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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1896, p. 1

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RMS :-$l.50 PER ANNUJM. Mw SEIRIES. OUJR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD AFTER.WARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Pioprietor. BOWMIANVILLE, ONTARIIO, WVED)NESDAY, JANUARY 15, t896. VoLIJME XLII. No. 3. IUGU, JOH SION & GRYD[R AN WILL FROM THIS DATE GIVE i INTER GOODS. Blankets, -Overcoats, !Shawjs, Dress Goods, Furs Ete.,5 Etc. .Balance of Ladies' Cloth Capes ani^ý 1Coa-ts at haif price. COUGH, JOHNN&CYEMN BOWMANVILLE. Furniture and a m House Furnishings. Oui' lino comprises evorything, tound lu a fi-st elass turîuiture ,w are- reomn, and bolievlng it oniy doiu justýiceý te our business and that oun custoers muy benefit by it,we bave add-ed more vurieties te oui' ai'eauly largo uines, and oui' prices cannotr beeat We buy as ion' as the ion-est and are satislied n'ith smali profits, andw yen xviii bo eonvineed of, tise saine n-hon yen have seen oui- g'oods ainid exumined our rr.,s.- Parler StsSideboards, Bed Roowu Suites, Hall Racks, Extension TablIes, Centre Tables, Leunges, Mattresses, Secretaries,, Chairs et every description, Windon' Shadcesý, Cutain Poles, Murer GIass, Pieture -and Roin Meuldings, witli uany other linoes yen n iii find lu greut vau'iety uud at ail prices at un)Li Store. Givue us ai cali wlscn wanting ausvythuîîg in oui- lino and sec sosv n-eh wVe can4î suit von. Special attention given to this departrnent., 130'VMAýNVILLE. L.Morris. Beûtusall's Block. AU CTI ON SALE Telephone Connection -with Molntreal. -OF- FA RM LA NDS, The Bell Telepmone Ce. ceumpieteul hast mentit theli' nemu seavy mîetallie Enterani îyaitu o rtepocr ctuait lno trors Toronto te Kingston anul certu1 inî mtteuage m.ade by eie Georg,,e Cok, Ment-euh, andl tIse public cun usen conul- eaýring dire rhe-si'dli of'Deeember 1550, simduunicate direct freint ail parts et west- 1dlt i't ll be proeticd at tise finr of sali' tîtti'eru n ri lie, sold liv pubîlic atnetis at BALMOR AI, ,r nei te ail poiunts iti Eastern Ont- loT 1E , lu tîte tewil of Bewrnaiîell, ons ar'io and Qnebec, etc. Rates cin ho oh- tained frein ans' Bell Telepione Co's ~~fl VI~i9 i 896 office., Tie Coipnylasalsoinstitiuted ,.JLJI5I;J . 21.6 f oi' the tirst tisse a hait rate foi' uioht t e e lzioiusHe l en.m tim uiiit l vjýj)etece ,,fervice (frein 7 p. ns. te 6 a. un1.). m hichi ftrutiiig larmd, ben' es lf iite lot 2:; avili ho lu terce hetaveen ail offices suffi- ouceession 3. sitîs nid- inth le 'oi'tisliu1, et -aliîtgtoa asti Comty f e Duirlusi conesmîsisun_ ciesthy tai' apart te saue tise. dus- rate y aulusesureuseîtt Otne Hundedid Aereee nuereor fer conversations $1,00 or os ci' ffltia arieti. The lîuilctmsgs are, a trame lieuse. tii f rae, barn saOuls sueise stiiblimg tidertseatls.' F ARM FOR SALE-A flrst class tarin eesaerail anti wire. Thme landî je Npatereti e 2 ce t 4 arsstae s u Y a vel aiml ceei. Tiereim geol ocitrd Townslhip et East Whitby, isu cetn. lots 15anmd n the prenises. Thiefarmais splenidly situated 160eo the Base Limme, about il miles frein Oshawa bot ttree maîles tien Bewumatnvile andt sea Cil station, 2 utiles fren Svlitby amid 6() rods froin illes tien s han a. Tiare are exceilisut roads rthe schoel lieuse. Large reomy buildinsgs, main 'auittg te it. bartn usîît, plenty oh fruit, soil dlay loan, ai- Tionts 0F SALi'.Toit pier cuit. etflu iscts tegetiter omne ut the besu grain farms on the Lake ioîse lu c ash: at tinte, eh sale antà thue,,ý itaî i ,,Shorîe; ne hills and sueimes. About 10 acres ut îtî'ty da i thset' out interest. wood, 7.5 acres it pature and freii seeded. Furtsci nai;1îs- sudcoiditions teîln aTernas easy; first plewing done. For turtiter e ebtah1îseti"u aPDliefîiic tn lsiiitlii' ir pply te mus Oshmawa 87-tf ail te 1ZV, 'Sj1ý1lA'o 1ýiL AIR WORK.-Ladies n'ish ing bain fýESSR$. GUTI UI1E, WA-TT & G'THI 1E, IL doue oser, cali ut Mns. DmcXuisoxt Kting 51 -5w-. Vendois' Soliciter8, Gîsepîs. erreet, W., Bowrnnville. 2à tf. ENFIELD. MOUNT VERN ON. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. John Siuh, Vstrx ; as rs iisr1r Enniiskillen, au Mr'. J, J.Oriens jr.; n IOuth. Bon maiiville, ut Mr'. Daniel Miss Mary Itgrb Solinu, at MIN'. UR eddoni's; Mi'. èWn. ilbert, Bowmuan- Pascoees.- . .. Tennýrsoul Lodge, Sons of! ville, Mr. and M ,rs, James McCollougb,. England, bas been organized here with1 Priunce Albert,atilMr. Win. Gillerts.. these officers: W P P' W Griflin; WM P . M' C W. Sescb bias been. visiting at -Thes Weten; Vice do-Saini Bray- ]Providence niid Bowmans 111e.M eiss Soey JF Iurbut Tras.1 Asuo; l Katrina Arguei is atondbsg sehool in Cbap-S Deucen; I G-Fred Hurlbut; Toronto ...,i. G. IlI. Mariay bias ro- O (a W Nichols; Coimiitteoinen-W turnod te i eaon at Cornitb, N. Y. Ilunspage, S Nance Kis oh, Fred Bray. ., Miss Persf Willisen lias returnoed te Fred Griffin,' Jueo Webber,' D Trainer, . Toronto atter -spenldinig a pleasant timie .Mr'. James Gallaglier and tarnily ef-,t j iber triond Miss Arguie. Miss Bnrketon blave mes ed buck on bis tari Maggie Ross bas gene te Cbicao .. bere Mrs. John Pasý ce, Mrs. James ?Îarfat VEan HARI IDED. -Tbere are so and Mrs. Daniel Heddon ogave pleasanut nman y things that appear liecessarv , and social parties te thoir triends last week. wbicls for the lite et us we cai seeciub- . Missionary meetings held next Sab- er purpese nor end. lu mnay be cerns batb loy. H. . Allun, Clumnbus, miii are just eue of ubese thoruis in tihe sb officlute. tbe nrby and the wberetoreofe whicb we CAI'ARRH CLRED FOR 25 CEN\TS. Ne,'. canuot see. Nevertbieless tbey <Ire et locu cold ln the bead and yen will snreTy the kzind that are easily remioved. Put- bave catarrh. NegI %,t "nasal cstarrh nam's Painiless Cern'Extractor inukes and yen niii as sure'iuduce pulmen- short n erk eftthens. Try it and see ary diseases or e"' ;rh et the stomacb hew nicolv it ceaxes uhem eut. Use wiub lus dis.-, in- attendants, foui noue otbeÏttban Putnami's Cern Exurnut- breatbhwin.puin bcinec or. Sold by drng-gisus. Stop it bynig Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure,25 cents a box cures. A perfect ENNISKILLEN. bien er ecee with eacb box. Mr. Frank Bradly bas rented tbe farm of Mrs. J. ]igo's and moved onto it . Miss Martin, Ilillside, Mr. D. Martin, Caesarea, have been guesus of Mr. F. Rogers .... Mr,. Jno. Davey, Pickering, was guestof, Dr. Mitchell, Sunda.. Miss MG, saw, iss and Mr. Powers and Mr. the Misses Stevens, Maple Grove, visited Mr. G. L. Stevens, ...Mr. F. Roo'ers is lu Toronto this week ...ev.làI. I. Allen, Colum bus, grand ebaplain C. 0. O. F. , will give a free lecture on Life insurance in Stevens' Hall Saturdav evening, l8th inst., Mr. A. Mitchel, Bon manville. Grand Sentrv, will by request contrib ute a couple of songs. Anoystersupper wvilfellow, tnrnisbed in Mrs. Stevens' best sty le te ail wbo desire at 25c. each. ... Annali Missiolarv meeting i Methodisu churcli Suuiday evening cou- ducted by 11ev. Hl. 1. Allen. Report of S. S. No. 16, Darlington, for November: V-M. Stewart, E. Stainton (equai), A. Thonipson, J. Tbompson, N. Moronley. IV-L. Gilbert, R. Stevens, D . Potter. III. Sr-I. Stainton, E. Cole, W. McLaugihlin. III. Jr-G. Potter,H1. Pollock~, G. Cbapmnau. 1l-O. Stevens Hlerteru Stainton, A. Bcll. Part Il-O. Williams, C., Edgeruon, V. lloskin. I- R. * irtue, M. Bell, A. Ro'rke. 1. S-NELL, Teacher. per'eMy~ue I~w~ds Sasap~riI1 M;&S 01zve S. Oas'z Thse cureetof liva Cari byTIlood'a Sarsapar.'a 12a.; few equalin lmuedical lslstor's. The wdmnilnas fi pUb1his*i -xete w ars ugo, andl a letter litely rece&ved from ber mother saye Olive conti-rnes iu good healtli and ,We are satîIse l ber remarkable cure of ceustitutional scrofula by Hlood'a Sarsttparilla n'as pernianent."1 Briefly stated the case' was this: "iWhen Olive was S years old @ihe lad the wheup. Ing ceugl i nd meesies, llwed by In- tenlse pains iun every joint iunlber body, lilce rheumiitism. Phys [clanis were puz- zled, but atter as consrsltatlon, pronouucsd the disease soins taof - Cos~lutinn1Scrofuta. '<Whsn n-s beigan tetuse Hood's Sarsa- pariiiaehocould mot be imoved wlthout crying eut with pain, and we were coin- peiisd ta eut bier liair, as ehe could flot beartise-vvelghtofet . At firstthe change for the better was very graduai; the pains aeeuued te be'es3 troquent and the swell- ing in sonse ef the joints aubsided atter using about one bottie. Thau 1_: prove. msent n-as mure rapid and oe L.& t lits surprised us by telling ne tu.at we ecoed Tact Prop mer Up In Red es n-e lid doue cr menthe, 'and nei n .ght Ehue urp-.ise, us still more by roll- ing over scruss tiebej. Frussthat tune cnu î.eimprovemnt n-as very napid and ehe nueubegan te creep about the hoe ilr.d fben t o uvaL ou cr'.tce. Non- abc pari2ia generaIIy use bu rue cr"tCl M.u case isaving ieCuros kCg crooked, and I fear it wqHl rer-naiu su. We teel that te 1)od'S Sars!aparilawneowe uurclhuld's lite, "ý1 enclose the photcgraph ofmy daugh-. te, and 1 thiuk Ait lea picture etAperfect, healils. When I think how 'near misea te death'a door 1 cannot feel thaukful eneugus for hier recovery." Mss. J.A CAR11L,. Reynoldeville, Pa. lioocl'S pil Is the after-dlniser palanti - -ycahriç ô.j SOLINA. XVe ana ounice this mveek n itlî sadness the deutb et Mrs. Jaîse Clarke, rehhtet o tise mue John Clarke. mvieic occurred Tbursduy about midnigbv. Deceased bad suifereul fi m a !cancer for about a year aîsd had been conflueul te lier bed since Mai'cb. Her roumains were inter- red ut Eldad oui Saturday when a verv large aumber et relatives nmufriends paîdi their lust tribute et respect. Six et iser nephemuis acted as pull benrers. She svas 59 years et ugo und lbaves oune sou and tbree dauglîturs te ussouru ber demise.. . .Viitors: Mri' nd Mrs. WV. Bien lttand Miss Bien-lut, Leskuard; Miss E. Sophia James andl Masters Nertîsan and G rge Jaunes, Bon sanville; Mi'. ThS. Wei'i'v Port Peri'1; Mrs. Elford aîsd Mi'. Cluas. Elford,' lIins; Mr'. and Mrs. T. Albert Wright, Blnckstock; mir. nd M1rs. S. Wasingtons, Bomumanville; Mr'. W. Rundie and Mr'. W. Mutton. et Maple Gros e .... Messrs. Monstgomery ansd Pascoo ihave resuused tîseir'studios ut Toronto. MAKE YOUR;SELF STTtONG if s'eu )ouhdI resist pueumo nia ,broncisitis ,ty pboid fev- erand persiistent uglis ansd colds. Tisese ilus attaIck the wvonl and i'uî doms n sx-steuu. Tbe\ can find mue tootlsold n liere the bLo'md is kepu pure. rlch and tuill etsitahiiî, tise appetite good and digestion vi"'rosmitîs H-ood's Sarsqa pus'illa,'theue cIniobodpurifies. Heo0d's PIiI u.iso u, osia tion,biliousnc , aidu',cllmdce. COURTICE, Mi T. F. Wright, Blackstock, and Mr'. J. A. Weri'v. 'Solina, called oui trleîîds liere s'eceîmulv .M ýiss Tainueii Pentound, Situmus, visited friemds bore tîsis n cR.Mr. Geo. Pow-er, Muple Grove, proucbýed a voîypu'ucticai sermon liero on Sundaý y nighu.... Mr'. D. Clarke sisited Rev. L. lpslsMlholr- cety. i'.Hr Gay is prepam'iig plans et a lues', ouse for Mi'. J. eslev Brooks, Sohina. It bvl eua veîy fine buildinîg bav 'ing ail the iatest impros e. meuts. .. .Newv oficers oet Mt. Carsweli Division are: -W P,-Frank Gay; W A,-Miss Bonni ie Richards; Trous.-Bort Gay; F S.- McK. Peufouad; R S,- Artimur Sater;m- A R S,-Miss Mahel ors et the 1D. U. CimeeSe Ce. nus behul ut the f actory ,ioi the l7tb uit The officers electeul for 1896 mero: President-D. Moatgomery; v:Se'y-Johiî Hancock; Trous-Jam1es Couruice; Execuitive Cern- mittee-Levi Annis, M. Munday; R. Courtice. Thie factory received more nulîR hast seasen tîsan la aly former season. The,, prospect aise for isexu season is exceedingiy good. The coin. lîany bas hiried Mr. Georg-e VanCamp, a îilk u nd icheese inspecter of Peut- broke, wlmo bas liau maîmy years'expori- once ilu mukiig cheese. It milli ho n use for putr'ons te mater or skim the milk or suvo tIse strippings as hoe wili ho able te reaidihy detect it. Witlu such a imaun toi' cheosemakier,tise olul Daring- ton Union s fu ai' surpass ail ils ris als. Thiîs factor \- tuiraishes eacb patron n'itiu an lîtelligible report shomiag the amounit et milk sent, rate palul ahIun- dreul, total urn i ount et milk receivoul for cheese, ani1a marntn receiveul au factorv. Tbe company charges 21 cents a pounul for mnukiîmg neese, draming silk, book- heeper's salary, priuting, etc. lu ad- dition te hi they n'ill sterihize the mvle y his yoar fortube sauseprice. This factor, n-as the irst te baver the price et munutactuaring cheese te 24 cenîts a Poundin lu Darliagton. lu iste the ad- vantage et the farnsers te putreaize this institution. 11 s Cause ani Cure. Cohl weailuer , sbiverisîg,no iseat te sus- tain, emuciated. becasuse ili soutiisbod. This is eitiser hecause the sturchv foods are îupiopcýrlY acted upon bv tue di- gestive jumîcos oi'r the olY coustitueimts et the food iare, net ussimilaterl Ced, Liv- or Cil comhYýined syltis Maltine and Hv- Pophosphiitesý supplies this deticieicx-,fei' the ei,roere(j-d puhatahie ansd easy et digestion, iii ut onsce assimihated ad storeul up lu the feras et adipose tissue. Besidtes this the malulîse rendors soluble the starchv toods mubose spociai ftuactioi, is te supply bouiet or tatty tissue-thus ut- ordinig imateriai necessai'-, te supply thej n'asteofet th body. Multimme svithbCed1 Liver Ou unu l Hyi)pphosphi tes is ut eoncei ateod,hýody hun1ie,aid medicino,iiîcom i parahly superiior te uuy preparatioui for the ceusuimptive or debilituteul. Vont v this by a ti ai, jPHOI IDE NCE. CLAÂRKE NEWS. *TbeEpwortli Lea-ue et this plater u 'oh Mirssar au wlltec viii give a secialat tbe lïurclîon T's fScorao n va cindtake up 1-1gb da, ~ ~ ~ ~ Seo!wr, evnignet.Ju lul.utwic Sebeel Board for the 1ev. A. C. ilsn, a.sto. wiil eh1893 n iii be Mesrs. G. L. Waddell, Jas, liver bis popular lecture ou tbe "Phil HDunofte a b W. Pester .....ndMrs. esophsy et Couruslnp. " Ibis lecture bas WD. Mtointbeingbnbvboy. .,..a Mv. been verv highly spokeis et by al n Tiso WidtsnPote aspucbsd nm bias ehaadthe p'leasure of bearinglui, driver. and n e bespeuk a good atendance on tbis occasion. SiWver eollecuions. I MCCRPASCeuINus, Mi. Wmi. Neorda- CURED WEAKý BACK FouZ 25 CENTýS. cott visiing la Moraîn ... Mr. Johnt For tue years I1muas dosed, pilled, uand Webb. Tas, is visitiing bere. .Mr. andr plastered for n eak bnck-,scaldinig urine MrS . \ ictr White are vistiug To rente, and constipation, ncetben'etit,.C Rne . . . .1. Ban d V. Coebrane niehomie box et Chuse's Kidnev-Liver Pills e frei visitino' luinMarkhamn..Proceeds lieved,tbree boxes cure.à. R. J. Sriîlsoe receat churcb ton about q,54..Mr'. R, Toronto. Ouse pili adese,prie25 ceiit., Johnson, Esterprise, bas a new organ.. 1Revs. J. R. Real, Orono, und E. E. LHoward, Hampton, preached mission- a ' serinons bure Sabbatls..Oui' Ep- nwerth il vihisit Enisiskillen Longue on Jan. 24th . .. .Mr. Ed. Han-key louves îsext week for Toronto -INýorinul Sebool ... Oui' Sabbatb Scbool mas nosor isna more fleurisbinge ondition, the Assemb- ly room boiug frequenuiv eromudeci by the dbrigbhtest, Most truth -enujuiring' minds th village and vicilit1y possesses ...Oui' Division is baviag sides, agaiin andl aaimnted sessions are bold Tlsurs- day nigts .... Mr'. R. A. Philp is nicehy settled in bis uiew boume. CONSTIPATION CUIIED.-Geuts,-I n-as lu very peor healtî toi' ovor four years, the doctor said it wus cenqtipation., Net n-anting te spond tee îmucb casb. I get tbree botties et Burdock Blood Bit- tors aad tookli'reoulai'hv I cuncertitv that 1 arn nom, n la ie vei'v best o et ht und teelvseîy grateful teB.B.B. Alfred Teroux, Montreal ,Que. HAMPTON. Rev.' E. E. Howard preucbed mission- nry sermons on Tyrone circuit Sundav ...Mi'. Honward Cýrydertons is s isitiný' friends au Buffalo, N. Y...Mi'. John Ilooper, Cleveland, is visiing bis sister, Mrs. C. Oke .... Installation etf officers and supper ut Sons et En.giand lodo.e Tisursday oeing .... Roxr. T. H. . Anderson et T vrone e ceupieul oui' pulpit Sunday nsoriîîgi and Mr. Fred. Honward lu thie oveuing,-..Mr. McClu'ty, Nort hî Dakota, paid a fiag s-i.it te bis trienids bore . ... Mi'. Jos. 'Ciatwortliy bus been visiting ti'ieuds ut Port Hopeý this sveehc Miss Mary Janle Elittugas o a puruy te er Higis Soool rienids reetiv.. Miss Jennile Wurd gave ais Au Homo te members of Euvortbh Leag-ueieetfChrist- ian Endonvor Tnesdu evnisg.is Lucy LneZiotui, na onete i' .... Mr J ohn L. V1estma nL aving re-ý eruiued luis heululirotuliseci te his home on Mdonda. TIse tol'\- etprejudice is trequently showni b peophe muho preter te sufer foir veurs ruther tiîuîî try an adsertisei relneiy. Tbeinillieîsvio hum-e nesucb. notions, take Ayer's Sarsaparillu toi' blood diseases,asîd are curod. Se uch for emmon souise. TuE BIILATIU Ot'TIHE P1NES. Cou- hS coldls,ntstbm,im]reaclîitis,sore throut and huîg teub'sare curod bv Noi'nwav Pille Sy 's Prce 25 and l59 centis.it býeathes eut the bealiaglvirtues et tue plue torests. MAPLE GROVE. Mr'. W. Frank bas un attack et ecze- Mrs. C. Frak's Sunduy schooi class pro- seuteul ber itb a a iansoîne teacher's bible recenth y .... Misses M. J. McLellan andl M. G. Foiey are visitiag friends lu Oshîawa. ... Mr. J. T. Rundle, Solina, bas heen visiting bis brotîser Mr'. S C. Rundhe... . Miss Ida Stev-ens entertuined. a teon t er triends Friday evenin-. . .. The inernbers et Maple Grove couo're- gatiou gave a pheasant surprise te tÈeir orgamist Miss M. Gertrude Folev ut ber homne Tbursduy eveaing. Tbey n-ont trooping lu brîîugîug svtb thons tueur lseavy baskets andl smiling faces. As soon us all hanu arrivoul andl grootiags nere over, Mr.T.H. Kirkpatrick n-as calleul te take thse chair and utter a short pitby speech, hocuhaleul on Miss M. Auldie Colo for a reading svhich n'as as tollowss: Miss GERPTIE FOLEv, IJEAI FIEND,- Oit bobfo f etthoeminlers et Muple Grove congregation, I am askod te ex- press their sentimnets lu tîis short nad- dress n-bich. in somre slight degreo niani- tests thse hearttelt thanks uasd good mishes te yen as their wortby orgunist for the past tn-o xears andl te assure vou ini some botter wýay thaîs mere n-erds et tîseir siucerity, avoulul ask yen te accepu tisis muateli anul ebain as n s'iigbt tokeu et esteeni andl gratitude te yen, lopiug that tbey issus'bh the happy rocipiemuts et your uuitirin«g services lu future yeurs, believing that great muihi 1e the resu rd et thosoeugaged lu the Master's noble n-ork. Signed on bhahtf ) D I OLE, et the membaers uand tLAiziE (OýVF coingreg,.tioi-. LiznSo'D . The prsnain'as smade by Miss Lizzie Snon'ýdem. At ter recos ering trous the shock Miss Foioy smule a ton- re- unarlis thauukin' tîme friemmds for the heautiful preseut. Shou't spseeches tollosv- oul as usuai, ater mvilih ie turne sas spent lu a pleasunt sociable n'a)-, refresb- muscts, ganses, etc., ill tise "svee, sina' heurs."ý A MEIRdANT TEsTiruEs.-Geustlemîsien -I mrite ttelol yen homxgeood Ibave feund Hngs-urd' s Yellosv Cil for sore throat. la oee tunily uhoue thie Yeihosvý Oul cureul ses'ernt bad cnsesuud m cuas temers non recogaize its great saine. They seens te prefer it te ail others. C. D.Cormier,Wholesale andl Retuil Grec- er,Canaan Station,N.B. t' rs of Tou îship of Darlington,- ESAND) GENTLEMýEN, IMy atten- scalled te the fact of my eontinued wx here I- have been longest an oa f a mïtrkedl~incireased csuppoî t in some other parts etf the town- ship. In order to correct a nistake I ma.Y say I arn largely interested iu tÊe prosperity of this municipality, and feel- ing the respousibility of the position lu whicbi you have a gain plaedî me, I arn stirnulated to greafer .exertion to furth- er the interests of the township, and îvill act in a fnir and impartial manner on all matters. I sincerely tbank those wbo supported me and hope this may be to ven ahl a happy and presperous year. I arn your humble servant, Simpson Ilonse, ý RICHARD FosTER. Bowmanville,5 Jan. 13, 1896. n pn aIL! n'1jrio . r. . TH . 1, . . GETAIN 1I 95,a.d until x'e fbokis a l pIvan, pur A CCY irasers of 3 rpcLagesO bars Of SUNSLI HT SAPwill receive from their grocer, 1 SUN LIG HT ALMANAG iREE. .. ...... The bo-ok contair.s comnplete CaIýendar matter, Biography, Lieratore, Home Management, j> Language of Flow crs. jy Fashions, Games and Ame. pients, Recipes, Dr'm d ti,.iC si-fhtcamce, 5 Pr," erl I L Mr. Iar Nelsh lias gone homîe-teo Tay acconipanied by bis7 cousin Alex, Webb. STARK VILLU,-MiSS Bertba Doncaster, Bemumans ilie, t.eacher et eur schoel, bus miade na proinisino- start. Mr'. Robt. Cowun, sr'., enjoys a very cointortable home since tbe reno-vationj of bis bouse .... Miss R. A. Walsb bas returneul boume trom au extensiv e visit tlsrough Western Ontarioe..Mrs. Tlsompsou et Clarke Union, Mi'. W. G. Hancock et Albert College, Belleville; Miss l'eue Jemuel,(t1Bwmuanviiie, iMessrs. C. andl H . F e t c e e t B o wm a nlv lle ; M i . a u MsGenet fPontypeolreamong roen v Sit . ý.. Mrs. Andrews ceritin- nos very iii Non-s. Sji'T LiNE CLARKE,-Miss Emîle Ide bas returned tromn the city and resumed ber pedagý,ogicai functions..Mr. Will- iam Wbito,blacksmitb, et Brandon Man, is visitiug bis brother, Mr. John White. .... Mi'. and Mrs. D;avid- Catbcart of Manitoba are visitiug friends bore... Mr'. E. Hall bas about recevered frein bis rocent severe attack et infla- inution .. .. Diptberia in its inost înalig- naaut forîn lias brokeus ont at tbe hberne et Mi'. Fr'ank Sboppnrd. .Mi'. Robt. Morton, Botiuan'y, was a recent guîest et Mi'. John Whiteo.... Misses Fariey mubo visited nu Mi'. R. Morton's si'.,, bas Ire- tnrned te Toronto..Mrs. Jobu White bas returnied hometronm Stayner.. .. Mr'. Giibauk,ef Toronto,visited bis sister Mrs. Amos Cobbledick. NEWCASTLE.-Festive sonso n about ever .... R. T. ot T. open meeting Tuesday 121st, in Music 'Hall.. . .Mrs. Jas. Bryson, Lindsay, and Mrs. Barclay, Port Hlope viitod Res. and Mrs. Copeiand:.uir Mothedist GChurcb Fridaýr nigbu, Cou- ducter Snider mviii telloet "Lite on the Rail".SoMe 3yeung people surpriseul Mliqs-E. % 'vor, esvtonviile, ube ether WVe bave na ing rink lu tbe drill sd under in: xgoment et Richard Coin eh.... Mr. '4m. Rickard, ceai mer- cbant n as elected Roe by4aînajorityý et 19 over bis- two eppeneîîts, Reeve7( Tieleaveis and ,J. Conîson. "It n'as a tamous victory.."'*«The hourd ef Edu- cation for 1896 consists et Messr's. W. T, Lockhart, FL. Shinons, Jobhn Uglov... TuE STATESiMAN xviii puy mueIIfer a ive correspondent lu Newcastle. Appiy ut once. One n l ie xii write, frein a baif te eue colurn a week de-, sired. "I arn cured since taking- Hood's Sur- saparilia," is n lît rnany tlîousauds are sayiug. It gives reneu d vitality andl viger. TYRONE.

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