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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1896, p. 6

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IRATEFUL-CI BRiEAKFASTI Try a thornuzh kue M Iw. v i ch 5evern thte a duh, r'i i st y a the t P portiet o 'W' Erps}hem prc'îde<i Ii adlct iavred bev '0,, mnauy hgavy dotu)rý irudieous 5use oe, soeh Cntitution n ay be zmi Ptrong enough te resig1 disease. HondredI ot fleatia)g aronnd us ready there i2 a weak peint. a fatal f3baft by keepi'iz !th purm bWnod andj franie." '"Civi Service, 'Wate s-iopIr wstts SOM n nlY ln packets. liv JAMFS IPFS & Co. J§18. Lontloti. lEnglassc W EDNESDAY, Dit.J. C. K w RPEROPCOLLE %po E1irg og'ntair Offico and Residence. i 243 Yoi ~MFORING.AG RICULTU RAL pased away. We do net stop now te PIJTURE OF PAUL KRUGI? 0nttegrains. We o net-plant in The Oli Farm. the meon any more. W r e ai-D~?PJ . If AXL0 The ear ld frmi îed iha funll puLl oef !iik, if it con- Ileda i ac!Its every rod tirh.b t ie butter. Tw,ýo biadles tof THE Tq-.NSVAAL. l-SUPPER. le frauglit w itb memcries sw eet to 'ne; gra-nt must 110w grow whore but one Eacbi spot recails cerne bygone hour forrnerly gre-w. Improved nmaehitrry Tia, rPfki1zlRie ietc mSeiht -wtrée 0 hent Oe f joyens chi].dheed, gay and free. and avacd ehosnow h'id Sw a a cSke_ i e 1» St ,totrx Ie a operations ale digrestion vnemehd i careful applivation ( uthe rliS-Iuriwol. tes e".I ai bsn Irte TPal "A-Na. "~l 'i-eerdCocus. XMr. Hem nature seesýaed ta spoa.k herse,f orth ariutalwld lrlrealtfgAt andsupper In bhil, and stre&am andJ snnny field; Merchcts know tiret tbe average ma"N î'iÎ ~eketliss leraqe whieli i ay save ln thees 1 fiud companionship will buy more if lie rumne an aueunt Thers eent events in the Tra'nsvaal~ ibills. St te liy the Tire crewded city cunnot yieid. tbau if lie pays cash. There i13 So>ct- bave brouglitt'e archli iLhts nf new e-. - articles et diet th'st a tbing tn paytug eut hard-earned dollars ~i~ml ,diply built np until Wa r L bio aat e hihmie u as u usdrP5Pe"s upnnPaul Rruger, Preeient ef I t oser cttendency tehtaeissalwjy omi o ýsublinaladies are It.s pomp and shew, its eordid weslth, whether a purchuse is a n'-cesey one. the Southi African Ilepubli, andiseuleug y o attack wherever Gtven iu excirange for heavo's Pure ai Neither will the buyer on tirne cruti- tteresting details have been reveuled i neut z11 ex' tacted frein thie food bE ours7ele at ntiey orbouea do an, rugged nizq prices se ciosely. iRemember, farca- lic a Frencli travelier (M. Leciercq), ourslveqWeilforifie hfflthers, thut a single failure of cropo e li 1- a proerly ineLisbtti alnto maire snch a delit very burden- wbuse ,ýnotes are cxtensively copied in biiiewtror milk Let him who loves tire sickiy shade, se. the French papers, D ' k s B o CmGrocr.i ab'lled. thus: Eebind the countter serape and bew; Plant broom cura seed Nshefl the "Lot us transport oursotmves te lIre- uElllSmopatiie ctien - To me t seemes a btter ting .1 Èrrengthnu the dig-estionsud in ~ To est te sunight n my row. ground s dry 4nd vvtrm, sud on guud tena," hie says, "tbe_ capital of theb-tIyce'te0itot land tvhicb La free frum woods. Let tbe Transval. If you arrive hri tor hufe PyE . by ,'*, ib est n a or -And to tire oeewha £alselysceorne rows lie tf limanud a lalf feet apart, snd = ro The manxiy farmer's honest feU tire bis two feet; if iu drilla, louve tira ueght Urne, lu the pale light of the alec' -t yDîgs igcrtsoe rsn Degruding deeme tire work thut gainsplnshroo uruheapt.Tetilmps yunoletr"wdal iA living from thea genemou-s soUl- close planLings wiil not ashow full de- large streets, aud fhe wheole tewî t ~~~~~~~~~velepmeant of tire plants, wihile toe much 1saeems te le of enrmouc proportions ~lIIill!lIuîIlLîIJIîIIuî FER 26, ~ l'il point hlm te anme famtons namles, rnem maires tbe brush course andiufin- Bttrailsu adsiaaoe _ Our country's pride and glory unow; fre w tî ieda clraen ________Of men whlose youtir did net diatiu Toso or nefte sotvw weat waa once least, atteuuated, wlie-n yon put up at ROYAL PRINCES AND WAR. ICILTo wîeld thse ax or drive the piow. 0l a questioni witblu the bunds of thse thre Transvaal Hotel, tbe ouly butalinl lcal grLat miii, but t La now nuesut ~F Ci' HYSCI Du lo tie frme kaw he wrtb whieh India luti thre ArgentineRpui- the cit.v. It is a iittle onïe-estory boujse, Are a GIreat Brai l»ore'Trneto Teir wle. BuCoroner, oiewhi wrt, epb itniCoronent. 111t-n bdhe insbud~' lcfigure as promiueutly and certainty. wth a roof lilas that of a cttage. ID C' lmmsr.sa T ~le'Ar qyrth. ______ - is will full strong, aud cdean his mimd,<tOe yea.r we exprl'nt witir wheat raality. Pretoria 15nithem a f ewu noti t would lie a great mistake ta lie- LRN ENHS is duty aund cpinieona free. as a fee-J for swine, andthie natwon- a village. IL Lsana immense park, inLu he tiat the attachmneut of royal tREN ENTIder how we eau afford te luy t for cge St., TORIONTO. TIns carefui thougirt ant inidustrY seaed. iReally, the greatest ne-ad ot the whi cli bouses, villas, andi cottages are princes to military expeditieus, sucir us 10 Set of Teeth for U Work woudlers with tire fertie sed, farmer La more -marirts' fer bis crups, ccattered. It le the appreprinte capi- the onue whicb Englanti ha unv sent _________ n;.. s.. .- -,i" .rather tirs more. crous for markent. I-si of .. n .,i.t. ,rT-sf-.f.-4- Il' PAYS.-It is ,sles te expect a - run-cown cow te have a good flow of tbuugh she m'Ill eat more than an animal ood flesh. The difficultyis the nutriment because lier digestion is ont of order. nale the food pruduce milk. It will cost e rest cow ycu hav e and you will get back weeks. ?ot paid on receipt of 10 cts. Didtk & CO- P. O.1 Box 482, Montreal. f low the 1Entgîo tire value o t e boa in cousemving meist- fgeva aeWssaýemt tat Ilhl are, t as nece-sary te taira inte consrd- Fec pr s krng au eutcry - -eration soiseî fthte pirysiesi pmperties against just uow, believing Ltie umot- et ous sd tre-chnge tiattak p acet, apparent ly, ef "France for 11e- M ntbema unter certain conditions. Sous[, Er-c. in a moderately fine tate cf division, Tss oegesas d ult havetir po er y me-naet cpiîarymaterLal aveaif h cf tira city, Lu tbe puy- havttractowtedr upatar froru le- yment cf tire-ms-ny taxes wisicb are le' Î_ C, HARNDEN L. i. s. iow tire surf-e-e, ns La prove-J by wbat edfrsm iittio.sdo bm m C. LAR DE , L 1. tkes place xvheu a tkwtr put fîlletiwith "rentiers,"- wich tnia t raely franc- Gradsate ofthe Royai Collage at Dan tal 50g la place-s in a saucer containing lated as ieiug "weli foa do." In Pafii cm orthmeires of watar. Tire eva tb s elasevarywbere aise îlui the çvorid, Ssrgeees. ontamin.- - teAmeriuan deutit th te mos~ah IJFLICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS Ojs'yCZ e tra leconbadnt'OLom a aer, and conimamidir th-, hghest price causeé, -Lt laacte-Jripou by tire fulli ow for bis work. VITAIZEDAIR.1-rof tires ndu evapomation preceads sr avery apid rate, lu tire- prcess of RIFLES OF THE WOIILD'S ARMIe ]SVe ~ fl~ dyiagundr tira influence cf the sun, rNewugilinertiop = = and cday slirnnimataiai- - ly, and presautly tira surface commences Tse-y 4Ave tfl'Je-y MOdele,, 1-11 et Aliees Tire uadersigned whe basj beau carryiag coi to crack, snd if tlira drouglit continuas, thse Same ie iegiat antd 1enalh. tis talerng uaie injecenneetton with tire- erevices e-aenti tio or firee teetle- Tire Mansar rifle, tbe standard atma Magen's Dry Gonds Store for anumnberor y r Iow tire surface.tsdb h ema naty sue bas eomnmenced business fer binî'elf at hio \Von this Latecsth vprtv reaideasce, King 5t.,west, where haosCe irstieseiaevupotive sodly tir e rmninan rtheee ta mak-e gan' auJbe' auss i h latet ottire La enmmnuly tuceesed. as ftle ns ytr Tre ieBeigiaus, !the atylas, and at lowest prices. Fer thosle whn 11mol-Sture escapes lu tira form ufi vapor Spisisiras-ad the Argentines. 'The st an- wismh ta orderesoitt, ho will carry a fuît li ne cf rom tira aidesuofthtie crevices as well as dard Amemicau rifle te usod net nnly aimples iuait the aewest pattoras. GIve hies from tire surface, tire plants ave JeprLv- a cal, edof rnch f th mo witbr wiicî, lu flic Unîited Sttes a tmy, but aisd in T. An EÀIITl uJe-r more favorable conditions, tirey tire flapLel and Nor-ivbgian urmies. Tire J. T. A L ble i ,r would ha suppliet, and tier ots are l- ManeiLuhe rifle, in u.ss Lu tie Au trian Fasionbiefaiorjureli, core by direct expoaume te ut- e-a-my le us- alec ly tire Dutcl, tire mospireric influences, anti otirera by be- Brazilians, tire Cbiliii.s, tire Roumaýni- g d-pivai t ireueassmyveuiie-ofans, andthie Perttviaus. 1'iot otirerne-- MONEY TO LOAN. arr in huteshvarflo-ter san-t ou iLs being dried preveuting own; tire Frenuch, tire Lell;tise Ru- $ i o,ooo. 1tise air passliug eadiy thmoughir t. clans, tire Monain; tire Bglisi, tira Las; - A layer of icose soi wiit ettectualiy tira Ifalians, tirs Gareanne;tho Sw'deal, A .lerJze sononimonoy lias beau placot int reet rcku, ni aerniynsittire Remington; the Stries, t-bt'Schrmidt; hiands by a privata parson cor inveatruent. on il0 c ieing eVapstion, andtieraia n o tire Japanecýe, tiro Murata; auJ tirePort- avvtroved ioans ou arme security for a termiu menus by wimc tr .srs-eeau ha so gethKopsck heeaet 'rivsor TEN yeare, PIVa ANDmsoNmrk -AE5, PEU rsaily lo1 aed as by tire hoe. Machisntuse, aotir K mcirekofthe bovie-at cexl',-itoerait wits hea aalod payable yeaaiy. 0 c fie t at is tairen rioinlu e in ueamnng iraarm es tatre cvl Saiaacor Ctmdtiosfor repayient wtl ha 1 wansai grdn m tamig emmoreais sud tire ûnetaste arprrnaonggrd-uemgt a uea Tire standard measure-mjeut of a mnnd- g ~D. B. IMSO. profitably e-mploed in looess-ing tire sur- arn rifle is abmout fifty incises, ultirougis SIMSII m ase- soul, antinLusaemons Uie tire past Sollcor. Bewomue tr ostn s ftabasuld lieo - reexact leugtirvaries somewbut. Tire Date Oc. lt, 191.40-f. egardeti as net less essentiai tissuinlu rifles in use-lu tireRUitedi States aud ______s_____________a____________ in tire Englisi armuy ara a lttie below' seasons ie vedtr isnat hils standard, and na6-ermun rifle is SALE OR RENT.-Beuse and 1 48.8. Tie rcach-l rifle le a ittie lon- llCU9o9 Street nortr. Tise promises constat etfSojt 'urros. lng. ayreset cf we-it flre isnet a gPood bouse with ever'conaveoienoe, dri vms iShrtFu a .log.In r- ifaenstamncnghtitre is use- sired, stable, etc. Theegarde-ncoemtaiussalo et In grwing wireat tisa grain le ramege- tmdieemoeammnanthe niespouede hoe ciolcest fruit et al Varletis s. Iimediste1-moeraoeuets iepud Poepeaassie e agivra. Fer partioula's aply iy use-J upen tira farm, se tiret'tire hlig tire standard. Tir Porte-gise-se W.Fimtmmteg owmnvise as us- I traw isLalal tirat La le-t to bc returnad rifle werghs teul pominds; the I taien te tireseIl sud tira most arould ha ruade eigit. Tiregenerai ve-ocity cf,tire siot THE CANADAN STATES ÂN cf it.Wirle its manurial value culy 5ire a200Ls eod 1nuL great, Lt Masy le-tire-me-ans, by ire- EsTBLII-El) ~ ing esrefully used as an absorbent, et HIERE AND THERE A GEX. adding largely te tire quallty oif geod Sm iyilgsaasr îttr h lper annuto la advance, therwiqa st i ýIl fertiliem. tactory ne-mes are destifate oif tisa SabecriptLions al wys payable at tishie miA)f mareaccident ",gput" Or monstres- po-wer of sensation; otirerwise- trauti t pubiication. Adverti.3in,,,rates entes s by cis taes, h0 cents pier lina, neapîriea .lrgira 55 ity sironît never ha given tire dignity eof<letect osiers. aetnd. Lcl 0cennarliar no.aeqîas ams I pre-mineaat Our annual taira, Lor t The imembranes cove-fing thiretsier aerio, Lcas, 0 ent pr lna -is not lu anyiway au agmmeual, tri- of the nutrile are 'Ot twso inLdstire M. A. JAMES, Pab1lsh umh. Le alltie rem m i vha sirneidarisu, or lewe-r, aud tira olýc- _____________________tory, or uppar..1 as s reward for e-rne-t, intelligent ef- Thir o-e-meuLasof tire- sise andthtie- ONARU AfI~'OOLE 1 prdenct There, wonldfollw grester erally itprt a dLagreabe exprE a~ inte-rest auJ bette- r m-ufste, tire face-. WIIITBY, ONT., l Tiera is ne business or prote-sslon Tr-etra rmnueo ie wheoirrequires se bright su intellect aud l afL detetrethrn een u Hasalradymad th bet oucaionl e-o0de-e-pstudY te Lully eomprelland as tformastion of the- cartilages atte-cirel'te vord cf auy Ladies' Cothego luths Domoinionuof tirst et agriculture. The- Let is reahiy tire xsial bouts. Canada. %Witlhfalli is Gad ant intathe future 110ehgiuning te ire reaiaeJ. Se use-ny Tire- Rman noffl aas eo esledFrou of cuntry, the Iilectors bave cuîered conditions sud circanstances centrent tire tact that t tirst namintL proinn- lisi a sche-ofe extension aud îi)iireveusant tise tarmer trous day te de-y titsent-e-sanes-s a cbamacterLtic of tire- oeuq ca that marks an araj i h ighet aducattea t otf ensmuth c'sdrd eoes sep<15 ftre ol yo(ung ladia. Twe iew buildings are iu pro- o nas ndicion tare. ____a________ofthe____d ceso! arection. lm xv50 It., snd 50 x 40 ft.eub.uiioIýtkn %vitis 00w ateam hliatiag, electrie ligltineg, Tire MajorLty Je-es net appreciatc eviat Helping Each Other. and the Ineet pet tact mantary errangenionts s-cge tisroughnnt. ilie new Concert hiall is tealib la table matter iu tire soil dees for us,~m lws- dir ie r-pu providod with a magificent pfipe erg-sa, ntire -way cf moistare, in tise ime of - .Cwe- die h opu sriven by etectricity, sud aveilale fer prati- droutir. Itoee-rcmtwo cjOsof etmget- sý1.rL tre- 1waykmtoce o ys JLtthy'ay iceyeame-nlaysJl g aînatie-yea ice luail wattîen.abllamat tam are pioed tiunder Juig freacir otirer. Those interested in uthe aducation uf thetr 1 h-summer and tai, tirh e d or M.Cuo-ia irmetr-yda daugiscers are respectfutt1 repýuûsted te mett '0e-eigýM.Cus-hl av hydn earJy application for calendar, or for recto, tae cropa are miueb sure-r if tire- year la a dry lsteiy? j ]RY.J J AR ,Pli. B, ue. Wve kuese thut anmce-se lu gmow- Mr. Cawekr-Jeh iaies become a dan 11E, ll J JRE . in.- any plant depends mucir upo tretit n-~ 30-tf Prinîcipal ameunt et moleture lu tire- greund. fact'ory. Jaeirssalihdas-t paie-ut persouage de-comte-J wirh a itseaif sud tira ge-neralinL command iras large green sudh, tire-aigu et PresL- its bande funl lu keeping tirem out ot Je-tiai dlignity. Tie is tirs flmat citizen danger. Iaiug comipelieti taoxorcise ef tire- State, Paul ruger, or ' Uada mach tact iu pmeveting tir-m tom riait- Pauni,' as tire- Booms cal i mn familie-ny. n their precious lime-s. ~y tanrs. He- saintes tisa Asse-mbly wilDueaofCrie-ans, who irus-ve-d for a ime 9eonoou s 'G oden m owe 'a . He a o in th a Engishe ram y, b t w io n's coi- j rathr mjesic-oQkng anbuýhijpelle-J te give up iris connections tire-o Maejety a oetavrterrsi it-irin consequence ot hie childisir auJ abouit hLm, wihiis pomîy fitting cent miscirievous beiravier. He playeJ ne ant ia îlentiof se-celees trickes aile-ste-Loue-J j 131GGREENSASH.regardati discipline, wa. tomever takiug Tire- tribune lupon amicirhahopresidas ativautageo et iraimmunity due te iris looscitaiue a royal tit'ne sarmounteti cryl aneet cireemtsue Ler byacnpwiose- draperie-s, Lu tire c-m0 aJavuZe'ae-tiJ'mirevctm national minirs, tenu s- trame- for tiraetf la practicai .iekes, anti tinaîîy -Pipest rs-m-aof tira rapublic. By tir a ide tof compeile-d te le-ave-tire army for himg l thi thre s a mods ribneu n t tise roes ancing a captive- bal- Â1Size-i fremin l. te24 lIn.A*ho Lie tre r sidestftrie, laadbon Luwiicb Gen. SicrlEvelyn -Wood Conneettemss, is easte-J. Tis gentleman, aLLer 'Luche anti a couple ef te-mf ieil etticers we-na WRITE FORPRICE. Paul,' La tire ellef citizen et tieremepnb- taieing observations during a saai bat-T'[aTA QWU v- lie A te fotoftiretribune oet 'lclei. A ctrong wLnJ avea bbeee-a Pl 'A ata ire- fe tablef sits a man-of tire balonwas carnie-Jnp inte t Ir I ý TH OTAIO lU UL PIPEri CO.U a military air, weith smaîl, Jetmrmiula ut a grant ate, auti ifs occupants ve-re 601 ADELAIDE ST. E.» eye-s, and a long, tiicir board. This La uaile toe tffe-ct aJoescentutitl t a îrAOToRV AT mimico, TORONT06 thea bei-o etfs-om tire Boemare se distance o e ne tirty mile-s tram AI -________________ prendi. Gezi. Joubert, tire pepulur auJd ersirot. Greant embarrassmeut -%vas valse-ut Cuptaiu who bout tire- Engilis causslrd by thirud mde-n Jeparture- frein i . ut Majuba Hlli. Joube-rt aas tiracoin t-ha seene- amoug tire cummauding et fi- 1 I>u îil petion t Ktrgr u tie hst resideiit cems. Sir Evelyn, amoieLa s iot-fempereJd s~5IS iai, eli attia tre-en t-a in s uiita of iris eurtlir mannems sud "'neePal, s tth Deso tm aft speech, remembarng no deuIL tire -17 fltti1 a fine- titiman et about 70 yee-rs, oethtorsughIry gentiamanly lbemvien efthtie eIb k- powenf i bud, vItir robuast bealtI, sud iii-fate-d Prince Imperiai, smho had liLie- prodigius physical stre-gtir, am as- aise se-me-J under iis commin-d coin- -i sure-J ou tirahast autherity btthtie- paine-J direetly not ouîy te tirhe m ce f peunda eof meut at e-s e oethis tirres self, avire ias neyer like-J tire-young -'i~~ f me-ais. Hie eapaoîty Lu tis respect sur- Dake snd wire imme-diately respoude-d GGSlllCllmf TI$$i's' passestiet t fail otirer chief s et State-. to Sir Eve-Iyn's communication fIy in- Ris nose- La big sud reidiair, bis lip 1s timatmug te tire Comte anti Comtesse- deCU avide and thicie, sud lits be-erd La eut Pas-se fat sire eouid ne longem permit ut te-r tire- ashInn ot sailons. Bis e-ye thir-sun te continue- iis iitamy train- O LiV i. is enta-Il ansi aimost malicions, aud thire uginluirmamy, o.PsrN-vc- )ii- ensemble- of tireý face represeuts a typ -_Y_2_____g_,_____CIc iral Boer Lu aliris rude-ne-as auJ native b e-ne-gy. an_______~ d axc,e. 'tyots i "M.Krnugerm drasera 200 francs frm S" O 5 Youi-i,itt,ltp<l'ý ý Ilde civil uls. As a matter tof course,lire ba- ?a'mlitacî st i'C if51l 10 -l> l"Wi~ ~ receive-J nusmeus Jacorationa, but hira maie, zo Pt-ýg lue.1.0 e s'r-sfr 5ta1 Let i -t Prince Bismarcke anJd'setItire-Empares- e-idt', ft?î trzctd 'îît -t4 h-t trm, ,"5a , et Gemmany. He affects resemme-J andwiîi leagsîîisighi- - tVe u -. 1,~s'ii~t toeerably majestic ms-ne-na. Tira.--a son e cf su lonest fat-ne-r, iieduestion La fra La Gritpae, tale-n r * somewhiat imiteti, but 7cireumstaces 0T ltî' ieiPotl.,~ Addreas, QUEEtrl liEtlIlfC C0M, ra ç9e- bave- lit ted hmn up ûte raposition cf *1tlnN7RF13 ge-nuine- leader su tire-Gomrumaut. ~srlieswcdeitvem. ý HisL a grat patriot, a semene Puritan gaatadeglsiida< in is me-mners, aud prfoundly meil- 5àY r u nzd ag eimeit gions, Tavo quaUlties n'hits ha pessefs.- réie-f sud littSSflntama fer al thnas6f4 as Lu saraede-grec are good h Ms almns lstfawmrslfsbstaad~~ se-use- andi integrity, and h15 nonduaeta almnwn tiret he- kuoas-a 1w tee-mte l e1 ;aldmgi..Paumphlet frîiocn applicivoi domitabte e-ne-gy wamlal tire rascreciU T eple Pick l'owder ce.,,Tmnati, Oetu'.m. of diplomatie airili. _ "Tie-laugu-ge- et tire- BoS Li officiel las-guge efthtis-cepital but a SolJ Lu Bemaumilia by Stot ô uy t sigulax sud inexplicable- plienscnaen________ asm pre-sensfetinlutira tact tirat. ave-n st UNTATSASHAE !o""i 5L, PIre-feria, Fuglia isLatire-laugnuge-in la nommonsensusd ifiras eutire-ly taken AinIto-1t ouyen adNOT tire place- of Dateus." I U'ai i-h a fior breath nfo féi'tc e-ffeetion. lSe-ud meut name sud A Queer Catastrophe. O. AdFT sawe-aml M AELtraiha Sttte .' A airt tinse- ugo sflood undermne-d DR. TAT l3RO 180 AELAIOEST,.1> tire- pillars oetttir ailmoad idgeNTNT JItSpld i F u baui usa w ridg e tans Quarters for a bottie of 1 manfurad te pos, tire eirniestructure, nuiidocîi t1oogIBitters e-me-n atter tire- danger et a catastrophe- s as ahi se3:tsible people do; " had le-crne-evide-ut. But thon the an- giue-ers resoime- ti at ne more- ce-ms ii 'i cause it CmrsDsiesa Con- sronld crss, and avirnLira ne-rt e--- -1 tiatca Blasness, S2cir pres arrive-J t-le-passengors avare tohd ~ ~ iaîe:,ns bo at i Lirat t-huse havirosied te geL tote e lue biacc, Bet lse St ands, Lmr othar sida muet goacross on foot, le- iug assureJf a iey inssurmati ne isie 01lU ys, P 'fc;s:i l ora no Ln doig 'e.As tire- irrying emewd s î ome -s'- meache-J île mile-ofethtirebridge iL col- '-1 ,. î'Oîa rusu te 'I io4rst lapse-J. SixLy pansons f ail into tire wili iiiy CON SU MJPTION, 1îuuuiiiis i' ,pScrt Sct'c, moarng ier aud tLirty of tbauspet--p ,eAdt Ci, -sI, mshe-dThe T. A. Slactuns Cti'eicat Ce. LI Toraiito, Casý

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