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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1894, p. 2

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GB ATEFUL-COMFORTING. BREAKFAS [-SUPPEP. «13y e thonuughknowlad't o' the na"sire laws whi 'h arveru the uperations q oe ai and nu triti on. sud by il carefol applic'îtio's oi, tisa fine prop9ecleýe o sal-s0,ts (i'sM. Epps bas sD'ovd edounr breakfas)t ables iith dlicataly il vored bavera2e wlich maýy sava usmasor- bav-y docto' bbiils. Ir b4 by the jadicinue use o snob articles of dlet Ibet a constitution n ty Lha radualir-uil utnuntil slroug enollgh bu rasist avrec teudiency ta diseasa. Ivindrede oW auhile maladies are fioati-ig aroin i ns reedy ris attanli whara rar thare ia we',k pint. Wa mays cape mer- a saalishe'i hsy kepin uraceves well forifial ith pure Wood n.ad as prowarIy nortrisheti ra .'-'Civi erv 3eice Gazet te.,, Made impîs' wirh boli-t warýer or milii sod nuls' lun aciiets. hy Croulera. laabled thîce JAMES 5tPPS & Co., flemmrepathmtc Cita 1UI. L.ondoun, Englimd. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19, 1894 DR. J. C. MITCHEILL. F'Pý FCOLT,Hf41l' 05 P1qV'SIAN %o5ri'oisOntarlo, Coroner, etc. Offi M- assi Residence. flnniskilien. 74. M i1PITm-t S IOLICITOR, aa.MOP511s FI - psarKinça Street. How'lun- ville. 190ccior for the Oubari fBank l am ii eva bans', aI tic bwst ratie ROsiT. VOUNG, V. S. O *FFiCE IN THE WEST DURHAM 'U ews Block, whara imseal or assistant v il be found'irem Sa.m. to 9 p.m. Night catis uît rctIlce.direel-lY oPposibe Driil Sbad. Calîs 1l eiEla pS or telaphone w ii receiva prompt iii ceuun liiyr A ECHIITECT. Plans andi Spacifica- L!. ions prepaceml for avers' cîsas of hilding. SnpeJI attauention gven on heating by n-cern e adLot n suer. aud îo sanitary arrangements. c (e: Gor-le Block, Whitby 43-is' R PEATE, Tailor Gentlemeu's Clthes MJade to Oxder. J ..BRMACOMiHBL DENTISVr. OFFICE -Reair of Messrs. Hieinbotham & Son's Drug, Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE Gents' (3lothing Cleanad, Dyed. Pessad sud Repairait by T HO0S. P.E AT, Dyer sud Cloîbes Ciesar Gcds wrrsnted t te e as nu one wili kuuw t5cm trous new when dose. Corner Kin4 sud Oatcîio drseus. 1Bowinaur-mld DE-rNTI STRY. C., IIARNDEN;, L. D. S. Greduata oftlim Ros'al Collage ut Daeulal Surgeons. Ontario. OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VITALIZED AIR. New Tailor Sho-p Ira M le m-I 2n 3r Litt t hd SaI~ ~d TEm'needeti 'am; and i il vou watto s end dthal Christmass en well 1 Coulci il ha thae 11ýUtlE iid ha' Lîdlk a mre than common, yoennighýtgel thLl t esoii'l reyeers au'! liw -olly a dozan bantikarch;eaja, hd anîgbe 1 andi chattercd ovar lbar stoc- A C1'lfma Siry er iteioug Flle "WIII. wila, I 'was îhinking tuai par- mg Aod Ned,-now that ehe îhought A CirstýtsStrY1,d)rth VunzFok hebp"-tba fermer tr"e itoe a îl Jeraouit it,-sha rema-sbared that tlîey Iabout is wnrds, for Mrs. Hîtlsiý1y dii fii bou-hi bîm a pair ni skates lbatyear. e FIGforSaie lan!"seaisi in a vary gouti iumu-I vas rînam- iedAmatieaegre&ttlimaeovrar ose skates,s -,. ý xcIaimati Neti, hl baring hnw yetn sed toe'jo'g md ime anti 1atitaken bis litho sîstertlus"a hin \? mockingly. youg unes candias aud tbye; s.prastu-y luuse îham. Nati was s ovmuîg sud l'Yes, ' insisted 11 genîtla in tlise days. "~ ~ "1'-uie, wat's Nov ,Noah Hîutley, T'nisupried t IMrs. Ilunîley went back lu ltse kitchan, Maiwhtsha o Yu 1 Bey candies sud to's for ua gree bt tisa ronm seemetidiffacant tolIsar. sed1 - '~' goig lubring Yen, lumbaring boy lika Nad ? Wev y2 musc brouîgbî n 15e milk, anti lonketi et his '!"m iNate ba crazy, man 1 Tisa uexî hi, % ill hbe otb'r carionssîy et beriimg ber say, Ned ?" tisai you'Il went e Chridtrîm -e -rea ur- "Thank yuu Nti"Wenders would ocrer ~'x'~-'~ 'Il don't kaw, self 1 ui et bu,î ne ia e, h ad v' ~ ant Idont caca "'ieil, il wonidn'b 1 ha abtiids,-Faiber, ite a îoonligbc sight ;coitnt muc, hoasnawer- îboughî the laîber. "1 nr'smyma, ,yon andi 1 driva t0 the village ?Nat i wll cd,"fr imrajs1 eritz, leha hsebean u,othe nuotis ani cul 5- aexcusaentsc leavlumg hlm alune." cd I ert.r s.t little trefor liii chîltirean sd eha s ate Ex'cuse 1"1Wbahn had bis mother avec eny Santa Clans." p et s baap ni pleassure ont oniti. Ah!)'i u oly aske bhi-na t; excuse~ lier ? Anti then, asi Merry 1 111e Mamie stood imamazemcut, litile Polly lied liv-ad 1" Strengelyaý11uuulb1îoîlse- wtit for tbe wagon tu ha gotI the wile was îlikîug liesmalig as ready, Fhe tub ibîn how Mamie ley lunlihe uti then rau in-doors lu bar mother wiîb ibe sliied sudnditeti aud Awigled " If wîndow seat andi reae li er about, the aller perplaxity. litIle Polly bati livati it wnsidlav beau Saviour's bictlî. Il Wby, moîher !" sha crieti,Il Neti différeni, but n'a ran'î îbrow away meuaoey Mc. Iulutley was bewiidacadtoc . To liuntlay saidt lmae wsn't euy Sante Claus on nmnense for Ne." ai art on ior the village et sevan 'clock i TALKEn MATTERS TO D05LLY. "Weil, Mamie," ssld ber mother, " wouldn't laIte eny. notice of Ned's being cross about Christmas time. The Huntlay's don't keep Christmas." "Doî't keep Christmaîs !" excleimad Ma- mie, estoniaheti beyond measmra. Seeîng tbat her inother wsa buay, she elmAeMI1E 1_Y aIr ýTHE WINDOW SEAT READ- 10LunTitE MARVELLOUS STOILX OS H115'5BIR.Tll" A Iittle reti cloak flasbetiby ie wlndow, the avaîsing ! Wben bat sncb a thîug e lImîiabright face, juat Laboutt ibe ieaof bappaneti 1 our Pllys" paeped lu at limedcantid On tisa roati Mca. lunlley told bear bas- Mamie asked, May 1 comini, Mci. bandi wbat Mamie liid saidtal lier, and4 she liuîy ?1" adiiei, IlPachapa, as 1 tell it, il.tiun't Il Cerlainly, cbilti1 Hera'a a sah cook- Isaam mucb. but iù matie me think of unr le. I suppose on're fuil uf Obrisîtmas oVr aPliy, ant"-tha womsn's voica bruItansd ais ynur bouse '" the lai bar, sadtieneti too,said, comiorîiisgly ohS, yes, m'am 1 Anti 1'ipgau orry Shla issale, my dear,imu beaivan." yois don't kaop it. XX at's 1the rea,;son ?"f " Yas, father, but l'mi liinking of the Iluo'tkeep il ! Why, wa isveaegular oua tbaî's laft, for ail 1 crieti a little. 1 Clrielmas dinner as suce as tise 25th of iguesienouwera neer igbit about garîing Decembar comas round, anti Ps gir-as me a bilm somatlîlng ulca. liais but a boy yet, aaw dreas, or somtbing Uta 1netanti anti he't think moeaof Chriatmas, anti we gir-e I'la a sui, of cloîbes, uçù îcr or parbape of the ehb'Idti a' was hum n o somethiug that lia naads.'" Chcimtmas, if wa shsow hlm tuaI Jesus bas Weil," seiti Mamie, Il but I like otîr matie nur hearba a licîsie more tander." way beat. May I tell Yeu iow we keap What it coat thal bard, ras-arc et womsn Christmaes?" to say thar, noua kuew, but I tbiuk ber IlTalItawey. I cenlistan." b ýushantifaI.it duly ow sha must bave "lWell, yoa se, a goo,î i wile belote iought wîcb barseit, anti ha 'as sllant foc Christmsas my isotiser begins to ixýe- ready, soma lime. At lest hae saiti, wltb a toua aol 1 water the cbrysauthtmums houer- ae lîcer giaduese lu bis voice, "My dear, Pi'mglati nîce anti fresb, sut5 1 oxien sea bier bide up te gat hum somethîug. lies a goal boy, aomelbing quick when 1 coma lu, andt deu Na i la. she langhs, anti 1 think, 'Oh1, yes, some- "" bat e pleasant tire lbey bai. anti bow îhing's coming,' and thon momher takas me tbey cauqht the spirit oi Christmas ! They lu ber lap anti tells me bow J e-us is comiug, bougb'a a lati anti skates, a book or tare, sud how Hle titi came. Do yn know, Mcs.a.'nd candiles, sud Mca, Huantiay fouet a BunnlleyCntl mcit jacLt-kniie that waa jualtishe îbing Net IlYeu cn1el'echldVwauteti. "You ses, lie ceane a long, long ~ Meautime, Net museti ovraris moîher s lime ae as a litîle baby. Manema sys t srs anti ber straugeiy Itindtigtoes, sud tuaI liii legau eLt the hegiuniiig. su that bhougbî: 'I wonder il she's going ta ha as _____________ Igond lu me as ahe aras te Polly. 1I beteb 1her Mamie talIt about Saua Claus. Polly usati tu tlIt jnsîet tt way, andi we dit have suhgoodtimses. I usadt m get skates anti tiugs Christmas, but noar I gel soure baud-' Itercoial oirs a -t of sh irts, h miakes me -mat." Tien Nati felu ssieep, anti su the moîber lount i m 55e arche hlm genlly ianti ha arat off lu bati, beaildereti hy more kinti arcti. Mucing dawnetianel Net bncrielad îwn 111 lua light the fire in tise kitolmei, but ha ahre as a sied,-a splendid one,-a pair 11 ai1 "ofskates, an ti bo ks ! lH e put is a d i 01 ,/I/I bis pockals lu laIte a long st-ire, sud faIt J lf~<~ c~ssomechingsrog o' cm f Ihes. Wlîy b - T era was e beautiiol kuife M.cber camne in aud waetcheti bis fle,but j mt sighîl n bert1he boy tirly Scoliedtowu. Laying bis Seat on bem sheultiar, Iî's like Poely coning back," bc a eifi. Anti so h n'es, anti s it coninuedta10bh. I-TOOT AISJOURIILL. ~,7- ' '~~è - I itdressfTsoua ds CrîvmliKg ntoUne case of men tbay affect a radical cuira lu ail The uliderirned wha lias beau carryiunu ou e"li j ,-4 IP4 ace-Sararma 0f Beggarn, cases srising fromt mantalarorry,u-ecrok, te, sryGý,sStr fran hrf e* 0,10 . anpilgrimages are mostlyunudertakea recse t ut StIe ueloin usnesinconctonIut b~.. ' .&-un---.u IdinDr. Williauss' Pik Pills ay[-al'aid of rs coninienced butsiness br hius'elat u i hebiswa ebeas teivr esdece KneSwst wî'aSelaprpa.sb3"~ 5ecot waîer bcas1te1ivr aaildtruggists, or direct by nmail frain Dr o uaka gets' auj boys' suts in ail the lateat titan shallowan sd slow, anti nobody gels Williîams' MNetiile Company, Brockville ,ty)Lý, nd a joest rice3, oc tose htirowneti unles ha is usure thea ualy par Ontrico, or Schenectadiy, N. Y., let 50 cents 'ih te order enlia, lie ailcarrys& ful l inA Of abx o1i1bxsfo1250,h1pi upI as iha newest pstiarns. Gir~~~ blus l'~ verse, Aise whan the river is bar greetaboraubxefc 8.5.Tapcet lu ae .'i ar'onwbich tbese pillsarse soltimamikes a course Oeali. tract% of sentiar dry ri ther aide of the ni treatusent comparatir-eîy inaxpenaiva as J. T. -A L ,, ,T atalr, anti ou Ihesa the pilgmim ealu con- comparat trith othar remetiies or madical Fashioneble Tailor3 'I WÂTiil'tTIE 'IBv.SANTHIEMiUIISs. _________ veniantly camp. Accordiiîgiy each year, trealment. TUE DO1~1INl0N tuaItlber tioli, lialcua Margaret Constanc o un tile chilti coultiSasy, I ca'l ha like about the iitile of December, there floale_________ THI D01111N ONVictoria, naed einusheinor of the Quaan, i lJe$Isîc, focJeans neyer was su itileas use, ' Ga Birman iully 200,00a pacsons. These uaimil Fii'e ins~ur aim t n r re n tle be er ovrar hliera it is lu tIsaBible anti doar on the are flot ail pilgriuss pure antisimople, ha. THIE BREEDER'S GAZETTE. rmaatiiiet beuete nisfloor ahe sel witb the bock ou baer knees. cue __th___ eigos igin e Atiocil1tioIIbe.Ail about that irai birîhdapy ol'lis, aren cuaae 5 sa eiin igi e h hitssise lts reir a "Whalta ou hkuy dear," saidthtSrs 'sasn't any rom for Ime h tr-qires lu ha lad anti ciothei. lie nacta al, Tett Cahrs"masere acko at reel tuba- sha, es Tbay tionl Iteep Chrisîmas aI Net arc, siwen the dear litile lbaby .esus ceauner of tirsal tromperies lu deck bis tneat publication uf the yeam in the entîre t Cres 6 ot c 1 was laapy, they laid Hlm mght lu a. stable chidran,hîe aile anti bis goda. Basities,h lied nA agmîultural jm,)inalisin. 'ihat foc et~ ~ ~ ~ 0ýem C4 y6eetspr l'a Hnia' oueI o'ikna a ab trager, sud the Shephartsis untHlm ly.rmuai have Pienty ol sareaîmneeta, tieadînliMt91wamie appeer Dcc. Id,and ciii urpesq ail nd"90 " " 11 eru a muobrmeeb uIIapn ifry ing there. Christmas h lHis bitbdsy, ant i isakish coutaipountis nibutteranti inuI niispeicso uSl h ai nivras MuaI of West Durban's promineut facusmrtknoa Sata Clans couses town the chimnes', 1.suppose Ihayali urina the cblîdren prescrura sugar, flavrat atîli spca-ba neetis thase c l lutaiu u h lalru t ce nsueitlu . s~ s Seeaugelin turing the nigltanti hecause Jeasslovat uitIlùecheltiren, andti 10make nîerrs' wîtiîabnai h blutions matimald o 2 t pefi ail metil e fee RJ.D I hyt liunîiego tii .il ew subscribers for 1815 abuse sub- Manaer , J PresîdUt, E la hil.mas tum t Ot, s uppsethe's abat I cama about, ani 1'muaitfor- Sas beau propemis' prupiliatet. Furtbar,be seriptiona are saut in pruor lu the damte onitis Maae, Petdn, io'I Itaep i.Tlmay trtot upsgît ! Il Youl'dont keap Chrislmeas-I menu waants au eut of 'oh to keep bis ittia lampe issuse. As e malter ci fart Ibis oua nuather Owen Sonnd. Buwmanvii.le. jatlike mothar tlItme thes' ectdabout as are do," abe attiat, as Mcal. lulk3v (religions anti tomestici goiug. auntha. Yearis' thuhicciloiothe$2Atitifrsx iVihl oelilon mceipt ot paut card. j- tItis curions toise ola kerse a lu cnatis. rl 5e prill of ibe2pAercs Agen' 'or 'West Duchain. matches are useti lu lie raînoleat Indien .-TfR. Sentiers Put'. Co,, 358 Dearbomîs, St. A. W. FOLEY. Box 148. /' ~ ~ village, lu ordtia lu dehlm witb Chicago, il . 50-6c Bowmaur-ilse, Onu he n aea pmudrdaohrtig arbich 1 cannul unarw remeushar, -a perfact DETROIT FREE PRIESS3. ~~ ~~~~.aî1j1 "s~~ army et grain sellers, leastier workgrs, çitcgnm-eIluOewuiu SPEMU TRS AN- A - arS ater arclera, jearelem. anti, in sho, men ,mtigofî,rR o hs at sean ra ara i ~-~-'iof- u ry radea ti as the raînoteat hope Clsuice Litematîsce. Two gond pa'sars for the pAMPHL FOS ON PEUR T , I o ating 0 th spont ofndthe aigrial ! hiceofoW eaks Dtot rcPreiarangemenSTts- DAILY MARK1ET LETTER AND ILLUSTRATED î - o r eig thît. oit he pmigr in- whemaby wa eau off-c the rancidil i rsous PtAMPHLETS, au appîleation , sdaaeueesfls n' vert hetaroganeous mass there Sangs a long mAIs. botis oua gear. focr1$L 75. "ie PUcîroit Wnie rco plctoand Sîree s - ssfully ineclge ot Seggams. Ounlima heastof thîs Fi ee Presse mes large Inclue pa-e acakîs', Wall tree. rtringe are Branusans. These boidly claime anti liesthe lurgeet number of spacial con- Sîccks. tonds, Grain, Pravisiocas ait Ctton bouglt e~"' ~ ~ '\anti obtiurchants' as a ight. Naxt comae luibutorme of sus' acekis' pubite- n aud slit fom cash ouna mailu < 3 to 5par cnt. , t -,u'h tose abo bcg useraIs'beceuse thet la eamer [Aumeica lb bas siso s speciai "à/lerry COMMSSio 11 PERCEN - -~,, 1~J'e~S~ j~tîarm work'ing antilegsa dangemous tban Timeb"deasrtnueot for the cbiltisnan et2, Spatil AttctienPalitle tiseretonars Aceanis. - - < ,;sa ,Yte~',~ - e ,(.?//ftealin îeelig f Aler tians ccsetahuer l tic opedie-r-men',page.Yon co ser mor Curesîsu arIera Solicited. -- crepit, bSind, tilseasati anti daformetifolkt ibansthe cast of bolS panera bs' laîing ead- Dire-t wica frtamouc ciice te ail W'estern Union _____ hose irrauclul suces anti plîlabi malfoc. ventagea of the speciai bar pricra gir-en lu offices bu the Uniltd States. Bank malsences. mnationis eaccu Ieau as gn or a isaîler liv. enbscrihera on- tiseusans' val-sable Premu ni' tha-deer 11111e baby Ser-lour the as'btn't 1icoarneaîl nd ifs'on dontuethe things ugI u) egoffarait by the Frac Prese-. Sautf'r a inthn heabia-bodieti sutindusîrliaus sampie cops' of 15e Free [resu anti ceium W EI N MAN & CO, ans' omusfor hum, surd I guesa Mca. Int- 1 Sauta ('lanasbaas here, cai, , . causa Ovrarare citait able to obtain. 'tuplerrent. Atitresg, THESAie SAusra. Stock andI GraliBroker, les' basn'î any monts toitaeep Christalsein, at l~ad t gi!UnyIs' d rathar Net should Last uf ai corneltme lapera, andt Iese lu- BaevhaSt No. 41 BaOADwAv. New YORK CTY. I onudar abat asiteJoas with the Chistas have 'arn, ' tact are mnisacable objecte. Oltan have 1 thinga Sauta Clans biug ? 1r-outier if she IlChiit alr-e !liow your longue cins I droppati e coin mto e haudthIatwas a mare The Ganadian Live 1Stock and I'arm tbroas 'cm awes'? Iusean 10, go anti ask lare, lua, laIte these cookieýs bouse ith atrutp, ail mie lingers avriug tiacayet aaray Journal. MO E O L A . ber ;" anti pnîticg lbar chîlticamainlis lu yuu. I guesa Nad's 100beylu epiea ilS AiltISsue are ailiîgly fat ant i upporteti- ils cratile, Mamie sîati. s'on. i by tua pilgrimsansd traders, for Indus is a To Ibie nbo sre irtlcuesîti in foot heim- $1 00,000. Tisera aras soins truth lu what Mca. "I'isank s'onus'am. And yu'll reustm-icount rys' areacharits'is cArniet lacror-ar iog antistock rai,,inS' Th, Cemiistni ve Gasîcit Seltoi ec, utIle taugliler ; the ber boni Sauta Clans ?" sait uitIle Mamie, lima verge of iusbocclily, To gir-e ute e$tock sud Ilacm Journaile i4;tmiug quitt A iRrgeaS on iisas'bas beau piied inn us' rutisys it ulIap Christmnain a ml- a55shewaiketi eues' xvth Sec cookies. lazys' iier or tise fltBraisu is quitte as a beor. Tueecuttiîîg dtiui of ut ce8santi baenda hy a priviemie sou f or investltmr.onit ig, liesris'ay. Thay Iteptit inu s fac -Mca. linnîley womkad un for a few min- iuneriuin s lu help tha sick but lutins- badtlimes generalis' unakr lacer'fs atprovcd boans on ,ta-eourity forum meous a nti ey feao rs o f te u -.ad hn Iý dse, ros ria rtoadatilngcmott urârcitrit oeensetegets s'tvr. or TEN YO'Iri, F, VE Axo ONE ii'lORta i its atcuu Hta' ttuaAama Liatrosatsn rl t tiPoERmoîî u arclues oe ls tegele ccr iûtarei-twil, m e a-d itpayable geanis'. was bus' making the mince pics, tdressing asiterent o lier oan room n tiopaîmat a, chiaer thewrcetcheti apr or balpiasacrippia. caclu un rdar lu secuce thsethse pcuparctus tiatiiafactury conidutiauusfliercesymeul ahi be tisaentes', aod doing ail se ccoudti o habe reau draerr. TSece las' a bcrighî 11111e Nu questions area sketi, You uati but foc thaîr labor, sol the Ca- adieu Lire arrangea. bafocehmeu ait5 the extra Christusas ticasa anti pretîs' aSile arbePalsshst I iquai by the coatiside ilu sea imquenieti SVc lanso Farm Jmu'ai courain-i jus, th-, D. B. QIPON kird of information ne -epeearv te assist 15cm Soiic IoMPSnri. tîmmîrer. Mc. Hiî aiSetjustist at lmi he,-laitie ioitasin alshhe usati pac, spread a riliiy cloîh in franlt ohf yoni b oi.Tasbsrîmo ueu u Daed Oct. i1-. 18qI. 40 lf. loto the kitcbsu for a mousenit tosas' te liserIf) k su lovaIs'. 'ihera arre ba est isottout a haut to passeirs by tu bneitr a s olrpmyatn nsi-smn IIi aira, "XVhet bave s'on tettiet on fo- Clristusal tiys tIsa ucoîbeýr hbat cvrcImaintenance for lufe. Charity la nul gir-n eintolle un ear ad shontii-cres profit ie. The Firet Pe'shyîriau chureb ati Ua.. Net's Christma?" îIIought,-only a litile tlin mIa ppar lu marlieve tisîces3inluothars, but lu susootb '11bitJo irmusis stidelasais 20 ba:i Sitesu'foVr- bain ai purdimese sa e2,700 organ. l"'va bougbt hlm a pair of accic-.ie jcrnucopia, andi a dol; ibaaramember. ithe dono' palS to hear-su. nOnto; 9 f ,is ue. husads, and will cunr s0i yuu tekein dne.Sold by lDruggîats on ua gis' antea. For a Lame'Ee1lc oi-ï estusa SUILOI-'S BELLA'DONNA LAi 'R,5e eteed to cure Yeul. Pia,1 Il njcfrea, For male by Stott & JTury. ES U LATE TH E LIVER. ONE PlILL A TER EATIN G INSURES GOOD DIGESTION, PRICE25 CTS.TKiEDODOs M 0. D -J I T SI A. VICTOBIA CO. MIE-LE The Story of an Ex-Reeve of Carden Township. storlie eaitik Loal i'h3 icienS ii- Thereae l obel( ter nw iui espiel toria coutty than Mr. Riohard Fitzgerald, /7 wbo wwi one of the first settiers of the township of Cardan. lHe was elected to the ' honorable position of reeve of th at townsh ip "'< '-t fur twelve successive years, and filled the position vith so mucli acceptance tu the people that lie was presped to continue in office for a longer tima, bot was compeiied te declmne the hopor. It therefore goas without saying that Mr. Fitzgerald la net township, but thet bis word ie cousiderad .nF.Mr. by those who know hlm to be as goo'l as0 bis bond, and that upon aaything he May ssy the most implicît co)nfidence Mey be " placed. Z0T!-1A When young, a stronger or more heerly ~ TOOC~A man couid flot be fouuJl, but possessed of - an iron constitut don, ha did what tue many à ail are prone te do, neglected hi, besltb, and1 exposeri biruseif te ail sorts of weather, orIen in the pursuit of bis cailing as a farm- Stetem, ent of a Well KonD3ctor or being wet te the skin for houre at a lime. "No otîsar blond inedic*ineibat i ave Alitlîteover seventeen years ago ha found éea used, and 1 bave trîed tem al, is so that ha had contracted rhaunatism of a, viorongle lni is action, ai eflects suaîîY inuculr orm ad each su ceding day ]rineicres as Aycr's 1«Sa 1rparlla.- jounî hiim io a worsa cordition. Hie appiied te the local doctors in bis naighborhood, ~ but receivcd nu relief, and was then induced by îhem toe pply for admission te the general hospital eb Toronto for treatment, Adite at the Wrde.~c- and was lu Ihat institlolion for several months, until lie bacanie disbeartenad at '~~~O'Je n!1 acs the weut of succass attending bis treatinent and returad home, as was thouhto1[e OR SALE OR RENT.-H-ouse eind die. By this time the muscles of lis F 1i acres for sala or to rant,. s:imietv body bad become se contracted tîcat hie Songog street north. The peiosrossiu could net sriwashi ibs n a good boeuse with evory couvenience, dvug straghîu bs libsand ssed, atable, etc. Tne garden contains a lot ii forced toe pend the greater part of bis liime ihe choicasi fruit ot ail varieties.lmnri, inulied, sud wben able te gat eround et ail PosersFeln eauha givexa. nrpatcuas jpl it was ouly wîth the aid of a scout pair cf OWh'iHiC tbwsvk0r 4-s crutches. Wheu ho attempted te raie-, 10 bis EC N D NSA E~A feet, bis legs would crack et the nees like T EC MD sticks ut wood, caused, as the doclors bold biîn, by the fluid in the joints being comt- ESTABLISHED 1855 pietely dried op. Hie was constipated t0ea fearful degree. Wbha ieratirad et nighl pr ennium lu aivance. otbarwiee 31 « -ubvîyipt oao alwaI 8 atirtlh t thare wes flot sufficient blood in bis vsins Publiîatioa. Advortisîn4 rat0 anlai b n te keep him froinfeeling inteoisely cold, and Tcc,. lceati par lina, nu ipiie rstuas- in ordar te keap bhnm Warin bis daughber en ans5cents per lios esech subsequei)u i, knitîed himwoolau leggings and lînadt ham "i Locale, 10 cents par lin e. wiîh soi t wool. Sevaral limes his faîîmily, M. A. JAMES, Pui31isha ît' a portion of wbom raside lu Michigan, wae sunmîned home te sec tîseir father for the lest lime, as lha was lhought lu ha on bis death- bed. Fin'îlly, afler suferinig as much bodily pain as woald have killad an ordîn- ary mari, and et a lime wheu he abd flot set 1 his foot on the ground for e year, hae was inducad by bis son te give Dr. Williams Pink Pille a trial, as ha had beardo h iieit many remarkabie cures made by thal Pag~eCoeil Spring Fence. The orsly remedy. It was airer much persuasion that miaster of expansiïon andi contraction. ha weinducedtogiveîbem a trial,as hae had than spent a smail fortune in madicinesansd A full stock of Farm. Garden, Lwn dîterent modes of treelment under which and Omnanental Feuce elways in stock. hae bad sleedllIy growu worse. and he hsd Zepiedo idng anything thet would Ord-Jts 8s dicitad and particulars gi-vea, belli hlm. At lest hae began the use of the orf 2iised on application, by Pink Pills andi hed not taken thorm long A. W. FOLEYf' befora ha bagan le notice e decided im- Box 148, Bownianvi!1e,t~s. provemeut lu bis condition.Cninîg h their use ha fouud haiecoulti gel arund Sole dalr, olepale an ,reteilfo mucbobater than Le hed been able te do et Couuty of Durham andi Eat.jW;iitby. eny lime for meny yeers, sud af 1er e stil further use of Pink Pills ha wa entiraiy relievedf rorn aiil ieumatie 'pains, and la now a Wonder 1teblunseli ad ail who know hlm. Mr. Fitzgerald is new 70 yaarsî of ae, is able te walk te Kirkfield evary day, and la enijoyinig balter beaslth than ha bas hati inca hae wate firat affactati. Dr. Williams' P'ink Pilla ara a perfect blooti builder sud narva lesturar, curinig sncb diseases as rhaumeatism, neuralgia, partial paralyois, locomolor ataxie, St. Vitus' dance, nervous headacha, nervone prostration and the ticeti feeling îberefrom, the aller ali'ects of le grippa, dîseasea de- pendîng upon humers in the bloond, sncb as $1.0o Bottle. scrof nia, chronlo erysipalas, etc. Pink Pilla Oun t àse gîva a healthy glow te pale andi sallow ~n IETCUi US rmtyaia complexions, andi are a speoific for troubles VIierea lothers feUCa glilropSr peculiar lu the female system, andi in thea hroat. Hoarsenesa, 'Wc pu~Cough anr,

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