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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1894, p. 1

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s 1~ TIERMS :-$1.5O PEn ANNTTM. f OURi TOWN AND COUJNTY FIRST; TEE W03IILD AFTERWÂARDS. M. A. JAMES EDITOR> AND) PROPRIETOR. NEw SERIES, BOWMANV.LLLE, ONTARIO, WEDN'ýES.DAY, OCTOBE7 31, 1894. UMXLNUBJ44 Fas h.i oni Has, Deereed shahl be the fashion-f able JYLTERIAL for, season., Dvresses, this We have- themf in ail the newest, colors TYRONY. Mr. J. Collacott has returned from hie trip to Western Ontario. ..,. Mrs. R. Col- lacott, sr., has been quite il.... Mrs. W. Wight visited her aid home Maiposa last week... . Belleville delegates report a very enjoyabie time at the convention ... Re-, member the Circuit Quarteriy Meoting t Bethesda on Sabbath ab 10.30 am. 0 Rif.GEO, 4RRËTT o Toronto, Ontario. As Wellas Ever After Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla Curedl pf a Serlous Disease. "I was suffering tram vilat is knowu as lirighsf's disease tonrfIve yeans, ami fan iays at a fime 1 have licou unable ftefraighfen usysoîf up. 1 w as in bei afo hsec iceke; iuring thsat f itn 1 bai leeclses applici and denivefi no boese- PLt Seeing Itoo's Sarsapailîla advenfisec in t' apars I decideil ta try a boffle. I oni rcilef befare Iliai Ilshedtaking haIf oaabof- t' -. I gaf 50 mmuclihelp tnom faking flihefiirt botf le that I decided ta try anaflier, asni aince taking thse second baifle I teel as ,vell as ever I Ci i.a sy lif." GO. MERRETT, Tononita, Ont. 1in Dreadf ul Condi1 t0In Viston :-issGrant, Toronto, at Mrs. W, fi. Martins; Mna. T. Giadman, Peter- bcjtý at Dr. Mîtchelî's; Mn. Homes, s an sd MrJ. Stevens, MapleGrove, t Mr, Gea. L. Stevens . .. .Rev. Wmn. JoLJiffj.le ýwmanville, will preaci quarter- ly meeting sýermon next Suuday ar 10.30 v,. a), Sehool mneets at 3 p. i. Mr. Jua. Stinun will give s repart of the late S.S. Convention at Belleville. Aýs Or,î As ANTIQEUl'j. Either hy a,.quircd taint or heredity, tfieo'd feus S fnsd Consomaption, muet be faced g2lîeration atter generatian ; but yen may moeef fhem witi the odds in yonr f aven b>' fiej help etf Sctt's Emuision. -HAMPTONV. Vistor:-esas.W. fi. Creeper, JonB. Hobbs, -Haydnî ; Mn. James ?Nluliern sd wife, E." r;Mrs. John Mitchell, Enniikille,,, vîsiiug Mna.'W. H. Roersboe;Mnr. W. Runie and tamily, Be1 aa Mn. John flonu home tram Pickering... Mn. C. Evenett Brown vIiaýiteod bis fiendi Mr, J. H. Fluiot, Tan- onto, Saturday.,. . Miss Rosci and Mr. A% B. Crydenman delegates to Belleville S. S, Coveton .. Mn. James Burnns cap- tunred, a lange fox recetly.... Mn. Thomas Wýilca)x la. nparing sud improviugis 15 OFAS n TORING. Wm. Golding, comrca ravelfler, 130 Est.hen.st Ton- oI ta, kasys- For 15 years I sufi'ened untold' mniseny trami Itciing Piles,. somefimes called pin wonms ansd imany wecks trouble. Itidegtohrpl iter aibd sacalled reniedies vith na, perm)anent, relief to tick intense itching sud stirnging, which irvitaied by socnstchitog wonld bleed snd uicenate. One iý3taabo-x etClsaee's Osuitieut cnred mne comlpletelY. Vstn:Mn. andcl s A. E. Clempuns eL.M.,oniea Mn. W. C. and Miss A,ýhtoii. Newcapitle, sud Mrt.LU T. Cent- ti;ýa at MnI. Jas. Canrtice's; Miss Bess-ie Ua Cmpilîfrdtflier siistcr's, D ID. U CFactory. ... MiRssNi. Tooley is visit- lp~fnindeat nihia.. ,r. . S. B aoks snrivd bie fOtra hfeOld Coýun- on CriSIturda>'. a daybeferp e o aax ueeted. tie SS. VnovrOn whhnh l le MALLGROFVi. Mn. Wm. MeClelian had a husking bee ... Tiere wae a bce Mauday fixing the dburci promiss.... Mr and Mrs. S. Colo have beed visiting fnîeuds Bt IHampton... Mr, sud Mns. J. Stevens and Mn. and Mrs. VGea. Power visited at Enniakillen. 25 CENTS VS. KIDNEY Titouua.-For 2 ycas 1 waa dased, pilied snd platened fan weak-back, scalding urine and con- stipation, witheut henefit. One box et Chase'a Kidney-Livcn Pisarolievod, '3 boxes cured, R. J. Smith, Tarante, S1L4AW',qS SCHOOL HO USE'. The fanions iuteud haviog a debate bore in thc scisool hanse on Friday nigit niexita bogiti at 7 30 a'ciack, subjec- Rcselved, That dIseuse sud butter makiag le mare profitable flan mixed tarming. ITien again ou Tnosday nigit. Nav. 6thi tiene will bu a meeting iu th ic shoal- hanse af Providence ta hegin at 7 30 whon discusision an this subj oct wîll be nesuîed aud Pîotessen Robertson is ex- pected toasddneas the meeting. Tlscre la talk o a sciese sud butter tsctary being stsrted as tic t arions are iuclinod ta tny daryiug iu prefenence ta grain gnewing. Fanions are nequeeted f0 attend bath meetings sud take part su the discussion upan this vory important subjeet. WALTER RICUARD, Secnetary. On Tnesdsy Oct. l6th Bt 5 o'clock a 'lange nunben et relatives sud fnieuds of Mn. sud Mrs. Sanmuel Riokard uncene- mouionsly teck possession et their homne ta clebrate their crystal wedding. Mn.- Riekard was iluh erield a hoiedrew noar fihe house ho called rie servant and ensquinecd wiat these, thinga meaut.. Re wasa informod that the hanse waa jacked fraui ceilan tô garrot wffihfienda who had came ta reaaiud theni et that happy event, wiich fook p'ace fitteen yens aga. The firat ondon waB tf0 npsck tie weil fiiled baskets sud soon s qumuptnous repaaî vies pravided by fie ladies whicl wss pantak- on of by about 150 pensons. Tic coi- pauy vis next called faonder by Mn. C, M., Cawken, Bew;manville, who- plac3d Mn. and IMrs. î' cicard lu fie aid anm chairs, and tien cslled uppn Mns. John, Tg iew ta adtic tollowing addroaa: DEAn FRîEatNp,-Wc are rehsinded byv fie chilq - wînds sud fie falliug lbaves as Very Cheap PaDers, TiiE STATESM%.NAnesu Wek Globe or IleektY Mail ta -ud (t-1895 b-r $1.50. The Farmens' Suni, organ efthfe Paf- rnn,--a ratfiing live paner-îs clubbed wtl Tun STATEsmAN at f$1.5o. Ail uew suliscnibens eau uow get fie Christian Guandian b in Éeuet 1f 895- 15 manfls-tor only $1,25. EveryMeh- odlst fsmily siand.id ow take nt We shahl fuie pesu in torwanding il, anu-. sciptians froc et change. We clubisE STTESMN ith and fake endors for ail ncwspýlapursansd magazines Bt lowest cluîbbiugý rates. Adcincsa ail ordens te M. A. JAMES, BOWmnanVille,Oat, Send yonn namie sud addness on a postal card f0 TalE WEEItLY NEWSy 3, i1s , S - Ont., aud van awihi receave TnE KNsa WEEKýLY NEysa until Dec, lst isoxt troc ot chbarge, The paper wiii not ho sent aff on Decemabor 1sf unlees yen psy for ht in adi- Dariington <Jounc.. Town iasl, Hampton, Sept. 27,194 Rogular meeting; meuiensa il presoent; minutes et last meetings read sud canfiai- ed. A communication was presentedý( tramn B. Baer & Ce. lun eference fatuieh Black Creek bridge; neceived sud fid A pefition was prcsented frai John Lawi- un and 31 athers pnayiug fhe council net ta grant tie prayer ofthei petitian pro- sented at Ias meeting for, epuniug fie raad befwcen lots 34 aud 35 lu Su on.;- laid ovor fa ucxf meeting. MIr. Clemo)nsi presented two tenders tor the punchaso otf the Brauton hanse sud lot lu the villagec of Tyrone; that f etHeuny Rainvas se- ecepted ab $175, sud Mn. Clem1eus waa lu- stnncted fa cacepiete fie hargain. On motion fie clerk vas instnucted te nat-ity fie G. T. R. Co te put tiocrcossing 5fa tic road hctwcen lots .14 sud 15 in propen nepair. Tie ýclerL isa aiea intstnuiited te uaîity James Seci hta miove ils fonce off flicr nacdIlot 10 coni. 4. On mo)tion 'tic collecter vas lnstnuctcd strictly f0 carry ont fie lavi in collectiug afti taxes on aný hetoreo Dec. 14, and nof taopeu)3t any exý- tension iof tiiiq., umfa i ev was instructcd ta grýanteors au onthe treasuer forpa ofetet indenmen- tion,-ed accet!us. Ans. Canoti, railroad ticket to llliniÏiL S S IO o hr.,, y~VyY7l,~ fN'isiIN I i4ujy vviuviv, COUH5 OHNTON& CYDER MAN, BOW\MANVILLE. is Quality that Determines Value, is Quality that Proves the Price. Ne keep the best of qualities at the ]owest prides in BOOTS AND SH-OES. Ladies' Fine Buttoned Boots at' $1.25. Gents' Fine Lace Boots at $1.25. lI these days when money taiks we are able ta, make rates with the manufacturers. We buy far CASH in the RIGEIT MARKET and sell for CASH at RIGEIT PRICES ; that is why we command trade. 'That is why you can do so well with us for BOOTS and SIIOES, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. We keep the KJND you need at, PRICES you. can pay. Old Staud--Sign of Big Beot draweu hy t we lorses, Ring Streer, Bawmauvilie. WALL STREET! Operate Successfully in Wall Street vHRUGIIOucUR Ce-Operative R. R. Stock Syndicate. Large Profits Realizefi with Minimum Ifisks -Prospectus and Baliy Mlarkcet Ietter"l HIGHEST IIELIERENCE. WEINMAN & CO0., M~tcIand rin BroLer, 4-3w ha your digestion weakened by la grippe? Use K. D, C. Cauch, 'Jobuston & Cryderman are siowiug a fine stock et really firat-clasa qualify i lBl e lateaf styles of Ladies' Fur Capes iu Greenlaud Seai, Grpy sud Black Pensian Lamb, Sable, Black Martin, Opossum, Bochanen, &c. These are the beat goêda tiat cau ho procured aud at noasanabie pricea. Ir,&Pla'-e in GCada t get Business Edu- Cat.ofl, Sltorthand, * _______________etc., is at the Cn *ee Toronto, Ont., and BSiness Col- *Unguestanably Canada's Greate.stCo ' X * niercial Sebools. Catalozuets free.' Mec- *tien titis paper. Shaw & hitt, Prin-Cipals. Minard's Liniment ià used by Physicianrs. ?tude ta Hood's Sarsaparilia.j "C. 1. llood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: I "Dear Sirs-I felt it im duty ta let Yeu knaw ite goacl {ad's Sarsaparilla baC(Iofr me. I have been traubleli wift sumuieýr ceniplaint for yeurs, unable ta, do anytbing. 1 tried everythutng but seemeli ta get sno relief. Thon 1 became a vicfim of fthc grip and was left iu a drealiful stafe, se weak 1 eould seareely Wonlz anci vhenlIdidlI wrkedinimisery. TIse dmgtor sai l.' Bigt' dseseMllykidneys were iu (Ira dfutl 1 Àia. If oued one of your pa)persat,,ny Ceai, and on reading if decideci te give llaad's Sa;rsaparilla a trial, tbi'nking ail h, tiine it w as isef mucli use as naflaig elped ire bc'forc. Dut, tlank Ged, I gaf relief after thse lirsi baffle. I kept ou talting if and used i if baffles; amn novi a cured manl; neyer feit botter. 1 have iaudly recomenseded HoodIs Sarsapa- rilla, fer 1I awe my lite te if andftope tlsis inay lie thle meaus et leading atisers fa give if-a fain trial." JOSs{UA SMITH, iNorwich Ave, Woi- steck, Ontario. laundico. biliiannes., sick headaclie. indIge-stian. YOU WJLL SAV 1E MOâNEYý BY PUIRCHASING A $EWING MACHINE RIOKÂRD'S Ho nov keepu t tEAD AS WELL AS THEE NEW RAYMON Bath are first-class machiines and prices right. Be sure you call!fIIdc see them for yourself. Thoy are simple in construction, quiet in motion, easy to mni, 1m1act& of the best matenial, flnishied in à workman-like manner andm1anufac- tuired in Canada. S !) Y T. N. RIOKARDI watciumakor, Jeweler asud Opticsail. Neada L8Bloch-, Bowiuanviile, )r of the churci. eniug ta, join ,wltfl yen in celetrating thl RA E VAN GIESON. -Chie f Inspectar of anniversary of that impo)rtanut event- Bor fFie-icerrtrYOUe -n no no oubt 'I icr :" ve taken your K. Du C. reca1I many titis of sorrow. and anxiety with tsatixsfactory resuta; I can f reeiy since you pnomised ta help and comfort relammndIt ta any sufforin g f rom each othen in the baî tle of life; but thene d~sepia Ithink 1 have it as bad ashbas aise been many j ayons and happy st oneculd well have it, but 1 ar nnw times and te nigit )u eau look up ta frýe 1fit gave Vour goocis a fair trial. the Giver of ail good and say "Surely sud sa aways have'a bottle an band itooduesea ad mercy have followed us aUI for, use ta correct indiscretions in diet." the daya of aur lives. " We asic ta accopt _______________this hangîng lamp, dinner service and gentleman's accretary, as a reminder of ENFIE!LD. aur good wishes and trust that yau may Vstr:Mr. Fred Mitchell, Dakota; be spared may years ta eeiaci ter and ta M M Fetcher, Oshawa; Mr. T. Short- yaur famiiy ta net only enjoy taci other's rilb-e. Sauina; Moesans. John McOulliaci sacioty but ta wark out more perfectiy sud C. Msckey at Mn sale; Mr. John Me- the will of aur heavenly Father. Calloc1h wiil teach Kinosie achool next Signed on behaif af the campany. - n ...M rs J. F. Hurîhut gave an "at C. M. CAWVKER, h om oMnday evening-quite a spicy JOHN 1 GI.oW. tise . A,_À choir hias heen organized in Mn. Ricicard made a very fitting reply, concinwiti the Division, with Prof.' saylng hie was greatly taken by Burpie Uuibtasleader .. .. Tunnips which are B but waa giad ta kuaw lie had se many ffir yield are being barvested .... Enfieid fienda; lie ioped they woulft speud a band called an Mn. J. Niddery iast week pleasant time together. Hoe had neyer ad woeeused In sllck style as Usual. negretted the ehaice lie had made fifteeu THE FCompLExioN.- There are yeara age; ho fouud in Mna. Ricicard a two caus!es of hal complexin-the one true helpmatc wlth wiom .ta battie ci ýpende1nt upon the conditions of: the through lit e. The chairman then cald digestive orgzans, the othen on the con- upon 11ev. Gea. Copeland ta peoran his mdttor of fhe blood. A remedy like part as no wedding was pnaperly celebrat- ~EeljysivnLensf tue is ed without the minister. Mn. Copelaud corutinued, cannot fail ta toue up tjie cougratulsted himseli ou getting acquaint. cniiplexiou, because it acta'dinectiy upon ed with the Riekard family. 'He was ai. tie stomacih and liver and at the samne so glad ta oe ra many youug people pres- timie purifies tie hioad. For saliowness eut; lie haped ta have the pleasure of adfi- <pluples, trv the continued use of those cisting at mauy resi weddiugs durng hi.% ozue.They are 25 cents a box or 5 stay at Nie*catle, as this kind did not boxýes fcx, a dollar, psy. Mn. Thomas Ellison spoke iin veny glo wing terme of cie Riekard fanmily es- pecialiy of the aid lady. Be had beon DALINGTON STATION. lien class leader for a nuinben of years and 11ev, R D. Fraser heid ra promnisE meet- was sarny that tirougi infirmities aie iYng mn the achool hanse Friday eveninff. deprived of the privilege af chunci fellow- ..The sacool bouse is mchilmpi-aved slip. Thene waa a numben of othen con- b', tlie additionof new lampa... . Mn. Gea, gratuiatory speeches, necitations, instru- Fnank lest aR valuabie cow killed hy the mental music, singing, etc. 11ev. Mn, e9rns.--,--Miss Maggje Oke hias returmed Copeland closed with prayer and ail went iQme frani ant extended visit with friends h1ome feeling happien and better for hav- P-u Syracuae, _N. Y ... ,Mrs.,~Tboo. Powens îug met togother. The dinner, set 'and la idi-posd .... Mrs. Win. Bitton had lauip were purchased at Cawker & Tait's an, aid fashioned quiltiug bee iast week.. and the secret any at Mn. Levi Morris' , s. WaIter Oke is anodnd avain. ... furniture store. We extýend1 a hearxty welcame ta Mns, O. For aven fifty years MRs. WiNsLaw's P , Hall, jr..ý . . Farinera are bufiv market. SOOTunNG Svrup has been uaed by mil- I-ing buckwieat... Mn. Levi VanCamp lions ef mothons for thein childnen while fssud danigltersi viaitod Toronto necentiy.. teothing. If distunbed at nigit and Mvn. J enninga has a new organ... Mn. broken of youn nest by a sick child suf- John Witherid2e bas started ta plow bis fering and cnying witi pain of Catting ý,rm... Mn. Goo. Frank la about remav- Teeti send at once aud get a hattie af ing ta a fanm west of Caurtice... Mn. "Mra, Winslow's Soathing Syrup" fan ïï-ar-ly, carpenter, is rnovatine tihe Chiîdren Teething. It will reliove the Wýitheridge hoiestea1. ...Mn. il.Mantin pon littIe s ufféerniîmediately. Depend atteuded the Teaciens' Convention .. .. A upon it,mothers,thene is no mistake about tiuamber of fieudF4 spent a pleasant even- it. It cures Diannhoea,regulates the Stoni. 3ipg at Mn. (4eo. Frarnk's recently... M a s and Bowels, cures Wiud Colie, sof tons C. 'Truili had an onion bee 6ne da Iatthe (Guisn, roduces Inflammatian, and week .. -ViRitors--Mirs. W. Hamly at gives wne and enongy ta the whole systea. Mrs. JenDings'ý; Mn GrigL, and daughtor, "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp" fe r Rrid Mr. and Miss Pollard at Mr. Luloc ilidren teethingY is pleasant ta thé t.ate B uttory's; Miss L, Penfound and Miss E. aud is the prescription of eue of the aldoat 'Rimle bt Mns.'T. VanCamp's; rMn.W.aud lest temale physiciana sund nurses lu Ronentt at John Wright's; Mn. Johi nàu the United States. Pnice twenty.flve cents WW th ige t heir mother's. abottle.Socby ail!rugltstiouglaut »Yspepsia sobiom causies deati, but tico world. Be sure and asic for"M. 1,IOTits its victime to liveounin miaery. IsO' ovxaSBP' j:11(Ode4" Sansaparilla c'Ures dy.spepsi au ý'OI itomaoh troubles. Minard's Liniment Lunsbernman'a Frien servîni4 notices ta attend court for doa.. $12; EberMlon sheep damages, $2 Gen, Avery do, $5.6; Roýbent, Byers,do ehiWirïn, 10 on g ratvel, $8.50; 'Geo. Carnish"-, 109 do, $,.45; Win, Werry, 17 do, 8e;A.'S. Tooiy. 2)0 do, $1; Richard N-ichaig, i86 do. $3;John Stainton, il do, 55e7; E., Mooro, 13; do, 650; 1. L. Brown,aseor tein court nevisson ocf votera' liait, $1 50; MLrs. EdsalJ, inail,, etc., $3; KR. Nîchols, d-%i, age ta land by p)artiebs taking gravel, $4;- John Martin, wark andc grave], $5397 ; L M. Courtice, wonk ar Black's Creek bridge, $29.25; Indigents, BenWion Janet Wilson, Mrs. cUrtis, $5 eachi; Mal, lot. $4; Mns, Lane, Mrs, Staples and JT Wilcox $3 eacli; Mna, Campbell, Jas. Kerr and Thomas Ward $2 oach. On motion the concil adjourned ta Saturday Nov. 24 at 10 a.m. R. Windatt, T, C. EIIGH SCIIOO0L NOTES. 1The bays held their annual athietie meetinz Oct. 25 ta, organize3 a Foot Bail Club for the caming season, The follow- ing oflicers wene elocted: lian. Pre.- Mr. D. Burke Simpson, Q. C, ; Pres.- Mr. A. Myens, B, A. ; Secy. -Norman Moyes ; Troas. -Neil Colilie; Capt.- W. J. Trenauth ; Executive Uommittee- P. Hook, C. McClung and F. Moroney. Witli this able officership jthe'baya wili strive ta uphoid the highhonor of the Bawmanville Higli School in the Fojot Bail field. An onthuisiastice arganization meeti was held by the Litorany Society on Fri- day last and a gaod' beginning made fer the work of the terni mn this direction. The election of officers resulted as follows. lian. Pres.-J. G. Witton, B. A., Pres. -W. J. (>rchard; Vice Pres.-N. S. McDonald : Secy. -Mise E. R. Brown ; Treas -N. Coiville; Crittc-Miss Mac- Kenzie, B. A. ; ExecutIve Cammitte- Mie Warder and H1. Pruat, Forni IV.; Mies Tilley and F. Moroney, Fan IIHL Mi4ss Momet anBId C. MOCIang,Form II,; MissThompson and'B.MéMrtry,Form I. Under this pnesidency we cannot but pre- dict a very fruitf ni year. PHOTOS ! PHOTOS! People are now alive ta the fact that Tait & Ca. eau make as goc Crayon Portraits for the swnaîl aunÈ cf $S.5O, framed, as anyone else can offer themx. Don't be imrposecio a by agents wio want threo times as much morwey foýr thec saine quality of picture but eait and see, 'Tait's excellent sampies before ivn yaur order and Vou wiii we are sure ýbe pleased with their work. Tait & Co's photographs can not h6 exceliod and the people know it. T"',t is whv they patronizo hi. lTbey Lkeep up ta the styles in cardeand have sonie very pretty new onea now CLal] andi see, thein photos anyway if you dlon' want some 4of Vour own. Thein gontie aotion and good -e!'ect jonIthe systeni really make theni a perfect littie pîli, They please thase who use them., Carter'. Little Liver Pilla may weil be termed "Perfection."ý 't Itj -1 i VOLTTIME XL. Y, UMPER 44. 10 14 1

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