M'EW STORE!l LNI )3OWNV LL Our new Boot and Shoe Store is now open for business with a first-elass stock of Footwear, Trunks and Valises. Wekeep the BEST goods at LQWEST pricos--- (no trash at any, price.), We pay spot cash for ail our goods, thereb-ý saving largest cash discounts, which we give to our prompt cash paying customers. The public are cordially invited to cali a few doors west of the old stand, in Neads' Block, and get barginsto their satisfaction, Orders for work --aDd repairing promptly and properly attended to. JOHN HELLYARUM FASHIONABLE WEDDINCT. i Mr. Sam Clarke is back f rom bis annu al -:trip to Manitoba, 'where he spent four B1E(MAC(OrB-E -MIL.E1S. weeks principally- in Sothern Manitoba, at 5o'clck estedayaftu-He statua thu province is fairly prospur- Promptlynt- 'cokysedyaer ous, wbeat harvust having aveaged about ioon theo solt, swueet notes of the Lobren-15bse;buth rc,8cnsfo in ,veddïing mach brokie forth from the 1 buhet s; utterice, 38 etsfor organ in tho Christian Temple and into spring wet svm o.b ssthe farmers of Manitoba are gradually work- the church camne the bridai procession. ing into mixed agriculture, aud are com- FiOr.3t in theort aisie Miss Lucie Hum- mencing to operate cheese factories and pbreys, prettily gownied in Nulegen creameries. Mr. Clarke ;2s lookiug well sll wih acetrimiga augt p wthaf er bis trip on thuraires. -Cobourg bunchesl of lillies of theik valley. Opp'osite 1Suntinel Star. lier in the soutb siale was MiessEditb Kel -______________ ler in a becoming heavy pink silk gown wth laegarniture. Miss EmîyGodbh. ~A D O Ada Legnnox Miss Keller. The two young A l lL laiswore simple but. dainty white Swiss gownis -witb white rlbbon. sashe?. Tbeni floedthe maid of houer, Miss LîzzieT O'Nei lnsom-ely attirsd in yellow sl IN LIFE'S JOURNEY. crepe, cr yîugyelow roses. Opposite- bier waisthe brideu, Miss Mary W. Miles, only daughter cf _Mr,.1J.W. iles, neyer, lookiung better lu ber lite, lesuing on1 die . £ i' arm of ber boter ay -Miles Thie Tl 1fl b.ride w-,as lovely lu beavy White brccaLded! IÂd a Vn ileLILY iI VUl ïsatini, with rhe soft tilmy veil iouvelopiug 1 sitLar. Froa the reiir of the cýhurcb cameR Jj1 R e-v,Byn Long and thegom r By .B r icobe, wbo tVpPedo-J én -b(;ver m rhec e i is rd r e brter hextb ipl erie htEndured ].Vaniy Trials plihte tu toth c thsetwo Young peoplec was3 prououucuýd, while tromi the organ camne the music )f 4"Caîl Me Thîne and S rn s Ovw." When the couple bad beeu madeSufr gs husband and wife the triurnpbaut music cf the Meudelssohn wedding mnarch was ~ beautifully played by Mrs. Miller as the ncaiu 'of the iau Nezs of. bridaI party left the cbumch. Ouly the 1 relatives, the bride's attendants sud 1ev. Paine's Celery Compolllld. Logadwïfe were inN ited t the bouse. The brides table was in green and white. In the centre w as a caudelabra, and fromi the chandiier white ribbons and green 1r Clrh Qfe ntl~ bauds cf asparagus were suspended. On Cha U UUJ:"I Sathe the table was a borse shoe of brlde's roses. 'O~ti The bouse ducorations weru very pretty. l rmteGae The parlor was iu green aud white, the library in sicarlet and the reception hall mantie was banked nasturtiums, The T eC rd M nsH n s decerations at the cbumch were very effect- h ue ans ois ive. The altar was a mass of green flb- Testinaony. aged plants, witb euough color scattemud amn -,ng the palms te make the badigrouLd a pleasing oue. Strands of diemnatis bung fromn the arch behind the pulpit. The He Urges Ail Sufierers te Use, the br-idesmaids csrried bunchles of pink roses, Medicine that Gave Himn New Life. tied wth pînk rbbons. The presents1 were a rich collection. Mrs. H. M. Mil.' er, thie organist, played baîf anhoiur pre- An important amest'in lile's journuy riouîs te the wedding cuemony. Dr. sud A man saved who had travelled far on the Mrs. Brimaconîbe left for Toledo, Buffalo, roadthat leads to the sileut, dark grave! Toronto sud Bowmianville(near wh ere the bis trials sud suffrings weru buavy snd groomn's parents live) sud New York city. severe > lbu bad made mauy efforts to, rid -Mrinmd, aiy hrnile, Oct. 3, himself of the shackles sud chains that Thle aunual meeting of the Bowman-a ville WII. . T. U. was held on Tussdsy,( Set, i8th,ln the Methodist Cbnrcb school ý reem. Mms. Mason who bas se faithfnlly filled the office of President for se manyv years, begged te bu allowed te retire freint that poition. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded te ber for ber past services, sud by a unanimous vote she was madec b1onoramy President. The officers letedc fer the3 coming year weme: Pres. -Mrs.x T. Heoar; ViePre.-Mrs. M. Cryder-8 man, Mms. Freeland, Mrs. J. K. GaI. braith sud Mms. Jury ; Cor.Sec'y-Miss M. A. Neads; Rec.Sec'y-Mrs. L. Toe;1 Treas.-Mrs. G. C. Haines.1 Thse West Durham County W. C. T. U. held its annuai meeting on -Monday, Sept.~ 24th,at Port Hope. A numbemof delegates~ were pruseut f rom Orono sud Bowmsn- v 11le. The Presideut , Mrs. Coleman, beirg uuuavoidably absent, the chair was taken by the, Vice.Prusident, Mrs. Free- land. The meeting was opened witb de- yotional exercises, su dan address of wel- caIne, by Miss Roche, replied te briefly from the chair, altur which the report of the Secrtary, Treasurer and Superinten. detcf ducpartmeuts were read and adopted. The c'fficers elucted fer the comug year - :re!-r.R omnent, Oronoý ; Vice.-Pres-Ný. Coleman, Port Hope; Cor.-' Se c'y-_M rs. (G. 'M.,Long, Orono ;Re.-ScyMs Brodie, Port op;Tra.-Mrs. J. I. Joness, Bow-j mauiPlle, Auditor, MssNeads, Bow- rianvýille. An ivt toneretnext in Bowm'anville was iven su -ad accepted, snd ster.,somýe interusting icuson n mat- ter Lntrodnced by the Qu.ý,estion Bx the mieeting celosed. Theýre rias ne public1 eeigthis yeam owing te the difficulties lu theq wsy it wyas lound ýýIpossiîble te ar- range for i. duavors wuru futile. While on tbe great higbway of disease sud suffering Mr. John A. Cburcb, of Coldbrook, N. S. huard the glad news of victories won ovur disuase by Paine's Celery Compound ; bis heart bounded witb joy and fresb hope, sud he lest ne timu in testing the virtues of nature's great healer. The first bottîs pmoduced a niigbty chinge, and warrantud Mm. Churcb in contlnuing wlth the medicine. After using nine bottles of the great Compound a thorough cure was effected, sud a nuw lusse ofl hfe 'sas obtained. Before hearing of ]Paine'% Celury Com- pound Mm. Churcb wss litemally mobbed of bis meney as bu bought medicines of l kindsthat proved uuleos sud wortbless. His experignce is of great value to uvury sick sud suffering mýan sud woman in Canada, bu writes thns : "lIt is witb pleasume that 1 give 'testi- mony in laver of your Paine's Ceiemy Com - pouud. lu the spming of, 1892, I had an attack of La Grippe which put mu intoi sucb a condition that I could net asleup or est. I wss complutuly runl-down, had ex. treme nervons prostration, sud îay for days lu a hall stuipefied state. "Alter spun din'g al my mioney for msd- icine whichi did little good, i gave up te dis, when onu day a paper on Pains 's Celery Compound was btought te me. T at once procured the miedicins, sud derived great relief f rom the first bottîs. I slept butter, atso-b-otter, sund digestion imýprovedý. After using- ninej bottles Ifel, like a ncw mùan. 1 can trusly say tha,,t Paine5's Culery Compuudsnacbe mefrom tile grave, su gave mie a 15W lusse of 111e. I eamnustly urge ail sfeeat s Pý,iue's Coery Compouud, faeeling sureit ilcuethem--. Do nent speud your mnoney for rmudicines that cannot ueyn I was cured of terrible lumnbag-o by M4I1N A P J 'S LI1NNIMEN'Rlý I was cured of a bad case of earacb e by Iwas cured of sersitive lun-gs boy Mrs. S. MASTERS. A New anctiInteresting Poemi Now in the l ,Press. WiIl be R-eady Early in October. SENT FREE TO ALL PAT OF CANAD.A. This interesting pnoem, relating 'cc the introduction of Diamond D)yes to the monarcb and people of ai, or.iental nation, is wortb sandiug for. The little book min1utely descrîibeà the work and success acbieved by one who was earnestly devoted to bis ission. Few commercial travellers of tbe past or present ever bandled a workso0successfully and few, indeed, could be found strong enougb to reist the bribes and! temiptation that were placed before the hero of theé story. The ittie book is appropriatel y illustrated, sud will interest old and Young. This book, and otber interesting reading m1a!ter,will be mailed to any one3 inCanada who sends a postal card with f Ili post office address, to Wells \& Richardson Co., Montreal, P. Q One of the moist interesting topics cf the day is uudoubtec-ly co-education, sD E.r istic enterprise, bas set befome its readers in the October numiber a miost excellent symnposium on this important question. Tho contribu-torsto it atre among tIle2best knuwn educators of the country and Coin prise such namnes as David Starr Jordan,1 Thomas S. Hastings,Ib. 1M. MacCracken, James M. Taylor, Charles H. Knio-, Ed. mund P. Platt, and S. S. acar. As alI of these men have very decided ocpinionsi on tbe question and are autborities on educational malters, their views cannot f ail to be interesting. HE TELLS IT HIMSELF. A West Ox,-ford Farmer -Nar-rowýl Escapus Premiature BralTeCauses of b is Thirestened Fate and Lucky Es cape) ]INGEVSOIL, Oct. 8.-W. IH. Iailey of only narrowly escaped , premiature burial a shr ime ag'o Mle 1badCIhOad id, ds ease for four yasbakadSo h ya times that he wvas compljrAetely lid up. Mýany doctors, treatedi himl but their' treat. meut, in Mr. -Bailey's oinionmae hl worse rather than bi îetter. EMis es capec from n premnaiture grav\e wauaecedb, the use of the inifallible Dodd' S Winey Puis. Three boxes of thbese cured himi completely. Mr. LBailey dais uw to be- able to do a bigger day's wrkthan bisi tweuty-four year old son.ý FR.ANK LESiiE's POPu.LAi, MoNTRLi ii5 p now issued from the new FranIk Leslie Building, in historic Bond Stree-t, in, wbat may be termed the midway publishing ciuarter.of New York. The Ocýtober numn- ber of this unique and deservedofly popular magazine bas for its froutits8piece a fine portrait of Mrs. Frank Leslie, the iheadl and informing spirit of the larget pub. lisbing business in the worldI owned and conducted by a woamn. The business is descibed and illustratedl in aLn articlIe en- titled "Modern Magazine Making" 1bJc1 is fuil of information andenranm t for everybody interested in thie artistic and literary progress of the times. THE SECRET DEAUTY The most effective skin purifyiug sud beau- tUing soap iu the world. It is the only pr-eveutivecf piiuplus, biackheads, red, rough, and oily skin, red, rough hauids wltli shape- lesa nails, dry, thin, and faliing hair, anI simple baby blemshes. lt is so becauseý; it strlkes at the cause of Most comuplextioual IŽtrLAIMED, OyrSUWOnZED, OU UO5 FOR FACIAL BLEMiiSle zs rasýhes, freckies, bites sud Stlngs of !InECCtS, 1Irritations, yellow, oily, and rnohy skiug, chafings, sudunudue perspiraton. CU:TI- CUJIIÂSOAP, because of its dlct uS etion, is theincostsotigoolgpfy ig, Ad aigapplicat ion, as 'wll as 3 u b)eyend;alcmaio the purua,swte, and sut refrîhingof toilept, btad saes 3of ail othe r sln sd cmplxio sop Soldthrnghot te wrld.Pri1, i.r reu. KD.C. pîlîs the --pil1 on- YOU WJLL SAVE MONEYCtObeI' BY PUIICHASING A SEWINO MACHINEB rais ýRj AT- B rg i RIOKÂRD'S, SIe 110W keeps AS WELL AS THE NkmEW RAYMONMD Býoth are first-class miachinesýand pr;ces right. Be sure you cali and, see them for yourself. They are simple in construction, quiet in motion, easy to run, Made of the best material, finished in a workman-like manner andmanufac- tured in Canada. Sold by T. N. RICKARD, Wathmaer.Jeweler and Optician. NE ads Block', BôwmanIvýlle. LADIES MNRS. DONCASTER ha.sremov-l ed to the store lateiy occupied as the "SuLn" office where she w i'l open bier exhibit of Eall and -Winter, lilinery on Friday and Saiturday, Sept. 2-1 and 2-9. There will be the grandest display of Pattern Hats ard§lBonnets ever shown in Bow- manville. Ladies are cordially in- We are now Showing Special Value i' the following Unes. Dreas Goods--- Plain and f ancy, new ideas and weaves, with triminiiigy match, and no fancy prices, at 121c», 2CU., 50C., 75e., doublef new goods. You must see them to appreciate the value offer. Ladies' Coats--- Bl ,Blu, Liglit an dPark Brown Pla-iln rine braid and fur. Ail theý new styles, and the fit pe tfct.c neyer hïad as- good value as this season. They are goingi Cal e-arly. Ladies', Gents' and Children's Underwear. HFlundredls of kindsto suit everybody. You wihi be astonLs at the value offered, very littie over one haîf what you li been accustomed to pay. Gloves and Hose--- Good~ a~mr Gloves from - 20c. to -50c. per pair. V from 10c. to 3c per pair.1 Laies Cashmiere Hlose 3ý5e., 40e-., 50ec., 65e, and 75c. perpar Capes, Colars, Muifs, Caps, Robes, etc. in a vatriety of1 We take speciai care in selecting the best qualities an know our prices are as low as any in the country. vited to ealu and inspeet our new1 ' e p bi w l fn u st c s co d o stoick whlich has been carefuliyiTepbi ilfn u tc eod t selected for the benefit of the public. Our stocck iinclud-1es Feathers, -Birdis. Flow-ersRos, Velv-ets, Pand al the Iatest lnovelties for ]Eau a ndl Winter trade. Hiats ciean--ed and' re-shaped inali the latest styles. Orders taken for Robinson's Corsets. AUCTION SALES. IFRIDAY, Oct. 12 Mr. WTm. Farrell's farm stock and implements will be sold at Mr. S. H. Reynolds, lot 8, con. 1, Darlington. Sale at 1 p. m. L. A. W. TOIR, auctioneer. MONiDAY, Oct. J5.-Mr. Jason William- son, lot 13, con. 4, Manvers, will sel bie valuable farmi stock, implements, etc. Big sale ; see bis. Begins at 1 p.m. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. TUESDAV, Oct. 16,- Mr. Robt. Hlicks, lot 17, con, 2, Darlirigtcn, Il miles west of Bowmanville, will iaeil ail of his farm stock and implements without re- serve. Sale at 1 o'clock. See posters. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer., TJZLuRsDAY, Oct. 18-Mr. Thos. Burrows, lot 17, con 5, Dýarlington, will sell his farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. See posters. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. TtTESDAY, Oct. 23rd.-The stock, impIe. mnente, hay, roots, etc., of Mr. William Wight, Lot 5, Con. 3, Dariington, (known as the Wight Homestead) wîll be sold by auction ou. the premises. See bills. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. THURSDAY, Oct. 25th. -Messrs. Thomas and W. H. Nichols, Lot 30, Con. 2 Dar- lington, Kingston iRoad, will sell their High Grade and thorough-bred stock, machinery, implements, etc. This is a very large sale. Sale at 12 o'clock. Ses posters. L. A. W. Tole. auctioneer. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE. SPRINGWATER FARM, SCUGOG,, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1894. 404lead Short-Hor Cows and Heifers, S Head Short-Hom young Bulis, 15 Horses sud colts, 25 Cotswold Ewes and ram Lambs. JA S. GRAHAM. Scugog, Oct. 9, 1894. 41-2,w NflW SHOEMAKER. Having reuted the sboe sbeplormerly occupied by the lats Mm. Bunner, I bez te announce that i amn prepared to do ah kinds of urdered woýrk ie making-sud-ru. pairingÏ boots sud shees lui the best of style. A goodfit guarauteed. Fine me- pairing as peciajty. A Caîl1 EIicitecI. Bowmanville, Feib. I 3h iSU4. !y Takie K. D. C. foýr sour stomachsund sc headlache, and our prices always the,. lowest. .J I. M.-ASO N Dry Goodsanad Jewelry H !use, Bowiman3ville, Ont PRIC'ES TOSIIuE 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT. FOR CASHU ,Our clearing s aie will begin on Saturday, September 29j Our prime objeet befing to raise m1oney quickly. Wle w simply offer goods at prices that imust commnand reai sale. Last season's stock will be solci at haif price anid le. Mens' and Youths' Overcoats anùd al Clothing wvill at tempting prices. To accomplish Our purpose sales w be forced at any sacrifice of prî1ces. We take Due Bis same as cash. To finish the re-marking, etc., the store will on Friday, September 28tb. be c Sept. 24, 1894. ELLISON &CO FURS! EtTRS i FURSi llaving received a large and choice lot of Futs,in. CapE Collars, Muifs, Caps, Coats, Jackets, and IRobes, J arn decE mined to seil them cheap for cash. .JIwould adviser numerous customers and friends to cail early and exý-ami stock and prices, you will flnd it to your advantage. A large stock of Gents' Furnishings always on hand., If your furs need repaiirig bring them in early. llighest price paid for Raw Furs. M. MAYÉIMMR Practical Furriex. I can make it te your advant agu te huy1 Lad1iesý, if you have net almady, c of mec if yen wili l. an the lail te try My choice lax4ily tuas. WÇV J eweller. Osborne, 1 yvest, -- .1 . ra na.me i L-L -L bât all round 1