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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1894, p. 10

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NEWSTOR Our 118W Boot and Shoe Store is 110W open for business with a first-class stock of Footwear, Trun ks and Valises. We keep the BEST goods at LOWEST prices--- (no trash at any price.) We pay spot cash for ail our goods, therebW savhng largest cash discounts, whichl we give to our prompt cash paying' customers., The public are cordially invited to cail a few doors west of the old stand, in Neads' Block, and get bargains to their satisfaction. Orders for work aDd repairing promptly and properly atteuded to. FALSE TATE NTS A.WAY WITII TREIH. It is Olly the Lover ofI Trlltl that lloves thie Great World. statemfldlts Nvade inI Favor of .Paiune's Celery Compound Alxvays Ring Witli Rollesty. A iVarvello0u s Cunr e In Virden, anitoba. A Minister of the Gospel Can1 Ludorse the Testimnony. Feuse tatamenta, like counterfeit coin, for a time wii paesa current and undetect- ad. The f aise tatementa niade lu conu action witb a bot cf common madicines bava duped and diaappointed thousauds of our i auffeing people mn the pat, and et the present tima thera are many who are belng dec2ived from day te day. Thasa wforthiaas anýd decaptive madicines, w itli il their feue essaertions about curing di.-sease, are uow being poetad on the back liat lu ail well-regulatad communities, and are carefully avoided and abliorred by the wise and prudent. It la only the powexful lever cf trutb that cen meve intelligent communitiea and peopias. This rigty lever la Pines Celery Compound, au agent tbat lias neyerI lied an aquai in tihe bitery of medicine lue t-he curing of the ick and d1esd Evsry sateent made in favor of PeIineOs Ceiery Compound, rings eut witb i lionety and trutb. The lattera cfftesti- mony corne f romn eue owu Cana,,dian people whom doubters may interview or write te for particulara. 1Paine's Caery Compound lias clieusands of recorda cf victorias over clieumattana, aciatica, neuralgia. dyspepsie, nervouanesa headachea, leepleasesas, kiduay and iivar troubles,general weakuesansd lest vitality. The marveliena cure of Mr. James Laverington, cf Virdan, Man., by Paiue's Celery Compound, after the failures of doctora and othar agendaes, sbouid ba aufficient proof for ail fairminded men and womeu who are liouastly seeking for beaaiîb, trengtli sud new life. Mr Leveringtou welles as followa about hie succesa witli the wcrld's hast medi- 'II keep a bottie on baud in casa of any raturn of the crmplin~t. I amrn nw 58 yeara old, and I feel as opry and heathy and f rea fromi pain as I ever did lu my life. I was boru lu Norfolk, England, and camne to Canada wben euiy 3 years oid. I1va brouglit up lu the township of Cornwall, Octario, and -aine te Man- itoba eiglit yeacs ego. Have always beau, a f armer, and ami as able te do liard work new as avec I was. IIWith a beart fulli-of gratitude for tlie benlefits derived fremn the use ef your remady, and a wish te influence othees who may suffer, I gladly ac.d freely indite this later. "Rev. Mr. Talbot, Metbodist Minister, of EÈlkhrbo, cen confirmi my statementa, and will do se if writen te." Mr. Higginbotbam, the succeEsefl and extremely popular druggiat cf Virden, vouchea for Mr. Levoringten's statemants, as follows : 'II have knowu Mr. Leverington for tw'o yeera or moe, and cen confirni aihat ha says lu regard te bis cure by Paine's Celery Compound. Ever aince his cure ha bas been souuding its praisea, and lie ta e perfect entbusiasi on the subjiot mof Pains 'sCelery Cernpound. I believa bim te be therougbiy rcehable." anld DIM4OND DYES. A modei wmfe can realiza Great benrefita f rom Diamonfi DyeF No matter wliet ber family's auze, She dollars savea f or Diaflond Dys; She happy makes ber cbldren's hivea, By uaing often D arnond Dys; ~Hec homne is briglit as cieudiesa skies, Because she uses Diamoud Dys; Ail other brande asemuet deapise, When sha cen cheose the Diamend Dyea: Her faded dresa abs deftiy tries Te renevete with D amoud Dys; Hec buabaud'a ceats, usts, pants and tiai Are soon renexved with Diamond Dyes; At Fair thia year as eteck the priza, For gouda ýdyed wihb the Dîamond Dys; Sbe causas wonder and surprise, IBy tinting wails witb Diamond Dys; She with tise ertiat eften vis, By colening mapa wîth Diamoud Dys She's econemicai and wiae, This cornes flirougli uaing D'amond Dys, Geed-nature sperkles in lier eys, Because ahe'a beiped by Diamend Dyes; On those grand colora asecelles, She knowa the bast are Diamoufi Dys. The Illuatrated London News for Oct. cher 20, 1894, wlll cotain illustrations cf thie War lu Corsa; Great Scbocls cf Eng- land; "Cbarlsrbcuse"; commencement cf New Stcry by Sebïne Baring-Gould. On sale by al unewadealana Ibrouabout the United States and Canada. $6 e yaar. Office: Worid Building, New York City. FRANx LEsuiE's POPULAR MONTIILY for November describes sud illustrated "Ni- agare lu Harnes," in au elahorale article written hy ArthurVauglien Ahhott, C.E ,1 whicb gives su idea at once dlean sud mcii impresaive cf the stupsudous achievement cf diverting the power cf the migliîy cal- anact te meclianicai nas. This numbar la aise notable for cenleîuing the cpening cliaptars cf si new alory entitled "Hîgli Tide," by Etta W. Pierce. There are sevecai compeseshort tories. ins -1APitrsIl 'I thlnk it My duly, wlheut souicetAaines - tien f roum any oua, te write lu the interestsABaufrCopstrlsDebe- cf other aufferera, sud gve yen a 'testi-ABrnfd opst h Daes- mouli lufovr cfyou (tome)aimot BH Drops 40 pounda in weiglit in a msacoulous remedy, Paine's Celery Cen- aoitm-Iwlewscr ponnd. For more than a yeer I wey BATODct15-hmsHz- suffsriug frcm the agcnizirag pains cf BATOD 0.1-hmsHzl soltice ; and ater trying ail that medicai burat, e composter lu the courtier office skih couid devise,and nsing manyremedies ilu th it bs stuheaupa sud on patent sud otberwise, I couclnded te tcy lu healîli wihifundhe pef mernhe the Hot Springs cf Banff. urîder the able atsrn i on iîî ufrn auperinlendence cf Dr. Brett. I took the frem diabetes lu a severe forru. Iu a few treatmeultboroughly sud careinlly for 6 weeks, ho lest forty pounda lu welcbt. waeks, sud came home et tisa end cf that His systeai kept on running down sud Mr. tirna rackeli witb pain sud wi"hing 43 Hazellinnit was very naturaily alarmed,1 poixda ais Atthi jo.c~oawau opeAf ter trying meuy remedies witout bene- podloat lied, Iliar Pis j a a Cir, iery fiet, hobegariusing Dodd's Kîdniey Pilla. lür'uà tseied n'_dtoiycsTbree boxas rmade e big change in bis ai I snt4,te y rom- t,, .j. w condtion, and six boxes worked a Cern. Hi~inotb a, f tusplcaan akad plaLtecur. r, Hïzoihurit is to-day Mes. A. R. Gambsy visited lier father, I wss cursd of terrible lumbago by Wm, Kennedy, Eýq,,Milbcook. MINARDS LINIMENT. Mes. James O'Neal. has beenà viitingýý I{EV. Waa. BaiowN. lier brother, Mr. John Gibaon, Mr. Wm. H-ockridge, Cobourg, and aMrs. T was cured of a lied case of earache by Foarer. Port Hope, have be3u vis.,iing MINARDS LINIMENT. Mrs. Kirkland. MES. S KAUIeAcai. Mr. \.Stutt aud M'sa S. Cowan ViSited I was cured of sensitive lunga by Mr. MeNeil'a, Jarietvilie. MNR' IIET Mr. Enooli Hoimas bas purchaa er MINRD'SLIN MNT. .MASTERS. residence of Mr. John Hall. Mr. Soloinu E m, las rentsd the Mouiton farm, - Rav. Mr. Danjeis, Port Hope, preacheýd yOi WILL in S,,. Saviours churcis, Siunday. Mr. aud Mrs. W. JTones attendied tha funerai of lier father, Mr. Robt Porte,-- Bethany.Bm7P CH SN A Mr. idarI liegi, Toronto, visted 'Lits aiter, Mrs. Dr. Dickey. Miss Floence Coatham la teachUing scbool at Macrickville, Grenville Co. 1e î e Miss Neilie Staiker, deugliter of Dr.AT Maicom Staîker, WýýatertGwn, is visitng -Vo-- lier uncles Messes. Staîker Bros. AD K3 Mr. Chas. Bacrett lias a Cabaahaw ap- He now keeps pie weighing 20 ounces. Mr. Price Saunders, Guelph, and liftie neices f rom Bowmanvlk, visited friends liera recently. FATAL RESULT Or DELAY .-Sickness .eneraliv follows in the path of niegleet, iDon't be rocklass 1 but prudeL-tly taa few doses of Scotts Fmulsion immeiately following exposure to coid. It will save0 you many painf ni days and sleeplsm nights. Mrs. Dingmau and Mrs. Doncaster of Bowmanville, have opened out mnillincry stores. Mr. Neil McConnachie, Mosso-nilu, N. W. T., lias beau chosan Cou,>servaiýitv standard bear'Ar in the cousîng elcot;ýi for the Legialative Council. HEED THaE WAUNING.-The comn and ever preseut warning of kidrey trouble back-acke and weakness in back, a4re quickly reiieved by Chasesa Pilla. The original aud only 25 cent Kidlney-Liver Pilla. Whsn al uthler remedies f ail, tie cure. Mr. Wm. Mason bas bouglit eut t1he our and fesd business of Mr. Win. Brrstt.ý On Saturday, Mr. C. B. SturgIes, of the American Watchi Case Co,, Toronto, waa narried te Miss Anunie, daugliter of Mr. Ný. A. Jerome, of our town. A woman who is weak, nervous and seespiess, and wlio las cold banda and feet cannot f eel and act like a well person. Carter's Iron Pilla aequalize the circulation, remove nervou3ness, and give strength and rest. Mr. Edison Keat of Belleville, spent Monday week wîtli friands bers. Mr. Hugh SimpFon, wbo lias tauglit Antioch sBeool the past year, huas been engaged as Principal, and Mrs. J. L. Rowe teacher of second department of Oreno acheol. NOTHm-'G STEA-NoE.-Iuýeligent people, wlio realize tha imoportant part th e blood holds inkespiog the bodcy iu a normal' condition, find notbiiogsage in-1the nuilbar of diBeasas Hooda ,Saýrsaparilla la able f0 cura., So manytoblsresIt fromi impure blood, the bs way to treat tliem is through the biood. Ho' Sarsaparilia vitalizas tihe bicod. H[oed's Pilla ara the beatate.ine pills,assist dIlgestion, preventee-nsatitioni. Mrs. John L. Rowe, was iu the city asat waek attendiug the weddCiug cf heýr nephew, Mr. Frederiek IHaubly. to M'-ýiss Rogers. Misa Lena Davy lied charge of lier dspartmsnt. About two years ago, the Rat'. Mr. Surf, of Blue Springs, Nebr., lost bis liair atter fever, and became neariy bald. Re fiuially resolved to use Ayar 's Hair Vigor, aud rnow lias as fine a lae«dcf h air as could ha desiced. Thiai sceaiy a fact 8worth cemamberiug. On Monday, Oct, 7th, aot3pmth-- re.sideDce of Mr. Wmr. Thbonqpsonu, Southi Ward, was discoveced ro be on tice. The alarm was quickiy aounded a. udt the Fire CÇompany arrivsd promntly on iithcescoe but the water supply was anufiind the building was reduced to ashlea. ITCHINU KJ PelRi-ved Speedily Cured By Cuticura Remed*Ies A warm bath with CUTICURA SOAP, and a single application Of CUTICURA, the great skin cure, will afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, economical, and permanent cure i the most distressing of itching, burn. inbleeding, scaly, and crusted skin and scalp diseases, after physicians, hospitais, and ail other methods fail. CUTICURA WORKS WQNDERS and its cures of torturing, disfiguring,, humiliating humors are the most wonderful ever recorded in this Or any age. C=TCURA Rî~M=Mgare 901d throughoUt tîle Woridl. PrcC='rCua 751.;SuA,, 3 5c'; RSOLVI£I'r,x,50 PorIsaDa9 ,m EuM. Coup., Sole PropS., Bosyon. "Ail about the BlocS, Skie, Scalp, taod Hair," free. P 1ýIfPLES, islaclheads, Ted .ad oI in miaix '[ eetacd and cured by CUTICU" '~SoAP, AS WELL AS THE -Both arc first-class machines and prýces riglit. Be sure yoe al and see them for yourself. They are simple in construction, quiet in motion, easy to r, made of the best material, finished in a workman-like manner and manufac- tured in Canada. Sold by T. N. RIOKARD, Watchmaker, Jeweier sud Optician. Ntads Blocik, Bowinanviile. 40 Head Short-Hemr Cows and Heifers, 8 Head Short-Hemn ycuug Bulle, 15 Hersas sud colts, 25 Cotswold Ewesansd ram Lamba. JAS. GRAHAM. Scugog, Oct. 9, 1894. 41-2w NEW SHOEMAKER. Heviug ranted the ili sbop formerly occupiari hy tisa laie _Mr. Bunner, I bac te aunounce tht 1 am prepared te do ail kinds cf erdered work Inmaking sud ce-, Bargains. -goum We are now Showing Special Value in the following Unes., Dress Goods-- MRS. DONC ASTER has rcmnov-1 The public Will find our stock second to none ed to the store lately occupied as the "Sun" office where she wili open ber exhibit of Fall and Winter Miliinery on Friday and Saturday, Sp.21 and2. There will be the anld Bo0nnets eve1jshDn in Bo- manville. Ladies are cordiallIy in- vited to cal and inspect our n 'ew stock which has been carefully selected for the benefit of thc public. Our stock includes Feathers, Birds, Flowers, iRibbons, Velvets, and al the latest novelties for Faîl and Winter trade. Hats ceaned and re-shaped in ali the iatest styles. Orders taken for Robinson's Corsets, AUCTION SALES. THUuSDAY, Oct. 18-Me. Thea. Burrowa, lot 17,, con 5, Darlington, wiil ssii bis farma stock, impiemants, etc. Saise t 1 o'clock. Ses postera. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. TuEsDAY, Oct. 23rd.-Tbs stock, impie- mania, bey, routa, etc., cf Mr. William Wight, Lot 5, Con. 3, Darlinglon, (known as the Wight Homes3tead) will ha sold by auction cou the pranisa., Sea bis. L. A W. Tale, auctionear. WEDNrESDAY, OCT , 24Tri.-Meaars Bea- c'>ck J, Weccy, wiil sali by auc'ion on the peamisas cf Mr, T. Werry, Lot 10, Con. 3, Cartwright, a lot cf valuable stock, implemmimia&c. Saleaet oe o'ciock. L. A. T oL, Auct. THaURSDAY, Oct. 25th.-Messra. Thomas aud W. H. Nicliola, Lot 30, Con. 2 Dar- linglon. Kiugetcu Roed, will ssii Iliele Hligli Gradeansd lhoreugh-bred'stock, ntAcbinery, implements,, etc. This la a vsry large sais, Saleaet 12 o'ciock. See postErs. L, A. W. Tele, auctieneer. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE. SPRINGWATER FARM, SCUGOG, and our prices always the lowest. Dry Gooda and iewelry Hous, Bowurianille, Ont. 2 0 P ER DEDSCOUNT FOR DASH.ý Our clearing ,ale will begin on Saturday, September 29th, our prime objeet being to raise mioney quickly. We wil simply offer goods at prices that niust commrand ready sale. Last season 's stock will be sold at haif pice zindI less. Mens'- and Youths' Overcoats and ail Clothing wýill go at tempting prices. To accomplish our purpose sales will be forced at any sacrifice of prices. We take Due Bis same as cash. To finish the re-miarkiug, etc., the store will on Friday, September 28th. be closed Sépt.- 24, 1894. EUH! EUES I PUJRS! Having received a large and choice lot of Futs,in Ca-Des, Co)llars, Muifs, Caps, Coats, Jackets, and Robes, I an decer-ý 1mined to seli thora chea-p for cash. 1 would advisei na1mrorah1 ustomers and frieuds to cail early and exýainn A large stock of Gents' Furnishings always on hand, If your furs need repairitug bring then-1 in early.< llighest price paid for iRaw Furs. NI Practîcal Furrier 's p ý O TUSDA, OTOER 3, 894 ýstock and prices, you will find ut to your advantage. Plain and faney, new ideas and we ves ith frimming-s to match, and no0 fancy prices, at 12lc,, 25e., 50c., 75c., dul fold new goods. You must see themn to appreciate th e value we offèr. Ladies' Coats--- Blaek, Blue, Light and Dark Brown Plain andred with braid and fur. Ahl the ncw styles, and the fil perfect. We neyer had as good value as this season. Theyý are goIng îfa, Cail early, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Underwear--- Hundreds of kinds to suit everybody. You will be astonrished, at the value offered, very littie over one half what you lhave been accustomned to pay. Gloves and Hose--- Good Cashmere Gloves fromn 20e. to 50c. per pair. Wool ilose from l10c. to 55e. per pair. Ladies Cashmere Hose- 20c., 25c., 35c., 40c., 50c., 65e., and 75c. per pair. Furs--- Capes, Collars, Muifs, Caps, Robes, etc. in a variety of kinds, We take special care in selecting the best qualities and we know our prices are as Iow as any in the country. ELLISON & COM

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