Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1894, p. 7

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reS a Poinlter Wihen you. ask for a, 5cent plug,% io cent plug z'ocent plug GIl 15 T ?e<C be sure that the retailer does -uot induce you to buy any other in order thlat lie may urake a la.rger profit. SMONTREAL. ~ R SAýLE OR RENT-House and ""oce for sale or to rent. situ ate on Iuo streecýt Torth. The promises conai8t Of : oodj hos wîveri oovenione, drivins, 1iad stable, etc. Thie gardon centains a lot ef tho iheiceetfut oe ill varleties. Immediate ~o eosionco begivn.For articulars aPPli teW. ISLIH omnvleOnt 419tf THE CANA DANSTATESMAN ul er anm in advao ce, otherwige t31.1 Uubsc2riptîonsalwaÇ'Ye payable ar thoe 0'n- a? Ptibliaiini. Adivertisiu4 rates unleq3 by o)a ta,,, 10 ensper line, noaparie ),.llrst inee'tb .11, and à cent s p-r Ilino each subel)eqa3at lu' &&irtioun. Locail,, 10 cýents par lino. M. A. JAMES, ?ubIishe3r STE IUB AT O.,LTD. STR. NORTH KIylLN G Lîu BY ELECTERIITY. HEATD B EA Lcavos CtnskS a. ns.. Port "ope 9.L5 Fi.m., weehk d8ay s orri ving Charlotte, (Port or l3och- ester.2 1> M , except Moitday; when Steamer ,.aves Cobeorg 1 Jp. ni.. Par' Hope 2.30 P.m.. arriving Crbt(PooRochester) 7.30 p.m. Leaves Charl1otte, N. Y. (Port ef Rochester) 'week davs 11.1 « .e arrives Port Hope 630 arn., and Cabcuirg 7.15 a ni., except Saturday, «when hisïamer leaves Charlottc, N. Y.. 1.25 p ni.. airîving Port Hope 10 p. ms,, Cobourg 10 "5 p.mY. Anl cxtra trip ia made Monday front Char. Iu at e.m arriving Cobourg 1 v.m., N.,Clsevery Wednesday at Brighton 215 os.,ald Coîborne Wednebday and Friday WEEKLY OA F QUINTE ROUTE. Leaves Port Hope evory Saturday 10 p.m, 0rrives BelbýevilIe, ovory Suaday 3 20 a. ni., _i ctoi, 62a.,, K ingston. 10 a m. J, I. 11. JURY.1 H. H. GI1LDERlSLEEVlt, Aent. Ge n. Manaer. P(, àmanviIIe. Kingston îý0'teremoval of froni children or adults, aERIA99 WORM LOZENQES. Always promt, elible sea-id pleasant, reqoiring no auer edc.eyr failing. Leeve ne bail aiter efees, .s'l ,'ï c(3nta- Pei> Box Peigo Coil Fprng Foence. The only niaatûr of epuînanti contraction. A fIl toc of Farin, Garden, Lawn and Ola'ona nEece always in stock. f.or rniled on application, by A. W. FOLEY, ý- 4,Bowmanville, Ont., t1eider, w.holesale and retail for af.Vu uty cf Durham and East ýWhitby. Sîm Donald Stewart, wlie bas arniveti in hiy l country on a visit, is oeeof the tive British fildî marshabe, andtihle firet efficerb of tbsb tank te set foot ou Amnerican soil. n A blineat capabý'le of oxprossieg tliree dis. a tiinet voiccocs nl!tauoously is possosse'l by n WilliamYacy a Chicago janitor. Ho v singa soprano, ennanialto al aIthesame i turnÜe. A ive-.yeor-oid chilt, Edwin T. MeGinnis, a Most abject poverty rvilamgtios and euly a few cf Ilie youugoer offlicersow mtore tnban ooe znierm, ivw h i. SS d ser vice in ordiuary sud on par'adel ike.Th .nfantry pnivatu cf tiec rl, ccIvos-sm sseney $3. 75per Year,icudntiezr' anI ozliers' preseuts. f;l !Y tl. otg te sentinluthe îrnpprs, f yrs bav Ibe utisern. Frlte .your atidreesbcrfiy Kuiseýr Wîliiclsfor Ub'splienodgropb WHIT UNULE SAXY[ 18AT. ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUfT THE BUSY YANKEE. Nelg-laborly listesest in Ils ligiq-Hat- tessoriMontent andslt-h Gathes-ed Fs-cm lis fly Record. A new metal nameti poweilite bas been discovencti in Idaho. luI the United States tonty persona lu evory 1,000,are color bhunti.'1 There are 1,785 soparate raibroaticcen- poules lu the United States. '[lie Ohio Suprene Court 3eîre b cigarette tox law cens tiuioa. Miss Cora Dow la the ewner of three suc- cesful dmg stores ln Cincinnati. The United States army is said te have over 200 cases of scurvy every yoor. Tiseusines trihutary te Butte Oty, Mont., have au output of $23,000,000 a year., One eut of every 180 inhsahltonts et the Unitedi States owuss or rides a bicycle. The largeat railroad shops in thes werld are thoseofn the Big Four ab Belleteutaine, Ohio. Mrs. Ignatins Dounebly, wife ni the author et the Shokespearean cryptograns, died lu 5S. Paul. Five huntired thoosauti mec are estinsateti te ride lunbthe ebevatons cf New York. city cvery day. The Penusylvania piste-glass works lu nwiu, Pa., wcre seld by the shenîfi' for 287,000. Mrs. Barbara Hiazecek, 90 yeans et age, l'auged berseît wbibe in a fit of dospontieucy arc Cicago. The production of crutie petrolerî nj tIse United tateos bat year was valueti aI over $42,000,000. Evidences are plenuli ntishe treasury rlepartment tIsaI New York bunkers are hoandiug golffl. Frank Scbreeder, a&eti 2, aîscidentaiiy s-et hinsseif on lire at Lyens, Iowa, anti was bunnedti tedeanis. ,Jamnes McCbouI, et Sentis Dakota, bas raisoti a herse wbicls las elgit perfect boofs, two ou escis leg. Tise District of Columbia bas the bargest deathl rate meon censumpitien of any part of the Unitedi Statces. The total number of ciectere in the Unit- cdStates, inciudicg wumeu entibti dte voe, us 13,500,000. Receivers of the Nontheru Pa:cifie wibl ask permission et tie court te borrow $,0, 000 te meot interest coupons. Direetors of tlie Worîd's Columbuan Ex- position hope te sottle with the Frenchs ex- bibitore by arbitration. The Suprome Court et Minnesota deebarcd vabiti the lawcempelbing streen cor cempaný les te vestibule cors in winter. Captain Nathan Petons, ibe obdost Froc- mason in the Unitedi States, dietiou Anses- bury, Mass., ageti 81 years. Senator John Sherman bas scrap-books covornug the history cf the Unitedi States for the post thirty-ei@it years. Nora Keivel anti Mary Glynu wene se batiîy bonnet by ticexplosion of o gasobine steve ai Kansas City that they will tic. The Fleming fansiiy wiil bti oa reunion an 'Muncie, lto Auguan 22. At the last relsuicu 10,000 people were presont. A con tnivonpe for turniug shoots of music lias been perfectcd by o Sun Frauciscan. li la opratetil'y tise foot of the pianisi. , A cas3e Oet llk mailpox balý's been discoV- oretim le eMilwvaukee lieuse pf Correction, wbere 247fconvien re ceufluet. A spaîsiel owned by Dr. Froderick A. Lyons et New York city bas otiopieti a ehieken whicb il, cares for iueessautly.. 'I'liere are 241 academies ci music lu the1 Unitedi States, snd 363 grandi opera bouses, iu cilles havsug over 8,000 population. 1 Captaiu Abrans(diction the steamer 12ike ot Alton, Ill., aegeti'10 ycors. Hie carnieti suppliceste Grant turing tise doge of Vicks- biurg. During thse quarter entiing Februany 1 the StateofetSoutli Carelina matie o net profit et $41.000 on groas sales cf i$250,000 wonth et whiskey. Becanse Cit>' Attorney Hamilton, of Mil waukco, rot used Reporter Kerr a pioce nf nows whichlie gave aneniser, hoe was aound- ]y thrashet. At Defiance, la., thene is a "living akele- ton" lu the porion of a min who is five foot eigbrc luches rai, sud who weîglis but 65 pounda. The Massachusetts Sonate bas passet d bo engrossedthule Bell telepîsone bibi, aliovr.. ucg the company te iccrease lus capital te $l50,000,000. Frank James, the anrviv -ing brother of the noterions outlbaw tamily of lisut naine faineet the otiser day wliile belug vse- Promoiens et the Harrison Interuntona8 Teleplioce Company' expecit toesecablisli an exebange in Chicago anti greatly retuce existiug rates. lhe exotins et Scandinavi tîs this sprng froms New Yorklto their homes ocross the s00 lias been ucarîy lwsce as largo as in acy at Ho« ken, N. J., saw the 'body f bi mother 2placed iu the coffin and was so over mie with grie th&,at bdid in convulsions. Ex-United States, Senator James WY. Bradbury, who le 92 years old deliverodýý 'the orotien at the layiug of the corner stone of the Lit hgow library bttiiding in Augrista, Me, A SCOTCH LASSIE RESCUED BY A CANADIAN. lIfer Lire Wos Despaired of-Subjeet to Faintlug ISpelis and leart Trouble- Doctors Soid lieoves-y Was impossile -A Wonders',l Story. Frens thc Glasgow Echo, The case nfIl" Little Nel]," whose miro- culons cure was reported in the newspapers, with a subsequont letter froni the Rev. Samuel Harding, is but one in a senies of similar cases in Glasgow. The latest is thatoniMiss Lizie Duncan, a young wornau who has been snatched back te lue. She was in wbotistermeda "decliieo"-wastiug away by luches before the eyos of lier parents, and lier sod condition seeme te have licou known te a ntmbeofn people. Censequontby wlten site was fouud te have escaped the îbroatened death, and te bei apparentby, as well as any oeeil Glasgow, a tremendeus impotus wos given te the1 provalent talk , and an Echo reporter wos directed te malte a soanching investigation, with the result that, this strango stery wos eutireby ceufirme'J. Arrivieg at 208 Stirling -Road, the report- or was cenductod jute the presonce of Mns., Duncan by a rcsy choeked youung woman, wlio proved te ho Miss Duncan, wlio looked in ne way bute on invobid. '"This je the lassie," said the moither. "Heas'cn knows thot a miracle lins been wrought uopplber. Eightecn< menthe ago Lizzie began te pine away. Thie celer boit bier cntirely, aud she appeard te ho as weak as water. One Suudoy mornifle she said, 1 Oh, mother, 1 canna riso today',' and hefore she liad got eut the words lier whiteiess liecante liko thon cf a corpse, a-id sho fell away lne a faini. I sent for the docter who said sbe liad heorf, disease. Wben hoe saw bier ogain she had grown werse and the doctor said, 'The.peer las- sic î-, very far througli Woexpected that Doot l'izzie would net bive long. hr a ne celer in liher face.' She was wastsng awsy, bier cbeek lieues sticking through as if they would break the skie. Rer anns ond legs woee ust boues. The doctor said, Lizzie may stand the wiuter but, if she does, that will ho all.' One day, ho wever, 1 cbanced te read ef soveral cases in wbich dyiug persons had been rostored te bife byj a eew scientific nsoîlod-seuse pis, net like other medicine, but aitogether Of ex' traordinary virtue, colled Dr. Williams', Pink Puis for Palo People. 1 said te my husband, &'In the nome of Ged let's try Dr. Williams' Pink Pis.'. Well, befere the firet box was onspty there was an im- provomout. Site persevered and wflen she liad 6iniohled lier fifth box she was perfectly well, and there is net new a stronger your wonsan lu the townhead of Glasgow, tnengh atn e tume she was a living skeletou. Yen eau ask auy of the neiglilirs," said Mrs. D'sncau lu conclusion, " or oey person in1 the stroot and tbey wlll confirm iny storv," "1 am streeger thon ever 1 wos iluniy lite," added the daugliter, , 11yot I ea;u hardly describe how iii I was. I waa cortoiniy dyiug. I ceuld noîther' go ap uer down stoirs; I was afraid te wa lk on accounit of the fluttering sensation at miyi heurt. I tec k Dr. Wrllam î ik lPiIls as mymethor bas dascribed, and lfeç ha tl.ey saved my bile."L Miss Wood, the lady wbo drew the ( reperter's attention te tise case, said Iliat I the parents baà tlicir daughter's peowgapi I1 taken, for they tbougbt thaîshe stonlriseon ho eieeping inulber grave. Lizzie, oece visited lier, and was se weak Iliat she bad i ne carry bier bock te lier houso. Il The 1 change," said Miss Wood iu conclusion, Ibas been woniderf nI. She is now a sensie lass, and Dr. Williams' Pink Piuis bave heen an ieetrument lu God's own bauds.'i THE RUSSIAN ARMY. I'ecultarlttes of Siise enlie Favorite Remi mets of the Czar. Tise Russian army is full f flinny thinga. Thus, the higgest felîows are detailed for duîy iin the body.gnard rogiment, "lPreobra- benski," founded by Peter tihe Great, and i originally conspoeed ni that monarcb's per. sonal friends, aIl giants in their way. Tlie Czar's family takes great pride lu this rogi. ment, sund on the named day of its patron t saint attends the festivities ins a liody,usual. ly re-euforced by foreigu ambassadors aud ministors. Thon there ia the Ismajlowsk reginsent, where ouly blondes are toleraîed, aud the webl-knewu Pawlow guards all cf 1 wliom must have retrouse noses. The regulations of the Guard Chasseurs, ou the other baud, admit euly dark.haired menuri The guard officers.beieg privileged by birr.b r as woll as rauk, in their chosen professions, c T EE 9UJNf I T IN', 0FT RÂAfD No Irxîeiat Iprovement ln Busî ness Can boe Looked for. No atnliiprevemens in the trots situation i)«s distieguishabie, non under ex. isting conditions con immetiate, improve. meut be resoalyboketi for. Tl'le usual midammen tiubuncss la loti innensifieti and prougeti by the goueral bethargy and ditraqspecuilia r te ponioda of deprea alors. WVe are neo w tiistinctby between seasons anti aiblio arc aiways affecteti. lu dry gonds atteýntion, is 110w being gîven te foul gooda, witb enly bimiteti reaulta te show, anti tho sanie drfficulty expenienet as befere in securing barge anti prefitable ordere. Tic miangin et profite continuîes as uarrow as, ever. As a result etf reatricteti enters &anti Ésome cauceliations, d'e St. Croix Cotion Mifis e Dominion Cotton Synticate, are closeti down,au irt is numoret tint the Ontanrie Cotton Milîs ai Hamilton, cmpleyîng b5 anîds, will scion elint down for the samonecuLL,,. The industriai situa- tion, teeee conàtinuas nsaicistctony, os oatua soqu]]enciethIle restnucteti eut- lotformanfacure ;anti the itbeneassof seins îlat factry oeoatives 15 soserteaturo oiLi theoxisting business clepression-., but noi by -'n-,7mosuais with'enr harks, but lu tlie liante euftabradons andtihne conumiug public, loether with the ftioncial tistruat. wliicli bave been bliýe principal rossons for thie tcmperur'y bsuspeesion of operatiens, are likely s Lon ieh, i lu arge measuire, eiminateoz trousà tise situation, anti a fuer resumipmo' of usiness rMay ncasenabiy hoe uxpee e't, ass tocka are net excessive, atter tise consIeý],t ion of nopa ira eofnachineny, for whicbtibc peniod olsuisension wihllu many cases lic e-mployet. The curtalment olmill and factory oulput, os wcih os goioral mer- chaiise,antite checck te spoculaticu chrongli tise constant tcndcncy te deprecia- tien in valussufncienl>' oxplaun the proceutt sesiancy about enlargieg business opera- tiens or starting new business ventures ,ucb ais wuýs ihe genorai noIe lu recsnt y'eans, The; ""001brade bas heen char- acterizetî by extrense duinesa, os manu- facturons hv been buyîeg only sui cient te, reenquiremeonts for entiers cin oes at 17 te 181e. Dubness per. rades tie bite, skia anti leathen isarkeit n about the saune way, Lyreon lites boing novs ng sbowly at ;3uc. Tho uren brade us rery quiet su aIl branches, anti .be moe- isou, t us hrdwvare is scarceby as free as a weck ogo, limt values are sneotiy. Thene ,hove been nel(,manket 'cisege8 lu grccenios, ,the meou continues reetnicteti. Retail isenehanîs are carryiug smsll stocks, ont are ortincg very conservanivoiy, anti hike wholesalers are net evitcnniy lookicg for uuy insmetiabe ativance lu vaines. The protuce Market, as, la usual ai thie season of the yoar, tispîsys nôocîivity. Butter is nnw mee asily obtainot lu aimoat any quantity, witb usnices wcakeniug.- The causeoc,, lie 7receul scarcîty is atînibutete the act ion of Mfou treal spcculatona.wbe bat beeni stong btter for expert; but ih 15 difficubt te îc se anti maintoin its quuîiby te os to"e) zepyc prices lu the British nanketaý. At preSont Canatian huttcer routil have te be bhouLit an 12c. in order le ho soit anMa proftit luin itin. It isevîdent tI AEATTENTION 'nm makcriý as, cheese, anti cuil hteoes we muat be' uen with metiocro tomant and prwes.Tnerostonat iin -etnormal con- liticîse in tise pre ý,usion akot ilaikely te cie follbeot by a elîght revival of legitimate business se long 'eiapoet liy specubation. [liera hats bena trtiser noet eclico lu the cînice et wic an t f2c. ont 3c, in esa tÙ ring tise weekz, antýi at procunt the intication 's are beariaLi. WhsleToedot No. 2 net wintcr irbeat con h bou,,tglit fer 53, anti alippet by water le Mentreal for' 41-c' iclnding charges, hlt ifliccît te seocliow Ontario fanusers con, oxpcct muci ever 50c. wlien it cîs 10e. or ilc. te footit su Montreal, i. e. S'le. ton rail anti ite. tfon terminal charges. Whle navigation us open Tolete anti Detroit wliea, wiîethe>' bave oa ~~ i5as an present, mnuet influence pnices bore. The situation seems te ho lu the hauts et tho Osatian millera as they eau make ont slip fleur se as te undersoîl Ecrepeansai lire- so'stvaluies. Witb 17,000,OOOto2O,000,000O busheiýsts-oet lu Chicago alerte, autoa large wiuuter ccrep oxpocteti, it le scarcely asîcu- ishing îliat neoativance lu the price et wlieat i,, expecteti liy the been informot. Thie mneeymanket la uncbanget, ont rates are rn highîer ' haublast nepentet, uer wîth the proseut linitet temouit for money la tiere auy bikobils 'DofnIdear mouey wbeu tho socunrity legoot LAW OFFICERS' SALARIES DIREC TED, Fe2gibsi Barriste-s tu (Iice Sceau 10 bc Asisply l's-cvislsd For. A Loudon'ainespaicli s-oys--A tresrmcsy msinute bsbeen issanetdetermi-aicg the emunae eofthlIaw oeficers ef thb rewn. Hneeiithe attorney geuorai wIll rceove £ 1-0,000 anthle sobicilor-gener- LOIE.NZO ItL5o, DEAn Suss,-I amn thankîni te B-.B.B. becauso I arn te duy atreng aud wel tbreugb ittcwondenful hleod cloansing pewers. 1 was treulileti witk sorolsiloue spots and blemiebes all over iny body anti was advised te try Burdock Blood Bitters. 1 teck eue bottbe, with great benefit, and cou pesitively say that before I had taken hall of tise second bottle I was PERFEOTLY OURt'EDU 1 arn so picaseti to ho strong and hoatby ogain by tise use of B.B.B. and I cou strongly recommenti it te every- body, LoUxssZO PpnnsvcN, Sydue>' Mines, C.B. quantity of flowors, feathers, ribbons etc. Ail orders proiptly filled and cheap for casb. - Tests>' suffenen frnm eSvos Xebility, LcSt VigCeI, Faibbng lianhoed. Resuits cf Voastifisi Insisei'etions, Excessive Ilidulgesates, Etc., wels wiil senti me o plain description cf thein symîstems. I wilI senti Free, information cfa simrýle never'failing nîcans of self- ne, whicbs, ofier hiug swindleti ant i mpeseti u5.on b y "quacks"' anti humbugs for< yers, eîsresl use te few weeks. Peseolsondunbese e need it. Cornespontiesce sacretily ontitiontial. r'eyhng sent securel>' sealeti fri5n observation. Addes, Go.Von 1'latz. Toronto, Ont AND PIN WORMS. flr'cIIINGý PILES is an exeeigl ptful and aneyiug afflile N o tien, four-i alisre in the OSici and poor. male andt einae. The principal symptonis cre asevere itch.ng, wnicu le worst at nîght-lien the sut. forer becomes wrm lubed. So terrible Is the itching that frequently iVM ore it is 1impossible te procure slcop. Often the sufferer auns.ciousiy dunriug, ileen scrit ches the part ni tliey ag3re o' îersand tuinors fr, excessive meisture is exu e. mls are peculiarly affected M isery fromths disease, cansimg tubearable irritation aud trouble. ruose andi every orber symptem ef Itching Files or irritation in any part of the bcdj- are immediately aiayed and quickly cured b>' Choses Oint- ment. It will instantly stop itching, hecal the sores and ulzers, dry up the meisture. rlîv'WORM S la an ailment entirel>' tibfers-tosocas thon Itchiug Piles. yet its effecrcs andt symptems arc exactl>' the tome; The camne intoîcrable lecilng; tic camne creoping, crswllng. slinglnàr G ives sensation characterizes br diseuses. Choses Oiutment acta like Givesmagic. h wilat enoct afford relief frens tis tersent. Instant Newsnaket-J. T. Begant, Mr. Ititto. 1 Hamilton-R. G. Decue. s--Mn. Shepparîl, Mn. McDeuald. fKing City-W ns. Waleen,0 elevi'lc-PR. Tetupleton, druzgist. ,Churchll-David Grese. R eliîef. Tottotihun rames Scanloîs. J. Recid. Bradfori-R. Davis, J. Reri. Barrie-H. E. Garden. Tic celebrated Drl. Clisses Oiten setj matie expressi>' for Itching Piles, bruut is equalb gqon le ursng ail Ithy ti>' kDiseaseS. suci asLEczema. Ilci, Ba-rber's luIte.Sait Fheun. Ringk V Ors, etc..etc. For salei> al tit'cgglsts. P-e' QCo' hal tiirst-DMýAN hON, CT o &0., Trot Ot. ce Agents for Dominion lcans,à am ~ 'ai tsea over unis nnseg," lie ex. ' cboimeti, throwjng bis work aside, " and ans lhereughiy sick cf it" zcfecfM, istsgso "Soasick ?" she twittered seflb>, and it 1 hI L frtsgso gave hlm courage te try again. sr~t2t.Cougis, als ÈTý zLungs, Dise-ased. Blood. ALI. MEN ffoç *Young, ebd on middle aged, wbo findtinAl selvos isorvons, weak- andi exhaustoti, Who are broken dowe irons excess or overwork resubting le mauy of the follewiîîg syns- prms.Mental depression, promotureo obt age, boss cf vîtalîty, boss of nsenory, bati droame, dimness of sigh t, palpitation of the heani, omissions, bock ef euergy, pain lu the kidneys, headaclses, pimples on nie face and' body, itching or poculiar E;ensa. teGem a'Cd4t r01 toin about tie scrotum, wostiug of thse enga, dizziness, specks before the eyos crsalc hs ekes twitchiug ef the musicles, eyelirbs andi else- es. ae t' 'rsta avert where, lisalfuluese, deposits in the urine, boss of wîlpoer, londerneset the scalp llLacssi s î . ïscas andi spine, weok and flaliby mu"scles, de' h i l 'trýeias t sire te sleep, failure t e iens ted by sbeop, h orý constipation, ditbînescf liearing, bos of voice, desire for solitude, ex,ýctaliility 0f tempon, sunken eyos, surroundedti wltls Scout Dtwnes. eSeI ..iirUgsts. it'c&O1 LEADEN 5!sCIRPLEs, ely boekieg Fskin,et. are ohl eymiptens of nonveus dehublîny .tbat __________________ lead te insanity ubaes cureti. The spning or vital force bavieg lest ile tension every function waues in cenequonce. Those wlio through abuse consmitted in iiguor- rance, May, li e prnanently cured. Send s yonr addness sud 10 coeite in snamps for bcock ou diseases pecoliar teamrs, sent ~ivt sealed. Address M. V. LIMON, 24 Mac- We coroî-alîy nie tue dennebi Ave,, Torouto Ont., Canada. 36-ly peopl e to inspeet our summer The vices oetci ge have tbe stiffeess of Milliner._W aeustopn it tee ; sud as il la thie unfittesu lime teaîy Xe ae pn bearu in, se thse unlitues et in te-un earuedout a large assortment of will ho found mucli greator. -[South. 11110W 'f6 UIR ALL SKN EESE1 new gaads which we intend to SiMply appl "SWAY2NE'S OINTMENT" sou a t a very l'eason able. rate No inernai usedicine required. Cures toiler, ecocema, itcb, ail eruptiens on t) asutte badtees al face, bands, iose, etc., eaviîîg tliskin s uthe ar î s.Cl dlean, white uand bealtiy. Is8 great Isoal- and see Our barts. Prîces ar- iîgant curative pwer are poeessed by SWAXIJE sOITEN Lyman Sens & W iv lo a Jr, Ce., Mlontreel Wholesale Agents.We bv aso a ar ne5and aroma àhave lb wiqhvi[h yvov baccoi, 'why no[ ..irnoR paper ? If 'ou apeit uatycyu w'Hl > J. B. PACE TOBACCO CO.. RIORMON, VA ,anti MON TREAL, CAN. SPOTS - AND BLEMISHES CAUSEID BY 'BAD BLOOD, CURED BY A Little Twitter. am ali A.t - -- +,.;. +1,; __ ýý j_ __ 1

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