Ck'i~dsbeef rfi r ti h. trubles fue! iirt te a bîiiris tîu bs n, -.suc as ILiiiess. Naos D.tru r.eirru,res after eutiîrg, Pain li tr.idel, 'u btheir most renirrkable sue e3arebe houeinu uring YleadaChe, yet CarEru s LITTLE LtvEa Pua!f are eqnallY ea"abl" in Constipation, enuri artS pre,çentthis nionigcc)niplaur, whÏii tiîey irise cormet al Ssoruiers of th e stoInach stiruiifatce -L1ýr erand regulara the boweie Even if they oîify cur t Ache they wonid be aliirouet prie less te those who suffer fron i f distressing comphrint; tot fortunately their gooriness dues cet ed bure, aid those uho onrie try thene i 1 finS these littie pis vab in'iMe fuse 'r"nuy wtsys that tls y wfil ..ot te wiinîg to do witbeut thema. But aftcr ail sick hep 1 ltise bance fse many-ires that here le where Nv i rush"unrgreat boast. Our pilla cure xA n hile otfurs So eut. Cýnq'tfLITTrLE 'auLvERaPuILS arc vcry small ann ery easyttfaie Oui-or twe pfilesniakýe a dose. Thcy are sinfctiy vegetable and do Pot gripe or purg-e, bnt by their gentie aictin please nil wluu lite theni. lu trais at 25 cents; five for $1., SoiS eerywhere, or sent by niail. CM l:I llE"M O., iT o.h ONTARIO BANK r' 1 es to de a Generai Banking Business 1,crtrîrtvilîti Agency. DEPOSITS Recelved In Savîngs Banek Department and on 'ail and interest allowed at ourrent rates No noticeocfwithdrawal neceesary. Ail deposi ta payale on dems1nd, EXCIIÂNGE Bvçrlutend sold and Drafts lssued upon Europe Unlted States and Canada, aiso Gold, Silver and Green backs beuugt and sold. COLLECTIONS PrOmnptly mnade ai currenir rates ripon ail part cf Great Bri tain, tbe United States anai ibe D)om~inion o ICanada. Telegraph Transferi M'uade for large or emaîl soins on ail part e! Canada. This is especiaily advaîîtugeou-i ta persons living in Maniieba or the Northwôss, itronkes thse funds availahie ai once aitbh place cf payenent. Other particulars eaul at the batik. E. L. FORTlT, UEO. MoGiLL1. A&ccountant. manager. Live Energetie Men Wanted. To represeut us in the sale of our HARDY' CAINADIAN GROWIN - NURSERY STOCK. Positions Permanent and afferde geod chance of advsecement te ail woeSkero. Lîberal ie exdfor our terme. T li trial will ceeu you 28-Sm.Toronto- S uVuJrre' .-o-' s'voeus flebilit, reet iur"-. IYtiI n' itsod. Residtr ~ ruSeTersc, Etc.qe' r1 fisenS me ra plains rirrir ,~~ iîfise uunsI wîll senS B'reeý, i!fiutt-reustfjrerre~fiifr~isn of self- o-r' sif', ftjiLr WfidandS buposet ;1 obdis h<'s S i bi j g'sfor y rare, curaS me r fc' i r _. I etdoït sn unnîes yen uiu'S it Co-re i-on s e eîe'iy confidentiai. *riS tI irel 'rut r'rf pcaiS roni obervaton. .tdSs-ess,, trjC. 'Çunlilaa Toronto, Ont 0F CANADA. (ixpitalI pald p., Sf,oio,.ltst, $59o,13 0 This Bank ie prepai-oc to do Legiti. mnate Banking in ail its branches. Farmser's notes discoUnted; Duposits, receiveti andi Interest paiti on accounts cf 85 anti upwards ie Savings Bank tDepartsnent. 1 DIAFTý,4 JsEu-s-d anti Collections neade le Europe UTnited itatesj, andi canada. W. . .7JOY's, Ag rit DR..,TAPT'S ASTHMALEIIECR ASTH NI A GMîve(1sl R - A Last Resort. heJimsce (cefidenfially)-"' Say, do yen ar tisab young weman sînging O Policeman-" I sould remark." "She lives next door to me. Say PI "Well, Say t." "l'Il give you a bax cf tise hast cigare ever smuggled if you'll rush into that houes anti ask who is beieg reurdered." The Science of' Rubbing. No metisot cf treatieg tise varions aches anti pains to wisicistise flesisj is eir is mors agrecable to tise suifer er,or ottener effective, tissu a course cf intelligent rubbing or mas- sage. We may helieve tisat tise benefite terived are due te tise pereonal electricitv which je imparteti from tise body of tise one who par- forme tise ruhbbinig, or we may say thaf a cotneter- irritation off tise superficial parts ie set ccp by tise friction. Tiscre are fisos wise asseri that it je tise activify into wisich tise parts je question ara nrzed hy tise pro- cees thaf je et benefit. Tise laet explanasion je prebabiy tise moet nearly correct. But isowever we miy explain the lact, it je certain tisat cveu unekilleti manipulation may be productive of relief anti comfors to a wontisrful degres; wisile if tise maui- pulator je acquainteti wiististe anatotny of tise humn bodiy, hie toucis may seem at times almost magical je dispereing pain. By tracing oui an inflauret nerve it je possible for masseurs-as profeesional mub- bers ara calleti te redue tise moss troubles sema off neuralgîs even te tise extens of relieving thseaver-dread etiand long- lingering eciatica. Muscles wi oi refuse to contract, andi jointe whîcis for a long tinte have been etiif,may ha breught jute reneweti aeîivity. Of course ut jes nos poesible for every oe te show tis kîli of a fraineri masseur; but any et us eau do muchin j a humble way towartie relicving tise sufleringe off Viose wisn are dear te us. We sisoulti alwaye he careful te assiet tise flow off blooti in uts course througis tise paie- fnl parts, s tissfluiti iears withis i iotis food anti strengtis. Wisetiser a muscle, 1wisiclu je very cff eu tise seat of tise pain, je tireti anti sors frem over-use, or crampeti anti stiff fromn n-use, tha sosing actionî cf a frasi suspply ef blooti is equally accept- able. Nerves require more delicate isandling, Ss tisey are cI tee exquieitely sensitive to tis ligistest toncis; but patient persistence anti este are certain te be productive off greatsr or less relief. It je net necsssary je every instanc'e te exercice 50 muais delicacy,isowever,»js there are maey conditions wiie arc morerapidly henefiteti h ie vigorous use off a crash towel,till Vise superficial parte over tise seat cf tise trouble are agiew. Circular motions, pineising anti eiapping ail enter ino thie metisets off a successinu 1 masseur. Fie'ally, tise success cf tise treatment o-f pain by rubl ing je tc he lound, not se mnueis je tise brute foie exisibiteti in tise mani- pulations, as ie tise gentie, educatetitoucs wisicis is abue te recognize at once tise re- quiremenVe cf tise individual case. Eruptuve Fevers. Eruptive feves,-by wisicis'termi are meani trus anti German mesIes, email-pox ciiken-pox ýanti scarlet feve,-ae tisey ceur jenefetiren,are ios3tiangercoe tia je commouly supposed. All cf tiser are self-limIiting ; isai is, they rue tiseîr ewn course, aud noce ci tisem are ameeshîs to aey special formi cf. treatment. Nor sisealdth ie poesibility off tiseir attack ng tise cisilti ai a tender age occasion any special aexiety. Tisere are maey cases or recordtinjwisich sncb tisases have attsoked infants wiîisin a lew heure affer isirtis ; anti wbere tise gencral issaiti cf tise iitîs pa tient bis been favorable te snob an issue, the reeovery lias teen rapiti anticcim- piste. Ie faci, is may bc etaîtid as a Leuerai tuestisai if tise sufferer lrem an eruptive tev- er bas a gooti ceesîitutioe,he will have ne- îhing te lest irom an attack off aey off tise diseasea camaS above. Tiscy are ail to be regardeti simply as eruptive forme cf lever, Inecdi tiere je rise of temperature, great tisirsî,aeti a fuil, rapiti pulse, togetiser witi tise char- acterisiocrupision pnceuliar fo tise dis- easse. In view of these facts, tise treat ment ci ant ordinary case cf ertfpiive lever beccmes idential witis tiat oi levers je general ; fleat je, iî je directet oward a reduction cf tiseisigis temparaiere anti a relief cf the accumpanyieg sympteme. It je net neessary te be concerneti about tise eruptice tissU, except perisaps in tise case cf mesies, when we shoulti keexe tha skie proiecteti from irritation. To prevant iîoising, aut also te keep tis kin cool, we may baise tise patient very gently in a weak solution off carbolie acid. It je besi to seek tise ativice cf a good pisysician je every case cf eruptive lever,r's in maey instances tise sysfem je in a more weakened condition thisjesuinpposet,.ani with my ewe practice," saiti a cesebrateti surjet, "Sby giving tisa boilowing ativice to many cf my frieude ",At tise tiret symptome cf carseise let tise patient lie ou tise Set witi tise paiefulcar juppermeet. Folti a thick fewel ant ucd it arounti the ueck ; tisen with a teasreoe filîl thse ear with waîm waisr. "Continue Seing, this for fittee or twent1y minutes ; the water will fill tise ear orifice andi flow over on the fowel. Aftcrwvardl turn tise heati, let thse water rue ont anti plug tise Car wiîb warmn glycerine anti Cotton. "Tihis may be doue every heur until relief je obîsinesti. is au almost invariable cuir, and bas saveti many cases cf acuisiflm a tion. Tise water sisonld ise quite warmn,but not too isot." SOlVE FAMOUS FRENCH COOKS. Onae of Tixem i jeSadeto Ra i e au leceis or $35~,000 ea Vear. Tise French have alwaye sen preuti of thejr cooke, In tise lti time, Gaston Pheo- hue at a single rosai serveti np as many as 300 tiuiereet tiiehes, &a i twicoiwere tise ceations off hie own braie. Tise presens eook cf the Lien td'Or bringe eut a nuw disis f Iis ewn sacieseason, But tisi i5Bo longer cemmon. Tisere are signe tisaf French cooery lisas histfs tiay ant isj living on tise reprcfaîion cf tise past. 8bull tisera are great namese andi successes te recom- meeti it. Gambetta, wiso dearly loved gootiljvtig matie a stutainee rime wjth tise lertuner ci hie eouk. lsewae tise amous Tremn- pette, Ht iabheen tisecouifthc ie Da- de Nuailles, but thse republican dictaýtor persuaded hiro to lcave fisc, service etf artýs. tccracy by offening bum a salary cf $,40a vear. Tis was someîising enermeus lotr France. [t muet lSe rememberet, hioever, tisat tise commission cf oe cent eut ci ê-,-ry) twentv wisich tise Frencis cooke colet lrem, tradesmen, aieng wifb tise rsxfnnts anti savings anti piekinge and ti ter beniaices ameent te many times over fixe original salary. Jenfisc large Pariejan clubs, whaste tise Sest cooke are now saidti t hlie nd thijr annual income je estumateti ai fromn .8000 fo $6,00i0 a year. Gambetta, whso isatiail hie monay fItem poli'ie, was opeu- isandeti. Wisen ha dieti Trompette wae aSie to retire with a isandeema fortunie le a villa wiicis eha iti ought dowe j e Beri. There hae resteti frini hie laSers antid ctî as migisty n fisisernean as se isatibae an accumplisîxeti cook, Tiss eiedc. Tisewas only last autume, wisen tlise is-ussiaus werc visiîieg Paris anti Seing feasteti evcrywisera. To fiseir surprise ail ihe Trench papers deciaredt iat wîis Troim- patte tise glortene traditions cf Trench cookery isat passeti. Thte great ceoke wera, no more. Tis is jethlees an exaggeraîxo-n, aitsougistisera are signe tisastishe rushinig anti carelese spirit ci thes spabas IStouglît Sowu tise standard cf ceeking, whiclfi was se long a fine art it France. Abreati tishe renewn of tise Trench eook le asmgruat as e ver. Tisera are etili fameous cooke le) Paris, Tins coroplaint je tlut îhey teed te (jsaJ peur Item tise great public establislisments, where thiaitplace liseeen faken hy lovenily workromen, who have net tisa olti consul-se- tione art. Aurcelien Schiol, wise waas tise cen1ier off iseo Boulevard jein is , esays tiraite odine well ais arestauraur ee,.Y atisys yen most taka a traie te rses He attributes tise decatience lee ie ne genaration off restaur-ateurs,,înany c- f whomn hava workedti iai nay np item beng ere waîters, anti are in far f00 greais a bnrry off make tViaitfortunes. lhisjealso sais tisaisL tise officiai dinnere given Sy the Ministere ci Stata are tee ofe fiti uly teoson""tise gues te. A parvenu peliîiciasx bas.aielhr ttien ne t aste te keep thaf wa1tcis over hie k itchen te wisicis tisethorougi sti et tise olti regima useti to ha tramleS, Prasideet Casimir-Perier, so it is sa&idi again, je an exception te ibis ruie under tise repuhlixo. Tîuret, tisa cook wisom hae Isat insîsile injetise Elysea, was wiîh is i wisen ha was Minister of Foreige fai, anti also wliseles wae Presitieni tirs iam ber off Deputtes. Hi je ansetiatba accrediteti hirosl. He je fit te rival wjthi tisa cook off tise Duc te Doudeauville, wlîo bas navet serveti in a lese lamily tisan a haron's, or with Ihouzon, whis junw wiîis tise Du-hsseof Alisa, affier wising !hie te- nowe entier tise Empira with Prince Orloif. Inne anoîher barrier je removati beuweee tise Faubourg St. Germain andthiae lyse. Tise Russiane tisetselves coulti appeau te tise splcntijd example ci tiseir Czar*s karu- erfourier. His je vry meci cf a cefor le s jetaitise ieati cf alVise imperial 1kitis- es, anti ie bas tise rigliste wejsr a eword. hti jenotfise iret tinta, as ha lougis ce tise Trench sida all rougi tise war cI' 1870. When Gerroany l'nally teok possession cf bis native Alsace lue wenî te eeek bis for- tune je Rus .ia raîtaer than tiwell as hopme wiîtise conqueror. M. Kranîtz soon ha- cama famene, anti bis tilsis may bave iseiçtti on tise Fran"o-Rteeeiau allîince.1 Alexacnder Ill. bas exeropîti iim from t ise law wiich requîtes tisaitishe imperial cooke saîai l east bhauralizeti Ricsians, anti ise bas even extentiedtiis prîvilege te tise nuemioeFrench untier-cooke whom tise chef lias in hisesmploy. M. Krantz, wisosa Trench citizeusisip je tisus officialiy recogucueti along wis bhis cooery, je a great man ai court. Ho blas untier bis orders four lurcisbing officers witis 130 iackeys anti apprenties boys, be-i sites bis own special corps cf iwo assistant chefs, witis 4'2 proff'eeional aide, 20) ap- prentîces, 32 wsitere, anti two bakers3 anti îwo conlectloeers jn ciief,wiîis ientspeciai assistante tetIsele nmber of 20. Ha i.,s fe iv secretarisebor corrcspündence, bills, mnue,1 andtie test. On tIredtys offiigis erenyi as msny as 1,200 pereous are under his coro-t maind. Tise grantiessof tise court reanark1 tisai ibis Trench cook bas a clear revenue cf $35,000 a yeax'. Thse chief cook antitIshastpaisma A Correction. He-Wbat is be going te do after ise graduates. Sie-Would't it ha moe appregriate to ssk. Il Whem is he going îo do?" F lOI THE PEAUE RJVYR REV. J. G.- BRICK'S RETURN FROM THE NORTIH-WEST. flics otinterestixxg Tlletof a Sinliitg C'sietry tisai but A-eaiCtste Civltîz. ,mg Pltimgj-leertlle oftise Cîimte aud Produets or Cie Connircy-Goed Prjces for Wleaut -Denver tisiian Faist t)ying Out Socue Goset English (ami tieseWaeted. Rev. J. Gough Brick. cf Chient cisercis missien, Peaca, bas returnadte Tobronie te spaudthe'tisanjttar. Last winter a serioes epitemiecof la grippe was experienceti aitth mis csion anti ase tiseneareet metical rose wae 400 miles away, ais Edmnteon, many tiet. Mr. Brick batl a severeatatack,and hie principal oject le comiug Sack te hie olti home le f0 reouporate. The Peace rivetrje ties-ribeti iy Mr. Brick as muril larger isban tisa Saskatchsewan anS tise Athabasca, anti nexu je size te tise Mackenzie., On tiee banke usera are flate whjish are net more tissu10Oor 12 feaî aboya ii waîsr mark ; ihene exisenti S-ck Item bal fttase-quarters of s mile te tisafoot bille, wicis isa te a iseigisisof 600 te 700 Ieet on SethssIdes off the river, nea hmptly, Sut attaining tiseir elevaiins gratually je a distance cf îwe miles. Tiesa cenamy je simply grand. On flue river fiat tascribet, Rev. Mr. Brick bias Sean farming in tisa iateranse cof hie mission fcr six yeas. Se fat, haie sys, freet bas navet injumadth ie creps. Wheat, Saley, cats, posatoes, tut- nips,all k inte of vegetabes, even purompkiu)s snd cursumisere are enccessfuily raisat. Cern den net ripen, Sut it Secomes suil- cieetiy maturedte io e useS as green cote. Sampias cf tisaeviseat bave Sean prenoune. eti aqusi te snyisiing that ceaubha raxseatinl tise North-West ; fbey bave averageti 64 te ('; pounts te the bushel. Sema ides off the advaetags cf temission rassng itfe wn supplies may Se format Item tise Iset tisai in 1882 Mr. Brick jeaiti $84 FOR FOUR sAlie 0F FLOt R, or $9-1 par saek. "le fact, " saiti Mr. Brick, " for Vine iret ira, pairs we neyer hati suy flent in tise spring time nsdetsoeoimas killeti herses te keep us surve, I paiti $3 a Sag* for tisat fontr je Winnipeg je 1882, anti it cent me $18 to get t jute tise Pesos River mission. Tisa ragularreigisi rates Itemn Winnipeg tei Athabaska isetiing wss 18 cents a poueti on an ex cart. Two y cars age Mr. Brick lef t tise mission farro te hisi two sens ounsates, tisey Seing al tisa werk for baîf tisa profits. 'lbay have since baenselslieg fluur ai $10 par sack, ln irada for fume. Tise STOCKt KEPT ON TItE FARM now aroonets tVo.35isomneeticattîs, 28 herses, anti soe 50 pige. lise Indian scisool cf tise mission je nuppiieti with provisions Iroroitise bisr. TitissecluolDunnere 10ote e0 ch iltren, wbc are al lsd anti cîthati while sîîentinu ecisool. Tisa Goveremenu contribuises noîuing excapt a graeî for the teaiser's sahsrp. Anottaer objeci in main- taiulng tise lamro js e te acis fie hutians bow te cultivate soit anti taise stock. Tisera are about 140 saule in tisa neigihorisoot cf tse rission. One faroily csaeaistie tins tisa miseion was iocaier, tse otisams have ail conne siece. liuey are aimoci anti ray of Cree natioealiisy. So'ue are hal.bred;, wbo formerly SilongeS te tise Ret River settîsment. Tha natuve Intiaîx cif the Peas River country are tise Beayere. Thay have net as pet lecatcdat sthiseuis- sien, buttîiey visit if freine ti.tnct me. Tise Cree langeage je tins only nusane cf hoitngconversation with thaîn. Tisa Beaver a very difficulis cne. Ae s people they au-e tying fasts ouf. Dnriug Rev. Mm. Bmjck's reiteece cf tm aIve pes, 45 hassof lamilies bave Sean retucadtiet 12. lThe momiaity in ptoportioeately large aiuccuu tise men, andti iere are roany more widows sînongiher tisse ameng tisa Crocs. Tise Indiamn of tise mission DO SOtiE FARMcNG. Mosts cf fisarohave senmscathe, onea et'twoj cews anti sonne ycmmng stock par latntlp, aine hersas, anti Itfwo te four acres off banS are uutiar enitivaisen ce cacislarm, growing petatee, whaat anti mail vegt'- tables. The mrocnary lhan belpeul ibero te plougis, lent tiero phoegis,issrmows, etc., harveetedtheisir grain for tiser anS greenri it free cf charge. Tire cînool b ee n i oeratien font peas; tise chiltiman ara taughinjeEngijis oniy, and ibap are qucck te learn. Agicltutai purenîse have Sean vamp enocesnl ntil ihis pear, wbich lhas bae enoff the worst ever expariencee, on account ci tisa dmp weathar anti excessive Seat. The average tainfalcf other peas bas bae about nina incises for tiese esie; tOis pear. t bas nef bae more than two incises, îles ierpsrainra las bae day bas el, as yet preveti aucceseful. lise river flaus ste iinîitet in exians, affording mro bot net mots perisape tissu cigsior tan geed larme ; but tisa prairie on tta np- lande is uni.iitati in exuens anti Mr. Brick deecrihes in as the mosi Seantiful country lie bas sean, eurpssieg anything esein the North-West or ie Maitosba. Tisera ara uenrous &roves off ibrea or font acres, gsving s Seautifel park-lika appearane, as cf the country baS bacc laid out bp seme master band. Hay je cet on thesa lands; but tise drawback te grain anti gartan cul- tivaiion e isais for a nighî or two froro the iStn of July te tSe Ist cf Auguni thama are lmcquenîlp tbree or ffour tegmeas cf front. 1Mr. Brick sae tisaitishe sama Sifficnlty wss experiencet in je eearly bistory cf tise Red River distrcu andilSe looks for- ward te seeing ut Overceme at l'eaca Rivet as lis was everceme ais Red River, Mr. Brick bagan experlmenting Sers je 1885, braakieg up about lent acres, Sut bavieg oehy a puer erop ; in 1886 a roaguiticeni ercp cf ail kinde cf grain anti vagetahies was taiseS, lise rancit je 1887 anti 1888 wae a total failure, about six dagrees cf frost eoroing jusi aI uer tise wheaî nati beadeti oui ; je 1889 tisa crep wae pîetty gooti; je 1890 iî was poor set suter that Iarming on tise uplantis wae abautonetý Along tie river flats, juest at tisa time wben danger item Ircen migist Se appi-ebenteti Children Cry for ilere Li a sketch of threfruit and leaves of the " Trce ef Tif e of British india, the route and baxkoe which have a .pewerfut fejisserce jne uring 2EVOS DEBILITY, E'XHAUSTION, aind LOSS OF ffERVE FORCE., Sufferers from sany trouble of the generative organe can geli full particulars free of a 'ritalizing elixir extracted frroi the rieots and b,.rk of a plant foued only in the bis cf Britisih ledia, and lIçows te tihe natives as thec " Troecof hife." Thbis vitalizfug el ixir has beceon made and utse by Mr. Besat in ndia forearl y thirty years ulwthori ee failure to permaueetly cure even the trorrt c Ths elixir (which is new te this couefry), quickly restoe. ail the functione to their full vigor, anS even wbere an advancedtage basbesen reached anew life lebegue. I is also au absoiute cure for chronie cases of FEMALE WVEAKNESS, IRREGULAIiITIES, OYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION AO0IVR OPLAINTC Suffcrirrg mon and tromen writiug cotildenitially, will get' ful particalars îrremptly s plaie scaled envelope by addressieg, "À wc toe sre s rsuffierent." ï-' n, factured only at TaoRAs HOLLOWAY'S EJsTAIILISRM&Žs¶' ', E X.jeD S R mT OSr O~ a iseavy fog riscs every night, andi remains HRIL ITR FW R like a clouti over the landi until 9 o'clock je HRILEPCUE FW R the moreing, tises protecting vFgetation. nov. aMt. lerick RAS iNBOtrynun FAITII la flic country and ti is tiat tise frost woolitot a large exteet disappear if ihese uplantis waru- breugisu jeto celtivation. lise seutlement off Varmlixon, 300 miles blow, bas Sean prospes eus ibis year, isavieg tise beet otope, ever raisedt iera, encre espacial- ]y bariey aenl reot crepe, lees whcat Seing ai tempiet. Mr. Brick wclt lika te ses a faw good Englisis lanilies, vwitis roses, settî nua thtie Peace River mission.Hc believes îisey woulti presper, ase -very busisel cf cvieat raietiis worth$1250. Fleur bougisisai Edmonton fer $1.50 cannois Se laid town as Peace River for lais tisse $6.- 50, and,ae twe Susisels offtise wiseat raiSe tisare yielti 100 poueti off flour, $2,50 per busel for wheat je realireti whetise fleur bringe $5. Huntretis cf Sage cf fleur arc freignîti aevary year,ee tisera wcult Se sale for ail tisai would ha raisest. While tise country is AI5APTEIe FOR tX IG, there le neoroarket at present for catile. Cattla have f0 ha stableti in tisa wcnter,Suî boises livseut in thea open air anti do well. Asitiste lengthisof tise seasue, Mr. Brick sys lha bas pleugiset othis cioff April anti sowe wheat on tise 4tlu: Sut generaliy hae bas Segun about tise h2th is te a ii. fHe hie plcugbeti selaie as tise 7îl cf !iovam)her, buis generaliy tise grounti freezes tise lasi week in Octobar. Disease aise existeti amcng tisa cafile off tisa H. B. Company, on a rancit 15 miles sentis cf Dunvegan. Tiseestîle dis every flu, as mey ase 14 havieg pasishati oua sesieu,NMm. Brick feels tisai some stape Sisouiti Sa takan, aitiser by tise Govaement. or by tise H. B. Compsny,as tisera je danger ai imas off tisa diseasati cattla coroing ie contact wiiis those oftise mission. Tise large game,eecis as moosa antiheast, are geîîing legs romn year, Vo year, anti ihere are indications ticat a rabSit famine je again close ai haut. In 1887-5 tisars weme ne rahhjts, andt iis winter je ikaly to ses tise lasi cf thm, it je ibougisi, fer another pemiet, As rabisits are tise stap'le ,article for uhe Indians teir disappearanca meane bard tirose for îles Indiane. lisay are mut îreaîy Intians, anti thsy have ges ne assisetance fmom tise Govarmrent excepis- ieg tisai $100 wijo wae tiseS for tise pur- chasa anti distribution cf sacS grain four yeameago. Tisane are ne rouneet police in tisa Peace river country. M1r. Brick tisinke h vcry desirabla to hava a email deisuisment, ase prevection iseSetter tinan cure, notwiîh- standing that tins hudians are peaceaisly^ inolineul. AN OBJECT LESSON. 'Te Navat Eîsg-ageens cf V alu River-Tcs Necessty er tncreastsg Cime Eagilis iNavy. Lord Charles Beresfort,in a recent inter- view, saittisastishe rasuit cf isba recent naval enîgagement Setween tise Chinesa anti JapanceaSe eteaitishe mentis cf tise Yahu iver proves naceseity for an deqeatae nrober of cruisers. If tise Jap- seese bat isatimoesoff tise cruiser type cf vessai tbay woulti bave tsokiedthtie Chinese ehipe ie tise open ses ; setbat tise Cheinese Sbesu ietter suppliat wiîis cruisers tisep oôugsstet have Sean aSle te manoeuvre anti seceire a Setter position, ineteati cf Seing kapt close jenssore Sy tise eîxemy's sheipe. Otherwiee tise cppoeing tisais were evesîly malceist. Tisa Satîle provedt tisis tise powers off orfence nifnmodexrn ftiesaare ne-- tieîtely superior te thisai powers of defeece, andti ise shows tise importance off moe auxiliamces enuli ns dockyarsls anti meserves cf munitions anti ron. I lu- metiataly war jse daset," saiS Lord Chsarles, Ilwe ougst te attack, anti navet stop atscking, nos se stand ounflue Sefen- sive sione. Command cffisba ses tapent e upen auxiliaries quite as meuh as upue tisa number cf shups. If two corncatanie are cosepelieti Sy daroage te suspend histilities, viciscry wiii test upon tisa une wlte tirsi gete t e ss again afuar mskieg repaire." Mr. Louis Gotismanu, tise Cisicago as ironemer, reaffirros hîbis diovemy cf whai seeme t e Sa asige of vagetation jenlise moon, ,Ptcherls Castori,ï, fAwfmcl Scense oi'flic Naval Ratte Tic illerderoils Firlng dii Effective no rk. A Britishs naval efficer attaciset to tise Cisinese naval eqeatircu wbich wae engageS in tise tigisi off uhe meutb off tise Yalu River bas written a latter te Tise Londone Grapisie, anti wiicln was publisisil it tiat paper tise cuber day. Ine is letter tise writer givas atditional dtails of th isa tiig,and say:- ",On boardtheis warehip Cisen-Yuen tise figisting wae awful. Tisetecks anti spec_ arcunti the gens ware sirewn witis isma( fragments, anti tismeaoff tise ive m'aâ worL,- ing leur-tee gens wers blown Up iy a shahl Item tisa Japanase warsisip 1naitcwa. A fourthus cer wae sluai while rying to ese- cape fro isbte rrai, andtihie tiftb stuek te Itis post. Ibis rose firedti isea rounds ai fIne Nanjwa, e ehail eniering tiseeîineý et tise Japanesa sbip aeS ancîher smashiieg lier lorehiige. lTae Naniwa tise baulcu off, lire Ciinesa Admirai rewartad tisa survivieg guunnr with a preseet off 1,000 uais. A siseil glancati fror tise steel Sersk oI tise Cisan-Yuen, set went tisrough her tcwer, shattering everytiig tîxaraîn. A lieutenant who n'as lu tlie sot cf epeakies tismeugisutha tube ieading te tise enginerro was Slown ie oatome, and bis Iteat was lef t isaegig on tiesa peakieg.pipe. Huge fracroants off armer andt tiseak Sackîeg fise roui were carnet jen btart Sy a shot, crusis- ing a large nrober cf sallore ie a shapeles mass. A Enropean engineer, wbc was greping abonf in an endeavor to repair a, steant pipe, was drenceatinmbeadti tefoot wiihr tise Sooti cf au assistant, wlis was, tiisaroboweilel Sp a ehotffrottis eansmy'e, ehip. Tise Csen-Yuen arrivati at IA e-Hai Wei tise tay sItar tise figintje ts saine condition le wisicisshe lef i the baffle, No sutempi bat Seen madtief waes tise Siot from bier or te remove tisa corpees whicle wblcis strewed ber deok8." lise wrier asË- pressas fthe opinion that if tisa Europeae rulere couiti bava seen tisa tecks ef tise Cian Yun they woulti bave fforesworn war isence- forth anti brevet. Chineele Lunchaon Cere-monies. A Swete bas sent home ty<is ewn country an account of a lunch -let ,jeceived iu China. Ha andtýietsamembers cf fIhe Itussian Consulata were invitedti t ise repasi by the Governor off Ksigar, lbcy bati forty-six tjfferent dishes sarvat. But this nierestijes leintisefocd tisse in tisa etiquatta. This us very igît, andS net iikely te Se masisereti without etudy. An invitation fer lunch is saint îwo tays Sceora tise occasion, anti, if net answemed, is uneeretoot te hca scoapietI, lis jealwas for 12 o' dlock noon, but tise guceet is net- te arrive before 12. Wiuh tisa invitation cetuas a tard wisstiste hoet's nanne, andt sandlng off ihie meanetisai thxe gucesu je ai liberty f0 atiopi whataver costume lha ihinke fit. On bis arrivaI, tise hes examines tisa glass cf hie guasi, anti tests the chair wsichis teinienteri lor hie use, iii gîve isim assurance tisatihe ma» ,situ n nt with eaIeuy. Hie even affecte te wipe tise test cff tse seat. TMxen bolow tÈa betty-six courses. Ou flue subjecistisaeSwete wae noV epro- psîisaîic - Ihey conejeteti eiiefly of shelh isis, off suripes cf tue bat oi muteon, fpilow- et Sp a dessers cf a presarve of pure, mecis appraciaieti Sy tisa Chinese, buis whici iads tise Swatie to e ark tiraitise fuie tisaitise moment it le fleishedthtie geesi leaves tise table Was a mereifai one. Ha adtti taý tisa banquai Lyreatly tistressedti hs petsr nec off tise J{esian Embassy, but that thý , Ruesian roissloeary. M. Igeatief, scamed te enjey i. ÙILES ! PILES! ITCH[ING PILES. SYMPTiUOS-MOiture; intense itching anti tînginig; meet ai night; ýworÊe Sp scratobieg. If allowed te continuce tu'M- ors forei, wbicbi ofien S] asti anti ulcerate. hecuming very sore. SWÂAY'S' OINT- M1ENT Btol)e tise itcbing a nd blcedwV, bain ulceration, ant injemost cases remiovestise Vu mers. At tiruggists, or by mnail,fe 50 cents. Dr. Swane & Son, Philatiel- phia. Lyman Sons & Co., Morntrea,) \tholcsa]e Agents. oe.'~? 's- t J