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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1894, p. 8

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"E It1 4 Anfl 11,1C IN a 41 1, m ()w V. 1 xJNp i R1 & MÂ1wL' , r, fr t âA rs. Jackson. villtrnL st lier son e. bias PraceWWrd ~reuleto, ye nii. 05 I J. ,- -- . e b hldfrntthr3d h1hesth atiit, ittheiciatig r avngrate te hosshp orery W W a Wi the brmiitstotluowln)WIfUlistel-, ý i'. 1, tr i i , , ,m - <'-ý <w1 e4iJhein, te di5 e heaahs, oc ad bý-,pj 3h l&tie Myr. Bunner, beg oodeo fuver useý Syrupi of Figs aceto anouc tha Yl . r prp1e -o 1o a7l4 dam lOt Or usy peopre N t-anW&t l SC hlave 'iot leisure La pruse tls crru inonthujea Tac Rsviîaw Oi' Rrv:t-,, Y'l be especially welcome, as it wll srve a-I a mirror. relecting thse eontemporarv tiiought ofi reiit ritand AmedIId " 'l'athse best agents we can offer extra- ordinarlly liberal terms, which niake Thse REviEw 0F REviEws Nwlthout a peer from thse canvasser's point of view. REVIEW OF REvIEWS, -i Atoî Place, N ew Yok iy. idea oftise hi- ryof the mantis às oil,t be obtained 1froM vo1uuts Clcsewbmye" ringffeid Union.-" TrE:Rn,, îw t, iv.is Lthse beRt publication of the kîlIi extaut, and no Isusy mani c~an fordd u. miss its motuftlly \ht * SUBSCRIPTION RATIES. Per Vear,4 Tria! Subscripticn> 1.00 sanipie copy, - 5Iocent'. ive-us as ruch nrading matir as is otatiredi 's tv ori clî'ry f r au gr in b( PHOTOS 1 PHOTOS. bu people are new aive te the fact that I wss curea ot a 14evore oold 1oy th Tait & (No. c-,iu maku as good Crayon MI N ARD'S LINIMENIST.bc 'Portraits for the smahi eum cf "p.50, Oxford, N. S. K. F. EW ivi irs.med, as aleyooe else eau cfer them. I was cured oÎ a terrible ýpi-a1n by on Don't bu impoEed o's by agents who MINARD'S LINîIMENT. waut these finies as much meouey fer tise CctsN fime quality cf pictùre 'but cal and sae Yarmsouths N. S. Y. A. C3. Tsîit'r excellent samples beforu giving y3ur order aud yoig will wc are sure bu Iws cured of Lacuk ub~iphsly pleased with thier work. MINARD'S LINIMENT. Tait & C's photegraphs can not be Inglesville, J, ' uea excelled sud tisepeispie knew it, That la why they patrenize hirm. They keep u p te tise sty1es in crds and have soe sîry pretty Dow cles now Cail sud sua The Unîv-erý,a1 Auawcr. their -photos anyway if you don't waat some cf veur owr. What Dyoesaie always guara.nfeed, And iu our country takee trO leadtý tue Coles ±~i Wisa Dye are Theo Dua'oud Dyei Derby Plui h ols --dWa nae strong, bright, and fa-ýt, Most Enýjoyable Smoke 14ver And alwaye dyet i e and !ast? , Produed. -What Dycs ive grantd reaults each tine, 1Vhenevem ueed ni auy clime't Fiction is weli reprp'sented by 911ixna- I The D1sxr yi Leeting scris!, îranF41.ted frein tise Wist Dyea briug profit, pleasure, peacti, Flreucis, "The Dean et Killorinie," sud by jAnd by their wrk s great încreasel seOme short etories. Eaci s issuC ulso Tise Dismond Dye,. certains a page of choice peetry. Pub- What Dyes ahould ail Cosuadiane try? fialhed Weekl y at $8.00 a year by Littehi Harns lister te tiset mighty cry-- &Co., Boston. IThse Diarancd Dy em Thse biographica] sketchses giveas by Lbittellt Living Aize is oue of its Mst I h is difficuit te rualize ine- cen.ga ,Utrrutivu teaturo'. Recent issues givu single weehly issue of L 's Ltving Age, taà twe or tismeo& special interest. No.' se titiprdtiiing, es t appeat' in ils- 2~î cotaiaunder tise ile of "Tise modet drab covera9, tisaItluhs magazine 'tidCardinal,"a delightfcty readabie ft surpasses ail other.3 ïn tiie atiuai aril.A paper ihat will bc, perliapsa juount cf asatter givento it. l'e vders more ý7etaively appreciated, is a long every yeae, yet thig is tht' cupe. Su and valuablu eketcis cf lHandol -Mari variud and cathoh-lo sare i*ti ,,ex8tisaI %ud Muicien," Each rumber ofthiis al tenders wil Iflnd aLunara et ineain- maaiecanbu relied upen te conlain meut and instruction Iin hDpagea,,,- o 5eistt suit every asate. Ils field department et li'eratn'r f e ; glnùected. f5us we an sd its range cf subjectu 50 An article cf gros5 iteresl luntthe Aug- limitheas tisaI il cannot tail te interat risi Arena l o"' s,\ Io f fypnetiFin .sud iatruci. Pablahed by Litiail & Co., as a meauts ef Sutgical orethesi>, bv 1 1305ou. James R. C.ie M. D , inwiich lie Aegtise inteeesting papers l the giVes 'an ttceturtl of sentwe cf his exper- AuRuat Areua are Rev.Miuot J. Savages ienocs as a pisicirnu iu the use eoflîypuo- "T'he lraent Cenflict for a Lai-gar Lîte tism an a subtilule for MosAs.ub iulore- ins the Secial Worhd"; Hon. John Davis's form, anid otiser opiate. 1H-e caims from. o'n "Monay in Polilica", and a paper ne- hie practice tisai hynotiti, cari aud will !Dg tingnlitatism lu tise publie scisools, supfly tise place now isld ln usedicine btise Edîlor. entitled 4"Fcatering the sud surgery by morphine, çtt., iu ai in elutise Youing.Y Altogther it ie leaei front 75 te 80 patet, cL f ail tise astalole budget et social ihought, crses ini whicis tiscie dxug~ ro csed, ,ratest fair E tise preeut yaarid 'omi pruseut idcain it promise5 to tweI %Il others, bo .t pei'o xhbt Lid las atteadance of visitera. Tie ,runds have been vaptly impro)ve-d ince at year, and idready meist of the i pace M ah tise(buildingsi haa been applied for. (Ll entries close on the 1i.ch of -August, &gc od programme ef apeciai attractions, oüth roval and lntereBtirig, wi'l bue-pro- îtdtd as usual. It je only a littie over a month to theq tinte of the fair, anid our t'ttdsrs cannot choose a ýbitter holiday ip than thits offers. Chuap e7:cu-sýons v:11 a% usuai 1)e mn enas al rai1lways at rates ln kceping wità 'the times. Thi aFir bas rtov becomrc one et 1tie beet and »meat popu'ar -dcaina nd1 ritertaiinusent enterprîsus on i,ïs cor-. ient, aud attracts visitors eiachi year, eot ouiy fi-Dm ail parts of theDoinon ut from ihe United States as weil, ansd bose who have neyer beets there would bsurprlsed at its magnitude aud attract- ieriess, being almost like a World'ei Fair, nly on a âamailer scale. Dans, 7ClOW, ýolir, mettsy ikin,pi. î)les, biackhaarlSg reugisses, mde e:ry, thi, azdfaling bAteirsdl simple isaby blemiiihes pro-veritet sud Cureri ,L.y tis e lebrated neÇ ~ Ieost effective skia u ucfyIngauid hiIsautifyilug eeap iii tise sorld, as WeR-ilas purait and avreetest for! toilet, Ihais, and nursery. h lasoernceuso> -Il inrikeas aitisa cÂIIsE f o' iFýosint- plexional disfguratieus, TLttis <t.O LtISIrLAMED, XntITÂTED, - Vrxwoatrn, Or aliocOtSE POPRE. ~eid hrongiseut thse world. PFTeZ rai srtejA" CsSM.Cor. sleprprtusBoto. ~'"Au 1rni efrom Port Hope;-Mr. and Mis.1 James Davey, jr., GardensHill; Mr. Ge.1 'Ramsey, Avincourt, at Mr. J. E. Var-1 coe's; Miss Iva Lintori home frot St. Thomas; Miss Pearl Hosliin n£ St. IThomaas at Mr. Linton's; Masters Doug- las and Berkley, s, r.s of Dr. M. Stalkur, Walkurton, et. Mesîrs. Staîker Bros., their uncleis; Mr. Thos. 0oodwia aud wife of Bradford, Penn_, and sister, Mrs. Melvin, Buffalo, nt àMrp, Mary Arn-i êtroug's; Mr. Ben. Davis, Cainuingtou; Mr. John Watson, Cnsaarea; Mr. W. Pepper, Lindsay, ai Mr. F. L Andrus; Mrn Barry Dowsen, Hamilton, Dakota. at Mr. Oscar Scott's; Mrs. Dr. Gray aud family. Millbrook, ait her sister'à, Mra. A. R. Gamsby; Mr. aud frs. John Fos- ter aud daugister, Port Hope, nt Mm Je. Henry's; Mr. J. Salibîrjy ard dsugbter. Cobourg, at Mr. Wxn. Thomapons;.- Miss Ethel Hlli, teacher, Bowmarille, at hec uncle's Mr. N. F. Hall; Mr. Thomas and daugister, Mes. Wm. McPlieraon of Canaington, at Miss MoPherson's; Mes. Feuwick and thse Misses Eva and Dot Fenwick, Toronto, at her sister's, Mrs. We W. Dickey; Mr. Charles Billings, Gooderham, ai Mr, and Mrs. Barrett's- S he 'Nould N81 Be patient SHE SICHED FOR HEALIRH. Found it ini Paisve'ct (ompoinlJ t eery tkine lo ordrd r naigado r1- piring oots and sheesin the besanof style. A good lit guaranteedi. Fn e pairing a 8pecilty. A onul solicit ed. A. KENEIDY. Bowmanville.'Feb. 1.3th 1894. Pethick the Barber can iake you look and feel like a new mari by operafiDg on you wjth ecisers and razor for a few minutes. Give himu a trial, Steerage passenigers who buy their ocean tickets from M. A. James, at the loading steamship sgency, Bowmanvi]ie, will bu supplied with use of bedding and eating, uteusils free. CLERK'S NOTICE- 0F FiRST FOSTING 0F VOTEIIS' Voera' List, 1894, Munichpality of Tise Towen et Bowmarville. Couaty of Durhamo. Notice ileisereby giveri tisai 1have Ira usmiti- ad or delivered te lise pacsons muniioned lu Sections 5 sud 6 o! tise Ontario VoierB' Lisi Act, 1889, the copies requined by saad section s, te bu se transmiited or delivered o! hlis ia madie pursuant te eaid Act, of aIl pereous Bp, peariug by tise ast revised aesssement roSi of tise sali municipality te bu antitledti t vole lu the said mut Icpaiity ai Eleciions foc members of tise Legilative Assembly sud ai Municipal Elecions; and tiasasid liel wae firet posted op aI my office ai Bowmanvllle on'tise iRai day or juSyý 1894, sud romains tsure fer inspectioni. Eleciors are asied upon te examine tise sud list. and if any omissions or sny eliser errons are feund tiserein, te taise immediale procaud. ings te have tise sald errera correcied accord- iug to law. Daleeta Bowmanvilhe. Juty 3lst, 1i91. 31-1W R. WINDATTI T. C. There la ne virtue las Pa t-!e n Creditors' Notice. pain and disasse torment tise bedy. hti a crime against Heaven aud or fellcw mortale 1o asow dlisease te gain tise In the motter of tflu a fie of Olrauleb aatecy visnerltlp anti cure isai e ue Ted, late of flua Town cf Boqu aîirelle, recy cdoors. - uthfluaCesnf cf Dxuham, Baker, A Kineston, .Orit. lady, tise motiser of Deceased.% alarge famx!y, suff'ed for many years Pursuarit te Section 36 of Cisepterh110Revlsed Statutes of Ontario 188t'.andS amaudmeais from Skidney troubles snd neuralgia. theroto, notice la isereby givan tistail ceedit- Medical nid arnd numberleese uedicines ors aud others issving dlaims sgainet tise est- failad te remove bier troubles. She be- aie o! Charle Ted. late o!tise said town o! Bowmanville, Baker, deceasad. Who died ou came very impatient wifs medical efforts; or about tise sîxtis day o! Jîtly, A. D. 189.1, se 'chafed aud fretted because bier litte are beceby rEquired te deiver or send bv euesceud rt rcuiit iseattntin feuxpost prepaid te frcs. Jane M. Tod,of said towu onescoud nt reoiv th attntin feino! Bowmanville, Division St.,.tise execuirîx bier tisai thay naedad. cf tise Last XVlil aud Testament of said de. ceased on or before Saiurday, tise iwenty-aiti The suifemnsg wfu and usciher provid- day O! Augusi, A. D., 1891, a otatement of their outialiy hsd placed ilulher isanda a record namnes and addressas sud a fuît statement of ef cures sud woaderful cestomations te te ams ado.iescrte i u>hl hoalh effected by Painu's Celui-y Coin- Notice le isereby furtiser given tisat after tise pound. That vemy dayaise' procured twe ead t wenty -fitiisday oAugust-. D. 1891 the said bothes of thse mnrvellcus taedicase, and execuuiix will pracued te cistribute tise assois, o!'ftise sald estata amoug tise parties entila iu tbree wueka time sJe fait that se had tisareto baving regard only te tise caimas of aI lasit ound thse way te healtis. Afler whichte sisail thoen have eceived notice. And the a xec utrix wilI noet by hlable for using seven bottlesplise wss rmade haie eaid asseia or any part tiseeof te any person and strong; every trace cf disease isd or pensons of wisose claim or dlaims notice beau bsnishîied, and le use ber owu words shah net bave beau rccelved by hec aitishe 44 lime o! such distribution. "tse telt as if a nue lite hxd bhou giveri Daîed ai Eowmanville July 17tis, 1894. te 1:er." Paine2s Colery Corcpouud cen J. K, GALBIRAITH, sud will do th saine gcond ok for Il -w Solicitor for eaid Executrix. Whoo suifer. Il lsA aonuseu f disri'se sebenever usaed. Minai-d'e Lin*ment for Pdxeumatiaui.. chanreI ipbg teImilforn" lu i Ï I ae' cauvdt le a 0t dy rgtîe sf.ock s Ili aunes ceton, shiad ]rn s flann PEe1, lictoa ecf ., whrih I wi etog for ool. H, u~tcpeiýina pawid incah f airl. dsi l 'prc a thEn ampt orî D. TAYLOR, 1IORTGAGE SALE, -OF- VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY' INDAINT. wbich wilI bu vroduiced art se lime of sale. there will be offered ror sale by PublIr, uction by Samuel Burdun, Auctioneer, at IMoyse7s Hotel. iu thse Village of Tycone. 'a thse O - sbtp of Darlington, on WEONESDAY, 15TH AUC, 180X et thse heur of 2 o'clock iLL tsea!ter0 a, following property. viz 7ao,:4 Thse South 80 acres of Dit 6, i tise Sth Côn. cession of thse Township of Dar!'!ngtor except about , acre conveyed thereout for 0uchdbl purposea. This farm le sala. te be a good cday loam b a g ood t e e u d ltati n cedup ie0d with good wlls o! waterr arli wlticed. VpThc e wbole or thse land le arable exospt about 15 atcres whlcb. la still nbroken. partly covered With timibar and crossed by a Dnover failing eLream n )fo rripg water and forme excollent pasture land, On thse premises are ecected a i~ storey train, bouts 40x30 ft. and a trame barri . 1fwhith stone stable "~der. 'The-re is about ?ý acre o! orellafd said to con. tain about 69 app e tmeea. o! wbcb are matýure treesj in god bearing aud i youing trees -just; beginnirig te bear, alto a wiel stoc1,ud gatdQn ot smnaSh fruits. Thse property la situated fi miles frein thié village of liurketori on thse Canadiari Pacic, Itailway and 10 miles fromntithe iwri of Baw. mariville anid 1e readîly accessible te es.cis bq good weil travelled roads,and brith points offer good market for produce. Tyrorie post effice and village le 2j miles dîstattt aud chljuohe sud soisools are convenient. Possessieri for plosvirg may b giveri atter barvest in thsAsyear anid rimplete poeaeI onth lotisIday of March, 1595. Tise sale wlll le suiet ta a reservo i4. Tatruis ANfl COznrIrToNS OFe ALit-OnOfl teutis dawriai date of sale, balance in tilrty daye or two tiirds of the purciase maoney i ,"mai. upon mOrtgage bearxirg 0 per cent, in- tereet. 'or fui-tier terme and coriditioi to sale apply 10 tise nlrgsdeior'ii or .&uctiorieer. Dated tise 2rd day o Jul , Ou SAMUJEL BURDEN, 1h IUtFSIMPSON. .&uctioneer, ,edr'SlotX 30 4W, Bowmanville, omnU MYurder Will Out S0 WILL GEK1US. Iu thete dayis of excessive CücmpetiLlo,- to auoceed a perseri must ercell ini tlhdq paxticulse profession. Tise wabsvi'pê ticu1aýrly true las the Pliotograph< sý bël ness. If yen seant work tisai yen wl rot bu asisamed te shovi' you r ionedo, go te SA.RILESS, Artsi htgah: Rling St, West, Bosemanvî1llu -Are ycu aseare tisait1 West End House have au îtdv'i iv tisis papur worth readirg ? Look it up sud read Iýt, Ath ;pr t ~i i 1 ým t- tà - - - - - - - - - - - -

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