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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1894, p. 2

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r ilow ~~ ~ s ocideui. I~itrr? ~qPROBLE/~~$OLV'ID b111~. kroduct~ar~oP our Niw 5HORTENI1JQ! ~~i- fl LE~ 0 R c(e m akes1~ Zm Li01re e Jfrt a ut QrDTO ta4a MIade onily by The N. K. FoIrbank Company, Welntnand Alla Sta., D. \tÈsA&TWMALENE CURES AST H MVIA Gves a Nn:,hCiSwe Sieep 'o that you need not sit up agil Nýlgt gasping for breath for feaýr of su f'oation.O receiptof naneand P.O. address DR TAFT BBROS. MEICINE CO., ROCESTER, NY l'oroto Braech, - 186 Adelaide St . Use Dr. Ta ft's White Pine Syrup for PERSONAL. Andrew Lang daims to bave discovered the literary possiblities of Dr. Conan Doyle. The tallest man in the German army, a M"one-year recruit" in the First regimient, la 7 feet 4 juches in height. Rider Haggard's brother, Colonel And- rew Haggard, is seeking fame as a novehast. Mle is bringing ont I"Tempest Forn."1 The wife of the Italian prime minster, Crispi, is an ardent lover of cigarettes and enjoyspuffing a elouid whenever shixýs dis- engaged. F. Marion Crawford bas no ladis about thecicmacs under which be writes. lie can work - anywhere and lahors on is The frai surgeon touse the autiseptil treatimet for wou-nds was Sir J o-eph Lis. ter, the famous Euglish operator. He is new about to retire f r"im is profession ou acoent cf old age. t la reported thai Prefessor) Metachikoif cf Paris, a pupiî cf Paýsteur, bas discovcred a cure for mnucus feves', a dangerous forni cf gaaric fever. The cure is acc:Lor.plisbed by the 'Koch retofhinoclaâtion. Aàs a fashionable wedding party was evigSt. Paul's cbnurcb, Ogonltz, eue day lait week, the mnateir of thbc cblimes, after rnnniog over a few prsfiî1mnary stave_, thoblLeý,ssy bro3ke loito tbeB strainus cf "0 Des btCan the Matter '," At s review cf troopa bell î eceutly ai Yor-k by the, Duke of Canbidge die Arcb. bfýhop cf York at andelonbrseback. The a -Viso as formerlv in the army, oh. taiui bis ommisin l 87asd retiriug w itblte rank cf lieutenant lun 1852. littie yeiow bo'y in thaý strceets cf Waynes- hoïo, , is, a i the age cf 30, perbiapa5 the moi isiguishL colorel man. lu the Soqutheru Preabyterian 'jbutrcbj, sud thea cnly Amierican neogro tbat bas ever becu made a fellcw c f the Royal Geographical Thjcee l pleasant stery tel cf the laie bistorian, Fronde, te tbe effeci that be hadl just fluishied bis course cf lectures lua Boston whein the great fie cof 1872 1breke out sud ripou being preffecred a check fer$10 - the net proceeda cf two er threeef saîd lectures-be orderel lt te be ion te the Inrnsseirauthorft.v fot e,' 5h,,hofathe nui, ,. Tg E[l-1m the coid. n naradneare.r she came Shie even forced Qa laugh, at several remarks she beard arounad ber, but those -- laugbis sunded stranQely. Du 'gthe IlReign of Terrer in France S~he now stood wtthin a few feet of the deed f drin efomedplatformn, auid swept it witli ber eyes, but thaee were any J.esof aigprfom, her brother was not there. even by womlen, and miany noble exarnpleî The cry was now raisedi of aLffecticu exhib)iteýd. "Hfere cones another batch.» Thle very streets of Paris were deluged Her beart fiuttered violesitly, and she felt a faintuiesa corne ever bier as she heard with hjuman blood, but near the guillotine t rm ftedomdmnapoc it ran in gushing torrents. .n9. One da.rk norujing an unusual number of Mer brother walked proudly and fearlees- the aristocracy bad been miarchied forth, 'Y forward sud ascendied the very steps aud otinlesshead roled font he bock. lt liled to the block. sud ountessbead roled rom be iock . p to this moment tue strength of poor Agaping multitude stood by, and with Marie hadl f.led bier, and she wsual sihouts reut the air as the aristocracy were to put bier resolve juto execution. thus h,toeered. But uiow a sister'si love îswelled up ilulber breast and she recovered bier strenigth. Amon theassmble mulitue, tat he sprang forward, bursting tbrougb the dreary morning, were two females. U)ne of nue o urs n a ptese tbem -was plainly clad, while a cloak W,1s Crasping ber brother hy the baud she tbrown around ber, with whlch she kept eried lier eatues narly onceled."Wb7at dces tib i eaul LIt is only the berfeaure uerlycoueald.aristocrats thait are to diie."' But a close observation would betray the l'Away, wmn"exclainied euei of the fact that the womau bad been weepiug. executioners. Mer eyes were infiameîi and red, and she "No; 1 will net aw,,y untîl you teil me gaze eaerl upn te pltfoînwbie awhy my brother is bere aud 1 hs bounid." -gazd eaerl upo theplaiorm whie a "Your brother?"' was the echo. sbudder passed ever ber frame as eacb shock "Yes, tbis la my brot her." of the glittering knife severed the bead "Well, wbo are you."ý fontebody of sorne one wbo bad been "I ami Marie; don'it yon kntow me?" uinfortunate enougb to fal under the ban . of tne leaders. 'But tbis is flot your brother?"' The face of the womian was very beanti- eIt is. Ask imn-ask lmr." fui,, and shie was youug-certaînly flot Yo ung A',ntonjio de Nantes ball turned a more tban sixteen or eigbt.een years ofj scoruflul gaze unpon the maffden, 1butý a light age.1 passed anross bis face and lie imurmured: 'lie ether female was quite different lu -Oh, miy iister!"' character. Mler face was fair, but there 1 I hsyu rte? se Robespierre was a brazen expression about it. She was Of the su'pposed begý,ar,advaucinjg near ber. clad iu rags, and as eaeb bead feil she "t1. would dance, and in varins ways express "Put isDane Is dowu dîfferetiy." ber <elgt, and then exlaim :"IThen i yen are mistaken'. Me is mny f"There.f ails another aristocrat, who re- brother. Ask him. 2 fused miecharity wbeu I bumbly sued to "Does Marie speak the trutbà" asked. him 1, Robespierre. Fauh expression o! the Lnd would create "ýSihe does," was the brotber's reply. a laugb from those who beard bier. But "And you are flot De Nayitýes?" anv thoughtful person must wonder bow " y en yu1Iarn ber broth-er." oeese young could have benome so de- praved. The first femnale Watcbed thia creatu-re or a fe momenad then pressing her way to ber sid, ae laid her baud upon thie shouflder of the wretcb, and wbisper- ed: ,Would yen like to becomne ricb at one " Tbhe female in rags turned abouit with a look of surprise,burst loto a loud laug,and then repiied:' "0f course I Wo)uld."p "Follow me, and you shall be." "Enongb. Lead o." t was wlth cousiderable difficlty that the females extricatect theinselves from the crowd; but tbey dîd so at lengtb, sud then the first femiale asked of the other:- "What shal i caîl von ?" "Oh ! Frm called the Beggar-Gii £You livebhy begging ?" "YVes; buit wbat's your naine, and what do you Wal " -"My niamle is NILarie, the saine as your- own.', "Are you an aristocrat ?" "LIt does flt matter. If youi know wbere we can find a roomi, leafi me te l, ano Von shal bave nold." TI 18MY flROTEE." "Wýhy dild yen Det tell us this bef are 111 attemptedI to speak, but wias silene.- "Eu3it yen mnigbit have declared your- self. "1 "ýYou woid not bave beiievedl me." "'But your dreas ?" "ILt beleuged teaun aristocrat. Perhaps te iifor iwbom 1 westaé" for a trne tue apartmeus sud w,,at se cou- was law, turuled aud said: tsiued she asked : j ,Releetje man. Are yen well.knw u aisà The chairs were iustanly remeved and -"Yesn Everybody kews Marie the Antouio de Nantes wdald dowu from iGe1 Beggar-Gi'rl." obs ere 1I scaioll, followed by bis ister, white the Are yen kuowu to ope rm If8 bEouts cf thiose atoiàrenret the air, for I want te miake a bargain v;ithlyel." t bey scpposd à W" a cemmoner Nub oa 1 amr. Whobat(ilyou wiah;?' thus been saved. "Yen see rny ltbiug la bettes tIsu your The young man worked bis wsy tbrongh owu, sud 1 wish te exchauge %th Yen. 1 the crowd as rspidiy as possible, leading wau yen te consent te renain here, and Marie. net, te show yourself at ailfer a short trne V£hey bad a cRrcelyeape it beffore the or until 1 corne te yen again As recoin- poor esr faiuted from the ictensity cf ber Pense feraidiug nme I will ive Yoc s thon. lÎee legs. sand francs, aud wben 1 comne back I will Thne brother sýcarcelyy knew wbat te do, gîve you s îbonaaud more. As secuitp'or but a baud waa lidd upen bis arm, sud s my retur take ths rng." vou icsad: IlBring ber te My rom algalu. Sbe willbe muafe hre Th)e brother coniveyed ber te the spart- ment cf tl:e paulper, and aoe f ber "Have Yen sel the femase before?" "Yen. I kuow ahd aroum hl"returned tce pauper. "uhe bow d My clothea ob te sae er lever. She b las douie h, jjadin mglad. j eoethe nole ;ister retnrned te cou- scioiusiuss the brother bad learuied ail. l'< heu she did Pse thbothsougbt secure a rters, ater rewarding the beg,,ar girl "oyen t hink kRobea!pie:rre ws really "WOILD er LRE O deciva ashiedMarie de Nantes. "nM U K OEcossuRTcsT. 1"Tenwh&pdhe orderycar release?" The lady drew a diamond rýs.,oinbr "e aHor ln e admiiredyens' fner, sud gave iiit ttu oeggar girl. p ,),r te Coidl; siebaeoules" Tnen abe bauded ber a plurs !ontainug ~"ebp hswstecase, But iff so, Iwas a de of miercy, sud the enly oe cld. ibat man ever did." The girl appcared a littIe pýnti nd Isul V.rn, SIR OLIVE R MOWAT, PREMIER 0F ONTARIO. ROUND TH-E WIIOJE WORJJD WHAT IS GOING ON IN T'HE FOUJR CORNERS OFf THE GLOBE. Ch renlee5B,- fy-nerPglip pseus sorf, cetbae Thirrbles made of lava are uised lui Naples Theý greatest sait mine is: Wiellezkî, near Thiere is siIli an armny of chimney sweeps Great Britaiu bas 5,968 vessels engaged lu the foreigun tradle. Lu taiy P0 persons out of 10,000 die by tbeasas'skie Indlians comprise about onebaîf of Mlexico'spcuain 1The caopfc Khsrtoum b as 700 watches sud not one of themn goes. The London Times reaps $415,000 a y ear by its lbirtb9, mririages sd ideatb columuns. Auistralia bas mnore places of public wer- sb)iin iýproportion toepopulation than any oteounitry. Somne Chinese sud mnyAfricalna use the ca.r as a pcft te carr-y coins and other 1smali articçles. 2A new Goverumneut tax of one mark oa eacb dcat kept as a bouse pet bas been iÏm- posed lu Dreaden. The crows of Ceylon are protected by the cople becatîsF. they purify the atnvpsphere y acting as scavengers. Iu tbirty years the number of Iooms at Lyous bas decrveas;ed from 89,000 te 12,000 aud en2ly 3,000 of these are working. The national hymu cf Chica JIsos long tbsi ttre siuging cf it o-cupies biaîf a day. Very fe-w people care atbout istening te it at second tinse. Accordiug to tbe Commnauder-in-Chief cf India 50,000 ont cf 70,000 mnen composing the armny haveben ent te the hospitas ~vithin two years. The fiesbi of force rats ibs e-teemied a culiç niary dieiicacy lu p arts of Cuba, Thleir main article cf diet la Brazil unis, whicb imparts Sgoo -l'vrt tnE Tlhs Japuese bave tbree d1iffereut forms, cf sailuLtationi. One is for saluting au lufer- 1r, ue for salutiug anr equal, and anothar for salting a superior. A peculiar diseiase cf the will isý more iomn l France than in anly other cou- ~try. The suffe,_rer is unable te cross sniy openl space likeý the city sqjuare. Types are netî use-d in priotiug Persian newpaprs.The " copiy " is gîven te au expert peumnanr, wba writes it out neatly. Tben in; werk is litbegrapbcd. Alexeurdra, Prinicess cf 'Wales, is ai ber miost vwinng1-bes when slie visita the sicit and scrrowiuig lu hospitals, sud sire iis es- peisily geuitie to littIe cbildren. The late president cf the Aýretrine Re, public, Pr. Peilegrin-,i, laDow ka partuer lu a firm o f acines whlle the ex,-umiter cf finance 55 very appropriately a mioney leudier. Tes culture ila Britisb India sud Ceyion ba, proved quite scesflfrom ia clturaiý point of view, but ts cmeca sLucceaS dpenda u1poniucipreased mnarketS for tlerodulct. Lord Ducie has9 just sent a cbecQ-k for£50b te the Glouceýsterabire Lnfirmsary, saying ttbis wilicotais hat bequecst, butn tt I beIpr ef erred te Save tire Charges Madel by theSte. The Cinese value an old pair cf boots 'Lionb bave been wern by au upr'izhbt mag. istrate, sud Ltb cusýtom of wisbiug ka frleud a ,hblppy foot" las stiili observed ail tbrougb Europe. M. Vn.iliod, the "a n i a'," gsin1ed cefeity ilu1Paris and elsewhee'y DVoN'T Lnbl NOTHIER G0 Y WVITHOUT y OUJ will llnd that it will do what no other soap can do, and will Pl ease you every way. It îs Easy, Clean, and Economnical tao wash witb this soap. East End Grain Depoi The undersigned desire to thank the larmers of West Durhaï for the liberal -patronagye extended to us duringr the past seasori, also to remnind themn that we are, stili in the m,rket and prepared to pay the HJGHFEST MAIRKETPRC AIL L kIN DS 0 F C 0AR8 G R AIN S EE"D!Z delivered at our storehouse cor. King, and Gxeorge streetss,, or"ýt Po. D)aringcton. We have also on hand a largeY, stock.- NEW AND FRESH, of Canadiau and Liver-po-ol Coarse Salt in Bagrs. Roek SU f,) r en end haorses, and Fresh Ground Gre y Plaster in BarreLs whi we are prepared to sei EOR Al kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY'I CLEAN SORIEENED COOÂ4 diways in stock. W"e invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. iîtMcOLandLAN & OO, Wili be fpllsaa er n-4-qatIt twiCe ini Quaiteý andtI tree fiies iRiPrice who >inspect the %RmRequileda8otetf iffBoots and N~ Slipperâs, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises,, &C., At Our Store, «0WBEAVER BOK~ ~wiuvI 1 J3JGGEST STORE, BIOGESI VARJETY, BIG&EST VALUE, Everybody iuivited a 44 at iel re e m ew footwl'èear ID- D A7 IS Il VOR ALL SIZES 0FBILWC. Qapacift, front 10,000 to 80,00 Quoic ~~ CYLoiNWE sTEL RADITOP- IIEA'l ree~h1,, :mp.-~,< ~e.c* fr-r ~e~e hfee ~. tnc i3iOIecFut Ct dacan lis nescrtde~li aa -T lt in - t, Yet et a c te othe ki f b for - ' 1 of E - Th as aru e s cfthm o tiit f s e tw E ereu X t Swaýbs v l tf ~ m "~'4 î e~ - '- a F m u t e!e 4 e "jf wlitîe and de1ica-, ,Let me arrange ai tvv o ".. wr, eer~ua~5o hn.eas.svn-"E nRL ie~'gins tc f aillie-crrucarried by Or orWomans Artfice. tors . - ' i~i rigb, ma'm~" ~d theman aillingsansd 5xeîea&froi japail baîf - s tfi te douwadsluthi -u'11 righr mha'aniew " meatiM the Mail a g a uluès. Dodriug the bicycles, of couîrse. lusulated wire, ila mmcd on, asud the k CI-3EZI-A-ZD

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