z f f I U, H A RN L)t'E N, L 1).. Graduata oftîîe Royal CollaJe of DOatU Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFI 5ZE VITALIZED AIR.__ NewTailor fShop * The iindarsiýgned erbobas beau carryieg ons the tîuiigbusiness le coisucion 1 With Masou's qDry GoA Store for anîsmiberof yaars liascokmmnced business for himnelÊ at bis reFidieece. -King St.,wvest, wbî're ha s preparsit t.11, l!aagents' and hoys' suite vu al liahelateas st3les. nd ai lowest prica3. lFon those weo wîsb t10 rderÀ suite, ha wilî carry a full lina of a Plesjeal ithe newast pattera. Give hum J.T. A L N Fashionable Tailor Mtluai Fire In~uraiict Treatment for Toothache. Speskieg of toothacha which bas its origîn je a disrdared stomach, Dr. Rich- artOion says that the priniary cause of thse ache is due to dyspapsia, induced by feasi- ing on ricb and saccharine foods and drinks, at vimas whee the body is Doi alowad a freea auount of axercisa, or when il is cou fined 100 closeiy indoors. T[ha treatmet, tlîerefore, muut ha genaral as wahl as local. T[ha local and immediate ireetîovnt con- siste in applving carbonate of soda freehy ta the acbing tooth, keeping thba soda for soîne lime in goo0d contact, anîd Iben, after drying the cî,vity thoroughly, inierting icto it, so as 10 reacis the nerve, a concan- trated solution of csrhoiic acid. '[bis aîlays the local. suffeanug temporarily, boi t h ra- quires to ha coupled with the general mnaaues-a faw doses of bicarbonate of potaîs, a hik marcriaI purge, a warni RATES!Rs ftrNas lais Clase 6 cents per $'100)- etAtrMas 2.d - 10 ' .lOj- Tîrni, î years Rau a? ter and hefore your meals is aneax- )îIot ni WestDnla' promineni farnmeni collent piece of advica. IlAfter dineier sit neré wnsre 't I. awhile" is an old saying witb eiuch truth R. J. DOYîLE,' Eq, JESSE TRULL, Esq in it. 'Tha reason why naît alter meahs is a Mrnsaar, President neeuessity for lcalth is found je the plain Owee Sound. Bowmanvihle. faci that digestion is a work which darnands WIU cail on receipt of pot card. a con sîderahia share of the body's pcwer. ,àget for West D rbaini. If we work whîha digestion is just hegie- A. W. FOL.EY. Box 148 n- , e are realiy '"hureing the candia at BOývnlnv'leon'bolb ends." To eat ivhee we are thorougb- ly fagged eut la juat as uewise. '[herefore, HAVE YOU a littie rest before meals is alsoý an excellent bealtb 'seaicre. ~ Notes. CE ATEF UI__COMFORTI N H lEALTH. EP fb 'iCýok Healthful Summiier Dress. L ~Hygienistza, as welias modistes, have BREAKFAST-SUPPEP. given instructions for summar dressing, t' "Py a tho rough- knowledge oraihe natura and wbere the two coaflîcis, Sensible people 1~swLhgovera the operations of digestion wl adyb n ub hc afl . re ad nutarition. axut by a crfs application f ilhrybejdotwsih0foo, the-fIAe prope1-tles of"c i;-, - , "ed Cocoa. Mr. Clothing fer bot waatber and for vaca- i Epýs ias provided our breakfast iables with a- c delcately flavored beveraza wbich niay save tion should ha slected wîîh a vxew, mot Bo o as msny heav-y doctori' bills. It hs by thefi dhelh uiaiu use of sucli articles of diai thit a much to style, as to comort and e t.. O dositton maf lia gradualty built up until The advice would ba tritta were it not sup' f stroug enough te resst every teedsncy taoa disease. Hundredsa'o subtîe maladies ara plernented witis dataîls.f flpatiig around us raady ta attack wherever Ie the finit place, then, sunimer dresa fa th era l sas weak point. We niay escape nianY a fatal ahaft by keeping orselvas well fortifia'i ahculd he aeose and roorny. Be it said to i wth pr-s blood and a rearly nourished fram .""if Sesrvice Gaz-eff&" the credît of girls, il is not alone a desire _'Vadea smlrpy with boilinte watar Or lmiflisto ha stylisb, but an increasing realization Y' MsI oinly1le packets. by Grocers. labllat. thug * JUIF1ý rePIs t C., sîonopathîi Chein of what la hEaltbfuh, that jeduces thern, as isis i.odon.Englndwelî as thoir brothens, te take an acia part in out-of-door ganies and sports. The ~ 1 ~ ~willowy figure and sleeder waist are nori fý19________ail____ longer cultivated ; but iestead, an athletic si ___muscular deveiopment and the wholesorne b WEDNESDAY, AUG. 15, 1894 tan wbicb talla -of exposueate the sue and -- air. t UR. J. C. MITCIIEL, Dresa whjch doas not crarnp aey part of ti OF CLLEG OF RY5ýOIANthe tedy is esseetial to succasa in out-of. c - s ý1 iurgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. door gamas, as il is esseetial aiso to y Offîv'a andsiocaaEneiskilan. 74, health.W Anothar thîag to ha said about sumnerw k5 BrUitESIMPtSON, lothing is, that ona garmntt, ussîaly tha o rýU JRITF1_I OLICITOP., ~MPIIoneawore eaext 10eisba skie, sehould bha ý.U£IOCK e ptairs, Kil4e Strati, Bow'nau. of wooie n aterial. It may ha as liht as s vllE. ootr for tlie Ontani Banik nacessary, but of woo. r O »~1e Mivs larîv atti..~ ~ lu order te keep cool on wanni days, fra ItOlT. YOUJNG, V. . perspiration is eecessary, and to avoîd a £'t FFCE TE WST URIAM sudden cilliig, wth iii attendant dangers,d 1, ews Block. Nyhere himslf or assistant eaoaino h otr olcigo 1il' h found frorn iar..vo 9 pm. Night caîls the skie must net ha sudden. A garmantb i1lY raidaýee.diectly opposite Drihi Shed. Cails of cotton or linen readily yields moitur6 e to 1 ý lalgnpl or telephone will raceive prompv the air ; henca isba garmant becornes coldy atetin17,yr as Socin as it bacomas moisi.a ,A. POST, Stout shoas with beavy solas, while net 5 sa absolu tely nacessary ta haaltb in suni-2 A ROHITEOT. lana, and 'pa'ia mer as je wier, are raally more comfort-a £ 3 .~~~ i c p r p r d f r e r y a i f b u i l d i n g . a b l e t h a n a n y o t e r . E v r y p e d e s r i a n t Cfe:Gori Block, Mhxtby 43-iy sole is better than a ligt one for boih com-t fort and haalth. Stona-bruise and cori ]~* P'P TP '~ ri .~are aniong the penalties for wearing poiutedv Tailor.1 and tbin-îoled shoas. On the other baed, 1 Gen me'Clothes Made t4- de b road and stout shoeasallow an indulgencea to Orer. je that mou bheatbful of exercises-walk-a J . .Bi I M CÙM B F ing in the open air. i>Eý 1F Ils "à Self-control and Health. t If madical men couîd diagno)se the mind OF IC :iR a o M sse as easily as the body, they would sre :-Rear oflimes find canieri whicb at occe defy evary1 lliginbotharn & Son's Drug principla of madicine and surgery, anîdi wLiich sand poison mioa blood agaiss1 Store, (down stairs),, whîcîs îio knowe antidote oaa grevaii. BOW'MA VILLEHenca the importance of self-goverement ________ _________________as a factor le the prasenvation of haalih andc the extension of life. A self-possdssed, (à sàts lithing well-regulatad, contented mind, truc 1e it- G~IiL g tself, independeet of the cbanging opînsona, Claaned, )yd, Pressed and Repaîred by fashions, and vaeîties of a bollow worîd, M A r'~ i,~ goas fan te fortif y the body aganit disease,c 'r ~ ~ ~ rj just as a mimd of au pposite arcec Itends to undarmine physical bealth and1 Dia On lothes Cleaner. predisposa hodiiy organs to the inroadi of ocedi srrnsee o a.asneo Geawill know dîseasa of every kind. If there la une tir00naw wlieaudoue. exatmpla of seîf-coîsvrol in the broadasi semis more wertby than anothar of imita- Cornr Knc ed uta~io ~ravs, tieninj anciesît or modern limes, it is the Bowîeanvila aarnaýt Stoic, Marcus Anrelius, who records bis indebta duese c'nea of bis valued îeacb- T~T~I'~ TI ersN a thus :-"1 I laarned froni Maximus toc #L... com.mand mysaîf a nd net ta o 00 mch drawn îtowards anybig a fll of spirits undar 'ickuie3s and misfortune ; te appean with rodsty, obligiegneas, and dniyof beliaviour ; to tutu off business s=oby as it arises, wiihout drndiging and complaint. 2Nüttiobhanagry orsuspicions, but evar raady te0(do good and te forgive, and speak thse truth ; aild ai this as oua and eight than ever te bave beau racti- f. ied." your arma hy the wrista andi pull than aprs [is ilwill bha impossible t do p - 'e ~ thani togetiier, woee it sa notnîng more fuiS il. vaJgilltu .11,11v fl 111 UV ~flVI1 Lt' d. tha.tise natural fact that in the position of the armu yen have the advantaga. WI-AT IS AN AD? The iifa-blood of modern business. A monay-rnakar, getver andIsaver. A flash of inîformation te ail people. A lever of trada. '[ha mine ihat yieidu pure gold le large divideeds. The key-cote of progrs le the maroh te success. The dealrs' sure road to au11ccaus. A mediumi for the iîsreasa cfbuies -hiý1,-fh. -1- -A diungeon as soon as ha bas been arrestad andli cssfieed there until tbe heur of bis daatb, excepi duîing the short tme of liiiý appearance icL the triah roorn. He wili ha designated by a aumrbar ieîtaad of a njaie. No visitor wili ha parmitted to scï,e bim, bis phoiograpb wili not ha sohd, 11o aewspaper je France will publîsh a report of bis trial, or aluda ta hlm in any wamy under penalty of a baavy fine and îrnpisonmiee ohfisba oweer of the paper and the Anarchisi wilh, in the end, ha burued jen an unknown grave. No report- ers will witness bis death, and, worsî of ail. ba wil ha coademued, not hy a jury o? have me wÏl i hl-m. -Ilwas evoatIy tare- ordaieed ihat I ihould flot dseata thai pan- ticular time, as a miraculous transformation ie my condition was isba talk of the naigîs. borhood. I read oî the wondarfuî cures that wera beiag wrought by Dr. Williams' Pînik Pilli lor Pale People, and my father want to Brantîford, where ha purcbaaad a couple of boxes froni Jas. A. Wallace. 1 coineenced takieg tham, and h îbougbt for a lime vhay did me no good, as they made me ick at first, but vcny shorthy I notlcad a great change. '[ebebgue to act on niy trouble, and in the space o? six montha 1 waî able to walk. I . ontined takieg the pilis, and je six mouthu I was in the cou- dition you sea me now. I fuîly beliava that they alona savad me from tbe grave, and you wiii always ied mysaîf and balance of ----------------- 7- ONTARIO'S WHEAT CROP. It W11 ie Coimsîde;ably In Excfs ofThnt or' Last Yens'. Recantly communications were sent ont to the members of thba Dominion Millers' Auociatioe in Ontario, makiag inquiries egarding the winter wbeat crop now being harvested, the prospect of thea spring what crop, and the area sowo w ith winter and prng wbeat. Replies have been receivad from 95 representatîve millers, situied ine hl parts of the province, and tbey contait facta which will interesit ncolev the nuli- ng trade, but the whola business neblic. How -nuch an acre will our wheat fields yild ?ls the question wbieh most readily ornes ta the tongue of the business mn.n )ther intereats have developed largely je aie years, aotabiy dairying, but wbeat raissng la stili oae of our basic industries, and a large or short vield has an important beaning ispon the trade of the province. A collation of the data goes ta tadicate bhat thba yield par acre of boith wintar and sprîng wbaat will ha coesiderably le exces of that of lait year's crop. The average f îeid of wieter wheait is estimated at 22 25- 39, as againsit 19 lasit ya, and Of spring wlaeat, 169, as agaiest 1223 lasi year. Oui of 95 districts coverad- by the replias, tieterwbaat was grown ie 78 of tbam,and spricg wheat je 43 of thani. Th-tegearal rue of the replias esîlmate the yield Of wvîuier whaat ironi 20 t0 25 bushals par acre, but je several instan-ses suparabue- dant yieids are ýraportad. Several points cn the couety of Grey report a yield of 30 bushels par acre. Savaral points je the rîounty of Sinicoe a tbirty hushel par acre yield, and at oe poiet 35 hushela par acre is expacted. Around Hespelar, ln Waterloo couuty, the yield is put dowe to 25 to 30 hushals par acre. Haidimand la stated to bave au acreage 5 par cent. greatar thae that of last year, a yield of 30 hushals pan acre., In the district aroued Tavisto'k there, will aise ha a large yield, estimated fit 28 bushels per acre. The crop je Gren- ville is repuntad rauch batter than that of last year. The acreage 's about the sane and the yieid of wiatar wheat is estimatad at25 bushels, as againsi 10 hushels lait year, aud of spring at '20 bushels, as agaiesi 8 iast year. Tise anquiry bas brought oct the fact ibat the faru anes of Ontario are dnoppieg wbeat raisiug, and are turning their at- tention te linca ihat wiiI yiald theni a bettar ratura. Out of 95 replies, 34 are 10 tbe effeci that the acreage of wînter wbeat ls from 5 to 75 par cenît. iass than that of lasi year, and in only five instances ana. increases report cd. Oui of the sainee nm- ber there were 29 instaces of dacreases le the spring whea' aci cage, and only * wo of increasa. The increases in ,vinter whaat ara in the coucties of Brant, Durhamn, Sinicoe, Peel and Nortb Ontario. The acreage in spring wbaat isa reported to have increased in Hastings and soma parti of Grenville. Thadecrcases le the acreagas ofspriîîgwhaat range fruni 20 to lOOper cent. Ie the viciuity of Burlinigion, connty o' Hà1toe, the farmers are, sepurted 10 hasve droppad cultivationof spning wheat etiral'y, thougb lait year thare was a fair qutantitî growe there. IIIAGNETIC FNES Bend your arin such a watawitl1 baîf foldad bande ithe twoinefngsc each hand are close togetber. Tell oee of your friantds to appareni13 rY maguetiza your arma by stroking thenr -bring your linger tipi close together an apness thani tigbtly agaiest each othar. Tk .mkagnetizieg partis of course, ah buncomb 1 N--invite;ome-o-e uiffO - ,-it- O Ciq PEARLS OF TtUTH. .. BITS OF INFORMATION He wlfo feags every day, feaas no day. -2. Simmions.1 The moat valuable pearls are perfecit Fatîaticismi the false lire of anoverhbeated apheres. mmd, -Cowper The goata of India daily yield 8,000,000 No Pnfattera the woman hie truly loveasquarts of milk. i -Tuekrman.Near3y ail of the world's supply of opium Be sober and teniperate and you wiIl be cre rmIda bealthy.--Franklin. Only about nine per cent. of aurgical A wantron eye la the, messenger of an un- amputations resulit fatally. chaste heýart-Âugustine. There are now in Japan 377 Christian Ha mnay do whh will, who will do but churches, and 643 missiorarias. wblat hae may. -Warwick. The largeat rark in the world la the 0cr oube dalîg geerllycores ownYellowstone. ita area is 3,575 acres. pocuraelves.-Everton. The barbor of Rio Janeiro bas fifty miles We are as oftau duped by diffidenc a of anchorage,- and is one of the finesti n the by olfidcac. -heser is d. nc asworld. by cafldnce-Cheterlld.A medical agent fs found in the cock. Rouss8eati had net the talent of silence, roacb of Southerii China, and therefore this ainvaluablIe talent.-Carlyle. insect la eonsidered sacred. Each succeedieg day is the scholar o Three tiaies bas Mrs. Mary, Palmner, of that whicb want befora it.-Publies Syru2, Waukagan, El., been rnarried. Her tbre A cheerful face is neariy as good for an busbands bore the narne of Plmer. iavalid as healtby weather. -Franklin. George W. Reed, of Topeka, Kans., A,3 high as we have mounted in delight, knows seO rny secret signs and passwords ia 0cr dejection dowe sink as low.-Words- that hae often geis them rixed. Hie belonga worth. te forty-one digerent secret societias. Aý crown, golden in show, is buta wreatb The largest horse in the world closed ia of thorns, brings dangers, troubles, canes. career a short tîie ago in Chesterton, Iad. -M ilton. Hia name was King William, bis weigbt Tihe, devil bas at least one good quality, was 3,027 pounda and bis beight was 21 badw illfeei erei CiTro i t is'quite a frequent occurrence in Wasco, Every generation laughs at the oid fash- Connty, Oregon, for the rasideets of one ora, but, follows nligiously the new.- ueighborhood to steal a bridge, and remova Tboreau. t co anothar road more convenient te their Tbey are the weakest-minded and the borne. aretbearted men that most love change. A law se Norway probibits any person -Ru2sk In. fromn spandiug more t1ian live cents for -1 liquorat ona visit to a public bouse ; and I_ bie to- sese ibngs donc by halvas. If alcoholic stimulants are suppido'yt it ha rigbt, do it boldly ; if it bc wrcngl sober parsons. ple nyt leave xiundone.-Gilpin. The raf t spider is a pirate. It receivas 1 Jo ittla things now, se shail big things its naine froni the fact that it construots a cone ttaLea, by and by, askieg to bc- done. raf t cf dry leavas and rubbish, un ited by -2nieProverb. thraads of silk, and thus pursues its pray on However learned or eloquant, mac keows water. niotinig truly that lha bas not lalarnad fromn Some hunters je Walkarviiie, Ill., dis- expzârience.-WVieland. coverad in the woods the petrified body of Every onea bas a wallet behind for bis a wornan. Thara was a deep scar on the own fiiagnts, and one bafore for the failings forehead, showing ibat the wornu ad met of olters--La Fontaine, a violant death, InJegeral, niankind, siece the improve- A rude tramnp, fiuding Mns, Piokard,' of iat of cookery, eat twice as vîucb as Paris, Texas, alone iu ber home, demaudad niature requires. -Franklin. diener and sonie cash. She grabbed a pair lIa that is extravagant will seonr bacorne of scissors and puacbed sevaral bois in bis poor, and pcverty will enforce dapnec cuilwta]afa l arr edl invite corruption. -Johnson. It was oece customary, le Scotland, to Whenw read we fancy we ceuld bc place ou a man's tonibstone eugraved sym- I maï;rtyrs ; when we corne to act wa cati not bols of the tools of bis trade. Thera ws br a provoking word.-Hannah More, an exception made in ona case, whare a barber bad comnitted suicide with a razor. A garne moiter helouging te Tony THE BLACK-BRIGADE. Perry, of Rocklaud, Me., bIôt a ieg. Toay is a handy fellow, and fittad a ceai wooden TIse RHosses Useêd Onira ndon's IlRespect lag te the bird ; and now the rooster is once nUe"Faneaismore ready for aratia contesta, with a spur Fullerals.0cf each lag.r Treis l London *bai is known aq the SomatIting long desirad bas at lcngth "Bac Bigde'This is composed of beau acbievad by a dfstier i n Lexington, * col-blck b rse ue for funerals. A KY. It iswhisltey witiiout odor. iNow a parv:on of quaiity in Londoni would net ha man niay indu! gae a dramn or two without making bis breath the stiongest tbing about, rsctbvinterrad if coal-black borses, lstm. e we 1 Dnot u to diraw the beanse and When off dut,and tbey can with pro-1 inrmoijeg coaches, saFys a London cornas- prietyrelaxterornu visages they usuai. po .The great fune-iiral diractors of ly show aI Junam rals, undeIcrtakers- ara of tan Loi 1ra t'he Dottrid1ges, anld tbey own reaaly jolly, At a conj-vention of foneral i directors in PamŽs wvtvania, ove of theni 3sf nes L t iahe, rsa-3s thiat com1prise bthe 1 th'is remark V ý r i!I:e the mian who ot bi unrasin Lodnon. Theyj The cbampfou fastýers f the v"zrld are buel, Sureo;they brid rs te mebers sf areIigi:onu bi..5'ekadthe Bu ., .. Ilo g ao they burad ardiaauTis fIda be aefqe îfaýsts Wiaau heltter was itbe higgt oiac that las i roni tbirty to forty days. Onceý a bisejobave knweeacb yaar tibare is a grand teast. which an. f ~ cuiarv aotthe black family '11 dures sevenLty-five d(aya. Dinling' tIma hrtIt: bas always to-bealone if a colored theyaýrîj allowevl to driuk wnwtr boi se is put jein eeof the s7talIs the rest. of Y the hoýrsesLethe stbles wll ai once ha- corn-e iserable and frettul. The experi. NIGH TO DEATH'S DOOR, niet asbcnted vr and -over again,-- ï.nid Jaways witb the, saine nesut; and WsCrdo er thiî it basI comre about that jnef black iaw a Taug Lady VsCadoaTei master's yard the coiorad hontes usod for bla ll'ala.iy jYhen Near the e Irtsk of týe odraft -work, are always ic a stable by thse Grave. tbemseles.'bh large, pretent ies brick residence aI Thie Ibreed of the funaral horse lias beau 86 Miami avenue, je this city, is the homne thie sarne for centuries. lie stands about of the haroinpeot this interesting story. 6basand weigbs about twelve or thir- She is Miss Margaret Steubaugh, and ber teen bhundred. The wcîght bahîed bu is interestieg exparieucas durieg tife paît four flot ex,ý-cessive, for the car doesafnot weigb years are pubtisbed hara for the firsititea. above s-ixteen hundrad. The henses are ail 1"Four yaars ago," she said, 11 1 was a SFlamishi, and coma from the flats of Hollaud suffarer le aIl that the terni imrplies, aed aiti 1Blgiurn. They ara the youngest neyer thougbt of beiugas healtby as I am horsus im,,ported, reacbing England wheu to-day. Why atthat tuae, I was such a th-y ,are risinig three years oid. Most of scrawey, puîîy lîttie rmidget, pale and thai ara s.tallions, for Fiemîsh geldiugs go amaciated by an ailmnt peculiar te us sbabb1)1)y ;ae brown, Tbey ana chai par eow women, that rny fablier and mother gave me than thay were a year or two back, for the up to die. The, local practitionar (I was at ubiquitous Anierican took te huying ihern that time living at Scotiand, Bran t Co., iie their native land for imiportation, and Ont.,) said it was only a&usatter of days itereby sent up the price; but the law of when I would ho laid away le the church d snpply and demaed came in to cbeck the yard, and as I was snob a sufferar I carad risa, and some, entarprisieg individual flot wbaîher I livad or dîed; in fact, thiak ie spIled the corner hy împortîng hontes te I would hava prefarrad the latter. ' icould 1e Egland1 froni the United Statas. notwalk, and regularly everynigbt inyffsther va ________________used te carry me eps taira toerny rooni. I ni rene,îbr my talling bum that hae wouîdn't O, Hard on the Anarchists. bava to carry me rnucb longer, and bow hae Page Coil Spring Feea Thi5 on'y master of axpaîssion and coutractioli. A full stock of Fanm, Garden, Lawn and Otnarnenial Fence always in stock. Ondins solicited and particulars given, or maaled on application, by , A. W. FOLEY, Box 148, Bowmanviiie, Ont.,, cola deoler, wholeËaloansd vetail for 0 mnoi of Durbam aed East Whitby. O f 'j' ea - s i Dyspepsia, Liver firot causad by Complaint, and disordered kid- the moat dan- neys. gerouscf ail, "Might as tueII Brights Disease, try to have a Diabetes and healthy city Dropsy. " wuithout sewar- "The aboue age, as good diseases cannot heafh wher, the e xist where -kidïneys are Dodd's Kidney cl~éethey are IPi//s are used.' of ric ~ecens.per box or six for $2. 'a. ïr LA mih & Co. Toronto. Write fer i bokcaiedKideyTaik. New Neigîfoo- 1 i aveiiit Uy.- Au indispvnsabemeimu.cucssal "We saw one auloaded from the wagon." business eDiargernent. T'[at wasn't a carpet.sweeper. i was A behpmale to prosperîty je business. a lawe-mower." The IlLiîeited Express" on thea road to Il Gea whizx I 1 don't know wbat l'Il do success. now. If 1 telllber it was a lawn-mower, An elacticlocernent that propela the sbe'Il want ta borrow tbat, and then l'Il wbeeîs of commerce. have to pusisit. I wish you'd seedoutand buy a carpet.sweeper, and please don't use yon anîoe ni emv The mot heavily însured womra in the away. -.United States is the wîdow of Senaton Hearsts, of Caifonnia. The palicies on ber- There ana seventeen tnansatlantic cablas, he aggregate 83000. M-s, E. B. but of thesa only seven are usEd, thba other Crocker, of Elmira, N. Y,, probatiiy cornesUý tan baviag giveis ont frorn varions cause s ei jh 1000 Children r o j pssible elernent of' farne or publîciîy. The afec.t of sucb ireatieet Up on bai Chichiago Anarchists, seven of wboni are now conducling large and prosperous salooln a a result of the fanie atousad by their bomb tbrowieg, wouid ha beneficial to the itizans of Chicago. Frankly Stated- Deacn Eboee-"Ksnnil'se corne ta ,x a favoroh yon. " Col. Farfx-' "[o hahp y ou oui of debt ? Deacoon bbon-No sah ; ta heip me ato detwfyo'aalf 1" Pitcher's CaStoria. vese hva .en»et back," - Oacnt ado. Wfe- eW1lhwouldn'it worry, dear. nx i:àîÂ'RI Connu CURtE promptly ctrwC Thay paY 50 lîtLie when lbay accepit theinirhere alilOtsers fnBl CouEghs, Croup Sors that it does not matter niuch." ehroaC, Hoarseneas, îWIlsopln Cough and ~tthnia. For Cannumption I t las no rival' _____:,,w cured thousands, and wMiCstz -rou iaklenin tue. Sold bypm gglt8 s mies'. Lettng er ownEasy anse.Fora Laa lantor9,11sTna Lettig He DowEas. anIi. or BLaI)N Lamea TE.RÎ. Ue. Fond Mother-" Do you tbink myMc Fdaugbter wil -Dacoma fie in?"HIL HSmT Pagrof. VoneomThufn I ansrtnd madame. B'-rut altar amafr a'sbrac ta, ber figetrs îl anlîrner e p50dt 'seo blrtiraclre.dysuaa- ticc he ünenýviiibe imbreduit a te- lveodtacu Ureuries, Scisjr. lnjectrfgarau shie aa malte pnîll(iant auccassma tp- Fedo re , wnîîer." jFo sale hy S tot& Jury. POPTJLAR SmÈoking Tobacc Le sure that the retailer does not induce you to bu-y any other in order that he mnay make a larger profit. MONTREAL. 11OR SALE OR. RENT.-louse and 1ý acres for mala or to rent. situta on ýcup.og street north. ýThe premises consist ef Sgond house wiLb every con venience, <triving lied, stable, etc,. 'me garden containi a lot 0 the choicest fruit ef all Varl3ets. Imniediate P esl," n aa ba given. Foreoartiolars apply o W. I'ISHLEIGH Bowrnanville Ont 4I tf THE CANADIA"N SfATESNIA'N ý1 par aInnm inadvence, otherwise 81%t 5. iubgeriptionsalv4sy3Pa.ola fit tbh3 .flTlif publication. Advertisinz ratei nlebY Cia ract, 10 cent, per lice, noarfetriojIrsai îeao one, and 5 cents pzr linoecdi subdaqLlat le- seition. Locals, 10 cents pir lune. M. A. JAMES, Publishar Lakg Oofrio ~d ay of ounte !STEA BOAT CO., LrD. Ve, s ooog %. r Hýop-e 9.4) .t Vastaij 3'opm..except M xay hen Steamer Icrives oor 1 P. ni..or Hope 2.30 poli, Levs Charlotte, N, Y. (Port of Rochasitar> Vrek i daV8 11.i15omn.. arrives Port Hope 6.30 a Ma., ani Cobourg 7.15 arm.. except SnturdeY, whbon Steamer leaves Chiarlotte, N. Y.. 4 2-5 p mn.. arriving Port Rops 10 p. m., Cobourg 10 45 P. An extra trip la nmade Moaday froni Char- lotte at 8.10 s.. m., arriving Cobourg 1om. PornI Houe 1.30p M. NB.-Calls every Wednesday at Briehtoft 3 25 a. m,,ad Coiborne Wededay and Friday 4.50 aie' WEEKLY B-AY OP~ QUINTE ROUTE. Leaves Port Hope every' Saturday 10 p.m., arrives Belleville evary Sauday ý3 20 a. mn., Pic 6 25 a.mn,, Kingston. 10 a m. J. Hl. fI. àURY,' H. H. GILDERSLEEYE, AgenLt.* Ge. Manager, 1lowmacville Kingston F OR the removal of fronmeildreni or aduils, use Os SMITH'S OERMWAA IWORM LOZENCES.. Aiways prompt, reliable, saÎe rsa1 pleasaut, requirng na after medicine. Neyer faiiug. Leave no bad after effeets, rie,25 centg ]pet'Box ýL --LI ]Il' HIere's a Pointer When yon ask for a ,s cent plug 10 cent plug 2zocent -plug