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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1894, p. 8

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01f SpecmialIMters to Sabbath Schools. Helps on, the Lessons for 1895, and per- iodicals,should be ordered now; 1 arn in a position to give thei very lowest publishers rates for everything' recquired. Send in your orders and they w111 receive best attentiori. ]PELOTJBETS NOTES for 1895 now in tock, and will be sent post- paid to any address, on receipt ofj price $1.25. S.K S. LIBRARIE-ý. In this department I guarantee satisfaction. The latest works of the reliable publishers are on my shelves, and the discounts sarne as given by any city house. A fine assortmnent of Teachers Bibles, and Bibles of every kind. Holiday Stock very low in price to suit the times. ROOM PAPER-c]earing out stock -at your own price. P.TREBILGOGK, Town Hall Building, Bowmanviile. BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 28, 1894. OUR TOWN. To-day THE STATESMAN'5S paÇe is filled With literature our merchaut s build On every brauch of trade. And in these pages ut w there is A list of hunian luxuries And needs in every 1Jnes of biz, Among the cuts dislae Citizeit's of Bowmanville and readers of TH F SvÂ'rESNIÂN in ail parts of the world- for its circulation extends te Australia, Iiidia, Euglaiîd, Ireiand,'Scotland and many other for" igu cointries-will- find in the twelve pages of this issue, very much of special interest. The larger por- tion of the descriptive matter and illus- trations appeared iu Saturday's Toronto Globe that had a circulation of 30,000 copies, so that not less than 150,000 people will read these historical and per- 8onal sketches and admire the splendid portraiture of leadiug places of business and other features herein presented. We feel sure that this niumber of THE STATES- mAN will be kept as a tteasure in ni ny an househld ari- huudreds otf copies will be sent tu friends far away. We bave printed 500 extra copies to in et the spec- l demaud. Copies already for mnailing may be had at this office, price five cents each, or five copies for twenty cents, and at the uews stores. Cîtizeus wiil show their appreciatioit of our efforts to brinig the advantages of Bowmanville before the L. CORNISII. One ef the oldest established houses in town ià Cornish's, the Jeweller and -Watchmaker in his bock,King st. E. In this popular establishment wîll be f ound everything that goes te maake rip a weil conducted business. Mr. Cornieh has preved hiseif to be a pnshing and auccessfut business mani. He pesseesses tihe lnack of briying and thre handsome cases and shelves are illed with fine goid and silver watches, dlocks of great variety and jeweiery of every description. He te aise a first-class workman and gives speci- ai attention to albranches of repair work and anything which leaves hie haride ray ba relied upon. He possesses the great advantage of belng a practical workmari. Fie does a fine business in the better lines of sIlverware. Favor him with a cal sud trial when needing anything in hie line. LEVI MORRIS. We doribt if any business man in Bow- manvilie has the uiniversal, rebpect of thre communtty in a greater measure than Mr. L. Morris, furniture dealer a nd undertak- er. As a f urerai director and undertakex ho has nu superior in the county and this branch ef hie buisiness is increasing. P'eople ar- arixious te show proper respect te their ieved unes when they pass away and cf ]aie yeare great improvements have been male in undertaking and funerai outfite. Mr. Morris and bis son Frank who te associated with hmm have botir zaai'e Block, Bowmanville. He has a very fiue coi'ection cf easy chîirs sud uphiolstered goode in stock. Uav'ut our readers uotiu-ed that neariy ail the easy chairs, seor, taries, etc., horight for pro- sentation te frienide In thîs section are get fromn L. Morris ? The reasen je ire keepe tire fineat mauufactured and always selle cheap. JAMUES MANN. It je a great advantage te farmers and otirors te ire aile te dispose et their dresred hega, poultry, butter, eggs, beanr, drted apples, etc., for cash at tire higireet market prieu. Mr. Mann te doing a very large trado uhicin i evid once that ire paye good pnîcersiad iras tire confidence oftire, people. Try hlm uwhen yeu irave any- tig to el intr hie hune-eue door est et tire Bennett Roes, Bowmauville. MESSRS, DUSTAN & HOAR. Occupying a large sirop in tire new aud irandsome brick block ieun elsewhure lu, thia paper, kuown as tire Wellington Buildinigs, receutly erected by Police Mag. Istrate Haines, ie eue et our ruccesatul buiesfirme whicir riruld ho promin- store oud tinware businieEscf Messrs. Duatan & blar, oeeetofrir substantial business horises. Thie firniteck irold ef tire buartees about eue year ago sud have made a great auccesa cf it. They buy trou tie Ieading wholesale heures sud, manu- facturersansd carry a caref&ily eeiected stock cf ail kinde ofsirelt sud ireavy hard- ware, stoves, tinware, etc. They- h&ve dore a splendid business in turnacas, stoves sud eteani ieatere,iravo hast niakes ebtainable. Tirey have won an enviable reput ation for fine window dressing sud have oeeoe the noweet sud mest com plote stocke to ho mot wîtir outaide tire cîties. MARKUS MAYER. Tiere are very few practical. fumriers in tire country and tire advautage uf dealiug witi s man who iras a tirougi knowl- edge et frreis uuqueationably great. Mn. Mayer iras doue business in Bowmanville tee leng te nequire any worde et praiso t rou us, but knowing uiate ihe traight sud reliable we eau heartîiy ceumeudhm te crrneaders. Tiare in a delluess in tire f ur trade, hence Mr. Mayer assures us tirat ie will positively soul ail ef iis pres- eut large stock cf ceats, capes, caps, boas, gloves, collare, rober, etc., at sud below ceet for cash. Heliras a lot off very nîce fers, se tirat it wilt psy auy (it our teadere trou the country te cemne te Bowmauville te buy t ur gods. lH will easily rave yen $5 or $10 if yori are briying a tew gond articles. He keepe full linos ut ganta' t urnisiringa, and everytiig gons cheup for casir te dean oulte inmake ronifor spririg gonds. Call aItirhe old stand lu Neads' Blc. J. B. MARTYN. 0ur review efthtie business entorpnises et Bewmanville would ire incemplete wlth e ut special mentien oethtir extensive business carried ou by tis succestul cititen. Mr. Martyn irasnieen couatautly in business lu tis tewu trou early bey- irhood aud iras by close attention te duty, square deallng sud ftan mure tiran average business airility, miade a respectable fort- une, being to-Éday net only oeeoe Bow- nianville's langeet preperty ownere but atili carryirig ou une efthtie largest retail grocery sud provision establishrments lu tire town. He dosa a strictiy cash trade sud a great deal ut it, iliustrating tire trutrofethtie old business adage-"'Smai profitesud quiok ratures." Bealid-es cou- dricting bis large combined greceny, pro- vision sud meat stox'e onrirah soutir aide et King et., ire carriws 01o n usreparato buiuld- in i I laJ largfe block con the nortir aide, cerner sirop, a well turnishied China Hall where everything in china ware, crockery sud gises ware ie kept, trou a tiuy cup for baby te a china set geed enougir for a 1palace. Tis season hirisnet givirig îheee fine goode away, but eoming as nean as cerreet business principier wilI show. Ho irhas a very large stock-imd veny complote witiral-and telle us tiraI ireinseelling everytiring astonishingly eieap for tira holiday's. He invites inspection. He has sonie loveiy new patternesuad tire prieiza are away dowu for a tact. TRELEVEN'S SIOE STORE. Canadians are yearly becomirig more fastidious aborit thirir oot-wcan sud re. gard iras always beau had te trie malter wheu buying at Trelevou's. Tis leading store iras long beau kuown for tire high- clase goods. Dainty shoes for ladies are a spocial teatureofe their stock, sud tirey shlow ne competiter te excel or oven equal trom in tire tastidieus lineofe foot- 1wear. By dainty, we moan net ouly tire lateet, thre fineet and tire prettiest et niions, but the beet filtiug, combiued with an ecunomical price. Au ordinary rhe may ho tully as stylisir as a higir-pricefi eue. Tire fit in tire doalderatuni, sud once eon try Treleven's goode you will pro- nounce thom a coutont; moie tirsutiraI, a positive laxriry 1 Tiey carry ail grades and shapes et laste-narrow or brosd, In walking sires, they promise a atout, ueat sud serviiceable article, and Mr. Babcock, who le in charge, ske env tire oppertuni ty te airow yeu tire well-seleoted, stock, te niake yeu a custoer for lite. Tire assent-j mont is a praclically limitiese eue, and1 they clainr tiey will not only save you1 ,u!onoy, but will guarautee yori the shape- cametery doue by Mr. Bounsali, with work doue by outsiders, te ire conviuced et tire truhroetwiat-we state. He keepe a goedseserîmant efthtie botter grades of Lyranite monuments sud hie prîces are reasouable. WeZcan'heartily reommond auy otforir readere etho deaire toeorect a imonument te tire uemory et the doad te f avor Mr. E. R. Bounali with tiroir order. j If you wanl a good lest et bread go te Tod's. Herse blankets iu greal vsniety et prices to suit tire limes et Duetan& MRS. DINOMA N. Tire nilinery store et Mme. Dingman is uow lu Ives' block a few deons ýeset cf tire P. O. Sire car ies a vony nico sýtock et miltiuary, bonnetq, hats, ribbous, teatirers, etc. Sire doas a nice business sund irass good reputatien for test y work, MRS. DONCASTER. Tire large sud finely turishod millin- erV store et Mrs, Doucaster id werthy et the, lange patronage sire is naciving. Siro keepas a kilful milinen sud is net beimd tire tim ersliner dieplsy etf fashion- able mlliuery goods, sud consequently neceives irar tlIt sare et patfonsge trou tire ladies wie find il quite unnccesraiy te expend limeansd uouey in visita te tire cty. Sire shows niaguificeut tarte iu buyir.g sud her extensive stock the roa-. on itre attractol the attention sud er dans et oun boat familles. E. J. SAIJNDERS, Last week we told oun neaders wirat a splendid meciranic sud machiniat we h ad proved Mn. Sarindere te ire. Tis week we take equal pleasure in dinectiug atten- tion te the East End Foundry cf whicir ir ie proprietor. le iswrîi a great deal te tannios nsud ethere haviug toundny wonk te ire doue te have a cempotout teuudry man in Bowmanviibe uho eau do aIl classes et work in ii line sud especialiy a practical sischiist f, r repairing,. Be- aides ne pairing, nioolding, drilling, etc., ire kee Ps general machine supplies§, sud teurnis irestaninsrawith ah kinde et mach- iudry sud impliments trou s iroe te a soit binden. Ha is agent for Noxon Mfg. Co., ingarsoll. Ho is niaking sonie very nice piga4 trougirsud hrse t eed boxes. Cali nsudeeMn. Sauridere uhen nequirnu anyîhiug luniis linaetfbusiness. W. H. WILLIAMS. Tire West End, suiliry is a welI kuowu business place lu Bowmauvilie sud tira musical ring oethtiraanyil keepe lima ton tire onward niarch of progrese lu the town. Mr. Wlias a i a final clasa macinist, uuderstandinig every brancir of the bîsekemitirs art sud niakes a special- ty of sirarpeuing lawn niera sud repsir- ing every kiud of machmueny. Hi tas practical mian in every seure, an intoil gent sud Fautenprising citizen sud slwaye takes a lively intereet in tira moral sud raligioris wlfare et young sud eld lu B îwmauville. Fanions sud ethore ne- quirng werk in a blacksmith's lina, ne- pairing otfniachmnery, etc., niay safely entrutit tiroir crdere te Mn. Williams sud they il get a geod job aI s very rosson- able change. Give tire West Eud indue- lny a trial sud yen will ha sure 'te con- tinue a customer. le strîves te giva sat- istaction in evany place et work. Excel- sien is iris motte. HIGGINBOTHANI &SON. One et the oldest e8tahlished sud mont succeseful business heures in tis te-,en ia Iigginbotiram's. Mr. T. E. B1igginbet- irsu ias tire-management cf tris business sud by hii close attention le duty iras carrier1 il along with succeis. Tire public. appreciato a firet.clase drug store, sud it is weil knowu thir uneothAer branch et mercantile houses is tire eii, tiraexat naesasd knowledge (f tihe,uiesase nnci rnequired as in drugs. The busîneýs iras developed trou a niera i ' ý-, 1,lu tire impcrtance etf a professiort.i itir "ýgrave" neapeusibililies. UMn.IL. taa cenipeteul sud experienced chieniet sud has undon contrel oet iiseif au envi'able business. He aise iras in stock allue et tsucy geode which are well seleuted sud pnicas are always rigirt. A goed il- lustration efthtie liggtubotham Block ap- peara en the second page pictonial suppie- ment su)d a well-writteu sketch wîl ire f ouud with cIrer notices publiehed in tire Globe ou au tueide page efttins journal. ADOLPHE NICIIOLS. Tire New Cheap Store recently started by tris-entorprietng young tewnsnian is s rosi bee-hive et sdîivity. We seldoinipese tiraI we do net sea several customers sud Adolpirease irele tamîliarly knowu le kept ou the huall. He lese obiiging sud fntendly with ail who oeIl tiratIt lis a pleasure te trade Ihere. Ho dees s elnictly cash buiness-ne books being kept. He selle tee cheap te afferd oxtras for book keeping.. lie dees seli cheap, teetliree lenegaiusayingthie tact. What dees ire seli ?Wiry alniosl evonything use- fi fer tire house: granite wano, tin ware, glasis ware, lampe, cirtmneys, scirool bage, pans, pendils, ecibblers, papem,iuk, fanoy dupesud saucera, lovely doule, needles, pins, kuives, towels, handkerchlets sud mauy othen thiinge tee numerous te panliculanize.. Tire quantity ef goode you buy thene for a dollar wi astonish yen. Tire shop is lu tire Express Building. If you have net calied, do se sud make Mr. Nichols' acquain tance. Yeu will fiudhini thero, tain sud square. CARD QI" THAN KS. D. BURKE SIMPSON, off Bowmauville, Soicior for tira Assignue. Ce and-soe wirat we are deing with Ted & Ct's Baukrupt stock, yeu were nover offered sucir bargatus. FARMERS' MEETINGS. Public meetiugs will ho held under tire auspices of the Patrons et Iodrietry of West Durham ase follows, wiren addresees will ho delivered by R. Jamieson, Esq., county efficeresud other preminent ruera- bers efthtie Order:- Siraw's S. H. Satrirday, Dec. 1, 7 o'clock Mt. Carsweil, Monday, Dec. 3, at 2 p. ni. Mitcireil'e Corners, Monday, Doc. 3, Lt 7. Eufield, Tuesday, Dec. 4, at 2 p. in. Enniskillen, Triesday, Dec. 4, at 7 p.,nm. Solina, Wedneeday, Dec. 5, at 2 p. mi. Tyrone, Weduesday, Dec. 5. at 7. p. ni. I'urple lli, Thuraday, Dec. 6, at 2 p. ni. Blackstock, Tirursday, Dec 6, at 7 p. Mi. iNestleton, Friday, Dec. 7, at 2 p. ni. Devitt's, Friday, Dec. 7. at 2 p. mi. Base Lino No, 3 S. H., Wed. Dec 12 at 2. Hampton, Wednesday, Dec. 12 at 7 p. m. It je earnestl'y requeeted tirat tirere wîll ire a fuIl atteudance at these meetings which are being ireld especially-,foi the henefit efthtie farmers and laborera ef our corinty. Ladies will ho weicoe. R. J. ROWE, T. H. PowER, C. OsBORNE, Ce. Sec'y. Ce. Orgil'r. Co. Pros. Tenders for Supplies 1895 Tire undersigned -will receive Tenders for rSupplies rip te noon on MONDAY, DECEM. BER 3rd, 1894,for tire rupply of i3utchers'Meat, Butter, Fleur. Oatmeal, Potates, Cordwood. e ., for the ffollowng institutions during tire year 1895, viz-At tire Asylumns fer thre Insane, lu Toronto, London, Kingstori, Hamiltoni. Mimîco, Brockville and Orillia, thre Central Prison sud Mercer Reformatory. Toronto; the Reformatory for Boys, Peuetaeguisherie ;the Institut ion for tire Deaf sud Buir, Belle ville, sud lire Bljund at Brantfford; Two sufficient surieties will bu req'uired for tire due fulflumeut offeachrcentrset. Specifica. tiens aud forme off tender eari ouly bue bad ou making application te tire Buir8ara of tlie re- spective institutions. N. R-Tenders are net required for tire rupply of mIeat te the Asylunis in Toronto, London. :Kingston. Hlamiltori sud Mimico, nor te tire Central Prison sud Reformatory for Females, Toronto. Tire lowest or auy tender net necessarily accepted. R. CHRISTIE T. F. CHAMBERLAIN JAMES NOXON, Inspecters off Prisons sud Public Charntier, Psrliament Buildings. 47-2w Toronto, Noeonber 19th. 1891. Notice to CIrecltors. In the mor'her of tihe estctte of MicHiAEL V7:n>E TRELEVEN, fate of thre Town e- i3owmeenvelle, in thte County of Dur haim, Beet rend Shee Dealer, deceaseel. Notice isirereby given pursuent te the Re- vised Statutes off Oniarie, Cirapter 110, Section 36, and anierdirg acte, ihbat ail persons having claimes againet tir easiate off Michael Vine Treleven, laie of the town et' Bewman ville, lu tire Ccuniy off Durhram, Beot aud Shue Dealer, deceased, whe died on or about the 9th day off Nevember, AD. 1891,are ou or befere Moud ay. the lweuiy-fourth day off December. A. D. 1894 requnired le rend by rst prepaifi te Mr. John Peîcy, gddressed Lock Box Number Four, Bowmonvilile Post Office, or deliver te him at bis sirop, Silver Street, lu tire raid tewu off Boumnvilea statemnent lu writi, g contaîn- ieg tioir ninesaddresses, dsr 'tosand foi11 particulars off their dlaimis aud demande sudè nature off tire securitios (if any) held by theni. And furtirer notice ir herebiy given that after tire raid twenty-ffourth day off De- camber. A-.1D. 1894. Robert Avery TrelevEn, eof tire said teuri et Bowmanvile, and the raid John Perey, lire executors of tire LastWill snd Testament efthtie raid deceased lil proceed te distribute the assots off tire raid estate among tire persous entitîrd lirereto. baving regard only te tire aims off wirich ihry shahl thon have notice, sud ihey wîll net beliablo ffor tire said estate se distribu ted or any portion thera- off te any person or persons off whose claime or claimes liev shahl net tran have notice off Dated at Bowmarivilie thue tweuty-first day off N0veuber, A. D. 1894. JOHN K. GALBRA ITH, 47-4w Solicitor four saîd.Execriters. Notice to Creditors. let the inatter of the Esteite Of W'IIîAMt . OsBnRe, -of the Town of Bowmareeille in thre Certy to f Durham, Jkerchcent. Notice la errby given tirat tire said William H. Osborne iras madeana assiguimeut to Frederie Cubitt of tire raid Town orf Bewman- ville, Esquire, off al ii estate sud affecte lu trust for tire ienefitoff hie creditors. A meeting off tire crediters off tire seid Estate wilI bhield in tire office off tire uneersigued solicitor fortire said assigne. in thre saîd Town Off Ilo'WuuVille On FuîIDx lire 23rd day (ff NOVEmBER. 1891. at tire heur or 2 6'lok lu tire affiornoon, for tire appintment off inspeet- ors sud giving off directions wîth refereuce to tire disposai off tire said Estate. AIl tire creditore are irereby reqnirefi te file tiroir dlaims wlth tire undersigned solicitoir at at Bowmanville ias required iry tire revised Statriro f Ontario Cirapter 124) on or bet ore tire 22rid day off Becember 1891. Afflor tirai day thre raid Aseignea uil preceefi te distrinute tire raid e05mebhaving regard only te sucir dlaims aseire or ii said solicitor saat thon have notice offsud ire will no, bc res pousible for tire assets off tire raid Estatu or any part tirereof to auy persen or persous uhose claime or claimes shall net thon have been flled. Dated et Bowmanville, tire 151t, day off Nov- ember, 184. Caïl and see our Germicide Inhaler. A scient4lec cure for Oatarrh. Ten days trial free. J. HICCàINlBOuTHAM &SN Wyest EIdfoue CilEID PY If tihe merchant tak 1es the care oft itihge systemn of account(' and charges a sufficient price for goods to pay any losa from bad creditors and intercst Coeý outstanding accounts. But LT 15BTT"EJI For the customer if tire merchant conduets his business on a strictly Cash basis. Hle bas no need for a force of bookkeep- ers and bill collectors; hie figures on no loss from bad debta, and hee bas no interest to pay on outstanding mne. Be- cause we conduct our busiueës8 without giving credit we are able to give you the lewest prices ror goods that you can ob-, tain any-where. Corne aad test our offers. We are naking an especial effort this week to introduce to our custorners our stock of BlackDes Goods. What is nicer or more necessary to a lady than a good black dr-ess. You can wear a black dress anywhere or any place, and you arenetrve dressed or shabby when you have one on. Our stock is very lare> con- sisting of Henriettas, ail wool and silk warp soUis, srgC whip cords,amure cloth,cravenettes and some verypretty things it tancy pat- terns. These are made by the best makers in the world, incluiding ,the ceiebrated iPriestley's. We guarantee satisfaction> and prices are iower than you can buy for elsewhere, Give our window a look this week, it wiil contain Black Dress Goods. Fa~cyOhiza. & r ,,%Y. ~We have jat opened up, something fiee in this hune of Fancy Plates, Fancy Cups and Saucerq, Porridge ýSets, Celer-y Dishes, Egg Stands, Cheese iDishes, Butter Dishes, Biscuit Barrels, etc., etc. These are ail German made goods and the prices are very reasonable. B ootS a1n&d. hooo We keep our Boot and So 0 a stock well assorted, gettibg in New Goods every week. Our long Boots for M'ven and Boys, are selling well. Also in Feits we have great lines for Ladies as well as Men. RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES iu ail kinds and prices. Deal at the West End House and get value for your mnouey. Qver 75,000 Cana- 0 ian homes en- .. .... joy the comfort and economy of this range. -rHr It is the handsomest in design, heaviest in castings, and most compiete in workman- slip, with th-e largeast oveus, the best pro- pul portioned firebox and the greatest water U'j'! heater. It bas no equal in dis.-tri-bution of heat, in econom-y of fuel or perfection in bakiug. Remiember, ttoO~'~t t tatt ~there are no othier rqnges like the "'Happy Thougîtot," neither can there be as every part of the Range is patented or registered. For sale at DUSTAN &eHOAR'8.q Welling ton Buildings, Bowmanville.

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