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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1896, p. 5

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You F'o'rida Water?. If so you know, that the ordinary size bottie costs you 5OC but we have secur- ed a supply of the very best qttàlity and eau fur- nish it in pretty glass stoppered botties from 25e up, or 1in large botties (holding 5 times as mucli as an ordinary 50e. bottle) for $1.50. Caîl and see it. STOTT & JURY, Druggists and Opticians. '!;iiis Chance $1,00 foi' 50 cis. We' are pay- ing speciaî at- tention to this branch of our business this month and all persons eau have their eye- siglit tested free of charge by the only Post Grad- nate Optician in the County, and in addition to this we are selling at'great- ly redueed prices, in fact less than many other dealers eau buy for. G-old Speetacles a speeialty. STOT11 & JURY, Genuine t Brown Windsor0 Soap le. a Cake At Stott & Jury's o Special this week BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 26, 1896 - Sec flic Florida Water af Sfeff &t Jîiry's and Save money. Rupfure can lie curedin a grcatrnany instances by flic use cf flic new truss. Cali and sec if af Sfoff & Jury 's. Sec flic lockey Match lu Sfotf Jury's window. 1 cent a cake Old Browu Windsor Soap af Sfott & Jury's. Sec if ! Try if ! Special value.r Chapped bauds eau lie cured by onec or two applications cf flic i ew skini lotion. 5toff and .Iury. That cougli can lic cured by a few -dosesofthfli old roiiable at Sfoft & Jury's. IHundreds have heen cured be Sfoff &t ,Iury's Ceugli Syîup, and thero is nefli-c rng in flic mark et te day fliat wili cure couglis or colds quieker Save neney aud get a dollar pair et Spectacles for 50e or a 50e pair for 25e 'r a 25e pair for 10c. Eyos fesfed froc, Spectacles given away FEE. Everyi , 1tpersonbuying spectacles afSfotf &Jury's1 -g ets two pairs for the price of oný. i 1 Local and Otherwise. Ne Spring Pair this year. T. N. Riekard lias . argains for yen every day. Try our tons and ceffees-none botter Heal Bros. T. N. Piciard souls a $55 Sewiug Mlachine fer,$25. T, N Itiek-ard ropairs a Wafch well aud dees if bimnself, Mr. John B. Arnot of Crosswell,Mici., isvisifiug Mr. Jas. Real. T. N. Piekard souls Sterling Silver l'en Speens away deivu. We arc always dcligted te have citi- izens givo us items et uews. Ton and Coffee, flic popular lirands, .t Heal Brog' Cash Grocery. Albiani is te appear in Belleville Marci 24 under a $1500 guarnntee. S P Jackmnîa griuds skates for 10c; cissors 5e. Leave orders af Worfh's. Ceffces,reasfed ou fie prcmisos,nlways frsi and liest lu fown, at Murdoch's. Wiudew slîades and curfain polos lu great variety at L. Morris', Ail sizos. Mr. Cia s. P. Blair was a guosf af flic Ball at fle icPane Werkçs, Oshawa, Pcb. 15. Mr. J. C. Vanstoeeblas liconou erms of iutimacy wiflî Sir La Grippe flic past wock. A lot et Dross Goods selliug af about sait price af Ceucli, Johuiston & Crydor- mn's. Ail kinds et Purs soiling cff af cost prico a Couci, Jolinsfon & Cryder- nan s.' T. N. Puekard keeps Machine Needies for sale and souls Genulue Ol for 5c per bofflo. Crumnb clofis frein $1.00 np af L. Moerris'. Yen lhavo only f0 50sfecin mte )uy. BowmauvilioE au PFair wililib e iod bhis yoar ou Tlîursday and Eriday Sept. 1and 18. Wben vouneucd, wodding or tuneral cards noatly print cd patronîze Tun, STATESMAN. Big soe Parlor Suifes at L. Morris' aii noîesf esigus. A pleasuro te show goods. Cali. Sec flic Japaucese floor rugs at L. MJorris', tromn 50e 'up. Tliey are very )refty and se cieap. The World's Blond Ton nnd fie tain- ais Rlamsay brnnd fer sale at Reai 3ros' Cash Grocory, Bowmanville. Kinîg streot preseîîfod au old timo ap- peranco Safurday-herses hitclîed te evcry post and sideîvaiks iiucd wifi icole. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Souci aîîd Miss Eva Souci et Bradley's have licou ,uosfs et Mr. John Cilliort, Woodbiue éottage. Oshawa lias licou visifed liy severni firos etfint e Mr. Aiphonse Ilisdes' beau- tul residence wiftb contents wvýas fie inost destructive. Pcv. Prof. RPigby cf Trinif y Univer- sity, wiil lecture 'in tic Rigli Scicel ncxf Eridny cvening. Sulijeet-"Sher- idan." Silver collection. The Parsiers' Insfitute meetings ad- vecrtised for lasf week in West Durham irere cnncolled owiug te impassable roads frein flic suow f crin. Mr Hugli Greenlees ouferfaned nurnerous tricnds at a supper in flic Balmoral Prîday nigit Poli. 15. A. joîiv social evoning was spent. Mr. Scoftf Laing cf Peterlioro was on- torfaiued by n few friouds at a compii- nentarY suppor af fie Bonnet 4îonse Tuesday cveîîiug lictoro returuiug te Peforboro. Did yen ever fbink iow mucli yon .ouid help flic Editer ? If 100 persons ai weok woîsld liriug or scnd uis one iftem eaci wbat a newsy paper we could nake. Peader, fry if. Messrs. J. M. Joness. W. P.L Viliams and John Davey affended flic Agricul- tural Association meeting in Toronto last Wednosday, The prograin was se tame at flint gafhering fliaf two etfflic dlegates acfually toil asleop. Fnef ! The Coliourg World admiîîisf ors faffy te a man who called and "sfaved an heur or wo" in flicediforial sancfurn. A man fliat would consumie fiaf mucli of au cditer's firne and redoive commen- dation mnust lie a daisyeor a searlettimn- ner. Farmers and ofhiers desiriug troc samples cf ograin, petatocs,ctc., from flic Domnion k xperimental Parin for seed should send flicir orders af once f0 Mr. Wsî. SAUNDEI, Directer, Central Ex- permenfai Pnrrn, Ottawa, Ont. Men- tion, THE STATES31AN. 8 tf. Make arrangemenfts f0 attend flic Lecture of Pcv. C. O. JolinsonTeronto, on Wedncsday Mar. lilih, te lie given undor flic auspices etfflic Ladies' Aid cf thie Metliodist Churci, Bowmauville. Sulijecf.-"Sevený Differouf People and flicir Pointions," Parficulars next week. A youug farmer noar Port Pope lias licoun dvortising for a wif e and lias licou so overwlielmed witi applications frein marriageable woînen et cvery agoe, c-umm nendnble, 1I civ ,vcrv ifferent froni Iowivanville iviere fie people tîimn ouf largely toe o mrning ,ser- ivices. But fiere are foc maix liefelfs in Celionro'for full ehurcies ft e eex- pece d. 'flic morals cf suci a commun- ify miust lie verv lew, Mr. Chas. lrquhart is ou jfie Stand- dard Bank staff here now. Miss Allie Diagmani is aftouding flic Miiiery Opeiugs ii Toronto. Miss Rurd and Miss Demîill ef Oshawa were visifing Miss Gale lasf week. Special Bargains lu Groceries, Crock- ery anîd Hardware at J. B. Martyu's Grand chianýce te fake drawiucg or painting lessons. Sec Prof. Whi e's card. Cpucli, Jebîîsfou & Crydernian are gîvîng groat bargains lu ail kinds of winter goods. Ail kinds cf Ladies' waforproofs soul- ing off af cosf price af Coueli, Johuiston & Cr yderrn's. BRICxs-J. B. Marfyli as a quantifv et second-baud bricks as good as uow eues for some purposes af hait price. T. N. Riekard sols flic very lafest stylos lu Soiid Goid Spectacles and is a first-class Optician. T. N. Riekard seils higli class Wafehes for asiitfie meuey as aîîy one lu Canada,, and guarantees tfbcm. TIN,-,MITHING.-Every fhing in Tini ware, Gaivanized Iron, Copper and Granite Ircu repaired at J. B. Martvu's. Miss Ena Trebiicock, another pupil et Professer Singieton,bas licou appoint- cd organist of flic Metliodisf Churcli, Seenre a pair cf thoe Blaukef s wiici Concis. Jobusten & Crydernian are soul- ing off at $i3.25-fhey weuld lie geod value for $4.25. MIT Los.-A black and white dog- skin, ou Safurday betweeu Ebenezer and Tyrone, via Hampton. Leave at STATEýsMAN Office. Fulilstock cf secds, vegoetable and grass, for ficld and gardon lu large or smnall quantifies at J. B. Martyn's. Loxvosf prices. Miss M. Moseffa Jaimes atteuded flic Albani concert la Masscy Hail,Torouf o, Friday nigit in company wîfh Dr. Julia Thomnas, et 296 Gerrard Sf. 'Tli '1'mperance Revival Toam did nof draw very largo audiences lu this fewu. Our people are not captivafed by t hird-ciass entertaluments. Mrs. R. R. Lescombe visifed Mrs.(Dr.) Hoig af Oshawa iast week. Rer littie granddaughf or îvlo was 50 criticaliy iii wifh diplithoria is niceiyrercovering. SpECiAr, THIS \vEEx,-Heal Bros. are e ivi'lg frornudous bargains f lis week. ~ead their new advt. and go and share flic bargains. See whaf they say about candies. Now is fle icine te get a Fur Ceat or Pur Cap or aîîything lu wiuter geeds. Stock-taking sale iuow vou at The Mascu Co's. Ail wiutcr geods are being rush- cd ouf. Sec advf. Mrs. (Dr.) L. R. Rbid accompanied lier son and lit tin granddaughiter te New Yerk ilast week. Mr. Chas. H. Reid and Miss Gertrude saiied ou Sat- urday ounflic Etruria for Liverpeol. The linos ofthte 1lell Tolophioîî Coin - pany are uew iin go cd working order afte orhle soi ore storm. Subseribers audtbe ,,eneral public eau agalu hold safisfaefory conversationîs te ail points on our new Metailie Linos. Messages 20 ivords 25c. R. L. SiupsoN, Local Manager. Mr. Ibos. Paterson aftended flic funeral cf bis lite long triond Mr. James Scott whese lamentable dont h occuirred lu Toronto ou Saturday. The greafesf sympafhy is toit for Mrs. Scot t and tam- ily iiithèir sad bereavemient. No great- or fribufe lias licou paid f0 flic momory cf any business man et Toronîtoliypress and puipit, than te docensod. There wiii lic au otertainînent held inudor fli, auspices etfflic "Woman's Chiristian Temperance Uion" in flic Royal Templars' Rail Wodnesday Mardi 4.'A gcod pregrammo will lie previdod. Tee puLblic is cordlially invif- od. Doors open at 7.30 p.rn. Silver collectioeu at flic door, M. J. Ciîvnnî- mAN, Press Cor, W. C. T. U. A lirfliday social under tie auspices of Trinify church Ladies' Aid, will be beld at Mrs. D. Davis', IBeech Avenue, ou Weduiesday evcning, Poli. 26, af 7.30. An enjoyable fimo is oxpected. Admissio-"As many cents as vont are years old, we promise flic nuinier wiii nome orco fold." A sinaliliag ivililie providod for eachpersou's offering. Al are cordially invited. The Venerable Arclideacon Tirns cf Calg-arir wili lecture nuder the auspices cf th homran's Auixiliary lu St. Johnu's school reoin ou Friday, flic 25fh iss. at 8 e 'dock ou Missioîîary Werk among flic Iudians. Tic lectuire wili ho illus- trafcd liv meaîss et a mgelant cru. Collection for flic Arcideco's travell- ing oxponses. Ail iuvited te attend, A publicermeetinîglunflie inferests cf Epworth Leaugers anîd al young p copie etfflic Meflodist clinrei will lie ld lunfthc lecture roorn nexf Menday niglit af 8 o'clock whvthe icdlegafes te flic Confpî'ence Convention i.ecntly lield in Belleville, wil give their reports. An ins.rosfing and profitable finie is cxpccted and ail those iuferesfcd in fhls young peopic's movoment are cordially OUED. CAq'EL,-Iui Clarke, on Feb. lîtO, Anie Cr.iweil, aged 37 ycîrs. KAruOnss. fis Necastle, on Pcb. 12. Cmiii erie Carscaddesi, reiet of tise late Richard Katerisun, mocO 90 yeirs. SîAXTOrc'.-lisPoItypool1, on Pcb. 18lti.-Mac- ggret Chesinut, beioved wlfe cf Mrts. Thoumas Staîstoîs, a"- 'C5ilyears. PstAEn.-At Ssii Fs-mcs-e, Coi., U. S,. Jais. 27, 1K)6, i-tasiit Emnia w'fe of Ms- Edwini J. Fraser. M. D., brother of îuAs. E. J, Cacr, Bow- inasi-ille. FRANCI.-Ilis DarlingtOn, on Saturday, Feb. 22, John W. Francis, ged 36 ycas-s, PPrum.-In Bowmassvilie, on Tuesday, Pcb. 25ths, 1896, Ps-manis F. Piper, psinter, inluils îith yeiir. ChiIdren Cry for Pitcher's oastmtIs FREE! FREE! if yusufer frein Kidniev Disease, LieBack, Diatbetes, Bright's Disease or any ailiment catised b'Y improuer action cf the lidey or urinai.yci anî this off or should attracf yen en couvinced that ne otlier -remedy for kiducy camplaints equals Doan's Kid- niey P!Is, as evidencoci by unidrnable festimonv reccived every 4lay in letters from sufferers, who have escaped frein fthe tortures of Lame Back, Kidney troubles and nover ceasing pains by nîcans cf these wcnderful pis, we do not liesitafe rn makze flis offer, for while we lose the box we give yen, we make a friend that assists lu theý sale cf many boxes. 108 FULL BOXES Of iDoani's Kidney Pis will bie given away free. Any person sufferinug withi kidney ailments eau get a box at the undersigned acidress, until the supply is exhausted. lirst cer-ne, first served, and oniy this eue chance 'offered.. Rfe' member this is nef a saniple box, but a regular full sized box cf Dean 's Kid- ney Pis, -%hichi ret ails at fifty cents. THE DOAN KIDNEY PILL CO., TORONTO. Remember, Frec Dis trîbution One8 Day Orî1y. AT STOTT & JURY'S Drug Store ON SATURDAY, MARCU 7th. Memnbers cf Division who visited Mt. Cars-well Wednesday night speak in glowing terns of fichespoitabie treat- meut accorded them.-Miss Maud Rob- bins is recoering frorn her illness.- Miss Mabel Pascoe hlas returned boe frein visiting friends iu Victoria County. -Quite a number from Oshawa visitcd Mr, and Mrs. T. F.James eue eveniing- receîîfly anîd had a very pleasauit urne. -Mrs. Johu Gorrili anid Miss Clarke visîted friends at Foley last week-. Iiipoverished bleed causes fliat tîred feeling. I-Iod's Sarsaparilla purifies, enriches and vitalizos the blood and gives vigor and vitalifv. TYRONE. Miss Mande Emmersen is berne frein Peterbero.--Miss Osborne, Mariposa, is visiting af Mr. L. Skininer's.--The manyfrieuds cf Mr. Z. Pollard, fermer- ly cf Salom, were much slîocked by his sudden deat h frein apeplex.ýy at Toron- te Junction.-Tyrene Division were te visif Maple Grove last eveuno -_ Bad roads and uorfh-wesf blizzarclsnef prevent our conrageous mail carrier,1 Mr. Win. iMoore, from makinff bis ac- customed trips. Junior Leaguers acquitfed themselves very croditably Sabbatli evenin- -Some yeung mou leave bore for iVdtnitoba seen. HAMPTON. Mrs.,Petter is under flic dector's caro. --Mr. Frank S. Masei, Oshawva, speut Suiiday with b]s parents. Dr. Iow- ard, Enniskillen, spent Sunday at tlic Parsonage.-Maplo Greve 'Divisiou intend visifing bore Monday Mardi 2. -Visifors: Miss Martin, Bethesda, att Mr. A. Penninglton's; Miss Leachi Zion, Mrs. G. Joli, town, af Mr. duo. Joli's: Miss Arnof, Zion, at Mrs. Thes. Rcb- bins.-Mr. C. Johns will give a report of flic Belleville Cenventiou at flic next businîess meeting cf flic Leagno.- Rcv. A. C. Crews, General Secretary ef Epworth Leagues will lecture in. flic Methodîst churcli Mardi 1,-Mr. Wil. Moore is visifîng triends ini Oshaw a, ~t1îéjnitringý wedge cf a fatal cern- plaint is cf ton a slight celd, -vhicli a dose or two cf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral miglt have cured at the commencement. Theretore, if is adviseable fo have fis prompt and sureremedy alwavs at baud te nîeft au emer.-enuy. ALWAYS PLEASED!1 No Grumblers or Growlers when Diamond Dyes are Used. 'Tý0GOCASTRAY.-Came on mv prom- Lf ises, Feb. 1tb, a black (log. Oýwner eau have sasie bY prol iug proper-ty aiid paying ex- peuISeS. S. IlI. SIACEY, nowusani,lIte. 9-3w. W ANE DEARNEST MEN-AND "The Sword of Islisc or Suffering -Ar- meul!a," a thrîlliln" bo 'k-. Grapii account of the Eastern Queston, the Tîîrk, Armenian au([ Mohaneslanisns iwîtli)ishorrible massacres. Nuinerous startIing illustrations takien on tihe spooi,448 pages, ossly 1.9. SenO fOc for can s assissg book Ag 1 uts inike $15.60 to f'00 weekiy. THF BeÂIsc.szxGxsAIýFSxsýOl. Cod., Bratford, Ont. PUBLIC NOTICE. iNOTICE is lscrobY givon fiat any persons found crossing or otberwise ires- passing on Lot 16. Con. 3, Darlingion, may be pruses.u.le, as the li directs. 5-3Sw W. L. LÂw. B3Y TH E USE 0F OUR 1Ask tosec it. We will let you have one on ten daysI trial free. Do so mny peopole buy Creani of Witeh 1Ilazel (improved) for~ ehapped hands and rough skin; and No. 301 for eoughs and eolds? Becarse they know they tire tbe Ltet. It is 1-narvellous the effect produeed by these remedics. Solci ouly by amJ Bo WMAN VILLE. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Corrected byJ.Mcllurtry evîry Tuesday PLOIR, P 100 lie ........ $2 20 te $2 40 WitnAr, Eaul, bush ... .. 0 O 082 WhiteFife .... 0 00 '0 80 Red il .... 0 00 l0 80 's Geosu .... 0 00" 070 BARLEv, P bush, Ne.o . O10 0 045 il il2x.0 001'f 0 40 i i l 2.... 000 1 0 35 Two roîved O 30 fi 0 35 OATs, îvhite i'............. 0 ' O 24 il îûxed il............. 0 0 O123 Pîr s..........0 00 0 50 BUC]WivATr "........ 0 'silO32 PEAS , Blnckeyc, P linsh.. O 0 0 r O063 IlMumnmey sIl O 0 0 'ifO62 'sSmail, if 0 00 i' 0 55 sBine, fi 000il 0 65 BUTTER, licsf table, P Ilb.. 0 12 0 O15 EeGs, Pdoz ............. 000 '0 16 POrArcES, bush....... 0 0 fi 015 Red Clever seed......... 4 0 il 4 70 Asike ........ 250'i 440 Tinîeothy ".......2 0s 2 40 Rny per ton............. 12 0' 13 0 Notice to Creditors. In thse mette r f the est ate of RobertJanes Taylor,latc cf tihe Town.ship cf Cart- îeright in the Ceunty cf Durhacm, Fariner, deceased, Notiee is iiereby given purînant te IR. S. 0. 1887, Cap. 10 Sec 3bianid Ameusdinsi-Acts that ail persoîsi havÏsýg caimus agîsimst the estate cf the sald Robert Jarncs Taylor, who dicd on or about the 9îh ulmy cf Decesuber, 1895, are required t0 seus! sy post prepmid or te deliver tofl.1.Ssmpsou cf the towii cf Bowmauville,. Solicitor for tise Adminstratrix, on or before, the 4th', day cf March,18So, tiseir nanses, addresses and descript- ions anC a funil statement cf particulars cf thscir clafiss and the sature cf tire seenrity (if mny) beid sy thesmu ly eertlfied, idthat mter the salitdi day the adîinstratrix will he procced te distribute the musets of the decessefi amessg tisei parties entiiled thereto, lsavsssg regard only te the elaims cf which site uhal then liaviintice.1 Ditcd Cliii ird day of Fcbruary, 1896. D. B. SisrrsoŽs1 SUSANSCA TCi-LOIS, Solieitor for administratrix Adtininstratrix. Bowmassvilie. i 4w. Notice to Creditors. In thse malter cf the estete of iliam Eversen, late cfthie towshlip cf Darlingtan in thse Couîsty cf Du r- hem, fariner, decea.sed. Notice is berelsy given pursuant te fi. S. 0. 1887, Cap. 110, Sec. 36 and Ansending Acts that amli persoîsi havirig clainîs againît the estate of the saud William-nIverson i-ho died on or absout tise litis day of Septemiier, miss, are reqsired te sensi by pest prelsaiti addrcused to Sanmuel Ever- son, Box 35, Bowîssanvillc or deiver perscnaiiy te tise s.aid 'Samuel i-erson ,wh'o the adminstrator of tise prcperty cf the said dece."est , oi or before the 4tls day of Marli. 18q6 theirhanses, addresses ad decripstions ansd a fui statemeut of partiiulars of their dlaimis anC thc nature of tise sccurity (if any) hleu by thens duly certified andi that afier tise said day the adusisistrator wili proccefi to distrilsute the musets of the deceased among the parties erntitled thereto, lîavisg regard only to tise riainisiof wbli hlie shah Chen Ihave notice. Dated ChiC iths day cf Fcbruas-y, 1896- D. B. SEMSicON, SAMU'EL Eî MS.iî, Bownsaivilic, Soliciter Administrator 6-4w. for Administratcsr. Know What You Clew la free from the Injurlous colorlng. The more youi use of it the better you like ItL VRE QEO. E. TUCKETTr- & SON Co.. LTI> HAMIL.T0ON0T. BULL AND BOAR.. A Th ,robjed lSbort Horemuloi, -sewc" asîia Thorîdîreti Berkshi,-e Boas arc kepi for serviceon Lot 91.Conu. 2, D.riîigiou, Kinigitorn RbaC. Perni-Cas i1 .Swî1. SAw"VM uSacuDS '. Jr. Ml'pe &cssîe, Jais. 27. 1891. Prolprictor. CA~NA RY BtPDq.-Tliat have ceased to (hmrliciimr rous iiess, expusurc or moulin" ca hemisdto --u nieflmnelodies by uisin' Brock'- B rcd SeeC. In ",ebii Fie1 lb. tt Cc ýe ls a 5 ,coke c of"B cd Treat" te Oc 1 lacedl hîtweeîî ti'e wirsof l cf i cge siiiu mts 1ike . Ca ia lu rc',torioo ther o tsi iigandis au absolute uccessitv o tlhe l'ealisandcornsfori of omiariciSol yallaus gee',icgit and fleurr aniCfef mcnsJr RN lleit HnTSi, Gs-oeer, Bowmanviile. A. Niesît as. Famscy Gocds Ttoîvmanviihe, TRi MASON C,-.. Bewmnasr-ile. Nicncm.sosc & BROcc, 81 Coîberue st., Toronto. 7-1 yr. Chemists and Druggsuts. IIARWORK. Ladies wîshing liair H doue over, mi iMs.Dcîmsa, King Street, W., Bomnviiie. 28-ff. N/AIIPIAGE LICENSitS.-lssucd liy iiA. J. LoCKnnRT, BOWMuauviuie, Oniy 9,2.OU1 47 If. DO 0YOU WANT A HGMEIf Yeudû l-jf ISS M. BELL, fasinable Dress ÀIand Manitie maker Speelai attentonuuiven tc euttissg and ittimu, ifesidence, lIts, Bell's Centre strei north, Bowmanvlille: ?-4w' D --ERORNINC CATTLE.-Ticn- J-Fdcrsigned arc prcpnrc C te Ceborn aille Gmu lise sîsoist alîprovesi plan. Apply to S. J, Ho', rY or Gio. A. Stepheni. Box 23, Bcwsws ovisis'. aimisy. Chance for gosug extensively liste To- rosîto sniik business or stock raisiug for Amcri- eus market. Men with capital oniy sccd apply. J. Hi. Dciw, Whîîby. TOHN CRAPL IN.-Bowmanviiic, deal- jer in Fruit andOrnamsental Trees cf ahi kiuds, Dont pslacc your order until you bave secunime. Noue buît the beit cf stock wili be soid. AUl stock wili be soid at tise iewesf possible, pri'ee andt g-uarassteed truc t oname. Box 68, Bowm. - ville. 49-tf, ý EED CRAIN.-Spring wheat,,ents au an baricy for secd, for sale, A p ure brcd Ouriam Bull is kept. Teruns-ele.ooa alne af service, t.Oif ubarged. W. , Mwmaamacs, Orcharddaie Par ii, Bowvmanville. 7-2t F ARM FOR SALE.-Tint desireuble -V crn ontaissing 1ec acres, the south Omit of ho 24 ia the 9tb Concuession cf tise township cf Darlinrtoii. This tar-su convceninty stnaiedb e- ls-cen Futucld ansd Enutîkilien and is about il asiles fions Burketos on the C. P. R., Sehool anid Church nithin short distance. Tise iarr s is a, goodT clay lban and h weii adaptcd t40 stock or gramin faring. There is a frause baluse, frai se stable sud sîssail creliard, For iurther partieLu- tCýari apply to lEst. Js. Aacî',Bex88, Whitby i.c.lOî., or to-Dew & MsCGImLI-aA5r,3Sous ters, wlsitby P. 0. Oct. 7 t, InI the Rugi Coulrt of Justice, Chancery Divîsîon. In tise motter cf tihe-East Heif cf Lot nuinber S'ercïs inthse Third Cones- .sfOn qf tise 2 een.ship cf Cartcvri At in thflic ounty of Durhîam. Notice is hereby 'c iveis thaf luxai- FaRLBsca c f the towsip of Cartîvrigrlu Cinsthe'nantài of Durlan, ;!d James Alexýander Frebri .' btIs Moaisi tohp cf Cartîvright, farmner, Eh Na- bess MrrsenofAlasuccla in ' Dstrict cf 5.5- sinabcia in tise Nos-th Wiest Territirles, marniesi w ommu, Robert John Freeborsi of tise saitowcen- shsip of Cartwrighsr, farmer, M rsecsors cf tOe saisi ttwnship of Cari wricbSpinster, '-a- bellat Freelsoru of tiýse sId tcwnSiip, of C. r- ,wright, 'spýister, Williais Thomas Frcebo-n s&f tIse s-il ow-nsbip cf Cartwrighît, faimYer, ,Qdr Aisdrew Frecboru cf Alameda aforesaisi art ses have smade application tCe O iigls Court o Justice for Ontarso for a certifleate cf tille te tise above c inioned projscrty usîder the Quieti'N Titîci Acf anti bave pscduccd evidenceîvbcre ty tieyic apîsearte be flic oîvssr thereol in fee sin-ie frc irons mil iucunbrmnccs. Wb 'refore aîîy ot5er person baving, or ie icnidissg Cchavec asy titie te or listereit lisnu land os auy part thscîcofis reqsdred on or lsefore SATURDAY, Febrllary 29, 1896, lownext, ensui n g f file a statement ef bis or thoir dlaisiiverified by affidavits at my Chambhers in t.s Court flouse lu the town of Cobousrg in thse County of Northsumberlansd, and te, serve a cpy on D, B. Simpîcesas Solieitor for fOc said s ppls- s-aits. and iii Cefacit suds dlaimwill be barrtil asiC tIse tue of tOc said applicases will becomue absolut-asiC isîdefeasible it law and in eqnsly subjeet ouhy te tise reservatosis mentlonscîlIl tise 26' I Sections of the sasi Acft. Tiatcd ibis tfi ty-flrsi day cf Jaury, lia,9C D. B. SIMPSON, J. if, DUMBLE, Solicitor for Apîsiiemutu,, Master at Cobour g, Bowuisnî ile. Ontario. 5-4wv. A UC(DTIOU'"N SALE. Of t aluale Fa ai -Propert 'in the Town.ship cf Darlingtcus.in the C'essîty cf Durham, Tisere wili ise offcrcd ior sale by publicAn 'n mi Chc Roya ldutelinste Villagec ci Blatkîîock FRIDAYI LARCH 27th, 1896 ait il o'eloek lis the foi enoon, by vis-tue of rosi- ers ci sale cosstained lu a certain inorC;ago' wiîicis ivihilie îroslu,'culaithe sale, the folle,,sm- propert 'y: 'i'be Norths lucf lot four in tOc t eouscesuloof thIe'Towsip of Dachliso-ton afcs' saud, couiainsing 1085 acres more or heus. The foilowino. iswprovcmcuts arc smid tf0lbe, on tic premîises About 40 acres cîcaresi bai g ere -ed theseon mss uîsfinhîhed fcansestabie. Terms-1b per cent of the purchase mesoy to lie paid Co-wii oîs Che day of sale. For ha.layeu ternis siOu bc mmdc kosn ai the sale. For furtber pautictîlars appiy to) JONES-sMAClicENziE and La'eŽ.Aian, Scîlicitors, Toronto at, Torontoe. Or Osto JAMES PARiS, ESts., Bluiekstock.

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