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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1896, p. 4

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i -I Weak, Nervous%-Wemen. one te whom a night's reeit waa un known. Ifrength and good healt4i reeired. 1 was subject ta frequent attacks of ne~o8~sthaýt seemred ta Sap ail nWY -vtalty and left me in a state of weak- ~esand mis-y. 1 couid flot relish food mdsucli a 1thing as a good niglt's rest was unknown. ncapable of any exer- tinand with zn ever presetnt ti-red and Jespondent feeling. 'Medicines that 1 took did not do any good; it was a case of gr-adually becoming weaker and Weak- er. Heaning af Scott's Sarsaparilla and its success witli similar cases ta mine, I tsed it, and from the first few doses begran ta get better, apite rcturned, got riatural and relreshing sleep. I grew si-ronger, in fact 111e sec med ta be f anned into activity.-Lottie Grahami, 174 Crawv- ford Street, Toronto. Fer arîy weakness af the nerves, pale .gnd sallow complexion, loss of appetite use the best b½aod Lnd nerve remcdy ex- tant, S'ott's Sra" I niist on get- dng Scott's-imtations do not cure. The, holldav rush îsover but bargains continue. Balance af Xmas gaads will be1 sold very dhear>. Suuday Schools iuteudiug ta pur- chase Library Books, will do weil ta give me a eall. Special attentior paid ta this departmeut, A uoveltv, i aPeu that writes with water, just reeeived. Price 25c. A reaily gaod thiug. New liues ai fine statiouery jusi- opeued. A Fauntalu Peu, fuily guarauteed for $ 1.50 sent free, by mail, on re- ceipt of prcee A beautiful Cellulid Cabinet r Album for 60c. A Piush Album holding 36 pîctures for $1 .00. Aiso spec a ii Bibles. P. Trebilcock, Thîe Arcade, Town Hll Block.t BOW1\ANVILLE, liTB, 26, 1896. Our readers will ail be var, rmudlin-lu ierested lu Mr. Luke's Euglishl ltter, and w ilbe- pleased ta read frequant epistles froîn lis ready pan. TIe 0ntaria Legislature is gaiug ta introduce a measure ta reduce the nuin- ber ai caunty counicillors. Sucli a wise -neasure sliouid meet with great favor,Ë îudead ba passed unopposed. Tlie purcbasing public ara uaw vcou- vinced tbat no w here eau tliey buy dryf goods. grocanies, boots aîîd sliaes, etc., dheaper tîan la Bowmanvilla. Citîzaus ai Toronto actuaily bu.) from Bowmauvill a merdhants. Isu't i-bat funny ? Bring your monay and produce liera. Great Scott, electors, wliat are wa comiag ta ? Tie Tories are drivino- us ta sure muin. Sea the racord for 'iastt montli:1 Total net debt, 31 January, 18968._25,13.5,575 31 December, 1895.250,738,079 Iucrease darling January............ $2,397,4193 The uet debt hlas reaclied its higliestr figura. An increasa of $2,397,493 in ana moutli. Is thara aver ta be auend ? Au anthusiasi- writiug ta i-ha Royal Templar says. 1'TIe intarest in tam- perauca work (lu Bawmanvila) is sad- iy at a discount, largely bacause ai the indiff erauce af prof assediy Christian Pao pie.*** who are largely ai the indifferaut, do-nothing class as far as temparauce and moral eiarmn ara, coucerued. " This is a base libel ou aur peapie. iurued ta the Company. l'his institut- ion is in a tlourishiug coudition, and xiii bear favorable campurisan with uny j simlar concera in the Dominion. For é i-lis satisfactory state ai affairs no smal shaeaof the thanks accarded the manage-a ment is due ta Mr. T. R. MeNfillan, the f honorad Secrtary Treasurer. We asie attention ta the praceedinos aud finan- ciai stafement whidi may' %e iouud lu a-i nother columu.,e chýarac-erisfic ai if- o-th -p owdcë-rs,aun-d-tàt ut h îthe niasi- efficient cleanser yct dis- covemad. Ivanina cleauses irom discol- orat ion and -whitcnis, bandeus ti-licms, and impunis ta tIc breati a dehiglîllul fragrance. "Fmom nothiug (in mauy publications uathing cames." Ftomnsameihiug, liow ever, rasuif s are sure i-a came. EN3-LIS1I LETTflR. Editor of The Canadian Stafesman.- SiR,-Iu a rumber ai youi' paper i-o whicl îuy attention was dmawîî om Sun- day hast,* I saw, lu the leadiug article, au invitatiou ta carmespondeuts bai-h ucar and distant ta off cm you sama small contribution. A long- latter was priai- cd ini that unber '?roin a Canadian lady wha is visitiug relatives i Devaon- shire, and I donbn not thut sncb coin- nunidatians addrasscd ta friands ln tic land ai hem bimtli, are very welceme and intcrestiug readiug ta i-hem. If lias oc- curred ta ina, as a camplete strauger ta bath Bowiuauviiie and its inliabitauts, thut perhaps a latter froîn ana sa situa- ad miglit not be altogetier uawelcame ta yau ut tîls time and tierefore I ven- tura ta addrass you n lcw ramarks. I was partic-Llarly'struck in readîug aur papar witli the freedom trama converu tionul mstraînt which tIcen bale tenor ai- Tn CANADIAN SrATESMAN displaved, and flic evidaut i-amilu iteresi wvlmichl your readeis mus- take lui-lte max c* mnuts and wn are oai cciother. This 1 ,,atiai cd ironi tic tact tint yauLi do nat fail ta imidicata lu dctail tIc social r'avc- inents ofal ahohse persans in whain yau ha va reuson ta beliave y aur subscribers ara intai cii-d. As oua ina lîves lnaa rrat cii-y wiere fle icsnalier apisodes ai lufe, as the press is concerned, arc sunk, and indecd submnergad, undar the tida ai national aff airs, ut is a grat melîsi I cun assure yau ta id thatÎ 'aur cousins" in tie fai xest arec doser drawn ta- wnrds caci otlar ini tiair sympathies than n'a ara lu ibis Meiropalis. I oîder you uppear ta kuoxv caci aller cam- pletely; lare we are a cmoxvd ai straug- crs pncked togai-ler lu a Iliîaited space and pusig aur -vav as n'el as ive are able in i-eha umnly bumly arauud us. Even lu Englisli rural districts surprise is otten expressad wien -ve Loadouers assura aur tnicuds that n'a have noc ,jaaiîetaue wiiti oUrnr uct duo eriih- bours. Sucli a stata ai thîngs seems sa iudicrousiy unsociable fIat wa are sametimes rabukcd on account ai aur iack ai gaod munuers, and flic question 15 often raiscd as ta nho isa utmli. To us tiare is uathîug surprisiug- and no drscourtesv inteudcd in sud e st range- iment. Tic paculiarîtes ai Landau 111e, wmicm are ditierent main i-hase ai auy otier city, arc mesponsible for ilis ne- serve iin aur beariug tawards ecc otiar. In country places in ii n-iand,'uand I danesay if is tIc sameaut ioxmanville, ail xvell disposed people ou secing a strnr'-er came fa dvell nmong i-hem usuailv showv by a palite baný or formxl caîl fia- tîcy areni- uuxvillinc, ta be tnicndly. This is not i-ha case ini Lan- dau. Our finst regard, uniortuuataly, is amie ai suspicion marcei-han uuytbing aIse, and uat iill et least cuniasitv is sut- islicd, and i-lau auiy ini a gingcrly fashion, is a strauger ndmitted inta is naiglibars' society. I attributa tle causes ai sîîch înmerismi-a a ur sur- ramindiugs. ln small towus nnd coun- try, places the resideuts are i-hrowu into eauciothcr's sadiaty-iudeed, i-ley are depeudent upon caci ailier lu business aud pleasume ulikçe. Iu L udan the cii-cie of seleciau is larger and the amea ai- rasideuca suiniler, so tint every op- portuuity is providcd. for you .toauvoid i-hase îvha arcercrly by circumstances thrust upon yau and tarach those nho bmyou actuallv seck. There mnay be ndvantages conneci-ed n'ith sudach sysfem but fIera areaaIso îamy druw- backs. Fnieiudship, in sudh a case bce daines miore superficial and tiecocrds whicli biud ussaciates togethier are miot s0 f iglîtly kuit as li- hase cases whcre fiai rasuit framn natumni counection, us lu less tlickly papulatcd areas. I lad no intention ai writiug lu this si-main wicu ft tok up mny peu, but iu dwelliug uipan -nha - n'as ta ina, tle mosi strikýiug ,claraci-eristie of your papar-viz., i-ha cvid eut ini-eesi flic people takze ini cach ai-ber-I n-as lad fa cularge upan i-ils subjeci fnomn a Lau- daner's staudpaint. Pembaps, iawever, île subject wiich is uppemasin l Englisi minds ut pras- eut wieu thiuking ai aur colonial friands, is i-be avideuce lai-ely givea by British subjacts al aven i-le worid a& i-hein coni-inuad devotiani-o i-ha Ctawn and its gavemumen-. Englaud lias me- cently beau uttackad imom ail sides. The Garman Emperor's message ta President Kruger ou tic Trausvaal difficulty cmcatcd suci msantmeut lu this cauntry us I lava neyer wituesscd befora; ti-liaraairendiug atrocitias lu Armenia which we lad hoped ta p re- vaut by a Enropean ',concert bas lad us ta speak freely aifi-le unscrupulous neg- ligance ai tic ather Powens, aîd i-le raid af Dr. Jaîuiesoîî lias ruisad delicata obligations ou tic part ai Britalu. But mas- af ali-le serions and unn'armant- able latter ai Prasidaut Clavelaund lu cancctiou witi i-ha Vanazuehan question,, a Ici-i-r wlidh mauif est cd au irrepmassmble antagonism ta us fraina qurtr wc leas- expected if, las dans- cd 1mTch auguisi. Ail i-hase circum- stances lave made the hast icw waeks a period oa i gb pressure lu Euglamîd, and greaf lbas beau the fax upon aur EBENEZER. Mouday ulgît will hong ha memar- able lic hef amihy hisi-any ai Mn. and Mns. George- Peurca, for a large num- bar aifi-hein friands asscmblcdbouni-lis evening ta joi iucelenaiig i-hein tin weddiug. If was a surprise party, Inu- tia spaciaus and ichly turnishcd romrs ai thamr cliarming home werc soonmnade coînfotable for occupation and angli-- an and merimeut pcrvaded every cor- uer. The ladies providcd a îich repast ai tic toothsamne edibles for whicl West Durham ladies anc jusi-ly îîoi-cd. At a laten stage ai i-lie proccediugs, Miss Gemrude Pcamcc aof]Newcastle nead tis uddrass. , MR. AND MRS. GEORGE PEAucu- Your friands and aciglibars hava drap- ped iii ta spend a social eveîîiugn'th you and lit-le tamihy au his lüih ami- uivaersamy ai youm wcdding day. Thase canspicuans mile posts lui-la bighway ai marital reiatiauslip affard appropriai-e appatunities for social gathings and for expressing appre- ciafiaof i-lie frieudships fonîned daning i-le passiug ',ears. Oun eitants ta uni-e an i-lis occasionm iori-hie pîîposc ai cx- i-cndiug ta yoîm lu a fanmahn'ay aur comm- gratuations an reaclig ,this perîod ai your'marriedlific mv leca veny prampiiy ud -geiierously ncsuauded ta by yaur mnaîy frieuds. Theref are we ask yauir acceptauce ai tuis silver tea senTI îc, pie kniie and castors as sigit tokens ai aur respect and esi-eem, coupled withi aur uni-ad iishes for thme funtuare -veliaeaf va-arselves amîd ini-rcsting auug fuiily. Loueg mny you live ta jay theccomi oris anmd sociah adi uniages ai yaur lcautiîah home and n'idc circie ai acquaintauces. Signed lu behlf af île iiends. M. A. JA3fES. Er.î OsBNasu IRA F. PEAIa1E. Fine illnthls for 80 cents. As thea Domnion lectiaus wil miost likciy came off betwee noand July lst nex, wa arc offcrng THup STAvusîsxMuta ucw subseriliers ta that date-20 wecis- for 30 cents,oaaclub oft4uew subsenibiers for $1.0 Telh yaur friands aud mîigh- bars of ilis special offer. Si-amps ipai- le sent by mail. Address ahi anders tio M. A. JAsuas Bowmanviiie. Beef S'dcia About sixty of thc funmners bei-weau Eufiehd maid base hune, Darlingit, 1iîd WTest- ai gravel raad lave almosi-ccin- pleted a beci ring ta commeînce lunMay anîd continua for i-nty vacies. Týicy lave made arrangemnenùts xvii lInAlIx. Taylor i-o kihh and clelivar 10 ls. twica a weccinl place aifi-le ohd aiaouft-.20 ils a week ivhieh thIcv ilink is ioo mî Ch liai meatîxer. Paint-ing' aud Brawiug. We are glad to mini-lut J. E.Wh te wio las beau siudymug art mn Europ e inili commîenîce a class liera lu drawilm and painimg. Alh persans i-lai-ara lu femsted lu art miii sac saine ai Mr. WIIi-c's painiigs by calliug authîe Ilig 20, whereaulso tlicy'eau mnukeararanmge- memnts for studyiîmg. Amîy parties inish- iag pantiîxg-s, from sittings or pliai- gmupliwill da well i-aeuhac, sa wonk. AUCTIOM SALE. WuaNESDAv Marci 4.-Mcssms, S. Paw;- crs & Sans, neur Kirb.y, wiihIsal 24 reqistemed Shiori-loru Cati-le. Scnd for catalogue Sale ut 1 p. m. Spe notice alsaînacre. FRIuAY Manel 27. TIc N. ý loi 4, coi 9,Damingiau. 100 acres, xvi le offer- cd ai- Royal Roi-eh, Blacksi-ock, ai t1 a.m. Sac advetseinent li-ltis pap- TUESDAv, Mardl Io0-Thc axacutars4 i-ha estafe ai tic lata Ralpl Rarnden and John Mai-euh, will salI on lot 2ý, cou.ý 2, Dalingioni. 22 milel caws unt other cati-ha, pigsetc. Saleut 1oý- chock. L. A. W. TaLE, anctionean. FRIDAv, Mrcî 18.-Tiare wýill la soiTd an lot 13, Con. 2, Clarke, i-lafari stock, implemeuts, ChYdesdahc horsaý1, high grade Durham cattie, puma brej Catswohd shmep, i-ha properi-y ai Gad Gray Esq. Parties mantiug gooçl hreeding stock mould do wvalfoauttani this sale, Sec posters. LEvi A. 'roLE, anctioneer. The insu wiih à eigli- au bis le cau'i- hope ta ini >. therace. Aina sud business wl-h i-hase wlio are ual ýS handicapped. . inuwho speudg I ~ ~ i-woiirds af hi-~ ~Saved M~y Armi A Sevoi-a Case cd' Blood Porfect Cure by iHlCod 'elargsparilla. Paisoncd Bioad causes great suff erng. It canuat ha otharwise, because the biood is i-ha vital fiuid, thc curreni-ofaifle. The foibowiug case illustrai- s itbe terrible eff ects )f paisoned bload and i-l ie ondcrful povîer oaillood's Sarsaparilia lu curiug tisirouble: IlMy blood becamo paisoued by gei-iing dye into my blond by a li-i-le scratch on mny arm. 1 called li-the daci-or aud he i-aid mo to poulti'ce if, but lie did nat give ,me any medicine for nxy blond. Fiîally i-le poison Irake oui- on my ai-ler arm. 1 i-heu told thle physician i-lai- I wani-ed oomethlug for my blood. He i-ad me i-o gai- floodt's Sarsapariila. 1 did so and began taking it. Afi-er uig four boti-les, my arm ia en qrely well and I bave nover since been troubird -iifl blond paisauing. I frmly believe i-ai- Hood's Sarsaparilla preveuted me lasing my arm." Mus. PL. WILSON, 243i Maning Ave., Taronta, Ont. 131ood Impure. "For more i-han e year I was iroubled with a dlisires5lng pain lun my side. Some of i-he time it was very severe. 1 was aiea ariicd witli severs licadaclies. My blood was ouf af order sud, lu faci-, my cansti- tun tion was generally mu dowu. Having read 1mw otuýers had been beuefii-ed by Ilood's Sanrcarilla, 1Ithauglit 1 would i-ny if, and before i-le second bai-ile was al gone I was ent irely cured." Miss MA-Y FLANIGIAN, àlanning Ave., Torauto, Ontario. Ilemember H-0od's arsaprrilIa True Ë31od Purifie r And standard Building-up Mediciue. It creai-es an appetif e sud avercames i-lai- ti-red feeling. Be sure ta get Hood's. K'Iood's pjlg the afi-er-dinner pillam AN OLD RESIDIENT GONIE. Another oid and respected resident of Bowmanvilie Mrs. Richard Tilley-has passed away. Mrs. Tiiley was born in Cornwaii, ingiand, in 1811, and had ai- most completed lier 85th vear. In 1841 she and lier late husband came to Cana- da and settied in Bowmnanviile, where she resided until bier deati. At that time our present well buiît town w as lu its iufaney, with a Population of ouly a few hundred, and with only tliree brick liouses. There are now uoýt more tlian ten or twelve persons living ln the towa who werelhere at that time. Mrs. Tiliay -%as amemnber of tle Methodist churcli for 57 years,haviing joiaed the Wesleyan Methodists in England, and for somne years alter lier arrivailiere slie worship- ped in the framne charch w est of the creek. Thbis cliurcli was bui îîed manyv years a- go. la 1848 she and lier husbaud joined the Primitive Metihodist cliurch and re- îuainied in that organization ntil the union of tlie Methodist chiurches. Dur- ing the years of lier vigor slïe -asa most regniar attendant of lier ciurcl i eet- ings, and during one teu years of lier 111e she iiissed but one Sunday service. Mrs. Tiiiey possessed good mental parts and a straag personalit-y. Rer long lite whih was passesi in a quiet unevent- f Lii way,was al ways iiarked by industry, thrift and conteutment. Dniing- the last years of lier life , in tlie full enjoy- ment of ail lier faculties and witliout pliysicai affliction of aay kiad liei Bible was lier constant companion and for hours every day lier spiritual lie was comfoited and strengthenied by its tea- chings. Thus witliout a pain or careshe calmily awaited the end of this if e iiu tlie fuill assurance ai the Christian'sliopo. On Friday mornilng'tlie l4tii inst. she was striekea witli paralysis and remalu- ed unconscious for twýo days, but on Sunday cansciousaess returned and slie aeoaîe nd spoke intelligentiv to tle suruiîg friends who were witli lier. Hopes were entertainied of lier re- cavery but eariy on Mouday morniug, the lieart bad doue its workso long and wal suddenly ceased ta beat, and -%ith onÏong peaceful sigli lier spirit was gone. Mrs. Tille-,liad but two chiîdren ýtlie late Mrs. Rabert Sinclair wliodied iul884 and Mlr. J. J. Tilley, inspector.of Model Scliools. lier liusband wliose pleasant, clieerful mauner wili be recail- ed by mnauy of our older citizenis, died just 10 years ago at tlie age of 82 ,years. Ile and his aged partuar iliiie uos lie side by side and await the morniag of the first resurreetion. Sweet and prec- ions are our iîeiaries of the ioving and true. AUCTION SALE OF SRORTIIORNS. We would strangiy advise our fariner readars ta attend tlie Auction Sale of Messrs. S. Powers & Sous, 1ý miles aorth of Orono, ou Wednesday, Mardi 4tli, 1896, wlieu they will seil twenty- four liead of registered sliorthora cattle af wellkuown mnent. Sudh an oppar- tunity mnay neyer be recailed as tIare wili be no reserve. uataiogu-Les senit free toalal applicauts. Dinner served at noon,sale at 1 p. m. sliarp. Terms:- Eight months credit ou approved notes. 0f course we always pay- the highest price for al k inds of Produce. That is why we get s0 much. We generally manage to get rid of our produce as welI as Most, our long experience counts for someteing 1 griess. Deal at thîe West End House to your own profit. John McMurr Y BOwMANVILLE. For the Balailco of This Soason Ail the goods in my entire wi nter, stock will be sold at and below cost. It includes Fur eoats, eapes, e5aps, Gâauntiets, Muifse A fulliline of finely selected G-ent's Furnis1in,-,aIî must be sold to make room for Spring goods. It will pay you to buy any of these if you have to put them away for another year. IRepairing and re-modeling Fur Garments of any description a specialty. Charges very moderate. 3O WMAN VILLEs YVestEnd Hoùsec) BOWMANVI LLE. Csh and One Price. WeAr 1,J--là mbýO r er because of hard times or S requires oui .- a passing slackness of business dur, notice from us. They are iug the last year alnw. S o that You w iii be sure of iîaxing the - latest things. Something uew ini an Embroidery over the fact that the= wt a.lc dig larg numer f peple It is very pretty- Prices that patronize our stor es. 5e, 6c, 7c, 8c, 10e. Good V ear I n and . width and good quality. are pleased with Our Sys-- tem of doing business and.£Sirtingso also with the value that Teear odswne we are giving them înff everydepatmen. ~.every day, and everyone who uses them knowsthe T he T ruth of e value. So that when we T he ttersay that we court com- is hatsine e stared parison it shows that we on our cash system of do- hv5oniec ta u ing business one year ago.= prices cannot be beaten., last October we haveý Cottonades special at 20e wakened folks up-onîý: and 25e per yd. Wc have competitors and eustom5 them cheaper but these er-s as well. are our sellers. Shirtings W e akeat 8c, 10e and 12-1c. Fast colors and good value for having saved our pat - c ac o y rons hundreds of dollai se Th atr Coonw in the price of goods aloneA TeFeorotnw and we intend keeping$ aesliga enwi right on in that direction. wrtef ca4 tîemi1 Seling goods on smali - We have only 3 bales to margin, aliowing the$ scîl. Comment is need- volume of business to look î ess. after the profit. Ladie' 65. eorsets., ~v~"t. ~We have always had ~AK I ~large corset trade. The Our stock is immense.5 i eason-we carry a large Special value at $1.00 and. sokadhv ait $125 Alterations in ourS Boot nd Soe dpart of prices from 47e to $1.25. ment are now pendingg We would mention that Will tell you about it nextý our 65c- corsets are better week. than most sold at 75c.- i-i Picasaut Pellets" is i-lai- i-ey cure permaueni-ly. Yau dan'i- have i-o keep an iaking ihemi. Yoa don'i- acquire s "pellet habit." Take ihem regularly for s while, sud you are cured permaneafly. After i-lai-, take ihem anly when you find yaur- self suffernug iran. indigestion. TIers are mnany nedicines offened ionri-le samne pur- pose on which druggists nake s ligger profit. For i-lis reasan, saine druggists would rai-ler seli i-he other things. If your awu health is ai mare importance i-o yau i-han i-le druggist's prasperify, yau will in- siat on having what you ask for.

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