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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1894, p. 4

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Oe ai Oui Leaders for 1894. This stove Îs a model incorrect- ness Of fin- ish and or- n a m enta- tion and conta uns ail the la- test im- prove-- ments. THESOU VENIE RBASE BUENER THE ART COUNTESS, THE DUCHESS O~F OXFORD RANGE, THfý SOUVENIR RANGE; are the favorites in the Market and are sure to give perfect satisfaction. Agent for the Ceiebrated Pease and Gurney Furnaces. ~hr tntd n~ t~frm~w tra ta.-. triflle ver 30 cents on the I$1000 assesment-that ratepayers wili -scarcely feel it. BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 24, 1894. As we stated betore, ail who -are favor- able to the bonus should see that ail *ho THE STATESMAN'S J9ROGRESS are indifferent, or indisposed or other- wi e flot iikeiy to poil their vote, are got Our readers have flot faiied to observe I o the poils next Tuesday, 3th lest., to the great improvement in tbe appearance vote for the by-iaw, because every absent of TUE STATESMAN the past f ew weeks. vote counts one agamnst. Let there be a This is the result of our recent purchases. general rally to the poils for the by-iaw, Having recently bouglit the Sur. plant, mucli of which was comparativeiy new Thlbharentyen and of most modern designs, we have Te Saturday Glb arentyen added the mc st of it to Our plant and made increasingiy interesting by the have added some entireîy new material adoption of a society page-not for sec- We have waited until we got everything rýt societies-but a record of weddingE4, intogo hp eoerfrig hs t homes, entertainrnents, personals, etc., evidences of progress. that 'will intereet everybody. We have To-daTi!iýoften wondered why the big dailies did Tody TaSTATESMA N appears with a not add this feature to their Saturday bran new haig seilyst eoypd dtions. We believe this soceiety page of for us in]Caguýýo,-and w \ith t!te new ,vfonts the Globe wîll be ýthe most distinctiveiy of ad'veutis iad bd type, this jour- j-1ý1- _ý1 .111-" 2nd December 1811-Married, MiWchýei Nou wiil always find som-e special bar- Coffeen to SailiyBarbeur, oioth ofte aus on the counter at Mason's township of DarÏlingtoni, beinig first p)ub. Leave scissors and other blades for iished. In presence of Agustus Barber, sharpening at Chartran'a Barber shop. .-18 her father, Jacob Cozens, 1lnySnt Ladies, it you have nlot already, don't and John Truil, &a. feai to try niy choice famiiy teas, W. H, 25th Decernber, 1811-Married, John iOsborne. Wilson to Poiiy Pickel, both of the town- I cau make -it to Vonr advantage to buy ship of Darlington, being first pnbhlsiied. of me if you will cal. iMaynard the In presence of John Pickei. hem father, 3Jeweiler. William Smnith and William Pickei. Just received at Couch, Johnston & lst January, 1812-Married, John Cryderman's hundreds of Manties and Perry to Nancy Bates, both of the touin- Capes-imported direct from Berlin. ship of Clarke. Iný presence of ',Ro'ger Bates, hem father, Adna Bates, Stoddatrt Bates and Levi Bâtes, lier brothers. 27th January, 1812-Married,. Russel Iwscrdo erbelmaob Pricq of Hamilton to Leali Wilson of MINwAscReD'oLINIerrbeT. bao Dariington, being firet pubiished. In IIEV. WarLINIMowT., presence of James H. Wilson, ber father, Peter Edîck, Sulas Bernis, Seth Haiin, Iwacreofabdaeofarhey &c.1 a ueofabdcsofercey 3th Mardi, 1812-Married, George MINARDS LINIMENT. Hall to Betsy Annis. both of Whitby, Mas. S KAULEACU. being first pubiished, In presence 1of wscre ofenivelgsb William Annis and Theodo ia Lovekini. MINws arD'SoLIN entv uns 25th November, 1812-Married, Enoch Mas, S. MASTERS. Davis to, Rachel Camr, both of Darlington, being hirst pubiished. In presence of Alexander Fletcher, Esq., and hiswie ____________________ Seth Hamlin and Jesse Burk. 4th Mardi, 1813-M~arried, Richiard____________________ Martain to Lavira Lee, both of the towni slip of Darlîngton, being first publishïed In presence of James Cole, Jessiali Bumk and Watemman Spencer. 22nd March, 1813-Married, Francis Lightheart to Margaret Earheart, hoth uf pubiished. In presence of Daniel Lig!itL- heart and Theodocia Lovekin, 24th February, 1814-Married, John Vail to Hannali Brown, both ofý'the town- There is much in that littie word ship of Hope. ln the presenr'e of Adna 6 Bates and his wif e and George Brown, and no ,especiaily if you want a Pamela Bates. nice WATCH,CLoCK, SLVEkR- 4th Mardi, 1817-Marr'ed, I1chabod WARE or JEWELLRY, in rings, Hodge to Elizabeth Coolley, bothý of the beit buckles, corsage pins, stick township of Whitby, being first publishead by Alexander Fletcher, Esq. In the pres. pis, bangle rings only 25c., etc. ence of Francis Lightheart of Damliingion, Give us a caîl and inspeet our nice William Maxson and John Stevens of new stock, which we have just Whitby. prhsda eylwpie.I 3th July, 1817-Married, Thioinas prhsda eylwpie.L Hlenry to Betsy Davis, both of the to win- our work department we always ship of Whitby, beîng first duly pubiish- give the best of satisfaction or ed. In presence of Abraham Terwilleg-er, money will be refunded. We can Jesse Tmuli and Almira Skinner. do you any kînd of a job. I have copied the names of the above "happy couples" exactly as I find them This may prompt some of your numier- MIAY1A U ous readers to trace up their pedligrees and genealogical "tre~es ruy THE JEWELLER. H. J. ISSUJER 0r Old Court House, Cobourg, Sept. 17, '94.~ MARRIAGE [W- LICENSES A. WORD TO FARMERS. 1 -$2.00- THE BEST There are very large quantities of buck- -OF- wheat raised in this section, but byr WEDDING are having trouble because of the bad RINGS condition in whidh some farmiers are ~_______ marketing it. Some sent from bhers is condition generally.'" More cr utbe taken to prevent this trouble, or p _ Ir 1i1 /tf Eusiness is brisk with Ls, -WHY? SOEHINO eDROPPED On October lst, and that was. our prices, and people are re- ,ognizing the fact that we are giving better values than they can get elsewhere. W e are flot se1linig below cost be cause we expeet to pay 100 cents on the dollar for our goods and to do so we mast have some profit, but we do dlaim to be selling goodis at a s maller margin of profit than a credit store, cau do. We are flot sacriflcing quality çither. Our business lias been running for the last fltty years and we hope to be here fôr fifty more and we are doing business with th-at idea in view. We cannot afford to misrepresent anything tý you. What we say we stick to. Another advantage in dealing with us is that we have only ONE IPRICE. -Your neiglibor does flot buy a thing for legs thau you -do and youi do not pay less thau they do for'the same article. What about a nice China Tea Set, 44 pieces, at $5.215, well worth $7.00-These are nice new goods and worthy your attention. We can seli you a splendid IDinner Set of 97 pieces for $6.50, and Toilet Sets as low as $1.40. Our groceries are marked very close. iRemember $1.00~ will buy more groceries from us than you can get elsewhere. We pay more for produce because we give you more- Dry Goods, more Groceries,morg Boots & Shoes iu exchange than vou can get elsewhere. Give us a trial, Deal at the West End House and you will be satisfled. JOH 1YI1IUTY There have been many evridences -in Bowmanville already of the benefif of having a successful muanufacturing inistitu- tion ik-e the Domuinain Organ F aCtory ie operation. Business men are rej cnig over the improvement in their trade, and citizens generfily wear a more cheerf ni expression. -We claies that every citizen whether in bu-iness or nof will share in the benefits of having a f ew tliousand dol- lars a week disfributed among the work- ieg classes. The more prosperous the business portion of the town is, the les ?fnancial stress will fail on the ordinary citizen. Take the churches for example; they are neam]y ail supported by the busi- ness mec largely. When trade is slack and tixnes sre bad, the receipts invariably f ail off. There are many ways in which the success of the fown generaliy is aided maferially by the business prosperity. There mnay beýsome opposition to the by-law-it would be a very strange thing if thers were none-but s0 far we have heard of no one goinq, against it. Cer- tainiy no citizeni who has the welfare of, the town at h)eavt will oppose the bonus. Whiat if a bonus lias been given before. The money has been retumned f0 the town over and ever again many times. And so very in8ignificant will be the ex. 2th Dec, 107-Marrïed, Johln Burk, 1 of Darlington to Jane Brisbini of Whiitby with the consent of hier sister and brothier in-law. Present: John Bnrk, sr,, David 8tevens, and David Burk. 2nd January, 1809-lyarried, -Jacob Crawford of Pickering to J emima Stev- ens of Whitby, with the written consent of lier f ather and mother. Present: Jon- athan Stephens and Joseph Crawford. Sth April, 1S10-Married, Festus De Wolf to Polly Ransom, both of Whitby having been first published. Present: Ebenezer Ransom, hiem father, Eliezer Lockwood and Clafus Terwilleger. 28th July, 1811-Married, Barney Av- ery of Darlington t0 Jenny Smiith of Whitby being duly published. Preseet: Jacob DeHart and John Smith. 3rd October, 1811-Married, William Pickel of Dariington t0 Nancy Wilson of Whitby, being first duly published. In presence of William Smith and Water- man A. Spencer, &c. 28eh October, 1811-Married, James Bates of Clarke to Elizabeth Burk of Darlington. In presence of John Burk, senior, hiem father, David Stephenis. Jes- siah 13urk, Adnia Bates and Stoddard Bates. way over wexcn thé-germis o i sease travel, the liver la the quarantine thirough whose gate auj drea.d dis- ense may or -may not pasa, as the liver chooses. Are youi watchiful? -Is your blood je order and youir liver active, 80 as to repel disease?- If not, you will fied in Dr. Pierce's Grolden Medlica] Discovery just the lielp you need. It cornes to your assistance -when, y ou have snobh warnings of impure bood and inactive liver, as pimplea, bouls or carbuncles ; or a feeling of lassitude, weakness and despondency. When your flesh is, from any cau1se, you've only to take the " Discoyery," which wiil set al the organs irito vigorous action and builda up both fleali and strength. Avoid nauseons preparations of Cod liver oil, They add fat, but not sMolme afteshor healthy tissue. Ask to see the factory cotton we aie sellingfor 5 ets, regular price '7 cfa, we willI teli you why we are selling it for Sets when you corne in, John J, Mason. replete with fashion- able- lYillinery. You are cordially invited to inspect.0 -Prices -to sult the times. Arfine lune of hats at fifty cents. MISS SHAW. MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000o. A large aurm of money has been pl aced ln My hiands by a private person for investment, on approved loans on farta sscurity for a terni of FIEor TBX rearO, ïsva AND ONE HALF FER cEiýNT in terest wilî be asked payable yearly. 8atisfactory conditions for repayment will be arranged. D. B. SIMPSON. Solicitor, Bowmanvllle. Dated Oct. 1st, 1894. 40-tf. [ * a-'% For preserving and beautifying Stove Pipes -and -ail- kinds of, iron work. -It dries quickly and jimpaxj',, a beautiful gloss. Sold by Jn HIQIRBOTHgAI &SON, CEIEMISTS and DRUGOISTS, lDowxmanille.- C. P. Rl. Ticket and Telegrapli Office.

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