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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1894, p. 3

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-e ~ A I EFUL-C0F R TT! G. fIN T ~ ~ isvlnaiy stbough to catch hl; J! QUEERý TIIINGS IN ANIMAL LIFE.f I IJL)'~~ IFjJ'S., baut some were ou the Iaddfer, aud tbev édid >1eI10 ,their Ibesis for hlm. Even they wer u hyArein 9, buttiseWy oetIf Nebody fa< Lîti Trt' urir.at dapper, lu at bldane wa seîzd Thgryuo sbyihtny.Ts greattiageTrbutgsodanges wacbever theni. The bundie that ha held go Ti. taeýleurns Tei ony ahi BRAFS-S1Etî Years ago, amoug those wbo trod the by oue man ; tva others bel l lu their is a fa, The carrier pigeon flies his hun. me "atbruhkuoiwledge aoftIse natora bu y treats Of the metropolis, was a man arms, aud brouglit hlm dowudrd of miles homeward1 by eyesigbt, nai- Bo laws wbýi T ovs he oprtoeco dgsisTs irl rushed forward screaming, and end nu'cSu sc yacrefai appîteaiion ahcrie could scarcely have lpassed without those wbo held the biauket tuwound ns gmarken iint ouynonjecturhae he mai edfi neeproThitesias weil-conjecture.coThe mi Bppslia prvîdd ar brakfst abls v snie notice ; a man witb beetling eyebrows toids. Out of it peeped a litile finsled daictey iva retbeaa vhci allsve au'àblack eyes, aud a bard redness of chek, baby face-a bead of rnmped coris. Haitjdragon iiy, wîth 12,000 lenses lu flse ye bc esm'u havy dactori' bis. I i byw the toleebtuhrTo edle iy %ý rmaget nl ihterpdt a udcosuse o? such articles of dict tha anau' ix feet at easi in bis boots ; a man af eohrd u uhrTooeU hrtu af rniangle ta ,ang l iberapididaty ra contiuton may lbe gracinelly huile cen untîl tuigit and da' v. Itwas apt aa t arstawar ber knurs le, u r. e ubb fadsigaad u trpdydmat stro,, ng ucgb ta resist every ;eudency tu ne îytui tfaha a etkn ybr dies. iundrede &Ê subte maladies are thîrty years of age, ibis mnucould bave not No barm bad came ta Trot ; but whai of back, nat turniug in the air, but witisa a tlaati ig avouai us-'eady In attacle wbarev'ý er bered, hail be desired ta daoigo, one bier preserver, Ishmael? Hie lay there with clash teversing the action of bis four wings sic theme is a wecelepoint. Xe tUai ecapes mcmv reiemheduoa iennskesA otoadisatnoslcluaigthdsacef a fatal sbaft by keapinq ourselves veUtl fort!R,3I wortby deed, one bouestpiece of labar bon- steduo lea' ue.AJ o n ntnaeul acltn h itneo with hcr loiadapoe~yuerse all bis hand upon bis beart. His eyes o the objects, ar le wouid dasb hiniseif ta sel franei." "Cil Sereaa G. roartc." sh destiy paid for,even onekindly deed, such as çeecoelhs I sne i ybos0 ivil ServiceeGazettosII bis inairasiuoformatbis eyebhewP ade sîmply vith boilinr vater or mnille ordinarymndo ot of more good nature whitened ; 'his flash clothes, anc mass Of îeces. utl hicnominoftbe :p j Sld oly in pacleets. by Gracers. labAlled thus rymnan t JIAMES EIPS et Co., Qlotmopattlc tissas evcry day of their lie-es. tmber ; bis very baots shrivelied audJ eye doses this paver consist? No one canti IsteLoind>îR.Enziad, fscrolled away froinc bu burut feet; the hand1 anaw r.i ISs 4aIaEgasSomnehow be had come hy the rinte of a a il h ite u nadcie erdei Isbmael-certaiuly not by chrigtenitsg. h tat bd the litt rofle obrde a cone Ten tbausand mosquitjoe dance up and thg tatemotnrofldesobaey'a u down in the suri, wlth the minntest intervai phi jptfl, "'X~ was the fttest naine for himt thai could mass of bisiered Intusa, have been chosen. Lik3 one dead bie lay for a vîsile, but ai beweýioen the g yet or an ioks anoteor Is WEDNESDAY- With 'banb rbber o 'bgconscience last bis eyes opened. lHe looked ai thea hiadlong ondthelras orsbreaksareg orda WEDESDYAUG. 1, 1894 Wtaal o r nbsfaces about hbu, ail kindly, pitiful, fulli1wîug, long uad dhïsicaualteyre. Sud-on - - ~~~(if hae bail ana>, and the knowledge that ail of sympatby, aud feit that for' once bc vasdeyapeuah'gsoleevion a fien amng rseds Hahead nen al creatura, wlth long and pendant nase- n. s, the powars of the police were ai work toafid mnfres.Hhdmnca ldanýs ont of the risîng and ialling chauds a DA', MBER 0F COLLEGE FPNqCA prove hlm eugaged in it, few men would bum brave, and beard wamen sobi. A new r Glngoyu cekistsapsncl îVj'-IandSurg,ýeans, Otario, Coraner, etc. bave walkad abroad that day,gitteriug aJhl a audupnhmhhahand ouseiig. o onr c he ials posonca Ofrraan Reidece Enieklln. 4,was a caro. Ha b'aloficu heen stared a u n.Wat poDihssased tha itodhe w e Offce nA esîena. nuikilan.~ 'flashy, wiicb a long cigar in a long ambher by a crawd befor2, as hae stood at the pris- ba was dancing? T'coana knows. DB FRKIE Nsim>), mouthpiece, and a stolen watcb lu bis fob, onerle bar, but a hast of kiudly eyas had A carniage cames snddeuiy upon sanie Y> ý, RI7STRM, SOLICITOR-, ti'. MOP'TUS but hadid it. ie met an acquaintance auJ neyer thus turned upon bum. Hednt uase i a nerrow road aud drives straight M p1 OC'0 . nuptairs, King Street. Bow'uan- d aIal Ha reyu'aJ feel much pain, but hae knav ibat the end lsroug1s the flock. A goose vas neyer yet viiev. Slilciior for the Ontani Banke -sad-wtanohI$ waryin was ai baud, Ha vas dving-dying jusi faily rien aven,nr a duck. Tbey are cal ;? fag. R5uanivi .si -,- -~ -followed ih witb another oath, nie ardin. as lbe bad hegun ta sea what life mightbca u r;evaywei u bos u e ltsf. tOasts, Vý 'S. amy way of salutation. Ha kuocked an lu- yet, after ai, lha vas happy. they coiniva ta flap and waddie safaly off. an. EFICE IN TUE WEST DURHM nacent ittla Freuchman Jowu for being lu IlIt's of ni use," ha sald faintly ta ibosa Habitushly stupid, beavy auJ indolent, à X'lSews Block. whera tiilet or assistant his way, and kicked a bo lack for saying: bu' aboutadia. IWb'emeswathoeitte i tîey are, nevertheless, equal *ta any ,wiii te fosufi from Saainî. ta 9 u,mn. Nigt catis IlShine 'acunp ?" Aud just then, dowu ai I want br" eagny C t reidence.directiyopsposite Drill Shed. Calls ýh oetelneywopcewe ,) tlegraph or telephone -ethi raceive promit bis feet, a littUe vaica said: "lPapa, papa," They hronght bier ta hlm., The innocent Wyde h oaywopcewe auevaltlaam ecrce isU thadiing bad neither fear nar Jread, bot she ha e c,ends train bis treeanau gots to driuk, A. A, randtiookingdon a warm toddting tdbinlgandcame solemnly, ad lber great eyes dilatad stop sevaral limes on is way anJ lsten A.A.P0 TIlokngdon i sw tddig hig nas she looked ai hlm. an,; 'ook around before le takes laisAraught? AROHITEOT. Plans auJ Specifica. white aud bine, with suuuy curls auJ a rase "Dit up," elle said, sol ty, aud patted Na an knOws. low isait that the species lions prepamed for evec'ylas of building. bud moutb, cliuging there. "Papa," it said im-"dit up." of an &ut wbich ta taken in battla by other Saiattention gîven îa baating by steam nishm rt"adtegrsbig 11, l cmd lvssol cLý lc l, !lot vater. and ta saitary arrangements. agasu. aud then a tidy nursemaid, ail outa KIashmlri"ai il ahig nat a Niae slnes nshoi ath l t)I e:- i 3okWhb 3i Ha took you. out of the fira. Oh 1 pour, or ,tgro ani?Nanakos hraatb, came îsp and caughtit, and hugged pan'l'liialnTot"Te paver of jndging af actual danger R. ?E.A TE, 'Iailor t, and aughed over lt. oAnpp,"sa d J Trot kuait dowic aud taak tha sing. auJi ha fraa-an)d-aasy bolduess that esutîs be gentlemanr 1 'dblack wblskers anceusore ilulber bauds, tram h tare hy no means nncommon. Many Gent1lmen's Clothes Made to Order. elle. "Ies the wvay w itb bier aîways ; any aJhlngtaipasgvahe vig, rsseit aaa orc aino ________________________________Ishmael ber preity "lkiases," ana for eacb gue s range, aud ara scrnpulouisUy careful U~ finelookin' gentleman she vill take for lircb adacfrth 1ih a rwta k-ep beyousd it.' The moat obvions J IV .B T iNACùï1 E paa. er tandoebou.e ut.H de.resourcce would ha ta fly right away ant af DENTIST. ~~Aud the girl smileJ on Ishmaeh, and, for 1"1 want lbar arma arouud my ueck,"le ha siht ando.aig u hi byd a DE T Srv ouder lha did flot insuit bier eiher hy said satiy. A.hoosait o. rzlgvs nac to wodo ok lHug hisi, Trot," saiJ the girl. a enaedtiit o algiv aeaw aneacaofth :-Rear of iVllessrs. word an iook. AuJ Trot sat dowu and wound lier tiuy a4' eiin hth ae aoeo h OFICFE - ero \ess Something nipped at bis beart. A greai arma round the gmat tbroat and put bier osad f tha Aunazon ta shaot apoonhilîs, bal seme t bcinbis ibroat. Ha dubbed cbcak close ta, bis and lie wbîspared 809, a, and aiber magnificente birds wbich n cbildre "kida" ua h&iedthei; bt ibis sftly that nouonuebut this innocenst baby 'are 'abundant theme. Hia design vas coin- Zný Dcidrn1lis' n ae he u hsheard hbu : ptetely haffled, tiowaver, hy a vretched Store, (down stairs), vas not like the cildrau af the dans Le I"Good bye, ittie kid. I uighî have uiesaudpiper, wbich precaded lim, con. rj fraqisantad. A litile saisi pure as wbeu ht had sometbing rongiier round My ,y uckIiu llyttering bis tahl-isie cry, wblch atJ BO~N~TM N VILLEcame tram (lad, anJ vitb ahi ontycerd purity wben I died. If isba prison chaplains araOceeoua ail the birds wihiu baaring. about t, îao- -f ragrat, freah,, anJ white af ight, maybe ve'I meet again. 1 vush I'dUTr1ontiue t e day ipd dhisoin ivu- Gents' Clothing ga~rb as a lily ha of leaf. Sucb a tbing h ad baýd a lttîla kid like yin. I might bavae idcntne , 'fipoa uy tss ha kind ta t, andJlha hamdly knew bow.fie Hie bande drapped away tram Trot's ap)proach of the hiier ta the game auJ yet Ceanad, DyaJ. Presaed and Rapared by bhaut bis head a litile, vguf aisis vlth theae words. mlanagbng ta keap out of the range of bis rp T~ (~ ~. D "fi A rr. Give ns a kiss," hae said, luan ruf "Man's asleap,"said Trat. a. __________ T I.Jl C".1 S. .P Fi2 A .1 rumble of a voice; aud the nurse bald the AuJ IsI maei vas alaap, îudeed. TheE Dye au Clths Ceanrbaby np ta hum, seep ibsi knows no wakiug hadcote espon A BIG BOOM COlVING. Pyr ndCotesjlaar "IGîva the gentlemuan a kias," she aaid. hi lu Trat's innocent arme, lie lay tht-eat ocswarrantad taelbe as naoua v ill iawAuJ Innocence personîflad did nat aven Jdead. ïDrillais Clîimbia Wil ligenefi b> tise them frtram uew veian Jan. knaw sin un the flash wben t iookad at and alenragna Canal.I c orner King auntdr!, Seraîtv , touchad it. The cherub baiids caughi satt-ANU SALE NCoubai hvaotebg Bawmanvihla ~ Iiy ai the man's vhiskers, the augel monthiA NU ALE NTBrtbComhastaavaatebg kissed bia tva checks, anea alter thsi othan, - oom. Sa say thate whose special hobbyI _7 theu bis mouth. Ïs foraýcastiug isba fnture. Tiseir chic D .~i 'vri~ TR Y Say,'Dayday,' crid thagirl andTise Quean Ras uneLess Tisan TIsreDrc babyeaî utauJtha va eragone flirs e tse Tsreai easn for ibis assertion, says the Miss ~ -The man bad neyer had a Pnme kisa hafora lu a speech reminding the goverumeni 11a ils neai e Mnufsatreond a vlemyo -had neyer fait a tender aemation, had thati t oughssta give the Canadian Pania. lnibeaaitsais stato omlto neyer iaved any ana. Ou the instant hae ment au appDrtunity of congatulaiing the 1 c argaCnlfagtrae1e JIoved this baby. Ha valthkedth faasony varyke quuckiy. Hie heart vas troubled, as Itba QueeupoibairbfasntataDk een cibe o hdauJBritisvarlumbiaiadophe vaters of the pool vlien the angal descend- of York, an honarable mma emra eiallcthatrynicih Colnulbuac tle cdinto it. He ase the pe going that it vas a rare avent for a reignung 1anissç rco scuntry ly u aendhyhaome home, auJ asked iniself illseyba babies sovarleigu ta have the pleasure af 4au oplecfo h uoeumras ais haioner. for heaEthaiu mana.s aholik hatciobe Ihi s t ees than three direct hairs of descent ta T!iîîs is the vay it is expiainad: is nov C. HARNDEN, l.'IlS pareu respectbl. 'Ivotae faraîgn . takes a vassal saveae Imonths ta reacb Eng- sir am aiaJtathoel a v iaie. There lae a Iýd fron Vancauver around the Borne. Graduateoaithe Royal Collage of Dental" galovs abead of me, aud l'Il bava a ltuile pbotograpb of a royal gonp composed of a IteNcrgu aa h asg Sureais. utajukid luke that ta cahi me daddy." isba aid Empamar William of Germany; the my h made un 60 daya yitbout trasaip- IEOPSITgeonEXPntrEo FC. AuJ then tva big teame squeezed thien- Cravu, Prhnce, the laie Emparor Fredarick; Ing v hila steamers can make the canalinl 017FCE OPOSTE EPRES OFICZ seves out of bis eyea and oltad dowu nbis William, the son af the Crown Prnuce, uow eigbt days, and tram the canal ta Eng- VITALIZED AIR. checks uncaneciotIsly. the Eîsperar William,; aud bis eidast son lan;d iin 16 days. It s is aad thai the l'il1 go in the steamer," hae said, Il 1,1 Prince Fredamick William, nov isba Cravu Canadien Pacifie raîUway lu conjunctuan cage my namne, If l'm ual uabbed for Prince, af Germany. Wben the Emparor with a line of fasts steamers, could afford to N"E' W î'I a lor Sbiop 's" I far 'l ~asWlimIia fGray dlad, un 1888, fia rates baisween Britihb Columbia aud ThancdrsinedvIs Iss bau aul'lo bavothal'm termth I rackou Prince Itredarhck William the yonuger vas England ai figures coîrespouding vith the Theaîaslnsn siiinewoss in carmylngOn ,lothvte galavs abaad of me, ast six yaars of age. The rayai families ai prasant rates beiveen Vancouver aud San Mason'z Dry Ga<ds Store for a iumbroC yaars it's ike 1 ahail il I stay bers. AuJ l'Il Europe ara of more titan ordînamy fruitful- Francisca. Heretofare vood pnip has beau liýas commanced busies for himseif at bis hava ittleakidsanad an aid vaman. I nassanauJ ongevity, and their multiplication mainly suppliad ta European markets f nom eidence, Ring St.,west, vbere ha is prepare vil--" bas airea<Uy brought witltn the spbera afI Austria, and the cargo traushipped tiva or ta maka geuts' aud boyans' unlaail tbe atat Teewsmr fi.H ol o eppat lpltc h usino ht ist stylas, and et lavesi pricas. For choase Who Taevsmr fh acudnt eppatlpltc eqeton afvb hata i tes in passage-, and hama by ibeaid of wîah ta arder sutea, lha wîh carry a fait iUne ut sveariîsg; but I tbîuk, had hae knavn hav, Lhacoma of the prinues af the btood, who i isb Nicaragua canal, the coasi vould far anspes in ai the newest pataerns. iva lm ha would have prayad Ibis tume nstead. bave becoma ver',' numerouis. Natious I uîsînrip ail campetitors, as the papar pulp aoel. ----rT-% But jusi ihen thera came opan bis ear a navadays vill not support more than the iBritîsh tColumbia aud Pugeis Sound, J. . sudden tumulIt. Men vere fiying pasihini; immediata offaping aofisba reigning saver- mae fraî the gumlass sprue, is eaid ta Faslîiouabla Talor a bael.vas riuging; voman vera sbriekung. eign aud perbapa the haire is e single direct ha s ýuperiarftia ai', puip in the markei, Isba Hoe caught a boy auJ asked bu vwhat the lune. 1home of Isba royal famities ai Europe n i ay ha sahd af aur cattauwood, naed oi, vas. are very pour aparis tram their stata grants, iiu thie manufacture aoflue quality paper, as TE'IIL DOMYIINIONIl"buse afire, anJ a yaung one buruing aud amonig the poarest is the reiguing fam- valUashIba vod for biock.pavinz so axten- Mutiai Fir lu~ nr an ~ in it,"' saud the boy. iiy of Engiand, whase bead bas flot a priJate siveiy used lisbah large Eurapean cities. Aud ai ihat Ishmaai foovcd the crovd. fortune equal ta that ut soie of isha peara, 1Fasi eru States aud Canada viii benefi t A ssociaioa Ha bad ncver bafore carad far any ane's and vhoaa membars geuerally hava Uktle fo the shrtar distance aud lover rates Isses geulu "ilakat PoUcyta armrsdanger. lIe bad neyer fat puty for auy heyoud vbat bas percolaied ta theai from ai ihe canai route, huis Pot so niaterially as a eun "lne"P-Icae amr na. Nov hae thought of that sali noutb royal granis. Thearamy aud navy are apen ih ail aat hs hupr iih lai lesa65 cnts ar $00>that bal toucbed bis heart and made hlm ta ibeni, andusie thie legs conservatimebogt in direct campatitiou vith tb air isud 65"cets par 110Trn.4 aa quiver vitb tIsa îhaugbî ibat a ittie sout jauruals tibik ihat Itba other professious, hthenisa invuluerabla rivais of isba aid 3rJ " 1.90 " "100>Trn, - ea iîkatha'- vas hn sucli aefui danger ; made the Church, the iav audJ medicine satild yorld. Maio cforWest Durham's promineut farmenu hlm promise hiniseif ta gave t, if lha bad alao ha ibrowu open ta theta. A reîguung are iisnrad in it, the paver ; made hlm (eauiben i al covards prince of Germany s a dactar of first raie COMMANDS AN INFANT REGIMENT. R. j. T"OYlE, Esq., JESSE TRULL> Eaq for standing thare, staring auJ shauting and abilhty who practisea. The sans of peers âanager, i.Presidani, dong no'shing. The angines had ual y-t are gaîug in for irada; vhy aistisba prhnces? lies youihrfai mlesty or Spaai Leads 400? Oven Sound. Bavmauvittaontcamenad the bouge, ahlinl flamas insîde, The ovuersbip auJ cuitivation af land s îîaby Sldiers. WiIl cai an rcalpi I posi1ard..b-ched a __fietrmU may indv-,ann ta ahI princes. and is af course the 4»wiathu City er- s"The-onuthe blazing parapet, appears afigure gto els oe fncsày 1'e atýtn on "mn hycm zage, a- oo diseases cannot dovuvard ais the laddars, vhich conid net pendent upon the campauy; tîey felýtt isat nmni part of Montmsartra; bnt the healIth when the exist where raacbhlm, Ihen backvard ai ihe fiames. thay bad made Ots geat profits lui pros. itaihïan spoka sncb atradous Freuch that hidneys are IDodd's Kidney Tsnh rpealnigh n adta perous Jays auJ tbay climed tha right h[ iinylule ubsfc u ii T hl hgg e dp e d c lth e y b a r ah a d t e i/ s n lar e u s a d . "is a c Solqgd, hydscareentPuA s nr e thebahballedga, awung there a moment, aud ta use thain in utmes ao Jpf sia. luedbs strange jargon. Mammini then Dr. L. A. Smth &C. Toronto., Writ or ouglt ta ses hlm dashed ta piecas an the a adyh adt eescee nIsasvrigassa eue rny u book caltai Kiduscy Talle, s'ureei, and had etretched, np their bande vboie. siaobbad iimsal taeJaaish. Children Cry f~Pitcher's Oastoria, Food f'or Thought. in order to elope with her sweetheart' There ia indeed foodi for thought in the Helen Witten, who livegr near aitvle &et that on Saturday while the mob was Ky., chioroformed hier parents aud toýur 7recking ralrua dsaba Chicago, a prelimin - ohildren. She got away. y meeting ofthe delegates, masters, and ien who formi the officiai, Conciliation ;ard for Miners' Disputes of Great Brit- ,n informaily accepted the principle of a iinimum living wage. This will probably ýfixed at a 30 per cent. advance on the ates of 1888, and the masters gnarantee bat wages will not fail below this for the ext two ytears. This ta really a most mportaut economic ex'eut iu Engiand, ice it, is a recognition of the- legal rights ,ftrades unions. Those who labored to cure this acceptance of the living-wae onciple, having established the principie hat workers shall net be forced te starva- in by speculative corners, rings, aud eais, will now sec what mnay be done iu e direction of protecting consumers trom....... udier by the saine agencies, though thet a more difficuit problemn.I Cakes For Everybody, A proflcient cook has an eye to variety .d snîtability. Even in the matter of ace slie is careful to suit ail tastes. Thus: For farmers-.floe-cake, fruit-cake auJ eed-cake. Frrpugilists aud carpenters-pound cake. For reporters -spce-cake- and jumbles. For messenger-boys-giuger-suaps. For poiiticians-election-eake aud plum- For idiers and ne'er-do.wells-loaf -cake ,d frittera. For tram rs-sponge- cake. For grey chiidren,-stumnach ache. ~'O N3E APPLICATIOIN fls OF THE " MENTHOL' îm MI ll,011 PF PM I1II<F Mgr cookîiîî fat whicli is so fast taking the place of lard. Itis an entirely new food produet composed of clarified coiton seed 011 and re- fined beef suet. You cat seUthg Is dlean, delicate, wholesoie, appetizing, and econornical --as far superior to lard as the electrie liglit is to the tallow dip. It als only a fair trial, and a fair trial wiill convince you of its vakwe., Sold in 3 and 5 po.cduiia, by a-Il grocei-s - Made Only by The N. K. lasbn sN Con'ipsny, ['hau a nice Watch, Set of Jeweiry,' Jiock, or Si]verware ? It is fot necessary for me to Say anything about the quality of my goods,,as everyone knows tbat I always keep the best the market producesL have a few Hundred Dollars to m2ake up in a short time and amn 3t111 e---elling off My stock at 50 ets. on the $ while you have top pay tiUblEýrs double11 the p*rice frifro 3tockýý. Cal and see me befo-re buya îng. If you have any kind of small work to repair or mk )ring àt to me and you can get it done riglit. "BIG 20.' VaricOcele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminai Weakness, Uileet, Stricture, Syphsilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney anîd Bladder Diseases Positively Cured by &e-You can Deposit the Meney In Yenr Bank or' with Your Pastmastei' to be paid us ater you are GUREID undsr a wrtten Guarantee! ýýeMbue", Ers and Blsai Dhseasee have wrecked the lives of thousands uf yonng men au nddleae o.Ih am h wreote Sunda s chool, the office, the protýes- sjone ail have its victimq. Ye ,g ma, if yeu have been indiscreet, beware of the, tiuue. Mi4ddle S- ,ee ou are growing prematurely weak aundold, bot4s eexuslJly and physiî'aiiy. Consult us b3ore tooilatc. NO NAMES USED M f HOUT VRITTEN CONSENT. Conidentîal. VARICOCELE, iiMISSIONS AND SYPHILIS CURED. W. S. coINs. W. S. Collins, of Saginaw, Sijeaks. )V. S. COLLINS. "I am 29. At 15) 1 earned a bad habit whjch 1 coutin- - upd tilt 19. 1 tieu becamne "one of the boys" and led a g y ife. Et xposuire prouced Syiiie. 1 becaine nerv- jJjun and deepondent; no ambition; memory pour; e es M> l'd, surLken and blur; pimples un face; bair loose, bone q paýins*' wceffi bnck; varicorele; dreams and lbases ai .j 4 nglit; w scpaprts; depuit in urine. etc. 1 epent han- dreds of dollirs without help, and was contemplating suicide wbeu a f rieud recommeuded Drs. Kennedy & Kergin'soý1w Me sodTrentme st. 'lh'uk Code 1 Varaico ocele1 asCured. TIsýa,,ti yasago, and ineyer had a returu. Was aried wo ysars ago and alnappy. Boys, try Dra. Kennoey&Ker- BEour TRr5,tT5'T gan before giving up hure." ASTER TREAM'T S. A. TONTON. Seminal Wealcness, lmpotency and S. A. TONTON. '8 "When I coulnted Drs. Kennedy & Kerzan, 1I hnd ý-little hope. I cas surprised. Thoir new Methud Treat- ment improved Me the tirst sveek.1 Emiasions ceased, i u, ervee bocame strong, pains disappearcd, hair grew *un 9 f, a gain, eyes became bright, che'erfui ini company and 4~ 1, ~F> tronig acxually. Hiaving tried mauy Quacks, 1 can fheautily recocmend Drs. Kennedy & Kergan as reiabie Spe aliets. They treated me honorably and skillfully.A At£iAt5T BSORET ÉO' _____T_ T. '.LMTtS2. A Nervous Wreck-A Hppy Life. T. P. EMERISON. (4 T. P. Emerson fias a Narrow Escape. f- 'I live on the farni. At echoul 1 learned n ari î,'ebit. wbich svakened me physicaiiy, eoxualIiy and nentally. Fainily Doctors eaid 1 was goin i to h 'oeumtion. Iinaliv 'T ho Golden Moitor," edited by Drs. Kenu.'dy & Kergan feu n- D to My bauds. 1 learnied the Tînt?, and <aws. Self abuse bad cspped my vitaity. 1 took the Xw j1 o rc'ctsrst and eves culnd. My frientls tink 1 wscuredut Consoimption. I have sent thora n '~\~r.~clb -patients, ait of whom i\verîs cered. Their INew M1,%etbod TreatMent supplies vigor, vitaiity and man-' Bullroca FTREATI'T. ltuod." _______AFIIt MTtEATMENT. A'eyp a victim? Have You luet hope? Are you conterapiating m-r- READER iarse? lias your llood been diemeeci? Rave yuu any weaknese? Ou- New Metbod Treatinent siii cure you. INliati t lbas doue for others it wili do for yona 16 Years ini Detroit. 160,000 Cured. No Risk. C(nsultat;r, Free. No m-etrwho lias trsated you, write for an baneet opinion ,ç,en£ ifcarge. Chargea reasonable. Books Free - "f e bidnMnio"(ji1lus-. trebjÏi. ut01Dis 'as i utfnmen. Incluse ro,,tsge, 2 cents. fiealsd. etýr-NO N-M 'S USa.D WITHOUT WRIT'TEN CONSENT. eRl- VATJ No medicine sent C. 0. D. No namený on boxe s or envei.. o ses. Everytfsing conficdertial. Question list and cost of Treat.. ment, FRELE._____ s; E Y ERGA o. 148 SHELBY S'T. DE T ROIýT, NMION.I

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