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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1894, p. 7

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James Z. Nichsoni. CANCER ON THE UP CXJ1ED IBY Sarsa- parilla I consulted dectors who prescribed for mue, but te no purpose. 1 suffered lu agollv evn lonig years. Finally, 1 hegn tàÏilnï AyrsSarsaparilla. lu a week or twe notijced' a decided imprevement. Encour- aged by tis resuit, 1 îpersevered, nutil iii a m ent lo so the sorc began te beal. and, -fir usn ts arsaparilla for six nious, 1lw e, 1 et tae of 1 le cancer disappeared.i1 4AME E. ICHOCO ,Florenceville, , Ac uitted1 a+ the World's Fair. WRESTLING WITH A PYTHON. A n IncEidenýFt In tise Lire of a SIReW.nenîs Ain1sk.eet Caise to au n timely Endl. The strengtb of a python, or any of the areboa- con striec8rs, le often underesti- mat,,ys Mr. Cari Hagenbeck. It je put, forth sýo nnexpectedly, and in a manuer se nunlike that of euammals,that tihe amateur traîner je somietimes caught napping. In this respecýt Mýr. Hagenbeck hirnseif was once veýry diarebysurprised, and, but for tbe p,ýimp, aid of two of hie assistante, hie career as a showman migisi bave corne to ain untimecly end. H1e thus relates the adventure: 1 '%as dlealingîn wiid beasts,at H-amburg,1 importing theus frous the southeru comntries aud maliig s ales te sbowmen and public parks. Awl known GeCrman menagerie po prietorbad order- ed eight pythons, - aud one moruiug k 1 set about trans- large cage, o house, in vTicb' tbey pt n a liuge box, for transportaton. They were ai. large,rauging, 1 shonld tbiult,lroin twelve toel igisteen f eet in lenglis. With tise first six pythbdus I bad no difi cnlty. My way of bandliug theni was te step quietly into tise large cage, aud w;îtch. ing for nsy chance, seize îisem, one at a time, by tise neck, just'beiew tise head,and lifting thein by main strength, cari y tbem te tise box aud piump theus jute it. <But tise seventis pychon, when I weut te fetch bina, proved te ha very wide awake. As 1 approacbed ha darted ai me witb open jaws. 1 had harely tinse te snatch off msy felt bat sud present it, wbeu tise saaise ettuck sud fasteneci hie teeth in tise h-t. This gave me au apportnnity te coliar lsim, and 1l did so, eecuriug a good grip ou hisneck witis my rigbt baud. As 1 ai- tempied te drag him ont, bowaver, thse big fellow tbrew hie thick, heavy body for. ward, and alîneet befere I realized my danger, managed te secure a tur of bis cou 'about my legs aud body. 1 shall net soon ,forget sny senations. Thse coil wae teuse as au iron cable, and drew itself irresistibly around me. Tisere was an awful rigidiiy about it, as I feit it cighten. It was like being canght in tise tur of some big bawaer wîiti whicts a steam- ship le suoved. Tisere was thse grip of deatis in it ! 1 kuew tisaS in a momsent mare uiy isip bones would be cracking; but turning botis amy feet outward, se as neot te ise th)rown, 1 eeizad the snake'e ueSý in botis bands, and exertieg almy strengtb, trie]i te throw th~ te'pt>iil .'si head bacis le my rîgbt -se as tojttt off hie fold. At tise same time I shue ustily for help. Tbree tîis I sur ged, with ail amy streugîis te Sarit tirsaS ceA o ff, but Imight as well have twistCed at a cage bar In a minute I sheuld bave been thrown and cfrshed ; bat meantime twe of my amen, wise were at worn only a few y ards distant, rnshed mbt tise cage, aud laying hold off tise pytiseon's; tail, were able te, turm tise coiL. Acis ! butSat was ani ngly adveuture. ahsa-'Yoin eay yeur sister will be down la a minute, Wil.lie. Tisat's goed news. I tbeugbt, perilapes, that se wauisd te, be axcuised, a, se did thse etiser day." Wilie-",Not tij time, I played a trick on bser." Dashawa -"Wisat did yots do?" Willie (trtimpliauly)-"I said' yen were an etiser flow." and rapidly growiuig children t derive more benefit from Scott's Emulsion, than ail the test of the foo d they eat. Its nourishiug s powers are feit almost immedi-a ately. Babies and children thrive Cs' Scott's Emulsion whies no 4rform of fo od is assinlilated. stimlate theapptite enrche the lood ovrcomes astig a d gie treut o i h tk t 2ýý bhey poesibiy eau Se, lu tise rigisort of eta îiliug charge et electricity. 1 Benjamin Frnklin usot te stand hait a lezen mon, sacS reiS a Suai ou tisebu et tIse othier, sut by sendiaýg a ernail chiarge tbrouigis thehasts troip tis asllas if strucistet und iuoa ftsalunvef eungih tiey Wreec i ain oren l th(-,e'r trsckeliis se ms-ny mti Sage, Tise Passage _____________ ____________- .-~ -~-- - 'i à x y -11lý Verýy Home-Like. yen boardet,, uring m.y absne t ahl Ml. .-Vsry. Tiscelcilirn made se mcsnieIcouldun'isheur !myseýcit iii. FEMVALE CON VICT VANITY. 'lîe tgisling ]Passion Strang Evea itehin Prisoin Bars. Where Death Makes Ail Equal. Tisera s le oesplace in France iun whicis grarsenones sud t'susrai epitapis are ail un- IT IS A'CEiRTAIN BEÂTI EXECUTION IN AN ELECTRICA CHAIR SURE AND SUDDEN. caeiisl colitreversy on isele sibhily Reeîa-4iecltssleîDue te Iganorance cm il Sibjecil iany Other Cas, leed aimatioe s Poi'ssile. Ths quea ion of resuecitation ef crimins exocutet by eioctricity etismhoren un tise ulust ceetîssicu Sby tise haif-weay Sue leege, not ta s.sy tiese heer inersnces, tise niedical smen sud tIse elecîniciase. Ti propositien of a Dr. Gibbons, et Syracue. te eperate on ansiexecutat criminal reil soeasert of ais understandiasg tisaif f alieres bîmsîitoabc broiegistaelite e sa Se tise subiject et executive clemencye loch te tise teteat ct justice, anuto te iat alasus It id entirely cnnacessry for sny purpes et science, set it preceets upan netii Sut tise ignoerance cf tise prampters etfti scheme. Au evpanimaut ofthtie meet reul arSabi churucier bas bacu mate in tise case et man et Pittfefli, Mass., reio ou Oct. 2 recaivedt tisongi bis arme sutndSbdy ts sheck of s carrent et 4,600 volts, sud upo being appsrantlykillet reas brougst bac te lita ansavon minutes hy tresîment te resuecitalian similar te tisat resis i use reiS oeedrosanet. W5CAT A I ICTI EXS'SRIENCED. Tise victini et thia aisock cantradicis Nicisels Tee1a's assertion eft tie sonsib '"xci udtatieg cisanacter et a me-cae sisuni, e raîher, a kiiling shocis. Hosays: 1For a brief istant tisere reus a seniatien s if 1 reas Seing drarea townurard by tise crin und tison everyulaing beccuse blackt. Fa savon nminutes tisers e wsne aigu et puli beatiug, sut there reas evary aigu et testS 'Tieslo ieey I begau te regain consciensuas sud ta muSe incoisereut nemaris about th, 3accidtaîi.Haif sn heur atterwart I couS( recahi evary incident hetore andti utt h, se van minutes' interal, rebicis ras cs iota sut puinlese blanis. Tise accident cctires about 10 e'clecin tahie memning. Fou' th, renîsinden eýthtisaday 1 Sept quiet, but os tise tollereing day -I reas areut as usual.« bave experieucet ne iii affecte oIson tisas tis came trousi tb ans,one of rehîci reu 5ta tise bSe. This exposas tise ruticuos exaggerution et Mn. Teeia's assertion tisaitise cniminait rebo have beau put leto ests Sy secînsciti Il Nere hurue tse teatis"; tsat - tise pun meut ceokedthlie bîotd"; tisat Iltise cesmisen id tirsmtotaths ystein witb sncis powe ilmul it stoeps thsefloew cf tise Shootd disb cloge tise heurt astops ils action"; tisa Ieven if tise man wae resuscitutet li( renaît Se partly, if net whoiiy, paralyzet' andti tisIl"5the cssrtreculdt 5111thse pore et tise spina, while il xveult !cave tisa mini s enuntuas over." Tise man et thuis iuvoluutury expenimen "oo teeS iotw ro termiunais carrying tisi bigis pressure et 4,600 volts sutnud ai mletiuteiy ccmpleteiy prestratet,' Ti change taisen un tiis reay was moue hiScli tissuany othenrewonî Se te go ubrougi reitisout iSiiighavent hope ot reauscisa tien; anti it res especiaiiy liSely te daces pain. If it bat gene in Sy tise Smalatis( viculus reuit net bave Suaren aey sensýaior su ail, aut in sîllpnabablsuy bis nesusdita tien moult bave basa utteriy impossible, or atiset sssuch museadiflicult, net heces ,tise brain reenit iave Sean coiset, butlbe. cause et a reuteriug effect sufficient. ta tis- aSie tise brain celle anti libers. It is, isowever, net impossible, tisaiscran sy reay af tise brain tise chiarge mîght have pasceti ritisoat testnoying THE POlSSIBILITY OFr IESUSCIT TIOIN. But tise possibiliry et reoîcitaulon idsaco preet rebatever oethe aunraluty et tise Sili- ing. Itistnomignaranîýeo t lat resncdsiss- tieu meane anti bore tmi sîy ho oectedtata tisa eiactricianesutndmetîcal meut arguea ti testS oy electricity je net real teats Tise fauis sethat tise testsh y eieclniciîy must penfectiy meeting the demande et hisuîane executien reaulti be us exsctly asposeible favorable le necuecitatien, yeî Se noue tisa ss rosi eats. Real dthb evgr absoluta- iy exciates tisa peesihilisy af r4snecitation uulesc tiahetoy s asufferet s iiting lu- jury. Tise stoppage efthtie brouts usay ha in very many cases tram causes snvelvsng nu dccli injnry, anti in aIl sucis cases recusdu- tution usugisubc hopetuliy sitemptet. It bhac beau unterîloot in regard te the drerenet, anti practiset witb a us)ascre et succees. lu is siore euggesed that ih conit ha succestuliy aLtempiet twitispensene isiliat by electricîty. Tiiere eau bc ne toubi ef tli. But only grues ignorance dan drare sainterence tuai thea rîctim cf edec- trical Silling isuet nesily test. Tisa simple tact iu that relat re moy .;a1 isitial tests le in every casaeainy tieseuaspense ci ani- mation, sudtat unter faivorable circsus- stances sncb teuth louves reescitation perte ctly possible. Initiai tests 55 in mest cases tnt final deatis. Tisa Sody, anti espe-ciaîly tise braîn, je moe or lese fulofe of etlie charge eeemed te instantly clear thi wbole braîn sud nervotîs syteus ef poe te contmol tise muscles. But as iiistanti, tise ilew of blond ibrougistise brain gavq tLirsu power, aud tise uen wnuld Se ou thise feet again witiseut isnowing tisai ibey hac besis burt. Auy charge talten THFISOUGJS THEEDRAIN5, oi wietiser a mild charge or a tsrrihly rend~ te îug sud hurning charge aboli8hes sensaties, eý te begin wsîb sud me intauîly tisat tise vis tim canot he conscions of anytising Even if en cupeuding tise carrent there fol is lewedan iueteusely painful Sensation, i ýt wonld be freus use retunng ite,aud wonlé )w net prove tisat tise eutrancs of tise curreni ofbad heen telt. 1It le whelly unuecessaýy te keep er ie witis a killing charge. Tise rigisu chargE e, doeestise woris in a flash, But it may b. th advisaisle te taise soe simple iueasere2 fer preveuting natural rmesttosudl àeas a wet dlots over tise nonth and nostrile, LIl sud placiug tise body 'n a l hamtry s closet t rom whicb tise air can he witbdrswri su ad carbnnic acid gaisnbstituued. But tise sxecntion itsîf, te he absolntely se without shock sud withisoee pain, ougisu ti .g be carried ont by meaus of sncb a labora. e tory loset, a celi in wbicb carbenie acid gas cau becsmade te disphace tise air. The withdrawal et tise air, te begin witis lewonld bring onu paiulees insensibility andi a tise admission tissuofethtie noxieneý gas ,3 wouid lu a perfecîly barmiese way seurE letise cempietion cf tise deatis precece. As tise victiju would net undar tisis arrange- n ment breathe tise isoxîcu2 gas resuscitation k would hea s îing of se abstelute ceriainty, )r perbape fer a day or two even, as te be a ad zeady masos ofet tier dsfeating justice or remedying s misiaise. IN A jUNGLE STORhVI ts l'eu iear 1t, bust Can't Sees Sltl ie! ftCala Aiea be FeI. )r Perple wiso bava nover beaun is j ngh 48talk of tiseesy as s posinter talisu et tht LShorizon or a seafaring ma et tise ffig-s )if wben yeni wantea te ec il yen culy ueed ceatil your eyee. But iu tise jungle yen don't sec tise sisy-ab least yen enly sec s few seraggy patches et it overisead ibreugistise eopenings iu tise twigs sud leaves. Neither ddo yen feel tise wiud blowiug, nom get is urued or dazzlsd by the sun, uer aven ses LI tisai umiDary, except by morentsry dglimpees about midday. Fmom wisicb it ntullDws tisat a junglenasu dose net usually 1 'preisud te be weatberwise. If lie dees le î evea a greater isumbug tissutise reet cf tise weather propisete. Osntise atter. neon about wbicb we are speaising I re- member euing f orth aunaiy wa lin iitise stili glow efthtie tropical calusasud wessder. v.ig raîlser aitishe intense stiluese et tise surrennding ferest. Tisen tise air grew Scoaler, aud tise green of tise foliage in front ,r ssemed te deepen, sud peseuîly there was a soanu s ofe a giaut waterfall in tise dis- tance. Watertalis do net, isowever, grow louder every second, wissreas tise noise in front did se. Tissu tiere was a loud, sugmy Sgrowl, as et a cozen lions. A minute more suad the wisole jungle began te roar as if fitty equadmone etfiseavy cavalry uere cous- sog up at a galeop. ,Tison came a drop et ain sud aspea1 of tissnder wiicb eeuied te make ta world stop. eThon tise Storm biegan. Tise sky aboes dariseued, tise trees clattered, tise brus. Wood benatis iissesi sud bowed itsesf. A -deluge et isindrope bolcrtted eut tise sarrow view. Down it canme, soaking tismongistise deuseet leavos uuder vs ich oee led mm e- tfuge, etiisng tise grasesud and witis mil- -lions et duil tisuds,dasiig fnriously against the leaves ase if thay wemo se rny hostile ecSiesistreuising tise air witb innusarable pempeudicular linas,and honling ibself down *witisthe rce et Sullets. lu suds s dowupour ona msy as wall walk and gesi wai as stand stili and gei wei. Uuforîunstahy eue did noS kuow wbere te walis te. Tise " circumbondibus svsîem " prasupposes tise tact tisaitise wagon wbeels sud isuliecis tracis ecau bec eeu sud reted. But wiîeu tise csrt irucis lene longer a cart tracS, but " aIl turs'od te rumiug waters," sncb tacks caisuet bise sen ; andi unIesse yen bave a ponket compaes yen may as w-211 ry te fly as te get bacS te where yen came tram. When eue reade eftravellare lest in tise baciswoods tbsy elways ser Sy tise su-anud probahiy very badly ; Suis wise tisere ie ne Sun whst are yen te deo HAZING AT COLLEGES. Fewif Pretal Inciensts IRave Rassi Re- poeds!TisisFal, Tise fatal îammiuatieîî et sstudents' pranis ai a celege in tise United States, asat yesî, bise legal investigation tisai fellewed sud the severs newspaspem comn- mente upen tisa aci bave had a marised influence upon cehiege studenîs, anti tew brutal isazing incidente have beau reperteti torm tise celleges ai tise epeung et tise fl termnibtis year. Unususi at- tention bas been given te tise subjet lun tise address of several collage presidents, sud in cerne instances tise studens shave ()ne woman- creaieti quii.e a sestion 1irnowu. According te Armuant,,ulis je tise smonig tise female convicts iu Woii village et Bonyesainlutise Maritimie Alps n tise Arondissemient Puget-Tisenieme. pris-on by reacon efthtie brilliancy eft tielTise village consiste et semae fit teen bouses. celer etflier cheekesud lupc. One day1 Hera tise test are net Limiet, hbutuirowu se became qube frieusily with a yeuug i mueabouc-isessse. T-hisileau elt building coverng s superficial ares eft trec siquare cenrcu t wbo s steeSa taey, ntimetres, sud roofet wiîi sclaie. Tise danl dnring tise ten mnuntes' chat (female c01-open te ail.Tise interior is quite empty, vicie, are allosrod te converse wi eachin lutise siddle ofthtie firmly tottiss floor otîser for tbis aRleie time) she confidedthtis thereis abrosdboardwbiois eue can lift with 5secret, lu waeseon ai ever tise prison, a waliig stick. A lient five feet below,',e sud very aocn on Moci of tise chacseoettisa Les bonansd uaied cerpses. Ai a tis- 1wemujo conld ha found traces et celer, tance of about 30 metres troustise building Tise Ipaint" wae oitained iu tise fellowving jesa spring, but jus waters are regardad ingéuions manner :-In tise aprons that thse with suspicion. woen uworo wesring thora -was rmnning- - tismangistisa pattern s brigisi mcd stripe, Loeating Water by Eleetricity. sud Ibis wae caretuily drawn eut. Wben AnA trsaobeaacodigea unruvellet sud cbewet in tise moutb tise An usri obeacodngta celer or tys was rsleassd, and tisas tise German tecisaicai paper, je sait' te hava paint was ohtainad wiicb tecorsted their locaiet 300 sources et water lu ahl parts et faces sund lips. tise werld, wiîis bai tweive failures, isy luts aepio evc ui me asue etelectrie sapuaratus, omewhat in- peatadtfai"nîing flus. Oua day isae was distinctly dascribesi, bui apparontly con- attacsed lu tise cisapal, sut, upon blie- istinig et platinum cusinesud huile wrnn maval te tise iufirussry, se wss undreeset, on tise bedy, eue sud oethtie platinus chain whi, e , ilm rom tuce aison.- terminating on tise fiager, another conue. îics îond the f sersiuet, rous tigisu tien Seing wiîb a pletinuus plate on tho lscing sund trous tiseaffects pi-dedety tisafoot.Tise otetisand Solde a muguet sud placesa watch. In aliiing ever a place wliere p t fwiood sud Nwire wisicb tise convict Sud îuauuiaged bte rce jute bier sys iu order tisera is rester lu tise groant eue o etis te muSe , ber s'aisl leuder. hls"hcmsactive" sud tellews the A conrict will spensi heurs in teursug ont waten ceurse, iudicating aise tise teptis. bite et wire tram tise window guard sud Tise article adts tisatisie aise maSes s cure- sftrrwart ieuding tbem jutotes requimed tel study efthtie topegrapisy ansi geoiogy et chape ,for usease bain-pins. Leaves trous tisa district, reichis "acilituîcs" hie work. tise ible are ofieu tomiieuns te muSe tise eld.fasiionet "cracker " curIe, but tîsis Nothing to Match. pratice,it bfout eout, invoives a very serions Tise elegsuîly attîred lady morod qusily puiismeut. Eren tise "lite" prisenemui are up te tise gleve ceuntar, wlseme there wae na net exempt trou tisis cLesire te maSo tisa new lerk, wiso wae petite- sud wiliig' Sesis possiblea appearunce, sud tisey will enaugis, but he didn't know muue about scbeuse, plot sud plan for usanthîs togetis- tise buuse ,,Ij er su order te iseceme posmeamed et a peice of I 1 sut s pair et gloves te matchsa grayu broSsa wintow pane in enter to muSe a ,Vool trae," se said.b lookiîîg glass. IlCertainiy, mýadame,ý' lho replie, ase liea Wbile ont in tise exercice yard a convice beuned arounu te tise boxeR. wiih rapidly seau tise grouet luntise bope ef Ho trazged ioritu a lot efthIesu sud tisend comning acrossa pieceofe glass. Once Pea- tumuet bacS te tise lady. sessed et it,sise rili ua tise riek et eeiiuary "I'us very semry, maum, " liesmid, Il but confinement on 'a breat-and-water diet lu rea iave'L gesi a gray recel glove lu tise erder te gem it into bier coa]. A paieetfisense." blacks clotis ut tise back etftthe glass makes Tisa Pmussîsu State attorney rcnl aexcellent ir. pleadesi for ibree mouhSe' imprsonmouent -----------sagirl ot seventeen reiso bail apeken diere- TURNED THE DAGGER'S POINT. cpotully efthtie Imspérial tsmily. Iu viere et hemr age, hereever,sise ras dismissesti wsîb A Corset SavesilIse tifs or a Wemuaes Froas a epriusand. î!t Strongusiutet ladie-s raise thair voicas Jimee-"Ils Jackssen ussiing moey9" psrset1 icaliy egainet tisa wearing etfttha cor. Billo-"I gosse se. Hie lias begn se, éctt -n -------o-iet aûnY ndlcaliing hie cuetaseseis elientele." throngb early indiscretion ý o liter xc(es. SIssie ~ u oa l D iseases have riuefid wr, fi Olitee oý-t mnInp onengyn an1.Raen any of the foldewiug Syn pieossNr vous, and DeuedetsTire uMmlg oAn ien- Memery Por; Ensily Fsiud Excitable dlrtaeEeelurimeso thse ace- Dreams and Diaius at Nigisî; Restiesesligu Ldo.oking; Boce;hr Throat- fiair Looe; pains iniBody;, dunken Eye;lilesDstsfuan acse ]luergy'sud Strengili. Our Kw Tsfî reten ni qb1'dyenup m),en'alpylai tmId sexnaLly. "At 14 yeare of age 1 lareetibc habit whicb h etrte sme. 1 became nervound ud wakà-y 3ekt te-ubledmeIcnd S drains i night weakeued me. Iied cv. eiclFirme, Ee trio elPtn Medicines and Fnmnily Decters. They gave mie ne help. A friand advised metetry Dre. ennedy &Kergan. TheY sent me eue menth's treatmeut sud i cureti me. 1 coulti fee msyself gaining every day. Their Nfew Melkesi Trealmcst curosude Caredlnuon 'n jbts cleta, faite." Tbey have curet maury of my friands." D)r. Moultou. "Saine 8 yes.rs cge 1 ceutractefi a serions constitutional irlon bdisease, 1 weut teaîHot Springs te treat for syphilis. Mercrsry alusost I killed me. Atter a c bile tiese ymptoms again appeared. Tismoat isecame snme, pains lai miss. pimples oufaues, bletches, oyes red ls et hair, glaude eula rged. etc. A medilcal friensi advised Dr. Kennedy & Kerguu's New 'sethesi Treatrirent. Itcared me, and 1 bave bcd ne symptome for tive years. 1b am married sud happy. As n. doctor, I iseartiiy recoireud iteaal who have ibis terrible disease- Cu e e sj, syplis.q" It vill eradicate tise poison froue the blond." 15 YEAIRS IN DETRI~OT. 150,000 CIUFLL, 1 aI m 3years oi age, sud usirriel .Wbsn youug T ,ca s gay life. Eurly indiscretions und lator excess mode rooblo' for nme. 1I becamne weakz andi uere'oue. My kideys became-ý afflected and 1 feursd Brigbt's discssss", Marricd 7 a oets ,Y factery and my boin-- uubappy. 1 trîed coverytblng-aLl Lfaîd1til Ilr took treutusent from lDrs. Kennedy sud Kergan. TiseerNe Metbod built, snc up mneutally, physicafly and sexnally, I feal andi net BUe a man in every respect. Try ihesu." SNo Namnes Used Without Written ~'sj Consent of Patient. SO r New Mcîhod ,Treatmentit e th body, sîops al drgins and losses, pnrifies the blond, clears tise brain, b= c ptise narvons and ecrusd Gy ~etrs ansd resteres lest vitaity te tise body. à Vile GCrate tesC re Nervouis ebîllty, Eaillnig aaasea f Weaa ara is !AlKlaney ah«sd Balael-seea e tIrs. Kennedy &-Kergan nretise leadiug spCciclhs>tg oet America. Tbey gnarantee te cuýre or netav. The, r re7s tation aud fit teen yeire e bsies are ait staki). ou -sugo~s. rh tses or un honest opinion, noambrii wh i reîtad you. h suay ou ece f egetsu sfariu21. Charges reeabi. rieferaP CHA8E'S CHAPTER .Dm,- Chase's Kidney-Liver Pilîs are co)Usination oftvaluubic medicines in canen *vatet ferus uts preparet by tise ems1e.t Pbyr D! HI .4iciaa anti Aubisor, Dr. A, W. Chse, witb -iere te net oniy ho an uufailing rcmcty foi .s<stney test Liver troubles, but aise boue bbe Stonsach andi purify tlhc Bloct, ut a ceci tisai je witbhin the reachoetall hITie supcermerit cf ý bieepills isetssblisisct hcyont question 4 b,, ti ise paise cf tlacusasats wbe use tiscm--out Puta ts-, onu luosis5 cents. 2.Whcu bte e a Pain or Ache liseh, O Bssckte Kitno'ys are speakiug et trouble \~ 5 tahiovet. We bave tise me- abesbateuscntet L. B. wiUo sa saye Ihut ut con- stat Bck-Acbe, my SacS ïhi .olt aIal thc time, appetibe puer, ebousach su1m e belcbig, u'rine scaldling, badto gel, 4i 3 er4 bnO turing n;gist te nieSaIe, corn m :ce ahisgore Kde-ie iia tay r tncant ale le enjoy n gond mieal ai-dn goot igise ep; biscy curet me. 53. on ipalon ftcre xisbs wiîh Kiduecy Tme-sinjeee a ý1Casecthere jen eit tisainIl cfcci permne nt cr xeiCsc' combnet idne-Lirr Pll, ue 25-eu So dr t ouego it olr n olr werl et uy oherprepratin, bis e enors zt ý,yDi. T! pîula fineuslng Ot S WOMAN'S NEED Wemnen suifer unspeakabile tortures frais E ~muecuhur rcahness, canecti iy isaparet serves aut poer bînet. Urie Kirlnsy aud poison, unsuepecee, recakens tbbc nerves uad poisomn prapcrly purify thec blond, tison cottes pro. latihpsus, rtrovcrsion, eue. Bleot 75 Percent. puissunot a nouriise-it jeu ac- lia breeter. Delîcate wrecuneet nolis bitis rach they WoUld give te get andi STAY n IL.If b ibeir Shoot k frec trous btse peisenons ferments efthtie Kitucys ant i Lvcr, tbey w11 sacrer kuore reat <'wcakucse" je. Thc bise di ise source and nstaisaerefsab 1 StfcannaI Se eelat pur'ic exceptý tise K ideys ar t Liver dot otiing is nectedt bomature fie, - -and nabural ncbiou et ifthes-c organe, onei 25 cent isox etof nc -vPilla wilprove te ar.y sufferer tisey arecsaiseen tû * 'ac~~wmess, cant ri cuc-it nsispere cnie ç by teoce ofdleliccîc csOrstil iio,t 's- OâcKidnsi hAiver FPsu tuken 'aeuly reli ~j jf effeebually neutraIize bise formation ofidUri 7Acit se the blonýd ani prventi a-- -ny ed2scy isstsu spcihy lu tise Spnsg u 5cent rBiter co 0 Sib'; hiteasoorr mai orodip e pies EMASON RTb & CC. 45 ombad 3t'eot FTo ia. TH E FOR MAN OR ItAS7 Certain ia lis effects z; ne:r ltrL ltead groote s below KENDALS SpIN CURE Dr. . J !ý.., an.15, 1894. Getlemelb-1 bought a silendld bay horse soma) time a owit~ pv~igtlfr3.Iue ~end leSp mn ue. The Sssavin legone now aud 1 have been Offered $0for the samne horse. 1 only hadhm nine weeks, so I got $120 for uslng $2 wOrtf endall's Spavin Cure. KENDALL'S SPA IN CURE Dr- B- -T- KENDALL C.SEXDMI£Y -ci., Dlc, 16, 1893. Sirs-I have used your Kendialp's pavhî Cure W"'h godsuccess for Carybs on two horses su Mif lete et Liniment 1 bave eTer used Your truly, AUGUETFansL eiriee $1 pser Bottie. Feor Sale hy ail Druggist, or addrege .9'B.J. RFN»ÂL'L COMpýZf ey CNtOSEURG4 FALLS, VT. Queen Vietoria's FiPe Brigade. Queen Victoria has a great isorror Of fire and bas 4rranged quite a cemplete fire brigade amoug her servants, se, that it; je a- baud whersver ehe is in residenice. Tbey bad a very succesf ni "false alarmn" tise other day at Osborne, and everye)ne was at bis post according ta erder, asifobar s.hip. P'rince Henry &.mong i other usýe- ni do,nesitic roles, is chief of thse littie brigade. The Queen bas taken the gre(at est itrest in thse whole conceru and fre, cjuently amuses berseif by watc hingý ther ârill. Had Tried Them. Lit'.le Dot-"Mamma read su a paper, that a dieaf man ont Westý wae stuug by a swarum of becs, and now be ceu heatr asý well as ever. " Little Dick-"'Idou't suechow b'ee-stinge could make a deaf man hear-but I 1sliould think Lhey'd make a duuih man speak," tiebrew emigration from B.nseihie year, voluntery anda aesisted, -wilîl-amounit te about 250,000. set, riecant ou tise evils et tigisi laciug sud dlaim tisas female forus divine, ongis net te be crampet in wisleboue sut the usual scdeuspanimessus,says a Parie lutter, Apari, boreever, trous tise tictates et fashion tise muicis malignet suays masmestimes serve a iey selfuj purpDe as netise toheiug eitory reil show: Tise witaet a civil official discaveredfits s srareer in hem huchant' cindy a dertain document whiicis Sud ne coct,_L'ou wîtb tise ataire et stae, Ou tise cotrary, ireas ratiser a figbty misive,ter jindius-tilin a foinins baund, iî Suds isa ge uimia n in questien e s re udezv ene onu tise r',ormew. Tise lady rernembered tisa ber hisusbantbat abseenfed hismoîtroustise tûesetie isearis ut tise precîse boum nauset lu tise sec0te. sut, boilsug ever reitury sud indignation, seadonueà bar bosnet aud mnautie sud burrieti off te tise housetftihe wrmer, reho ifs aise a marrieti wemsu. Tisa tw 'aofamilles, jr sseould ha stideti,,wems ou vary intimate terme. There weresosma verbal interchanges, .,whicis bat net tise effeci et clming tise mate reite, reho,whiip- ping ont a susali tagger, stmucis tre bleres weis alhem migis ttise lady's brasS. In escis case, horeavar, the taggsr glanced eff tisa corset, inflieuing eniy trsfling Injuries. Lonti ecreaiss breugistishe servants te tise spet sud seen tise indignant wite, wha in îles meantime bati hat a violent fits et isysusrses, was being cenducteti in ber oren carniage te bis office by tise police commis. sary, Sema heurs afturwardc use wss set ai liberty, as tise lady rebou sdie hidat a- tseket bat, reitis ber husbani, tecidet tisai ne eempiaint sould 'bchodtgetion ucceunt otftisa gossip te rebicle tise uffair wouid iueviîabiy hure given rie. But fer the protection affrdet Sy tise sisys tise adi- ventura would pnebsbly have termiu&ted in a very tragic mannar. WELStI PROIGRESS. Wales PuttIng liereemmiset Evideaca-Car difiiWaibtsea largeGrant for Edîseattossl Parposes. Lithse Wales is bscorniug very much iu evitence. 55e is net ouly cutuing sema- tbiug etf a figure peliticsily in the affaire et tise United Kiugtom; Sut is brsncising eut commercishly sud edicstionally. Ca r- tiff, oua etfber mesti anterprieiug sierns, je now dsmsnding substantial recognition trous tisa (lverument. It wauts s buildi- ing grau' et $500,000 fer is univerityj "ollage. Tise request bas canse cema expressions o etotaisismeut, but tisa Miu- ieîmy are auxieus te unu eveny trick ia the3e tisys et lusiva majeritied, sud a libaral1 zrant wili toubtises be tortiscous- ing.

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