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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1894, p. 3

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iamois. zin Vest. This article isecone of the ïmost satisfac- tory snvestmecnts you cai n maket and if y.ou once wear one you wEllode why you have gone se many yejars3 witho.ýut and you would ilot -do away wifth the comifort and pleasure derived from thîss necessary article of winiter clothîingc for a $5-. 00 bill. The beat way to secure a chamois vest is to go direct to Stott&Jury's and purchase two of those large skis which ey, r now sellinig and ask for a patern7 for mnak- ing the veat or9 leave your order and have one made up. By thi8 meanis you eau get P. firat celasa vest at les than haîf t1e usual price. STOTT & JURY Druggists and Opticien. The onl3y place where you can pur- chase the Olebrated Orienital Rose Balm is ab Stotr, c&Jury's and there îs no question as to the mierits of this article which is wvithout doubt the best remedy oni thc market for roughnless of the skin. Large bofties 25-)cents'. STOTT & JURY. Local and Ot-he3rwîse. A fulli une of cks bunis, etc., always on hand at Tod's. Cre,3z Cat Sw and axes in quantàty and quasiity et DÏustan ,& floer's. Mrs. A.Norto)n has returned from a pleasant viîit with her mother et Leakard. Buy a few extra copies of this illustrat- -.d peper for mnailîeg to absent friends. Mr. and Mrs3. Daviïd Roberts, Cobourg, were guests of AMr. and Mrs. John rercy last week. Plan of Hall for theWýeblinig's opened at "'Big, 20" on Satuiday lasi wher over 200 seats were reserved firsi day. The Art Sa!taina He&ýtrer and Parlor -Cook 'mooe-te et in the market- for sale ai 9Pustan & lors Mr. Duncan Jaeksqon and wife, Toron. te, spEant ThmnksgivinÉr, guesti of thle MLises MciTeviqh and Mr.L caih Anyone des3ýirîng to secure a seat for the Wehnsshould lose no time as ahl seats are ltkely to be takien days ahead of the eniertainment, .An articli co)pied fromi the Toronto -lor$d appeared in ,itheseco n nAg crt i tle brunessf theVav Thle World recently sta that an eror w-,as made in reporting the trial cf A. 1H. Keith, manager ai Tor- onto, ab thet tume and ad- The business là above reproach, being ditinct and sep- a rate from ail queck remedies, illegitimrate racices, etc."1 Tho uionr service in the Methodist church Thanksgiving morning was spien- ,éidly attendled and'Rev. R. D. Fraser preachedl a mosi appropriate sermon from Paa. 144 : 12 1."epe Plenty and .Peae.e" The church choir assisted by four or fiVe members cf other choir% sang the anthems "The Heavens8 Are Telling" and "The MLýarvello-us Works." Rev. 'Messrs, Parker, BernaBs, Pritchard and .Jolliffe assisted in the devotional services. The collection for the poor amounted te 831.49. Sale of Good Literature. The -aniual sale cf nmagazines,, papers, etc., in connection with tie Mechanics' lustitute. wili be hield in ihe Reading Rooni on MUond-ay evening, Dec. 3), at 8 o'clock. As a -1arge liai cof the Ieading anid tacet popular rmagazi.nes will bc effer- ed tiis will be a good epportunity te oh- tain. the best reading miatter at a Io w rate. D est Ohristmas Presents. tleriitiinas is at hand, the gay and fest- ive season. Take our advice and go te '1ii's gallery, Bomniland have a -dozei of their suoperb cabinet photos tak- eof yourself te present te your friends as X1was gifts. What couhd be nicer ? While in the studio take a look ai their -coice pictune framies and photo stands. Doe no' édelay as it requires somne time to il onders and give yeu the besi work. Darlinigton Taxes.- All patrftesowigaxea to the Town- ship cf Darlington are requested te pay theni before the_ Firsi day of December nexi, after which aIl tex-bills whîch have been deIivered1 fourteen , àaYs prier te thai date, rema ining unpaid, will be col. hected by wrat which wil be issu ed lmmnediately after. Hiampton, Žo.2,19. Cletr ErYRSTAT-ESMN,-I Will thank you te edvis,3e epbi hog orltn thai I1ave ecided te de2fcr the, examtiný- ation te b3 heid lin Bwnavjlefr the above Shlghp until Satuirday, Duc. lSt. to wekslatr han thet3 e set, in my l esticomunic iin eju.Ti change has been madc1e in order toeYenable- a larger numiaber cf lpensois te o Il in the eminationi. '1týAlh1those esnigte compete are re- queýsted te commuRnicale- withmefrh wîih, enclosinff a self addresscd and seimped en,,eýlope for reply. Yours truly, O. R ]!400LLOGHPrincipal, Hai1ýltoiusýiness Cullege, BIGT DA-Y SUNDâ&Y. Next Sunday le antivorsary day in Bowmanviiie Methodiet church. The trustuees ato asking an offering of $500 on the plates toward.s the building. fund. Lest year the congregatien gave e685 when asked for the sanie amount. Rev. J. Kines of Oshawa, ex-president of the Montreal Conference, will preach mcmr- ing an-d evenîng. Tho day's services -wili 1be as folows-: MORNINO EVIE 1. Organ Ofertory. 2. Doxolojgy. . HLmnI]. 4' Prayer. . Anthem,-"The King cf ALove my Shep. herd"-Shelly. 6. Responsive reading. 7. Maie Quiartette-'The BeautitlCit, ." 8. Sec ond lesson. 9. 1flynn. 10. Sermon-U ey. .J. Kixnes. Offertory- "Satviour when night1 Iinvolves the Skies "-,Slelly. 12.-Hymo. 13. eneidiction. 14, Organ Ofiertory. 1. eOrgan Offertory- . 2. floxology,. R flymn. 4. Prayser. 5. Anthen -"Har, Hark, My Seul"- Skely. 6. Soriptore l1esson. 7. flet "Jcesus Lover1 o-f lJy SouL" 8. flyrn. 9. Sermlon -Reý. ..KIunes. 1). Offertory-",How Long Will Thou Tourgeýt Me' " ilugc.1. flymn. 12. Bndcin 3 ra Off ertory. Try the home made candy ai Tod's> Corespondence neariy ahi cowded eut, Skates in al sizesaet Duetan & Hoa's. Mis Sarah Biokell cf Toronto je visit- ing ai Mr. H. C. Taît's. Mn. and Mrs. F. J. Bickeli, Petenhere, were in tewn oven Sarnday. Mrs. ThoFs. Elioti, Hampton. was guest TRE MISSES WEBLING of London, Enghand. Over 500 Fiuccessfuil appearances in, the Metrop)olis of thet World. Miss Lucy is the most talented child actress before the public; the moist suc(cesif ni littie Lord Fauntleroy on the Englishi stage. Miss Peggy is without a riv ai as a maie person- ator. Rosalind his attractedI the attention anidvon the amrto f great literat- eu1ts. ~ Thi-e &are the ladlies ofJ bom sJohkn Ruskýin peaks se h;ýihy in ie "Arrows of the Chase."' They appear in.Éthe Town HllI, Bowmaniville, Friday Dec. 7. of Mrs. J. Lyle onl Sunday, THANKSGIVING VISITORS. Yen will be sumrprised et the low pnices Mn. W. T. Dale visiied rltvse n .J fer Note papen, Leiter pads, Envelopes, Brookliu Thenksgiving day. KnJ o. -,yes, Lindsay. etc., ai, the. Mr. W. N. Tilley, Toronito, et homle3. GRAýND CE-NTRAL. TEE STATESM!AN te end of 1895 for $1 Mn1akeSeesa r .D om oehe uii-eNa n in dvnc. ubanMr-ow SVîiae StvesNbiceM.1) Mn. rýArthur L. McMurtry je attending Mesan. 1F. Curtis andc H. Rosevoar, MeGili Univensity, Monireal. Port Hope. Riekard ia a Precticai and Saientiflo Mns. Isaaec Utchardeon, Miilbrook, vis- Mn. Beni Hutcheson, Port Penny, ai Opticien. itedlMn. G. HI. Webster necently. Mns. Hibbent's. Anciic Uerino undýerweýar, sofi as silk, Mr. W., J. Ted has 1sf t fer Wlnnipsg, Missý Mabel Wihiamis, Pont 1Hope, guest e1 t Masonýs. MVan., whene lhe will spend the winter.W of Miss Alexande1r. 1Mn. Mayer invites inspection cf hiei Mns. WV. F. Allen wiill eniteriaini th, Miss Viola Glfillan, Victoria Uniiven- teck cf new fors, sity, Toronto, a iehome.iA ieltQFu Fr osan Misses NWebin1g whihe in Bowmeanvihie. Messs. Chas. snd Bert. Brittein, T>.RAlle loi cf F qer1 'sCapý.gSoeot n Programrmes and tickets for the WTebh. rente, ai Mnr. Chas,. Young,'s. Rhsa ae' ltigSoe ing Dramlatic Entenialumeni ai '-Big '20." N. snd Mns. John Sandenson., Colege _M iynerd the JeweIler, issuer cf marri. A cho)ice e2ssotnmeni of H1anging Lamps1 St., Toronto, ai Mn. Robt. Sianiley's. arte iccusnes, Big 20, Bowmanvti-ihe. airckbttn rie a usa Hoa's.1 MissesKenhm P. Jacobel and iMilie Le veacsos ud thnbae fr The nume(cf the pianisi with the Misses,- nigDemill Cllge,<4hawa, ai, n.J. -sh'arpeniing eat Cbartran's Barber shnp-1S Wb isleHenny Qilie-not 1anyGrnig's. nedMse ateado ea ks aýi)it te yolunadvanrtege te buy WoodendanM. W.flIll e if yen wl cahi. Meynenrd the Mn. J. D. Windati cf Thorah has been Etchel Batiett, Cobourg, et Mn. Johin j eweîîen. apenlding s few days with his sister Mrs. M-eilsn.A coghA M. Ladiesets' and childnens' undenwear Thos. Ted. Laughhin, Mn. Jas. Durin of Tnuth office, -nover auch value as this sneasen ai We give the CHRISTIAN RLN fnee Toronte, et lhome. Mason's. fc blaceof184 ene sbanier fr Mn. W.. Wh-ite. Triniity Medical Meni's snd Boys' Overco)ats in a11 size 1895-only $1. College, and MIr.Il. W. Foley, Te:ronto uisi neceived ai Coluh, Johuiston & Cry Miss Mary Hebbs retunued fnom Wiu- University, Toronto. ---1 - dern[mn's, nipeg Satunday. Miss Sqeeir of Onono Misses A. sud B. Da.ncaten, Alben-ta A IAof nice drees goodE; seing of, f ai eccompanisd lher. lancock and Mn. Elgar Smsale, Modal gnoe,;tly neduced pio t oc1 Jheo S. Pau's SULday School are preparng School, Port Hope, t home.& Crydlermenr's. cul fer their annuel Xmas enteniajumeni 1Mn W. L. Alleni, and Mnl. Chas. Bon Orders for alh kidsý of steve :Repaira Friday evening Dec. 21. Peîerbono MHan. rnk Wersîe. ii N, rý -plv fiillod ai Rd. Wcrth's IHardware Capi. 1H. J. Snelgnove, govennon cf ithe 11,M;iss Fany annugtnSt.Joh, N prmp couanty jail, Coboung, ivas gueos of Mn.r. .; Mes , . and Mns. G 1 f~f Tre, o wmet ni. iejwel Toronto, ai Mn. W. F. Alen'e. ' I e an ntigintejwln C. Tmebîhýcock Menîdiy. lncalsdoeowhepyen u nbuy Mn.T. E. B3. Heury and child 1heve Bwmcvl Il awo t oic ou tfoiM~adts eel Miss Mabel Ccis i~hty ntunned Itemi Por-t 1Hsney, B. C., where Miss Jenniel McClnng £,ai Toronrto. Jsnt receiveda' Coucli, Johni-sto11 & shep was visît*ng hem parents. Mn. and Mrs. J. G. Wi tcn ai Tencn' Crydenman's hundreds of MeLnthesý and D. unke -Sioepson, Esql., wihh enter. Miýss E.E. 1Hayceft visited hnFer rent.5 ae-mpne irc nm eln tain Ex GovernIor Chase ccf Indiene dur- 1et -Mýynthe ort n ietsoietcfDesSt in he ia n owanile Mn. aind Mrs. WV. B, Couch and faihiy 1ges and ahi othen fashior,blo meesate. Mn. Joseph CobbhedickL, Exeeada Pont Hope. ' ai oi t CcV-cis, Johuston & Crydaer- Mnýîr Amo,- Cebbledick, Onoýno, ,.cgustas Mna . J. 1-. ld visited her parent, fk.51, CI Mn. Isaec Joesli ecently. Mn. and -Mrs. W. Kinig, Pont [Hop-e. NgowSiig, New Trousetpings,Ne Mn. 8. A. Mc Muntny cf Ogilvie Miiing M-Nis. T. E. Higginbotfisam n d SOl)iWrtes Ne w serges, -New O -veCyoaiings CoMontreal, and sonr, onnuiie, visited Cr eigiston et Reýv. J. JT. llare', VWhiib)y. -sîl Jusi opened eut et Cojucis, Joisun M1rs. W, MclMutry this week. Mn. Chas". jeti,jr, of tha NesVI, and &,ndnmns Dr. S. W. M1ýoCe-nnacie, of Hamilton, MmI Jas. Dunu c f Truli, wei to Pont Don't aivn-h u yncen get ai,- wsgetof hie parents, Mn, snd Mrs. S.p. wooi heavy onderweqran a aan's for wasnacie guigiMis AddeMDoweh Mss Ltti 0 cent, ad beavy ined boots for $1,35; Meonacsi, igs t. iiswek. Brnimacomtbe. Mis Katie Cuirtis, Miss ýuii a nice fut ceai fer $15. Mns. M. -F. Bnewnrigg afier a pleesenait Mosetta Jamnes ttended tise Tbanksgîv. viil with hon ister Mms. (Rav.) C. Park- inTocr ie yMs ikseouinwrh make one feel as tisougish Ee was et, hes returned te Halifax, N. S. cle its oei ais olg o iveniving. Take eue cf Carters Littls Mies Louie Andrew gave a pleasant Wednssday eveninig. ,Pihis eflen ealing it will relieve penty te a large number of youug people_______ dyspepsie, aid digestion, give tons and ±'nsosy night se hem home ou Angyle ai. BrIlhhant Social Event -, 7 igete asysin tni. ,Jonto Mns. Geo. Paterson, Horaey st., gave a -Nwsoin aiCcsJhto & vemy enjoyeble evening panty te a lange Thai was undoubîed1Y oesof ihe '3Most Cnydenman's a fe ras necfLadies' numben cf merny people ai iser cosy bniliant privais hllsf tiseseason ruesteWaepnoa naicizs hom!e Fri'ley evaning. -' ook place ai "Nom h Polo" Thrl * Theyi are thse most aatisfactory waterproof ýS 1 Tisenksgiv 1ng that eany lady cen bey. We regret te notice tisaitishe name cf ve, when the ,Misses Fairbairn eniter- r.i Rer. LR. iD. Fraser, M. A., wras o ted aius.d about ifty 0f s hein fienda lu their Shileh's Cui saold on s guananee. fnom thse High Schol B aird as publisised sual hospitable meanuer. Tise houes waa i ue niintCnupiu ll in tise illusinated aupplement. beauiifully decona ted for thre occasion asu.d the bes Cough Cret. Ond 10 e ote ta Rev. J. Abnaham, Whithy, neccupîsia iefloot sudmui was ail tisai the moat oe25es,0ci.ud$00pnbu. the pulpit cf Si. Paui's cisureis nexi Sun- exaciing dancen eýu'cd wieh for. 1 t waso81 ld by Stoit & Jury. day Dc,2..Rv.R.D.Frso geetel ong, afier tweo o'clock boe the lest gucsi Oithen atones may quete lew prices but WhiLby sud will preacis special sermon te isad depanied. Thse uppeme halls ma,4de ils ipsi for theul te match Bâlik. St. Andnew's Scciety thons on Sunday beautif eh renc1ezvoua suad wone mucis Ire- upi Stock pnicee. Tisese wbo have eom- at 3.30 P. M. queeied. Supper wss senveci in tise large paned haye pneved thîs., Ceme to Ted & Rsv. C. Perken's tahk on "Rambles lu dining noni. A mong tise many beauntfru] Co'a eld stanld fer bargeins. EngandsudScolsn" l th Mehodaigcwns we uotced Miss Fainhairu wiso It 1ý'as au ecknowiedged facitishat Tcd scisolnred coaTianseiintheigisi wastnywome a haedsome browu ilk; Mi.ss Maud & Cehad sl hues cf staple Dry Gooe iuineiîn, eig oi f to sul rtsefFeirbairn in yellow sud white ooked ci- ight. Now la tise time 10 seurs msnyi iravre. n. Hbeddy pnesideheTheu fceedi;ighy petîy; Miss Bneck of Toonto cf ticses li t 30 pet cent bleow other youg opel. aer. vdd re eo Thed loeked very gracef nilu inite satin; M isa tones pices. Sigu oif Red Flag. pîsasant social heur was apent. Proceeds an li' any iiefgr okd Tisane is ne bellot proof cf tise bergains $34. well1in see; s1ar edc cffered lu conneclien with Ted &, Ce'a _____________Torouto wore bine gauza-; Miss -Bunis- baru Knupt stock than tise crewds whiciscarau cf Pont Hope, yelew silk with black net; ho seau tisnereis day. Wise ecnomicah AYOD TOUBE A HO E. MisMaud Burnharnwhose gneeefel dane.. people boy wisene tbiey eau sve mouey by pire gown and binte fignred ilk; Milss ecs outn&Cyemnhv Simeonwis ws a bngis a usel en sold a great many Ladies' Coals and pink witis whire ci"ffon; Mâiss Moicalfe cf ,' lise Only the Reliable Pont Hope wibo was counlei eue off tiseCapes. But they are euh sb Bowing au im- bele wrewhtocrPonsdstn issmeasasertimeni cf tusse gooda in tise Dals Walbnwige was pouaming l pink ,,teïu styles and ne botter value enywhoee Diamon Dyes.and witie bengeline. .&îengtheinite! giesa ere Mis < ~ Do yen want te -save a doclor s 'billI.2 Miss Mary Reid, Miss Ida Aikin,, Toronto;, Mesr ho e esc asna$40 veýa Ili wl nontsa is aie fJohn Y. Reid, jr., J. Kerr, H. Di.Butine, A. E. Si-buy a bte n fynwn tl; I swI nw htteldeofLaughlin, T. M Fairbairo, Rhys -il. Fairboairi, J Nbie n fyuwn tl;w Canada cf ton exponionce triais sund tribu' Gordon, John Campbell, Paul Gordon, Wlter Alaîtn: have very' stylihiss nes et $10, $12 sud laies n is buehldmaagmetW. S, Ormiston, LL.D, lf Tr,loo;M". M. firent, $15; rosI good ceaIe ai $7, Sectismiat latios inthe ousehld mnageent*Kingston: Mr. and Miss ilanningknýi, St. John, N_.'« Tisse smsasl but initating troubles eau hoclMr. J J. Rayes, Lindsay; lir. Frlank Wete, e l aoBowmiauville. avoided if a litile cane sud coriimon Balnse Mfesars. W. L. Allen and C1. Brow,teter,;,:55 R H enywilhofuniiies tae exýcised. Women Whio go on sufer elO.r cie W Gright itl!, Nwcsle1heM S-au STATEsmAi Block from uow unlil ing tise littho miseniesý have ihoniselvos Ms hhiM"s.. ,W1ntt, . asleN hnamspnepered te mahie any style cf le b-lame, as tisey suff,;rn ibrougis tiseïin(oW" , itia fn, Wiiby;Meers1..Casskl. AtarPoera-,Iph Ho bas aIl tise negatives ho canelessnessud inoxpeiencE). To-day, RVresn ir n ie red Cowanl , Obw; eeduaî is o yaahowsl tise great source cf aunoynei ieM. .M .Fibirn etror;Tu sseAle , tu ssaad atiswaniting Photographe MiL !ss A. Frise, saA. S Upo, Miss). Wlb;d- housîholod la the use cf poon imitation iss Biulke, is ML*ghi>, Me iiler is i ,! ný thos o ne ixaegative s cen ho suppli- dyas for dome3tie dyeing. lInsoa oMiss Peluh, , ndMs.fi). Sinipson , : .adlr. da cs that wil ho aatisfaclory, and secti0locf eutiand, ,ise ladies have iftecen .L.rt , ran(M'.'Fred A. Swan Messrs. Car te-tba wnnting crayon Portraits or eu- nip theLin voice egainsi thoni in e way tisai 1eorùb,-J. F. IolnT. HMfutrIlbatlargmen, ha ea furnislisa smotiig caunot be mnisuuderetood. Tisesoiit-, .M ntyBwmnile «ta lindyee have caused not enly greet bs C1, uch, J Jhualon & Cryderman 6xlare heartacise as weii. Alteodomestie uaiy nai lelao i tyesfLais trassurbuainsaeavoided when Th ssse~s spese epyFrCp eGetlNd Sal, reyan Diamnond D.ues arde so. By ihein seti'siseeat cash pr iesfran-y q ntity cf Jlca eaLamb, Sbe lc eln woki,_weil suid quiýckd l due aerle OPotlltry deee n tise tloigmne:OoarBcae,& Thssae a reotise aiasganedtieclr nsbrnlliani B.sdeacîsnsddypeid s-gIh od tisýAai eau O pnicur dud t andlasing Laies wiso hae ae1Da l ilîa e ad nn. ,)pice ududa n, easnaLorc mýoud Dyne for tise hast ton yeesknw owetuiltetlaîtuy-er LdsFtCpsinGyLmb theinrgrea_ Vý-tilwonth sd posibili ties. Avod hers before [being ýkiHl, suJki hy Ble enian La B1, Bi'ck Ma irin, Bc ai1iiato dyesa, 1ad alweaya insiet upnleeding ai tise nek. I aron, Saýble, t4noeuliaiîd eal, lak Op- go"ttin!gDamu Dyesa reni yeun dr7uggýist A[lio cash p;aid for hoas, dnied applesý possu1m, sud Coluilibia Sable, in ail tise on dealer. egbte u ras es etfsinbesao.Teeaels aniouin use i't. 463ms Children Cry for Pitoherls Casto PL AIN F 4OTS. It -lias been otir aim to pay special attention to th,,,e qualitUy of our goods---to secure the bestfo the least money. This year, of die- pression has been marked by manuffacturers, and wholesalers and our cash buying has secureci for us -the greatest value yet offered. Lamnp Goods,Tea Sets,Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, fancy goods of al description. New fruitû is arrivi-ng daily--1 new, cheap and good. OyS 8TER& Trout, and ail fish inU season. Barrel, Dairy and Land Sait always on hand. Thanking our many friends for their liberal patronage in the past we intend by fair dealinag and good value to have more people deal with us than ever. Bring us your produce and get the high-est price -1,1 goods or cash. CAWKER &TAIT, CONCERTS AND MEETINGS. Ton cdrnts a lino e chaeirgedl for notices of mieetings whei'dmrlissiou ee schargyed, cllection taiken or prîntin-g df'ne, but net et TTEANffie F outice je giron when pinlinjg sje, enohrs. uscHall, Bewmanville, Dec. 10 sud In a Friendly Way Let uis ask you ite noûte careý SALE AND TEA. fully our stock of Tise Ladies' Aid 'Society of St. Pauh's cisunci will isold s sale sud tes in thse paper and Enveloi school-nom n ouFniday Nov. 30. Sale ai 4 p. m.; tea aet 5.30. Admission free. are pretty arld xý Collection et tise tee table in aid cfise ie aetoso t Society. Tise public are cordially invited. 'hwl Public Scisool concert ai Eufield Friday ____ Dec. 7 at 7.30 ýo'choek. Grand prograni of 32 mombens. Only 15 cents. B1v,,v le b Tise Ball Fanîily 'of Jubiles Singers will BomnilwlIb givo oneocf th(ir celebratqd eente' t~ Globe Satdr meuts in tise Methodiet ChbchNeweaa ho, iula tl noRt Fridey nig-ht. Admission onîy 15c.24 La-eyu orr J. N. Kivehi. Tisis welh knoiwn friend of lise ladies e edtafrn. bas oesed an art exhibition in tise sisop opposite tise P. O. wlisene Misa Fraser oif'R Kingtn, esf tisehast sewîng machinsel artiste lu Amerlos will give frees Bsons ET m A every day up te Dec. S. Every lady ie iuvitod te riait tise moinmansd ses $i,000 BIG 2 worth cof fan cy wor k. e" I BORN. MÂNES-le Haîdon, Novemaber 15, the wife of Mr. Robt Manies, off a daughter. HANA-Near'EnniskillenNov. 21, the vite of Mn. A. Hanna, of a daughter. ToRoiFF-Ofl Sth cou. Darlingtoin, Nov. 23rd the wife of Mr. Fred Tordiff, cf a daughter. GRIGG-In Bowmanvilip, Nov. 15, the wire of John Grigg, of a son. DIED. BENNETT- At the r@eldence cf bismohr Aldbourne, Wilts, England, on Sunday, Nov.e 25t1i, W. E. Bennett, ]oiirnalist, la te of 110w- manville. Ont.. son*în-iaw oP Mr. (Geo. H. Webster, aged 33 years. <By Gable.) FRNaiç-In Bowmaanville, Nov. 19, E]!izahk beloved wite off Mr'. John Frank, aged 86 yeýýare. ,MCCLELLAN-Near Maple G -ove, Darlington on Nov. lOi b, William MeOkIElan. aged SO years 'months, 10 days. BOWANVLLEMARKETS. FLeUR, i 106 O .$1y50e" 2a60 ( n , h.... O0l CM 5 r olraoq . 6G rO 07 r Wblite File . O 60 IlO 0(i, ilIl y r 2s . O0 ,, O 4 OAT, wite........... 0rO2 PEÂýs, Blacke7ye', ' u!;1'l- 0 r O 5 Eee{doz.... ........00015 filne Noteý esThiey oracopu C ATT LE ASTRAY.--Came on lo-t 1(; B-"1. F. D)arlîngt,)n, two bamaîl ife Owner will prove prepO3rty. pay epe-esandf labo them easay. E. J. B7uiE oroni L.AMB ASTRAY.-Came nlo 8 cor. 7, Darl!ngton, a weathen lamb.Th ownen is re quested te prove prorerty. -m y e, Penses andJake hinm away. Hl. J.,~a Enniskillein.'4-w ~T EIFER STR.YED,-Ca nlot, 33, con. 6, Darlinig'or, Ib)ut, the m,ddle141 11f October!, a two ysar nid hoifer. 0wnePr wll pls roe rpprty, pay expe @es and tle ber awsy. JoHN SÂNDEEÇCCR, 0Ono, P. , 01f US8E FORSA-,LE a t aigreo brgin good we]llandpmrp, tbe.Frp r3,lan 'apply 4 teJ~K.GBAIbarree. Gý MR DF ER S JALE1, TO aces ilsouth IZI ces off lotS,51and 25accf norrh lot, con. 3 oér 1il1 rent forsc ter m-pogpossoniv afler Yharvest. Apply te MS. IJ-*,-,;I,-, v on rmie or te ký. 13 ýstx SIIISN ofB B~~~~;, fA O ERIEA or 487w tgned basor servnihc o Lo I on ocu iet y Capt. Cratwford. Termnimseni t q u 1tu a mal, illte . orî. rT.BiOÂ . mw -L - 1 Hamiîîon, GRE. Bowinanville uouoal donnouolà S urynerman.

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