S * t4. - - s. q - - - -- Har Rsmotes natural clor te tisa hair, andi aise prevente h telling eut. hMae. H. W. Fenwlek, cf S S'.Diglmy, N.S., saps: -i - --tisan two years age » r' «»~~'my hait andli %fafl one bttie of Ayeu's flair -Vigor my hait was restoredti t its Original celer anti ceaseti failing eut. An eccasional application bias since kept tise bair is gooti condition."Ms ..T. FExNwîcN, Digby, N. S. gr "I have useti Ayer's liait Vio fer three yeats, anti it baws restoretl hait, whisih as fast heeoiniiag grar, back te its naturai eolor."-îi. W. IIÂsELIIOFE, Paterson, N. J. EEL &CO., LOWELL, MSS., U .S. A. PEARLS 0F TRUTH. Oratory, like the draina, abisors lengthi- naess. -Bniwer., 1v is easy whan we are in prosperity te give advice te the afflictcd-Aeschyiue. Bren fromn tise body's pnrity the mind receives a secret sympathetie aid.-Tsom- Son. Cspacity without education is deplerable, and education wiviscut capacity is tisrown away.-Saadi. P'ut Lilîls restriction on yeur pleasores ha cautions3 tisai tiey injure ne being tisai livas. -îmran 'II i5 lucky for ns that tisa bec dees net look uponý tise hcneycomb iu tise saine ligist we do. -Whately. Pesy is cf se subile a spirit tisat in tise pouring eut cf oe language inte anotiser it will evaporatc.-Denissm. Tisablust is natnra's alsrm attise appreacli cf sin, and ber testîmrony to tise digaity cf virtue.-Fnller. lIt is tise admirer cf iiuseif, aud net tise admirer ofi vita t tàinkz isimself se- parier te others.-Plotaris. Soe desire is nacessary te keap life lu motion ; ha whoe real wauts ara supplied muet admit tisese cf fanîy. -Johson. To write well is te sisinis well, te teed t d'l, andi te rentier wall ; it is to pessess ai inue intellect, seul anti taste. -Bulen. He the' aspires te be vise iseat cf a partyI will fin,"iIt more difficuit te please bis friends tissu te perolex bis toes.-Cmlten. Since 1 caunot govere my tonun, tisengi withinmy ewn taeth, isow eau 1 hope te govere -the tongues cf, etisers ?-FranÏalin. A Usetul Aeeomplishment. Smsll Boy-" A mac at the cirons walk- cd a tigisi-rope way up in tise ai.r, juet as if lie was on a paveint. iise 1 could do tisat." Metiser-"Horrers I Whv V' Small Bey-"I livould ceme se haudy wisex my kite catches on a telegrapis wirc." lYarried Too Young. rricnd-"l Wisy de yon send yenr bus- bauti's clothes te a taîlor, wisen ail vhey need i.- a isutton ?" Mrs. Manifei-" Wcll, the faut 18 my hesianti marricd se yeung tisai ise neyer esineti bcw te sew ou butions." 7I is averited, o- if too late 10 avert it it is off-en cured andi alwvays reliered by 1ABOUT 111E BiOUSE. The Way to Manage. lti le vry bard te courineaLeesekeepers iris are, yong, stroug anti ambitions, viai evrcngvis as weli as dollars shoulti ha savati for thS "lrainy day," tisai je sure te ceins ecener or later. II managati. vary nali, anti isatimue fer recreation, util baby cam," saiti a yeuug woman lu a discoursg- cd toue, '"but noir, ne natter isow isard I werk, msny tiigs ara laf tunedoe." There are msny youug isousekaepaeswio gel aloug uicaly sItar tise mrning cleaning is doua, but iris ara rusiset anti iorrieti tise iret heurs etftisa day, uill tbay are narrons anti tirati. Tise baby must ha wassiat anti drassati, tisa breakfast table eleareti, disiss asisat, betis matie, sitiing roin pet in order, andthis youug wîf e is at a loss wist te de irsi. Considarabla inay ha doue te terward tise merning's irerk tisa evening bafore. Immadistely atter tise suppar le clearati awsy ant i tss asisat, set tise table fer breakast-evan te the chaire. Grindthis cefféeansd put lu tise bolier, prapama tisa potatoas fer boiling, baking or fryîng, anti gai evaryiig intendati fer breakfast rcady te, ceeS. Yen can gaitishe meal le haifthtie timej it takes iran ne prenonus prepana- tiens ara matie. Tisai, jusi isfere rturIne pet evrything in tise proer place sentisa itting retire, se tisai it wiii ha ready te ha sirapits ine rniug witisont tielay. Yen eau cenS yoer bair anti arrange your dres bere yeuleava your beti-roin, eo tisai yen may look ceai andtidty. Ater breakfast, sweap anti fut tisa siitiug-rcem, ramoeatisa thinge freintise breakfast tableansdyen eau thone iasis sut dresa tise baby nisent feeling cervous anti bonnet. Unexpeceat tasks may ries, or inter- ruptions coeur, se tisai a set programme cannot ha carniet oui, but lna ta case yoci wii cerisiniy ha glati cf tisaprapamations matie tise nigisi bioe. New, wivis yecrseif anti baby lu a pra- sectabla condition, yen eau prcet witis tisa rast et ycur irerk iitisout visa anney- suce anti werry yen irculd tierwiEea tel, anti sisoulti a friand trop thtie mmencts spat ie rasiing sud ciatticg wmli refrasis yen ineveati et causing atidiieusi wenry about tisa appaarance et your bouse anti yourseef. How to Make a Skirt. b<t ail tisa home-mata dresses ara satis- tsctory, sud vise skirt cf tise pasi Ici sasons, oetiser nitisahepresent ôeue, hiss beau a very serions mattar te tisahomne dreesmakar. 1 bave beau toldtheis exact motos operandi cf tise protaselenai tirets- maker, ant i ml eare mny kuowlatige wlish 'jeu. Tisa circular ekînt miii uts varieus modiications, uie about tise prttiasi skinî, le net bacoming te ahl figures ori suitahie for ail matarials. Siendar figures anti finis iateial are adaptadt t tisa circular skiri, se le mskir'g a tresbava tise rigisi icti et a patcrc. uNevar hafore couiti patterns ha heugits seeisaply.) tiv je hst te ose nair lining anti tacingseaveu for natie-crer geins. Coi tise iniug te tisa ekirvtischatbeore seeing up haste on'tise siffaning, whieb sisoulti cavent semae aigteece incises on the breatts, anti haste irmly. New lay on tise drees geets asti haste ibis irmiy ant iIf tisa geos is irortet boItdià a littia tigisi or iv miii secmt o sag. Afttaribis is doue, haste visa seame wivis came. It ie au easy maviar vo trecis tisa under ida a livile or isldtheis uppar crie a timita tuli; tis muet ha came- tulîy avoitati. Seirtise scains. Try tisa ekri en tise persen mcc mil wea it anti pin iv vo vise rigisi langts. it sisoulti turc up about an inch ait the btten . Baste ibis tome anti press wuts a bot irou if visa gootis ie neole, crsse-etiteis tais demis anti vien haste on a tour incis tacing eut ou theo bics- 'fis s eimportant asuthtisabasting sisouit hc a eef,1ly donc. e.lal tise uppan part cf facing downI wiiiseut catciing tise sLtvees tismengis tetise onvtsie Baste tise brait on flat anti faliît dem ou bovi tiga4s. I bave matie a ekîri ieliewieg tisese dire3ticnm exactly antiaie well pleasadt t Snow jut bei tishe rS sisulti ha dlonc. Bren visa item about poticg en tisa tracs brait je wets a goti deal. Tise flatiren is inveluabiale n mîkinz dtrasses antisiseulti ha nseet frcely on weolan gotis but not toucli tisamatrial; a iaip cdoths sisultbcha placati Savwecn. This pressing givas a neainase cf finish tisaiueting aise wmil. Flannel Garments. t~)Lt L L aAitviis seasnof ethie year i le a gooti toîti te regulata tisa loiiing, tisai, mse capeseti te cnt-door air, tisa tiffarencaet temperaturs axpeiencat shah net ha suais -à las te protece any tiaugerone impresions. Il i lemlite put on tianual garmanis heora viseiret freet, ase utle etofrry great service th4 ream of Coc-liver 011. je prasarving the ieath of tise iniaitant Gfleos Coughs, Colds and ef ail colt andt tmparata cinstas. Flancil Wea Lugs.Phyicinsthe o rmenecat totiesein ste savary hast tinase lATea Luns. Phsicins, for tisea misehave bagune metclile in .world over, endorse t yasrs, ant is leas e mciiatapteti for infants anti young ahitmul, eseaiallyiynjeaninn, Dell'tbe deceived by aubstlufeer iie n srn. le cidend o tieovtslowa. ~ Aiirngiets l~. &~u. greatst colt, eanti -ilpensons untien ftny, in gooti hacth, sheulti nserve it as a rasonrce for their tiaclining yeas, turing r nnîici periot il becomes avery year more Tàý . - anti more usai al anti naceeeary, r klannal ougist net te ha e onuat nigisi. Tisa hast plan le te tilseard itlenha,uiaess, - EST trocs greai tahuîivy on age, suffiieat fSweet Pickle,-Oue peck ýtomatoas j wiv onions, tire peppars, oe cup sait suýce and lai stand ovar n igist. In tise merin.g drain off tise juice, tisen add two tabiespoufuls iserseraduish, two oet dues mon, vwoet cloes, two cf mustard, oea cup cf sugar, oe gallon cf vinegar ; heu tomatees and vicegar eue heur , tisen add eýpices whici s eiuld ha tied ilu maillbage. Keap tise plaIde lu stone jars. MODERN WAR SHIPS IN ACTION. A Naval Aralsitcai an the Itaceat Eneenn Sersin EEsitern Waters. Spaaking reectly cf tise rasuit cf tise desperate eccuntar bctwecn tise Cisinase and Japanese fleets sud cf tisa discussion wbicis it bas aroussd among se.callad ex. parts as te tise efflcieccy cf diffarent type cf ebips. A wveli.kuown naval arciîeet puccturîd soeaof tise bastiiy formcd opin- eus tisai bava bacc floating tisrougb tise nawmpapers. Wben sketi itilha censitierad h 'auy argument egaînet armered sis tisai eue belcngiug te tise Cisinese batibacc suk by eue or more usrmorati Japanase crois.,, ers, ha raplicti: "1 de net consîiaer il acy argument ai ail. In tise tiret place, we de net know wisat tise facix are. Tisa atatemrents recaiveti tisus f ar arc toc meagrea te base aveu a suommuaou. Prehihiy ail tisefacis and-al tise conditions wiii neyer be lvnewn. Car- vainiy visey wiii nes-ar ha kcewn as soeur- ately or as analyiicaily as if tise engagement isati beau betwean Enropean fluets. Tise discussion yeu epeak cf canuet ha intelli- gent in tise absence cf information. I visink yen wiii lied tisatiti is net discussion ai ail, but simply soe mnuwbe bave fats arc trying te makaeut a casa in viseir tarer. "lYen msy axpaci visat siwsys. lFer example, wisen tise Blanco Enualada was senS isy a torpede turing tise Cisilian ravointien, avary torpade boat enibueis tiaularati htisitise tiatis kueillcf hattis sisips sati baesenudati. Wban ail tise t acts came'eut it apucaretitisaitisae En- calada was pertectly heipless, baîog mecrad sud baving isar naciieary tiiscennected, witso se parts cf it on soeafer rapaîrs. Sise was visarefoea impiy a varget. Te sinik bar wivis a terpetieentier sncb conditions wss net inuei more of a wariike test tisse hlowîng ep a tiarelîci. 11Wseu vise Campartiowu rammeti anti sueS tise Victoria, ail tisa ram autiusists tieclarad tisai ibis put an anti te tise use of artiliery ; that iseveaf ver naval haitles weulti ha fougisi aniirely by rsmmicg. Now,cn tis srangvi cf mcagretidcocfiicv ing reports visat a Cisinese armorelati bas been sunk hy a Japanese croiser, snovhef tati gets ae airing. But wisetbar ne eýar cet acunrata infor- maion or net as te tisa deatails efthiis at. taie, it is ste te assume tisaitisaetata cf any sbip un ibis Orientai war nili net ceecinda anyting as te tise menite or tisa t acite cf tise type. Bovi tise Cisinase and Japanesa, ibougis tbey bava matie great prcgress, uonsidaring tiseir opportunîties of practice in naval macnuvres, are euhl far bhiîcthie Western nations. This is par- iticularly tsrue wiiis respect te tise more recent sisips, wiitisteir cemplex construc- tion anti intricate a sainary., "The Cisse maire geeti sailers, anti, witn sufficient training anti pracîlua, woolti dcvelep capable officars. But iisey bave net sati any modemn chips te traie anti practica wivb ccvi racently. fise envira 1sysicin cf modemn naval warfara, btis mua- schanicai anti tactical, is new te ibein. 1"l In tact, it is ncw te evcrybotiy i-i tise practie-al cense. Admirai Sir George Trycu nas ceesiticreth ie ahiesi in in tise Brut- s nary. Ai any unie baera tise ss et tise Victoria 1v weuiti bave beau censitieret i le Englanti almeet a crime, te dispute bis imastemy et svaamebip. Yti ie committati iat least snchbhy prier repetaticu tpise greavasi anti most fatal bluntiar un tise -isistery et fatal manoeuvres. 'New wisen suais îhicgs ara possible witis vie ableet efficar in tbe Britisis savy -nîjat may mac net expaci fron Cisinasa, wis erasps caver ssw pie iceitie cf a steain hattia sisip util a few yeas age? Tiseinan ijecvarytising in modemn naval warfsre. Tiese isîp iscurnes wiîsis aci stnîaetfîînproerment more anti more a mahisie-a ted. Tlhis is as true et Europe as mv je et tise Cisinese anti Japace. "Tise mac muet bave a sip, anti, cf conre, tise Setter anti more poerfai tisa i sip tise greater tise exacution tisat tise bueînpetent minu usede ni iis1. But to -jump ai cocclusions as te tisa usants et tdiltarani types et ehipe, or te rush icto prini as soease-calleti 'experts' are deing wîtis alaegeti 'profe"esiouai opinions,' on tise basic cf tise iraginentary anti contmatictery informavien tisai wa noir bave, is mac kly absent, anti siouiti ha axposeti te ridicule 1and dtension. " lFor viss resens I say tisaitishe naval avants cf tisa Asiavie irar eau prove nets- îng as te tise relative value cf types cf sis. JUS17 BEFORE RE9TIRING. TRE LZAR IN GREAT PERIL ALL EUROPE ALARMED OVER THEE ILLNESS 0F TEE CZAR. Mils Lite, tise Creatase Guzaranttea cf Peas le s1Rleril-ibiseuîsetniithse eiticai E'ffeat ef lits seethk-Eccemtrieitif-5 etj nie Chier i'hyselan-Th5 Enspert'rj i isbaes te, Haste th IsaMrriag-e eortisa Czarcwitch, - A daspatuis frein Londan, sys :-Thse conviction tisaitishe lite cf tise Czar, misicis is Bumiiopa's creataît ýuarauiee et peaca, us nl Ïeadly parul, bas beau tercet upen tise- puirers by racent daspatches frein public sud prirsite sources. Tisemam ine iast, tisa gaereports et pendsugmaveiuimn ie Ciia, ahi araetimartati hy tise onmneus su- telligence, frein tiesa sickee Emparer ai Spýala,.ITeavers capital et Europe, un erery nansýpapar save tisosaetfhis cire vast dom- inieuns, tise ihinessefthvIe Czar le tise subjaci et parameunt iniereet, Ail mention cf tisa dire caianiîy ubicis tiraatcus bis empira je terhhdau in Rosaitslf, anti nil tise cubler day ahi officiai information, sncb as iras toreiislieti turing tise Czar's samioas illuaes a faw menthe age, mas rafoset. Tise announcemant isset in tie Officiai Mîsneot St. Petersburg je tar frein rasuming. Iti sys ihat nepimis, or secte lufiammation et tise Sidueys, suçemveneti at semas indetielta data turing tise suinor. Nepismitis le an aua, rery paînful tisase, anti, if notecontroileti witisin a comparative. !y shoertiune, ih assumes s phase wiis tieseniheti by s more oîuinocs naine. Thie je appareutiy tise case wiîh tisa Czar. it le,;tifficltte iveigisanti analyza tise eeirig reports about Emparer Aiea. anir's condition,.it bas beau repcatediy assane,,ti ibis meek tisati hasat eflaradti vu liglitsi rokes cf apopieay. it reulti prois. ably ha mueacorrect te tiescniha vise at aes syncopa, but, sceortiing te tise has,,t information, tisey are ecarcehy les omnýinous isseha apopleay. Tisay prehabhy iniaaan atvancetistage et a vary semion tisasecf vise Sitieys. Profs. Zakisarie et Mcscew anti Laydan et Berlin, iris are iie sîtentiane on uSe Emparer, ticuy tisai tiis l isase is diahates. Tisey bave net teüniaýlth ie more persistant report tisatiut us Bnrigii's ducase. 11it is a mliianchsoly tact tisatinlutisehigis- est cin cias cf Berlin sud Vianna, irnicis prohab,,!,ly bave tefinite iptermatien, tise Czar's condlition is ragartiet as bayent hope. 'fiis conviction lese stnong je Parie tisai apanie on tise Bourse bac beau pre- veuteti wiiis diflieeiiy. lit ieapitifulesuea cf tie situation tisaitishe Empaerrbimef, 7W)iso efrs greatly, je sait te iha witiseuv boe. Hais anaiensteliastentvie narniaga ef tise Czaemivcis, anti ha je nucis îffeavaed by tisa suffénings cf bis sou tise Grand DoSe G'eorge. Tisera are aineaty ib tis case, asmn sej mnauy cihens of iie.stnieus patients attend- cd by a -whola corps et maticai ativisene, reportesetfilaetable disagneemnne -j tîeen tise tictersin tisenatter et diaguosie. it je am itîti hby ail ibat tisa Emparer bas Ebeau euiffaning frein diseaset idkîeys for yaars anti an aivaek ef influenza a tai mnou-lsa age cansadti iis tisase te naSej rapit progms anti assume an acete fer'n. Brnmstise fuilasi kuo*ieige, it wemlti ha ipossible te foreteli iran tis eant imii eAÏtison)lgi officiai information aboeitIsae snffemring rulelei meagre, etonias characten- isvîletoftise eccentnie pisysician whis uheb Emfpenor'e mesu urneteti stvisar ana begin- ning1 te neaeStise ousite norît. Wien Prof1. Zakisaninarrived aitishe palace ha netusati te occupytsa suit on tise thinti à..e micisbat beau providet ton hin, because hae iras accustned el vthvsagroîseti tisr, anti ba raqeureti apariments te has prevideti for iintisera. Wseu tise Czsnina aseahum te luch it the imupanial tablealha taclîncti ce tndosgroont tisiha iras net ije iabait et taking bis muaIs mitis ionen, Haeiras Lalcuwet to at in hebire re oos. Oua day vise Czanina facciadti ta tisa temparatine o eti mpeniai patient iras lalarming, anidnent tosS Prof. Zakisanin teaseetsunwiseiien ban femme mare jueuîfiat. Ha sait iea as tiret, but moult secti bis iasisistant, ibo nepentedti hat tisera iras ne neason 1te ha tnigistanet. IVien ubie report irsebrenugis bacS Prot. Zakisanin maitet on Éi.er Majasty, anti sait: "Yen saes ta lias nIg et o evafuse, anto tisink visera iras ne da.,ngeàr." Tise1)ociorhiasofvacishecked tisa courtiers hy hic unceuvactional irsys. Ha neset te attend tbe Emparer in a trae.s tii.,gowge nd s etvs big boots et a pasant. Raý(t tis uncnvantional tinss e ac objacitid te ha mwoult hava gene SacS ve oecuir. To Stop Gossips' Tongues 79 _-e - , Heratie (te Luceaial -"As our augage- mentliuse ci matie public yet, yen blat bat tan lai go eo'ny.arn,..misan me get a lutile A marin bath, a lîgisi lunch, antias dean naanetise -ilag.' neutishaera ntiing are gecti thinge te o _____ taka. Tisay pronote sleap anti a " cean' CHASE'$S CHAPTER tengue in tise mcnicig. IViat this lunch ~ Dr. Chsases Ksdnay-Lîver Pille ara shonidt h ie consumer muet tiecita,sys comiinsiien cf vaînabl ieedîcîceun coccan visaNai LorS Wrlt. Tisajuice oecupie tmatti femme s prapameti by tise eminiint l'hy- cf oangs, ait grpa rui, a cp t va mcian asti Aniser, Dm, A. W. Chsasa, mils i of orages, hlf a rape fuit, avip o te w onet only Le au unfailing rcmaty foi wiîis dry toast, a sandwich sud g la ss Ieta ie, Kidnay anti Livar troubles, bot elso toce tht cop of bot bouillon, biscuit anti.aglacscfSteiiaih enti poify tise Blocti, ut e cost tisai sherry, crakers miih milS anti Vichy, or a s litisa reanchisccli. T e soperi*ornmcmii of these nuils le establishati bayent quesion "At 14 ycars cf age I leaunetiabt abtmbcsaïoemSt mue. I becama nervous acnd weak, Miy back. rcoublt l110e. Lt c,ýuId stand ne exertien. Iteetaedsudcyce became (Id. lcareat drains ai nigisi maakenati me, I trieti seven Ma!dicaFirme. E;lc- - trio Baîts, Patent Mediciee and Eamily Douters. Tiser gave me ne heir. A friand adrisedime tetry Drs. Kennedy & ZKrgan. Tisay sent me eue meeth's treaiment anti it cereci me. I coolti tac myseif gain; c very day. AtherNewa MatAnt Treetmîsnt cures rAis. inoem va tt ie faits." Tisey have curati maey c' my friende." D r. Mecilton, 4--C Soea8Syaars age I centractati a serions censtitntienel bleeti tisase. I want te îlIot Springs te treat for syphilis. Marcu a imosi ilkillati me. ASter n while tise sympteme egain sppesred. Tibront Q ~ iseusme soe, peins le limbe, pimplas on face, blet-bas, eyaesmati, loisscf isair, glands anlargeti, etc. A medical friand edvisad TDrs. Kennedy & Kargan's New Matheti Treaimneot. It curetime, anct Ihave bcd ne symptoms for tira yeams. 1Iasin arrietid ndsppy.As a Ž1 .~~%<.sA7asdouter, I baartily rcmeditte aiwise have chie terrible diseusea- ctr ~ -e s~. yphilts." Lt -cdl emavifate tisa poison tmem tisa blocti." l5 YEÂ BS IN DETROIT. 150.000 CUED,- Ilamn 23Syas ef age, andi marmieti When yoncg 1 lad a -~gay lita. Esmly indiscraviens andi ister axcessas made trouble ¶~ ifor me. I became ivratc sud nervous. My kïdneys iseramo n Q affeuteti and I tearati Brighit's tusse. Marrieti lit ýwasustie- 'i ~ tacvemy sud my home unis'ppy. I tried Aeryt bing-ail taîled titi 1 ok traiment frmmDlrs. Kennedysu d Kergan. Tiroir N rs bxe Mte uitme ne mantalîr. ph5 sically assI ieasly. t fait ansd sut lis srasmaneery resectS. Tmy them." Mr No Namnes Used Without Written Consent of Patient. I Ou New r\lflio Tre tme trffad lu uring rusasses o et me t)- NodT atntt testrançlth'ees tisa boly, stops J i ianlesseq, îînrifee the isleed, chears the braie, bol de ep tise narvoans u iai s ioe s ansd restoes lest vitalivy to the.body. '-1Av (tmemanceto Cure Nervotis flebiilty, Faiiig lanbinc1, Drs. Kennedy & Kergan a ae he laadicg speciahiets ef Amaries. Tisey guarantes te cura or ne par. Theirr eeu- ttie n d jittean yeame cf businessi are ai stake. i-no ries. Write tirera for an isoneet opinion, ne matter whe tnsalaci yen. Lt ina; sae>Cfar trgetoc eutrie;. Charges rasonabla. Write fer a QncsiouLi~taud Boc Fîee.Cons uItatI3n Erc. 1 48 S el *Detroit, Pei ... Unlted States Rallways. .,moives, 31,3341 passenger cars, and, 1,047,- The lniterstate Commerce Commission ine57 freigi cars. Thse tanprtton r- Washington bas just pnblished a retura vice alene employed about 40(,0, . ný showing the number cf raîîway mec cm-I more than are empleyed altegether by tise pluyed in the United States. 1v app'ar3 railways ef Great Britain. Every passen- thatthee ae n feer tan 890coman-ger cugine drew in tise year,ou the average thatthee ae n feer tan 890coman-66,268 passengers, and each freîgisi cugine ies, workmng i176,461 miles cf raîiway, aud 40,062 tons. During tise year 2,727 em- employing 873,602 persons inuai grades. ployes were killed, and 31,729 iujured, These railways carried in 1893 593,560,612 -being an average of one killcd to every pasengrs nd 45,19,82 onscf reihtthree hundrcd and îwcnty emnploycd. Tiss passnges ad 74,11,48 ton offreghtdeaîh-rate freim accident isexuremiev hîgi. These figures give au, average cf nearly jlic expense of workiug Oie railways 10 railway jourocys per annum for evcry anîeunted te $827,921,299, and tise capital unit cf tise entire population.Tise ap- îuvested is$l0,500,600,000 tlpwarcleof hait plince reuird t cary he assng sthc ailways are ewned by about 40 coin- a d more the freighit included 34.788 loe[ . ....no Upori having Feathèrbone Corsets. Refuse ail substitutes. Seo tbey are stamped tlîus: a iPATENTEO SEPT. Srd, 1884. No. 20110. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLEES SQ STAMPEOS About lashionis in dresses, but evervone agrees that tho best foundation for any cos- tume is the «H EALTH B RAN D," Black tiglits, which allow- the figu-re to ho shewn to perfection and do away wvith over- stockings, bloomers, aud un necessarv skirts. Ail ladies in Montreal wore them last fal and winter, anJ during the coming season nothing elso xviii Le considered, they were $ such a success. - Send for our illustrated catalogue, free by post, if your own dealer lias not got them. THffEVONTREAL SILK MILLS CO.., Montreal. E AKNtERVO uS IS S,àb 1)Thcnsands cf IYoung and Middle Aged Mens are annualiy swept te a premature grav ilîrougli aariy lad scretîon aud latar excesses. Self abus.e.and Censtituticnal tlloedi Pis-asas have ruind aud wrecked the 1 fe cf many a promis ngug ng mas. Rave you cf tha feiiewsng Svmptoms -.Nervous and Despendent; flrad. n lu Meing; No Ambi- ten* Mamo-y Peor; Easily ratiged;Eci table andi Irritable, Eyas Illur- Pimples on the Itece; Dreamns and Dra ns at Nîght; Restless-ltlaggard Leeking; Hietahffs; tore )isreat; Hair=LesPains su Body; onAe Eycs- Litease 1)istruÊtful and Ltek et ^ery and Stent Our Ni Ne iehd Tract ceeu mai1 bu ild yen p mentslly, phys5icali -d isexually. ('îs Patterson. OR IK N E Y & E GA :