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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1896, p. 6

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o ________________ ýzatb isas been unusunlly husy ui the year just claîsed, end many u tbhe motdistingished names must aars ed1r trahLelist ut active wnkens ini ýhie vaîlous departmeaitus oft tie -morltI': lehor. Elgt. leades and ex-lendeni9 bave isappeared troni polîtica and stnesiashpamong Liem Prma jNicolel de G onseoaItisa muet wuite ut Russian sLtesmen le modem timasl ,nd t"ee-rmes Count Ewn von Taetefut Austria andS StanislaÏus Stambulot af Bulgairia, s'saevio(lent deathisLestili fresi in htisapblic mani- ory. Ik addition te thase tiare hae <ldied Lord Rtandolph Churchiill, ex- Chnclir thLe Englisi Excbaquar; Freýdericie Douglas, tise leader of the cooe ace in Ainica, wlso ivedtc soÉta race emancipeted(1; Floriana Peixoto, ax-P'resident oaI Brazil; and Sarg;ins Stepini, the :Russiesa Nibilist agitatorý, wbo also hilt a bigi place lu lierainna by virtue ut uis viguraus'peu. The tire greet scientists wio bave AYERs HRR, V GOR passad amay are Louis Pasteur ut France PREItEr < 1ý17aidTomsHenry Huxley out Greant 15" LG."ý_t7 M;ýU, iïTfonner was an original OR . . AER& C.,LUELL MSS, US A. la vatiatnantI lia bas duncemanmnt servàc in developing andI appiying Lie ~?Jrr' Pda eep Sik .eadelae. garai Lheeny. The latter aIso erAccc- plisisad mach by original itivesltigation ta tic naturel phÎilasopiies, but lutin- Sitcly bis greaten momLie ir.as tisa popular- rM Lization out the s ýciaiT[Uiornsalts anSd vales tsasece loileoS edsi, sc Ies505f3 iseerie fut oieýr savants, notehbly Dam- RauT, M Wd.15W,tAeed esW oeno cin. Scianitia ceducetionuia aiso lbat ____________________________thaec, eminantmoriears, Julins H. Seaiye, ex-Presidant et Amherst Collage; ,Prof. James D. Dana ut Yale, Coilega, antISmr [I EA L I-I___ Henry Rawiîlson, the noted Oriental scioar anS ax-President of the Etigli Liglut andI Discase. 1 Geogapiicel Socety. Tire objections are commaniy braugit1 againsitisae disinfetants recommandeS i Man niritrsanS liternny worieers orgarliuse: tiey are expansive anSdihave passeS amay, anaang thani Prof. cannai ha useS Prumiscuausîy mitiaut J. R. Seelay et Cambrid.ge (Eng.> Uni- moeor less damage. IL milI ha mal- vrsity, tis e mli-known autior ut "Ecce coma news, Lisrefora, tbat inveâtiga- Ho11mo"; Prof. John Stuart Biackic, Lie tiens are nom gingaon, îaaiing ta sume great classical sciolar; LeupelS Rittai' Practical application ut the meil-kaiema von Sacher-Masocis, mie madtIe iement disutectiug propenties ut ligit. ecquaintad mitis tise etaiis ot Jawish Various species of microbes bava been lifa by île cbarmiug short conles; Gus- examineS ta, ascertain their power eft mv Fneitag, iris needs ne etiar menu- resistance ta tic sun's neya. For lu- ment te îLe memary tien îLe fine naval, stance, Koch bas aiown tint tise garni "'Dehit andS Credit," mwhîch gives suh ot consumpiin icai itistand the soar a graphie pictura ut the ult-tashioned raya for only a sisont ime. Ciolara commercial litaet Gernaany; Hainnicb germa ara easiiy nendered inent miSder yevn Sybel, the Germn nietorin; tise influence ut direct sunlight, anS Ujaimar lljortis Bayasaen, professer in otuar gerces are sau.sceptible in ary- Colombie Collage, but hbeer ienwn in1 ing degrocs, Le tthe saine influence. his adepteS country by ussaroies anS Experimeaits isave been matIe upon criical sketches; Alexander Dumes Lie fabrics antI manufactureS articles ut Younnger, wmi a ngivan ta postenityr the houscisold use, 15ke furnitune, by tinat Lady et tic Ca.mllia, lamons le ficetion impragnatiig tiseni iti gerces antI anS music; antI George Augustua Sala, afthrmairS exposing tisemta tise direct mise mas an nil-naund moikar in books, acti7on t tisa sunlight. lb Le teound magaiues anS nemapapans. Liai mhile tisesun's neya isava a dis tinci action upan the upper layars ut0 staf, th disnfecleg noces j 1- ITisefine anis have sutterad greatly. mini retardeS S tise lomer un Seepen Masic bas lest four composais. Ban- layera. Objacts ot a danie colon are but j ieLusPu Gdre rne littlea affecteS. aiLoiPalGdrfFane Investigniors report tint direct solar'Many et miose marks are intarsting: light kilîs iu fnom anc te tira isurs "ny gnaz Laciner, e prolifia German mrit- gerces et typisaiS foyer wmiclmay ha er; Frauz von Suppa, une ut the hast =rnnt Sn maier. Even diffuseS ligit <ians an appreciable etecat le purity- ,et modemn ligit opena irritera; antI Gao. iug mater. In taiily cîear mater the F. Roui, sang antI psalmir writer, muosa afet hacu enknumn La ha exarted ai sacredSoangs anS seculai cantates have a Spti ut mare than six tact. heen tise favorites in the home, tise lu bodies ut mater exposeS ta the raya ofthtis suna minimum of germa is Sunday-schoul, andthte churcihthinl louadinStcei early oening anS nigit ibis country antI in Greant Britain. Be- isouns, antI as might hava been expcct- aides tisese tiare bava passeS amay Mie- ed, a maximum ufthtie àse germa Le Ian Carvaîho, une ufthLia moat fanions touaS in thc early part ufthte day. A study ufthtie action af artificiel oethtie French prime donna; Calas ligut upon isease has revealad Lie Halle, an Englisb piaulat antI condactor fncL Liai neaany every garni devalopa s noa in soeaona or Lira peticular raya utof ,te anS William S. Roukabre, une Lia spectruce, For instance, typhoid of the mont learned antI moast reliable ut germa ceuitiplyrapidly in orange, deep Engli musical entions. Tic mariS raS, or deep violet raya, mwhctistey efthLia studio mil moann fon Adoit A. ceese.te daevelup iS green, blue, or paleScismayer, ut Pa-,ris (who coud peint Lie Tuis corresponds lu soeadagree ta Anai anS bis horse htter?>; Thomas tacts eliciied by a study et Lia action Ilovendan, ut Pi1adaIphia , wmuse ut ertific-ial ligict upon pl ant-lite lu gen-. "Braiing Huma Ties," cxhbiitad et tisa bral, ut mbicis latter tacts gor.5h ave takan advenitaga te produce maudertul Wonld's Fair et Chicago, tancheS the resuita. populan iseatas tam utier pictunas 0f al torm.e et artificiel ligit tise arc- hava douaé; P. F. Rotiarmal, Lia bis- Plectric secste promisegreeteat ne- tonicial andbtlpier;Muce . enlia Lo Lia oxperimienters on tuis in- Sbti ana;MnieF ieresting suljeci, but iL la probable H. De Unes, mhosa marines have been taintin g cen equal tise direct raya, favorites fai alnost halfit a cetury; antI ut I Lic suni itaelf.th clorW. , ofIaY Tisatisa csui Sues axert au impuor-~ supeW ,Soy tIey ta-ntinfluc1;ence as a disintectant-and mal nigi ns tenouns Siipoetry. Lis net mna-ly becanse ou tis marnmth or -dryiig D>oe-i-ntteta hadisput- Freni tic nis ut royu va pas- JDoretSmothep Them. Y1-oung mothers especially seem to th'iink that babies' lives can be snuffed 'Dut, as a candie, by the least puf f of wind. bence commence early to wrap and b)ind ithle poor littie thing in a way littie less than (Irimirial. That babies are -smoth ered to deatb is an every day occurrence, but-the wonder is that flot many more are killed by wrapping their haads up in thick shawls or blankets, mwhicb gradually corne in con- tact with thair lips, close their mouth and nose and when tbe littie one la next looked at, attention being at- tracted by hie prolonged silence, baby ie limp and blue-the spark of life lit- orally smnothered out. This fearful sacrifice is not necessary, certainly îçreatly mourned wben it occura, but it in another of the many calamities due to thboughtlessness, nothing less. Let the cild( breathe; admit sufficient air to bis rnùutI and nose, soc that noth- ing cornes in contact with bis lips, neitb- er shawl cor veil, thait bis breatbing be absolutely froc. Babies nave died at the breasa, pressed againat it to nurse, and so suffocated. Tfhose- havinq charge of infants and very young children sbould think what tbey do; it wvLII save, vain lamenting uîter the evil is done. Isabella Bird Bishop la regarded as be of the most va luable members of the Royral Geographical Scet. Be- Ing skilfnj both as a phoorapher and a descriptivp writer, sbe bas sent home to England from the Orient mpuch novel and interesting maberial f rom the remote regiong of China, Thi- bel, &izd Persia. Pd away une Gand uk taAjexis ofRutis- sa, Ismail Pesia, ex-Kiedive ot Egypi, anS four kinglats andI quý,nets-Men- clae of Abysinia; Abrukaha, Sultan af Yfohona;.tLia Queen ut Cures, mia par- isbaS by violence atter Lie close ufthLe mer miii China; antI Margaret Young, Quee ft Li anegrejup in fer-amay Samoa. Thic only greai soldien mho dm5 Snnring the ye-amrasFielS Marahal Canrobert out tua army utfrËance. Tic naines ut othar persons mha noebiaS- menSd-miSa tame-Emily Faitistuli, Lia Englisis piilantimopit; andI Charles Fredemicie Worth, the Parisiean tIneas- ninier, should also ha atdeS Latisah ahave iLt upon w-ilci tic curtain bas1 tallen, leeving only their memonias, mhcih may ha long- or suort, andtheLi esuits ofthtcSir onie, wich tune ii mannoir. Tise exiibit ot bicycles anS cycling applences just ciosad in London,,Eng- lanS, is an event traught miii unusan siguiticance to the cycling mariS. Non le tic intareat confinaS ta tic davotees efthLe exiilexating pastina ut mheel- ingg, for-thonsauda misa bava nut yet becoma anamored outhLis heaithfni spart ara leookiag -formard Ltocheime mien tiay mil mestia with tic moie. Like Lie meesias anS potry, tua mbaaling tever musithbe ooked upen as Lie Sn- evitahia fate ofetery meli-Sevelopad nmai, andthLiasauner ha grapples miti iL tic soGner mili Lie stnnggie ha uven. Tiose mho bava beau disnoseS for the 'sThe Can.adianlSýI-eril YCO TES AND COMfME YTS. ÂV0 L'à mlindlasa31-pecetitrsLedies' J1ournal, 'luronta, Canatta. 1.mtsciicPrysS.vii'ane milio dllrsai3 -2 arcet ntret, Miss Kingsley, mise is conducting Lus ofPaver, Female Weakness and Irregularity the principal due, in tmenty years; and soma axtraondinary explorations in--su ad ail Diseases causeS le' Bad flouansd k5iatterej tIerces. Skie Beautifier. One tri al proves it. 14 it owes tia Rotiachilda tiralva million Afnica, writes tiat se bas bocn as- Tic Russian novelilt StepuiakIe s lrgotxes, 50c.,e for I32.50. The, Dr. Boaard dollars. societiug with canuibals for muontha, preparing a wark caîled <'KSg Store Medg.icie C., Broce 11le, Ont., and lIarrîstown, N.Y. antItin uneut ie aS wich a siS t 5 , BAv<SOWN TASILETS C' , Peer, Worm,, -aie bhas senneo et gge n andKing Log,"Teehin, DsarualiiiilI.fo boate ILs isti'yis punacty ntIut she am en cpns m as a number tmue picinre et naLionnalondiý,tions in __________________ at itoyi na bagact n o ua crsshng up len aRaîsainas gthey are to-tay-the ternes stnbrnuess. Twice Gresi Britain Twnge hanse lika baces, ta ha antan ut bis tiLla standing respactively fan The Newr York Police Cuanniissionlenu seugit to aisorh ht; twipe the Dîcch- by Lie occupants! tise baLe Czar andtIhîe present one, bave just appointeS a bicycle Faquad. n~ a 1%20 "%W à Reetones na.tual - ~~l'j oo.lcr te tihein rand aiso prevents it falling Out, Ina. Alittie mure Oyears ago - -a . , nS feu ont, Af- j~O ~ ~,ter tie ee@hottie cf Ilr' Ui r Vigon niy hiar was restored bu' its originel Culot and ceasedflln ont. An Occasional application bas since kept the bain lai good condition."-Mrs. IL E F-ENwicKx, Digby, N. S. "I have useS Ayer's Hein Vigmor for tince y cars, and lb bas restu)red hait, whiih was test becoming ga. bacie te its natumal color.'.f HASELH1OFF, Paterson, NJ pas deadeteO regard the bicycle jýýa M-, È-kolup armeds ookthe 1(l ilt rtr as ~pamoie raze arc no-w Êfrced te The ,governnient oonslsts ofa preýsîdent, uietuuNa ibePol 0ln<C R E Gc1(ede thai is remnarkable aýduî)t-iün- P eted lfor f ire years; anda a egisitur tlo teuîiainnesie of COO,- oop edof firsLati anlscn caaAVlabeLto leuia wzes medIaalpoeinllife gives Kta bnrhri aig h driitraionafrI~Tkn. e~vru epo penaen ttsas a teanis of econvey- cl-,crortin.Aproperty qaf- SmehigIeeretn anS P1rofitable I a~o.It L3_1nu4 l1,0rX' 01aytbih ng for Étho cation and absort h u e - fs~lyYu ioî un te v exolusia diverion of uskyIlle- fored cburb are eseriaeto fhe de il sporýitsq. Itasbuneitote uitialprvilge. Tiw- hnlk of t1, be verycorialwayce bic th revival ounr EBible prolem àplan was ,g 0int facangu 'Vihh he pul r rftbyeggdi gi eevd fi er such a lon.g si!lnce, en- ;itaid and auser dotojrs of divinit utr;theld ilspytetxscuaesusy h ulseso aidl ews lotr mdicîe ay orthemotfprt Te Ladies' oural, to offr aother M une.Tha large rizes> ;and the ismialler S k edo h ndrlev Ilîetrule[e s ds were su sttlns r decorui. It le for thIs aulzton ntimpoSsible, but rýer tewv ac ftllt, red pet el PzinsNue.LrwinsDsre ne oover hC h, \cig abtisa w ihole ova utryfo rtai etsPi a h ia cWieterm reaontha te ocfng abt L nt aitif s dfici.Tua ri!ti-b1re4idents, CulAeia o ov Sota, and evenin lto enral ucs esbe hw acnn trnsetcaprice. Tha wbel Leto- ha Yýa fothaving phiia riigs ave the States. perannt acor e ui utre evî-beenreq Ired tu reder mltayser- Iere are the qetosfor thjis ce- t~ ~ ~ ï opint. iceagaiat ha Kffis; ad t maket pon. Wbere are the filwn So bnr o(o HOUx;: 2nd, Day ;3rd, We; r 4alyvlabel ontpton aa The 2German gvrnet estCiai~'V ,wilïth thalaw tbree y a -(a)oand Montb; St,,Year. adpestn iI nuigcmllt s l'Oy thsohcorrect ail dsurdersie Et"VA PlmaSI iucreasing the severity iof its enur apiaedtothehmeasvrneIli Tl'RT EW(Dlslm, e t- brlnreuae teleef eagainst the Social Democrats, auis c ýompomsewas effeected bt Y ,wicb a sum 1Ahnd~>eyfinisbaed Upright Pi- Eveýn iftheyuny crn -piainiy detarmined to deStroy the ,,or- 1 ý1money waa acepte),,d ;inl ien aofser- a11o ganization and, if possible-, tsiac vice. In 1881 th, crowýn pratcally witb- 2n batiu Quadruple Silver Plat.. ed "T u Servic. a party which includas nebarly cone-third drew, leaving 4û,e local latuire su- 3 te12-Taenbandsome individual Sait L h teyw i 's losi <feest of ail the, electors iu the empire. Thc preIme, a mere "diplomaic a gent" suc-- and Popper Casters. h suferfra asdarelgcmi ta wold a a iposibl un, eenceeding the prévionisly rcgiedBi-13 te u2-Twenty Testaments, beauti- ntfortistef y heir.geedese <lu esn n i-h residen. Sinan thmposmibBlet;,rbound imuruc1oiere, and thoe w h1, n, ryt"nwl a fully oninmrcoMiil were these little pillluslein su sanivwýtsté5S wer nte goverrament an autoc-racy uiihrsdn.Sce1l ia Bti,93e 37-Five Sewing Machines,, com- they wilf «utta w Lihg t W iaott,. tthe effort is being made, a recenlt de- have bad bard usage f rom the Buer,' plecte attachments. but after ah seiit h t- craio n h cnrlcmiinbetween wlaom and theýmselves the 38 te, 57-Twenty pairs'Silver Sugar..J ciýe_ýý dssoling heTcntra and organizations of- the party ii Bar- truggle fo'or snprFmauy bas been incas- 8t < TwntTSuenr punso lin, and prohibiting thair re-estabiish- Sanlt. At last the, Britishi aredeer Toronto. Silver Plated - (Gold eeeu usuanlieththefwer ment under any conditions whaitsoecver. minadoto fre the Best.i give tbam Bowl).W er The dissolutions of the districommt-fulil plitical pnivileg s, ani war is 78 te 83-Six bandsome Quadruple Sil- we a;l-L.r rst Ui rpil cure i ver Platad Egg Casiers, Gold-liued. CSIRSETIL Lvr iLL re ve,-ry sinail -tees and'unions tbrougbuut Prussia wiîî thIraatenedl as the unly means by whicb 84 tu 99-Sixteen prettiy carved Sul- nd~r ayt as u rtopi u *necessarily follow, the party being thus tie coercion can bc made effectuai, ver Thimbles. a d -r 7 yaeri, d vgeablnd do let Ohil 0-One complète set of Mayne Reid, nSrpe o .ug,1uh hergeunt ie act-ion * a wtotorganization or rac-ogniz- The presidIant, Dr. Paul Krueger, an- 18 volumes, benutifully buund. î 'as aieu-s, hen. lu cis ls t25 c, v-tsý ed leaders, save its members le Parli- ticipatîng tiat trasb colli sion was la- 101 te iS-Forty-nine half dozen 811- ~ ~ 0. meut, and witbonit the rigbt of assem- evilaî)le, sauner or later, visited the vr Plaýtad Furies. CAITn * lCr c*% bly for the discussiun oflpolicies and tha continent of Europe last year ndpntn rianarofth frs crrctanpu~ adsetse'o ail f ive qwrletions will get the _____________ nomination of party and Parliamentary somne tima at Paris and Bril, where Piano. Tihe second the Silver Tea Set, candidates. Notbing can--be more sub- lhaformad alliances. The real rltinare is,6[nIJNI) 111E t[efirst FBOSTI *versive of freedoce or moeu unjusi, for of the British crown ta the rapublic i rT intollote mddereads BenDTU E SOFFOT the Cunservatives stilil retain their so vague thet diplomacy or war will be thea anader of the Middle set of correct Ne hurricanes, nu cyclones, ne thaceder party organization, and havealal the raquired to Settie the rival dlaims. answers 'will ha given t he Piano, the starma, nu dronth, n failtaro. privilegas of assembly and discussion Ot Thare le stili a pretension bly the crawn secnd tha Gold Watci and s0e0en. CALIFORNIA I Matchlessa anS marveloas. -bici the Social Damocrats ara dapriv- that it has the rigbt te regnîsta 'the THE MIDDLE LIST. Einven tbousand acres $12.50 pe-r 1aere. Niaety-sfx hundred are8s-12:250 acre. ed. Mureover, is effeot cen only ha bu foreign affairs of the, republie -ahule 1-A handsumely finisba 1d Uigb it Pi- Twenty-six hasndred acres eiO.00 .per acre. 9 Sixteen hundred acres $13.,0 per acre. Tweire weakan Germany as a nation, by lu- waivang any pretension as te local gov- ano. hundred acres, ý1even hunidred acres, Six ercaingtheSocalis stengh, or -ruient Bot th Duchmn rply2-One Gants' hanelsomne 1Hunting Case hundied acres, Three hundred aadi twenty cresig tc ocillt aregth fr rnmnt Bu te Dicmen rely Gold Watch. acres. Any other quantiay dowýn ta ten multitudes ot intelligent Germans who suffrage la a local question. The Brit- 3 te 17-Fifteen Sîlver Tee Services, acres. Olivs, Oranges, Nectaines, Fige, rare nuothlng for Socialism as a principle isi mortgage, on the ailier band, is Quadruple Plate (Four- pieces). Lainons, .&bnonds, Grapes and ail otter traits 1 o37-Twenty 1-2 doz. Furies, *Sil- grown in a country where Will se iu these repressive Measurea 'heavy on the resources ot the state, vrPat18 taro.qult). SIM R EGI SPE E the destruction of ail liberty. and wiile the ternis are dlean enougi, 38 te 42-Five dozen Desert Knivas ex- pressure migbt -be exarted that would tra finish, valuad at 86.00. Write for particnlars., Already ibair affect on bbc Social pinci the treasurny. The last time a 43 to 142-Oua hundred Testaments, ADRmzsS, handsomely finishad, morocco bound.E." *Demorats bas been te close up ail dif- lika contention araSa Mr. Gladstone was 143 ta 162-Twanty camplete copies K. E.RL LLEY ferences, and se teandd teo ti sarengti, at the bead of the goverument, and sym- Chambers' Journal. WLOS CAL. and te "sture party contrai, whici in patiizad mure wlth the Boers than wti 163 ta 172-Tan dozan Desert Knives, the dissensions of loc-al leaders was b- ha- Briti3b resicieats. Tie pearn matde 173 Spre ult, auda 60. You r Te jAeyous unnetie tic te iSî-Twelve 1-2 dozan NickeaPlat- ehAeyouseful tem ing lest te the Socijallat members Of by hlm was iigbly favorabla ta the na- ad Tes -Spoons, extra quality for eeretmi W T ,. . Parliament. This new power wlll lu tive goveruimeut, cummon use. Plesen tsu! WI their hauds ha a potent source of trou- 185 to 194-Ten Ladies' prettv Gold Cente :ý- D K M bleto iegovruent fo tey an ItLe etat ilpr abl tnt ara- 95Broochas, latest design. Beautify them1 THE PER1FEOT ble e te gvermen, fr tey an- It s nt a a-l pobale hatparia-195ta 20-Six Ladies' Open Face Gold net ha epve of the privilege of ment will sustain Lord Salisbury in Watches. £I Druggiste. TOOTIl POWDER sPeech in Perliament, tbey will know making a naw war upon the Transvaal Than coma the Last List or Conso- FOR TWENTY-SIX YIRAR1S. lio- beat te present the Socialist pro- except for grave rea_.uns. If the Brit- lation Prizes, wban te the sender ufthte lest correct set ot nnswers received etÀ gramme and the best pints of attacie, ish gold intarests are not imperiled by teJunlofc ilh ie i and as tliey will virtually nomninate the tie Bo'5rs tia political privilasgeg ut the piano naxned in ibis list. Sociailsi candidates at the next elactiati, British nesidenîs in the Transaal are TUIE LAST LIST. thay wiil bring the ableat speakers and net gaing bu induca the miuistry ta sand 1 bu 20-T-wenty 1-2 dozen Table Spoans, the Most akiltul managers ta tise an army ont. The fate of the lest dons superior quelity. -I frot. Iowanygovrnmnt n ti-%netinsirea rputtio or th exýrient21 te 25-Five ha.ndsome Gold Loekets. frot, Iawanygovrumnt n ta nt e-pncereptiian f h" ep 'imeit26 ta 30-Fîva handsoma Silvar Thini- day should Malte such a blunder la tin- Tise cost and resluit were onut ofal pro- hies. _ comprehlensible, espaciaily a guvern- Portion teathen-abject in view, as seau 31 ta 35-Fiva Paris Individual Sait ment in wiicis the sovereign is beltI ne- froul the sida Of practical politics. But 36 astmetsMo 3te 60-Twenty-five TsaetsTo H ECOOùK5Sl"BEST FîRIE ND aponsible for overytiing, and whose tiare will ha seime diplomatie carres- rocco bound. LARGEST SALE É*4 CANADA. authority must thus hae atfected by penderice. A ligit concession will Spoons. ________________ any dmiistatie, masue aoptd; dubtessbc ade y te Dtchen,61 ta 65-Five dozen Nickel Plated Tee any dmiistrtiv meeureadeped;duntles bemadeby ie Dtcben,66 te 75-Tan complete Volumes Chsam- O T R O B N and yet it is now enforcing mensures andtI tit will end the atruggle ton an- bers' Journal.ON A I N K whici must brleg upon the emperor othan f ive yaara. 75 to lO-.Twenty-five bandsome Sou- continuca te de a General Banking Bussues, the contempt andI disilie ut hait bis venir Spueus of Toronto. Bowmanvxlle Agency. sut jects. lb Le the mare unwise hecause em t 101 te 110-Tan Boys', Nickel Wetcbes. Th otdiscouregiug tiing about 111 to 120-Ten haindsemely Bound DEPOSITS nu known necessity exista for suci nac- the '"war talk " ut wiici Lie connti'y Volumes, History ut the Bible. gecercd in Seringis Bank Departruent and Oix tion th emirenevr hvin ben hs ben e fll f lte s te lghtand121 te 123-Threa Sewinig Machines, cal landinterestallowed atourrent ratesý No ston te edmre nye bain henbsba 0fnlu li sLalgtad COmplotaattacîmants. notice af withdrawal necessarY. Ahi deposite stranger anlui morpe i tia teflippant way in wbihsaime people 124 te 127-Four dozen Dinner Knilves, payabhle on dernand. aru ~l~FUPi ta Lireetl PIJOas handy words about the mioýsi nwtul extra quality valued et $6.00. E C Â G K dvotd, nd heemprormor frescOurga that coultI ba'fall e two great 128 te b6-hrytroc 1-2 dozen Silver an iilan i uhri oeu-Englisi-spaking iunatio thte worid. 161 ta 199-Tiirty-nine Testaments. UnitiedtftalçildlSGdSlVru questiuned. The suppression ufth'i We will noL believa, until the cannon Morouco >bound. Ul tedStales GreenbaclîFdeenrht anS soiS, treeduan outhti press, thougi equelly re- actually bellow ont the, summorusta No. 20U. A hàndsomely tiniishad U- O LETIN trugressive, Le Mare easily udrto;wradmyte amn u nyrigit Piano valuied et tour bund(rec dol- 1aS a c rrenteaie pon ail parà semae mouarchical guvernmnrts alays e Ylon a ec-itteeton- Eeyn utn usen Éoe f Great Britiain, the United States and t114 5aitribuiing undue powers u onvrsontiens of commun blood antI commun la-I dolla for ayea' subeciptionta Li te new spapers, and taîhing tu sac that gnage, and, aboyealal, u ofýammun taiiI, Lde'Junl asesxcnsi tma Telegraphrrales terespeettul methOds ut criticism enu redden the aarti witb naci utiier s: well wrth the, iavestmlent eanfroce Made for large or emhisins ,on il part e must itiy the ecriticai ens tgorebecan a adiapjutad strip out muS itise prizes. Canada. Thiie espeill advan<gs t thaý peuple. wie soma oeria can in a South Amrcnapbi. To A ANS E GOLD ALUMIN'ýU?\l imakes thke fonds arailabie ai oc a th, n y r r i d i t he n a s el- v es o e t t i n oi o i s)I t a t g e n t l e m e n w' i i b au , d i soa g r , - e m n o h i rS O N ,p n e t p y a e t oftL"i. lo,ÏoI ilut n bËauds wousu ind sameailierw?,yf ull iza, -wîîî ha(,sent t toe E o1c ,L. FORTT, GO cIL dicata a lie e loyeltjyoý. Bthar, tsettling it ien bj- ly tsicta n iis, s soon alS possile, attar Eaney lai ne- course, mistakes, ai(n is instane Stili mess odagetemntaka off ceived twbIetier their enewen3 are cr the mure foolisis becauise t(iare; is srd- bis cent anti eg twa celaîate tareci Or net.'This spootr nmade by an ly agaveumen tin waud hamasentirely new precesa and is of ie cm yfet bymeaa cnitfism ten poummaiand amyench i aier, a sue ateriail ail thieugi and[ will densýe- effe-tý,ýd y tiiqirat o-r,ýipeupla i11 are fdoiulg nletinterutiene quetl.y ntale its colon, which _is t ,heý Germaiony, and hcnetliey diractlyoqi l- isputa. Tiare are thfigw ora ie smaas thoughilmada utf guld The pose Gra rdtowhiih la înt vwen, t1hosre, nd osa ut ne'iial ePOOtI w"ould rcail et about une dollar, nil action imue;t ha ffîinlly superv-iseS honi Le ena ut ihMn; but tiha nautional A SIL VER- TEA SET 0F iFOUR but opinion Lha tracý. aor eitieýr nation jLseniusy con- PIECES. ce nad tu1s quaýrrai-. Wr- knowv A lite uto soereiguty in Souitb igýions sause tint is aoa rnn m>ivewt ii nwr ahrcreta Atnica ba broughtupon 'tis ematI ut witi iatb peuples. <Ti icLiihid" ot i asetiaLýadis ora tiem is ut Iran lunis,,nnd t h Lie suber for aayarudabneuituflQuadr ule Lor Snisbrya New,ý Year's ibolosecond tionght of eacis nation wnrtnSienPatITserceu fourpae qut a Iciab sthtofte ee ayaubces wi a nuialya-Tee un rCaf tee Pot, Sugar Bowiï, Cream, qi!ita haunidery die sputL te. Tie, mai isarrent antI on aus irous antiigewih ichranISpoab-,n Stsn bt

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