717-W ~ AÊ Night Wîth Scotchmen.. Fridany night Clyde Camp No. 42, Sens of Scotland, gave a grand 'banquet ai the Bennetý,Ilouse in houor cf tnes vsit 'cf tiorne G;rand Camp officers. It wasaa most successf ni affair in every sense., About 80 Scotohmen and a few invited guesét.a sit down te as fine a repaat as heart could desre-one cf Mrs. Beneetts Lest. After Rev. R. Douglas Fraser, M. A., chaplein, had asked a blessing, and the tirst course hsd bec erved Piper M1unro came marching freim the kitchen blowing the bag pipes followed by Mr. 'llugh Greenlees bearieg the steaming haggis high btfore him and twice round the dining hall theyr marched ai ter truc Scottish style. When the wealthy menu Lad been duly honored, and tables clear- grl a long toast liat was presented and with aong, speech and the inspiîring music of the bag pipes the night was spent and the wee heurse, f the more, tec. Mr, John Burns cf Whitby sang several Scotch songe in capital voice. We canneot afford space for the speechecs, butwe must make special mention cf îhree Rov. Mr. Fraser's on "The Land we Live In", Mr. Alex. Fraseras on "The Land we Came From" and Capt. Robertsoe's on 'The Grand Camp." They were excel. lent addresses. Mr. Alex. Fraser is nee of the editors cf the Toronto Mail and is posibly the best posted man on Scottish history and institutions in Canada. He ia chsirman In Gran.ïd Camp of the cein- initîes on Good cf theý Order and is aise president of the G;ellc Soctety. We wl only mention the toasts aud the cames cf those who respondeci. Mr. Chas. Keith, chief, presided in his genial mnan- ner sEtd proposed the first three toasts and No. 8; MIr. James Gilfillan Nos, 4 and 5 and Mr. X. MoKay No3, 6 and 7. Air. M. Mf. Fenwick proposed The Press; Capt. Roberison Clyde Camp and Mayor Loscemba "The Ladies". 1. The Queen-National Anthem by the Orchestra. 2. D 'minien and Local Legiiature-Messrs. R. Beith, M. P., abnd John Renlein, cf Uer Majssty'o Cus- toms and ex-M. P. 3. The Cjorporation -..Mayor Loucombe. 4. The Land we Live ln--Rev. R. D. Fraser, M. A. 5. The Land we Came frac-Mr. Alex. Feaser of Toronto. 6. TheeGran Camp, -Capt. D. M. Robertson, B. A., cf the 48th Highlanders, Toronto, the Grand Secretary, and Mr. A. R. McLean. Oîh- awa, Grand Guard. 7. Messes. R. J. Macleie, O.àhawn; John Burns, Whitby; R. J. Eilbeck and C. Davidson, New- castle. 8. Sister National Societi3s- Mr. D. Davis, president Soîns cf England, and Mr, J. J. Mason, pzeaidürt Sons of Canada, 9. The Pre£Messro. M. A. James, Janmes Gale and Alex. Fraser. 10'.- The Ladies -Me. Robert Beith, M. P. 'IL ClydeCamp-vlesses, Keith and PenwicV,ýk. 12. Our Piper-Me. A. Mun. re (f Tront 3. M.Dunoan MoConnt chie aftrwads eadthe dancein a lively win.n ad neWonld aaceythink hir iy is 4t yarby the gr-.Aefl trpnghe mide je the merey dace t the ~ ~ ~ ' cheylrisc he piper. Me. An- gos Staikr cf Clarke sang soine Sýcotch BOl w be urn the evectg. Itwas niglt long eb oeîbrdb the, worthLy Scotohnien cf this district. WQZtt Duix1iaznDomiuLo2.Vo COUIÎTS ÙF FINAL Rzvisioti. Bowmnanvill.-For Pellinz Districts No. 1. 2. 3, 4. 5 anÎ 6, at the Town Hall, Jan'y. 291, 194.at 0 amL&stday for notice of application, Jan. l4th. Darlinzton. -For Poiling Districts Nos. 7. 9 and 12, at Town Hall, Bowmanville, Jan. 29th, 1895, at 10 arm. Last day for, notiue of application, Jan. l4th 4 For pollinR Districts Nos. 8, to, Il and 13, at Town Hall, Hlarnpton, Jan. 21st, 1895. ai il .n. Last day for notice of applica- tion, Jan 6th.' Cartwrght.-For Polling Districts Nos. 14, 15, 16 and 17. at Town Hall, llackstock, Dec. 19th, 1894, at 11;30 a m. Lest day for notice cf application, Dec, 4tli, 1894. Clarke. -For Polling fliatrict8 NoF,, 18 ,19 and 20. at Town Hall, Newcastle, Jan. 9th. 1895, at 10 a.m. Last day for notice cf application, Dec. 25th. For Poling Districts Nos. 21, 22. 23 and 24, at Town Hall. Orono, Jan. 101h, 1895. at la. m. Last day for notice cf applica- tion, Dec. 26th, 1891. Newcastle.-For Polling Districts Nos. 25 and 26, aI Town Hall, Jan. 9th, 1895. aI 10 a.m. Last day for notice cf application, Dec. 25th. DAELINGTON COUNUIL ToWN HALL,llampton, Dec. 15, '94. The Council mot pursuant te statuts. Members ail present.' Minutes read and confirmed. A communication was presented f rom the Bureau cf Industries, complaining that Treasurer's report for 1893 had net been for warded. Referred te Trous- urer.* Fromn Thomas Nichols, claiming damagee to the extent cf $42 for inju. ry to bis land by water froin the road. The clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Nichols and aise Mrs. llancock, whe presented a sjmilar communication at last meeting, that if they persiat in their dlaim for damages, the Council will serd on their Etigineer te estimats damages and apportion the costs as the law directs. The Treasurer's ttatement cf receipts and cibursoments for the year was presentc-d, exarnined and ordered te be publi8l-ed as the l'tw directe. Orders wera issued te the Trustees cf the several section in the Tewnship f or ameunt ot their school rate, te the members of the Council and te the Township oifficers for their services, as per By law. To the Trustees cf Sehool section No. 6, use cf School house for elec- tien $2; M. A. James, printitig $31; R. Windatt,' sundriea $ 1550; James, Gallagher, 563 loads of gravel $280; Moses Lymer moving fonce $2; Jehn Balsam, gravpl,&c., $4,50; L. M. Cour- tice, superntending erection cf Black's Crsek bridge $10; R . Windatt. regis. tion fee, 50c, Ceuncil adjourned to Saturday, Dec. 29 fh, ait 10 a. m._ DON'T BE SATISFIED with an nferiorlM Heating Stove--BUY T-HE BEST. The Art, Oountess leads thern ail. 1P T FOR e a e e e e Sideboardq Every Stove'a DOUBLE HEATER and made WITH OR WITHOTJT OVEN. POWERFIJL HEATERS JW LYDPR N and QUICK BAKERS. The ART COUNTESS Where will you buy your presents? neyr filstogiv pefec * We have the largest and fintest assortnîent of silverware nevr ail t gie erfctintown. satisfaction. Recommend- Elegant stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelery of al ed by hundreds of citizens. kinds. As the public are well aware we have alwva.ys made a We beg to announce that point of keeping good goods rather than cheap stuiff. our stock of Cross-CutSaws, We have decided to meet the bard tirnes this sea son by Axes, Axe Handies, S8kates, offeritig our entire stock at 20 per cent Discount. Buck Saws, Files, Window This in many cases will be less than cost, but ýwith the G1asg, Putty, and General Hardware is 110W conîplete, extra business aud value of the advertisemei.ît we hope to e-ven and we cordially invite you, up. to inspect our stock and .W~e will not quote prices as you will have- to see the prices. articles to judge the value.,lIt will cost nothing to take a look andI we dlaim it will be money in your pocket. O)pposite Ontario Bank. TO0 U ï.tesOnly a Few Weeks More., ites, ~Greater Bargains thïan ever. SuitesSorne of the best of the stock stili left and as we are bound to dispose of it before Jan. lst, we have made further S, reductions in prices. ables, BARCAI S!01 ARLîAINSCA!î! >,esks, Corne andi bring youar frlends. lirs, Tod & Co's OdSad IRDm WO