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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1896, p. 7

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'~e~renaturai cobr t the hair, C ýJ zi'o prevents 7 c'u ot. iVrs. Digby, !N. S.,sanys: -Ai'À 111e more tai utwt> years ago ý;î rny hair be gan to turn use of one bottieof A-,rfJ Ha ir Vigor my hair was restored tïo its original color 2anc ceaised falling ont. -An ocas,<îon-al application bias snekept tLhe h!aîr iu good cordition"-Mrs. H. F ~?NWrCXDigby,,N. S. "I av usriAvè r's Tlair Vigor fr th ree ycars, ai-c' it lias restored harw Ich wasf'a stbecoining gray, 0. C.AER& CO.,LL, MASS., U .S. A. Ayer's xUs cueick Rca(xfac)î& The Ftied States LIad Offri ce in lqew York City lin 1894..... 14,880,3-33 Local A gents aintcd in all unr'prc- 1sented districts. Addrcss R. D. STANLE.y1 TInspector of Agents, Borýs and 7, Qucbec 13atik Buîldinx, Geo. Shuirtisi, 'W i)wnîlalalme, Gencral Agent for Durham. FAC1'S IN FEW WORDS. Hiammerfest, Norwayla tise north-. ernmost towrs, and Punta Arenas, ,Chili, latise most soutiserly tows lis tiseworld. Dlaniel Gordon, of Knox, Me., ha been teachin.g aciool for sixty-seven y-as, and la atillinluharnesand working bard. In the UJnitedl States a driver of isorses aits ou the, rigist and turns bis teain uin tisat direction. In England the na- lio'uýai cuatom la the reverse. A groom of 74 and a bride of 60 were married is Nortis Adams, Mass., ro- ently. Tise groom hacl outlired f iva wives, but tise bride liad only had one otiser busbanci. Baker county, one of tisa moat fertile oourties li Georgia, bas no rallroad,' telnagraph or telepison linos ins ils bor- der and it ha no newspaper. As speaking tubes are found not to w onoqtise Englis warasips, owing o is rattling of tise maciiery, tisei ad11miraty b-sa determiued to try telo- p ýhonos. i Tisa city of Sydnrey, Australia, bas inîposad a fine of L1 upon any person couvicted of aptting upon the floor of public buildings or upon the treet. ,Bears are tise moat profitable animais for trappers is Maine Ibis season, ou accouaI of tise large amiount of ohl taken fromî their bodies. Itit la old for $4 A gallon. Goild, sirver, cotiper, iron, tin, lead, meýrqnry, aulpisur, carbon. antimony, bism uth and zinc were tise only minerais kuwsat tis tie of tise discovery of T1Ie Talmnud, Jewlis book of f unda- mental! andi canonical law, says that tho"rc were tiirîy persons besicles Josis- na srhoc possessed tise powe r of "stop- ping" tise Sun. A Pre sacred f ire wichis l burning ï-- a teurple at Legiguil, Fersaist kuowý,n to have not been extirsguisec as inca ýtise days of Rapberetis, wiso lireti twiecenturies ago. A graphic idea of tise immense ize of Siecanay be gleaned froin tise fol- ioîgcomparîsons: Ail tise States, kigonprincipalities, empires. etc., Of ,Suroe eeptRusiaa and ail of tiseUnitedcl Stes, luo1uding Alaka, conilho paced aide hy aide in Siberia, ancl yet lîttie more than cover tisati m- Mens. oouutry. VIEWS 0F A ROMAN CATHO- LIC PRIEST. Rov. R. C. Lîhinann. of St. Mary's R. C. Churcix, Hamilton, Ont,. Tells cof the Good tservices of Dr. Agnew's Catarr- hlaiPowder. ltit l not tise case tisat cold lu the head, or catarrhsal difficulty, is un-. knmswn iu thse sammer season. Many are suffering to-day, and in some cases tise disease takes tise shape of Hay Fever. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powdr is a most effective remedy lu ail sncb cases. Readers of tisis paper know of tise many prominent clergymen of al denominations, who bave fe-it iltisheir duty lxi recommend tis remuedy. Add- ed to tise recommendation of tise Rer. Father Hincisey, of Hamilton, comea tisat of thse Rev. R. C. Libmnanu, of St. Msry's R.. C. Cisurcis, of tise same city. Evw devoted to tise interests of bis par- isiurthis faitisîni prisaI feels tisat lie il doing tisem a kindisesli telling how tisis remedy benefitted hlmlu tise case of catarrhsal trouble. t nover fails to benefit anyone. Sample Bottle and llower sent on receipt of two 3-cent stamps. S. G. Deteison. 44 Cisurcis st., 'Toronto. oede." No ntiho lathoroughly exhaust- bot m d d d, l Ckh e cide n eVingfr on hy tise id- da rain neat dY. Tired out wish bis day's work tiseIste menu time ho viIl telegrapis to ',Not tiese lighistahiarm," says Miss mîhller isad gone o beld. Tise girl, as C scdeainme f aint remembranoe Peyton, with conviction. WVoman-lik(O, was bier habit ever alnecetIse longer 'ltgeig vti hlm of Doriau's saviug she la burniisg witis curiosily. Not for, .îveniugs isad set iu, isad gone for a macle mention of tisat botel as being an instant <ions sse doubt IttouacOf j 11111e valk into tise dewy woods, wisere ail any ono'a fancy conld Zossibly paint wo are told 'erery bongi tisat mores il. ber greatest wlisoa las about t b horer Our isead bas au oracular wladom." But tisenŽorrow bringa is own f ulfilled; Mr. Hastings, -riso hbaa smalî Aies! tisat tisey sisouid bave tangbt tidings. thougis not inignificant incolneo f bis ber sa littho. Sise iad crossed tise rond hla i almost noonad Sartoria3, sit- isbefore tise rery eyes of bier isonaeiold, ting u n bis library, wrriting same bus- oiwn, independent of tise Chur<h, lasd entored tise green forest of early- incas lettors-preparstory ta catching about toarnarry liser donreat Georgie- breaking beaves, fiad faded from asigbt, tiseup train to towis ladisturbed by U1er deareat eorgie," raaiig ber- and nover come back again. a ligistknOck at t.hp. door. sel a 111e fromberrecmbel~ Tise old man, whio risn.s and goes to 'Came, ilu," hae cals ont, impatienly; sel a itte, romlie reýuMcntPas--beti sith tise sun (Most constant comn-and Simon Gaie, opouing tise door, comea lion, beans bier arm upon Cla rissa" kises, Panion osf simple minds), had selpae slowly is. su bis u lst br ac; hee S m~f ully ail nigise, nover doubhgtisi ie 'oLa er l mais, and bas been parane arel MngedW'h e-cbild cof bis heart lay dreamng calm huie ats family for more year tisais portnceîarely migld ~lti deand iappy dream lu liser owis room. ho t5sOl au count. Ris hesti la quite light un ber fair, foulures. Not Until tise morning was f ar advsnc- hiite, bis formn a littie bant; tisere la, "Well, tison," se saYs, sola ed dcdliho discover tisat RuIis's bcd had at.tiim n tatocsfdep i- tisougis bath ta part ail at oc iiskouno occupant tise nigist blifore. tresk upn Obis faehotismko l ber treasurod news, "îIast night-ise Afterward. taoo.lho remembered isow okcOsodrtsash a tol metist e-sas u lve" lttle this tisought isad jarred upon "Areyn busy, my lord?1" asks hie, in toldme-hathe-as n lve im just ai firsi. It was strange, vex- a somewisal narrons tone. 'Did ho?' -wltb SUPPresd excite- iug;,she siould have bold hema where se "es; I am very mucis engaged. I mont. "And-and you-what dcl yoiI meant to spend bier evenixsg; but, ho- eusnsonoe Gale. Say 1 an stsarîing Say?1" youd tfiat, it cnused hlm no pang, no 'f oi, bonis lmmediately." "Idin' sy ucs, aYs Missssico."lIt iss't tisaI, my lord. -It la some- Her aunt lived un a neighboriug tliig I mysoîf have to Say to Y071. If Brougiston, regretfuilY. «"I migist bown,-probably se hatl gone tisere. It You1 could sparo mie a few minutes--." have seid a great dent more, something was only four miles away,-a walk HP, comes a Uttle, nearor, snd speaks kinexmoe, ncoraing ',,,know; 1Ruts isad taken inany a day, snd! ëeeamore earnesîîy. ,"ILi laabout butder1 more uo* ursand Syo-,, îbougist notbing of il; but It was lms- Ruth Annersloy."1 but wasse eîrpise sudS0- prudent startiug on sncb a journey s0 Lord Sartoris, laying clown bis peu, "Plnsd ?-tndrly 1lu intise erenluýg; aud, besicles, tisere looks at hlmn interitly. "Pleasedi1 1 abould tiiiso5," with %vas always tise oid mare to drive ber "Close tisedoor, Simon." hoe asys, isur- se mucis empressement tisaI croistisere and bacis. riedly, sometblug is tise old servant's Messengers were dispatcised 1a0lber mianner impresaling hlm. "Il wil isear Vlariasa la laiton aback. 'I -a neyer auini'sihonse, but îisey rehurtiet brhng- yen. Speait, mani: wisat lil 1"V' sa dllgnted is My lifo, oulyasuS1Ilsi ing no tidings. Sise was net there-isad r A story I beard Ibis morising. my beforo, n littîn confused, and coldn't isot been for over a fortnight.lowicsIfeilmydt 0rpn thin of nythng rett to aY. Day wais; twillght la decending,- to you. Not that 1 belceve one word osf thik f nyhiýzPmtYtasa." "Molting isoaven wltis earîls, 11. You will remnember tbat, my lord, "I liik it was f ar nicer youri say- Leaving ou craggy his and runîing -11ot one wvord." Tise grief in bis tone ing no>thing'," snid Clarissa, vei'y goitly. streainls belles tise trulis of bis avowal. His head. Seia itedisappointed in Georgi ofns k ie almospliere of sf about. IRis old wilisered banda clasp Sh l alihodreaa." ,'sud nnclasp escisotiser nerrously. a woman may ho glad le marrY a man, Al dav tise miller isas sat apart, bis 'You are trembling," asys Lord Sar- but se sisould't say so, aI leasl not RsO heii a od rupon. bis arma, in lise toris. '"Sitlowvn. Tisis news, svbnt- exuoýtty in sncb a cold-blooded f asision. raOombier bauds issd beantlfied sud macle ever il is, lminsustrung yon." 1I eansquite nndersanid"wis suf- sa cour. Wiîb passionats indignation "Il bas," cries Simon, ijth vebom- bashmtisrust from him allise allempis Oi1<t. "I arm lrembling; I arn nnstrnng. fichent basilalion ho convince horseif, ut aI aympatisy, al is urf1,tio ,- Hu can 1 ho otiserwise wben I boar loat, tisIa se dos nul undersland--wll-m1eant, offera cf assistance beld ont sncbi a siandor put upun tise boy 1 bave "how you feit serveons ha spile of your tao ii by kindly nolgisbors. Sillent, and vaîcbed Irons bis cradîs 1" happine-ýS." isalf-maddened by bis thougisîs, h lla "YenSý_O are, apeakig o--?" demanda "Ohs, you always kuow everythiug,' dogged and sulent, refusing food, sud Sartoris, NvîLh an effort. says Georgie, sa o vigly Ibal Clarissa, wniig only for lier xho neyýer coanes. "Mr. Dorien." Rnsanys Ibis in a very bates lbersoîf for Ihiakingoeven oua un-. But wboat îengtis,lise gloamiug low loue; andti eais, lisat aîways corne plemnst Ibougst cof ber. "W-\ell, ise camess, sud day la over, -,vitisout hriug- se paiufully snd soalowly btiste old, %vent ounbta ay he nover loveti before. int" to hlm tise frail form cflber hoe an shine in blis Oyes. "His sad complexion o Now, bonestly Ul'arLssa,"-iii a tiser- dstes Srises, and, pusising hack bisswOst-s grief'a s moirning iivery.', Ho Oughly malter-of-fsct toue ,-"do YOU chair, gens UP ta Hytisa, anti into tise covrs bis'fade wlis isis banda. thlat that could ho Itrue 1ý" ITrsenco of Lord Snrtoris. Sari oua, rising troncmia sent, goos "Wiy sbouldu't il he Irues" sanys "o ilfn m ygr, saya ovor talise winix, andi sostands tisaI Clariasa, wish.ng witli ail ber beart tise sud tison Lha bus Sm iis abory. it face casuel be seeu. oliser would' ha a lithoe more senti- 1, Sarteris lislenis, and, as Se dons so, "Whal bave you gelte say about mental over bar own f irsI love-afînir, antans wiitis dauht tisaI Is hardly a Mr. Brauscombo 1" heaicsks, lunsaisarsis, ns se believes it ta ha. 'doubt, anti tesrtibat la nearly a certain-, discordant toue. "Weil, yes, of course; ha la raliser ty. isIbis tise end he hbas s dread' 9 "-ey lord, it is anu impertinance my youn, an beaty ges along JvaY Ib is lise creeping isrror lisse bas of spenkirg at ail," says Gale. yih ou, udbeum en." log a îetorînred hlm Aies for tisa un- "Go) on. Lot me know tise w-oral. Again Clarisseala'ras. Sha bhadu't 1-ishd honer of lise old nane lis eau isardly hoe more miserable than l tiseugise Georgie. rais of bar o'n chara,. for centuries bas boldti li sans pontxsu-," raturas Sarloris. blow difficulh it is t know nny ane 5hetsans reprochse. a" cuIttont was Andrera, lise under-gardener, ave n ees ciefstat Innds owcuis ho V55 Ircoslain oWa elliug me," begias Simon, with- "Thon lie went on lesa yh oli liAurIeY? Hacovera bis face withh - et auy turlissi attempt ai isitation. nover teel rosi happiness again until isa bis bauds, sud bonds boruard ever lise "t 1is mct-ning, early, 1 met hlm near kný h ws ovd i. euntaible. Theisaelasoethig ln bis atti- I,, Ags Grove. 'Simon,' bisanys, 'l hu ll berhw a lovet utret-rn.' tison Iudea tIdenetes despair, sud rendorsWIAt ho -PeaksWl' ye. I have s secret "WTOl -renmore- keen lise agony Lu Annersici 's,, onMY -md.' "I said,"-withtise gayest lithO - hosorn. j 'If yen have, my mas, keep it,', maugis imaginable,-"I thoughh hae was "Why do yen do tisaII' ise criasfihorce-. enysI. 'l waisb nons o' your secrets.' loved n retrn.-Iy.o"Wisat fs there ho greanuabout? lorisntrutS ie la olten -very trouble- "Yeu tiseugieGeorgie? 'WVist a Noiig, I1 tllyou 1-Tisa cSild bas gene ý My lot-d, Ibougi a wel-ýmenning atraude suswor! i 1de' tiuiyen are tee fa,-bas lest lier way. Site deI r tyeý,1atit bolItom. alithoe bit coqn"the! 1 amro sead in ndersaaut. Sise carnet 'tind ber road "'But il la. on My conscience,' says Lhouh. o yu kn-ýv 1 uess bi ne-No moeOdmreh,'andi if I donit tell it te yen I shahl aln rwi ould bc?" anet 1< xierohsd grief are pihifni Lteýi ilte saeaone clan, becanse tellil "So did 1. ilcuewvrty vieillhow itl o se- * Ho wflniigs bis bauds; bis ~iitt rha! od wýould end. I fait bSe would fl axic-. isole hcaring anti expres-sion are at ý0as'asho-cie wanal uarsy.lsud îirn seener or lnter, ltislaraîber soon,tnariancee,,with is bisieful wortis. "She ýa mae u my lud tà elaeaan d.nt lau't Il But5hof course iti ha nly fn- Wili corne hack is ans hour or îwo, May- tiande an y,- t ise n tarai 1 suould know about il 1" fhep."lieseasys, rnlarnl atitan "nihî olt- istfoîierwa *m "'i n, enly ntural." Charissa cau 1I aci feal tisatI h ave disurbed your IgiscisbacpowdIbtrs tisini of netblug els a tesay. Net itelot-dsip;but I air, n lsa brry, ens n t'tsroaide o sefsue om tater Ibsiaaas i in-.T tait of Il ast lSet-, and I cannot wsib." nelys n hee ntetiks hlmm, asavictim! f "Wiat do You want me tb do fo Anpar l iea- M issRu ti astaning, "I hope everytising witt Se settled yolu?" anYs Sarlerla, very lsumbly. He pr l os' isRt tnig swon," gees on Miss Brougiston, gayly, eles t iat ise eau hardy 1ift bis eyes inund "' berc Mr. Branrombe 'ans. " iyla tise wooing thisla't long 1h15 man's fresence. WihM.Basobsy 1 adeiug.' IA.i s hsuld tise lise Mur-. "Find ber! TisatIs.halal I asit of yen "Mrt. Dorian,' hoesaya. 'Ho, seen riage te ho soen - would't yon ?J-I1 Find bhr, coud or aive I Yon are a hlm as Plain as life, tisonghisIlw-as dnas, Ihiait nexl tima IÎ sec hlm I shahl asit great man,-isigis in authority, v. 1h Ntandiuýg wi' bis bacis haif tnrned to:- hlm about il." Power, sud servants aI command. Find Nvard im, but sot se lurned but what "Ois, Geargie, do't! Iude"-d 1 weuld MeO my ciild 1 Oh, mas, iselp me, lu ho ceuid ane bis ear and part o' bis face. trot, if ï woro yenu," exolaima Clariasa, some wny. Hie isat a iseid o' Mliss Rutis's bauds; lu anuegouy . Good gracion1 s!iase Hecrias tbis inluauimpassionate toue. sud wns speakiug rery saruest te bier. lest ail sense of abame? iieH won'l He la lolally evercome. Ris poor old as ibougi ise wer e rsuading bier to like il. Ili la srely tise man's Part 10 «wbite bond faits helplessly up0es bis somethlug she were dead against. And spek about that." clasped atms. &lie were crying very bitter, anti tryiisg "Oh, vrty well,'--amicab1y. " But Sartoris, Pale as deatis, andi visibly ta drnw ber bandsauway; but presently there couldn't ho auy barm in my affected, can make ne reply. Us HeIrem- aise got quiet lise; and thon they avent speakhug about it." isles, anti stands before tise humble away tegetiser, isiowiy aI fit-st, but "Just as mucis as lu anY othor we millet- as oneoeppressed with guilt. q'uckor afler-rard, in tise direction of Man's.- Anuersley misiakes bis meauiug, andbise weed that mala t Langsans. Ho "'Net se mxich as if11 w-sa Ciaa-y 1" sttidiug lorward, laya bis hand uposn dcl net stir a peg until îbey waa ont "Twice as much. W bal bas segel bis ut-m. o' sigislliho was soe ar-c o' being seen. tdowit i t "" Yenat-e sileut-li"ehoasys, is a ber- Ansd nflxitlbs on bis conscience that "Weil, a great. deai, I laite it."- rible tons, macle up of grief and an-.lhe did set speak sooner, evei saince hie langising ugain. gals more intenseIlian words cau saw otti Mr. Annersley yesterday, 115e "As a frienti asernay feel somne in- toit. "You do sot ti liisl in the amad creaturs, looking for bis girl.' tereat lu bim, 1 suppose. But aheis1 wrong, do yen? Yon boiere lber inno- "TisaI was bis sbory, my lord. And net going to marry Sîm." cent? Speak!-s-aoi " he o hoii k as thongislho meant il. 1 "Woll. I think sheaisl. Yo'u don'I "I do," responcla Sartoria, anti ouly snid te hlm as how r. Dot-lau was lu tisini se wiil refuse hlm, de you?1"- bis ows bearýt knows t'bat hoe lies. yel Lonnunu, and that 1 didr't heliove one anxousy.bis loue i5sOa metiseted, sau unlike bis word csf il; aud tison hosaid- :uxiss l d? usueal ome, biat ho isnrdly rocognizes Il i" 'Lonnun or ne Lonnun, bhisl no "Cissy Redmond.- imnself. miataito about it. If, as yen aay, hol "Do yO e mens tell me," say'a Clar- "Il Mr. Brauscombe wsra only bre", diti go up le Lonrnu, ho must; ha, comes issan, grewing very reti, "thal it la Cissy says Anuersley, in a sîriciten voice, dowis again by tise Langisan train, for j yen Savec Sean taikin-" ahout al Ibis alter a tengîbeuri pause, "ho weulc ie ho eilm wi' bis îw esyns. S irne. and isot-youraelf ?" 50lP Me. Ho bas nlways becs a kinti "'r. Horace la vrty lilce Mr. Dotian,' aý "Mlýyseif! WisaI ou nt-lbt are yen 'frienti Co me and Mine." 1 asie. (Fergive me, my lord, but lisoreC lhinkhag of?1" Il la now George'a taris, Lord SarIoula draw-a a deap brealst a n moment wisen I wvouid gludiy M ta binasUcrnioansd se dons il very Iisat la almeat a sob.' hase halievedth ie biama migist Iail on l geî'nasy.Thn is beas iste wiid f Wison dons ho relusm lod" Mr. Horace.) 'Tbere are limes wiseu b mirtis, anti, layîng liser head en Clarlssa's "On Satut-day. Ho said sa, ah least, onee, au iardly ti-clv bhom saun der' kiseos, laugis 1ii se naarly cries. "Oh when lenvlug." but ho scouledti Iis notion. wrien 1 thinit of al I bave said! " se "A long ime," murmura tise otd mais "'Fe'-ytset secs hlm,' Se said. ' Ho I gens on, tho keeneat esjoyment ilulber meurnfully. "Sise will ho, homo oe isad eue o' thei ligisi ovorcoats ou ho ton-"bw pristi ysifani hn hai-i aie vercoos t h,"Ri lasefond o1wearag. lt a--hl,;_anA upn i anys Masinger; anti aarely ise us rigisI *'"A telegt-am, my lot-e," soya one'et Oaiyyoser ve he sndponotiontattoris, in deep perploxity, acknew- htiseni, basting lu a îellow surelope. t bis ton as usuat, isat bitiden iim eOOd- ledges lise bruIs of Ibis lina, andtills Santoris, leat-ing il open., rends bar-. c uight,-evingly, iisdffd, but not as oee biusoîf iit iIluis oud age ho Sas boss tiedly.b woult i bd su etersail. arewcli. Aller- serely t-lad. Tise whele world seeins "I ssaîl not go te leurs, Gale," ,ho ward, ho remsmbersd, se isati solciangeti. Suissiino bas giron place to soya, af 1er s minute or tuo csf Iiseugbl. giron hlm-on tisat nigist of ail othors glcorn; sud -ise i,lasa stands alone,- "Counter-order tisecnt-t-lge. r- -lise cnatomary kisa, but isad paased "Shovude anti amaztio aI bi% own sisade Branscombo cornes home te nigist." aa.fo i' m 1. cllcllul rt awy ro si c~y c~us~ t-j for dreeti I To Be Conlinued.) was lb thal êhe feareti ' Children Cry for Pfcherls Castoria. Is geueî'aily short lived, but a standard soap like -with a merit record of D1' years bas corne to'stay. ~"""~ v Try a twin bar froin your gi'oeer. It xiii pay you. MANUFACTURERS, TORONTO.ý EastEnGri .mpc The undersigned desire to thankithe tarmers of West Durhamu for the liberal patronage extended to us durin2: the past season, alsol to remind them that we are stili in the market andi prepareti to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE ALL KINDSOF[7 J w leiivereti at our storehouse cor. King and George streets3., or at Po-e Darlingyton. We have aiso on hanti a large stock, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bacrs. Ro9-!ýzSait for c ttla andhet-ses, andi Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in -Barrels which we are prepared te, seil 0O-A -S: E T- AIl' kintis of Lumbeor, Wood andi DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAL a«ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. îlViI le :pIeased once in Quiantity, twice li- tt i,ty, a'nd thre limes in Price who îispect Ilie Slippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., At Our ý%lore, I-BEA-VER BLOCK,-%a BowaimasaviIIi, BIGGEST, STORE, BJGGEST VARJETY, BIGGEST VALUE. Everybody invîted te eau aand sce Our new.ftiotweicr TRE SHOE NIAN A CREAT NEW BOOK< DY JOSIAH ALLEN'S WIFE. Agents Wanted Over. 100 Illustrations Agents Wanted by Baron De Grmm. 1h htI L.aiAlnsWf a ent uoe Jostali went along, and Baron C. De Grimm, the famous artist and caricaturist. followved thesu. They went to Iînaland, 1irelandl Scollasui, and 'Wales, also to France, t5ermany, re. 'The results are thý,t we have new n press Samantha's latest and greatest of allier books, telling the '"strasige and sk;tlrfll tn.y of th'eir ndve'ntures in snge "lUies, royal palaces, and in out-of-the-way places. They lo visited the Duke of Veragua, Eulalie, and o*,hems they lsad met at the World's Pair lai ~hicgo. 3~rn DeGrlm bas miade over 100 illu>tratioDs of the events of the trip, ail cof rhich wili appear ini the book. With its profounnd Interest, depslm o nit, _-enninJje li- nec, and sound phliosophy, verily' this book will sweep al hefore it. Not only Americanq, but E1nglish, Germs, French ard other folks are eager to read it. As many Co les wi.i urely he seld as were of ail Saînanthas other books combixsed. m9)re than hall a million. WitI<e-awal.e agents know what this annouincemeut ineans-a barrânza to those who About 700 Pages, Large Octavo. securo territory. And 110! for the Holidays trice. by mai or Agent, Cloh $2 sai; Haif Russia, $s4.. ot, Write for ternis and territory At onece. FUJNK & WACNALLS COMPANY, Publieshera, Il Riehmond St., W., Tarmitio, 1 THE B.READ 0F THE WORLD. bark -spread with seal fat,.lIn certain -- Parts of Siberia thse people not only grind thse pise bark, but cut off tise ten.- What Ti Im portaint Food 15 Madeeof in der ahoots, wisch procedure must give »Ifférent cenintvlcs. the bread an unpleansantly reasiotw In Eglad an Amrica-what beadflavor. Tu Eniand d Aericawheatbrea lIoeland thse lichen ils scraped, off tihe as witisin thse reacis of ail and scarcely 1 rock, Macle into bread puddings and put s a thought given to thse fact that ,mito soup. lIn Russa and China buck- nly a amnali portion of tise earth's in-wiseat is preamed into service. it makes 1.a palatable bread, thougis of a clark vie>- habj tants esjoyi. ýIt is ly durng le t tinge the la.at century tisat wheat bread has In Itaiy and Spain chestnuts axe cook- coule into common use. 1A. bundred ed, ground into meail and used for bread years ago wealthy familles in England and soup-thickeniag. Millet furnishes a white bread in Araisia, Egypt and las- used only a peck of wiseat a year and dia. This grain is ,oredited with heiesg bhat et Cllristmuas,, eatlng oatcakes thse very fRirtstaned in hreadmaking. iuring thse remraliler of thse tinte.- Rice bread la stili tise staple food osf Tise Germnan "pumpornickel" ils. a rye tise Cisese, Japanese and Indians. bread witis a cuiriotis sour taste, but , In the Indian arohipeago tise starchy af ter eating ih awisile one acquirea ciuite pitis of the sago palm tas made into bread ataiste for it. Itit s ioss nutritious tisais and in parts of Africa the natives use liat of whoat. In tise pooror parts of a certain root for the saie purpoSe. Sweden thse people baise their rye bread- oniy tw ice a year and store it away, so Very Polite. tbat eventually it la as bard as bricks. Farther north stili barley and oats bie- Sise-Qis, Mir. Sorney, I arn so grate- oome the cisief bread-corn. But in tise futi to you for your tisoughtfulness in distinct north la ,wheruý mais is put to writing 50 jromptly to tell me osf poor :isougist to provide isaf itis bread. Harry3'sacdent! In Lapland, if a maxi trusted to grain H_-ra dn' mnion it; I ws& lie would starve, so tise people eke out .vegladt have tise opportunity etf their scauty -store of oats vith tbein- coing it!1 ner bark of tise pise, a.nd after ýgrinding this mixtire it is macle into large flat Frenchs Red Tape. alSs whlcis, af ter ail, are trot haif A wvoman wil ho drafted for- service ba. is tise Frencis armay next year, for tis In dreaiV Kamaschatka tisa plue or reason tisat at bier bËrtis aie was erwi- birch bark by isoif, well gronind, pound- eousiy registered as a maie chi1dL ed and bakecl, constitute.s tise wholeOof Tisougb tisa off iciais are cognizant osf tihe tho, native bread food. Bread and but- blunder, red tape makes it essential fo ter la rep)rezented by a dougis of pW~e 'ier to preseusi ierseif for mlitary d-tty.

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