DISEASED0 Lus CURED BY TAKLING S Cherry. "I centracted a sevare cold, w-iaisset tied on nMy lnS, and 1 did wbat 18 ctan del lu suai cases, negiected It. I then consulted doctor.,whotfoundon examIlinl-gmciht the upar part etWte lat long ,gas bdly affocted Thea medicines heayae nme did net seem te do any goed, and Idetermiaed te try Ayer's Chi ny Pectoral. Afler taking a few- doses my rouble was relieved, and be- fore 1 bad fnished the bottla t w-as ue. -A. LEFLÂH, Wateliflaker, Oranigevillla,,Ont. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Highest Awards at World'a Pair. 4vyer's PUIS Cure IssdgestiOUe WINTER WRINKLES. Fnddy-"Helio the re's Beojum over there. Wonder if thlat is lis wita wîth lîn"Duddy-"Of course nof. Don't yen sCthaf lic is carrying allich par- UnceeBob-"Whaf are yen going f0 ce wlien yen beceme a man, Tommy" Tommy-" I'm goiag t e ha aslir 'ces thon I caa figît all1 want te, with- ouf being spanked for if. Doctor-You have somethiag wrong with your digestive organs. Patient- Wall, consideriag my f hrce daughtcrs are iearniing te ccok, if le hardiy te le wondercd at.- Junior Partner-Why diti yen give Crunmeor fhe .1of coiiocfing debte for cur firm ? Do yen thiaklile je any ? o Senior Part acr-Well, lie col- m te_d a dbt frein me the othar day. Ho-Do yen love me well enongl- te lae my wife?1 She-More flan flat. I love yen' ell enougl te bc your methler, < iaven't yen beard that l'm going te marry your father? Harry-Wliat girl was fIat yen had ia ton' last evening i Willy (indignant- !y) What yen. are pieasetite mali ten te usually spoken cf by people ef cul- ture as blonde tresses. He woke, his sieep was tronoDle frauglit, And heard an anfnl sound. Ha thougît The day of judgmeat coma; Then lie rememlared lie had bought His liti le boy a druni. Tea and CotYee Exeess Dr. James Wood lias reporteti 125 cases of tea-inebriaf ion anti classifies tic cf-. fects as 72 par cent. nervous ; 20 per cent. trequent falafness- 50 per cent. persist-. cnt leadache; 10i per cent. greaf depres- sien; 20 par cent. despondent; 50 par cent. exciteti; 19 per cent, palpitation of the lieart, and 20 per cent insomnia. He state.s fIat fhe female lamates et certain insane asylu.ms arc aliowed 37 lbs, et coffee anti 13 ibs. o e ecd, anaually, This would equal 1.6 oz cf cet tee anti about 0.44 oz. cf tea per day, anti lic says "fhls is ton t imes as mudli as sane people ouglif te have." Accerd- ing te hie judgment f liretoe, the monthiy %Ilowance cf a tamily of four adulte shoulti nef exoeeti 19 oz. ot ceffte andi 5 oz. of tea. PREACHER AND TEACHER. Rev. Chas& E. Whitcomibe, Reetor St. Matthew's Bpiacopal Ohurch and Principal Str Matthew'ls Parish School, Hamilton, Ont., Founti ureat Relief fromn Dr. Agnew's Catarrha Powder. The rector et St. Matthew's Churdli, Hamilton, Ont,, hoids a warm place la fha hcarts of lis people, nef alone le- cause le is a faithiful p astor. but for ftli work hli as donc fer the dhidran cf Hamilton, as principal et St. Mat- f han"s pariel scliool. As lie las sent forth his influence tlrengh churcI anti adlicol, se ha exteatsisnl a wider n'ay flie gooti proparties cf that wcaderful mediciue, Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Po'-. der, by talling thli people of Canada bnow muahi if las Ielpad hlm. Thora 18 soeai ng unique lanf lis medicine f lat securas faveur wherever if 15 known, anti which juet now le making a hosf ot friende bacausaet the certain relief if givas in cases etfliay fevar, a troubla that afflicts many at this seasen et the year. As a cure for caarrhial trouble ît las noeaqual. Soltibydtruggisf s. Sample bof fiaand Ilower sent on recipt et two thre- cent stamps. S. G. DETCHON, 44 Clurol street, Toronto. Uses of a Livery. Sen-IFafler, I want te drive to tiaak's Corners fhle affernoon. De yen nacdth fe span ? Fatber-My son, te gefte Blank's Corners anti back lanfiie for suppar n'ill reqire very lard driving, I think it wlll wiser to lire a livery borne, DIZU. S. Fr. RYCKMAN, Hfamlton', Wellknown Contracter, Cur. edet a Severe Attack of Sciattea iu rive Days. r I The Canadian. Statesman1 WEDNESDAY, JAN. 22, 1896. NOTES AND COMMENYTS. Mr. Cecil Rhiodes, thaernnney king of South Africa, and for soute years past fthe largest individual force ln the poli- ti'cs anti affairs of that r-gion, has re- linquished the Premiership of Cape Col- ony. This le flot strange'. Hae is openiy acuseci of a great crime, and ne man shoulu wisli to retain a public office of mu>h dignity and importance, unless lie le ready, inatantly, to prove himseif in- nocent of heinous charges. lTf Mr. Rhodes le implicataci in tha, wicked plot to invade the territory of a friendly Stata, andi overfnrn its Goverument by force of armes, lis offenoe le ail the more grievous because his secret act 15 in violent contra->t w ith bis public pledgas and poioy for years past. In Africa and inaEagiand lie has ra-peatedly expreasseti this sentiment: "I have flot one partice of antagonis- tic feeling as far a3 the Transvaal is concernati. Lt te not for us to inter- fere with tha indepéadence of States that are npighboring-te us. Lt isfor lis te obt. ýacustoms relations, raiiway commnunication, and f ren- trade, la pro- docts with f 1cm, but neyer to intertero with their indepandence." Thia South Africa Company, or at least its chief off icers and agents, is ac- cusac of 'being af the bottont of fbis arnazing filibustaring enterprise, and demands are heaxdt from Engiand, for the withdrawai ef ifs charter. There is oea aspect of fhis ruatter thaf has net heen mentjoned w lich.i leinterest- uig. Whetlier or flot Ceeul Rhodes le an un- ;;cràpulous triokster, willing f0 take a gamibler's chances in tieaiing by force with a weak Goveromant like flic Trans- vaal, he bas evolveci and put into force ia broati andi noble policy la the, govern- ment of the barbarous reg ions confrol- led by the South Africa Company. Wif b- ta the past f wo yaars thare lias been no other influence in barbarous Africa, governmantal, religions, or commercial, so patent for gooci, so benaficial to the natives, a-s that of this British company. Cecii Rhi3das originated this poiicy, andi in Dr. Jameon lafondt a man wliuse falent for adminLixtration lias amount- eti aimnt to ganins. oehere was no etep la fIe acquiringof Mashonalanti, or la the subeequant war witl ftle Mat- ab.sks, fIat n'as dirlionorabie te the cern- pany; ani no fribes have la se short a fiie made such strides toward a better way of living as these peoples, since fIe Mata;bales vwere shorn of their milifary Powesr as fhe recuit of thetr war- upon tle conîpany. This le the recuit of Cecil Rhodes's pallcy. To-day, la ail tha large part of the uaaq at[ qAqn uop s,ýuedmoa broogît unde-r control, no spirits can be sold trfIe fnatives. The practices of the fetidli doctor, whieh, more than any Othar One influence, kecpt fthc African 1native debe.sed, have heen stamupeti out, Every -arior lias bacante a lierdsman, a fariner, or a laborer- Seventy-fivc fhoUeand Mashona bats, once perdhed apon hilîtop, Whe-re the natives lived la constant fear cf Mafabele raids, are now soatfered throngliout ftle valcys, w lare fIe fields, are tilieti and the hards graze. White, mca, singly or la emal partiesl, travel La perfect security tlirongb a large region where fen years ago no Caucasian dareti to risk bis lite. The Govarament snys te these people: "We have aboished wars. Yen now live la peace and sacurîty. The protec- tOn we give yen ca1t stenemcncy, andi l& i rigît that you shonld pay for it. We have piaced a fax of $2.501 a year on each ot your luis. Yeu may pay us in your produots if you pieusle; or yoL my maa wnto ns and work ouftflia tax." The, resuit is that tbonsands of Éhese natives iiow go to tle white settiements týo wcrk ont thsiLr but fax. It le the Goverameýnt policy to feed them n'eu andtifreat flant liuncrably, and tii l fouad that many of these people remain, affer flair fax le paiti. to n'crk for wages. Maoy hundreds of flic Mata- bales wlo knewno n trade but war are to-day making Iiks, building roatis, and doing ciier w ork in tha pioncer set flamants. 'Tliay have ne use for tlie assagai. The savage syste t flaf w asted flair lives lias gene foraver, and thay are more numercus flain ever bc- foe. Thay sax tfliay are gl.a le eld plcotograpliad fro..f ia eyeaffer rthe object n'hic foraed theli0 plotue, lias bean reýmoved f rom vien', The experbnenfe n'hici have recuit- salves tliey leoketi up bis pedigree, thae' ed la fIle discovery n'cre matie Iy Mr. Mohammeti famiiy beiag reckoneti frein W. Ingles Rogers, an amateur phioto-his grantifafler, n'lo n'as knon'n. graplier, anti are briefly dascrilat inla - recant nannber efthfe Englile scient if le lIChina a famiiy le reizordeti systent- journal Nature. The enhjectot efi at*cilly trom fI-_ begnning by prcoerv-. tiret experîment n'as a shilling pieca. ing thc tablais of ancasters, andi kaeping Mr. Rogers looke t a f iashilling fer an up the cuit by payîng perlicen honore enfire minute. Then, laviag eluf eut te tbo'm. There are, et cours-e, ssany ol i omeet ff le dayliglt fron thfle reent by familles la Chiafamilles cf ma- nicans et a yelloïiv soreen, lia looketi for ganeration s are alec knownanmong ftli forty-tbrec minutes infant iy at a plie- ,sess, e oty amang f13 Jen'e ot tograplio plate, endeavorîng turing Spain andtihfe East. But w-linaif this titae fo keep la mind tIe appearanoe comas te pedigree, tIare le ena genfia- of the coin andti nk etfnef bing else. man te nIenthfe n'criti muet fakte off Tlie second experiment. matie in fheiais lat, nat as facilia printeps, or prîIas presene of tlirce other persene, n'as inter pares, but as a great anti only sf111 more remaritabie in its resuit, A nonesuon. This gentleman whliebas ris- postage stamp n'as substitut et for fia ah info fie tront rank ot pelitiloal power shilling asflic subject et observation, anti aototiety but 'receatly, is fthe Mika- anti nas iceneti affor tfIe sanielengtl do et Japean. et timue-one, minute, lin fhis case the experinenter gazepd at flic photograpl The Mikado le lareligions leati et plate lier fnenty minutes onîy. Thare ftla Japanese aisn'eu ai flair ruler. Hie is saidt t be an absence etf detail in fhe piacc is hereditary, anti it bas been fi- pietura n'lich w as dte lepetifrein fil e etby members et hie tamiiy for 'acre plate, but Nature teolares Éblat "suf- flan 2,500 yeare. Ha le incomparabiy ficierif nas seean te prove beycnd doubi flic most anGient lineage kan n. The tliaf the picuu-eetfaun objeot impress- Mikado lfIe hî, 122nti of th li ne. Tle ed uponflic retins can senti eut vibra- foundar et if, n'Ioseebepcetfpostanity, Liens which n iii resuit in flic produc- inle is idest treanas, coulti nef have tion et an image upon a sensitive plate." equaliedth fe resuit, n'as confentperary This tilcovery le suggestive etfflic most wifh Nebuclatinezzar, 660 B. C. 0f fIe iateresfing possibilities in pîysiology seven great religions enumeratati by anti plotograpîy, anti may n'eu prove Max Muller as pc8essing Bibles, fIe important aise in flic demain et medi- Mikado'e family is eldar flan ive. cal jurisprudence. For more f han f lrea cent uriefIe French fougue las Icen the language Do nef gird ti atîe seathler. Ifta ssea- sonble een f î mghtbe prad o et ofiplontecy amoag civilizeti natione. a longer perioti nit lent discomtort. , rvrteewsa rbsao h île dotors say it le epiendit wetIer witeet t conceail is f louglifs le cmu- for lealtl. If fln air is slren' t i s ploye theti lang nage ot Talleyrand. No pur; i th flgs recol thy ae dy.maffer bet-weecan'lat nations a treaty pur; I tI tagearecoli hayareery nas te le drawn if must le expressati The pafbognÀc, microbe alirivele up ant in1 Frenchi, for thlaf n'as fhe language of hilernafes avhen the n'ind pipesdon'n ,_,_.-1 over pine teret s anti prairie lands. jSf urtiy clape ot 60 tl.nd fIls juet flic w enfler te stir iliair activifies. The et reaf s are tfull et olti gentlemen stump- ing b1eskly about. TIay put f0 shaune île anamie later ganerafion Iuddling aroun thtIc vii steve behinti cleseti tico1rs. Brace up l Byron n'as a tien- keY n'hen le saii: "'fIe coiti in clime are colt n la bîati"Neyer look ut the croaking ihermiomefter. Banieli fli "officiai for-ecaster" De't get ex- outed. Keep navet 1 If tIare ha ilosea anong ne putteti up and ti ti puffing w-itl île idea that Whlaitley cali flir "faseily" le olti, anti gilt witli île inedli dlenisheti de- ücomtion et a long pedigree, tlay w-iii finti in tha Cesmopolitan Magazine soute information fo make tIent resume tîcir normai elape. A et uty et olti familles les containeti tharein. it slows that there are alineet ne fantilias et Western osvlizaf ion whole ancestral preteasione amount te any ahmg co>mpas etd i ntîthle tan' familles reaily know-n te ha olti, lafore w-lose proofe et astiiquif y net oniy île upsf arts et a fan' generatiens back but fIe parvenus et a few cen- furies et ancestral records muet con-- tees f bemssves te le common place nen'oomers. A tiret gance ai tle olti Enropean familles gives f lent a sent- bince of age cemparedti tei aristo- crates etf Aiita perhaps, but in île preseace et tbe greatest genealogi- cal anfiquif y discovernbla la scciety tley hengedtteicparvenu clases. Lese tisan a dozen of tIc tour lundreti barons lanftlia British House cf Lords date bncI te 1400 geaeaiogically, fthc earliest heing 1264. Thirty years ago fte lest maie descendant etfflic barons n'bo exncted the Greaf Charter front King John, disappeareti fren thfle Brit- isI Legisîntuire, anti w-ifh lIn tic laef. of the' Agsnçuurt vaterasis' sons. Plie oldeet family in fln Britishl Ides is fli Mar f nmily of Seot ati, 1093. The IV'Nabb usedtot refuse te ackaon'letge île tesent front Noali, lacause ftha M'Nabbs "hat a boat oft tleir 0w-," lut ha neyer n'eult slow- lis preets. Tle Campbll et Argylo, te whom belongs fIa praseat .Duke et Argyle, hagan la 1190. Thetentons Frenchi tamily, Montmorcnci, cannof saec ciar turtlier flan 12i4. Talleyrand dates fort 1199; Bismarck front 1270- fIe Rolans, 1128; Broglie, 1254; Gramoni, 1381; Denia, 1335; Borghae,-P, 1450; La Rochefoucauldi, 1019, Gralani (Dukes et Montrosc>, 1128; Noailles, 1230; Poniatow-ski, 1142; Choïisaul, 1060; Radziwll, 1412; Riche- lian, 1596; Groevener (Dekes et West- minster), 1066; Seymour (Dukes etSent- ersat), 1240; Corsini, 1170, anti Rocca, 1102. Thie Austrian hbuse et Hapsbnrg anti the lieuse et Bourbonsecent oidt fliiret Hapsburg, w-le-wvas Count et Alfanburg la Sn'itzcniand, bearing date 952. Thc tiret Bourbon, Robert, thle Strong et Anjou, appeareti in 864. TIc Colonnes of Rente cannet prove aaythiag bayent 1100. île Orsinis n'ill lave to arbif raie f li-ir rigît te a Inca nu ancestry carliar flan 1190. Ceuni Albart de Mun,, a SeD.aliet in fln Frenchi Asscmnbly, las a botter rigîf fo le prcuti about lit- self, flan any ofler Enrepean absorbet ia lis f anily, aitbýougi fIa tiret De Mua am2rgîti in 1488 only. But f linugli al- liancen'ifb fIe lieuse of Monflezun, Cont de, Mon is conneotati w ifI the Ceunts et Gascony ot about 1,000, anti tînougl tIent ha traces te Mercvaeue, flic grantifaf ler oethf e Merovingian Merovingian Clovis, bora 465. This le flic longesi knownnpedigree oetheb Western woriti. WIen w-e sek real arlefocraf e by age w-e have to go te fln East. île de- scendants et Mohammaed, bora 570, are ail ragietereti caretully anti anflorita- tivcly la a book kapi by Mecca ly fIe chaet ffite family. Ne dtiubt existe et île abselute autheaticfty of île -long liste of Mofba.msed's descenatifs. In ester te taaeloohammedti eaof tbcm- ina Pelitte n'erlt. So filas been for years anti years, anti if an Englileinan, a Gamana Spaniard or a Rue-sian wileet te Inen' the termeetsema treatY hls goverament l ad maie, lie ImISt have if fransiateti frem tha Frenchi into lis owna ong-ue or la able te rend la fIe language ot Gaud. Meantime thbe Englieli tengue hbas been mardliing round tfi, wos'ld. Rf las felen'ed fIe truce beatsetfflic martfiai airs of Eag-- landt unt il if las bacomne familiar la every lati under flic sun. More anti more il juas becemne universal, anti un- tioubtedly is dastine t t become flic n'orld's familiar speech. iliera are phil- ciogicai reamsus for fhis fhatleaonI bacc acknowledged, but if ixouili ard-I lY ha expeotadti tît tiny wcuit finti flair tirst recogait ion in fIe tar Orient. Yaf such is ftle tact. Thc receaf front y betn'een Japan anti China n'a drawn in Englleli, ant inlaCfat language rati- f led. The bigli cnfrncfiug powears to Ébiat f'-eaty useti or language beeause f ley kaen' that their acf n'asLena t n'ould doute under ftle observation, anti excite fie crificisnofethfe nations oet ftle wuorîti, andti hev assuneiedtite se h fougue fChat n'ould be flic moist aasily uatiersfccd. Atter fie if may le Set dcw-n as a w-ail aseureti tact f haf Eag- lisi is te bce the lauguage et diplemacy. A Blrtliday G-reeting. Time le ever on tle wing, Fast or moments fly nwny Let uts pnize theni, tiough they brng Jey anti sorren' eixad alway! H-atiw'e joy alone, my friand, We woultseaek ne chaer sphere; Dit God only sorrew sent, Wa woult wisl fie entdn'as nean!1 God le wisar far tian w-e, Andtibheknoweih wint le lest; Let us lu his wisdom 'tee Tint ha seeks or FAITH te test5 May w-e liva as thougi fils heur Were or last en ennîl te spant; And, coîse suashine, shata. or show0r, Gode lbest blassing will attend 1 Let the yenrs roll on apace, Heavan le nearrfian before; Lot os brnvelv trials face, The Ladies, Journal Bible PlubIem Plan No 3o. A Vinable 1,et or Iteautiful Pi'lzeg frrFiu-aîig erseverlog IPeople. Sonsefflou gIeieres8lssg and Plrofitale te Enmîley Yeisr vînbe'luWilsetea'Evea. île vcry cordial w-ay in w-lia flic revival cf cur Bible problein plan w-as rcc"ived, atten sco a long eilence, en- courages us, enys ftli publilelers et Tle Ladies' Journal, f0 otter anof ber one. Tha large prisas andtihlce mallan re-usarts w-easoates at praif y nell ove anhfI w-bic country frein Britishi Colombia, fo Nova Scotia, anti aven inte tle Sftates. Rare arc île questions for flue cent- petit ion. Wîere arceflie follewng sverds tiret fount inithfe Bible:-ief5 Hour; 2nd, Day; 3rd, Week; 'If , Monte; tI, Yea. THE FIRSI REWARDS. 1-A landsosnely finlseet Upniglit Pi- ano. 2-Ona beanufiul, Quadruple Silver Piaf- et TeaService. 3 te 12-Tan hantsoe intîvitinal Salt anti Pepper Casters. 13 fe 32-Twsvnty Testaments, beauti- tohly Iouat la morecce. 33 to 37-Fis-e Sawing Maclinesl, cent- plete affaclinns. 38 to 57-Twnay paire Silver Sugar- Tengs. 58 to 77-Tw-enfy Souvenir Spoons et Toronto. Sis-ar Piafatid - (Gelti Ben'l). 78 te 83-Six hantisoma Quadruple Sil- ver Plaieti Egg Castere, Goît-linat,' 84 te 99-Sixtean prettily carvet Sul- ver Thimbias. 100-Oua compiefe set cf Mayne Raid, 18 volumes, laautifully bount. 101 te, 150-Forty-nine hait dezea Sul- ver Piafeti Ferle. îlhe sentier eftheIc iret correct an- sw-er te ahl five qr&stions will get fia Piane. île second thc Silven Ta Set, anti se on natif al fIe f anst rew-arte are tilefributeti. Tien foln' flic middtle ren'ards, w-Ian thc sentier oethfe mididle set et correct answ-ers w-ill ha. givea flic Piano, flic second fIa Golti Wafci anti .50 on. TRE MIDDLE LIST. 1-A lhandsoc>mnely finishet Ifprigbt Pi- ano. 2-One Gents' bandeonte IHnnfing Case Gelti Watcli. 3 te 17-Fiffeen Silver Tan Services, Quadruple Plate (FOUr piecas>. 18 te 37-Txventy 1-2 tcs. Ferle, Sil- ver Plait, (Supenion qualif y>. 38 te 42-1,ive dozan Desant Knives ex- tra tinishl, valuati at $6.00. 43 fo l42-Oac lundreti Testaments, lantisoin ly f îniseie, morecco bouint, 143- te 112-Tn'enty complete copies Chantbers' Journal. 163 te, 172-Ten tiezea Desent Kais-es, Suparior qnality, valueti ai $6,00. 173 te 184-Tn'elve 1-2 tiozen Nickle Plat- cdt fen Spoeus, extra qunuif y fer ceimmen use. 185 te 194-Ten Ladies' pref f v Golti Encoches, latest design. 195 te 200-Six Ladies' Open Face Golti Waf chasý TIen came fIe Lest Lisf or Conso- laition Prizes, w-han f0 the sentier efthfe lest correct set et ansesr receivet af itle Journal office n'îll le given flic piano namet la thie 11sf. THE LAST LIST. 1 te 20-T-wenty 1-2 tozan Table Spoons,] supenior quality. 21 te 25-Five handeome Gelt Lokats., 26 te 30-Five landsoine Siiver Thm- blls. 31 te 35--Fis-c Paris Intividual Sait 1 Casiters, 36 te 10-Twseniy-five Testaments, Me- recce bouint. Spoons. 61 te 65-Fis-c dozan Nickel Plafeti Tea 66 te 75-Test compiete Volumes Chat- lare' Journal. 75 te 100-Twanfy-fiva, handsoinc Sou- venir Spoons cf Tnronto. 101 te 110-Tan Boys' Nickel Watcîas. 111 te, 120-Ten handsoinely ,,Beuna Volumnes, Hltory oethfleBile 121 te 123-Thnrec Snwing Machines, complef e afinolments. 124 te 127-Four tozea Dinnen Kaives, extra qualiiy valueti ai $6.00. 128 te I 60-Tlirty-flree 1-2 tozan Silvar Platet Ferle. 161 fo 199-iliirfv-aine Testaments, Moroccobounti. 1 No. 200. A Iantsoinaly tialseeti p- rigît Plane vaîncti at tour luntrati dol- lars. Evcnyone cempefing muet sont oaa dollar for a yaar's subecniption te flic Ladies' Jeunal, (aise six cents in stamps or cela fer postage on speon>, n'lîcl le w-ciiwortl fleic lvestinent apani front fIe prises. A HANDSOIME GOLD ALIJMINUM VVes breakoino~udiitL ear te shore i full size, w-ilhe sent frac toeavaryoe Sommer, Autuimn,}Winter, Sprng, as soon as posible, affermoney le ra- Ail within oe vear are bouint ceiveti whlether f 1cm answere ara cor- Let os lireugh e'uch seasen sing reot or nef. This spoon le matie by an Songe cf praise fie whola year rounci. cniirely nen' procese ant isjeoffthae smie mateanal ah tlirengli anti nill conse- quently nef ain ifs celer, n'hich le tIc saine as ilongli matieetofgelti The THANKFUL FOR SPEEDY AS- spoon n'ouiti retail af about one dollar. SISTANCE. A SILVER TEA SET OF FOUR The Testlmony eof Tiousands Who Have PIECES. Used Sonths American Kidnay Cura. Te any persen scndii six dollars A trient la neat isl a friand intaad. wifb Lîcir ansn'ers (w-letlir correct or It lias boan saidtihficw-ay te test Our not> will be sent thc Ladies' Journal friands is te try tIent. I i s it, oroe e-r anti a beautitul Quadruple a Meicie. S may mdicies re ilve PltedTea Service et four places a medicinte. Se manytilc iss 1eTanor Cet tee Pot, Sugar Bow-l, Creain neyer fIe casa witl Seuil American Pitcher anti Speon Holder. Sets ne baf- Kitiaay Cure, if if is kitiney ftrouble tînt fer lave beau retaileti as high ne fhiniy le ftle aliment. Itosntcran- dollars. Yen w-iil maIe no mistake un thing alec. TIare is nef a case et kiti-faigavntg etIlofer îe nay trouble, owevar ha if aven se dis- Speon wili nef le sent te these gctflng f resing, w-lare quiol relief n'iil nef ha fIe tease t. givea, anti by a little patience alto- ibis set will le sent as quickiy as pos- gethe remved.sible (receivar te, pay express clanrges> gef ier emov Thîe pre oth fle put- af fer thbe mney comas te liant, Yeu ding is in île aating et if, anti w-laf is wl e eurewatf1 acoec liera sait us what Ibousantis Say W-l ie tIccompefieto i i h coeo laveusai f ie edicna.SoItby mg- No charges w-ill le exactati frein prise gists. w-inners, cxcepf for tIc pianos w-eIn $2 w-ill le clargedt t lelp coer exp anses. TIc publishers etffthc Ladies' Journal "'Thle le a sati occasion for yen, sis- lave linf leir possession thousants cf fer," esayadtf e comtorfer. "I allen' lettars frein deliglitot compaf items lu if le," aseenfadtheficwitow-. But if is sati- former competitions. tien for Bill. Cempieta liste o et f inmeanti at ___________________dresses etfflic succasstul compatit r -l ba pulliset in flic Journal ns quiclly DEATH FROM HEART FAIL as possible affer tlic close ot tIc compati- URE tien, ý -- Competit ion n'lll close ocetfee 30f 1 That Miglit Rave Been ,voided isy tise Apnil nexf. Tan tinys af fer flie dataetf Use et Dr. Agnew's Cure for thse ciosing will beanllowet forlettars te Hoant. reancIfln Journal office frem in tanti Prompt nes ie fIe fi af essential in ail peints, but ail lef f re muet be peetinark- cases ofscînese anti aspocially l incant et nef later flan 3th Apnil. tiseasa. -Minutes may mean avery- Parties living af a distance tromn tbing. île use et an affective inoti- Toronto lava an aqual epprtonity ciao may Menauftae aviag et a lita, evan if every answer receivati is correct, w-Iere fha use efthtît peesessiag lit île as thc ailvertleing le fan aw-ay places is powear mîy imply leave detani f0tala donc tiret. TIen fIera ara fie Middtle ifs course. Oaa great vîrtue et Dr. anti lest iistf erwarts la w-lih liey Agneive' Cure for the henni is f laf if. stand equal te anyone, AtidresTle gis as relief ammost immedinfely, w-le- Ladies' Journal, Toronto, Canada. flan fIe case ha fIat et organic on synt- pathaf ic hennit iease. île auntercus Clinppie-Pi' really tieuceti anxieus te testimoniale roceiveti by île proprief o nbon'w-liai fIe nan'woman le geing te efthiis medicine loir île efrongeet tes- to this lenp, year. Miss Cufting-.Don't timeny te fhIs tact. " 1 w-eulti net lave w-erny. Tbay w-en't ba i kaly te trouble lean aliva to-day bat if nef been feranayene but tIc ,mca. your maticine," is fhe dbecning refrain 1"1 ocam te le gaLi fig pretfy coef of a large pi -cs ýe cf tise latters ne- flia borne plate," ol0iclcd, fle lunglar, caîv I l tl~prepi4onet fue ,0,ed. scliy'openiag a draw-er in flic site- Solti by dugi.board. 9fé k Ieadache ai;ela il h rulsh dont te s bilous Saecfessie nb a Dizzinass, Nausea. 1 osns, iie.attè,l eating, Pain i, i ia c Wsl him~ ramarkabie sccsbshe senticrn RAadacbe, yet -CRER'. SLmsrLiv iPfltsr are aqually- valuable le Constipation, curlnL and praveoting ibis annoying complaint, whilU ihay aIse correct ail disordertseft ihe stomiacit stimulate the lier and regulaie fIe bowmel Even if they only curad Lche tbey would hcaiamoat prîcelesa to tic," trio sufer from ths distressing op ti~ but fontnnately flair goodnest osnSet Ciere, and liose unie coce try them w-ll finO theaeutile pills valuable Ie se many ways fiat fiey will hot h0 wiiling te do without ifîem,, But aiter al sicli head s tihe lanae of50 many livas that bere le where wa maireort great hoast. Our pilla cure àt wbiie otl:ars do not. CsarsaE's LiIrTLE LIVER PILL8 ara very smali and very easy te fakre. One or two pills ake, a dose Tiay- are strlctîy regefahi and do net gripa, or purge, but iy tiair gontte actiontý plea.sa ail who use thin. In riais ai 25 cents, five for $1. Sold arerywbera, or sent hy madi, ÇAT MD~IIECo., ier Tub. BIYOND THE HEALMS OF FRIOST Ne hurricanes, ne cycones, ne thanec storms. ne droath, no feiiure. CALIFORNIA! Matchiets and mnarvelousit. Elevan tiousand acres $12.50 par ia NinetY-six bnndred a ras l2.O cre. Twenîy-scx bnniredt acres I.Oper acreý, Six te on undrvd ars 111.00par re. wav iundrad acres , Ceven ancrde-ra, Sil, iund'ad acres, Tinca hundred arnd tw-enty acres3. Any obier quenty cdown te feu acres. Olives, Or-anges, Neclaioas, Figs, Lemons, Aimoado, G rapas and ail otier traitsý grown ta a couotry wiare SI1MEII 1EIGINS Sf PREMLE Write fer partitulars. AnnESSe, K. E. KELLEY, WILLOWS, C"L. Vo u rTeet h Ara vary usefui te yen atDinnertime, Clean tham! flaauttfy îliem 1 0t THEl PERFEOT Ail Druggists, TOOTH POWDER FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. THElC'COOKS BEST1 FRIEND LARGEST SALE lIN CANADA. ONT.ARIO BANIC cntinlues te do a General Banking Busineau Bow-manville Agency, DE1>OSITS jteeevd lns Savinge Bank i)epartment and Qs cal ]ans dinterasillw-dait otrent rategN notice otwitlidrawal neccssary. Ail deposits payable on daînanti, EXCIIANGE B oghtand aold and Drafttssned upen Enropq United States and Canada, alse Gil od, Silveranx l lteiates Green hacksboutrlt anti aold. .COLLECTIONS 1 pr4imptlyBmadea ai urreuot raies epen ail partl of retrttain, the United States and the Do nirlon o îCanada. Telegraph e ranlsfers Madle for large or smaîl 'toms on ail part et Canada. This is especially advpe;ksgeui S pensons living je ,Manitoba or tic -Nontlswast it makes tha fonds available ai bcoaüasth., place ef paynent. Otier priulans cat at the hanli, E. L. FORTT, GEO. McGILL, Accountant. Manager. CURES BAD BLOOD, KI1D NE Y TrO U B LEruS B.B.B. uniecks ail lia secrations and remoes ai muitias freni tic aystem from a coneoa pnpeth îe wenst screfulous soea BURDOCK PILLS actgeetlyye tlorougly ce tie Stomac.,Leansd Bwelz 17' and ail Discasis causad by Bad Blj,d n isstrî Narres. 5km n eanlifier. Oaa trialprvsi.S lai-ga boxes, sec.; 6 for $2.âo. Thea Dr. Htowsid Malirns leos rokvill, Oit., and ni.roNY tsAnyS OWN TA BLETS cure PveWsnmq, Tectlsing, DIIaprnlça, Etc. 250. No tsa