Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1894, p. 5

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r PR.CIIAL FAR ING ~ A feel cntier is usefui even when forage HOW THEY CURED HIM. î, pietilian cheap; o fe will hclp toj1 make a variety lu fecdiog. Ts ~vîWvl ueiaHreWî Htanglng a Stable Door. Il the meal be sprlokied on eut bay it cut-ed cfa int abî it. lu ind clmata ame the wa ofwill preveuat the cows irom eing the meal hauglug the stable door than awioging it on toarp'ly 1i ws god ooso sndle in e Cern sud ceb gronnd together will mako ib i pe u erne made hlm hingea is greatly desired. A device to do0 a gond butter ration if fed wtb claver hey, valuiable te 'Mr. Anidrews, the preprietor of , thit, le shonuil this eugraving aud cao ho expensive bris need net be pnrcbased. alvr tbe h a ogthma made fron the followiug descriptiono. For Try saime liuseed meal wiih the f ndder remsrkably low figure. Ho was about seveu ~, a denrway make a hatten door lu tbe usuel sud enu eal. Linaeed mealilea hesîthini - I, n aeprms flogsrie food; ih kseps the cow'a sysîem lu arder. yasod u aepaîen ogsrie manuer, weightsdpouetasur Butrl dl di upre Oniy cnue ting snbtracted from bis valne saab weights that together wîll juet balance The beat butter rarely isîle below the costsud etracted irom bis reputation. the dear, or make the door ta balance the ni production. Ho refiused te ho bitcbed te a post or las. From the cow ta the consumer shou.ý1ld otene-d by a halter. Nothing wonld keep the am. And the time that lapses fro'm hlm in a staîl but s barricade ni rope or th owt te ansmer shauld ni et, bars placed behind him. Wben harnessed longte a wagon ir was unsais te ieave hlm unless And the man who owns the cow slbould hitcheri, foi-lbe was fond of a strriil. Yet, ho te oe wo delswît il hoil tied ta a trac, nr a atout post, ho wnulti uidertake te break the ropo, or bis neck. eats the butter. b the omet violent pulîinff, resring and 0trading fer bu-s 05r teprpiunigiug. Bt.H.j. e-sS.gives_, an average pries for ah nLe *takes M 'r. Andrews resolvsd that this equine t'Lif your butter is gond it suffers lu priceo n madeses should hcoeured, snd the village b î con itebdbterh acrple îeee set their wits ai work upon the GO THORO1JCH AS11 'I By bunting up customers yen nîay get frein five te ion cents a pound more than e b . - Yeu get in trAde. - - 1Then yen eu boy your greceriea cheapor - ~~for cash aud inake a double sviug. ,< j statemen,-t of a Well Known Doctar If yon get five cents moe for ynuir "N ehe Peol eîcnoUti h-iOSECURELTY iUNO STABLE tlOOr. butter irem prîvare customars thantu en e-reýr u ,anid 1 bave triori tbem an, 15s s weigbts, Purchase shout eight yards ni cou ln trado,,ynu gain tbree cents ounhe e ihîrog l esation, and effots so many sasi cord sud twn largEi saab puilsys. Place price ni butter and probably leur or fivei pe ,ainicres as Ayer's'Barsaparlla.- lu position a frame made ni twe b 1y eîghi conte more by buying yonr grocerese for '- - ~ ~ lii. . F MRrnl, Auîgusta, Me. lnch plauk haviug the puileys niear the top, cash. ' ' sud fit the lioorrio that h wîli slids up aud le S 8iS Il ~iIIa dowu witbout wearing the cardl. Fasten WS NINEEHNS ï t~' he sasb corde ta the hottom ni the door WS NINEEHNS Admttd t the Wnrld-'s jr near the bitten. On aach ide nf the door i i faston te the iframe stripe afinlch square An incident or tise Great luteiligene 1 One mnorniog la July the propriett r ni - _______________________pisces te hioid the doar lu positian. The These Animise. thé staýble,with the butelher, the blacksmith wsighte mnay lida op sud down on the aides Ona day,sysaswriierofa-imglshmii- suid tho ieuherse, appoared onu thle bank B1IEATH1~GDEEPLY. nithe framie, whîcb may project tout fa rtayexeicesheyguaukluhe itecnlwîr heodwawdete r'ELY euough for the purpoeor ha bexed ilutetaryeprec ev uisie n tu f b ana hr h odwL i h -- roeo temsu th crdfiar te eatb- muddy bettom ai a stream, aud the tandem t irt, sud the lope taward the watcr protct tem nd te crd fom he w- 'gentie. The blacksmith wae armed with au Atu erele lways ou linan nd slOf Uln ai-. This meibofi caste lesthan the cein-- elephaur wae unbooked te aboya behind, 1i- Iran crowhar, sud the butcher witb bis elesileteol Value, moun verhead baugera, is vary durable, lift the mnzzle ai the gau with bis îrunk. logeat, abarpest kuife. Mi-. Andrews led W ithth prelninary, but important, cau be used for doors ni- shutiers, sud e.uy But bie would net ; hieonauy bellowed aud the horse by s balf-iuch roe. Allithe idîs, farmer wba le hsudy wiih roale eau eaeily e ii nd osaot hsaneteth me!tier o, ný,iieuig saîîsfaetnrily setled, we put t inopracîlce. awayed uoeasîly, shiftug fi-arnonue foot tei-ed o bos aouhth min t-et ur araeaad t breathe. If very wenk, lie ~- the acheriluthe sticky mud. At lest, wcih Tebrwsdie epmnieeu dewu l 11nua easy couch-lie flat on the The apsagreeable Cowey Odor !n pitenus, shihl rumpeîing, hae tonced the About fltecu leest rom the canal ; theez the b',ack esta teai sfrsbu"-rI'111kzap on'n--eio'rgt uta u horpa wasatled. fastretueiba bar by the alen -7ý (i-,t te airis frsh, bt avod Mil. zhar poin of te i rderigrepshe bis- headopeabiardadtuerd villagelgesud a cdraught. D raw ho a long, slow breath, Professer . D. Smith bas beau atudyiug, Ze1. bis tail tnward the bank. eitioig ihe i, inpbrILgm andabdomenax- semns phases ni the mik question sud j is' "Ha Ie sys lbe 18 ai-aid ni honting himseli, 'Tha roa stond for a 1ew maomants with pn as ilyapossible. Then by a the opinion ibat much ni the tallk whicb sabib," xplahned the ahaut. nje^, cotr f t n he diaphragm-a quick bas iüterested oany dairyman lu yeare "lteli h in te âpoke the v;iee." ehsty il, wbat wasegaiug an. The butchar dirwg l aio the1bcmuscles ever the tomacii ai bu h aesl re ikwib "Promise hlm banbehsd he wiîî.Il flurishied the kuie balai-e bis ayes, sud lha 1, pst, bou thegase infres mik whch 1V(ýY wel."SI1tartuc(Ïbaek sud fit the ingof the.rape ou -freibe ir inure the uppor part ni the giva ht the peculiar Ileaowey" odor (whieh "eywi. is ueck. Thon ail hie eqoine ire was iuns sd bilthe-re s moment ai- two bsba osdrduaodbe sa- The siephant eareiulI itiuds ecrervarossd, sud haiettuled back wiih a fierce befre iioon h a pse p in ha brot.aggeed. Bnsesys thvoatb pev et-ngfooting, ouiled hie trunk round s lower iitu i8sup ntothethrat.'bypreentngspolie, sud made the wheel revolve ; theui-k Tt%,3;s i,1 ýva. onrac ini fthe -rocs miîk firn comîug in conotact wih tIhe air, the sh1aft elaphaut put iu bis poudarous The rope bore the airain until the hutchar cerdsý, sd enet osually difficult. But if wil n h u lo oeoto hisuAddnly draw the keon edge n is ie ufe th crd wliun cos, udib ar s niby milking through rubbar tubes juta dlean wib udmeg»siwyrsaota hesioathe tighianed strauds, when instant- th-ori .-1îltcos,-n h armsntud sud railed up the opposite banuà.rsutudsbcksmrulnd Pedl onî-eolled, close the ipesud bold air iight ens$, mille wil keep s consider- The triomphant mahour demanded back- ly tr u-e ak oesutIjd lionbis bead in the canai. tho nous 1ra. smoment, wbicb wilprevent able urne sud whila the charactarlatie shsesb for bis Haosblar Hatti (wiaa el-luHou es reîuîîy sud teudarly fiehed ont, theaiir fi-cm aIl leaving the apex ni the fiavor sud odar o ikaepeet hnpat.dt hsdycnb ice yasrn lug.Whîu practîce the vocal carde will li'meu ar presnt, wen phut). te akse sudt ii dyan ebhceIl s-n "Yenecam I Yn wnt te baks et a perambulator, whesihr,-rrow or umbral- crendrperfect cent-el. opensd,,thera le uo objectiinabla odor or for yeurseîî." la. Ha is cuired. ile ave olificuIty in establisieiig the "oway" amaîl. '*No, sahib, I dare nebeat hlm, sud, ifi j abee~ia u-axing specially those wbo The kceping qusities oi lima milk thua yen don't give bim backsbeeah ha yull His Expl anation. hiav- een in tihe habit of breaahiug cuti-e- rreated ara as gond as if net betiar ihan ramember yen si-en gentleman sud viii iy fintthi i nai. But whaîî she clo bing the remsindsr oaithee dîilk wbich badl been neyer worlr for yont agalu." unol ong r iis an obstruction ibis wîliIrharoughiy ai-ad. Al ths gees ta show, Il irigtgb.," sahd the offleer, inssing the raulyrîghr tlseIf. Thea naturel \mode whs h ame u oeshv ie man a coupla nf rupeas in euceîsî11§ou. of bratboo assea îtalfmos readly w'n queîly rdiandmuHom iesi-ohaei-IlHow shah I1 know vou do't oeasihm"-'t nu l lîu dwntherciors that peitio ,îlwihbsba aîiuo af u "Comeansd ses hlm led ibis eveuing, 17Z -. 'T ~hic sbu dbe prsiten, bt aie vry ha ilk nbhas e attsdluibuedstbe ser t Tataaln amndihttaofia le recomenef for the daily pri-stes,ailier causes, ta reaily contamination whichaai. gala. Do nio, yourseif ta baeme was drawn fromiba cow. Toün uch sîrese a mosîtt aeHanesi- rHatis 1ýr- 1-ilyct leal 1ýoi-itlný' abs!i is spper. Thaepbd.nt swsyiug Q reaiy atîîîd, ud a creul et e mkacannlot be placed ou ',he importance ai pure wss t the longs ,ache. If ank5 deap bahbreýingir hmîkn unispcayI ssdieq.à re, f inhog hîm1peali witiib hi-nsd wev-ln o izies sop wîth îthe 0u" baau kuova by dairy stodeute for searudiafiesadhge copi is-ia Sbïsathi; lbut t-y aga,ý*inwhln fully rasted. Lrne tibI ll kinde nififermentstion sud ca kes ni fleuar, butti-sodsuepi-bad_ Theatupper pari nI thecasivi!gîadually decay ai-e dua ta the minuta bacteria float- vÏiîà h e baickshaasb for the Hoha' ies oyag-"110-w cheIriugly Mi-. expanrtd, sud ini urne viilround eut beauti- lu ng in the air almosi evarywhere, sud hi suppar. The mebout teak iup one ai thee -Aln ak. hr sistabia ujc fol. esîro kuowu th&t the air in the stables sud çcakes sud offei-ed it îw the"visaonue. 1ýf, pracice o deppbreatha ha a lie ni, iuformad an." Thecaiefl p-stie nidep h-cf bngdairy oi-ns ha ladan with meoy ai thèse wba welghad it car'efuli ihis trutnk suan d iugton (wo ismadly jealous-"HRe yull hrýing feirahvîrlity teanay argnu nit organmisais, thon deposiied it wiîb a satisfiad sakil, assiéha berited the gie bis aucastora incuxably dîeesd. yl arieh ihe A foi-igu inveatigatar fauud mai-abac- his moutb. a-es o o. bloed mor thuàan ay praparatien of ionuor di- inl the air in the bai-n than ln the air IlNow, sahib, ibis second chuvae 1- yvore bw. cod loernl. It bias gieter power than -ai a schooîroom siri-ad up by the obildi-an lighî weighî. Ses bim enudi out. ,HtMe éuitd auy anedyn e te soihe sud rastore exhausi- leigiamm sndriigada The elephanis are aceusromed teea certauiniolVuh cuitd ed uaerseS.ILu will round the thi-esi jus t before rilking. The air oi a bai-nration weght, aud wheu the Hooshiar 'tnok tilen-" Your hoebaud vas s maai 8trsîgbtan the ahoulders, dili tbe che8t, gîve may hae st-ri ap se much sud se, mach thhs cake by the adge an sigi-y tviukla m-any excellent qualiuies." a I kleta tise eyes, a celer te the cheaks. duat rehs&l by the feadiug ni bey to ctîle cama inoa is vhcked eye, sud quick as Hana-htta -il Yee, ha vas a goad man. Thosa who lîk e tas ng will rejoîce ta fiud jusi b-foi-a mlkiug ibet the milk yl he. ligbtniug, haie spped the mabout lu the Ex'rybndy sayasas. I was'i noh se- thaîr voices igllning msrvelousily in srength came serhoosîy conîaminatsd by hatons,. face with thaleathery mass. qushnted wiib hlm myseli. He belanged sud, puriry of toua. Itlia st nit te feed outil sitar tba coya IlSes shib," cri-ed the mau lu gIse. " ta seven dlifferent clubs." have beau miiked sud tha miik remavsd dere nit cheat hlm l" And hae gai up sud PLAINZ FORCE OF CHARACTER. fir the bai-n. ofared s lergor chupaitie. " aie, en A m enu --One ni tbe dîfficui things for the teacher olahon1 ilercetynTs "rw n c 4 n - Miex o'at,-î1s Z ena or Pcv .ochn sul itsait ai dairy sen ce ta 1meet is the fact that nue le oveiwigh."wt al r'lo cmlxos Up He Lsipie, ~ en d Tbe aephant undaristoofi, sud ateienu w aeo alw cmlxos lulanlie bHis neienc erbse hom ely dapau sobasimple a lai- gi-ing iranquilihy. or snffferiug fi-rn skin eruptians shi et-rb i neliec o i oeyah-ai as cleasniiuessud -para air. or scrofulons bload,wili find qnick taet,liys -Max ORel l ihe Revue do Thora are many fermai-s who wlll go toe hn' innerlefi cu'aEnlin i im laory meeting or au instituta te receive Patrcs, thýar John Bull bas created the hu iformnation auon eihods ni feediug, The London Newss ays tbat the finances ai the stages of Emaciation, and a mone Britisbi empire; lu le by force of chai-- the chernical comtposition of ieediog n hneaeî eclan odtinch i geeral decline of health, are scier. To manýinuain an emipira ni more stuifs, nutritivea rations, ae., but who feelofCiarenexletcndin.Tpt, ibsar, OhOpeople sctîae r th, pro'eokad if the speaker dealsisnbsc a coutry Ilbavaenitcontraeîed the atalîsispeedily cured. eartb, ta vîdein ireeriy day , wtbout hunc- cemmeupiece sud peîîy asoeuar as laaniinesa. acilîîy ni piling up lai-igu obligations." Yet it is sametbing whioh needs e ta halin- About 20, yaars ega China horrowedc tt tionies, wiih e adili sýoIiirs, and tiuuaily euiorced sud about whicb ion rnuch a marseai tn wiih vluterl onderful, icanuor bo a id. nEgadabu i10,00e a osita loie dgd.Au,(et presan,I We bave road su iuîereaîîng article vust- cent, uni paid i wbe due, lu 1894 ea fflirm tihiat înta sngle coîony causes lu s iev days hy one ni the hesi daîry $7,500,000 vas bei-i-net-at 7 par cant. John BailJ & Ca. tbe leas iappiebension. A subhries lu the world,lu vbieh a chaprer and $1,250,000 et 6 per cent., sud mragislraeand s dezen, policeman admiols- vas dev'ted te thae lesulinesni cloîhes teisls au bas been gradnaliy psid off util tai- sud lholiii urespect districts lai-gar ibn on the part ai persos mîlktug enyws, san iny $3,500,000 ia due, sud vii1 pi-o- tatkes aaï-y the pale, haggard lookC fiva aisix isob departmente. Justice is recornmended thatinl order te -sacore the ably ho psid uext yesr. 'Thsse ionus vra thatt camres with Gedneral Debility. Iii'eteilouiun ,)tie ibaiaives as imiai-ially as highei possible dairy proum'ît the men coutrscîed on asil-rer basieansd FeIb n ste blood, stimulates tîe i loniste. Al ibese ycuing nations- sheuld bave oa-ra-ailnsd jumpers mmde ai fallu inhe value ai îhalî motal bas Itericete rae elh l li ues ejy the mrposicomplets liberty, semns vashabla fabrie vbicb ceuld ha kept prscîicaliy douhled the rare of inretbt lte ap1 tcete ehh ls palitical sundsoal clesu, sud thai tbey shoolîl put thèseo nuuhre as beeunone int of repudfiationu nr , atd brings back strength antd 1"1il avan t succeeded lu proviniz, lu wheueerr hey si-e milking. [met drnppiug deisy lu psyments. A portion af the Gs- itality.For Coughs,Ooids,Sore Throat, eitti aofhe-rihos -d udan vims, he romin- ened1de1-i i. rhî;ful cusatom]dules are ycentant-se spartta .--+lî... Wea- -uns osmto pF0OlT'fARIlTIIUR AF fER A STUBEBORJ ANI DEFENCE. I~IT "1.Rrqw TO cfUIlL AiL I DÎt4IEIRË4DM Simlply apply "SWÀYNE'S OINTMISNT.' No inàternlai medicine requJIiredl. Cures _tetter, eczemna, jtcb, ail eruiptions au thO [D IALLANT The Jat)anese Kept Up Their Attace andi en weelnesoay Eveuiog Sisceedesi lu Guaiig Possession of the Strengest Feortress of the Chinese-Ileavy itessea ou Dcii Sigle§. A despatch from Shanghai says that the Jap)anese- captured Port Arthur on Wednesday evening. The fighting began on Tne8day. The Chinese made an un- usually streng defence and the fight was severe and incessant for fully three heurse Botâ aides are reportef toehave lest heavily. The attack on Port Arthur by the Japa- riese second army, under- Cen. Oyamna, was so carefnlly planned that wben fire was oDened the Japanese troops assaîied the eity at every -point. The fighting was rerrible and was only ended wben the Chinese, unable te struggle anyv longer, witbdrew in retreat to the mountamn passes inear hy, leaving the city at the mercy of the foes. The faillnf Port Arthur clears the way te Pekin for .Tapan. Whether or net that city will suifer a like fate muet depeud upon what action China will take within a very few days. Alresdy China bas asked for peace on the terme of paying two hundred andi fifty million tasîs, or $175,000,000, for it. With Pekin in peril no nee an cati- mate wbat figure Japan may place upon peace. Mormon Farmns. Wherever tne Mormons live you will find imail, well-tilled farine. Brigbam .Yoring, 1was anc ofthe wisest as well as one of the grcateat men of this century. No one can visit Utah intelligently without observingI proofs of his great wisdomn and farsighted- ness, whieh have iapped over into Idaho aud Colorado. He preached the gospel ni irriga- tion, small larms and diversified farming as the meïist profitable, and people have long realized the value of bis words. The day of bonanza farmiug ileclo.%ing. The people ni the North-West have discovered te tbeir~ sarrow the folly of carrying ail their egge in one basket. The great boanza farmer with 10,000 acres inwbeat is the Ancient' Mariner of agriculture. Wheat at 20 cents a bashel, with fleur at $2.40 a barrel, is wertles te hlm even when it harvests thirty bushels to the acre. It casts more than that te raise it. face, hratds, s, etc., leaving the skisl clear, white und heailhy. lt3 great heal- ing and curative powe,,rs are poesePs<sedby no ether remvidy. Ask yourdrgeatfor SWAYNES* OINTMENT. Lymnan Sonso Co., Montreal Wbolesale Agentsj. Papeýr indestfructible by fite Ihas been in- vented 1)y M. Meyer, or Parip. lA specimten of àt was subjected to a severe tesî-148 bours ini a potter's furnae-and came out with its giaze almosi perieet. How ta get a "Sunlight" pîicturg. Send 25 'Sunlightî" Soap wrappers (wrapper bearing the wrds "Wý,hy Doeci a Womnan Look Old Sooner Than a -Man") te La YEn Bios , Ltd.,ý 43 Scott St,, Toronto, and you wrll receÏve by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth framing. This in an easy way to decorate your home. The soap in the. best in the market, and it wil only cent lc. postage to send ini the wrappers, if yen leave the ends open. Write your addreos carefully. (OrtOln lu i sefreets and noer blisteo-s teaqd proors belOw e Box l Crma liudeeonCc. IU. , bAl, .'54 Dr. B5. i XENit ijo. Dear Ries plems eui en" ne c f rou- lii Keoloa-vinaCure witlogo ueee ,keep a bole onubaud ai.te1me oUsirlY, Ci.Po7nûna D "- irnIbae si 1e-erI les of yffur Kedll '8Ln Crs"wih'In, mue suees. th.LnkiLttbee, Li:nmenpc!I oer ued.a uva se-i fx Iehnda w]io' mueb pleod wlih snke h. ieffpeetU l:, S. n IJ, P.0 onx sue For Sale b U gf~.e dre Bs.B .KBI DI ,4 'OOMP4lr, ENO5SlttHrALL, 'S. - Method hiitlueme ip Meuia'1,bylally yialid niSx.iy 0. > sunelike a a neeyrsetry theln.", W' No Nmes Used Wlthout WrItten Consent of Patient. OurNev MehodT4 m neyer feis fa criag Diseages ai peu. ur t0W ~setmousream e1,5 strengthens tl hobdy, stops aIl drin ndbses, purifies ýhe blood, clears the bralu, bufflaeop the nervoos snd seausi 0. ssteens and restores lesit vitality te the body, We ~iuara t o Cure INervoupel~y rhieglasoli IWeak p-Zarts and Al l duiey me-d I Biasder ziiit4eaee 12-s Kennedy &Kra are the led E pecinlistan America. The3yguIar>intee to cure or no pay'I. Terr~ taien ancdfifteen year.3 ef basiness are aýtsis.o mna rs.rite themr- a h-r t piio. omaiter siho tetdyou. l it my F saepu ear iet a!)dý sufferlng. Charges reasonabin rit fer a QUeetîou ltad ok 3zCnS aVo Fe 1488hevb In Th -nvs sdetedt bc n n i'ven. pramîneuca or cueek none, uai- caser ofrneedabe- -jyaq ma u Aglo)-Saxon epuhi2ic, v!-ýh w vi nueday Froty nigbte oel foi-a s utile meal lu bai- sud eyepvhle white heur sud bald' tud gi-, sahe e hty ' a (l in,tluda fo-mpaiciih raecTUiîd îsesofih mngr uda'otaistavouibesor ae -crare. Ha laya giest stress, mare go r1ht îep lm ur O Sonîb AI-icane ad ltofstawo te oerou tatnnig-a pi-ace vhlch ha î - ntpto feet list hl re -De yeu knnw which are yaur beat cave ? regards as excsadiugiy symptamnati oi Tr-ouble, Li suc-i a case il-rie l is e"cin lattr ii-ev ovrboad fein DaisbIfivndo ihey ai-e the anas from wbccb hta criminel tendeucica.aud friar, ubase t til1eiO'DPetcr zeths' vesci as ou si des ~~ le ga u es aata impînovath- bord, varions external hri t s àc tladi-com.biuc n de-vriI u ~cn o c b o f s c c d auir1 , 2 1 ' e -. Ëo m rie a v e y n s isf e d oý u tte i? W h ou nira g is ed h a t th re e ty p e s o f crim in l s i l d o m r 9n b d l a s s u o l r spet wb0e athle mie- te r~îodti crethe en01t LU ier yul cuble on )Uta coGna- disti)iugled, the saithre voer11WWorth ofany otlce prepaatioa, tlms l5 endôr- ibe soit- moe in feait- ino tiid. d lby ltpOe iOI4n*a4II<QaI.1 I 1 1

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