u K11I0WLED GE Bringcs co-ft and improvement andi tends to personial enjoyment when rightly usctd. The rnany, who live bet- E ter than tbers and enjoy life more, with leu~ expenditure, by more promptly edapting the worldl's best producta ta the needs of physical being, will attemr, the value to health of the pure liquid t, laxative principles embracad ini the rmedy-, Syrup of Fige. Its excellence is due ta its presenting in the fûrmn most acceptgable and p,eaf.- ant to the taste, the refreshing and traly býeneficial properties of a- perf ect lax- J ative ; effectually cleansing the systeln5 dispelling colds, headachea,_*nd feverc and permianently curing constipat.. r Jt ha," given satiseaction ýj millions and V met with 4he approval of the medical prf 'so~because it acte on the Kid- xeys, Livér and Bowels without weak- euing them an« it is perfectly free froni every objectiouible substance. Syrup f Fige je for sale by al drug- giste i 75c. botties, but it in manu-, factur by the California Fig Syrup t Co. o y, whose naine je printed on every" pac age, also the naine, Syrup of Fige, an _being well informed, you wil noli accept any substtute if offred. A Tooth Brush For 5 cents. We do not dlaimt that this is the best qualty but it is a good serviceable brush such as la usually sold et 10c. aud it ie particularly useful for children., If you would like to ose the fine8t tooth brnsh on the market we can show it to you and in order ta introdace them we are givinga,25.-. tooth brush stand free wth every brash.C TRInSLN -l1 NO'TYHY OF VOIU ATTENTION. STOTT &"m-JURY N. f-Do o lose sight of the f ac t that thre osv place hetween Toronto and Montreal whée you can get the sane services as at aur store wheu you re- quire Spectacles. No charge for tçst- ing the sight aud satisfaction guaranteed In the most coiphicated cases. GRAND TRUNK RÂILWÂY. BOWMÂNVILLE STATION. IOING HAST 4OI!N5 WEST Express . 40 arnm Express ...519 arm Express ...10 27 a m Express... 6 5 arn Passonger...., 3 06 p m Passenger. ...8 40 a m Passenger... 7 04 p m 1 Passenger. ...2 26 p m Express ...10 25 p mi 1 Express ...7 46 pm WHEN YOUJ TRA.VEL Blas get tickets at aur store. Time tables ~tal airoa .de fre. lways pu chase your tickets the.aybef.re starting and avoid trouble and inconvenience when you are hurried. We return your mioney if tickets are flot used. STOTT & JURY, Druzgistsi and Opticians. BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 24, 1894. Local and Otherwise. Sir John Thoxupson, premier, le going to England. Mr. Fred. Prout of Malden, Mass., te home on a visit. The boat from Port Hope ta Charlotte has stoipped ruuning.1 Miss Glover assisted St. John's (Angli- can) choir at their harvest festival.* Durhami county teachers met in an- nual convention et Port Hope lest week. Han. Edlward Blake, M. P., and Mrs. Blake isail fromn New York Saturday for England. Everybody thould hear Mrs. Mauniford in "Haunts and Rames of Jeass" Plan of Mýusiac Hall at Big 20,open Sat. Oct. 27, 12a. m. Maters Hnubert Reid and Thomas Rysu of the Hligh School have beau granted Primary Certificates by the Edu- cation Departimet on an appeal. Mr. Gea. F. Rogers, B. A, who has been assistant master since vacation in the High School here has been appointed Science Master of the Orillia Hlgh School. Riokard la a Practical and Scientific You will find ahl the leading lines of Cigars, Cigarettes and Cut Tobacco at the GRAND CENTRAL. Bo wmanville. Whalesale and Retail. Maynard the Jeweller, issuer of marri. age licenses, Big 20, Bowmanville. Read what Couch, Jobnston & Cryder- man have ta say on the first page af this paper. Maynard the .Teweleor, Bowmauville, always' keeps a fine stock of wedding rings. 1None botter, nane cheaper' than my stock of groceries, fruits, spices, etc. W. H1. Osborne. The finesti work and hast satibfactiozn you wil always get at Mayn Ard tha Jaew- ellerT's, Big 20, Bowmanville. WÂýTOýii REÂiU.iiNG -For the proper adj usting of watches, akili and experiance is reqnired, alang with god tools and maaterial, ornbiuad with close ttention ta details. All these yau get at Rickard's sud pricas reaBonabla. Oilidren Cry for Mrs. M. M. Fenwick bas beau visitiug t Detroit, Micb. Mrs. Chas. Keith bas beau visitiug fiends at Saginaw, Mlch. tc No tidings yet recoived oi the wbere- bouts ai Stanley Staples. d; A big crowd eujoyed Guy Bras. openuai ir concert Thumsday noon. lm Mr. L. Dunnsird, Toronto, bas beau,$ senewiug acquaintancas bars. f E. A. Macdonald, Toronto, is suiug C te World for $20,000 for hibol. tl Nota chauge ai date af excursion to t Toronto dnring Moady meetings. t A statuýe ai Sir John Macdonald was îuveiled in Toronto Saturday weak. h Mr. J. A. Imrie, ai Toronta, was guest qi ex-Mayor Galbraith over Sundsy. f Miss Mary Hloar, Myrtla, wiih teach Baker's echool, Darlington, next yesr.,M Mr. Jas. Eakîns, cattle 'exporter, Port Hope, is repurted in flusucial difficulties.h Mr. W. G. Mitchell, Torounto, bas beau visiting bis ant, Mrs. Rundîs, Welliug- b aon St. Mr. E. L. Walsh bas -raturned frirom MLontreal ta take bis aid position lu the )rgan Factomy.0 The dry goods stock of Tod & Co. ws sold et auctian in Toronto Tuesday ta J. J. Mason at 70 cents ou thbe $. Miss Emma E. Stuart ai Napiarvilla, Que., wbo bad been viieiting friands haro returned ta MoutirEal by str. Magnat hast îveek. For the finelit aosotmneut of Dres Ser- ges sud ail otller isshior.able dresumater-t ias il a1t Coucb, Johuston & Cryder- mIan's. Our first snaw finrry cama ou Oct. l4tb tibis year. On Oct. 18, 1870, thara wao a heavy fallai snow wbicb ramained til the next Sprhng. ~Mr. F. H. Bounsaîl was fiued $2 sud cük&ta-$4-85-by Police Magistrats Haines on Oct. 17 for asking for iquor at the Balmoral Ratai an a S nday. Every S. S. teacher ehauld bear Mns. Mountiord inlu "aunts sud Rames ai Jeisus." Plan ai Music Hall et tha Big 20, open Satunday Oct 27, 12 a. rn. Flou. W. Laurier bas bad a cordial me- ception at evary stopping point in bis tour te the Pacifia Coast. Ha retumus f rom Winnipeg via*Chicsgo next week. 1 A brancb au wbicb weme sevemal ripa raspherries was bauded into aur office on' Saturday aset hy Mrs. Gea. Saudercock. They were j net as nias as thase gatbered lu July. Mme. Gea. Rooper bas retumned f rom a pleasaut visit ta hem daugbtems, Mme. C. P. Ismael sud Miss E. J. Hooper, Rech- ester, N. Y., sud hem son, Mr. Fred. A. Hooç or, Waterloa, N. Y. Belleville's new daihy paper, The Sun, cames tea e reighted with naws f rom the Bay City andi vicini±y. Lt sla nutiralinl politicesud bas alraady secumed a large, advemtising patronage. The aditor sud publisher la Mr. Camamon Brown, hate nigbt aditar oi the Tomanto Globe., Ladies Fur Capes lu Grey Lamb, Black Persian~ Lamb, Black Martin, Boa. >hamen, Sable, CwreulaudSeal, Black~ Op- paasum, sud Columbia Sable, in ail the mast fashionable shapas. Thase ara the fineet f urs whicb can ha proaumed and wa are selling tbem at very close çrices. Couab, Jobusiton & Cryderman. R, is many friands will be giad ta leamu t; ýhat aur aleverý young iawnrimau, Mr. 1 obu J. Gililan, Pb. M., bas bougbt ont the drug business ai Mm. Gsrnsby, Orono. Ho je a laet womtby young man, shwsys camai l nisd attentive ta duty sud will make s succesai that business. Wa ha- spaak for hiri a large patronage. )tý#We congratuhate aur antampmisiug ,2tôlwnrman Mr. John, J. Mason'on hie litamary dehut, baving won in a kasu coin- patitian open ta the worid a prize ai $10 giTan by the Dry Gooda Reviaw for au assay on How ta Dmaw and Keep Trade. West Durbaiù boys have a bappy kuaak aio leadiug the procession sud Mm. Mason is ans ai the bustilars. New talephones bava beaun put lu this r.montb as follows: Mm. J. J. Masien two- ane lu eaab store; Mm. J. H. Kydd's rosi- dauce; Mm. S. J, Hall's residence, sud Mm. Maxwell, produce deaher'a ebop. Mm. H. L. Simpson, the local -manager, ,is extanding the service very satisfaatomily. We cau teetuf y that ha looks weli sitar the intalrestsai thae shacribema. 1 The News undersauade that tbe tamn. perauca Sociaties ai West Durhami bave lu icontemplation the biuging out ai a tempeasce candidate at the uext Domin. )ion Election, nisBes ther ai the candi- dates bmougbt ont by the Reform or Con- .servativa parties, camae up ta thalr stand- ard. The names ai P. Trebilcoak, D. F. .Walsh, sud S. J. Williams are bareby s uggested. THÂT JOvvFUFrimNG-Wltb the ex. Whema did you huy yonr spectacles? A Rickard's, sud 1 believa I sbould haç beau almost blind by Ibis tixue if 1, ha uat gens ta hlm. Na doctor, 1 ara satij fiad, aouhd have fitted my eyes hettar tbî be and bis prices for spectacles are ver easonable, Sncb is the raply wa ovei beard oue lady muaka ta anotber soni days Éince. She was satisfied ai Rickard ability ta test sud fit the ayes perfect] sud we ieel juatified in saying that au one willhbave tbe same axperience wl givas bita a triai. Ramaember "yonir ay sigbt je pricelees." A very large ahoice ai fume at John Msso's. Orders fom a11 kinds ai tove Rapai p ramptlv fihlad aI Rd. Worths Hamdwa àtome, Bowmnauville. If yau want anytbing irl the jewell lîue cah sud ses bow aheap you cau hi it firn Maynard the Jaweller. New vSuitinges, New Trousaings, 'Ne Womtedo, N Serges, New OverCoatini -ahl j nt opaned out at Coucb, Johust( & Crdrw-n's. Naw sbawiug at Coucbi, Jabuston Cryd.Arman's a fiua range of Ladk: Qtnvanactta Waterpmoefs inusail ize They are the moat aatisfactory wstarpmc that sny lady can buoy. Ptohr'sCatla Mr. Norman Sherin lu lying lîl wîth ew R1z,.... .........OIl0111 O041 House and Lot frSale Uesactton , c s hirtI ing efianete ge Buckwheat e bush... 00U fiO38focooadsetwicIwilacag on PExAs, Blackeye, U, bush. 0 50 fi 0s5 byTedr for jrool. Highest price paid in caslh for Tender.,Il grades of wohat the H1amptou n Mummuy il..0 00 fi O 55 Tenders will be received by the uindersigued Wolien Mille. &0~l, . 00 ,0 O50 np to Oct. 2th i, for thit frame haute sudW01 50ardon, thae residende of the laie James Bran. ese 0.0. ton. situated lu the Village 0r Ty rane. The D. T.AYLOR, SBUTTER,. beat table, P lb. O 0 0 18 hlghes. or any tan der nai necessai ily acceUýted. ô31-ni.Prpitr ýt doz........000 0, 14 A. E. CLEM EN S,_____________ îof GGSCauincillor. Tyrane. PoA(E ý 1bui1.... . . 0 00 O 30 Tyronie, Oct. , ), 1. 41-3w. . Aak for Minard'ea vad take no other, EXCURSION TO TORONTO. D. L. Moody, evangelist, is caiug ta to Toronto and the Ladisi' Aid Society ai St. Pauh's cburcb, Bowmanville, will mn acheap excursion by G. T. R. on Thurs- .ay sud Friday Nov. 8 sud 9. Toronto nd returu iucluding tickets for Moody meetings- Port Hope $1. 50; Newtonville $1.40; Newcastle $1.25-: Bowmanvilha, $1.15; Oshawa $1.00; Whiîby $1.00- Children half fars-good goingafternoon traine Tbursday sud ail trains Friday, ra- umniug Friday nighr. Ask for bath ickets at station. Mr. A. T. Christie af Chicago is visiting9 Mr. J. Sinclair. Mr. John Berry bas returned home rom Newmarket. Gen. Booth bas received a vgry bsarty welcome in Canadh. Miss Bertba Sherin oi Peterboro was tome over Sunday. Port Hope waterworks by-haw carried by 74 msjority st week. Mr. W. Gilbert, men., is visiting hie ohd borna near Mt. Vernon. Miss Mabel Nortbcote bas beau guest of Miss A. L. Singleton, Part Hope. Miss Mitchell, anly daugbter ai Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, Centre St., is very ii. 11 Mrs. R. Smith of Edgertou,ý Ohia , in visitiug lber cousin, M. Trelevèn,Eq. Cburch St.. Mr. sud Mrs. James A. Lawrie spaut Sunday at berý father's, Mr, William Pst. barsan, Whitby. Messrs. John Rigginbotham, Thomas Bassett, Bauj. Brittain sud J. B. Martyn are at the back lalkes on a bunting excur- sion. The namne ai Mr. W. T. Lsckbart was inadvertautly nmitted fromt the list af contributors of apeclal prizes at West Durham Faîl Fair. Salem friands are ta be covgratnlated ou the excellence ai their social at Mr. W. E. Pollard'a hast week. Tbey netted over $30 for the Sabstb School. Every church member sbould bear Mrs. Mauntiford Ilu "Raunts sud Homes ai Jesus." Plan af Music Hall at Big 20, open on Saturdsy Oct. 27, 12 s. ni. A merry load ai Methodiets went out ta Mr. W. E. Polhard's social Thursday nigbt sud mado the beet use ai the ont. ing. They are waîtiug for-more chioken pies to cauquar. Mrs. Willmott ai Toronto will speak on 'China" in the Methadiet lecture roon this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock.- Silver collection, Ail interested in rnis- sions cordially invited.e Mm. Thoo. Kirby bas resigued owing to Mi healtb the office ai supaninteudeut in the South Wsrd Sabbath Scbool sud Mr. James Saunders succeeda him. The au- uivarsary tes will ho beld Monday Nov. 26. .Mm. James Gilfillan wihh accupy the pulpit ai the Disciple cbnrcb next Sun. day moruiug sud Rev. W. Joiliffe in thb eveuiug. Rsv. R. A. Burriss will con- duot dedicatory services ai a new churci at Winger, Ont. Msuy complicated cases, of deiective sigbt ba va Iately beau fitted by ýStott 'ý Jury witb great succesesud il is nothîni unusuai fom parties ta came 20 or 30 miles in order ,to get the advantage of Mr. Jury's axperiauce slha guarantee0. tatis faction in every case. Slimly atteuded was the entertaiumant given by Mr. Owen A. Siuily and Miss Pauline Johnson Wednesay uight. Mise Johnson delighted ahi, but Mr. Smtly'a numbera were toa nonsiensical for a Bow. manville audience. Hie accomplishmento are wortby ai a more mefined sud hîterary prog.ram than lha praseuted. Major sud Mra. Complin, of Tarantc will lead special meetings in the S. .A harracks uext Saturday, Suuday sud Mon. day Oct. 27, 28 sud 29. . These wilh hE interesting meetings. Ensign sud Mmi. Hay who bave beau in charge oi the local corps ber. sund district will farewell or Sunday eveîîtng 28th. Core ne ansd aIl The leadiug grocersand provisioners ir Bowmauville ispeak ta the public ir straight common seuse isuguage Iu thiE paper. Cawker & Tait kuow wbat thE people want sud they provide the bast the markets afford. They are doing a bij bueinesa-peaple soon find out wheme the] are well servad. A new customer moari s permanent customar with tbem. The Misses Wahling, ai Landau, Eug land, bave beau eugaged ta appear lu thi town on Friday Dec. 7 undar the ausplce of the Macbauics' Instituts. We truie tha t the manaRement will arrange ta bai thani in the Music Hall so es evemybod] wîi hlave an appartunity ta hear thi "Tria ai Amtistic Genuisea." Misa Luci Webling is thaernost talented child actrei before tija public ta.day; Miss Peggy hi typhoidl fover at Souris, Man. MJr, Rubt Kuýax af Orono was in towu L A NFOS Friday on official business.PLIFA 0 T 6 M-Nrs. W. Hamnlyn af Haydon has been visiting her son Mr. John N. Kiveil. ________________ .)ra. Jas. McLean bas gone ta the Sab- ba -th Schaol Convention at Belleville. ib has been our alin to nav Mýessrs3. F. C. Trebiîcock and E. Smale e alt were homre from Port Hope Model School pil attention t the quali-ty of aver Sunday. o d --ot e b s ot Every deacon should hear Mrs. Mount- our g o s--t secure t e b s o Plan ai Music Hall at the Big 2U, open oun dN!f Saturý.day, Oct, 27 at 12 a. m. 'i. The Toronto World learus that ail the pression has been ar<>LVLdL L, protpeets against Toriessud Grits alike arema f ct r s anwh e ae s tbcdropped by mutual consent, but no a nu a t r r n h ls l su-h arrangement isknown here.bid and our cash. buying has securec, have returned ta Marion, Ind., after a for us the greatest value yeat pleasan t stay *Ith relatives I this dis- trict., They were guesteai Mr. J. N. off'ered. KivelI while in Bowinanvîlle. No onè before the public has created scafurore,* or clothed the subject with o0 mach intense lnterest as Mrs. Mount- etth Msi HllouFrfaV LUE I fard in her Oriental Lectures. In hier " Nov, . 2nd, she will bc assisted by nine asslstants costumed, aud the stage will b.~d ~ drape,1adfriie with oriental La pG od , e Sets,Dinner Sets Mlouuitford carnies with ber, snd was Toilet Sets, fancy goods of al Wetdby bier at sau enormous cost. dsrpin Parties living at a distance from towýn cau.d s rp inn secure a seat witbout extra charge, byf t dropping a card ta -"Secretary,"lhock box, Tew ui s riv n daiiy ---ail, 19, Bowmanvile.isa rv n A very pleasant aff*ir was the social in newT, cheap and good. St. aY sohool recom Monday nizht giv- en by the Y. P.S.C0.E.> Rev. R. Douglas Fraser, M. A,, presided and there was a large and appreciative audience. The program consisted af vocal solos by Mises %Y t E MUr. J. Goard; instrumental solos by Mr. 1Oscar LaBsîle, Mr. Percy Hoand sud .Crawford; tria by Misses M. MeLaughlin Herring,.Fînuan .taa.te,w nitenisîi, and May Allen sud Mr. HI.- L. Sim pson; 'Trou, an fish inseason. recitatians by Miss MoDowsMesar. l Neil sud Donald McDonald; mouth organ Esolo3 by Master Gardon Beith ; instru- Barrel, Dair-y and Land Saitl mental duet by Misses Lattis Lockhart & and M. Mosetta James. Abundance ao lwyfn a d trefresbhments were served. Receiptisover a w y n h nd Titere is na magazine that maintains a Thanking our, many friends fo1r higImr degrea af literary excellence than a rar'J .~ .- k tho oId, wel knowu weekly eclectlc, LIT- th irlh ra p tro ag i nTE-IL'S iLiviNG Aoz. Its selections are ein ndb fa r ea no a d 'n< taken from the leading foreigu quarterlies, WeinT eai Î aln ndg o reviews and magazines with the truesti -jud.gment, sud in its variety there lasSsome- va lue to have m ore people deal ghfor every cultivated taste. To busy -ih ~'" mEmainsd women wha wish ta be informsd 'with stha ever. Inl regard ta carrent English periodical' l iterature sud have the best papers, the Bring us your produce and get the highest price in goods' most representative, profitable sud enter- or cash. tai-aing, culled for theru by a campatent hapd, Tnz ELIviNG ÂGE islindispensable. the thirtean weekly Issues fur the carrent C AK R &eA T 1- quarter free. Address Litteli & Co., omav110, DBAINKtJUP S OC * Shiloh's Cure je sofld ýn a guarantea. e- -Itcures In.îcïit Consumptioni. ItLei the best Caugh Cure. Onfly ans cent a DR7 GOODS da3e; 25 ts., 50 cts. sud ,00 Wpcerats E D V - Sold by'Stott & Jury. r. AGreat Siaugliter Sale began on We believ1e it is gqenerally admited thatE H A v e- -ýý,urayOct. 2th of Tod & Ca's Cauch, Jobuston & Cryderman show the Satrda finest stock ai new sd elegant Dry Goods Banikrupt Stock. Has to be dis' sud the finest Stock af Ladies'. Manthes j s e ev d a A posed of as quickly as possible, shown by any Hanse in these Countioo sae e'v ( i SCorne early and avoid, the rush. sThe_ stock is nearly ail staples, care- HE WANTED.-An experi-CH fi-Il bought and i good re.t "' Teacher, Second Class. .Appica- m % uy în ord eir. rceived up taNovember 151h . ddress O ta This is the chance for Bargains. WIGHTSON FoSTER, Secretary S. S. No. 8., 'yNo list of a few things'as bargaîns 43r3w.,MO.ILDII G3-3w. -EeyhigCea.d &O' EACHER WANTED-lor S. S. No.M oüL I %XZ i a f1vrtizCha. d&C' T6, Darin.n (M aple Grave> for 1895, mals tod1, Stand, Sign of the Red Flag, or female duiy qualified. Applicatlonassatingai a. Glasgow-House, Bowrnanville. q_ ifctiureceived up to Oct. 27. JOHNixie neW e )e S ow.E. Secretary, Box 109, Bowmanuille. F. Every pastor should bear Mrs. Mount- 1. 41 -3w, il lard in "Rames sud Haunts ai Jesus." EIFER STRAYED on lot 2, cou. 3, shades and pat- )n Pl1ai Music Hlall 'open on Saturday Oct.l Darlington. 2 yrs aid. Owner is requs î27, 12 a. 4n. at Big 20. ed to prove property, psy expensessd take ________________________________ way. W. J. BRAGG, Bowmauville. 423w n MYNRD HEJEWLLR, H~IIEE ASTRAY.-Strayed ro ltterns suitable for le S2. cn 3. Darliugton, about Sept. 20, an ~iDD2 aged LeicesterRani. Information of bis where le 2 0,r o abroaeutcenes.anuy receîved. .W. J. BRAGGe, p ct re famnes. st Issuer f 3farriag Licenses. Bowuiauville.423 et l ,fj g Evening, residence, Division Street, LORSLE OR TO RENT 200 acre 'Y next aid B. C. churcb. F.L'farmbeînegcomposed of the north halvas __________liugtom, kuown as the Mitchell Homestead. For particnlars appi>y ta MRs, B. MITCHELL, DEYAN.At IRTS.O8haws. 41-tf. DEY.AN.Atý221 North Oakley Ave.. CLLEN LI agIV. ct dsghtheer. f . eyna, "ARM TO RENT.-Being 50 acres, es ofa daghte. -Vlot 26, con. 6, Derlingtan, noar Salins, ail jatDUMS.-n Bwmavile. n ot 1th heclear azd Wagood state of cultlvatiou. Two wtf of rINR.Duas, Tyra n. c 7hte~ orchards, well watered. Uood stone dwelling, ve ARDNER-Nor Tron Oe 17h, he ifeexcellent tarmn buildings with fiue atone stabi- F ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.- jY of Mr. B. F. Gardiner, af a son. !ne aud cellars. Apply ta Mrs. GEO. WiLBUJE, GOD10iR amfo aeo arn :1 MILLN-In1 Clarke, Oct. ith, th. wife of OelS. omuil.jnst outside the tawnoaiBowmanville. ApîF y R, W. Becher Millson, af s son. TTUE N 10 ARES LNDta t THas. BINGHAm. box 72 Bawmanviile 6i MARRIED. JtL rent, beiug that very desirable resideuce ~~~~~~~~5~~~~-1. hla-Â-tie eiec fth rd' ihbausdsalsecletocasu --e. US O ET1Ae(-lace ~1'