~~4hC 71~ r»- James B. lNch&oCls. CANCER ON THE LIP CURIED BY A y rnvSarsa- parilla "I cnsuted doctors whu prescribed for mebu t nupupoe. I ffered in aguny s~vn lngyeas.Flnally, I begal n n AymsSarsaparilia. Ia a week or twoI noieia deciderl improveient. Encour- a gedý by ibis resuît, 1 persevered, unfil in a iiieoth or su the some began to heal, and, -atteri ising the Sarsaparilla for six mnoths, ts mt trace ofthtIe cancer disappeared."- AMSE. NICHOLSON, FlOrealceVile,,N. B. Ayer'~~~-SaîsapaBrilla Admitted at th, ol' ax The War Chest of Europe. Ini bis irticle un "The War Chest uf Euriiope," pablisheti in the Nineteenth Cen- tury, Pr-of. Fieinrîcb. Geffeken says that Cerman,%y has a war treasure of $30,000,006 mn coipwd gold lying in the Jalius Tower at SprXwhile France, uEisia, England aîîthe ! other great pûwers ut the world hýave iocked s iutheir war chests ail the go,," 'they can lay their hands on. Prof Geif- tien las nut-been able to make an estimate ot the total ameunaiut cnrrency thas put ouit uf the eacb of the wori's trade, but it le uadoubtedly large enough tu have u very srosrestrictive effect, A still more suerousq recuit of the preparation for war in Îl ime ut peace is the permameor war dlehî rendered necessary by heavy payamenti' for army, navy andi pensions. The war chest andi the 'war deht taken together custitute ihe mnost serious obstacle now in the way ut pupular ativancement. No torm ot )ad or cummodity monopoiy, bati as maiay outhtem are, is su oppressive ru the sarner ,as the restriction ut the medium tîbrougýh whiclî he muat exehange bis pro. , uats-if he do jr at al-when thie restrije- tion le accumpanied by an increasing bur- tien of interestwhicb mut be. paid ont, ut his earninge. This system uf oppression is pecuiarly modern, Jr is a resait ut the miitary imperialism wbicb bas taken the place ut Enropean feudaiism. Incidentai- iy îvt aiords the favorities or the masters ot govramrent the most scientifio method ut rohbing the peuple ever deviseti. Andi iis undoubtediy the muet enective, The Last Resort. 171t was plan geti into the vortex uf per p.vixty, and the girl was standing resolute. ly apon tbe brink, gazing down at im.s Re looked np ai ber belpiesely.' "Aaid yen objeci ru my cahing su fre- qnienly ?" be said. "'Ye-," sFe nod4ýçed. "niI am nt4 ru he our'escort on al ocsionsiý, as beretoture '" "o." "Nor eau you by your firet name 1 -Nor thînk ut yon any longer as my Ile gaze.d apun he, as one standing upon ibe, sb;-re gazes upon a receding ship. "Weli," be groaneti ; Il the end ut unr romiance bas coma, anti we mnst get mar- Theý ligbr that shone in ber face gleameti fo r 20 eeah the ormlafor rmaking Scott's E rnulsion has been endorsed by phýlysicians of the whole world. No seccretL about it. This is oae of its str-on-ge-st endorsements. But the srnetendorsemeat possible is inthe vtal strengt/î it gives. nouishs. t desmore for weak Bab i iesdGro1-w,,iing Children than avother k1ind of nourishment. It sci'aghes WakMothers and re- 'toes 'ehto ;ail suffering from Emaciatontt ad General Debility. FrCoughs, Colds, Sore Throatt, Bron- cliWeakLzUngs, ConsumptiOn, Blood DitesOs nd Lci ofFlesh.i 'COIt&BCïwn-e, CB:eleieM IlDrugits 50C. &$ over bis own rues anti tripe np othen tolks wiris 'cm, îoo. For hie breeding, tais sentiment ru hum wlsen be e sî arving, anti asli hlm ru carrys banti-box tiown thse pub- ic street wben y-,,'v- just bat a ruw. T. i test Lis temper, telauhlm hie nues is a litte un ons site anti yu i don'r lise the way bis luair rgrowe-'unti riat won'm tetcb hlm nolhing wili WFIAT*CAUSES TUBERCULOSIS. FURELY UAÂIAN NEWS# <attle Are lnjured- by Cosmienîen"n INTERESTIN(G ITEMS ABOUT OUR ilot 1talies lbmring the sunîsacor anti l inter Menths. OWN COUNTRY. i ýi. A Comparison. Comparisons are sometimes odjous. But there je mure truth than puerry in the fui. lowiag ftacts, which are taken f rom a guod authority. The Unaitedi States bave spent nearly $470,000,000 i n buiding' churches and $500,000,000 in building jails. It coat $i50,0U',000 a year turnn the churclias ad $400,000,000'ro run tise jails. Xhe intareer money on the jails amounts to twu anti une- haiftlimes as mach per yea-r as the whole church aises for hume anti toreîgn missions, They psy uut eighitlimes as mach for run.- nîng their teilow men duwii anti jailing them as they do in lîyving to make th(mbttrs they will flot need jail. Dwarf Cattie The Samoan Islande are the naturai hab- itat ut the must diminutive species et var- îety uf the genus :bus now known tu the naturalist. 1?be average weigbt ut the maies ut these liliputian cattie seidom ex- peeti 200, pounde. the average being net greater thau 150 pountie. The females usualiy average about 100 pouatis larger, are verv "stocky" built, eeldoin being taller than a merînu sheep. Tîmese dwart cattie are niearly ail uftnfle same colr- reddîsh inouse color niarketi wîrb white, Tbey have veËy larRe hèads as compareti with their bodies -ai their boras 'are ut exceptional length. THE CA/E OE UEÂTH. A GRUESOME PARISIAN DRINK SHOI THAT MIAKES THE HAIR STAND. A fluor or Black Mfauginzs With Sl e, s'cars. LentEs tu, a litoosi Wiere Cefflit Serve as Tables -Tickets for tise Othe On tha Boulevards de Cichy, short distance nortb ut the great boule iyard anti hait way up the Muat martre Hll-tbe quarter ufthIe Moulii Rouge anti the Rat Mort, ut joun aliets -anti artiste anti muitels-is Io catadthie Cefe dus la Mort. The froni le pain ted blalsk. A boy in monmning stand upoarbhe sidewaik tu distnihure invitatiot carte : "Ho, Cioas, ut Moulin, blintiat by priiel corupteti anti rurteti by passion anti vice oi alkiiiti! 'Wnretcbes tremble ! Anti if ibant ha still finie, Comas enter anti perbape my Spectacle, by ils reaiity, oaay maSs you boter anti open 1o Von the oniy borizon, the cola anti ut ail îbiags bera blow-and that ila Norbiagnees. I walt fom yen. The t'our is ititea by blacks hangingq sown with silvar teame. You pusb the hangngs by anti srap imm a spaclous taris J net room, wbere a taw cantiies give ai impressive twilight. A dozene cofine or supporte repacus tbe ortimaary cata tables. Ir le the Cafe ut Death, the laloar lhing lu Paris ut the in de iscia urtier. Thnrstiey nighte ara raservatiotoebagrand monte, aacb gises ut heer le tw'o francs, anti yor may kise the uatientakan ties. On anrdin- amy sights the bock le tbirteen sous, POLICE INTEP.FEIiK. The namne ut this.establishmaal is nul reaily the Cade de la Mort, althougb ail Paris eaul it su. When ir openeti it was nuder that nemet-ibet hey gave 'seu beer to drink trom imitation sisulis. But the police paidti tba visit, ondereti that drink shoulti ha ssnvad ila plein giasees, anti snp- precsect the namanet death. Su now ire tille je, ufficialy, the Cabanai (or drinkiag hop) du Neant. Neant is French tom notbing. nase. You sit beside yùum coffia lan the hie, black room,, anti yuu se smrriag bere ai there in philosophsie attitudes biseaetons that vawa and snap their jews atintervalà. Deatis scenas anti midnight orgies decora tba walis. The waitams are eostumati as undertaken' encailablacks cuars ut an an- oident ont, tali oilcloth bats anti witb blacks bande ut crape rmnrati round Ibeir arme. With yonn hean yon hava receiveti a ticket for the "lother world" The crowd moves onwarti nmseeatb an archway in- ru a biack, veuireti passage. liera women often bave artacke ut nenvas. tor as the aîley widcns inito what louse liSe a huriel cellar nntianaeath a ebtîrcis, thara stiies upon ILea vision 8scenes lu the fer off per- spective undntieath the arches"s.nti ha- neaththe pillais' vague gluapses ut gray sîreletoas cagaged la conversation or the tance. The passage narruwe anti thene ha a tour. Yeu knock. A bell strikes threa. There me a voice, -"W bat du yoe saek, mv brother '?" Yon rasponti, "I ish ruticl'." Tisera le a atring ut chains, anti yun are la the Chaniben ut Traneliguration, A IIUiAN SACIFICE. Thse attendants are ciothet ilanionise' robeas with boude-. You taise yuur seat The master stands hustona a curtallu, say. ing:- "Kinge, purS butchens, journalisîs, artiste, cures, ministene, tieputies. anti day lahonens, ail yon wbo, having arriveti ai the age ut neasun, continua un yonn crazy courses, your mura or lees chimericai ambi- tions, wbolilve on liSe animale, wbo know noîhmng, tongerting ton otten thar tise Tarpeian rock is near the capitol, louS la the box ut dominues anti refle--t !" The curtain is dnawn sie. Down a long vista, brighriy iigbleti l sean an open cottia standing un une eut, They ask ama une lu sacrifice bimself ton the others. oua ut the epecrators etepe out, hait ashamat, hait smiling, hait rapugnent, lwo- rhjrds curious, andt rre-tourriseanxiosss to shine lu the eyee ut the communily. Ha ha led ofif, lu ruappean besidu- the coffin in the distance. An organ stiiSs up a disîrese- ing hyma tuac as thay maka the 'man stand in risc coffin. Undoabtatiiy it le the camne man, smiliîng n a sîckly tashion ru lais trjeade down ha the dudjenca. Tise trnstormaation ha him thar wîll sonon ake place is brougbt about hy uaagic-lenrerîs etteets, as jn dissuiving viewe. The ma stands lu tisa coffin, andt ley tacS a sheet anoui hinu, ieavjug unly hie face nucuvar- cd. The attendant disappeare. Tisa man loSks ai yon froua the. eolBan ; as bie looSs ai yenis face gnows wbiîer. Green ligis begin ru play. Tisera je a emel ut phenul anti oltihunes. NOT A MI9SIONA1IY Et'TESSI'ISE. The body, covereti hy rise sheet, hegine te shine tbnougb tîmly, a yaliow mnass tiat loas flash, thar shows is hunes, Tieseeea je disappearing. The ligbt gnuws more lu- rance. The coffin boite a igîi, huny ekele- ton, anti notbing mure. Tise mai wiso bat Wbatever doubt there may bu as to the rprevalence uft uberculosis among the Cana. t ijan berds,'there bas been no question that the disease je epidemic in many parts of tht a neighboring repubiic. One ut th e papers reati at the recent meeting ut the UJnited *States Vsterinary Medical Association in In Philadelphie lbrows somte ligbt upon the subject. Tbe writer attributes tb e spread uftluberculusie among cardle maîniy to the t aot that their constitutions are injureti bl lsconfinament tu bot stables during the snm- ,nmerand wlnter montbs. There is much t be sait inl support ut this viewe la Inthe de. sire to increase the yieid ut miik anti butter, )ffat animais are ,eKEPT IN CLOSE QUARTERS y' ,ndi ed with milk-producing tootis. Little u or nu exercjae e sgiven them, the purpoIse ibejng to retince them lu mers dairy dmachines. Nature did ýÏot inteîîd them for thatpîurpose, anti consequently further tievelopmenr ja that djectîon la frequent. ly blociseti +,liecattla piagues. It je s8 nuticeabie fihat in Fe South, where sucb ecattia as tbey have ljve almost altogerber outdoors, tubercuiosis je practically un- - lnown. The samne may ha saiti ut tbe iWestern States among live stock that is i rareiy stableti. Appxoaching the Mississippi 1river the disease becumes more pravaient, speciaily among bigbly.hred anti closely- bouseti hertis. Wbere cattia are su situat- -ed anti specialiy ted for the purpose uf yieltiiag milk,luteibir utmost uapacity tuberculosie is enormousiy incraased, botb in frequency anti virility. In New Eng. landi une te rwo per cent. of the cattia are intecteti, while in Eastern Massachusetts the proportion je probabiy tromr three to 7 five per cent. Neariy ail the authorities agree that bot stabling, whîcb is rasorteti lu for the purposa ut iacreaeing the sappiy ut ofmilk, je THE FOTIEMOST CAtISE ut the disease. Notbing will rad,îce the vjtalily ut the animal anti the inherent resierance to disease mure thin lacis ut exercice- A climate eucb as we have in the bjgher lande ut Canada bas a tend. ency tu brjnpr about special c1est deveiop- ment, anti while thar le au doubt desirable, if necessjtates for the sustenance ut lite a mach more cumplete anti active respiration than mîgbt otherwise be required. The tact je ibat cattîs, like must otiier living thinge, ibrive besi untier healitfi condi- tions. -ft may be possible to obtain trois an animai conflueti more mils anti butter ft than trom unethat bas grearer treedous, but, if we are to believe tha experte, the proces jecuntrary te ail physiological anti hygienic iaws, antd constitutes an enurmous drain upon the invaluable raserve tored thar'can neyer be replaceti. THE PRvACIEIR'S TRIAL. AN INT 'ERESTING CHAI WITH THE 'REV. W. J. CHAPIN. ira lhe Stralia of Psipit Labor îlienaïf Over<îrawn Ilus iJealth Aeenst- Uow île flet the Crisis amnd leturiaed to lits Duties wilIs ltemewed leilitis. From the Springfield, Ill., Journal. la the pretty village ut Chatbatn, Ill., there lives a Ilaptiie divine, wbuee snow white bair is the une osiward sien tbar he bias encruacheti upon the utays beyond the allotted threa score years andti tn. Hie clear eye, keen mental faculties andi magniticent physique ail bear witnese to a lite well spent. Thjs pioneer in God's eternai vineyard is Rev. W. J. Chapin, whose 72 yeamrs are crowded with noble deeds in the Chris- tiaministry. To a Journal representarive who asketi him something ut bis career la the minietry, Mr. Chapin taiket in an inreresting straîn, anti saidt hat, in spite ut the indications ru the cuntrary, bis lite hati nol aIl been sua- shine anti gooti health., "As aîy presear appearance îestjfies. 1 wae fortunate la tbe possessio uta very vigurous conaitution. But as je too ofien the case, 1 overestimateti my physîcal resourcus, anti when jr was tuu late iearneti tisat I bati overdrawn my beaith accotant. The crisis came about elgieteen ycars ago. At the trne I was preacbing the gospel trom the pulit, anti I became suddaniy so iii that 1 was c'umpelieti to stop betore my sermon wae lfinisheti. Jt wae a hati case ut nervous prostration, anti for a tine my frienîle anti tamiiy weme greatiy' exercîseti over my con- dition. Complets reet was iaperaive, anti Mme. Chapin anti 1 planueti anti took a long trip. My hcalth was zuticientiy reetreti ta reenusa womk, bat 1 waa aur the saine man. I feut absointeiy wortbie.ss physicaliy anti mentaily. 1 bati su let contrul ut my muscles thar my ingera woult inivolnntarily release thairgrip upon a peu, anti my baud wouldt ro ver witil absoluteiy nu volition on my part. About two years ago, ru in- tensify matters, 1 was aizet i wth a severe attacis ut la grippa. 1 recovemeti oniy parti. aliy t romir ianti hatifrequent etarne ut that indescribabie feeling which accompan. jas anti tollows thaîstrange malatiy. I look- eti in vain for sometbing to bring relief anîd tinaaiy 1 reati an acunnt ut Dm. Williams' Pink Pille for Pale Peup)la., Somerblng seemnedtil tell me that they woulti do me Tot t Icnmnet sn h. They CHASE'S CI4APTER %WOMAjN'S NEED i. Dr. Chacc's KidneyLi.ver Fills are rWumen imffir mnpeinhie tortures froua combinI, on of valuable medicine lu couccuen mscla mkess, causeti y inspaireti ncrxos exated i(form as prepareti by the emimîcat Phy- ýt anti pour blooti. Ut e Iidney aciti poison, dician anti Author, Dr. A. W.-Chase, wltb r nsusnccted, we-ilzenstIhe anres aidÉ'ogsoils ~-iew lu oli only bc an uufaiimg remedy foi the b/ccd. J3ynrti Ly, if the Kitinys denot Zidney anti Liver troubles, but aiso toeuthe propcrly purîty ticLetioo, thon cotises pro- Stoaîach and purify the Blooti, at a cost thai -< lapsus, retruveruien, etc. Blooti751-er cent, le withinfibe reacb utal, The tuperior mcriii pure ie net a nourisher-it is a deats breeder. of theùse pille la establishati beyond question Deliateworrien nerd net bc laid 1ovi much by thec praýise uoft heusantis wbu use them--one 's they wouid give lu gct ani STAv ci.If £111 a dose, one box 25 cents. - er" heir bloct isje rec frein tue poiseneuli fermente 2. \Vhien Iheme le a Pain or Ache in tht of- "i t he Kitincys anti Lix ci, they w iii nover Brk it tL Kidacys are speaking ut trouble, knuw wbat "'wcaknesi" is. The bcoed i, ritie 'iýviia wlu:er increase uniessource anti sustainer othieaith îcelieved. WC have the e- iw t cannet bc Sept pure except hable siatemntou L. B. the Kitineys anti Liver do Johnson, H ollant Landirg, i uî wm naturaliy. Some- Ih n bat a con- ý thingisneeddtoinsure trec tant lBau-Ache, my bacS cto f hs toilti ail t1ise t;ie, appelite pour, stolnac1,t organe, one 25 cent tex et K idney-Liver Pilla coratiblbag rnesadng a lwe illiproe luany sutterer they are a hoon lu "'r 3 r4 re tur iing nigit 'lOU7 n ate, cern-.9'wemen, ean bu uset ith perfect confidence 3sencet aisn ueKdayLic h1aday: Q- 3'by tboîe ut delicata constitution. BýacS-A chie seo,1,t in 48 heurs, appetîte ne- .. ... One Kidney-Liver Pull taken weckly wili tuneianiabc o njya ýgeati eal antid -î - effectuaily neutraiiz2 the formatien .utfUnie get ihssleep tlhey curet me. Acit in tise bluet andi preveat any lendcucy Tr(hil scla atîerisne nuedicîn to Bigit's Disease or Diahetes. onsti ation ufIle , ei- nit Kidny For purifying tise 1Bleetianti rnovatiag tbe tti wi 11 q 1 cliaetcurie except Chase'i syctem. cîpeciaiiy i ýS Srîng, une 25ý cent cabiet Rcis;Li1e li]i, onle '5 cent lhea box i4equailu $îo vortli ut any Sýareaparilla ssii! deur et îattlr ntideia'or Bittens known. Seti hy,- ail 1dea-iers, or by cyttîh e an cîlir ps-;anattttuihi is ndur t ailonrecciptoutprice, EûiIIAA'SON, BATE" ed i)yID Tompcn IoiaA Landing, Ont. IL S CO., 45 lombard Street, Toronto. tîtat5u. le athered frofm Vaîreus Polntç from the a-Atlantic to thse Pacifie. it Barrie bias a few vacant bouses. le Owen Soundtile uhava a naw iigbthue. rs Severn Bridge bas a siege ut ecariet tevar. td Grinsby lias repealeti its eamly cloeing iby-law. Le Barrie lias raoeaîiy bati a num.ber ut ,d burgiaries. te Berlin bas vote. 1 te astabljsb a new public ypark. 1- Thea Cnestoga Mathodiste are renovat- ing their church. Queen's Collega re-openeti Tuestay with a large allentiance. Work will ha commancati un the Strat. tord poatofficeat once. A man was trying lu ssif a white doakay in Barrie Ibis wsak. Bruekylie" shows an increasa ut 382 la epopulation this yaar. y Pickpockets ara oparatiag in Ottawa rwitb cu-nsidarabla succees. 1r Parie bas dciridedtielugrant nu more tax sexemptions Ltu manutacrurers. à A ehip loati ut lumbar is going from Dur- rcheser Port, N. B., tu Buenos Ayres. The' Brockville Carrnage Company bias aalready tumneti out 2,000 lighr cutters tbis seasun. During the yeam endiag Sept. 30rh 462 prisonars hava been confinet imn Hamilton jeu.1 Nun atte ut lumber bave 'gone tiown to fQuebac troihair Upper Ottawa river thje, sunrmer. Oaa day the citizene ut St. John, N. B. paiti in veanly $80,000 for taxas ru sava tlie disecount. During thesejet yaar 615 prîsoneme bave bean inicarceratet inl the ceualy jail ai 1Stratfonti. From two potarues planttil last sprjug Jas. Saltar, ut Oniillia, bas la ratura 112 full sizet spude.4 AHamin wan was finati $15 iast week for plcin wo fioware in a cemarery in Iliat ciiyV. t The of o Bcru Eockislla will haveaa hazaar n.sxtcweeL trum wbicb rhey sxpact lu raisa $7-,J00. W. T'Cmpeif ommeriy cashier ut the G.T.R. at lagencoîl, diet in the' Chatham hospitalibis wesk. The arcbàitacr ut Knox cburch, Mitchell, bas a daimn againat the contracter for $2,000 un accouaI ut emmure. Saveral islande arounti Port Sevarn bave been sulti, anti the ownars wjli pur up sum- mer cottages aaxt sering. The capital stock ut the Brunette Saw Mill Co., Victoria, B. C., bas basa increaseti trom $200,000 lu $300,000. John Duitaop, a weii known fariner ut Hibbert, near C (romnarry, wae fouati deat in beti on ýSatrrday mnoraing lest. ,James Lee, thai pickpocket, was lat go ai Lontion hean e isajil anthorjtjas doa'r waat a sick mian on thaîr bhande. Mm. Thue. Fliynn, miarkef gartienamc,ot the Gora t onflnwas succeseful in p'-nwing peannîs on hie ts arm rthjs summer. Jr le calcoj1ateti 1thart'13cul ntqtihe St. Joba's Pvc è>N., ibis yaar is aot30, 000,000 fýeai bec th0an thus average. Brantfordi bas now a population oft1,,553, an lacreasse ut 99 turing the pasi year. Thare arese than 30) vacant houssiu the City. Two Monclon, N.B., young ladies racent- iy raîddtian pple onchatid. Another drove a tramp oui ori the Ibouse at the point ut e revolver. Prica Brs.'5w m'Il at St. Thomas8, Munimagay, Qu)e., deroyeti by lira in the monLb ut _May, bas been reconstrucrtid anti las coninencati uperationis. The wita ut Josephs Truskev, who is con- damneterudue on Decembar il for tha mur- dar ut Wm. :,Lindsay, trequt ly vîsits lier bushanti in the Sanlwich jaîî. Joseph Hartley, a Winnip.eg laborer thrce moathe ago came int possession o a fortune ut $50,000. Hae<lied jn the bus pirai on Tbnrstiay trim excessive drink ing. A Loadoen woman answamati an adi. for a new bat 'fas3taner, anti receivedti wo rubber banda, wiîh. instructions lu tastan thenstr the bar atid rua thama round untiarber as. The mioveasaint te buy the river front un Sandwich sireer wasrt roua the Grand Trunis Railway for a park is meeting with genaral approval un Windsor. The prica je $45,000. QLibec tatkes the leati in the snpply utf liasher, hem output ut sawioge amounring rue 5,000,000o,o00 est broati measuma, anti utf square î1imber ru ibras anti a quarter mil. lion cublo teat. Puer Ofice Inspecter kiawken bas gona tu Lake Temiscamiaigue ru estabiish a posr office liva miles inlantifrero, the isSu, hait way between Baie des Pares anti the Tamis- camingue colon ization roati. Ar the tail show la Ilderton the W. C. T. 11. gui cotnlete control ut the grount(is for a subsitantiai cunaitiematien, Sept ail, gaines ut chance outt ut the grounds, anti supplieti meaie-"atl yvou can eai"-tor 15 cers a meal. ilEr OMTHERWISHES Hrclidren to be strong and healthy. Ail doctors agree that the "HEALTII BRAND" Combinations do more than anythimg else fo insure this. Lady Aberdeen writes to us strongly iii favor of the llealth Brand. Ask your dealer to show you these _goods. You will neyer buy any other -after seeing themn. TEMeONTREAL SILK MILIS OO.,Ltd., MONTREAL. Thousands of Yosasq lantid 7/ ged Men are rannuail. y hl to aprcntnre prwv throngh nl oidsretilan urd Inter icse.Self abuse aniCa-itîioiB!hn Dis ses îvemmcdaidwrecked the 1 o li eofmnaroîigon n, iiv any of t 1he follu Icwing Sg pt1ome:Nevos ad esonent;l tir ti nMr1ig;,Am tio; Mmor Por;Ens.y lýtiguJ; Excitable andiIrial: 1ý- i: iipleo the Face; Dreams àmitiDrains aIihî lslcs é lgcard 1okn ;1 ~ /r Throat; IlairtLoose; Pains in Bo~ oke ~et Ltess; D:;sti u'tt, il 1ant acs Eie yadSrengili. Our iNew .Meli,ýd frealsnt w il bha-Id yen up îetlî al an exnally. Çha atroRead ýD KR AN standl no exertion. llead andi eyes became di:.1. Dreams ad drainsý at niight wealsened mo. I tried seven Medicail F1 , Elec - trio Belts, Patent 31edicines and Farnily Doction. TiXh ey ve 110help. A friendiadvisedime tutr Drs. Kennedy &,Kra.Te Sent me one month's treatment and it cnred me.,IoLtif * 'j~~~ ~ myseif gaiaing every day. Theis Mca e ihelocifrealqnsn sre wi Ort i013in d ail aîe18 faitî." They have cured mary ut my rîiends." dsease 8 years ago 1 contiacteti a serions constitntional bot diese went to, Ilot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mlercury aImost kildme. After a while the sympttoms again appeared. Throat becane sure, pains la limbe, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, Sloss of hair, glands calargeti. etc. <A medicai f riend advlseti Dre, Kennedy & Kergan's New XethodlTreamma cred d madhv L:ad no sNmptoms for tie years. Ianmridadhpy sa Sdoctor, I heartily recomrend it ru aillwho havetitis terribedea- yplîs" It will eradicate the poison frein the hiocti." 15 YEA1RS IN DETROIT. 150.000 CUR[D. Ill arn%3 years or age, anti mirrieti. When Yonng I led a gay lite. Iarly indiscretions andi later excesses matie tron' for me. 1 hecame was and nervons. Miy kidneys be'ame nffected and 1 feared ]3right's dises. Marriýd lit. wis onsatis- fatory trcatment from Drs. Kennedv andKerg.ap. Their M.', SMoths'd bhat me up mentally, pliysically and setxnaly. 1fba.1 -,anti actlkza aman iii every tespect. Try them." E& No Names Used Wîthout Written Mcthod Consent of Patient. Trametneverril, lain ,ig Diseuse, orutr Our Ne Motho Treament I stregthens the body, stops l j. trirsnd lusses, purifies the hîond, clears the hrain, bailds up the nervous and sexual. systems and restores lost vitalîty to the body. We Gluarantee to Cure Nervolis lb*eblilty, Failiigr Manlocr, P-ypht ilis, vt ricocele, - rI1cttire,G1 tUn t,atura i 4 sll&farges, 'Weak Paris aand Ail Kidney andi tlatder atiseasee. RDrs. Kennedy & Kergan are the leading specialists of Amierica. Tiîey guarnteto cure or nu pav. Ttieir repu- 'EM EM BE tation and fitteen ye'rs ut business are at staize. Yeu run au risk. Write thema for an hoiiesý opiniol, ano matter who treite-1 yoa. Il may save ton years ot regret and snffering. Chartes reas3.îable. Write for a Question L4ist and Book Free. consultation Free. 7 IV C 48 Shelby st. 4 PEU f4 eDetr-oit, Mioh. Corsets" are now recognizeci to be the Standard Corset of Canada. SafJsfaction guaranteed or nioney ref unded. ASK YOIJR DRY GOODS DEALER FOR THEM.