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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1894, p. 6

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c rA TE[,FTL--CO.MFORTING.TEHfE E A Corner Bookease. BREAFASTIOUPER, crners are as conveniaut us they are es- 1a U.ga thorouerh kus'&edge ol the i 1a"î"s.utiai, and the iuara wa cau tuck away a swhilli tuve,, ,te sis,, srl,iosî-,n'or 1a î iii o ilietu the heter-aisvays pLUVidiuig wu aud nutrition. aud ny a carefal applicatina 1'1 k wygothn- iiaool fsa. thea fine proparsies oew'-Il-Bsalects3d ("cos. 'Vit 11 go1thn2 na oil asin Eppe has provided our breakfast 1 ablaewthbIl Books are surely good thinga, and fortunate dlicately fiavored beverala wbicb ma-.y Save usmsuny heavy docotor,' bis. Is is bv thea je that home that overflows with them. fiadieoious use ol snch articles of tiet iltha .Bat it is of ten a problein where to stow couýstitnsiou may begradilsliy bouit lnp until stngeosgb te resigt .ever7 teud8ucy te thesu ah IfoUIs noS[U disease. 1Hundredi oW subtie maladies arath o fIoatiig around us ready 'n ssrack wtseravcr se rud possesso there is a weg*k point. Wé msv aespe tu q cf a hîg i13rry The a ftal shrah tby keepina oursaives wel fortifiaet 1h. revolvn nkae whprebiod aaviaa prouýr1y uos.riash d(f that are se roomy fr,~ma. "Chuf ersicc eff. Made, simply, with boum w vater or mils fntuaem c salti olYLu paceats.,by Grocnýrslabqtl,3a thu- and a gond deal of. JA41EIS ltpps & <Co, Hôrnopathie Cheaà space for i.hemselves, Igsi. London. Eiialaisd,, and s0 are unpopniar suinsmali ronms wbare ever3r L"foteof land" Q~u~iu ~t~c0nuu precianis. The most _________s p %ce economizing -_t bookeases fit anugly WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21, i194 jute the corners, and perhaps the ona in an. J. C. SIST4EfL., the a ceompauyiug ii11 ustration îuight 'EMPER FOT F ' HSOAtkepedeefo sniiSurikeos, Ontario.iICorn taer. etc. fo Offimanad Rasîdnce, Eniskilleu. 7, ecouomy nf rnom, as ilconca% e lunes nf 55 ru'iiKiiSrH., shaelves allow the I ? TIbERisOLc'ITiI.e. ~tl1Pfl4most possible ronsu ~f'T0CR s~stair. Ku~ t'jre. Iew'sao-for,, other firniture vill. Pjicîor er he Otar Han '~abnti. Is may ha 5~wae 5au~vs l5~a~ ~'t 4-"V- 'î~î ' made as plain or as ROUT. V6UING, Y. S. ~ ornate as onue wisbes ~ -the oe n lu'the FFICE IN TEHE WEST DURRAIM sec an eysir u ayt 0 Nfews BiteS. asSera hiniseif or assistant « ec t i ey sr.l n ayt miil' Le folund firo Sam. te 9 pm. Nigbht ci04 construet. Ir, bas a snelt aS the top for a Il ttsidtee.diieciiyoppnsite Drilli Sbrd. Catis [tamp aud piteher, or vase nIfËowers.- The MI rlnaph or telephone weiii receive promut in -curviug rowýs of books have a very pretty siltlion7tlyr effeet, that doas away with mucb cf the A. . P~STstîfineas and starchncss of unbroken rnws of books that ara made to IL tetbe A RCIIITECT. Plans aud Specifica. mark." The idea wsas sogested hy the lions prepared for evary class ofni bildIe-necsiytatmt. f ý ag hUfeial atention gîven le0 bgating by steasuncsit-htmsb n onc ag ïrd Lot waler. aud te sanitary arrangemients. family of inventions-of usinýe au old- tAiaje: Corie Block, Whitby 43 -ly fasbionedl rectangular"wbat nt" as a hookease. h w aas piaced "cornering," and 17. PEA TE, Tailor the bookrsarranged much like thosa luth Gentlemen's ClothesMade to Order. Anyloody with a talent for saws and planles -~ ___ ~- -eau easily male a pretty aud aristic home -1 11u P1 ifl A (II ~U PD U for bis books. OFFICE :I~a of Messrs. lligginbotlîamî & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWÎMANVILLE Gents' (lothing Clesueil, DYed. Presseil sud Repaired bhi THOS. PEAT, Ilyen and Cia lies Cleanar. Ccuda wsnnanied to 'se asn oua wsl kmssw th esu fsom uew wheu doa. Cerner Ring sud Ontario Snts, j Bowmvûsissla DENTI STR- 7'Y C. HARNDEX, L. D. S. Graduate cf the Royai CollageaifD3nutai Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OPPOSITEU EXPRESS OFFICE. VITALIZED )AIR. New Tailor Shop The undansigned whio bas beau cars'ying ou tIse tailcriisg business lu counectionu q aitis itason's Dry Gouida Store ionsa unosorof yeuuns bas eonnsumucel business 3for hisuseli au his residencuj, Kiiu; St.,west. whera ha is prepatad jo make gante' sut n 1boys' suite sia ail tis aistogt stylas, sud aS lowest pricas, Tesorishose wiso wush te ordE r anSa,, ha wili carry a isîl lina ni amples in ailtisa1 ne wess piastu, civa huîss 1eall. - -. . - - - - j Hints For Hanging Phtures. There are certain miles regarsliug the lîaugiug of pictures that ouae au safeiy fiinow Give éaatk snd gioomy aubjects tisa iiglosess place sud the lighs, higbt euies nisy bang in sauna gieomy carnet. Give the lawast position ta ihat pictura whlch haviug the msat detaits or figures, apsieas to a better advantage if lu a direct lina of vi5son. Ssudy tisa fet of the ligbt u n ia picueîbfore yoenissue 1h. Inu tise case ni phosegraplîs let the lrauaes ba onuv iy iebon enameled avioda et gold leaf, A uaw faîbion lu tise case cf a very large pictuna sehn ag it hy swe wires atraight nu Item the ides ni tise picture, eacb iasened ona saparato bock. The fashiausahie medaliou picture sud water celors frsmed ini brocade bava a wira drawu sighsly semass tisa back astishe causer which is cangbs ounaa uml screw lu the wall se tha n wine la shnwn in tis a hsgiug. SeaonaleRecipes. BakefAppe Dmphugs-Mae a gond bicut ougis. PeLtait appies end taka ouit tIsacane with 'u appla carat. Ral eut smkall pieces ai the dough,plsce an appl onu esch oueansd fil the ceuser witb sugarsud ssutimeg. Press the deugh areurd aacb ap- pie, put Ihesu in a bake psu, pour a little boiig water iover thým sunt baSa lu a nodetate aven maiil doue. Serve witb sweaýenedî creans flavnred with lemon cr vanîia, or witb any Slnd ni aweet sauce prof erned. P each Dumpigs. -Peel tise peaches, eut lu iialvas sud take ont the seeds. Propane the daugh juat as you wouid fcr biscuits. Roll it nus thin sud eut iu pieces just large enugh ior s poach. Place tise frnit nn,pres the edges nf the dough together araund it sud drop thesu inta boiing wamien. Let shesu bail until the fruit is dene,wbicb wili ha in about 15 minutes. Take sîscîn np, pnt lun a buttened pan, sud brawn lu tise aven s lew. minuses. For sauce, take a plut of sweet creasu sud whip t untîll igbt. Atd nue-hait a cupfisl oi sugar sud a teaspeonu fut of essen 'e ni lemon.1 Apple Frttrs-Mkea atter as, for 1pan' caks, sin 3 up- i f our, 5 ibeaten cus 1 qu11art ocf weat milk, Itesponutcfit' andý 2 l oea Pug teaspoonfuls of ibakiug powder. Beat thie batter very brthen add tbrea large apptes, pared and sliced, onue tabiespon'alul of sLgar, and ono'ae- spoonfnt ni cinnamon. Select apistbat are easiy cooked, or if they caunos haý obtained, cover with wateî and cooký until haldnten drain off every dmrp ci the iiquor,anid when cold, stir into the batser. Fry as once in large spoonfis. Apple Cuatard Pie. -To 3 cupfinis of stewad 'spples, add cupfnl i fngar, d iet themn stand Untî cold. Mix the hostau yolks ai six eggs vith theapplesand season witi nuntmeg or cinnamnn, stir in 1 quart nf sweet milk, and lassiy the hostau wbstes cf 6 eggs. Fi your crusts and bako à4thout caver in a moderato oven. BRINQINU GOOD NEWS. Row gikeiNeavs or isce irrY 'Of Waîerloo Waï carried tg)araid Byron, lu "Childe Harold," describes the fanions hait given hy the Duchess of Rýich- moud at Brussels the uight hefrere tice bas le cf Waterloo. Among the guesta wasthe Hon. Major Perey, aide-de-caiip To the Duke of Wellington. When is hahalwas ins'erruptedhy a enumans ho the battýie. field, the major ins tan tly set off wXithons cbauging bis coat. After the battie the duke 'gave hlmthe ionorary office of con- veYiug ta Englalsd the despatchas 3cautain- ing the news of the grass vicsory. Ha set cff lu the coat ýe had waru 1Ibrough the flghs anti aS the bail, sud canried with hlm tbree eagles or stan dards, eaipturedr iroein the French. In a journal kept hy iaunEng- iish lady, there is a fuil accoa nt of hosv the major brcught, the goon ews iron, Autwerp To Lobndon. lu tboie days steami was nt, buit speediiy as a saitîng vesoai cauid eauvey hlm, hie wss transported froin Antwerp to Doven, woene hc lauded lu the aftennoon, Mr. Wright, master of tise Ship flotet ut Dover, înstautty despatched au exprees taonder hanses as eacb stage to ha neady Ifor Major Percy sud provided tiha carnage with four of i behst herses. It was found that the capsnredl eagle-s could tnt ha contajned su the pnst.,cbslse, aud they ware piaced an îhaii their hîeads appeared eut of the front windows. A baet rannoncemanstishera contd Lnot ýhava beau of the glorinus news, whicis ',vas ne- ceivad with avery spacies of joyiul, thai.ýnt welcame evatywhere. 1Major Perey drnva straîght te the Horse Guardis. The coriimauderjn.chief, then the Duka of York, was diniug ont. M ajor Perey pnoceedad tu Lord Castlereaýýgh sud found that the lard sud the duka wereata the samne dinnar, gîven by a wealthp' widow iu St. *James' Square. Thene lha went, and learuiug satthe Prince Ragent was aiseofnithe- pa tyV, ne- quasted te ha shawn into the diine.-room, whieh lie enteted wh hbis dip acessd aagies, eaverad with dnss sud ai;'l shemarksq ci battie, '[Cha dessert waýs comn iupon the sba as' tha same momant- tisae rin eRgent -ommnanded the ladies to beave te oo, hicb shey did. Ha exteudad bis biaud to Colonsel Percy." Belote the despatch could ha eadi, the new colonel wss anxiously asked s &itar mnany dissinguishad offiloars, sud lbad to answer "ldaa&d" or "sevanaiy wouuded" an aiten that the prince burst into tests,. Meantime, Colonel Perey was sinking front fatigue, sud hegged permission te go te lis iather's bouse su Portmau Squaiire. The throng was 50 great shat lihabad ilfi- euity lu raaching it sud wzs ine sooner there than the lbouse was surune y multitudes o ni unquirors. Ha had net power te say mare thian th at the victory was copetsud tise lois lui kitiod and woundued hleavy. Ha w,.ould answer ail demauds the ne-xt di,.yay s lieh did. The sgony nof suspense sud iaffliction1 whil b hwitueaaed was s tw,.; hbisown words wete, hacouldl oiy -fùeai the nawful pnica of a victory. 1ibe leartrending grýiai hae bal te lufliet upon e ,many mLa b is est deaf te the soands of jay ;sud triamphl with which London nasonnad. LI,7ZAIR1YS IN TE 1ITMAOH. IF YOU WIANT TO BE LOVED Dou't finfifait. A Reptile Swallowed Whbile Drinking Don't contradiot people aveu iif yen rre in the Dark. sure yen are righrt. Do't ha inqîsisitive about the affaira of Excrucumtiîg Agasay seilesedby uns, aveu yont mass intîmate friands, Wesitil~eve îlinci.ait D eaiis Da't undeàrrase auvthsng hecainseyen 1.mskeuil'a' ~î lie Omly slie. tont possess it. Lookil fr astibeOnly;Zeler.Dont believo tbat everybody aise in the From the Trenton Courier. watrld le happier tli&u you. Tise aditor oi the Canrier, having heard Do't cojîclude thiat you have navet had nf this strango casa et Mra. Simon West- any opportunisies in lite, fali, made anquiry sud iaarned thea foliow. Dou't believnalal the evil yen heast. ing facts:-Mts. Westfall said tisaSonue Danst repeat gossip), aven if it doas inter- evaniug seime threa years ago she wens est a crowd. to the weii sud punsping saine water Pt ns go isstidy u the piea shat evety. dranît a pottion. As she dfid so she fait body kuows yen. something go dawu lian throat kickin)g Do't ha rude to yotsr inieniars lu socîi and totd lber niothar se at the sima. position. Little she thosîghbftne tiagaaay in store Don't over Dr undar, dress. f'- bier throngh driukiug watat irosu a Dou't express a positive opinion unisse pump lu the dark,' for a female lizar-1 yen perfeetiy uudarstaîsd what yau are feuud its way inte ber stomacis sud talking about. brought forth a hrood. After a white Do't get lu tise habi of valgarizing life the sigbt ni mik wouid make lier trembla by making iigbs ni the sentiment nfiti. sud sha bad ta gîva it up. The disorder Do' eer at everyhatiy's religions, inrae othat the vrysight cf mila aliel. wosîid prodsîca etlects bordening on convul- sions, Sue Insu luit appesisa but would feal Dan'tiry to ha anythîug aise buta centie- ane campieteiy goîîme ast tha stomachi that sîhe woman-and that sutans a woman wbo bas bad ta est a crseker suad taka same harley cousideraton for the whole wcrid sud whose soup frequeuiyty quiet the distarbane ile is governed hy the golden mIle, "Dec witbin. She to 1, tuedicine for dyspapsia tinte others as you wouid ha doua by." sud every kucie sso(mscl disease, bus got n relief. She chauged doctors sud 'hue A Good Naine. uew dact haviai' had an experiauca ni Mn. Kidd-"Tbnst yonug man bas a good thîs nature baioe, gasvelier medîciîse te o aeisum'a1 kilI sud expel tise lizards. For tbree vears pdit s .-1shui hlise;al h tise pnor asoinan suierad ail kiuds of physi- girls seesu teaf sit cal sud usental sgouy. Hanr whoie systesu, kiducys, itvet andI stonaach warealal ont cf orden. Ber heast would flutter sud Sure Death, Anyhow. palpitate an laîutiy as to ha impercep- Scientist (aS raiiroad restaurant)-"Da tibia, sud a snaotherinig feeling wbuld o nw ita ai am sso came over lhan, that it wa ofenthouaît -vucide?" hs ssdatigssso sitshd imoît gr ane, ber neres Dnnmmer-"It may ha; but on this ro ad memany a almotgule nr1vsDw estiug is starvation." ahattered sO that the least snddan nînve- meuS wautd bring ou collapse thrgugb extrema weakuass. Sittinîg or §taudiug oins would haedizzy sud axperience masS L E depnusssd feelings sud inwneas ofaspirns. Yaung, nid onrniddia aged, who find iheos, Alten the nemoval ai the reptiles, the selves nations-, waak sud axhausted, wbo doctat ssnctiouad the use nf Dr. Williams' are broken down imom excesor ovenwork Pink Pillsansd she sans tbnee boxes resuiting lu mauy of the fnllowisug sym. but iound n apparent relief.' She tIson psons: Mental deptessian, promàaue nid gave up tisein use neliaviug she was past age, bass of vitaIity, is oi mensory, bad the aid ci madiclua. At tis tima a dreanis, dimnesni sighs, palpitasionni Mrs. Haighs, wbo suti'ened twelve weeks iehsS misospakofeegpi wlth la grippe, aud wbn was omplsteiy lu the kidneys, headaches, phiîpiles on the restoract hy taking Dr. Wiliams' Pink face sud body, itcising or peculiar seusa. Pilla fnr Paie People, urged Mis. toin about the scrotum, wastiug nf the Wesifall te beglu the usa of Pink Pille ras iznssek eoeteee again. Sh id oadsoop hepancaîvedtwisching ni the Mfuscles, eyelids sud aise. the r beneficial affects. Heasppetite bagan wbera hbashfiluesa, deposits lu the urina, te improve sud ion twon moscsths she bas ioss nifaili pnwer, tendernesoi the scalp steadiiy gaiued strangsh, beaith sud steadi anL pie weak sud flabhy muscles, de- nasa of narve sud mamory. Shae au uow sire teYslep, faiture ta ha nasted hy staep, do lier household work sud feala as wel a constipatian, dulunesse ni hearng, losa nf ever. Sha says she cannaS speak asstnongiy 1n-ce, dasire fer solitude, excitabîhity of of Pink Pilla as sha wnuid tike ta, sud ieels smaau"neas'urnnldwt very graseini fer the graS gooti resuliîg LEADEN enCILaS, oily iookiisg skin, etc., fnîum the 'use ni this wonderiui medicine. -are ail symuptosesof nervous debility that4 M is. Haight, hefore naierrad to, is au- iead to inssnisy unlesa cureoi. The spring tbusiast ,ic over bier own paniect* reenvery or vital farce baving loss its tension avary item the sitar affects oi la grippe, feeling functionwsues lu conequenca. Thosen as well as ever she did lun l uie.* Sha whn thrcngh abuse eonsmitted lu ignor. alan corroboaaes tisa aboya statement s'a- rance, may hae permanently eurad. Seud garding Mrs. Westfall's cura. oradesnd1cntintmpfra Thes pils re poitiv cue fr hcbok ou diseasea peculiar ta issu. sent troublas arising inom a vitiased condition aealed. Addrass M. V. LUBON, 24 Macc ni the blond on a shattered nervnus systesu. donnait Ave., Torcnto Ont., Canada. Sald hy ail dealers or hy mail, frein Dr. 6y Williasms' Medicine Coiupany, Brnckvilla, 31 Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y. ast 50 cents a 'ihe oid Caunt Spoiverini bas bad bis box, os' 6 boxes fnr l$2.50. Tisera are an.uealionîs beant set ah i aw by the fiery aroîss imitations sud substitutions agains glances oi a bewitching young lady, sud lha wh.îch the public la cautjoued. proposes tse ber ini the inllowing ternis: ______________Il_ Sigîsotias, will yen di" r- i- houer of becnmiîîg My widow '" - REL AR INBEGGNQ. How 10 get a "Sunlighit" picturs. - Send 25 ý'Sunlight" Soap wrsppors Tie Imge slo s '?ea sîL4 pi yeLe is er s (w rapp r earing the wers lîm W by D ep a l'ctim. a Wninan Lnok Oîd SoonuanThan a Man") tu LEvit Bitos , Ltd., 43 Sett St,,, Tha professinnal begzar inNew Yorkt uses Toronto, and ycu wîht nocaive by post s varions devîces ta getass asting, for if hae psty picture, free frnma advartisiug and eau once gain the attention ol bis iuseuded weti worth framing. -This ie ais easy victisulha bas taken the firs step toward way ta decrnte yaîîr home. The snap success. is the hcst su the market, sud ih wiii "Cianyen direct me te Ninetietb street ouly cost le. postage te sauf lu tise sudSevntî avnue't"sîkf spoelywrsppers, if Vou heava the ends open. and evetliaveue ? ased porlyWrite ycur addness carefuiiy. dresadavousuwlîm me luFonteeth She-" How featfnl ih muet ha ior a street.' greas singer te know she bas lest bier Il You had bha st take tha elevatednroad at veice." Ile-" It's mtîcb oare tnnturing hie corner sud, ges off as Nuety-tbind whau se dnes't kuow it." trees," I suswered. .1'110W TO CIREt ALL SItIN ISIASEtO' "Hnw fat la it ?" Simpiy apply "SWAvNsî'S OINTMENT." About four miles," I said. No internai miedicina required. Cures "Thai's s long ways tn walk sud 1lates', aczema, itch, ail euptiens on the have'taent Cold ou iveme nikleface, ha-Dds, nasa, etc., leavimzg the skin clear, white sud haishy. Itî groat hat- te psy Mi' lare V,' iîsg abid curative pnwers are poêsossed by Witbln three days 1 agalu met tl'e woman nnoailier ramedy. Ask yonr druggist for ai the samne place, witb tue samne stnry. SAYNE'S OINTMENT. LmnSouo & SDo-vomi aneak Garmun ?" ahsie.v<1- 1 Lma DISEAEDLe/r. UG CT.flED -,Y TAKING 'Mi n I ylu1- '- an fT dl wht î"" often dCone jdoctor, wlîViond, n eamîIng suIle,1tna t Ille IuPIIr parti()f teleit iig as b.clly iff 4ced. o -;dcîesle gave medi d not ar(jI n bdo anly goî, sud I d e1 iedta i ry Ayerls Cheni y ?eétorsl . Alr týisli a f 'w dloas s jtrouible 1i elee, and ec fuîpe 1 hil fIished the, botti- '(1 s -A. Las LAIZ, w atcIiE2aaher', iagvll.Ot Ayer's CcyPta Highest AwardFiea ox4 I'X' F"OR SALE OR RENT.-HIous: and 8cugog street north. The premisas cùn5ýist 0' a gnod lheuse with avery cnone ie riving ehed, stable, etc. Tise garden coatains a, lot Gi the ehoieesi, fruit or ail varictie 8, Imo(diaute poissess-inueau be gven. Forpaicarapi THE CANADIANepSi'ATE*"SiMAU4 ESTABLISHEID 151 $1 par anunsuiluailvance,otews 1.. Subscriptious alvayj psable wia îis publication. Advertisiîn, ratas alaI b01) tact, 10 centsý par flle, noupirsei tin as cu, and 5 cents par line a cssusa lats- kertion. Locais, 10 cents par line. M. A. JAMES, Publisijr PA5ge Coil Spriojg Fence. Theouoly master of expansion and contraction. A fuit stock of Fisrm, Garden, Lawn aud Ornamensal Fence always ini stock. Ordors eolicited and particularsm yn or mnailed on application, by " Box 148, Vo%îsiaiivi!le, Ont., ,Kole dealer, whotlesalo and rtalfor County cf Durham and Eset Whitby. SPOTS 1 ND BLEMISHES§ CAUSED BY PAD BLOOD, ~UREBDyB LOOt54NZt5 Jt Liu~tî,5. DsîAsoSltc, I amu ilanui te- BB.B. becasase 1 arn ta day sroug aud wel thongh is wauderfui blood cieausiisg pawers. Iweiobe vtaarfln spots sud biesuishes ail av iaY body sud avas advised to ts'y11 Burdnock Eieod Bitters. I took ona bottl, thgruat benefit, sud eau positiseiy sythat before I hadftakeu biah a(d. the aecandc baiSSe I wae PE FEOTLY GURED 1 arnsa pieased tn l n n su hnathy agalu by the use -ï ïBB.su 1 ca s trongly secoruscid h'! in vcy -body. L - oPoLOîEZOl' lnnr4, -'-4-' s~o

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