* k.- - k>-- THEr ART LUNES The Favof,,rite Heating Stove for 1894. Thousands in use and ail giv- i ng perfect satisfaction. Pronounced the best by people who use them. - EVERY A DOUBLE 11E ATER AND G UARAN TE E D. Dn not fail to see the ART COUNTESS before buying. We have the largesb stock of - leating and Cooking Stoves ini the County and cordially invite you to cali and see our display. RDs WORTH,' Agents for the celebrated PEAsE and GURNEY Furnaces. ~;h C~tdÎ~ timI fWants More 11story of Ws ]3ORMANÇVILLE. OCT. 17. 1894, THE BY-LAW. On Tuesday, Oct. 30 tlie freehoidera of9 Bowmanville will be asked to vore on a1 by-law to raise the suim of $5,000 for the1 purpose of asisting the Dominion Organ1 and Piano Company While we cannot1 believe there is a single ratepayer who1 will vote againat this by law, consideringi the great bencit the town will, receive1 from having succl a large manuiacturingi concern ini full operation in our midst, we1 deem it expedient that thre particularsi should be presented to th~e public through this journal. The conditions of this by-law are suchj that the increase in taxes will be trifling The$5, 000 are to b- raised by d-bentures payable ini rwnnty anntmal icataiments andi bearing iuterest at 41 per cent. per anc cm. The amount necessary te be raised by the town ev ery year for this period is only ,375. 10, or about 33 cents for each $100 of asseassmeot. Iu other #orcls a c tizen o)ccup.ýing a house andl lot that 15 asseaa,,edj fo v$00 wuld have to pay 33: cents yearlV fo;r 20 ye'ns toars thlis bn The a'ggrega1teuass1smet of tetwn this Year is $,2880 The comnpany bicthesve to em- pioy 50 biauds aud expend ý25,000 thre firt year; 715 hands and expend $35,000 tire second year; and 100 banda and ex- pend $45,000 the third and socceeding seven years. The cornpany will also give the town a morgage on their premises and plant to secure to the town thre due and faithf ci performance of these con- ditions. While the conipany must comply with these conditions, we are of opinion that if we may jtrdge by thre viger and zeal with which they have alre, dy gone te work, they will employ rnany more hands sud expend mucir more money than thre ternis of the by-law spoecfy. There is euie encouraging feature of the preseut .»ianagement-ihev are practical miea workiug with their own money and in their own interear, therefore are going te rua thre business for ail they caui get eut of it. The good resuîts cf their enter- prise are, already manifeat. Several mechanics-married men with fimiies- whe had gene elsewhere te work, have returned and taken their eld plates in the factory. We do not think further argument necessary te atisfy our citizens what is their duty in thia matter. We shail be surpriaed if any sane person records a vote against the by-law. One thiug we desire te imnpreas on al freeholders is this: as every vote net polied ceunta one againat thre by-law, we hope every person entitled te vote ill net fail on auy accout te peul his or hber vote. Tiere are oniy about 480 free- holders, hence 320 of these must vte yea or the by law will be, lest. Votera who are away fromn town snd have thre auccess of the tewn at beart shocld come here on Tuesday,3th mast., aud record their vote. Thre succesof tirefactory means tire pros. perity cf the town, because every piece of property in tire town will be worth mnore by thre empleymeut given te 75 te 100 workmen and the money they will apend iu the, town every mentir. Everybody favorable te tire by-law sbould net be satiafied imiply by polliug iis own vote, but should assist in seiug that every othir qualifled voter gees te tire poils and votes Yea aise. flire Doinien Governmeut bas netified tire Mansion Bouse reief committee at London. Enigland, tirat tirere is ne roomi in Canada for auy class cf t(migrants other than land workers. Tire firt siipment cf 1800 Manitoba prairie sbeep ald at Deptford, Englaud, at four shillings per tone dresse'd, or les tiran seven cents a pocnd. Driviug iu Englaud at tis season of tire year lasgoriona plessure. Tireroada are excellent, being almost as bard sud amootir as aspirait. Tire hedges are cov- ered witir maires of wild tirorn, wir their pretty scarlet bernies, tire sweet briar aud ironeysnckle makiug tire air fragrant with their leasaut odors. Tirefaim uaduisa1ng cont ry situdded tir'ckly s;i old ivy or- e3redl churcir towers, villas and fruitfni fields add te tire cirarm.. Tire pure ses air salubrions sud inivigorating inoved by a nanflc. hran.,a nnmnloa fl lnn,, gnr.. EDITre JÀAEs,-I am greatly intereat- ed in the Centeanial occasion and have read evervthirtg yet priuted about tire affair thst I have neticed. There is yet another place of no eaes importance- viz Tyrone-of whch there iras not auy- thing been written. 1 wouid suggeat tirat yen get Ex-Mayor Youinîe. S. Vanstone, Esq., aud Ex-Mayor MeFeeters te put their heada togetirer, stir up their re- membrance sud give us tire history of that famous hamiet. Those three croates migirt find a pleasure in having some thing te occupy their time which ls net over crowded with business. 1 can go bock te the forties when Mr. Elford sud Clark Shampine had saw mills in full basat. wiren our division, (Sons of Tereperance) met in a corner of Mr. Mc- Feutera' miii, wheu Mr. Gray erected a1 atone store and dweliing sud wireu there' were two villages where tire village ofi Tyrone now stands, etc , but wouidliîke tû hear from some peraun as t, wiich wasi tire firat ibouse bult, tiret ehild hemn, etc.i I airali be delighted te hear fromany psrtyî about any place in West Durham. AN Otu SErTTLR. Toronto, Oct. 12, 1894. THE RIFL. iTireannuai matches of the -Bowmau- ville Rifle Association were held on the Ran2es here Tirursday with the following resuit: CIrîZEN'S MATCH. 7 shots at 200 sud 500 yards. J. B. Mitchel. 63 pints; R. Sylvoster, 62; M. D. Campbell, 61; J. Curtis, 57; J. Morris, 54; P. G. Pilkey, 54; W. C. Kinig. 54; W. C. Mdlligan. 54; J. Saudo, 53; J. Hughes, 52; Dr. McLaughlin, 51; J. A. Williamson, 51; F. Horsey, 45;' R. Mackay, 38. AssociATIoN MACH. 7 shots at 40Q sud 600 yards. W. C. King, 62 points; M. D. Camp. hell, 61; R. Sylvester, 56; W. P. Milit. gau, 56; John Curtis, 56; John Morrie, 55; P. G. Pilkey, 52; Dr. MoLaugilin, 50; J. B. Mitchel, 49; J. A. Wiliamson, 48; Fred Horsey, 47; R. Mackay, 46; J. Sandc, 46; J. Hughes, 39. EXTRA SERIES MATCH. 5 sirota at 200 yards, best two scores te count. I W. P. Milligan, 49 points; W. C. King, 48; R. Sylvester, 48; M. D. Campbell, 48; J. H. Williamsou, 47; P. G. Piikey, 46;ý J. Hughes, 46; J. B. Mitchel, 46. Sslvation Army Notes. The Hamnilton Spectator. Subseribe for Canada's best family Ps. pr-T he Hamlton Spectator-sixteen pages weekly, eigirt pagea twice a week,ý Weekiy papers are two slow for this age sud te keep up with tire spirit of thre times the management have increa3ed thre size of this poular famiiy paper suid are now issuing eight pages every ýNednesday aud Saturday, or 16 pages weekly. Thre Saturday edîtion will oontain thenew three days airead of tire regniru. el paper, sud our subacribers will find tins quite au adrantage. Amnong theum 'ny features are Taimage's sermoc-n, womeus1 'departmut, notes on agriculture, markret reports, editorilcomments on leading events, sud we -cake a special fecature ef of a long instalinent of an intarestinig seriý- ai tory by ieading autirors. $L.00 te lat Januarv, 1896. To uew auhacribers we give the balanc.e of 1894, sud until Jan- uary lot, 1896 for One Dollar. Try it. Liberal commiien te agents. Agents wanted in ah unrepresented districts. For tprmsansd particulars address Spec- tator Pabhsiring C., Hamilton, Canada. TiE CANADIAN MAGAZINE for Oc&ober eu oe of the very beat numbers yet is- oued, tire contributions being obright, lively, of a higir order of literary merit, sud of rich variety of subject, wiile thre illustrations leave liiuie te be desired. Hou. James Young gives, ta an illutrat- ed article, many vainable mets as how te1 beautify thre surrounding of Canadian homes. The Canadian Magaz,iine ta pub.- lisired iry tire Ontarie PobliiriagC. (Ltd.,) Toronto. $2.50 per anuum T RY IT I-Hold the edge of a cormna vsl JLlng card te lice se hat no shadov'w wll fa on ether ide; then hoid yecr ns etecr and y ou will see how easy it is fero emnt swailow oeeof Dr. Piercea FPleasant Pellets. The A rmy has opeaed fire on HawaiiI aud iras been weii receîved at Honolulu. Newfouudland bas supplied tweuty uew officers te the Army lu Cauada as a J ubi. lee gif t. Commandant sud Mrs. Boothr sud Brigadier Holland are witirte General ou tour. IT'S EASILY SWALLOWED A mentir of succesaful revIval meetings -one of Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pel- is being cauducted at tire Temple, Albert lets. These little Pellets are as ef- St., Toronto. Major Complîn, War Cry fective as tire bes.t liver pilla, sud are editor, condue's tire meetings tirere on easier te gét dowu and more ugree- Sunday. Thre Generai continues te receive tire able in their action besides. very warmest possible weicomes at every Tire fact is, Dr. Pierce's sugar- City ire Visita. Speaking te fan inter- coated Pelleta are better iu almost viewer receatly ire said, "I liked tire every respect. They set in a mild, Canad Ian wiren I visited hlm eight years easy and natural wny. Au absolute age, and ire stillimipresses me favorably.cuefrCntpioDznsI- 1 seesa fine country but 1 am surprised at uefrCntaioDzieslu tire scsrcity of population. Ail yen want digestion, Sour Stomacir, Sick and irere la people. Tire citea of tire Oîd Bilions Ileadacirea. For Nervousi Cauntry are gorged with men cryiug ont Disorders arising from weak stom- for work, sud tire country wants workers. ach, sud ail derangemeuts of the In Europe tirere are plenty of handy liver, stomaciranud bowels, they are peasauts whose ambition ta te own s f armn. guaranteed to give satisfaction, or But slmply te tell tratirtat tirey had money ia returned. Why are they btter come eut irere is net enongir. fot tire eheapest pill fer vou, to buy ? Wiren tirey get irere they don't know wirat te do. Whst ia wanted la asslsted immigration with systematio aid for tire The stepping-stone to settiers. Take a whole townsirip at one time sud populate it. Stand by tire Consumption - is Ca- people fluanciaiiy sud ta evey way, sud tarrh.' It don't pay to *liren they become proaperons tirey cau et i ,we h psy back everything. I mas' be an en- lt t go, we th tirustast, but I thmuk that could be doue. makers *of Dr. Sage's Combine science, benevoleace sud religion Remedy wili give $500 la tire scieme. We combine religionifte a'efc apr witr tire actuai delîverance of tire people, te a' fetapr sud I kuow of ne man, ne mattar what Manent cure of your Catarrh. iris opinion on religions or otirer matters, ______ wiro seeir.g tire changes we have preduced We believe it ta generaliy admitted tirat smong tire people, iras net beeu gratifed. Coucir, Joirnaton & Cryderman show thîe finiest stock of new sud elegant Dry Goofis Marqrrrd tre Jewefller. isaer-olutanrri: sd tre finet stock of Ladies' Mantleg WHE'RE 15 STA.NLEY? Stanley L. B. Staples, drover, of Tyrone, played a sleek game on some twenty-f6ve Darlington farmers last week by paying them for hogs delivered at Burketon by checks on the Onta-eio Bank dated a day ahead, alippîng down te Peterboro with three loads of hogs, Beli ing them, 'pocketing the nioney an Bkipping to parts unknown. When the checks were presented next day there wvere no fuands. We did not think any W"est Durham boy was mqan enough to do such a roRuish trick, especially a son of our worthynid friend John Staples who was as straight a business man as we have had deaiings wtth. 'Stanley is reported to have taken away $3000, of which $2-20Q beiong to the farmerg he swiudied. Thi.8 is another case of leaviug the old farm to go tofdîstruction. Bis father lef t Stanley weli off, but he has gone through his preperty sud ta uow a fugitive fro4n justice, as a warrant is eut for his arrest. Among the losers by his dishouesty are Mr. Hambiy. P. Werry, A. E. Clemens, W. H. Ceoeens, Jos. Hawkey, Thos. Scott, Thos Evans, W, Trewin, Jao. Slemon, Colin Stapies, J. Fice, Fred, Rundle. MODEL SOHOOL. The ladies and gentlemen attending the Model School, Port Hope, are: Miss Amy Armour, Bowmanviile. ,B Dancaster, Bowmanviile. fA. Dancaster, Bowmauville. iGertrude Hawkins, Canton. iIda Hugbes, Cadmuns. fAlberta llancock, Clarke. i Lottie M Martin, Port Hope. B. Morris, Bowmanville. Lila Might, Milibrook. Edith Mountjoy, ilsydon. fEdith Sing, Port Hope. IfE. Sexsmith. Charlecote. fEdîth Scott, Newcastle. fi Ethel Sharpe, Ida. fAda V. Shaw, Port Hope. ,Cora Tapscott, Port Hope. ilMary Ugiow, Charlecote. Mr. Robert Clarke, Ballyduif. Il Jas. W. Kelly, Perrytown. il Wesley Hiancock, Courtice. A. N. Mitchell, Enniskillen. rJohn C. Mille, Enniskîllen. rWm. H. McAullen, Port Hlope. Howard C. ]Bundîs, liaydon. Cyrus W. Siemori, laydon. Edgar W. Smale, Bowmanviile. F. C. Trebilcock, Bowmanville. Pol ish.1 L~ADIES, use Hook's Sofala Shoe Poltsh for LadieB axtd Children's flne Boots and Shoes the finest to pre serve the leath er and keep it pliable. It will leave apolsh like satin. For saie by Boot and Shoe dealers. CALEDON IAN MI LLSE BOWMANVILLE. Highest price paid for ail kinde of grain at thej above Mis.& JOHN 1VacKAY, 32-1m. Proprletor, MILLINEIRY! Our stock is 110W replete with fashion- able Millinery. You are cordially invited to, inspeet., Prices to suit the times. A, fine line of hats at fifty cents. MISS .>SHAW. MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000. A large Oum ef meney has beeu pl aced in my hauds by a private persea. for iuvestment, on approved boans on farm secunity for a term. et FivE or TEN years, FivE AND ONE HALF PER CENT interest wii be asked payable yearly. Satisfaotory conditions for repsyment Will ho airangeS. D. B. SIMPSON, West rEn.d flusbé Yo. LOVELY WEDDIING CARDS. Are you gonQr to marry ? if so, order your wedding cards from M. A. James, Bowmanville. He is making a specialty of 'stylish wedding stationery. Hie has just ordered over $20 worth of the pret- tiest fancy type for use in printing wed- ding invitations. We Bend themn by mail to any part of the Daminion at the same price. No office in Canada ean snrpass ours and only a few can touch us. Our wedd'ing carda are the prettiest designs, lateat styles, and as cheap as they can, be doue. Ko matter, where you live, order from ua-we guarantee satisfaction. The prices range from $3 to $10 for a cabinet of 50.cards with two lots of envelopes to match. Fromn $3 to $4.50. is the usual price and the carde at these prices are good enouRh for aqueen. Alorders sud correspondence on this subj 2ct strictly confidevxtial. Leave scissors aud other blades for sharpening at Chartran'à Barber shop. -18 Turnkey Bruce of Whitby jail ws3al most beaten to death by George Arrnold,a ptisoner, who escaped. We want everyone to know' that we are selling goods Cheaper than our competi.tors. Corneand buy 5orl10yds of our e F yCotton. It wil[ do you good and it will do us good. We want every- body to see it and buy it. Not that we are rnaking any for- tune in it but as an advertisement; un the Q. T. it is wuorth 7c. DRESS GOOS From Factory Cotton to DRESS GOODS is quite ajumlp, 'but we mnust say somùething about our dress goods thi 1s week. We have cheap Dress Goods, inedium priced and high-ler prieed goods. Goods to suit any purse or person. 1 ieof Satin Cloth whàihImade ~ O~.O't1n.g~GW up into suits is the most fashion- able thing you can get. We have it in two shades, Brýownmad Fawn, and xve seli it at 75c, really worth 85c. It is a lovely satin finished goods, heavy and 13~ yds. wide. The Covert Cloth is also new for suits being 1î, yds wide aLd good weight, sels at $l.00 per yard. We Lave also a splendid assortrnent of, N avy and Browul Serges, the correct thing, great goods to wear and very much the style. Our 68e lime you will pay 75e for elswhere, Priestly's Black Dress Goods are the best known imake in the world. The reputation of these gcods is beyond dis- pute. Their Cravenette is the nicest thing for a good dress you can get. It is very wide, heavy and waterproof with a nice finish and heavy twill. We have it at 98e and $.5 We are showing the nicestand best range of Fan cy, Plain and Twill Black, Goods ini the dih.trict and you will fi-ad the prices right. We have a large stock of Ladies Rubbers ; you want rubbers NOW to prevent taking a co1cd which rnay lay you up ail winter. We aiways pay the highest price for ail kinds of grain and produce. STOVES! STOVES!!! Now is the time to see the very best and latest in the market including the celebrated Happy Thought, Radiant Home, Stewart Range, Art Sultana*, Stoves and several others of the best manufacturera in Canada. Cali and see for yourself the finest display of Stoyes and Furnaces ever exhibited in Bowrnanville, at DUSAN& HOAR'S,> Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville. USE BAYLIS' OELEBRATED STVUIE AN8 For preserving and beautifying Stove Pipes and ail kinds 'of 'iron work. It dries quickly and impart., a beautiful gloss. Sold by OHEMISTS and DRUGGISTS, Bowmanville, .---~i u-4 iz; -L -L -v Mr~W ':r -* -~~~~~~.... .. .. . ~ . ....... .- - ~ , k A.oe lobuy goods at a ýcredit store That sort of thing is played out. Pay the cash and get your money's worth; you cannot.,, afford to pay for somebody else's goods that they :Forget to settle for. That, is what yuu do when buying frorn a credit store. We are well pleased with tb eý business wve havedone since going into the cash business am i our custorners are well pieased with our goods a-nd prices WE WANT TO BE TALKED about. If you get bargains from us show it to -- - - . ..... -=MM --i- There is mnuch in that little word "now", especially if you want a nice WATCII,CLOCK, SILVER- WARE or JEWELLRY, in rings, beit buckles, corsage pins, stick pins, bangle rings only 25c., etc. Give us a cali and inspect our nice new stock, which we have just purchased at very low prices. In our work departmnent we always give the best of satisfacf ion or maoney will be refunded. We can do you any krnd of a job. MAYNARD,% THE JEWELLER. ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES -$2.00- THE BEST WEDDING - RINGS ___ __ GAIEDONIAN MILLS.