Washington%, There are now living iii Bowmnanville tnany who can go back, 30, 49, 50, 60 sud niâre yeaar in this century. For instance w, have Col. F. Cubitt, Geo. Haines, Esq P. M., Richard Wîndatt, Esq., town clark: David Fisher, Esq., H. W. Burk, Esq, ex-M. P. ; James ileal, Esq., Samuel Rleal, Esq., Samuiel meconnochie, Esq., Duncan McConnochie, Esq., Samuel Van- stone, Esq., Sanmuel Burdan, Esq., ilector BetEqJohn Fleming, Esq., James- Morris, Esq., Win. McGill, Esq., Geo., M . McGill, Esq., Manager, Ontario Bank,., John McMurtry, Esq., Win. Pirie, Esq, F. Raynes, Esq., Thos. YodI, Esq., F. Il McArthur, Esq., Peter and John Mugid- ocli, Esquires ; Thos. M1anningp,,Esq.,J H. Raid, Esq , D. L. S. -1 James McrPýf lan, Esq., Win. MoClung, Eso,, Neada, Esq., R. Peate, Esciu terson, Esq., John RejcI, levan, Esq., Thos 5 Quick, Esq., Thos~ couch, Esq, bLesson I. ToîntBrown,. besson V. Fieturea.of MNemo y., Lesson X. The Banc foot D-ày. besson XVIII. The. VisicnofM3a Leseon XX. The Vision (,f >- 'hza--&c- and Readiny, Lesson XXVI. FRom ',-Thie ec village Lesson XXXEIUFlow Gn Af ton. beosson X X I. besson XLII. p basson LXVIII che-rer BOWMAI7,1LiB;. d igttesS pieepaid fahIIklea mr ra in ut -the Es2iQ:eimille. JOHN IacKAY, 4 Propniator.. itThe werd means somaethi with T. TN.T TUOKÂRD. S The following is a sampào cf his id puices: 1G.Cent'ýs Genuine W'altham Watch.,8 5,0 An Eight-Day Cloek, (strik!ag>,.. . e-2.50 'j fent'e $12 Watoh and $2 Oha.,... $7.50 se Ldes $25 Wateh and $1.5UFob. . $14 00. Wedding Rings mada te order. e- These are Barrpins worth t emphasizing. They are -not shop-worn à, goods, but new goods cf first quality boughtright in CASH MAIRKET of to&day,and given 'tv you at these special figures. lie a- îo goods 'sold which are n' not worth the prico askecl, T, N. RICKARD, Watchmiaker, Jewoler and Optician., L~ae sissyrsand other biRdea, for Otle 5 ? ~rp~~~ ehatrâ'aarbr hop.18 MyIliealth was opeel tr àil to try ýny S-hoice faily eY I)vbyf 8 Ub' w% at Peroy'S and see the re- owl"n(d champlon jler,%o oe or Souffler. ET-FrPtOR PrQcov.!2ce 3t t e h in the market. 1ApM TO RNFratr 'rices r1ght.,~F.12 ye , "Q1efdhul"-0O acres,2mi PrIcas i ghtýtram Whitby--gOOê buildings a nd soIt Adn' flable for stock or datry. ýChance for gç ____________________________ ,t,sively hatôoaonto milc business or s bav n Iivasraieing for J.&Inerloaifl rnarlket, Mon ,Vee ;,,V-ýOteshvecapitl' oily need'appIY~j * DW. W CUE.RNGOUT SA ~ 50-cent, Ti'ez>for.25z 3~Q cent Tiee for e The following is the recozd: P SonoL.sempa w- Frank Trebilcock, Fourthiiil nrf 416~RTf LB proficiency md Second in tGm double ý3de- reres 3eat elets are partaient of Mathemajîs and pS&cnofce. rian anfac- 'Nfss Viola GlilaEighth iignalPhte . a rc'nmn proficiency (kuown as the etI'-t uiaike1a ild. Why? Because Scoohirship.> ýhc'se mallr;: the vegeta"ble ex- HONRS oI raeZIre conICentraýted. There are F. Trebilceock, First clarie inM-4e ie ~ly~ hr utb maties, Englisb, History a4Gorpy ea~iwyD.Pi'Ter's Pellets give Second dles in Science and Garne, 3b e aifcin rbbyb Milss Gilillan, First-cIASS in Frensh -11 se h1y C sgrcaeeai and German; Second cîtea in bjî_ip gran of rnnstai d sccd, therefore, 1j Hlîstory aîeclGeçgr&p»y. esl wlcwd.Most of all-theYý" AIf. N. Mitchell, First-elus i 'j"" ntri a, and are effec- lieli; Second-class ,in Mtîmiojtv in reeultý rhen, too, nfter- French, flItory and Geograsi4iy, jý tey! re t*en ,tbày can't be fat-so Arthur L. MeMurtry, .second chýji?ýus l'-Iffe ent frein the old - fashioncl. English. . J* pIiUa, witftheirgsriping and violence2, The folbnwing passed èht, matnieulati o;Isii F xib'et~î pain in stomacJac F. Trabiloock,, Miss V. Glf-,Ian, 'f .'ot ne adhbtacotptie Mitchell,,A. L. McMurtry, Jas. Ghilaa~ cil ai~ikat bilious headahs and Miss9 Bertha McColioch. tbe " Pýiiuhts bïring such alatg Junior Laig-lnaK clil~,urthat they. aan ba guaran1teZd.- A. Dancaster, B. Morris, FaMunjy, Yoe ýr înneiuv .-, î,>turned, if they d M. Warden; J. Lawson, O.. Sander; -ne itestsfcin SIemon, E. Smale, A 0 ilas ____________ R. fl.Steacey who oatriculAtetb ute 'o tvery aufferer'frointCatas.rk,,. Trnity UJniversity froni BranGod, t>! legiate Thetitute won '_'4 ciashonp'ss-4 nmter lhew bad the case oT,- 0f iu Englieh. hoý jv1iirn sig , the propZietors - of D 'e IgeàCtwrr-hsReuedy aay Entra.nce- a alFs v hc; "I weaat aure it,pefty ani I ainaent1dy, e'Rp you $0 The Literature seleetione fer. the - ii.c al3î ild4gs trance Examination,,1B95 frenth,___________ T-&u.-n1 0r0K arl0 -. ou Ar- *inw îack wfttL itby. k cir ýswo u - mOcents. chance, wi7 il l1at'for Grthea&iî raquir,-a- 1ehats-thay --- A %ar2 roe st -fwdlL i gs cf superb dis lea'asr ad . L ss» u ou r last c1aý Iêbne better4, noz&eh»-ai per than my stork of ga e-erie34, rn.mo , s es, etc.'~ WV. H. OsbQe»,e. -- atI1u rdaU r e ram 'nul~.o, tiO iJ .ouc,, Johneten ~ ~ 1 +r -f vntamythhin t4a jewellry Epse cal>.las I? ceap yoc eau buy.1 !,Uyfflrd the Jsts ller. Unlize o.nhade.remaieaPhenyo- d~ffin et »l~x rehevubulicures. It -&- ~Urf&leO l i al~rurgi:ts. mwo l e yoi ZV01,and ffreh aFa WOrth 30c. T I. tenid tù-You. ~ Thee~s>n~e istl e bout it, il o 2D b l ge ain. want týa, 77j ine -vor-l,,doue on yourr' ~o ~uur ,best, Pi i n , ,uaeoi riiiuï g 0 i, . d uced to 10eC". Sby'ain~ at M, Enairs nt ~r aChci;,îlog seýie of L(c r tjrfliah trinmdha at 4 Mms. Dor.camter. M'iýa8 N ow i18 yruw 1 uýr readerra -in any part cf anad&)- shou0-ldEtsk -M . A- suies for prîce f' 1<C- d-IIA 7 (+C UIddCGSuntry î.on scnLnàig for frieathi. n J~nea.Ms~ 3uanaounces thecoaea- , ýn *ent of thiîr a.nia remuant, sae thiI -,;e tiemnathegoodeeouoeutpd i ,a&j O'HN M ( - ~week. a d a ho ucs qo tl ie dm Mi Ven fo nena1%cards are prnted at bàà, ____________________ îOffi,ýe licOsnecharge lu made la pubhishiait thl2 noticef, of cltuth n Tiîz ST.f&naaM a w e çn dcýo nt pint th% carde, t>U e RNflahu MAB ,ïevery 'Thnred ay aitennoun duning .7- u]y . Andk'nA-gUet.. Cstomet's Who wois,ýl,] se- n cure bargalua should get their ordure ii- ag tc f a in l the rwrning or wai> fil the,5 llow- TAaedtok ef., ng ag ay. obHadtnf, nnn OniA nAA ai1 ace will be e tning noxt19 .aine- 15c. yd., bis is a great rnut s are re- per yards, r time to get JYIIRTRYO LE AND GRANITE WORKS, Finishedl Monuments,Srepgi ,etc., in the best varieties oi E uro-~ wia rn ites~ and Mar.iI OALEDONIA»~ I~MU.S. in handsome designs, and at prices from $4î5 to ~ Orders respectfully solicited and careful fco>npletion guaranteed. Cali and inspeet My stock, andl SEE WHKAT TOU ARE ]BUYING. E. R. BOUNSALL, Propriet-or, FLYPER, FLY FOISON, FLY POWDER, -AN iÇID TAN GLE FOOT STIOK-Y FLY PAPE R in any quantity at M& CIIMSTS and DRUGGISTS, 1oavu0 C. P. IR. Ticket and TeIegraph Offke. This' j4eeu JJIOCK, JýQwluèàuvluu. 1