Special lînes in Al- bums, Bibles, Faney Cups 'and Saucers, Pietures andi Toys. C-O T'EARLY. Christmas and ýNew Year Cards. Calen- da.rs, just Iovely and cheap BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 19, 1894. SIR JOEIN 't'HOIVIPSON DEAD. The Richt flou. Sir John S D. Thornpson, premier of Canpda, died sud- denly at thte Qseen's Palace, Windsor Castie, last Wednesday utf heart failure immu diately afterhaving been sworn su as a Privy Comiillor. Ail Canada mollins this oariy dem se ut une ut her muai distinguishcd ions. A large aud excellent likene-s ill bo found onc an in- side page ot this pi per. Salvation .Army Notes. The S. A. nexht Salurday îiht in Bow- inauville will have a lecu-cr-s on Cetral Africa illustrated bg lime fight viewsaa big time expected Co!lPction at the dour. Everybody come. Ensign McAmond and Capt. Brooks in conr'nand. READY FOR WINTER. Decids-dly tha fin-st i-dsplay uf band- soins cutters ever made in Bawmanville la on exhibition at Hainecs' Carsiage Works this yesr Mr. Haines lias curainly made a happy bit in styles for 'this eeason's trade and utility and suhstanrialit-g have reuïeived equal attention. It matters not whet he.r you ueed a cutter or not you shoufld ean sd see Mr. Haines' display. NEW YEAR'S DAY., In Town Hall, 13owmanvanville, will appear Grenville P. Kleiser, Eiocutionist and Impersonator, in is entirely new programme of Dî,viri Copperfield, draina- tize-d sud arranged by hînss.eif; andGeorgte F. Smedley, c. mie vovalist., Bî.njo. Guitar and Mandolîn Artisi-, in sweet sud enter taining mnusic. A ýich sud varied pro gramme undi-r auspices of R. T. of T. Fler particulars next week. Cracked the Safe. Between Sundoy night and Mon-day morniug burgiars entered Mr. .1. C. Van- sfoue' ruliler mille, hored a bole through the back sud another through the door ut bis office saie sud got away with about $100 and two smali checks. TbeyJeft ihie deeds. aud a $7000 dîaft on the fluor. The sate la badly shattered. A chisel sud brace fornd there wera claimed by Mr, ~Peter Deynau. This samne chisel was used in s sirrîllar way seven years ago when an attempt was made to rob this Baf e. Christimas Exhibition! Now going 3n at . M. Cawker's. Ho has 4 grade heitra ted by Thos. Gibson, Esq., Clarkre; 1 grade biter ted by J. B. Worry, Esq., Darhongor; 1 Devon ted by Chv s Frankr, Eq , D brlington; 3 pigs ted by Thos. Vu-si, E>.q.. 13owmanville; 3 pigs ted by W. Moore-, E8q., Tyrone; sud a quantity Ewes sud Wether Shropshire Lambe, besides Poultry ut ail kinds, smoked snd clear Hame,' Lard, Piekie Pork, Corn Beef, etc , ail sellin2 at the lowest iving prices Cash pald for hidea, tsllow sud sheep skin". Remember the stand: Town fiail Buildings. USEFUL <JHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Our readers should note what Messrs. Oouch, Johnston & Cryderman have to say on the firat page of this paper. They are certainly showing a very attractive stock of new goods apecially suitable for Chrisi-mas presents. It la well to remosu- ber that a usetul present, is very otten more appreciated than one which is or- namental merely. Give thern a cal!. S. FOSTER, BUTOFIER. Mr. Foster who bas estshlishied quite s good trade in the meat business in Nead' Block, bas decided teoseil for cash inuftut- tire sud wll lower his pricos to re-ward the customers for ready paymeîat. ie bas a splendid reputation for supplyinz cood class of mouansd wiil spare no effort to sstisfy lu quality and price ail who favor hlm. A very choice selection of meats ut ail kiuds have been secured frr the Christmas trade and he invites inspection of ail cifizens. Eurdock Blood Bittera cureaDyspepeia. B urdockB IoodBitters curesConstipation Burdock BloodBtters curesHBillouaneas. Burdock Blood Bittera cures Headache. Burdlock Blood Bitters unlock ail the ciogged secretions of the Bowels, thus curing Headaches and aimilar complainte. ! fa. %REWELL 1FRESHlýTATIO N,. rho officers aud teachers of the Math- st Sa, hath Schoul and inembers ofthtte rorth Lesgne have lost one (J their st uzel'ui wurkers in the person ot Mr. hn Joblin who with hi& farnily moved )shawa on Tuesday. Ia recognition his services they fclt it right to show sorne small way theur appreciation, so the close et the pregram a-, the Ep- rth Lèagua meeting M âonday eveninfl e -h'srman Rav. C. i'arker called on r. Harry Rice, secretary uftihe Sanda;y lol and Epworth Leaziie, t0 cime sard. He read the foliowing address: MR' J. JOBLIN. ar Frierid and Brother,-We the officers of the manville M thodist Sabbath School and Epwvortii iue of Christian Endeavor, bîg toe epress sur t regret and sorrow at sour remioval I co n ur o!sud League. As the chie! officer in sur schonl have appreciated your sel-denvinz and efficient or. In the League you have a1way s been ready ewery good word and w ork, sud as a genesai ch wocker, you have ever colimianded the re- t and lovec of tho e associated wîsh you. We store beg your acceptance of this secretary and kcrase as a small menueuto o!foc gratitude ro you may re i d ,ou lu the coming dal s am yen Il le rermitted to use it, of pleasanÈ associatiolis our Sch ol and League. And, furtheraiore, as v riendîsips ace tsrmed and new phases of life l, suay the îoemory of the sari you have spent owmanv ie lbe au oasis 85 brighten sud cheer you the way to trie b, ihter and b tter home abovo, en the -'W il Doue" of the Master, sud thle glad corte of uhose vou have helped thither sha i be igreatest rewarsl. Signer, ou behaîr -'f the Sab- 7Schooý and the Eps orth League of Christian savor.s. C. PAs.),itO, Pastor; T. E. HîiG.- i soi, FreSt.; liaarRYRICa, Secreforî - 3owamauville, Dec. 17, 1894. tev. C. I'arkisr 0on behalf of those pro- ft thon pi-es' nted Mr'. Joblin witL aà riaumc s' cietary and book case. aBup- ýd by à1sr. L-evi Morris, as pok-î in dly tu-rns of the hipli esrueeïn ho had rMr. Jolin and fanîily. anid of bis,, ,bte work in counection wïth tht, Meth- it church of this towu, eepecially in aSabbath Scool and League Mr. ilîin narie a very feeling rBply thark- 3them .fur their gift, and spuk ý ut the aartt associations ho had e-ni o-yed dur- s he thirteen years he had heu-o among sui, aud especially did he urge al] the îng moen present tu taire Christ as their 1d'er. Ou iheSuiuday prevnusho bade Lyood bye to týe sciiolars ot tho Suriday School of wbicbhoiebas been sup'-riuteud- i-t for several years and by whom ho is highly respeeted. The beat wisbes of al toilow NMr. aud Mrs. Joblir' aud tamily to Oshawa i-bat the ble-ssiug ot God may richly rust upon them in ail their future labors. Trinity Church. Special Christmas services will be hld at Trinity Church next Sabbath. lu thu- mortiiug the choir wiii sing the Te Deuin (Dykea), s Christmasm carol "Good Christ, ian Mou Rejoice," aînd anthem" Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" (Towne). The following xiii! be the order of the eveniug: s er vice. 1 Athcm, ' Awake, 0 ioi;" 2InIvocat ion; 3 Hymn, "It camre upon the midîight clear;" 4 Script- rire reading; 5 "Calm on the Listening b ar;" 6 Pray- er; 7 Collection; 8 Noti 'es; 9 Anthemn "-Atiide With lie;" 10 Hymu, "Worthy the Lamb;" il Sermon (brief);12 Authem, "Lift up Your learts;" 13'Pray- taise;" 15 Anthein, "Hear those Srothing Soriods" (Bleethoven); 16 Bencdiction. A Christmas offcring of $100 lsa8ake-d for at these services, wbich amoui-ta re- quired to wipe out the floating debt ut the churci, Ail ara cordially invited. Seats free. Arîniversary at St. Paul's Uiurch The Auniveraary Services at St. Paulsà Church ou Sunday lest woi e largely et- teuded sud of nusuai interest. Rev. T. Goldoiith, ut Toronto, occnpied the pul- pi t. ais tç,xtr lutho moroing wae lsaiah 53 10, "The poaure cf the Lord shal prosper lu bis baud"; sud linbe veniU, Isai>àh 55, 1, "*Buy wine snd milk with- ont mouoy and without prie." The ser- ruons wero loquent sud practical sud were litened to with close attention- The choir, onde-r the leadership ut MIý. John Rice, did their part admirably. The authern in the morning was "'Oh, 1 corne let us ing unto the Lord," sud during the offortory Mr. H. L.- Simpson sang in excellent voice, "Remember me.' lu the evening the choir gave, "The earth la the Lord'a;" sud Miss McLaughlin wbo was neyer hear.i to btter advautage, gave the solo, "The Holy Cîty." The special collection for church tunds amouuted to $223. -, »00 Sabbath School Convention. The Second Aunual Convention uf the MDarliugtou S. S. Association was held lu M,aple Grave Church Toesday, Dec. llth, afternoon sud eveuing.. Papers were read sud addresses given on the toliowiug sub- jçcrs: The Art of Quustioiug, by Miss Etta Campbell; Visitation ut Schoola, by Mr. W. J. Rey; Trainine Su Worshir, iu Sabbath Sehool, by Mr. W. R. Cour-tice; Flow te Obtaiui Qualifie-d Teachers for S. S. Work, by Mr-. Jas. Gilfillan; Relation ut the Rome f0 the Sehool, by Rev, J.A. McKeen. B A., Orono. Thîe convention was.weli attended, sud tull of interest sud profit, Out ut 20 achools in the As. sociation 15 reported By specisl request ut the convention Miss Etta Campgell'a pape r ovli hoprîuted iu ful lunthe uoxt issue ut this paper. S S. Workers wili do well to, procure a copy and re-id for them- Weyem. The rewly elecred officers are-: Presidet-Mr. G-on. Argue-, Vice Prou.- duet M'. W. R. Clu-meus, Sec Treasur- er-Rev. W. S. Pritchard. AN ODE TO DIAMONO DYES. AIR : BONNIE Doo-x. O 1 Diamnoud Dyes, yo colora tair, Prepared with acientîfle care, Ye joy of every wouîsu's heart, From our lov'd homes, oh, n'er dopai-t. Ye are our choice, unr joy sud pride, Forever in our homes abide, That ye mayshiowyour marv'lous puw'rs, vihen time bringa ou our dyeiug hourm. In vain have speculato ra trîed To mar thy wortb, thy faune deride; But wome's heurtasu warm sund true, Forover loyal are to yuc. Shine on!1 shine on 1 vo stars of light, Ye Diamoud Dyes so fat sud 1briglis, Ye gema of true economy, May millions 3et be bles'd by fhee- No'rT THT KIND.-Scott's Emulsion dos not debilitate the stomach as other cozxgh medieiuea do; but ýon the oontrary, it improves digestion sud tren thens the etouiach. lt& affecta are immediate and pronouueed. llaving fully dec'ded to, clear out her entire stock of fal -nd winter millinery, will, during, the next 30 days, sell you goods at unheard ,lof priees. The stock is nçw adof the very iatest styles lavi ng boughlt this stock l'n the best iinarket, she is prepared to) seli at prices that will astonish the publi. Al trimmed goods will bo sold regardless of cost. Evet-ytody cal and examine for yourself-no trouble to show goods. Orde rs for the Robinson Corsets will receive stricjt attention. 1-ats colored and reshaped in all the latest styles at the East End Alillinery, Bowman- ville. LIITELL'S LIVING ACE. ESTABLISHED 1814. A Weekly Magazine of FORIG:N PEISIODICAL LITERATU11E. Giving 3300 Doublo-Colurron Outavo Pages of NMatter Unt qualled irn Quality and Quanity-lise Ableat Minds of the Aie Cor'rbute to make this Perwdïcal Encyclop,-die in Scope, Charac- ter, Completeness, and comprehensiveness. Ablest Essays and Revie as, Jiozrtphy, Latest Re8uits of Scienriic R search, Poetry. Storos of T-avei aujl Exploreton, Evory Pbaste of Cal u(- ýa-id Progress in the EuropenWorld. To Pa-h New subcrîher remitting 88.00 for 1895 wilI be ent ABSOLUTELY FREE The Ttjirteen We-kly , 'ui t I ha Liv- ing Age (Oct , Novî., D c", 1894), t(,rmïn2 an ocravo volume of 825 paîees, and A YEÂRsS UBSCRIPTI 'N 1i4, uy nule uf the followinig put lcatîunna The Cosmopolifan, Our Day, Doniestie Monthly, Christian Nation, MOCiu.e'c Magaz1ne. S. S. 'Times, Midland Xonthly. Golden Ruie, Godey's Magazine, The Pulp)itý or a 6 niouths subscription to ScribnEr'S Magazine. A NEW SEI1iE- was begun January it, 1894. To any h EW subscriber desiring to have th s Serie8 complete, the (104) nunibers for the TWfb YEALr 1894 and 1895 will be sent, postpaid, for (>,,%Y *190.60. Ttil - OFFER 15 1UNIPARA ELLES>. No other publication in the United States to-day presents its equivalent. 15 makes Tu iseLvixe A&E absoluely the cheapebt magazine pubIined. New Subscribers rnay sysil themnselves of either of the above offers. rublisliked WeeklV at SI800 a year, f ree of postage. Bates for cliubhing with other periodicais sent on application. Sample copies, 15 crs. each« Address L1TTELL &t CO., 31 liediord Street, Boston. A BooN TG MÂ'ANIND.--Neuralgia, Swelled Neck, Eut .rged Glands, Lame Back and all Maecular Pain. L'ameness and Sorenpas are speedily and effectually cured by Hbgyerd'ti Ys low Os]1. Il, re- moves ail pain in a few applications. A e - - e TefS The tirne honored custom ofgivingXmas Presents w'iii neyer go out of style. The oldeý folks remember wheu thay were children,and bow the-y looked forviard to i »anta Claus coming on Xmas Eve. They linovi the youngsters of to-day are doing, the same thing. Aithougli the general feeling is that times are hard,still something lias to be doue in thç way of presents. Novi our advice is to buy sornething that is useful, and buy vihere you ean get the most for yQur n4oney. that'is the principle we work on, ie lbave aiso nîade some special purchases for this gay and festive season. Our space is so small and our stock so large that vie caniiot go into par- ticulars. WE HAVE JNuST REC à4E'V"E D in stock a lot of Ladies' and Gents' Silk Han dkerchiefs, Gents' Ties,Ladies' and Gents' Cloves, also a fresh shipment of Silveiware,the same as %ve had last Xinas. The greatest lot of goods at 25 cents in the country. lias Ladies' Fine Boots and Slippers, Gents' Fine Boots and Slippers, and anything special that vie have not got in stock we can get for yen at a day's notice and, glad to do it. We are here to please the public and we try and have vihat is wanted, and we charge you as little as possible. "If vie do say it ourselves, as shouldn't" we consider our stock of Groceries second to none-we always buy the best. Our Spîces are Pure, our Fruit is Clean, our Candied Peels are the best imported goods, vie have the finest eatiig IRaisins and the finest cooking IRaisins, and our Biscuits are fresh. We have Oranges, Lemons, Candies, Oysters, Cranberries, etc. In fact our Grocery Department is complete. Rernember, vie sel be-aper than credit stores. DON'T FORGET THAT. We have ail this class of goods marked away down. Our stock is made up 0f new goods and we atre satisfied that our prices cannot ho beat. A Splendid Dinner Set for $6.50, Toilet Set for $1.50, Teý,Set for 1ý $2.25, China Tea Set'for $525 ; Lamps, low, the latest style, nice shade, complete for $1,25 ; langing LarnpS with niee shade $2.25. These are prices that should command your attention. Give us a caîl. We always pay the highest price for f arm produce. j 0___ __LI Best Christmnas Fresents. NEW CODOS Christmas lsat af ad, the gay sud test. Tait's galleîy, Bowmanviile, and havesa UtiIIUIIS&UtW a[rISf dozen of their auperb cabinet photos tak- en ot yourseiftfo present to your triends Arriving every day, Watches, as Xtras gîftst. What could bo nicer? ClocksRings, Spectacles and Jewel- Whîle lu the studio take s look at theirp choice pîcture trames aud photo stands. lery of ail kinds. Do no't de]ay as ifiequi-es sume tirue 50 Silver Plate Berry Dishes, Fruit fll orders sud gîve you the beat work. Dishes, Cake Baskets, Castors, Piekie Castors, Biscuit Jars, Bon Xmas Fancy Slippers. Bons, Napkin Rings, Marmalade -- Jars, Card Receivers, Suaar Shls Ladies' or gents' tcncy aippers maile , els neatly, well sud very choap. Give me a Berry Spoons, -Mustard Spoons, as triai. AIl kinde of ordered work with well as Spaons, Kuives and Forks. good fits guaranteed sud repairing ut Ail these goods are selling for boots sud shoes doue with neatuessansd about haif or less than haîf the despatch. Termsastrictiy cash. A. KENNEDY, usual ]Ericu-s. These goods are al Bauner's oid stand, Kiug street, new and of the Latest Designs and Bowmanville. Styles, infact, sotne of the choicest _______________on the mnarket. Notice To The Public. Solid Gold Spectacles at special rates, nothing nicer for Presen ts. Hsaviug rented the Haydon Mille, I am Let ail corne and sec for thern- pre-pare-d to do chopping on ehiîrtest not- ice. 1I ltend keepiug Roller Flojur on selves, every one welcome, whether biî>sd to exehisuge for wheat; also makiug they make a purchase or not. Stone Flour for those who wish it. A Testiug Eyesight a Specialty, by shoreofu your patronage solcited. Graduate Optician, free of charge, 49-4w*. D. BzOKENs-MiRE, fisydon. cail aud bave it Scientifically don.' Youî wiii find ail goods exactly as represented, and suitable for pre- sents for both young and old. I was cured ut rbeumatic gout by Optical Parler at your disposal MINARDS LINIMENT, Hialifax. ANDuEw KiNO. for Testîug Eyesîght, Fitting Rings, and Try ing Sewing Machines. I was cired of acute Bronchitis by N MINARD'S LINIMENT. T. RIC K AR D Sussx. r. CL. C.CIIEE RIR. Watchmaker, Jeweler sud Optician. I wasa ured ut acute rheumatiamn by Ntads Blockr, Bowmauville. MINARD'S LINIMENT. Markham, Ont. C. S. BiainteG. ' AUCTION SALES. t TnussnÂ', Dec 27,-Mr. Fred Tordiff, i lot 34, con. 8. Darlingtou. wil ali al bis farm stock sud implemu uts. Sale at 10 oîcr sharp. L. A. W. ToLE, auctionear. LesTe scîssors sud other blades for LADIES, Use Hoo0k'S SOfala Shoe Poliah for ehsrpeninâg at Chsrtran'aBsrber Bhop.-1SL8 e c hlrns ioBossdfho I (au make it tu your advautsge to buy the flubai 10 rreoerve the leather and keer' it ut me if you wii call. Maynard the liable. It wil letavs a poluah like satin, For J eweller. sale by Po and ehos dealers. Notice to Creditors. -Tu the matter of the estat- of William JSICCLELLAN, late of the Townsship o) Dringa5ton in tthe Couuty of Durhatm, Yeoman, deceasu-d. Nntice is hsreby g iven pursusut to Chavter 110 R. S. 0. 1887, uhaL ail persona haviag îe1aimrs ageatusi the esSaie uf WILLIAM MeOLEL hAN is.u- uf the townshiýp of Darlingtun, ini the Couinty of Durhamu. Sarmer, dece-aeed. wh-s dîed ou or about the 201h day of November 1894, are requeated to delivsr or send by puast pro. paiti ou or bu-foi-e the tenth day ol'Jaury 1895, tu the undersigued. solicitor fer the Execu- tors, a satement in writing containiug f icl particulai-s ot.h -i- daims sud ofrthe nature of the secuni ties (if any) bu-Id by tîbem agamast the estate of the said deoeased. And notice is hereby furher given that s!i or the said tu-mur day ut Januery 1805 the Execut ors of the lacs will snd testament of the ead deceasefi will proeed Su disti-ibute the assois o! the said outate thei'oof among the parties entit'ed ibereto oarine f,,gard oniy to snch clis as r ey sh illhavso T, oticof uas5 above re-quired. and the said Executtor8 wîll not bo daume for treo assois or a'îy p st iDereot au ietiiouted, ru suy person or pensums of -abuse dlaims they shah n,, have received notice at the imse ut sucS distribution. JOHN McuLELL AN. Executoi-s, ýSAMUXL SNOWDEN. Si-.f Buwmanville. 1). BUI-ifE SIMP.SON. Solîciior fui- Execot i-s, Bowinaaeîîio Dac. 10 11 oh-4 v Our stock is now replete with fashion- able lYillinery. You are cordially invited- to înspect. rrices to suit the times. A fine iiii~e of hatç," at fifty cents. MISS SHA wu ITALUABLE FARM FOR 6AL1E- ~'lu the Township of Pickering, sitnate miles West of Whitby Tuw on the Kiogaton Road; bi-st of soi] , deaunwell fenced sud waterod snd in the higlaest scate 0f colt ivation; Zood buildiùgzs,aolid brick house.wells.orchard etc. Tsi-ms very easy. The best 200 acre trinm ln the Township. Âpply qulcir to A. A. P>OST, Wlait.by. 22-tf i tor