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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1896, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.50 PER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; TIE WOÙLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEW SERIES. BOW1IANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26,11896. VOLL -iE XLII. No. 9. for the-Stock to the lowest point before making our inventory and will give great bargains in Dress Goods, Blankets, Over Ooats, Shawls and ail Winter Goeds. Al Furs selling off at Actual Cost. BOWTMAýVILLE. Furniture and .muse Furnishings. Our fine comprises everything found in a first ellass furnîture ivare- rcom, anîd believing it cnly doing justice te cur business and th-at euî custemners may benefit by it,we have added more varicties te our nlready Twenty-third Annual Report O__F TUE---- 1'EBRUAIIY 19t1h, 1896. THE TWENTY-TIUIRD ANNUAL, MEETING 0F THIS COMPANY WAS licld at the office cf the Company ou Weduesday, Febinuary î9thl 896, The folowinr Shareholders ivere pre sent: Messrs. W. F. CessAN W. F.ALLEN, R. S. HAMLI N, Meîr.',C6WAN, J.A. iBSs, T. Il. MeMiLLAN, W. ALAWIN, Jeîîa CARTER, T. PATERSeN, F. E. DiNcLr and L. K. MUiRToN. Thîe President oeeupied tlie chair, and Mr. T. Hl. MeMillan acted as Secretary te tlie meeting. Thîe minutes cf the previeuis annual meeting were rend andi cnfirmied. Tlie Chairman then rend the Annual Repent cf Ilie affairs cf thîe Company for tlie past year as teliow s:-- DIRECTORS' REPORZT ENDING DQ31, 18o5. Tlie Report whîeli devolves upon me te submit fir lie consideraticu cf the Sliaelioldcrs is eue that I feel assured ivili meet witlitlieir approvai. Having regard te tlie eomparatively redueed returns obtaitiable. by the cul- tivation cf Ilie soil, aud the decline cf profit pervadiug tlie general business et tlie country, it is souîewhat remarkzabie tlint tlie repayments en lbans lave beenl mucli greater thian usual, a ireuinstance whieh econfirms in a marked degree tlie statements miade at previcus meetings te the effeet tliat ail possible discrimination lad been exereised lu investing the funds cf tlie Company. Interest aeeruing indebotedness lias aise been met witli a promptitude ,tliat is îlot only a very grat ifying feature in itseif, but is additienaliy >so from the Inet tliat inereases oui confidenîce in tlie seeurity afforded by tlie motgages wliiei represent the great bulk c f ouir assets. Net only lias ne effort been mîade te extend tlie business cf the Cenmpany, but the evese clly c prden resricionlia beu cpt d as as consequelîce tlie aggreg0ate fgues ou Ourbalanc slethaebe eepndgirdud May g atuniug _ans h ld livebee eee retnc aehm called i, your D retors demin_ tbett peedSloer t int vpot a le abl e values of real es t cu t e cýti ated witli gre i r cet a t a u oudseencposible. e eehv Thie eannngs cf thîe Company for the pasIý year liave been exeepticualui good. Inîprovemeuts iuade upon leased propenties hâlve been wholly w itteni off, and ive bave found ourselves iii n position te add lie respectable suni cf live thousand dollars *te tlie Contingent Accoutnt after payment cf cur usuial annuai divideud cf six per cent. Tlie Contingent Aecount .$19,000. nioi amounts te cier oeefourtli the Rest Aceouant, wiidli nmains as befene at $75,000. The book~s anîd socunîties of tlie Company have been diy auditcd and check- cd, aud tlie auditors' certilicate attaced to the financial statemejît, ail 0f svlichî is nespeeîfuily subînittcd.1 Oshawa, February 101ùh, 1896. 1895. Jan. 1." To Dec. 31. 1895. Jan. 1. Dcc, 31. W. F. OOWAi RECE"IPTS. Balance ... ....... .........«...................S t 9 Piepasements on Loans... ............ 109,556 71 Intenest rnccived ont I eîs ..... .........44,570 4,8 Iîîterest recels cd ou Banks..... ... ......... 224 32 Revenue Account.,..................5521 538]i59, Deposits Receivcd............... ............ 219, Debcîîtures Issued............... ............ 177, Western Bauik, Osliînwa......... ........ 47561; Add ulie Clicques net presente4 ....,14j 90 DlSBUISE MENTS. By Western Banki.......... ............ Depositu i.etrned ...................... Diebeutures Retired.................. Leaxîs oi Mortîgag-e ..................... Interest paid ..... ........... Dis idends Nos,.441 sud 4 ........... Expenise Aceount ............... Ontario Banîk. Bo-% mnaivilie .............. Western Bank, Whitby.... .......... Cash ounliand............. 1......... 8572 49; '21, 17; 5, 8,170 77 7,3,18 39 10, TYRONE. A Toronto,1Junetion paper says :M- J. H. Hicks, wlio for about five years lias been in the -veli known H-orner & WilI- iamns groeer y store here, and wlio o as and is universally esteecle and respect- ed by ail with w&vlio iecaine in contact has been appointed manager ofStreu-,d's b^ ea ore '2 6 ong e St. T o rote . deerved promotion, and is delighted tliat lie wll continue te reside at the Junetion. CHIASE's KTIDNEV LivEn, PILLS. Chase's Pulls have gained popularity because they are a specifie for tlie urie acid con- dîtion, prevents Bniglit's disease care Rneumatism and ail Catarrlial condit- jolis of the Ki*dnevs and Bladder. Tlîey do this because th ev possess remarkable aiteratiî e, tonic ari l iuretie properties, exerting a wýonder.full 'y soothinginflu- ence on irritated or inflanîed muceus membranes of tlie kidncys'or bladder. One pll a dose. 25 a box. 'The ceap- est mnedicine in tlie wonld. TAUjNTON. Mr. Silas Thiomas' littie daugliter nearly two year-soid. ladea narroîv es- cape frein chloing,. She lad enten somnetlnng- too rapldly, and clogged lier tliroat,she was alinoststrangledbeam biack in th e face wlienlier fatier foreed a passage witli lis finger and sa e i the chuld 's life. Slie was apparentlv ail riglit next day.-Measies are prevaient, searcely a familv liaving sae h escaped th 1 I SAEDOURt CmILri.-" MIylittIQ daugliter' tbree and a baif years old.' suffered tnree jears witli Fezema. Uer uittle body was eevered %vitli the itching rashi, and doctors did no g-ood. Four boxes of Cliase's Oiutment have entirely eured and saved oehlild. Her skin is clear and net a siguri of rasli is to be seen. " Andrew Alton. llartland, N.B. Mr. Aitoni is eue cof a tbousand ben6fit- ted hi' this tînfailing- cure for piles and skin disca ses. * Ni Mrs. W. OIehlas returnd frein Ton- oIE'T nteoivhene sho lias been ncrueia treatmnît.-[ce liarvest is the orden of the dav. Road s aie inuabad statec ,395 54 Mr. J.*F. WTrllit is ie oing 10 Cartw ight -Mn. Maru ood 01:e is a happy p)apa. ils a gr. hon'te heur cf Mabel Fnankis illness. ý0'un sehol is deoing, ),873 07 weli uîîder the tuition of Mn. fE. W. Alun.i ), 4 -0 Thec.surnprise parti at Mn. John 7,000 00 Wrighit's report a goodtne. Tî Y ngPeopic7s occ' f C .lîeld -Qu!ite a 1 ilh _ eacuîsigoecr ,117 6 ass etc. resuit of hie frosc weahr -The edite cf Ou ui în,-'l' 'jore i a 1hep 4 ,3 3receniiy. C'eb'- epe fe'rthfi .146 3c)atino tie t he liglit faîîtastic te ,s o he eswecî strains of l'the'pihî u ý590 70 iiispirntor. ---îiters :àr. 11. Manîyii 9-03 9, aile ister Miss Mantyn, Wet'comîe Miss ;965 80 Mb1, Pewî, C, -ffri,ýlt : Miss M. ý,541 83 Spro-,w le, towna 'hs. 1). Pollard, Osli nwa; Miss Hanim, Caike; Mns. GrÉif, te-n. ý,519 I If tlucre ever was a specifle for al'y 199 57 coinplaint, tlieîîCarto's TLile, r s, $8ï4,771 27 T. H. McMîLLAN, Siec. TRE AS, Wc heneby certifY tiîat thceuhex e stateenett ouîaîu-s n correct nepi eseutaîlon of the affains cf thcCoinptiuy, as sloîvu by the books, Decemnber Glst, 1895. We have examined ivouchiers and secunîties nîîd flid the saine correct. PERCY Hl. PUNSUON,ý Ailios Oshaw a, Fehnuary isili, 1896. J. P. OWENS. tin5 XXe have the Rlacer, Leader and Boston iMr. Allen secouded "blieadoption of the IReport, wiîicili -,vs earricd. After remarks by the Cliairniîuuuand otbers. thisseaonwhih w aî seiin atver o Mr. Allen, seconde I by Mnf. Ciiton, moi cd that the sunu of $150 hossaid ta prices. ALL FULLY GUARA TTEED. th~e Auditors, Nlessrs. I unslen nduf 0w eus foi- their services fer tlie pasi car, and that tiiesebe appoiiited Auditors for the coemîng yenn Canied. a a ~~~Mn. Carter secou'I. 1 n Dui-eidt t1t a vote cf thanks ho and is heeytondereà te the Pre it'eit, iuce Pisident, Dinectors and Secietars T'ie,,I a - Ou stockis weî assoted, are sllingurer for the î erv aisa't inaeoauin u w Olh tl'v have cenductcd tne àfatiain.01 Our tockis wll asored. e ar selingthe Coi-ipativ ding îlte past vean, and thnt the suin cf $800 lie pesented te the the Daisy, Victoria anîd Crowîî Jewell.- Special Pa~dîît of te the ice-Piesideut for titein services to the Comupany. value. Cali and see tiieni. 1. iUr. Ilatullî, secouidecI bY Su. Paterseon, inueeituai this n oeetingl- dou jow îînoc7e7 toelecci hieballot, ses ou Dineetors te 111 the p lae etofthose eiiiîo altd ilhat 'Messrs. John Carter ai-id Win. Rcadwiu týe appointod scrutineers for sait eleioîd thattlîe pol nenainoencîfoi elle hour ferthle puipose cf reclii WTe hve a uli ssortent o Blu Oak n~the vote cf the Sharehoiders - but tînt shonîdf flîe minutes clapse ai anu'îy 2nl GrhvHickouylaotriglit ofrice Oakand ithout anvie laving licou taloîs',iithc pol ýisal beciosed ; oa ntt tîi S'a 2ncl Gowth ickor at rght pices.senutineers he paid tle sum cf $82 ecdiforteI ýr services. Caried. Chiair resumed, the senutinoors reported the fooiiing soî'e gentlemen is'hc îîcrduly de l1ared elected Directors for thcenesuing ycar:--W. F. Cowvau Esq. R. SHanîilin, Esq., W. F. Allen, Esq., Wnî Brinu E . .GisnE Co w an , E sq, T hornas Paterson, E sq. , s . . A G b o , E qJ ue A vote cf thanks s'as tendcred te the Ciairman, and tlie meeting adjourned NIo~ 6 OppsiteAta subsequent mectingof the Directn-s W. F.owan, Esq., wns ununimous- No. 6. OppsiteOnta-rio Bank,Bowmanville. ly elected President, an«d V F. Allen, Esq., Vîce-President'. i% ¾wLos faiitljuein esided i s 1tWia Il: MInon sw lis iin Brollvu,. Y 1 an nloviiugivife ant tvesonsý, eue Severi aîîd ihune, deeplv mnîn lîlis eariy death.-Beîlit 1u9 cee-f. T~he Winter Cous-h cf C]Riîdreni le ofteîî a soîin-ce of an xietx' te pa renits. and properly'o, foir if i"n'iect-ced the sootis cf cons îltioîl ci etonCluitis np" tale10 e ngol ýlu lll reeiciltlcs nre ebic- tionable ou in l 'tue 0cteîiieî,cy te up- set the s teinac-h a ite) thaae le p petite, Iîn n hn's rnt, l ri* e pow unatieîî 't in "f lO'iîe aî [cTI v liit lite3 s' i' c n 'la Ciliiaction.ini U tee tte- action of the6" J '.- t:s-e vallîe ofiut i G 'sîî tie usalius. oua: '1 , lou apon 'tairiîe ; ý tOici clouable. anelt'i,'- tt afford ithai t à 01'fit e'un whIich afie- ail 3i 0' "- t iin t ieý cii -o ' te- conug il l cee i lCa Livon Oil, for ltie aca1 esese ten limes tuie emedials alui, f su ivnyul- Sion. A ue Mbyel h A Qcora ueysiby nyto 1 me 4 f 4 s naf e aac e4r, hil iv4il' abr ra frUse ùll au liter 4c a ftr F o r te, ery1 lus ra sh et 4 i thocks si lo body eau aiforLd 4 ~ cveyîh Scowtt S t.,usToroÈ, a ste- Urpsed al er-be ook 4, ~ao~s r FOI.e set. rspr sn Telephone I EN-NISKILLEN. Our League visits Tynone League 3Friday ci ening.--Dr. Mitchell will -retun fromn New York frs1 week in 3Marcb, A warm welconme awnits liim. - - M r . M. T. Bii, Toront, w aisliere iast week. CHEAP, EFFIcIENT, PueInuT. A mar- vel of cheapness, cf eiic ov f promipti- tude is con1 tained in a bottie cf fliat fam- eus remedy, l>utnain's Painless Cern Extradeor. It gees ri-ght te ilie root cf the trouble, ther-e acts uquickly but se painlessly iliat uothiag is, known cf its operation until the corn is she'led- Be- ware cf substitutes offered for Putnam's Painless Corn Extradeor-safe ,sure, and painless. Sold ai druggists. E NFIELD. Mrs. H. .Jeffer 'y, Toronte, is visiting at M.r. R. Campbeul's.-Miss Bryant, Columbus, at _Mr. Donald McCulleeli's. -Mr. J. Dyer was stonm bound at; Port Ferry iast wcek. -Rends block ed, ne sebeeol Tliursdav, our mail failed te get liere Thursday' nnd Friday.- Mr. Donald McCulloêli sold a horse for $115. NNETY PER CENv. 0f ail the people nieed te take a course cf Hood's Sansa- parîlla aItlîhis senson toev ient tliat rnnidown and debilitnted condition wliicli invites disease. The money iu- i csted luni aif a dozen botties cf Hood's Sarsaparilia will corne back i itli large returus intlie healtli and vigor cf body and strenhocf nerves. Heod's filîs are easy to buy, easy te take, easy te openate. Cure ail liver ils. 25c. 31APLE GROVE. Ilaîf a dozen Yo ung men are break- ing yeung cirivois.-A splendid liter- ary and musical preg',ramn was gis en at our open Division Tucisday evenino- Tlie addresses by Dr. Marvin and T. à' ' Kirl pariele are worthv cf special men - tion. -Misses Lida aid Annie Cumb are iîsiting friends at INewnmarliet. Miss Gertie Simnpson 'vas called sudden- ly liome te Chatham, her moflien being seriously iil. Mr. M. Mundav, jr., ne- cempanied bier and w ill spend a moutli vi i i g ri i e id , st. - M iss Sanali S c ot , M o r ef el d i s v isitine - frie n d s here. ,Oui League ivili risit Ebenezer League Tliursdav eveiiing.--Patronis hieid the-r nnal convention Monday atteineon. Lar-e nunber of delagates present. A t the public mneeting in the ix ening the hall s'as crewded. Mr. Niasen cf West iNenthu-tiberlind and Mr. Tlierntou îere the u, ef speakers. Tliat the bloüd sliould performi its vit- il fi cils it i al)soluteiy uecessary il -hould not culs' be pure bttnicu lu life- giving elemejîts. These resuits anc best affeced b the -ase of that wecll knewîî standard bloed-p'uificr, Ayer's, Sansaparilia. HA&YDO3Miss Osborne, Mariposa, visiled Mrs, R. Woedley-By ai appearanees lire iîîay, ogrand sleig'liiii- for the, xc ýà- eross eu£ "i-Âws

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