I TEIRMB :-S1.50 Pi& ÂsioXN. OUR TOWN ANÇD OOUNTY: B OWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, NEw SEIB, Y, OCTOBER JOHNSTO& CRYDER% ANY Have openeci out the builk of their Lnd invite their friends anid the public to ixispeet their 1TYRONE. Mise M. Welch, Oshawa, le regaiinfg health in her native village. .. Tyrone Division S. of T. are makixig preparatio ns for a good time Xmas .... Mrs. J. Saundl- ers, Mise Eva Matthews and Mr. T. Cur- tis have been sick . .. Rev. JT. Harvey and Mrs. Strike guests of Mr. W. R. Clemens Wednesday week. . . .Rev. W,. 1H. Moore, Haydon, preached here Sab- bath week. TiïE Boys AT SdHooL.-Boy who are away at ochool should always have somne quick and sudre remedy for sudden attacks of Crampe, Diarrhoea ý, or Dysentery, for a% physician àleot always near, and an hou-r's delay in cases of thie kind often leade tro serions resulte. Therefore parents should supply their sons with Perry Davis' PAMNý- KILiFER, which le as efficacioueas" it le simple and harmieas. Directions are with each bottle, and one dose rarely fails to bring relief te a sufferer from any bowel complaint. Only 25o for a bottle double old, ize. SALEM. Report of S. 'S. No. 9, Darlington for Setember.-iv-fl. Logan, A. Welah, H. V ery utheap rapers. ID TiirS ~ SMNand WeljGob r UREWT Weelly ailto end o'f 1895 fbr $. Tho ames Sun, organ of hi a~ rones,% a rttLin live paer-ise lubb ed The firý withi Tu-E STATES-MAN at -5.0.41 ; ion of )f thei After1 ùwcastle,