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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1896, p. 8

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I I in '1, 0-i) ig . ON~Tft~RAWR~ 80 THOROU04 As ments,- and when lie is; e and inform us. The CU*RES DYSPEPSIAY 00ck A weelcor'l I m-u in the growing h e o-ne I... ~Evehroi Then the prol.s.. ash. Sare doctsred i n ractically Right in style.I Style-My dear, your hair mong An O14 S. Rble the contents of a, libr 4[1DNIEY TROBLES, BILUSNESS. B. B.D. unnocke ail the secretions and removes ai muities froin the systein frin a comone Urmleto the worst scrofulous sore. BURDOCK< PILLS act gentIy yet thoroughly on thse Stomach, Liver and Bowels. P~~~~~~~~~~~" ïSTV~YCTEalWaceîodPi lo mtin bocia aParayseSt. Vis alie> L'es Of Power, Femate Wealtnesi antI IrregnIari,. andi al Diseases causeti by Bad rloati [Id Shattert Nerves. Skia Beautifier. On triai proves it. In farg boxes, fiOC.; 6 for 12M5. Thse D. Howard &eieiie C., Brooleville, Oi., andi Morristown, N.Y. BÂIY'S OWN TAI3LETS cure Foyer, Worms, Teeing, Daprhoea. lXtce. 50 2(ôtaie. crops, even with thse ieIp ef ccasional su.Îmmer fallows. This is the age of specialtios and specialists. The most successful business mon are they wlio attend strictly te their ewn particular business instoad of vonturing into nmn- erous outside enterprises or specula- tiens. So in the agricutural world, we must maire our worlr a business, and conduot it on husinese principlos if wo would maire it pay. Fer te sucneed .ow-a-days we must ho complote mas- ters of what we undertake, and uxless we devote car entire timo to it cannot achieve the necessary mastery. COWS Choking. Occasienally a case ef chokmng omcurs, porhaps f roma cattie acidontaily obtain- ing access te the whoi.e roots ortubers, or in a case wi here, f rom diseuse of the ooophagus, ailier food maaterial may cause eboking, but for the most part among breeders who do not use a puip- er, and wlie eiher give theirrmot5s whele or reughly eut up with a hatchet. The laet-mentioned plan is perbaps the ,werst of ail systems of feeding roots, se they are out intô lrregularly- ebared ohurs, previded with plenty of ang os, that tend te their impaction in the guLLlet. Caie hu bting a mouiliful eC'hp Idren Cry for tours el el.vtu tored e ctlusÂU5tUU i 510 the place wbere bis new suporcîlis adronemnt is to lie, treated witli soi cheminai wbich his ledangerous to u on tbe ids, and wbich makes tbe op( ation on the oye lrows painiese.. The composition of tbis lotion is secret, and it.s inventer. knowing lie h a good thing, dees not noglect to char as mucl as lie can'get, and muny peol prefor to suffer the physical paini stead. Barber Shop ln the Pulpit. Rev. H. H. Ford, pastor of the Mot odist Episcopal Cbuxdh ut St. Louis, M'i preached the ether Sunday morning the burbers of this city. His etxiwý Ezekiel, v., 1, "A Burber's Razor.". the riglit of the pulpit was a barbe: chair, towels, two mirrors and the pa: phernalia usually seen in a well-equi ped shop. Mr. Ford gave a brief h tory of the profession, its long existen ancient sttperstWtons, and that of Cliii mon of the present day, after whicli compared the variens paraphernalia different phases in buman lite, combi ing the worldly with the spiritual. TJ chair l relreÀented as self-examij tion; the mirror. the Bible. the stu ef whieh sbould croate a light; shos trutl, how, after a strong applicati of the truth. tales ideas would vani P~the'sCastorlas ing -&LMtt-tatth) .c' air. thing ise rozen solidaanis morning. ry 4er' PiU fo. ~ ntfWhere's my f ur mif fier? is__________________ Mrs. De Style-Wbere are you go- tee __________________________ing? use Mr. De Stylo-To Stali & Feedems, -~ ~ totlhem to send a man around to *clip our herses. O u EB m-uT H. w- PTHAT DRAGGING IN TH r Lsee Psi address. l, T A 310 LOINS in- lsa tsually Ca sed by a Derangement of tihe Kldneys-Soutis American Ridney BEY~NB ICure ALSl0F FROSiI ly Roliei.e it in Six One ay e deeivd bythefeeling of [o., No htsrt'icanes, no cyclones, no thunder, weight or dragging in the loins that to storme, noc drouth, nos failure. ýcauses urpleasantnoss and inconvenierce ias: CALIFORNIA! Matchless and marvelous: te many men and womnen. Attributing At lbyen thousand acres $12.50 per acre. tetobet oehn le hyfr Nety-six hudred ares $1.0 pracre. tha tbet oehn le yfr r's Nenty-sx hundreti ares $1.50e acre. get t this may be evîdence of in- t'Sixteen hundred acres $1300 per acre. Twelve 1lammatory affections of the kîdneys, îJ-hundred acres, seven hundred acres, Six, that eventualiy'may develop into sert- àus- lhundred acres, Tlsree hundred and twenty e ue trouble. Ibat very successful spe- Ice, acres. Any othor quantity clown ta ton'cific. South American Kidney Cure get-e na- acres. Olives, Oranges, Nectaines, Fige. attemtofidetrulad il lie tomons, Alinond!!, Grapes and ail other fruits quhelyroo i theue, and haing to .rw naoonr h done this, complote recovery is soon 1 in- SUMMER ]REIGNS SUPRIEME; reacbed. It is wortb repeating that rie Wrt1e ariuas South American Kidney Cure is a rom- na- rit forpariculrs.edy for the perfect cure of this one dy ~ inEs trouble. It does flot pretend to heaa raK KLE, cure-ail, but it is a cure certain iu every inK.E ELY case of kidney trouble. And it dues it h.WILLOWS, CAL. quickly. lduanuscript Bibles in theo 'sorlI. "For some time," says tho etiicF'urnal, -it hae been well known ithat t 'he Bibliothe- que de Lyun posseesed' an incom71plets portion of thie rare work, but the strange tbing is that the nmanuecript fournd in the lihrary of M. de Verna is the exact part necePssary to comnplote tbk Biliographical treasuro, Nwith ithe exception of oe chapt er fromn the Book of Judgos." There is more than sentImnt in the, saying of Sir Wal[ter .Raligli to,- his ex- ecutioner, "Wlhat matters h abaout t' lieud if the heart jer l'lit Tetee hie is that, in this hîglih pressu'reag thebleart le seido0n kepu igbth. 3y tare- f ai estimate it is calcuflated that oe weak or diseased hoart(. ?liak for a moment the important orkthat the persons ont of every four or f vhas a he-9rt bas to perform., and it le notf- ficuit to realize what adeagmn even to a sIig xtetoýF i ra jmeanls. Dr. Agnew bscure for te hear is a, cure for hieurt tobea nd nothing else. It is a mist-ake to sup- pose that remedies th,ýfat aregiven euýt as panaceas for ail the lus tat f loch is heir to can effectivelir c- ure heuart di- seuse. Wtt lin 30 riim ý ine , Ftertkig the firtdseof r. gnws ue îleheu,ýrt relifiFî s secur!e, and etc 1 ualiy coraPiýe ersoabnLefc d J -_

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