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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1896, p. 7

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BREAXFA ST-.SUPPEP. "ETa thorongli knowledZe of theý naturai hw wih govern the operations of? digestto_ Ud nurtin adbyacrefnl application oý Îh fne poen ?ef-eetdCocoa, Mr. Epp, ba n roùv j'!ed f or for breakfast and su pp e a Èïeliatelyv flavoared bl)raîee which may save Sa nany hea-Vr doIori' b. Iti s by the ~ndiîonsnse f suh atc f diet thatm ~Ofltittionm 1- e radially j7bit up utit atrong enoogh to r'-'oi very tendancy to disease. H 0-re s Bble maladies are 1ioti ng around us readjy te ttaclc wherever Ihere is a weakpont We mar escape min a faal baf byXeeine ursive wel for!8Yfi Made Simply with boillng water or miii 80],Ïd only ln Packets. by Grocers, labelIed ium: jAlUfIi ýEpPs & Co., Ueoepathtc cheffl lâts. tendom, Enaland, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 15, 1896. »R. J. E. EITEUELL, EME FCOLLEGE 011 PHY91CIAN M rn Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. fieand Reeldence, Ennickilien. 74. 243 Yorige St., TORONTO. 21retclass $10 Set of Teeth for U~ B BURE ISIMPSON, N RIItTli.4, SiOLICITO ,&a. MOPpW ,LaOCE. up-,Iars, Ringtroet. Ba'w'nakî dULe. Solleto'r for the Ontdri Bank ! îDtemonevaloane 1 at th@ lowest rat63 N1 HT01flý, V. S., O FFICE JIN THE WEST DURHAM NevwS lBbocK, where himBelf or assistant N011 bc fuuoi dfrom 8a.n. te 9 pm. Nlghi cal' nt residencee,directly opposite Drîli Shed. Cal]s 1y telegraph or teiephone wili recive prompt gttention 171.yr A. A. POST9 AROHJITEOT. Plans and Specifica- J1Afns r'~predfor every clasi of building, ýpeoîal atningîven te heailng by stearn @]d hot water. andi to sanitary arranrgement3. Olce: Gorrie Blocl, Wbitby 43-ly Rz. PEATE, T-1ai1or Gentlemen's Ollothes Made to Ordori B, M.BRIMHACONfBE OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. HigginbotA.ham & Son's Drug Store, (down Stairs), BOWMANVILLE DENTJSTRY Il- HR N DE, L. D. S orda fie Royal Collage or Dentai Sýurgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFIChIt VITALIZED AIR.. N'ew Tai'o So The undersignad wbQo3 as bea carryilnbg os the talering business iu cenuect"ien witi tiasons8 Dry Goods Store fera numbe'ýrOr yeans has commanceti business frImîiarh reshlenca, King St.,west, where le îs rapae le males gent'anti boys' Buita tn ail ihe- laiesi styles, andi ai loweBt pruces, FP'o, e'î wlab to Order suite, bo wîll carrys fuît1 li no of amples suailt îe nowesr pat;er1s. tIr, hil MONSY TO LOÂ-N. A large aum o? mnoy basé ben pIaod lui my banda by a private person for Invesîmet, on approvati ba&nt on fma seourity for a term O a'îvE or TEN Year s, Y'xvF AINr 0NE HALF PEsn C' ST întOeýftvh be a' ked payable ycarly. Batlsfactory oduin for repayment 'ul, le %mrangeti. SoiieBowmale.1 Dateti Oct, 1s', 1894M0 f 'E~RSALE OR RENïT.-ïïouse and j. S cres fer saeor te meut, situate on, Sýcugeýg aitreut nortb. The prenmises cousli of a, g.ood bouse, witbý cverydonul,ýiýee, driving abhed, stabl, etc. Tu gnincetinq lot of bu choicceet fruit, e? ail attes.w i ilsedjate possession dasn bu given. r'onri uar appI3 TrH E CD A N ADI ANM STfATEMA L13TABLISHED 1554 $1 pet suiïim lu ativauca, etlerwise3p i) auberiptiona always payable ai îhe ofic, e. plublication. Adveriiu0 raie3 uniasi by cma rai, 10 cents par lina, nonip ari t.irati lserb on, sud 5 cents par lino oacI subsagusuat îu- rertion. Local@. 10 cents par lina. M. A. JAMES, Pub1lsher ONTAU,1O LADIES' C0LLE, WHITBY, ONT., Ras already matie île hast eduat-ionai ru eorti o! any Ladies' Celle ug e lu îe Domuinion, of Canada. Wiith faitb iii Goid and ii îl f uture o! Our ceun try, tle 1Dlrecte.rs baveastri npon a sehbouie or exiensiein sund impirovemient ibat marks an ara, lu île bh ghastï eduaien e! yeung ladies, Tno new buitdiuga are ilu Pro- cass o! erection.i 1,-0 x51 -0 fiat m0x fi., wibl naw steauseiig ueetrie ibig anIîlemos pefett aun%à aýrrangements, ibrOugouýt 1 e nw Coin certl Hall i s toq bc promidcd wib lagnificeni pipe eran driven by eiectricity;, andi availabie fer prao- liceilual 'eatiler. aýTiose iutere- -d in tiýc eçucatteni o. thefr daughiars arc- r, jýecfu1lj, requiestat te tuakeç- tarly appIJcaitîoqfoacledu, 5?g forrtetO te Rz-v. J. J. HtRE, Ph. B, J.J I 4 "I should tbink it must be sufficently - b~rought lofore thern evry --uda,"immý T E ]E fS W E NPS sid MrS. Redmoind, triuMphan ty lay- L = ~~"înglber tenth rnended socl inc the bs- l I'i. _________ket near lier. ._Jjý j "The parish Lsaail very well, rny dear, E "Good-by, Clarissa," she says, a lit-, ".That wiil bu neyer," declares Amy, bttecut uh ah-ro t n tieaadirnlorug adece esoatig br iving a final kiss a thie exltausted onglit to help. 1 insist upon the county Bily. " We like bier far tau rnuch, and p0t1 t ad i t okt. voice. awy will, I know, because nothing on "I tink you are quite right to in- ' r lntil t-o-rerrew," replies Ca isserhcudmage me aradofr,. how a r yu g1n tedo Lt?" l. with an att mpt lat gayety, tbougb in At tbis tbey ail îaugh. Georgie, 1 "bt us gare e a oncrt,"do itheI'PV.I susli 0epc ereality the cilds 1mourDiful face La n1- tbink, bluashe iti;btevntevicar, at last bringing te telih f- ' lamntonowehveagdfowf î pressng ber. Then shatoucheatie oulitdte elas anorthodo thoubt hatsheLa nt eacty alnde.dadbi grat rojet, batfaily ooktbough se* l etmore ta an animal penies iightly, ~~~~~~~p he elo ntrol lier sense (of theess is ies rab wy Yes, a conm-, aewîiet ta anddîapeas te ldi cert, ta wbicb the wboie, country shah i in good fleili. The difficuity is the nutriment rroad and round the corner, witb Bil, cr01nd15. n-la, ox-hi e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~iiY whecre ndtea y-ayseu-holant i ettcedfemth oo ecus erdgetinicoonf-rer y~ as preternaturaliy grave as usual. st-cert ta c Wh ff-?- ayoSur father's 1lCOdalies froasthe fowaa strucli digetmbn byout . * E ting boit uprigbt beside lier." eti. !i boldmpqods stion b ut. in1lbgv-D1~~~" "SIonce,_t±bnk Tha-ud ca . i- _ ~5iJft iRkW t unendrablu.I do hpe it ill li mWinshe consented te teaecb the choir, IJi~ D I U ~ ý8 and, indeed 1otslryfrtutm a success, as bie bas Setbsber riuusly twice a weuk, ail the quar-= i.d ofya. hnmst uy or the aniettn nwo e u t hi bardteitettels and trios and soies aekuwill strengihen the digest ion and make the food produre milk. h wilI cost whlle silîla te iedsanddareciaripeplngted. Thluwllpa -dismal flash- = abndowy, enwrapo the fed n tefrter tickets, but they wen't corne i on, tbat sbe knew the whoie thing but fifty cents te try it on tbe poorest cow you bave and you will get back - bo>st-like trues an sepAnd afte a wht hethe o 'hr, sould bu dismal failure, and tbat the your-money wilb interest in a few weeks. distant hbis. There ila a Sound as of like, is ta sue the country." =ra as ol os yi oeta For sale by Druggists, at general stores or sent post paid on receipt of 50S cts. e cring rain,-a rusbing and a rustliÎng "Oct Dorian Braniscombe te help you. it would gain, Dick & CO-, P. 0. BOX 4182, Mentreai. in tile nakud woods. "A stili wlld mu- Nobody ever refuses bice anything." R Mauny days, rnany bours, bas Mr. '« oWsh Dron ranconb r'ass ednod sennaranînmad dsa- jijgsjçi IIIIIIlhILJIIIIIIîIs IIII1IIUIIIII UIIIIIIIIIIIandIJJuilluluIlj- &ic is abr>oad," as tbough a Stormn ta Georgie, indiffere-ntly, more from want ranging ail the details of thu proposed -_ lrnpendling, that shall risa at nigit and 'of aornething te say than any actual concert. __________________ ___ - iakuth lnd te or fiecey -dsire ta know. The idea s ln itseif a -bappy cause of ts enforced silence ail this "Dorian1" repeats CiarLasa, as thoughitogt"frhpirta n fBr ol o h me t hr r e i uprised; and then, correcting berself uand's (se bue telas himself); but a con- ments when I couid wisb myseif bu-0 S? ilay.with a start, "I theugbteuyon cert, bowevur utipretuntioca, La a pro- neatb thu sod. The incessant worry La knewDoran.ButI frgo, yu ae adigions affair, sud net te bu conducted more than I can buar 1" ku oa oosrnw Dra. HBut afegt, urie S bf y haif a dozen raw recoruits. "Oh. now, don't say that." sy MisII attained-how ri. Buputh otlinowat f the slant mirngle. 1es a reatd rienduof Besides, the county admires the coun- Peyîon, patting bis arrn iovingly. "It stored-liowpreserved, bponthlso hr iee t ie i lvana is ,dyum ty, and would prefur seeing itself re- wiil bu a great succesa, this concert; I1 OrdinaryworksonPhy- An whru teisos eceof lhe «iku r neliebim. ay iy presented on the boards ta listening know, 1 fuel t wll . iologywiiinolteli7ou- orhrnbat odal.te the warblings, bu thuy neyer se (To Be Continued.) thZotracnto The snortbumn is, sgigaillits rage, crisy as eri."a~ weet, of air outsider. It La so far rnore thewotorutallil r eao mesregng Lucky lhe," asGoge" sh dlcost ag eidoesfna Wtbualtesne And bas tbe warmtb ef-May. The your lover, Clarissa î" ,dthecpopl e iugn bu one's f an at s AN AMERICANS OPINION yu ho krow. Your vauit la blue, "Oh, neo,"-witb a soft bluli, bhem ef tupol noesstta ttoe~ 19Without a loud; and white without a h bub ta fb a e h oeoutsidu the pale of recognition. And, LULPWR pckha la svery near te lit. '« He ls onîy of course, the county must bu bumored. Hth Ie Two Navies Compare and u TIse low. tons." ~The vicar growa neî-vous asb e mas- What Rate Tlsey STiglt Be ISseieaged. rteKetoif The .'.lin'g spiendor of the scene bu- my frieud, and a nupbew of Lord Sar - turs this fact, sud atrive8 diiigently ta na artileo itherntbe te Ku u eproucin. " Sa great as that? "-wLth a faint dislcoe Boreame ndthuppetan wtnoBiihadAeia aisteee-Orbo asbr h Thu ýfrest bas gene, for the tlrcu bu- grimace. "You crusb mu. I suppose aw il ornu forasu up tseee uBrtitLcA adrnran n nvis h5Scen Ortbock layan arth I ng; ne snow feli last nigt; scarcely ha wil lihardly deigu to look at me?" Tand gld he"greaotanaey she. ifcAuicnays rth vryu Souathe wind blew. If, indeud, .As"thureQse oos thes Tfhe:dubus adynMrytunday La frr Summing up the totala for hattieshipa '- woul, regain sexual vi- lu an opposite mirrer, sud smiles a adcusr cmie pgt Pt4i ol yptywith soundas,"' sn1 cqttil anl lati ui~ cia are at the Castie; sud Lady Mary-sdcusr onie egi ~-~-' gor lest through foiiy, sml outihsil hti ulo whun &lie eau ha hueard, which, ta du United States-43 ships, w'ihs al esiîrt or eeo ub musar bGe oge nti C tely sdtu l de n innocenks t h ai vsat isf c in s g . sh ler justice, La very seldom, ven lu a dispacement of 180,825 tors. weakc by nature or wasted by disease, should - iuatbu ouned ttuly ouluas~barkst ie t he fir isin wicb tgasg vevry ,arnalroolu-can smng nice littie thuy fail te huar the Sohbing of the batIk te lie by tfi look glass. onga vry uiceîy. Indeed, Shu ilafond Great Britain-208 ships, with ý total write forour sealed book, e"Perfect Man eoming Sterm, but wîtb gay voices sud mucb, frhsopbuwn e't lok a t - yo ee ! ds.rbn e wnvLe a dispîscement of 1,158,005 tons. kood."1 No charge. Addrea (in confidence),, Z, aye laghtr crn meril ovr te iss, a fer h bis own p ace f in,"asyn;s wuut little voice," and certainly ail Whicli shows Great Britain to. posses in road ta Gowrau. lJpou the warrn Sul- and thun, the ubiîdiren gutting impa- Tutu ere La yongthicor liate sur-a auperiority ii-n f ghting ahipa of ailde hiatient, thuy al go out te sua the pigeons ,guen sou, wisounatagoiked r-escriptions o! 8 te 1. ERIE _____________ Bffalo,____ Lunai te culre's tonusrig ansd the garduna, sund stay lingeriug in and iLa addictud te Moliey aud Adarna Iu the evunt ef a war wiih that coan- As- eweet ener bht. hee epun air until aft-ne rno ua an sd ail of thuir class, snd wbo positive- iry, thesu are the odds againat which wa Astt neIhegtso ora,,nucd y.revuis Lu Nancy Lues, sud such geutie sbould have te oontend at the outsut. lia youugest chid, Amy, mus te the Ibuinga as- thosa te whiom the "Tar's As against. this uupremiising opening The é i 7» sida o! the naw govamness, sud slips CHAPTER XIV, Farewell," ray bu genily bruatbd. t will bc urgudl thât we are a ruseurue- n0n lier baud through bier arm. W bure munsic dwella Thun tharu La the long gawky man fui sud energetie peopla, sud that we q Linger ing, sud wanduering on, as loth stsying with thé Buluws, whe can sbeuldi quickly creatu s uavy. Te this "1 arn ging te tell You about ail theu itoe(dia,- shout frem afar, aund make musciofo! muai bu auswured that modemn navies < prutty things as wa go along," alie saya, Like thougbts wbese very swuutuuss bois ewn that will probably, uay, sureiy, are e! slow growth-'they ara net BIOYOLE i.s the finest Ipatrouizingly, yet bal! sbyly, rubbing yieldueth prou! go a long way towrd bringlýng dewn created. The modern battleship, costiy lier- cheek agaiust MissBot's That thuy were hem fert rnrortaliîy." tehn as ra he frme lsasditrct.puts a heavy discount hih-gade wheel on shoidr. Slu L atalBreghto s-Wordsworthls m cucanedi; sud with lm ýt will cerne upen mure rusourcefuinesasuananrgy, h g g ehudr h i al leuidur chid,, Miss Beluew, who eau produce a very o! whicb we have abunodance. sud a and ta do this abu bas tea top a littla. The pariali churcli ef PuIlingham la respetbescn i u ut ndwohayperimue u, ship, sud arm- 'leC nda akt You !airy," shte gous on admirîugiy, 1-as naugbt in the eyes e! thu parishion-1 t atego anywberu with 'the long or building plante! whib, forahrketg encumgedpebaa b tu acithters, in that h las devoid e! an organ. Ne gaw ky youag man, if report speaks nitude o! the task in baud, wa sliould eiouarsw-ras ythetattht sound eau bu produced f rom the truly. find ibai wu, possessed au aliogether Lu- she La uearly as tLIas liem instrucî,teas, f ul sud turrifying instrment thai Mrs. McConkiuJ fmrthe neighhoriug aduquate supply. Vtb uvurY f actory, P reti ein i "yo ar jst ikaHas Aderens fr ears lias served te elactrify the malh ill aedalepugbule nilsd slip -yard werking ai full blast talus. 1I do't kuow why." aU[ra e!ofthosa unfortunataeuough te husband bulng a brother clergymnan; it would take from suven to eltanyuars finish and in q aiy "Amy1 Miisa Broughton wu't ike p ss sittings in the uhurcli. It bas sand t-hure la, besicles, Mr. Rendluy. wlio to caucel ihat prepoudemance ef 6 te 1. q aiy You o seakta ierlik- tht,"say Ci- ai lat file. paysthevielle, sud Mr. Johinson, who There La ne suntimninLustatistics, sy, coleing.j Onu memerabie Sunday it groauud ùcan renite ho comîcal su meancoy It ta certain, merevur, that Gruat F rp tifas ie But Georgie laugbs. aloudo,-tbeu squuaked mildly: c-r-r-k IPluces with sucli success as te brig Britalu would steadily add te lier fluets "I don't mimd a bit," she says, giv- went surnmeCbing inside; thure vas 'aI tears or laugbteý,r, as the casa maîýy b'î a the war pregressed; sund with ber ing the cbild's baud a ruassiug pres - laisbriuk, more wird t-hani the forma- ;ita the uyes o! any oee witb biai! a g'muat sbipbuildiug facilities she, could '[ sure. "I1 ar n accustomuil te bingi- er, sud ýlthun ahi xas stii I 10w tbank-. n,.eul fioat six ships te our one-, as île follow- - dow hatardsu ded , I rat~liku Lýt i eh thliey sbeuld bave beau for that!1 As Iqnobudy wîll conffusa teanything ing facts will show: In reply te iu- JedJeTAYL R 10v.IFsuppose vlury BUt' ,I bulieve tbey wera tmuly sud devue'alyl sathtan a whola seul, evuryhedy ce quiries instîauted hy tle British Ad- (irnngaxiusyte cissy, aad sua-s, lbutlove fer the "huaveuiy u111hm aglsorcis modrta îrly aiyear te ascrtain tha ex- ing qaire ias iyly a thuchild AyStil' raigned lu ail their huarts, a-Ad whuviinever Mm. Johnson givea way t te iume varsIip building oapanity o! theý oo t badl spoken a moment since) 'tecu ith joy ibuy hearkeued te their vicar iruc;Êatiens. ,rvau1ars twafun tat i La a naine te whidl I arn net accustoed, a1ugVtdtu dso!scncr] Aidlast, but net ieast, thei'e s -ai- to'-h f-liirma wemtee g o acocetivenaa freaean T0onoSafE>WorkS, aud I baie it, h La 'Miss Breughton.' t ugvnfrteproeo aan asSrbMartin, the leader o! the Ite t-ha dutaiha e hu eigus, thay could Wntyucal me «'Georgie?"'" funda whuruwitb te purchase a new, village choir, sueh rnil etr ui nte ay qual Lu fighilg _________________ "Oaayou sure you won't mmd 1" eganý, or, at leasi. te heip te purchase I nh bs ton fsihl am-ir-strengtb tthe ý,wblu ex-isting Bru111b says the livaiy CLsy, wiib a dc'up sud ti Tu_î r touht aaeuug t soprano muai prove lber wortby o!fa ,t o w t h'uyasIT Laa omor Iutlaal Ieu e m a-ishuarts. s uhi her usca aew organ. ibi uihhdudihLulig aaiy__ nisgucifad sîg irls ief. "Weidhta a- eraotsh. uîu îiî hîrmscl Ta the vicar's intense carn, Do- of î er ov umutdocky ardssulýd sbop âge yoiu hnam. You do'iloek -a :bit. Now thueue good tbing SUiR beîong- ra Bancmul abset,-bras, lu- Teatîîigrsuesrvae y like a 'Misa Anything,' you know, sud, lug ta Mrs. Ruîhuend la the rernains of deed, beanuPu à' town sitice the day ibis nvtQî,iaion cailifoi',e la, r 'Genorgie' suits yoiu down te ihe greund." wbat musi once have beau a vury beau- t uoeGogeB'uho' riauo ino u ait hwis rn "Look, look I Thera La the troea whae titul velue. WtI ibis sha possesses [a fertight old.oud ipdl île fairies dance ai night," cries Amy, île power e! imparîing te et bers hiem ,Domianawouid lave hen u scb a cein-Biauuudrpdyice~ u r aagerly, hiem itile, tim, spiritual face owin knewiedge o! music,-a athar rare fr1N ahaile sings, or pîsys, ~ o ndura"ce o!faa tagi fca llghting witb earnestness, poinîing te a gifi. Witb liarow chdrn o!fdus or, idace ayln ulunged to do se. magnif tuent old eak ire ihat starnus! coeshe Gau do nothing; thy particular, buyound cajoiing the autiru lb2 fart thiýt i Eurp'a dporui .er spart f rom ail the ethers aud looksas 1 varitable daad-ittars inluibr band,- nehghborhood; but that, as it hpes ipsdt ,l-ýtý tbough it ladl for coutumies dufiud tiue1 shu bing onue! thos wornuwho speud s in ibis case averything. Ta cajole' (question ai-,lissýue makas h higbhy pro sud Storm,, sud proved iseif indeed terhvs admnisbing sud tbmulsti eantmeat, te cempel île people to e hbl haLuîe vntorhsiatesndaS "suie king of forestsail. i advhce upon the werid, yut !iud tîern-l ce sud f iiithaernmpty tndhes, La ailh " îibavewur e!creduphîcatitn1wlus "Earjigflit ib aue!ave a il 1suives unequal te the goeumrnt o! îlte vicar weuid require ai bois banda. wie ii 1hr, arys Ay,uiipe(rfectGoed fiih.their own bousuholda, But witb île!'And Dorian could do al this. Ne ounesbhdLtuad, Culvert Pipes "la phig thre s a egulrwea- village choir ail is diffamnt; bure she u ver rafuse 13,aatin.Btb I cduaiL lsu awudr o! bl hila ilaroend Lt, suil(] rigs u-me, and Îis mada much o! 1woleeuand Young wre ckoldemark that 1thl.l,,i k isscarce dry uon AU Sizes frein 4 In. te 211-q. A ishow wbura the 'geed folk' ltr.ead." lfor Puiliigham iLa decilddy musical' laneersd givu lu io hLm, sud bard- île papet' Lu whicb ou(ýr ganural in chi!,nnsectins. s1 "low I sheould ika te se tbum 1" sud ah its yeuug mYlýer niudail is yo l y felthe wersu bucause o! ibeir sub- Nelson Milesý; I, as juat iod Us it, the RIE Of RiE asy Geriegrael. tink, in hm li ale r sing, o _r iink t SIng uvech ing uie a o 1isIvury opuuino! hostilit ies with a gruat - S a s c e e uGeor i r v l a m p e s e d b y t e rto nha i r s g i u g h i S e ow n t e ha t m a k e s i n a h i e v , w o f h a n n v l p u u o i u e e a y s a c a i T l M A I f sU I D cbid' aoum isud e( rfa e Tuner, soranoasd basses are te lthey halve beau mosi ignominiousiy bu-c t u h t an d Pacifîi, aubjuci fil U IO M ERUJU IPEIl I iJ belevelu hý ,ýi e rahe thn ohp bull"met1 Fwitb round avery cer;ner; îet ryd uesayiug "yus" te one o!rbis LtIer te the humiliation o! an îcindumu eraila thick wîtb tbem.Ille Pull- widest positions, hbu bas buen con Iity or te thulierrors o! bomsbardmt.t. I yArMIIOTORONTO. 'Well, yntou ougît tekuo ail aheut lugliamitea will siug, whethuer îîey caIrrga favor upon tbem, mr r l aigtefrgigcoceparîson ______________ thernii," sag mytih ruset u r ewith s go zand a gusie itlea or which le is jusi toc ,jgenurouts -li laassumud that île United States1 ceaisg scel:"Yeu beleng tealm sukawh o therlug, if s triflu eçran ban'ks. wouîd net subiite rutlcarerl1 t don'i you. W lell"d rurily), "Par: tiryin etalseesBtii uaubual aasn.Tadfansve-that lber untarpinise oud -laps sea ight wu shah lgo eut baud Voalmuli b eing lhe üiing hldvi, i h rvaye i on u-soon cauisathe field o! naval opuraien -. i Lui bauo:d and omeut them lare sud dance hiIni u avr u3he Metboisi cape, inr,wbavre ne oua eau wýýicnusa tha un-;te becoce conturminous wiiîle sh,ýýIou wiihb ,tueraillthe way te fairyland." wur9M.Mahantv "eed" odydad-star ps biis:, t itbvexa- ue !bhbcishrs I sirnatl , 1i e3 "Mis reghon-tur - brug prsnhodsl nirhdxsrvcs nn tion'as h hiinka o! ibis, sdteî iirn- caqently assumas ibat île totl' île trees!1 ,Do yo-,a sua somaiin wraîe ucdas mm lepais elfhalas uiuck-y te the lasi degmue, force o! beib fluets wouidb viall giaaming wbia ?"ask' Ehe, ts ie euc ejoluibahem lurinîte white- ansd acknowladigas a womih in Doian pui."Yea ?""W lhreluta waud hpl and shout ibe yru Bancmuneyer learuud ba)fore f: May-"Tluy tell me your engagemet i A spot, la arabla tte !swmo oedu Snejata lecr- Ciarissa La parfetly du-ligbitud wiia .witb Cbariuy Gmnmplaigb aboe sududamuuath lber iLa aapeu. cmtoeien ! bilor.thea wbolu idea, u eewa os les Row clIt lappan 1" Carr-"It ta nel weni fry evur se ceanMy yar ao urI scessions went hig te abreakiug lice by lhan naady offa !ssnacgruat irnystury. The factisL,îe as rSli'19 '? ti bu wenClnisas rei radft Ur Mr, Rdmnoid's huart. Teegnldsdhmdtrunte eae aetetefrch ekeep; tbat's ah." -died, the wýv'terÉs humai eujt again, suad faiied hLm;it had wluezed, iudued ,vli- abse-nt Doriani's busdmkulvterY st"Men tumu somersanîta on evey (ýnesa 1ýy11gantly te tbe hast, as t duih4eermxiued ihe count ry iluIlis, staa, hrse-batik; I suppose bu!eong e T fori hmbuw S:cgIdJsdL obe,'udtedia, garne,but s day blad coma, - Se persista ilu cailing h l fia u ieedia to îebccl. ne s, well bleved." I1 said, wlan t breatbed is las i aig cou-rt e! tha easn"w1iicbrathlen unek' l man alivu! thai was ' oeeve eiiv I ihink yen mightI bavo etlunmctli! ud î le anclanit ellorws nefUsed teure, aarmtîevicar, who La dereSsad b l iattigIdi1nawea. îiMaciood, 5ecrrt ibsi Stery","indlgnaily."o ke uce anthar note. hlus wýi!e's pregnestications o! f rallure, .dcaees oftoei , i Iwant da tetal ber thatil Iol."Wb was tto e doae? TIc villaigarasud sues notbiug- but ïruin lead. e cese oyot "I idn't" .wiih: equal inignation' 1ý-1m i a uld sudndwould have-amusha i ay e lier Intentofo!pubhshgL A ELNW C M oig,îidcaedc im oava wond,"ans iaprssbleAmy 'ie ~ ula-ut sd cadhd sigin-css1)ht aielSaýS 1er veica w-e u nveuLLS, sdami lPhMtlln'isucses, SI Lu In gory sud'nI, hvîu sacreduunistkabiy outsabone is Meiodisica ,) las mancoceforiable trick o! gig- ~Haale a loal i île ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ On unhln u hoegl oia iasgIgwen in île hsnt excîtd." Iidass ! l Sodaclu, il - Bhuns holiinsImmlu mhum arma sudAnd iben camne île question o!ûle "ut han lu tic iackgnound," anys r, dcvoudrng is ice wîîsniuiNoe lMSSe,. j nuwomgan. Cais."h ao eu e xcep ir lu 1 '1n ) en Il' asyselmSteh uri 5u-enougi mouuy," si leyarutevn- Hmpolooud'ttn u.Te tsoaroa ie eludLug île rmui I1 holchiu resevefor ceg, tt-h p1 uro! bis 'joys sdle -tpon barmas a misng prima donna. WiiiesCNOMTOIuo sd'ht fiss Sr!lu oe SOe tbiug h,,hfnd1lý ! i le pI) ce7 mSimpl i'Sal" s ea "eo"veY suitrerCileEpec u ye bntaetilde aedxiven yenoshnd cln e le asreyn . en sy'at7usedea Lie daperauçsn."wsut o! au emgan )fiea Le puic" îl- e vinsr, f rivey 'niing is bruin.,'Ihe T. A. SbuîueuChmsiuesCoUt, Tcornto, l, toi Idren sCry efw r Pchev'sCaora 'se ~ 5,ut~ c'~

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