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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1894, p. 1

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orras-16 ltOUR. TOWN ANI) OOUNTY NMT.~ THE0 WORLD AnYTERWA.RDS. M. A JAMES ExxToP. AND FP.OPEUTOni 4 icwSBE, BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTÂRIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1894. VLM XL. NumB.EB u2 t GREAT luL JýAXYD ALE IF SUMMER G60 DOS -JOHNSTON #< CRYDERMAN LuuII1 T.hteses Goods, De'laines, Sateens, Printe -and (h'inkle eloths at greatly red'uced prices Sorne of tJkenai haif pr'ice. Ak-o some Lovely IDress Patternis below -the cost of ilmpo(,rtation. \Al rarasols, New Goods, will be sold ,at cost price. G i aidse cure -some of these genu,4i.>e bargaisa il -e Oods imust be Sold. GOUGRI JOHNSTON & ORYDERMAR, DO WMAiÇ ILLE. THRE8HERS 8UPP1IE8!ý- Leather Bolting, Lace beather, Rubber Packing, Asbrstos Pack.ng, Soapstone -Packig,, Spiral ?acking, Copper.Rivetst Treshers Mits, Feerless Machine Oil, Lardine Oi], etc., etc. WT'e beg to znnounce that our stock of Threshers Supp1Iî,j-:s is iw eamiplete. QUJALITY THE B EST. IPRICES THE LOWEST. He(aquarbos-s for Sheif andi Ileavy Hardis-arc, St3ases, Tauvare, Peints, Oïl$, andi Glýass. Fine Foot-Wear 18 110W be ng, sold at' J Heyar's' re;lia be Boot and Shoe Em- porium at greatly reduced prices Ail Summer goods must go, We have an A~ . stock to select from. 26 JOHN HELLYAR.ý Mr-. D, Young, principal of 'Guelpis public achool, vile anti chiltivisuteti f reiuda bore last weeit. . .Mra.(Ra-. )W. H.i Bars-sutongis, anti Miss LenaRowe, Teeter--j ville, wore gues of Ms-. Jas, Cens-lice secenty .. . .Misa, F. W. Cons-lice anti Mise E. Eves-son epent Suntiay with Roi'. T. Brown anti famly,Canton .... Ms. 1. B. anti Mme. C. W. Osbornue bave rehius-- eti front viaiting Ms. J. H. Oke .. . .Missn Eva Cous-lice visited Castwright fiond: reoeully anti vas accompanioti home by ber cousin Miss B. Pollard, Osheaa.. Misa Coluusy, Chigago, ia visibing rela- tives in tis vicinity ... . Messrs. H. Gay & sens were given tise couts-acti for build- ing the bntmoet for bridge et Black's creoit, for $8. 00... .The Sens of T. Mb. Caswael have asrangedt t holti their Ait- miel Picusie et Benry'e Oshawa whas-f on Thus-sday af terueu.. . .Mr. A. S, TooLa5y tise entes-psling prop. of the peoplea mille, le pubtiug ln a new îîGiantî" vatto-- wiseol wvIshicilli increase tise capacil to 70 horse power. Saved Mer L ife Surgical Operations aiïd Best Medical Treatmnent FalIed An Almost Miraculous Cut'eby Haod's Sarsapas-lila. Afce "'c"ioiodtlitld nmiet 'c mroee, i -Cai- ilo tlt. lAbont ov msViee îhreeoper _ý (i npui~ i tîtI 'dlls S'tapiarly lid Cil :eie1 ia e 11e dpit milupnanotl, eperaien ad th t muI fe to -gied tetiai I, 1:" oîcla d',rien t iiHoosSAI ail, ll i i eshdelrei IcigtnItatral Ir Y 1 ùet donrn laetglsi %Vl*eli cladtl,2 d e eOu taitl 1 was ale Wo,)ia a s e, l oe(,n waSett r ("I a1 ti have aeisi afreacly begante asceg teeý,s ntiel ae1 l. alt , Nel and gol aterl .c )etItePe. o-.t ti ILd ienped t b i ien d the se II,,;d b a el t, has ab1 toer i n laordingly I ware mysitcknesa tefi 1opia atite eai oerThun 'a everrei y.asj inie if e andeig ar W p c~ o ee wI.eve Mtinds think 1ldo a i Uacie b bave, an aeii in tst'i teth agcin SObeaicy mnti ev inug r ni e ie lsstiancee n ilomodstck.n sp pai Feeid thB e er mh c g Ever W p tisll aay lite ai eigbo ver l uaciste 1as letl ny lIe ida bd My's w-e-ka. liani g'lixing lu id strn tht e er day. My at eri pirila su il b 1 dlever canoas geetl.kWe ie .Eveil tht' doctors arc surprise, I it succes eof Hood's Sarsaparlla su sssy casel mohe and msl on umeto tait io aefl- Ho 'sspaiIla Cures cim, eglalyan e earnestlyree eti eis araprllt."mas. moitin W'IT Vl\est Ligliteelit .Street, Chicago, flIiaoJis. Corroborates the Above. C. 1, 1100(l &Co., 1iewell, Ms. I .,ar Sirs:I-s1am a clrug elerlc and have su tirs. 1ILtellio Wcndt sanay bettles of Hood's Sar- saparffla suid eau eoertify tliat she was cured by the use of it."l F. C. BILLUECan, 530 WeSt EigIsteecinti) Street. Cbicago. wood' pis cure liver fls, jaxandice, bil.. tousue a"i. ajNiR Ieadache andi constipation. 25ci. 0ONsiPATIO0N, &eBILIOUSNE.SS, '--DYS PEPS IA,é-ý SICK HEADACHE, REGULATE.THE LIVER. 0ONE P LL AFTER EAri N c INSURES GOOD bieEs-ioN.ý PRICE25 CTS.THNEDODD'3S Dc~D etc. , S a huntai lege, Toronto, Ont., and tuSraturd. , t 4Unquestionably Canada'sGreatest Cernm merciai schools. Cllicsfre Mii t tieon thiis per, . S1 Iiiil 'cît , P Ic; s . Minard'a Lininsort Corcs PDîudi uiff BIA YDOIN. Ouîr sciool lioes undcs-gong repaire. _ The threshing machines as-e again ruiing f ull blit. . ...Mr. anti Mss. Man- iing of Osbawa ara visiting frienti e bre. 'SkiniDiseasie are msiese os- les occasionoti bl-,- u bal ood. B. B. B. cures the foliow-9 ius sal Dipeasee: ScasdlHead, Eru pbie,1 SliligIea," Erysipelas, Ibching Rashes, Sait heunï, Pimples, anti Blotchasi, by1 ri~usigail iîupuritiea freinise blooti fsrait a comni' i Pimple lu tise vos-st HAMPTOUN. Rýecent visites-s: Ho n. M. P. Neel, Os- wsig, N.Y.,guest cf H. Eliioltt, Esq.; Mtaa sLouaý Rove antiMs. W. HI. Bar. s-owýclougis, Teelerville; Mse. Kelley, Sarvmiia; Ms-s. Trintile, Chsattanooga, U. S.; jMf. Fred Masuon, Frienidsip, N. Y ý.. 1 bepese Ce. solti ant i siippeti fis-t bai! e! J iy ch ese ... .Rev. Jus. Liddy preacheti an excellent ses-mon et quartoriy service Sunutay af ber wbich sescrament wes adi- mI,riissed àta a large numbes-...Mises Ainie Czydorman la visitiug Ms-s. E. SwtoBloosmfil ... . Ms-s. R. H. Bunt m-Id son have gene woat te vslit frienti.. ouefriendi f rom Zion anti Hampten wit: re ga&ntly enlerlaineti et tise pai son- ags oee evemsing l t eat.elMs-. anti N.Irs. P. J. Groat hs- relurnoti froua Sclmagog, lise foi ines- looiig as, brown as e bots-y.. » . Unes -.isepaetorate cf lise Rav. Jaeq> Lidtiy ous- chus-ch members-hip has becu., teeduly izcreaing. Suntiay weoit soome fert-, pese-ens vos- taken ite funl triiïbesship. Ms-. Liddy is s-esy pupular w,,ith the peýopIsi anti turing the two Isat yeas-s bhis labos-s have boon greaîiy blee- iLnas-d'e Linîmu ut the bu aIB ahIàEostos-or I vas TrAUxEI eVes-oiy lest vintOr vil DarshesCramps, anti Colic anti liseugisr1 wvas uoIng te dut,but fortumiate- !y Ieot Dr. Fowios's Extract of Wslti Sts'ewbes-ry, anti nov I cen thisauk titis Ibs xcellent semedy for saving My life. Mm.S. Kellett, Minden, Ont. tor latse Miss ,Learmsentla, Tes-ente, et E iggb; Iiss J. MacLas-en ut zise Mslt-le3 s; s-. .PyL cteLndsýay nt Mac, J, J, Vistu's; Ms-. uanti-. IH. 1),,ubt, Ms-. A. Douabr, Port Pets-y, Ms-. ai,-! Mrs. E. 3Ris-cilMs-. E, Ris-e 1,Goli.ir- q mt M1r. N. Byer; Mss N. Elmne, W "' jmai' y., ag u esete MaVe Oie tiMs-. _Veal, Ns aeo t bMs-. Hi (o' Mies E. sobiecMiýs Sle bu yqtet bcMales; Ms-. antiMs-s. S. Geuusrbjy returieti homne te Tus-ente Ibis weet. _ . .Rev. Mr-. Houcit anti famiiy anti Ms-. ïRýiIey of Welland vïitti family go. te ".4hur sab ts-o camp Ibis wccek also 0. B. Mitchýell tamatiJ. C. Miles...' :MI.J. Young bsreins-nei fs-em e eailing trip smong bati aites, biug bhanse vîti bimu a gooti A etcfsAn. lie antiMs-. F. Pas-kes-, Bow'mvanvlie, have doueabout 2ý0 miles of lakesQF in ths-ee siee... . Rev, Ms-. Heýuck's ponsy opencdth îe stable door on SIsdynigistanti took Frenchs bave. M T. Jhn Ptr-s as dispatchet inlupus-- uit anti ars-siti tise unaway lu Caesas-ea .,.Soimepreviouoyoung mon freniSeutis Drignregas-dunas cf 1ev, came out bols lai, eeo it vus5 iounds anti gune apîl unled rabbiîa all as-ensoomi. Lot tii ,tüe geuts ford nus- breaks vîtis dogeanti gusbofome tise lSîh cf Sept. anti ae viii prO thons mu a vos-ysts-ong pîct...* A s-e- ce, s iou sos-vice vas hboîtinlutise Mollodset Ct.ns-ch haro on Sunday evenimma 213 taIt. Rev. D.ý S. Houck preachaci an excellent diticous-se full of encouragement te tise berginnera in tise christian race. <i ver hi-yewmombere vas-e receiveti mbo ='Srhoolï repos-t of promotions, -P-i ma-y > F Moreuey ; P. S. ieas-iug W. J. Vis-Ina F. Wasbhingutn,W. D.iRebbiDs,E.Teskey, V. Pollock; Entras-c-W. Rogers, A. Theuýysson; Jr. 4, to Sr. 4,-O Staplea, E. flil, F. Stevers, E. Stainton, T. Steinlen-ý; Si'. 3, me Jr. 4,-N. Reyneidm, W, Gihîbert, R. Bers-y, R. Ste-vens; Sr'. 2, tre Jr. -. Staplos E. Stevens, E. J. Youzce, teaciser. Wîrs{iii1Nv srrs-s.-Yes 1 itmîbinvalida tise, a"Ppptite la capriecoua anti neeti coax- imsg, Imuet le j uet lime es-aeu they mips-ove se rapidly under Scott'e Emnîsion, wh-ch le e%> palatable as cs-eaua. MTany grec linge vos-e given tl eva-.R. L. Etivards3, thse Metisodiet pestes-, anti htvfeon thirs relus-n te tiseis- laboss oieallert ya f1e wvueke sGjoun raneng fri,slndao ruier-circuits.. .. Mr. Fred. Sinote-ràige vise santly broite hie ce las- bette by falling front a iîad cf hay les-e- Coceýriug nicely.. - .Ms-. S. 'T. Fes-guscu ani ýLoîtie, a6ti Mr-. Sass'i Beas-ock rse- nia;zI quila sick... .Congratulations te M ýas M. Hambly, Miesst. Ps-out, anti NE9W HA VJIN. The Kiveil ie->inc Farmere are getting through with bar- loy harvest; crop verv light, several farta- The Kiveil piento was held at Mr'. Jno. ers cutting lb with the nsower, it wil l ot Martin'a fine pionie ground-the Boyne pay for binder twine .. . .Quito a number Water park. Great painshbad beaun talion took in the e xcursion to the Fa.... -. by Mr. Martin in accommodating the Visitors: Mr&s. Burk and f amily, Osha'ws, picnlckers and everybady thoroughly ap. et Mr. J. VaîsOamp'ii; Mie Mary Rave.. ireciated the kindtnesa f our hcat and at Mr-. Geo. Fraîak,'s; Mr$. Mitchell and isostes, This, bas beeu aria of the mnst brother at Mr. L. Buttrey's; Mies Storie enjoyable outimigs whjch those' proesai andi brother, Oshawa, at Mr. T. Power's; over hati the privilege to attend andi Mr. Mrs. E. 0. Coleman at Mrs. Geo. Framsk's; John N. Kiveil of Bowmauvitle, the orig. Mr-. and Ms-s. John Witheridge at hise mator of the piaule ,deiàcrvca crochu for sister's Ms-s. W. F. Curtis; Missailettie his excellent management. Rain in the Danmn, towmi, gueet of Mies Ella BuvRens; fotenoon prevented mamsy of the imvieti Mise Ham at ber sineo'e, MMs Moffatt; fs-om being preeent but an excellent dîn. Mise Cars-e KniRht, town, at Ms-. Wrm. nos was ses-ved inl the iii te about fi.ty ]3ritton's; Mies Maggie Stewart of Ennie.. hnxgry people. Chiciten pie, vegotableî, Iilien at hier ausats Ms-s. E. J. Burk, 'coiti lowI anti meats, canneti mea!s, 8aM. Late Shore; Mr. Thos. Jardine at Mr. ad@, etc., disappeareti wilh usas-vellous L. Bittery's; Ms. S. Penfound aI Mrs. celority. After diriner, the cs-owd wenfi W. Oke's'; Miee Pole Bas-es- of Torcnto to the grounds anti what with gameai, at Mr. Ira 'Peas-ce's; Mrs. Thos Oke at boating, awinging, love making, ice Ms.e W. Ok's ... .Union Snnday School creani, lemonade, fiuits of the season, picnie was a splendid saccena. Net %e etc., everyone seemeti t) fesget ail canit- mamiy as expected but aIl had a niecsy erisag cestes and go lu for a theoonghly time. The day was fine and with swings, emjoyable time. Alter tes, Mr. Kivelt gainses anti social pastimes the aftasnoo aîok the chair and votes of thankg were was pleasantly spent. Edites- and Ms-. passedto ous- entes-taimiers andta t the James wes-e among the inviteti gueste. .. îatiies for theis- exellent provision.' Nu- We as-e pleaso ta note tisat Mises Eva mes-eue approprialie speeches were deliv- Foley isn much insproved in isealth .. -ed by ttinsse called on by the chais-in.u Mise Msggie Oke intends makhag aan ex.-Âusong othera Dr. Brimacombe of Ind. tenaive visit to lier fuient Ms-s. Andrus, iamsa bronght down the homme by his pot. Syr-acuse, N. y..We congratulate rittia uttes-ances. Lihe compativ breke Miie 'Vrtuie Vancamp anti Mr. Clair, up with appropriate simigiisg anti prayos-. Langmaid in passng the entrane Exain; Among the guete, baides Ms-. anti Mre, maich credit le due theis- teaches- Mr. H. Mas-in anti Mise M. M. Martin, were Martyn ... . Miechievous 1,oys have playeti Mr. and Ms-s. J. ýN. Kiveli, Mesdra. S. havoc with thse school bouse windows.- andi W. Kiveli, Mr.,. W. H.t Ives. Misees Shame, bi.ys... .Ts-aiips are the Pet Of D. and P. saat Masters T. andi W. Ives, the day, tisey ordes up blinis- saîsin l good Bowoeanville; De. J. W. Brimaconîbe, stye.. Ms- Rbe-tGimblett had tise Mas.on, mud.; Mies A. Brimaconsbo, misfestune bia break the ansaîl boue of hie Chicago, Ili.; MisEias Trewin, Blaok- lR.... .Promouieur Exarninatione, J une, stock; Ms-. andi Mis. B. Uoubt, Mr. A. 1894, S. S No. 3. -Jr, 4, to Sr. 4, Win- Douis', Port Pes-xy; Mr. anti Mrs. Win. nile Ëowes-; Sr- 3, te Jr. A, Sidney Frank, Ts-ewin, Miss Menti and Mr-. S. Trewfn, Edna Vancansp. Elma JentminLe; S8". 2, te Mr.anui Ms-s. Thcs. Brimacombe, Mr. Jrs. 3, Elmer Vauconmp, Beatricie Rundie; W.y andi Misses A. and C. Brimacombe, Jr. .1, 1'e Sr, 2, Leslie Guy. Mr. antiMs-s. Sais. Mountj'oy, Mr. J. HAROLD MAns-r, teachor- anti Misses A. and E. Meuntjey, Hlay.. domi; Ms-. ant i Ms. B. Kiveli, MtesrE. F. TYRONIf. ond S. Kivel, Columbus; Ms-. andti Mrs. Civit holiday Satsrday afternoon  .Sam. Nive]], Miss B. Kiveli, Emifled; est 11.... Qnarterly meeting wwa vesy Mr S, Etvkt!Il Sunde-lansd; Ms-. anti Ms-s, las-gely atteuto on Sahisat Is msosningl. N. Byers, Ms A. antiMiasars. O.- anti Thse pamtor'e ad(dress% was pecu iss-iy pow- R. Blye;s, Mr. W.ý Berr-y, Ms-. J.Yesg esfui jet tri smmpîlicity stsiki1tg. A gooýrdiy Eustler; ,adMss. L, Vickos-y, numobes- rmailied cw partak c(f sacra- 1Mýies M. 'Vikoty, ha_;Ms-. andi Ms-a mment. Our choir can boast cf sliesR. Fabl, Ms-. L. anti Mi'a E. Fa1iea Weil c ciuttito stand tl'eir greunii Tos-outs Mi', Jes- . Mas-bm, Hamult ta, ag-4tat fceicn lin,.,. Vis tIerMr And MzL. Job» JIblyas-, Bwnnil Mis Brtett 4obnrg M'.- Csa Pt. Toronto Ixadustruil Pair 1894. Luckunow, ai., Mrà. Eti. White, Wies-ton, Prepas-ations for tise Tas-ente Y indus. bave retus-nodtat theis- bomes fs-uni viait- triîal Exhibition, whicb aperis Septeuaber iîsg thises parents Mr. and Ms-s T.Jes-dino, 3rd; are unuenaiiy fer adivancedi for this sr.,. .Mies Campbsellisl visiting friends in seasii. Theo are many mole ciuries Po t Hope .. .. We regret te leîauOf tise than usuel, andi tise total numtiser of éx- injuries sustaineti by Miss& M. Weicb, bibits wilcertainiy oxceeti hoth in quel- Oshawa, (a former iiehly esteemeti jOUf R ity and quantity ilbat of any ps-e iona lady of this place) fs-ou being carugisl anti yeas-. Ali entrs-o f lis-e stock, dai-y' drsgged by a frightened herse a conaider- products, ladies' wos-k, fine tt8, isneyý able distance on Satus-day eun . andi manufactures of ail kinde muas bc in Tyraene Division Sons of Tempes-suce in, by tise llîh of August, in os-des- 10 facLli- tend having a goodt'mta on Satum'day tate the ieaumng of tise officiai catalogue aflornoctn noxt in Mr. J.Hodgeou's grove. ini tinse, Thare will he a particuias-ly flne Amusements in varietyy wili ho ps-ovitied, sisowing of caille anti iorass. Prominent andi in the ovenimig a musical andi iitemary 8seinrg tise special attractions is the worid ps-ogs-am lun te dons' Hall. So brlng renowned'Siege of AIles-," sisowing tor- along yens- baskets f rionds and have a rifle combats bv land anti ses, with -as- joliy lime. Thse situation je a pieasant veseela in motion, anditi l.eing wth a one anti accessible ta anyone with e mati gos-geous pys-otechinia îsplay, excoetiîng erately pood pair of faet anti Icnga ...i brilliant affects snstlîing heretofore Ms-. John Colwill, jr., bas investeti in a wituesseti. A vos-y large nuanbes- of vie- fis-st class claves- milli...S. A. soidiers itors as-e conîing ts-cm the States as wel campeti et Cesbettea Point Snnday. as front al parts of the Dominion, the IYEWCASITLE, public fu]iy appmeciatirîg tise ativantage Ms-, Gco. Warren bas purchased a new offes-ot by saiiway excursion% etgs-eatly sliiti trombone.... .Rev. Chas. Bs-eut bas roclued rates. retus-nedta blu hbomne isBoston, Mass.. .Ms-. W. T. Lccithas-t anti family have SURli Mier The Fraude. been visitimig lu Tos-onto andtihie Falls.. .Mrej. J. B. Kelly anti Has-ry of thse "Windsor" as-e visiting in Rochester.... A. H. ýKesth, manages- cf tise Viavî At the e sclent Primas-y Examninaliens Metilcine Company, whee effiees are in Mises A Delamonre anti A. Groee, anti the Comfademaîiou Life Buildirg, was Ms-. IL Pearce wera the aiuccensful can- Fsiday flieti $100 by Magistrale Rings. tijitei bre... .VisiîotB: Ms-s. F. Scas-fiford for e bs-amis f lise Medical Act. and daugbt s-, Stratfoîi, anti Miss Me- Detect.mve Wassaen prosecuteti. The coin- Clumîg, T"ronto, ai Mr. Tises. MclClung'à; p5any is iepres-utati home by Keibh anti Ms-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i W.Ywrta, nifmlTsoao hetife, who give lectures ou charte to et Ms-. A. A. Celidl'ii; Mise Maggîe Jlai1' faills Teptet r-to ato orne, Os-eue, st Mrse. BoweLi'.3 Misa Ei- over teaise liîsband, wiso arts as doctes- bock, Kingslomi, ad Miss Bedfordu, lt and prescribes for thte ifllictei. h Ms-. Geo. Eilbs'aiî's; Mr. paacy Bell.Iesdquarters (f tise cooli- are li Guelph, nt Mr-. J-oh1ý A. Bell'.s; Ms-s. Fet in California atid the ceaI o! tr*-m Mason andi daoelsî-r, Toresonto, at Mr. R. varies acces-ding ta the aniaunt th See s; Mise Lizzie Wi]ni t, Bellevillia lent ia wilhine te pty, thse rang0, Miss Fothes-gill s; NI s- F oî. I-inea d titon$3 te $15. Tise Magistr.-,ep Miss Nixon. Tcmtan'<, sI Mr. J. I. Bar. viat n.i Reith saisi he consiclere fett's; Ms. Allun, Or suc, et Mm. R. . fs-sud tise meat 1.1 grant that h Rowe'8, k cen bronght te bis attentioa.p O iu of thse nîneýt aring sobbeiie, ltaI cd aP e-ps1ty cf '$100 anti ooste, If lins beeu kuown.i ititis vicinsîy was p - esttu is iepowes-,,anti ý ex'ssir pets-ateti here last nigisu tvheu thse posttisai lie conîti net sendti tise efihe ati c0hiîg& Bell'a store weîe, jai. -Tomonto Worid. gene Ibreugli ant i ineti tf alilthse mneney on isanti. Tise pestoffice safe in Cattle PoiEonmn, whicli was etoesosma lhundreti os-moe of dollars beiongin2 ta McClm.mng & Bell, andi about,$15 or 8$20 Of peoif fice Ameney, Brooklin. Ont.., Au. 4. 'r 4 AI gel,

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